





Everyone says,” there is always a gap between imagination and reality, the former is always more ideal(理想) than the latter.” Although most people know that we cannot equate imagination with reality, people still find it hard to resist the temptation of imagination, for it is so sweet and wonderful, especially for me when I was working hard for my university dream in high school.

Endless homework, heavy pressure couldn’t prevent me from drawing a fascinating(迷人的`) picture of the university life in my mind. Students are sitting leisurely(悠闲) on the green lawn, playing romantic songs with the guitar, or walking along the tree-lined pathway(小径), talking and laughing heartily… I imaged a large and beautiful campus, bright, clean classrooms, and cheap, tasty food. Reality is, on most occasion, inferior(低等的, 低于)imagination.

When I was a university student, I found what I had imagined was far beyond reality. Instead of sitting on the lawn singing songs, the students were seen reciting(背诵) English texts aloud; instead of walking cheerfully(欢乐地) along the small paths, they were walking hurriedly with books under their arms. I never expected to live on the sixth floor, the highest story. Every day I had to drag(拖着) myself to my room after class, out of breath. And the meals disappointed me too.

When imagination and reality were naked(暴露的) before each other, I couldn’t deny(否定) a kind of complex feelings in my heart. How could I put the English books aside to read pastime books? How could I play while others were found me leaving late in the evening?

In the face of reality, imagination is beautiful, while reality can teach us much experience, which we cannot obtain from imagination.


Imagination已更新其MIPS Aptiv内核现有的产品组合, 将在每个Aptiv系列中加入新的内核配置。此外, Imagination将于今年稍晚推出包括32位和64位内核的全系列新款MIPS CPU。新的MIPS Series5 CPU内核代号为“Warrior (勇士) ”, 将增加新的架构特性, 从而为各种应用提供出色的性能与效率。

MIPS Aptiv系列的新增成员

Imagination已扩展其MIPS Aptiv系列内核产品, 包括在inter Aptiv系列中增加占位面积小巧的单核版本, 以及在micro Aptiv系列中新增一款具备浮点运算的微控制器。此外, 高性能pro Aptiv、多线程inter Aptiv和紧凑的micro Aptiv系列内核全都经过进一步的增强与验证, 可为新一代设计提供业界领先的低功耗和高效率。

全新32/64位MIPS Warrior处理器

“Warrior”内核包括32位和64位的不同版本, 集中为从高端、中端到入门级/微控制器的CPU设计提供性能效率。这些内核植根于MIPS作为业界高效RISC架构的固有优势, 能够在给定的硅晶面积内实现最佳性能与最低功耗。

以真正的MIPS架构32位和64位指令集兼容性为基础, “Warrior”内核将为从入门级到高端处理器提供二进位制兼容性。



今天Imagination公司的拳头产品不再仅仅只是PowerVR。这是Imagination市场营销执行副总裁Tony King Smith特别强调的一点。而这很大程度上归功于其董事会的一项重要决定:2012年年底收购MIPS。如今,作为全球第三大硅半导体知识产权的授权厂商,Imagination的销售范围涵盖移动终端、消费电子、移动多媒体、移动计算以及网络和企业级市场等多个领域,在移动终端、消费电子和移动多媒体市场,其共出货了超过70亿单元的设备;而在移动计算以及网络和企业级市场每天出货量达到350万单元。Ensigma通信处理器、MIPS通用处理器以及PowerVR VPU与GPU处理器是其产品平台的核心,而在这些之外,则有FlowCloud云服务以及统一内存技术,来面对更加广阔的市场。同时,Imagination也在物联网、可穿戴设备等领域进行着持续的投入。

丰富的产品组合,使得Imagination能够大幅度拓宽产品覆盖的应用领域。其最新发布的PowerVR Series7所瞄准的,不仅是高性能的移动终端与计算市场,同时还包括了可穿戴设备和物联网、汽车、移动和消费电子产品等行业。PowerVR Series7采用了最新一代的PowerVR Rogue GPU架构,算术逻辑单元(ALU)内核从此前的16个扩展到 512 个,并具备完整的硬件虚拟化、Android Extension Pack(AEP)支持、硬件镶嵌(tessellation)等新特性,以及几何着色器、可节省带宽/功耗的PVR3C三重压缩技术、完整的 ASTC(可调式扩展纹理压缩)支持等经过验证的特性。Series7还包含动态内核PowerGearing技术,以及集群级(cluster level)的电源管理功能。

非常值得一提的是,Imagination在PowerVR Series7上特别引入了异构处理安全架构,也就是硬件虚拟化。我们知道,MIPS在这方面有着丰富的经验,因此这应该多少得益于对MIPS的收购。Tony同时提到说,在MIPS产品方面,其在积极引入更多开发者,降低应用门槛。

Imagination多媒体技术营销总监Peter McGuinness表示,与前一代相同配置的PowerVR Series6XT/6XE GPU相比,Series7XT和Series7XE GPU最高可达到60%的架构性能提升。


