




Respect for school leadership:


I xx graduates Normal College of Foreign Languages, I have loved the work of teachers, but also very much hope that can work to your school.

In , I xx from Liaoning Province of Northeast Normal University, admitted to a Russian in the University, early in my high school English at school, so when entering the university in?

During the study at the university, it is not enough to just do a good job of learning, should develop their own multi-ability, I have students work in the department, which presided over?

Heavy academic universities I did not crush, cheerful personality to help me, the so-called “a Yichi, Man of the Road,” I will engage in peace?

From the sophomore year, after-school time, I began working in home work, although the specialty is Russian, but I teach are English, by virtue of their down-to-earth British?

Rigorous and realistic style of your school teaching attracted me, and I hope I can have the honor of a school, for schools of education contribute to a force I.





I am a South China Normal University Foreign Languages Institute graduates, I have loved the work of teachers, but also very much hope that can work to your school.In 2005, I have a xx by xx in the province entered the South China Normal University Department of Russian, I in the early high school when the school is English, so when entering the university in?

During the study at the university, it is not enough to just do a good job of learning, should develop their own multi-ability, I have students work in the department, which presided over?

Heavy academic universities I did not crush, cheerful personality to help me, the so-called “a Yichi, Man of the Road,” I will engage in peace?

From the sophomore year, after-school time, I began working in home work, although the specialty is Russian, but I teach are English, by virtue of their down-to-earth British?



其宗旨是让招聘单位了解求职者的多方面能力, 包括学历、经历、专长等,以此获得面试机会,找到理想的工作。一封言简意赅、表述达意准确、礼貌客气、语气自信、文字简短的求职信,体现求职者的良好文化素养、较强的沟通能力、清晰的逻辑思维能力。一封写得好的求职信可以吸引招聘方的眼球在众多求职者中脱颖而出,获得宝贵的面试,敲开成功就职的大门。因此英语求职信的写作非常重要。


2.1被 动语态多

英语求职信体现了求职者积极乐观的心态, 展现了独特的个性和人格魅力,表明了诚心诚意的态度,体现出了极强的主动性。主动语态阐明了谁做了什么,如何做的,使得篇章活泼生动,富有活力并具主动性。被动语态只对存在的状态进行描述,呆板并缺乏动作,语气上比较弱。在求职信的写作中,主动语态使用较多。

I have worked in various positions.



I am enclosing the completed job applications,my resume,copies of my diplomas.



Presently I am working for the family restaurant as an assistant manager and I believe that I could be a best candidate for filling the restaurant manager position.




3.1书 写特点



Help to manage the scheduling,training,hiring,evaluating,and mentoring.



If you have any questions,please don’t hesitate to call meThank you for considering my application.



I believe that myandwill be benefi-cial for your organization.



With a BS degree inManagement and as seniorMBA,I have a full understanding of a business’s needs.



英语求职信是一种正式的书面文体, 客观真实地阐述自己的能力和工作经历,正式词用得比较多。正式词的运用不仅显示出求职人的文化素养,同时体现了庄重肃穆的文体特点。此外,也可洞察到求职人严肃认真的态度。如:

Help to execute budgetary responsibilities including targetwork -hours,forcasts,labor forcasting,cost control,profit and lossaccountability,just in-time purchasing and inventories.



I have worked in the company for mnay years.


动词可以独立作谓语, 求职人具体做过的事情需要用动词来表述。动词的使用使得事物的表达具有一定的力度,生动具体,逐项事宜生龙活现,打动招聘方,扫清求职的障碍,取得面试的成功。如:

I will set up a meeting and decide the date.


在英语求职信的写作中,“please”一词表示谦虚礼貌之意,求职人良好地表达自己求职的愿望,感情情真意切,语气谦虚有礼,不卑不亢,招聘方深受感动,面试达成,在写作中“please”运用较多。如 :

Please contact me at any time for arranging the interview.




I am working for the family restaurant as an assistant manageand I believe that I could be a best candidate for filling therestaurant manager position.


平行结构具有句意对称、结构紧凑、逻辑清晰、意义明显的特点。求职信多方位、多角度阐述求职者的优势,达到成功“销售”自己、成功面试的目的。 如 :

I learned that the position of a publicity manager is availableand I believe that my interest match with your requirements.



Please accept this as my formal application letter.I have attached my resume for your consideration.

3.3.4 条件句


If you desire to meet up with me to talk about my skill in doing this job,please contact me via my email.



Please contact me for the possibility of interview as per youconvenience.

3.3.6 主动语态


I have strong skills in leading production managers to get thejob accomplished.如 :


3.4.1 “this” 指示词


解的关键。如:I learned from your ads that your company is currently looking for a manager.Please accept this as my formal application letter.

3.4.2 连接词

在英语求职信里,连接词的运用使得语篇布局合理,逻辑清晰,上下语篇内容更为统一和衔接。通过连接词,求职人把自身的意愿和目的表述得非常清晰,对于求职成功起到重要的作用。如:As my resume showed,I have more than five years experience in a positions.If you desire to meet up with me to talkabout my skills,I will set up a meeting to do it.

3.4.3 重复

在英语求职信的写作中,某个单词反复重复多次,连贯语篇,求职语言明晰流畅,中心内容清楚,加深印象,丰富语篇内容,突出主题,使得整个语篇更和谐和紧密。如:With this letter,I wish to apply for the post of human resources.I am grateful toyou for considering me eligible for the post.



【关键词】英语写作 中式英语 写作方法




(1)Nowdays/ nowaday; 这是错误频率非常高的一个词,同学们在拼写时总是漏掉一个a 或者一个s。

(2)Modern.拼写成morden。因为它发音简单,同学们也是没有认真学习这个单词就大致记住它的拼写。一系列易混淆单词的拼写错误。比如:weather/whether; affect/ effect; principle/ principal. 这些单词发音相似或接近,稍微不留意,就会用错。

2.名词,形容词,动词不分。最容易出现的几个错误有:(1)I am happiness; I have a happiness family. (2)Success/ succeed/ successful. 这几个单词的使用非常混乱。


4.中式英语的使用。这是英语写作里最大的一个问题,也是一个主要问题。其原因是同学们没有摆脱掉汉语的思维方式,对于他们来说,写英语作文不是写作文,而是翻译。即先用汉语进行思考,然后再把脑海中的汉语直接生硬地翻译成英语,简单粗暴,不成一文。关于语言的学习,其实就是一个洗脑的过程,就是要用这门语言去思维。卡尔·马克思一生掌握了多门外语,他对向自己请教学习外语方法的人说,学习一门外语最好的办法就是忘记自己的母语。我们学习英语最大的障碍就来自于我们自己的母语,完全忘记了语言和语言是不同的。比如说到“好”,我们就想到good, 说到“坏”,就想到bad.完全不管语言习惯的不同。当说“我的表坏了”这个句子时,同学们几乎都是脱口而出:my watch is bad. 没有认真思考这个坏的意思是什么,不是只品格德行的恶劣,而是说表不走了,不工作了。就是:my watch dose not work.类似的还有mountain people, mountain sea. Give you some colour to see see. Good good study, day day up。改变这种中式思维的方法既是进行大量的英文阅读,积累大量的地道表达习惯,在表达意思的时候,要先认真思考应方法是否合乎英语表达习惯,然后再提笔书写。


1.要有丰富的词汇量。词汇是一切的基础,只有在平时的学习中去掌握更多的词汇,才可以在写作的时候可以做到有内容可以写。究竟怎们样才算背单词呢?我们学习一个单词的最终目的是要使用它,而不是只知道它的拼写和意思。所以,一般应该有几个步骤:(1)学习单词的正确发音。能够正确读出一个单词,可以帮助将其正确拼出。大部分单词都是规则拼写,但是也不排除一些单词发音比较特殊。比如: na?ve这个单词。(2)学习单词的正确拼写。(3)学习该单词的词性。这是许多同学容易忽视的地方,英语单词在不同句式中的使用方法是不一样的。(4)学习单词的常见和主要意思。除了table之类这种特定单词,大多数单词的意思不止一个,所以除了要掌握它的基本意思以外,还要学习掌握它其他的一些意思。许多同学来上大学,还在吃着中学的老本,使用一些初级词汇,这对于大学英语学习来说,是完全行不通的。同学们应该慢慢用一些中高级词汇代替中学的初级词汇,比如,我去上学,大家马上会说I go to school.这种说法连小学生都会!同学们可以换一种说法:I attend school. (5)学习单词的使用方法。许多单词书都有例句的。而多阅读英语文章的也是提高单词量一个非常好的办法,只有在文章中真正遇到这个单词,才可以促使大家进行思考,从而加深记忆。

2.阅读英语文章。像学习汉语进行大量的阅读和背诵一样, 英语也是如此。语言就是一个模仿的过程,我们去读英语文章,借此模仿英语的表达习惯,造词方式。背诵优秀的范文,然后用到自己的文章里。


























































19xx年,我由xx一中考入xx师范大学俄语系,我在初、高中时学的是英语,所以初入大学时,在学习上遇到了许多意想不到的困难,在老师的帮助下,我的学习很快步入正轨。几年来,我所有科目考试均一次通过,没有补考现象,且学习成绩稳定,逐年提高,并且在19xx—19xx学年获得三等人民奖学金。在学习专业课的同时,我并未放弃对英语的学习,一直坚持自修大学 英语 课程。大二、大三两年,在吉林大学(南岭校区)计算机系辅修了计算机系专业课,并顺利通过了其全部考试,取得了辅修二专业毕业证。



从大二开始,课余时间,我开始从事家教工作,虽然专业是 俄语,但我教的都是英语,凭借自己扎实的英语基础,我一直游刃有余。在大四教育实习期间,我一直严格要求自己,在各方面提高自己、磨炼自己,完满的完成了教育实习任务,所以,我一直相信,我可以成为一名合格的外语教师。





Dear leaders:

Hello! First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to visit my cover letter for an enthusiastic graduate to open a door of hope. Your organization wishes to the cause of prosperity and bright future!

I was born in 1990, a Suqian Shuyang花木之乡, a warm family, the parents let me develop a small hard-working, modest, warm others, simple and sincere attitude towards life. Three-year career in secondary school, I study hard and strive to improve themselves, has been with the “no best, only better” criteria have been fighting to obtain good results and has laid a solid expertise.

In school, I seriously study, hard work hard and strive to do our own work that he has a good physical and psychological quality. 3 years ago I tried to learn professional knowledge, and strive to master the skills of basic skills to find the inherent law, and have achieved good results, applied to the intelligence work in practice, service to society, is good for the community, so that to prove the effectiveness and efficiency of themselves in order to truly embody the value of their own! I firmly believe that the road is out of step by step. Only down-to-earth, hard work, in order to make more outstanding achievements.

In the fierce competition for talent, although I am only a level of Health, there is no knowledgeable college students, but I have the professional skills I have full confidence in, and have a sincere heart and fighting spirit, willing to contribute to your organization its own strength; though my lack of work experience, but I believe that everyone has a job just out of college to become a new experience for me as long as an opportunity to learn with an open mind I will work hard to study, in doing their own due diligence At the same time, the work of a broad range of relevant knowledge, theory, and expand their knowledge and ability to continuously improve the level of work to better serve your organization. Although the University did not qualify for is a regret, but even earlier into the community, in the actual work to improve their own ability level of students is our point advantage, is not it?

“There will be wind and waves, the white sea Ji Yun-Fan”, I sincerely hope to join your company, I will be with full enthusiasm and tenacity of character to work hard and cooperate with colleagues for the development of your organization to make their own modest.



Dear leaders:


First of all, Thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read this material and I hope for giving me a chance!

I xx Organic Chemical Institute of Technology students in production techniques. Common institutions, common one I have never in the ordinary heart. I ask you to seriously evaluate the ability to see whether I am suitable for this job.

I am optimistic, progressive, hard, dare to meet all challenges.

Although this is only an ordinary graduates, but I work hard to master a solid professional knowledge and awareness through a variety of practical activities to improve their practical ability, especially in the chemical industry, the chemical experiments by skills, analytical skills, such as professional trained to operate, such as UV-Vis spectrophotometer, analytical instruments.

At the same time, do not delay in learning the basis of active participation in social practice, practice to improve the investigative capacity.

Three years after the University of temper in the face of the choice of future career, I have more of their clear understanding. Although the lack of work experience, but I will learn, will do a good job of their own, to make every effort made in the work of a good result.

The biographical notes and related material be accompanied by, want to give me a job training opportunities. A sincere heart in the hope that you trust.

Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request of applicants. The cause of your company is willing to thriving achievements, I wish you continuing success of the cause, the next level!



Hello!I am the Taiyuan University of Technology graduates in XX, material physics.While studying at the school is doing a good solid professional knowledge, received third-class second-class scholarship, and have various kinds of techniques.Familiar with computers and various office software, network architecture will be, C language programming.Through CET4, CCT2, access to certified network engineers Beida Jade Bird.Can be hard, have strong problem-solving ability, popularity, and can be a very good team.Rigorous study, and correct learning attitude, I created a simple, stable and innovative character.More importantly, I am on the semiconductor material has a strong interest in applying the study section of the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, but competitive.It is like to be able to engage in work related to semiconductor materials, hope you can give me a chance to show the ability, thank you!

And thriving business,祝贵!


Dear Sir / Madam:


Dongbei University of Finance I was a senior student, we are

going into the community and I look forward to the future is full of, I believe that “Well begin is half done”,(a good beginning is half the success).I hope that the success of your company is the starting point, to have the luck with your company to create brilliance together.I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town-Linjiang, 97 years with outstanding results, I went to the Northeast University of Finance and Economics School of Economics and Management of Financial Accounting professional, then opened a new chapter in my life.I have been as a school class party branch secretary of the corporation, a busy train and exercise not only my ability to work and more training to solve the problem of my ability, so that the problems faced when I can calm analysis, careful thought, and this all for me the choice of professionals have had a profound impact.At the same time do a good job, but also actively participate in school activities and to encourage students to participate, for their advice;in their daily lives, to closely unite the students, I believe that the collective force is powerful, and only you screw into a rope, in order to do a good job.The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management expertise, professional knowledge in the study at the same time, the main English and computers, in English, to strengthen

training for my listening, speaking, reading and writing ability;in the computer, from the basis of knowledge to start, and further

mastered the OFFICE of the function, but also self-learning of basic knowledge of the INTERNET can be used flexibly.Professional after the elections, in order to broaden their own knowledge, I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting

software applications and EXCEL applications.In order to make their expertise to study together, I have also studied the case of the MBA teaching materials, such as strategic management, corporate



Thank you for reading my busy written down for an enthusiastic college students to open a door of hope, I believe I will not let you disappointed.Jinzhou Medical College, I was a clinical department of the undergraduate students about to graduate, in your time of the Nazi Zhaoxian hospital, given the solid foundation of medical knowledge and proficiency in the operation of technology, the excellent social work skills and strong ability to self-improve, I have confidence in their clinical competence to work soon.Therefore, I wish to apply special to your hospital.Four-year clinical study of theory, I created a rigorous learning attitude, rigorous way of thinking, cultivate good study habits, one year work experience in clinical practice more to improve my analysis of the issue of problem-solving abilities.Especially in the teaching hospital during the internship gave me hands-on experience provides many opportunities that enable me to various sections of clinical diseases can make the correct diagnosis and best treatment.Strong sense of responsibility, a strong interest in learning, hands-ability, the ability to receive fast, and can complete the outstanding tasks, I won the acclaim of superior physicians, but also gives me confidence, my future work life “Chihpen.”

Rich experience in social work not only broaden my horizons, more calm and I formed a determination, enthusiasm and efficient work style.In elementary, middle and high school, has been in various stages of the university, I served as squad leader, study members, successfully organized numerous activities outside the school class, students work the recognition and praise teachers, my classes and more meeting was named “best class”, I have repeatedly won the “outstanding komsomolets”, “active work” and other honorary titles.I believe that these work experience, I will certainly be able to coordinate the relationship between the work of handling the day-to-day problems.Self-learning capability is another advantage of me.Medical science and technology with each passing day, the only constant “upgrade” their own knowledge to fierce competition in an invincible position.While studying at the school through the computer I primary and secondary examinations, the National College English Test 4, can master the Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsXp operating system, and the use of self-Office, photoshop, Foxpro and other software for graphic processing, forms design, web page production work, for future work, study, improve efficiency and create a good condition.Through five years of study and practice, I learned from psychology and ability to work well in fully prepared to embark on, I sincerely hope that your house can become a medical research team in one, I will be noble medical ethics, passion services, dumping as far as I can, I can not keep on learning for your home health care contribute to a development, the realization of “life-saving, dedication, life济事” long-cherished wish.Finally, the grand cause of祝贵unit success!


Hello!First of all, to you my most sincere greetings!Thank you for reading my cover letter.Xx I am a Law Faculty of Law, University of fresh graduates in 2009.Ranking in the school year a comprehensive evaluation of the first x(the professional a total of xx), the major courses of jurisprudence, constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, administrative law, civil law, the Code of Criminal procedure, the administrative procedure law, economic law, commercial law, economic law , intellectual property law, international law, private international law, such as international economic law.xx first academic year scholarships by the school;xx school year was a second-class scholarship, and in 2008 to xx hours through the National Judicial Examination.Solid expertise, have the necessary professionalism.At the same time, a good standard of English through the CET-4(xx hours), CET-6(xx points).With computer skills, computer access to the National level, National Computer 2(VF)certificate.putonghua level of a-level test.I can maintain a good working state and a strong sense of responsibility.With the spirit of learning, hard work hard.Optimistic, cheerful personality, positive, helpful, good communication with the spirit of cooperation.I sincerely hope that your company can become a member in order to play a long, hand in hand with my colleagues for the development of your company on its own dedication!

I wish work!
