




Nowadays, many people believe that people who always telling the true things.

修改为:people who always telling the true things are of reliability.



I frustrate about the phenomenon that nobody wants to help the poor.

修改为:The phenomenon that nobody wants to help the poor frustrates me.

或:The phenomenon that nobody wants to help the poor makes me frustrated.

点评:frustrate是使动词,表示“使…沮丧”,“某事使我沮丧”应该表示为“sth. frustrates me”。类似的易用错的使动词还有disappoint,surprise,distress,prepare,adapt,remind, concern等


My parents’ opinions usually influence to me.

Everybody laughs him when he comes.

修改为:My parents’ opinions usually influence me.

Everybody laughs at him when he comes.

点评:influence是及物动词,不需要加介词。而laugh是不及物动词,需要加介词,后面才能跟宾语。我们背一个动词需要准确了解该动词是及物还是不及物,有些动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词,比如develop, improve等。


Telling lie to people will make them angry.

修改为:Telling lies /a lie to people will make them angry.



The mouth of Xiao Qi is bigger than Xiao Fei.

修改为:The mouth of Xiao Qi is bigger than that of Xiao Fei.





a.A number of students is going to learn a foreign language.b.He go to school by bike every day.分析:

a句中a number of +复数名词做主语时,其谓语动词用复数形式。b中 He是第三人称单数,在一般现在时态中谓语动词go应该加es。2.时态

高中生在写作中经常在时态方面犯错误。英语时态种类繁多,动词的构成形式随着时态的变化而变化。中文里没有时态区分。动作或动词的时间由跟在动词后的诸如 “着”、“了”、“过”等副词来表示,对高中生来说,掌握英语的时态不是很容易。实际上,学习者在头脑里很清楚语法规则,但经常混淆或忘记改变动词的词形。例如: a.A baby can cry as soon as it was born.b.I spend 50 yuan buying the clothes.c.I will not come here if it will rain tomorrow.正确的句子:

a.A baby can cry as soon as it is born.b.I spent 50 yuan buying the clothes.c.I will not come here if it rains tomorrow.分析:



a.New bicycles must keep inside.b.The book has to return at the end of the week.c.The food has cooked.d.Knife should take away from babies.正确的句子:

a.New bicycles must be kept inside.b.The book has to be returned at the end of the week.c.The food has been cooked.d.Knives should be taken away from babies.很明显,这些句法结构己经被确认为未能正确使用英语中的被动式。学生还会犯一些其它方面的错误,其中之一是,常常把英语里没有被动语态的词(组),如 take place, occur, happen, belong to,appear, break out, rise, die等用作被动语态。4.固定搭配

错误有介词短语的搭配,固定词组的搭配,更多的是特殊动词的搭配和用法出现错误最多。很多学习者在记单词的时候,不记搭配和真正用法,错误如下: a.He suggested to go there on his bike.b.My teacher explained me the text very carefully.c.My mother made me to choose the one I liked best.正确的句子:

a.He suggested going there on his bike.b.My teacher explained to me the text very carefully.c.My mother made me choose the one I liked best.据以上的分析,中国学习者的英语应用很大程度上受到其母语的影响,直接翻译,没有记住这些动词的特殊用法。



学生不知道在英语句子中谓语动词只能有一个,如果有另外一个动词出现,这个动词有三种情况:一是并列谓语,但是这时候必须有连词,如and, but等;二是出现在从句里面;三就是以分词形式出现,现在分词和过去分词,还有不定式。现在分词有主动语态和进行时的含义,而过去区分词有被动语态和完成时的含义,不定式有将来时态的意义。例如: a.In the museum there are a lot of interesting things look at.b.I am looking forward to see you.正确的句子:

a.In the museum there are a lot of interesting things to look at.b.I am looking forward to seeing you.分析:

a句中己有谓语动词there are,用来修饰things,此句缺的是后置定语。b句look forward to是一个固定短语,后面要接动名词。6.冠词错误


冠词考查分两个方面,一是冠词的残缺或多余,考生要注意关于含有冠词(不含冠词)的用法以及加冠词与不加冠词的区别,如:in charge of与in the charge of, out of question与out of the question的区别。二是冠词the, a, an(不定冠词和定冠词)之间的相互误用。

英汉名词确有许多共同点,但是也有不少不同点。英语名词有可数与不可数之分,汉语里没有,且一般情况下,名词都可受到数量词的限制。因此,英语写作中,一旦涉及到advice, news, progress, weather,information等少数常用不可数名词时,学生往往会犯错误。

不过,在使用英语不可数名词时,又会出现两种情况,一种是绝不可以用a/an或数词来直接修饰,如上述提及的几个名词:另一种情况是,少数不可数名词在被形容词等修饰后,可用a/an等来修饰。如time(时间),rain(雨)。所以我们可以说:We had a wonderful time yesterday.例如:

a.The air is the most important thing for our existence.b.The driver brought the car to stop.In this way, he avoided an accident.c.When sun was setting, he still did not catch any fish.正确的句子:

a.Air is the most important thing for our existence.b.The driver brought the car to a stop.In this way, he avoided an accident.c.When the sun was setting, he still did not catch any fish.7.代词的错误

代词主要有人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、反身代词、疑问代词、复合疑问代词、指示代词,要注意代词的各人称之间和单复数之间的误用,关系代词 which, that, as之间的误用,关系代词that与疑问代词what之间的误用,关系代词which与关系副词when, where,以及what与how的误用等。例如: a.We do not like he.b.If you like this books, you can take them away.c.His book is different from me.d.The population of China is larger than those of Japan.正确的句子:

a.We do not like him.b.If you like these books, you can take them away.c.His book is different from mine.d.The population of China is larger than that of Japan.汉语里,人称代词没有主格、宾格和所有格之变,而英语中的人称代词有主格、宾格和所有格之变,而且每格都具有其自身的用途,分别充当主语、宾语和定语等。尤其要注意的是,人称代词充当介词宾语时,也要采用其宾格形式。8.连词的错误

连词主要有两类,即并列连词和从属连词,考查点主要是并列连词(分递进式、转折式、选择式和因果式四种)之间的误用(主要是but与so/and之间的误用),从属连词之间的误用以及并列连词与从属连词之间的误用等。例如: a.He had little to eat and a large house to live in.b.He had no sooner arrived when he fell ill.c.If you go this way, and you will soon see the hospital.正确的句子:

a.He had little to eat but a large house to live in.b.He had no sooner arrived than he fell ill.c.1f you go this way,you will soon see the hospital.9.名词的错误

名词主要考查单数名词变复数名词,这主要是受东西方文化差异的影响,英语中除了不可数名词和单数名词用单数外,可数名词要用复数形式。另外还有一些特殊形式。例如: a.What a beautiful weather we are having today!b.Please give my best regard to your parents.c.I have got good marks in all my subject.正确的句子:

a.What beautiful weather we are having today!b.Please give my best regards to your parents.c.I have got good marks in all my subjects.10.情态动词和助动词的错误

这类错误有以下几种情况:① 情态动词后的动词使用过去时态;② 情态动词后的动词加“s”③ 情态动词后的动词加“ing”④”will”后面的“be”动词用“am、“is”或“are ”;⑤助动词“do”后面的动词用动词过去时态;⑥。助动词“do”后面的动词第三人称单数加“s";⑦ 助动词“do”后面的动词加“ing”等。例如: a.I could did my homework.b.He may goes to school by bike every day.正确的句子:


1 词意误用

例:本合同签订之后, 签约双方中任何一方不得将合同内容泄露给第三方。 错误译文:Any of the two parties can′t divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract .剖析:“双方中任何一方”为“either of the two parties”, “三方”或三方以上的“任何一方”才用“any of the parties”, 本句为否定句。正确应译为:Neither of the two parties can divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract.

2 专业术语错译

例:采矿冶炼厂化学物质使用的不断增加也造成了污染。错误译文:原译文:The increasing uses of chemical obstacles in mining and melting factroies also make pollution. 剖析:“物质”“substance”误译为“障碍物“obstacles”了, 另外“不断增加的使用”“the increasing uses”应为:“滥用”“abusive uses ”。正确应译为:The abusive uses of chemical substances in agriculture also cause /lead to pollution.

3 修饰语错位

例:我们同意尽快开出即期信用证以付所购货物。错误译文:We are agreeable as soon as possible to opening sight LC to cover our purchases.剖析: 副词“as soon as”“尽快”不能按照中文习惯位置放置句中, 应按照英文语法习惯放置句末。此句正确应译为:We are agreeable We are agreeable soon to opening sight LC to cover our purchases as soon as possible .

4 修饰词重复

例:我们要继续坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心, 我们要继续坚定不移地推进改革开放, 我们要继续坚定不移地保持社会稳定, 我们要继续坚定不移地贯彻执行独立自主的和平外交政策。错误译文:We shall steadfastly focus on economic development, resolutely press ahead with reform and opening-up, persistently maintain social stability and unswervingly pursue the independent foreign policy of peace. 剖析:“四个坚定不移地”以不同副词“steadfastly, resolutely, persistently, unswervingly”反复译出, 不仅不能加重语气, 反而给人以副词堆砌的感觉。正确应译为:We shall unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead with reform and opening-up, maintain social stability and pursue the independent foreign policy of peace。

5 分数词误用

例:港口吞吐量增加了三分之一。错误译文:The turnover capacity of the harbour has increased by one-thirds. 剖析:“三分之一”“one-thirds”系组词错误, “三分之一”应为“one-third” , “三分之二”时 “third” 才加“s”, 如“two-therds”, 正确应译为:The turnover capacity of the harbour has increased by one-third.

6 倍数理解差异

例:钨矿石产量比上年增加了两倍。错误译文:The output of tungsten ores has been increased two times as last year.剖析:英文倍数同中文倍数翻译不能等同, 英文两倍 “two times”的含义等于中文本身的“1”再加上“2”等于 三倍。反之中文的“三倍”要减去中文本身的“1”后等于英文的两倍“two times”。 因此此句正确应译为:The output of tungsten ores has been increased three times as last year.

7 短语混用

例:这种研究方法不仅要使用理性思维作为工具, 而且还要使用实验。 错误译文:The method of investigation uses the tools of rational idea and experimental process. 剖析:此句中 “idea”为“想法、主意”之意, “理性思维”“rational thought”错译为“合理的思想”, “过程”意思是“process”, “实验过程”为“experimental process”, “实验的程序”应为“experimental procedure”。正确应译为:The method of investigation uses the tools of rational thought and experimental procedure.

8 句子成分残缺

例: 由美国国际投资公司投资中国某电站工程因其建设速度和质量得到高度评价。错误译文:The project of the power station in China invested by the United Station International Investment Co., Ltd of is highly appraised for its construction speed and quality. 剖析:在英语被动语态中不能漏去前置词 介词“in”。此句正确应译为: The Power Station Project invested in by the United Station International Investment Co., Ltd.is highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.

9 句子成分重复

例:市政府对本届外贸洽谈会给予了大力支持。很多国家客商参加并签约了本次洽谈会。在此, 我谨向所有支持本次大会的国外客商表示最衷心的感谢!错误罗嗦译文:The Municipal Government have given a big support to the trade business congress. Many businessmen who come from outside countries attend the congress and many businessmen have signed in the congress. Here I'd like to express my most sincere thanks to all businessmen who come from outside countries given us a support to the Congress.剖析:在这句话中, “国外客商”“ Many businessmen from outside countries”在英语译文中反复出现, 句子显得累赘, 中文中没有“来自”, 不要“who come”, 动词“have done”的主语是“市政府”应用“has done”, 还有“国外客商”“all businessmen” 不是被给予支持的国外客商“given us a support”, 而是给予我们支持的国外客商“who have given us a support”, 因此不能省略“who have”。正确应译为: The Municipal Government has done a lot of work for the Trade Business Congress. Many businessmen from outside countries attend the congress and have signed in the congress. Here I'd like to express my most sincere thanks to all outside businessmen who have supported to the Congress.改译后句子简练, 语法和句意也表达清楚了。

10 句子无序排列

例:铁矿石是地球送给人类的重要资源之一。错误译文:The iron ore, it is the most important resources sent to human by earth . 剖析:主语“铁矿石”“the iron ore”后“逗号”“, ”位置点错, 逗号后的“it”, 与“资源”“resources”在数方面也不一致, 整个句子排列出错。正确应译为: The iron ore is one of the most important resources sent to human by earth 或 It is one of the most important resources of the iron ores sent to human by earth.

11 句子连接错误

例:加强钼工业健康和可持续发展, 提高钼产业集中度和矿山企业的规模经济水平, 强化钼资源的采后土地复垦和生态环境绿化, 形成以大型矿业集团为主体, 中小型矿山协调发展的矿产勘查开发新格局。错误译文:Strengthen health and keep on the development of the molybdenum industry and raise concentration degree and economic level of the molybdenum industry and enhance the useful effect of the molybdenum resources and turn again agrarian field after mining and turn back green of the ecosystem environment and form the large mineral industry group as principal part harmonized by the small scaled and middle mineral mountain enterprises to survey and exploit mine resources剖析:加强“Strengthen...”, 提高“raise...”, 强化“enhance...” 形成“form…”等全部用“和”“and”连接显得句子杂而乱, 如改用逗号“, ”分开的句型就简单多了, 句子意思表达也更清楚。正确应译为: Strengthen health and keep on the development of the molybdenum industry, raise concentration degree and economic level of molybdenum industrial scale of the mineral mountain enterprises, enhance again agrarian field after mining and turning back green of the ecosystem environment, form the new structure of the large mineral industry group as principal part harmonized by the small scaled and middle mineral mountain enterprises to survey and to exploit mine resources.

12 中文式翻译病句

例:由于目前的原料价格上涨, 我们无法修正我公司报价单上的条件。错误译文:Owing to the present rising price of raw materials, we can't amend the conditions of our offer.剖析: 文中“无法”“can't change”应译为“are unable to change”, “修正”“amend”应为“修改”“change”, 显然上述译文是按照中文方式来表达英文意思了。正确应译为: Owing to the present rising price of raw materials, we are unable to change the conditions of our offer.

总之, 商贸英语的翻译在国际间贸易中发挥着重要作用, 有时错误的翻译不仅容易引起误解, 而且还会导致生意上的争议和造成经济上不必要的损失, 因此翻译一定要在贴近原文的基础上, 力求严谨、准确的进行表达。


[1]Cao jiuxin ect., The Technology and Design Strategyof HomeNet User Interface MINI-MICRO SYS-TEM, 2000.

[2]Dorald C Kiraly, Pathways to Tanslation;Pedagogy andProcess[M].1995.

[3]NEWMARK P.A test book of translation[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001:152.









学生如果对某个单词的词性都不了解,那么翻译出来的语句也是错误的。例如在翻译“金钱无法买到快乐”的时候,很多同学的翻译是这样的:Money can not buy happy这句话乍看起来似乎很完整,并不存在问题,但是仔细分析happy是形容词,在句子中担任的是宾语的角色,而宾语只能由名词、代词两种词性来担任,因此本处的happy使用不对,应当改用“happiness”。这种错误就是因为学生对于单词的词性掌握不熟练。在汉语当中,有些词语可以具有不同的词性,既可以是名词,也可以是形容词,也正是受到汉语环境的影响,很多人对英语的词性了解程度不够,造成了翻译错误。












通过阅读英语原著可以让学生在最短的时间内,获得更多的英语知识。同时也通过阅读的积累,培养自己的英语语感,能够及时了解最地道的英语表达方式,最为通用的英语句型等等。学生在阅读原著的过程中,可以将经常出现词组搭配、英语谚语、俚语等进行总结,并且通过原著的阅读可以了解西方人的各种思想,他们的说法方式以及思维模式。因为长期处于汉语的环境当中,受到汉语文化的影响,导致在翻译的过程中出现了中式英语。通过阅读原著,有意识地培养自己西方人的思维方式,有针对性地开展翻译练习,能够让翻译更加地道。目前很多学生在翻译“红尘”这个词语的时候,喜欢用到“red dust”这种翻译方式,但是通过阅读原著,很多学生会掌握一种新的译法“this human world”.由此可见,通过广泛阅读英文作品,不仅可以扩宽自己的知识面,还可以积累更多地道的英文词汇,提高我们英语翻译的准确性。









这两个词的词意一样,maybe常用于非正式谈话,而perhaps则多用在正式文体中。如: Maybe/Perhaps the weather will get better. 而?Julius Caesar? is perhaps the greatest of Shakespeares early plays.?

mend ?

[误] I want to have my bike mended.?

[正] I want to have my bike repaired.?

[析] mend意为缝补,如: My mother mended my coat. 而repair是修理。?

mind ?

[误] Could you mind to close the door??

[正] Could you mind closing the door??

[误] Try to make up your mind studying hard.?

[正] Try to make up your mind to study hard.?

[析] mind用作动词时,其后加动名词;而用作名词意为下定决心时,其后要加不定式。 ?要注意Do you mind if I smoke?的答语: 如果你不介意,应回答No, go ahead.如果你不想让对方吸烟,则应讲Yes, please dont.?

miss ?

[误] I found my bag missed.?

[正] I found my bag missing.?

[析] missing为形容词,其意为不见了、丢了。在句中用作宾语补足语时不要误用missed,它作动词时多为及物动词,要接名词或动名词,而不接不定式。如: I missed the first train, I dont want to miss seeing the famous football player.?在作补足语讲某物不见了时有missing, gone, lost等,如: I found my bag missing (gone, lost).?


[误] She laid1 down and soon fell3 asleep5.

[正] She lay6 down and soon fell asleep.


lay (放) laid, laid, laying8 (及物动词)

lie7 (躺) lay, lain9, lying10 (不及物动词)

lie (说谎) lied, lied, lying

[误] Please rise11 your hand.

[正] Please raise12 your hand.

[析] rise 是不及物动词,其后不能接宾语,如:The sun rises13 in the east.而raise是及物动词。

[误] I like to swim very much, but I don’t like swimming this afternoon.

[正] I like swimming very much, but I don’t like to swim this afternoon.

[析] like作为“喜欢”讲时,可以接动名词也可以接不定式,但接动名词时多表达一种习惯性动作。而接不定式则侧重于表达一次性、特殊性的动作。但要注意的是like 与would连用时则一定要接不定式,如:Would you like to go with me?再有一点要注意的是,like作为介词“像”讲时,只能用分词作其宾语。

[误] Stop! Did16 you listen to a strange17 voice18?

[正] Stop! Did you hear a strange voice?

[析] hear的侧重点是听到、听见什么,而listen to 的侧重点为听的倾向,如:listen! Do you hear someone19 calling help?这样的词还有look与see.它们的侧重点也不同,look重于“看”的倾向,而see重于看见没看见。

[误] Did you watch some film recently20?

[正] Did you see some film recently?

[析] 英语中see 与 watch 各有不同的用处,see用于看电影、剧目,而watch用作看电视和看球赛。

[误] Look. A beautiful lamp hanged from the ceiling22.

[正] Look. A beautiful lamp hung23 from the ceiling.

[析] hang有两个含义,① “挂”,它的过去时与过去分词是hung, hung;② “绞刑”,这时它是规则动词,其过去式与过去分词则为hanged, hanged.

[误] How long can I borrow24 this book?

[正] How long can I keep this book?

[析] “借”在英文中有三个词,① 借入,即borrow,如:May I borrow some books from the library?② 借出,如:I can lend25 my bike to you.③ 借多久要用keep, 因为borrow与lend都是截止性动词,而keep是延续性动词。如 How long can I keep it?

[误] We have won26 your class.

[正] We have beaten27 your class.

[析] win是及物动词,其后面的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金。而beat的宾语,应是人、队、班级等等,如:We won the game.

[误] I left my key.

[正] I forgot28 my key.

[正] I left my key at home.

[析] leave是“丢下”,其后一定要接地点状语,而forget其后不要接地点状语。

[误] Oh! It’s raining outside. Please bring the rain coat with you.

[正] Oh! It’s raining outside. Please take this rain coat with you.

[析] bring为“带来”如:Next time bring your little sister here.而take为“带走”,fetch为“去某处取什么回来”,如:Please fetch30 some coffee for us要熟记的是在初中课文中与take有关的词组,如: take away 拿走 take back 收回 take down 取下take off31 脱下 take…out 拿出 take place 发生 take hold of 拿住 take part32 in 参加 take a seat33 坐下take one’s place 替代 take a look 看看 take one’s turn 轮流 take a message 捎信 take care34 of 照看 take it easy 别着急take one’s time 慢慢来 take one’s temperature35 测量体温

[误] The policeman reached36 his gun37.

[正] The policeman reached for his gun.

[析] reach作“到达”讲时是及物动词,如:I reached the hotel at 8∶30但作“伸手去拿”,则要用reach for something.作为“到达”讲时还有arrive (in+大地方)(at+较小的地方)和get to.要注意的是与get有关的词组有: get back 回来 get in 收割 get into 进入 get off 下车 get on 上车 get out 出去 get up 起床 get to 到达 get ready for=be ready for get on well with 与人相处融洽 get 加比较级为变得如何,例如: get colder and colder.

[误] This dictionary38 spent me five dollars.

[正] This dictionary cost39 me five dollars.

[析] 英文中的“花费”有4个spend, cost, take 和 pay40,其中spend 与pay所在句中的主语应为人,如:I spent two hours in doing my homework. I paid41 five dallars for the book.而cost与take的主语则是事物,如:It takes me two years to finish this book.

[误] In summer I always sleep with the windows opened.

[正] In summer I always sleep with the windows open.

[正] I always sleep with the windows closed42.


[误] Please wait a minute. I’m having on my clothes.

[正] Please wait a minute. I’m putting on my clothes.

[析]英语中的穿衣服要分状态,是什么样的穿着打扮,还是穿衣服的动作两类动词。表示穿着状态的词有have on, wear,在用法上have on不宜用进行时态,它多用一般时态,如:She has on a new school dress. 而wear则多用进行时来表示状态,如:She is wearing a new sweater.在表示动作的词中put on是常用的一词。dress用作动词当“穿衣”讲时其后宾语不应接衣物,而要接人,如:My children were very young they couldn‘t dress themselves44.在表示穿着状态时用其过去分词当形容词,如:He is dressed in white.

[误] My computer can’t begin. Could43 you find someone to help me?

[正] My computer can’t start. Could you find someone to help me?

[析] begin与start均可指“开始”,而且常常可以互换,如:School begins (starts) at 8 a. m. 但是在两种情况下不宜用begin 而要用start, ① 当作机器开动、发动讲,如:My car can‘t start. There must be something wrong with it.② 作为“旅途开始”讲,如:We should have to start early. There was45 a lot of traffic46 on the road.

[误] I’m very glad because I have founded48 my lost key.

[正] I’m very glad because I have found47 my lost key.

[析] find是不规则动词,它的过去式和过去分词是found, found,而found又是另外一词“建立”,它是规则动词,其过去式与过去分词是founded founded, 如:The People’s Republic49 of China was founded in 1949.

[误] Please. Let’s speak in English.

[正] Please. Let’s speak English.

[正] Please. Let’s talk in English.

[误] Can you speak it English?

[正] Can you say it in English?

[析] 英文中“说”有4个常用词say, tell, speak, talk.其中不及物动词有speak和talk,如:I want to talk with you.We are talking about the new film.而speak其后接语言时是及物动词,其他情况是不及物动词。say 与tell是及物动词,其中tell常用双宾语,如:Tell us a story.但用于讲实话或谎话时也用单宾语。如: Tell the truth50.

[误] Can you say Japanese51 from Chinese?

[正] Can you tell Japanese from Chinese?

[析] tell…from为固定词组,即分辨两者的不同。

[误] Excuse me, did I step52 on your foot?

[正] Oh, sorry, did I step on your foot?

[析] excuse me用于未打扰对方前,以提醒对方注意的用语,而sorry则是由于自己已做的事向对方道歉。

[误] Would15 you care for to swim with us?

[正] Would you care to swim with us?

[析] care for 后接不定式时,要省略for,或换用名词,如:Would you care for a cup of tea. care for 作“照顾”讲时与look after相同。在初中阶段学习与for有关的词组有:

ask for 请求 call for 接人,请人 care for 关心

go in for 从事 answer for 负责 look for 寻找

wait for 等待 send for 请人 pay for 付款

search53 for 寻找 leave for 去某地 prepare54 for 准备

thank somebody55 for something 为某事向某人道谢。

[误] Are you understanding56 it? Yes, I got29 to it.

[正] Do you understand it? Yes, I got it.

[析] understand这一词没有进行时态,如同感观动词love、hate57… I got it 是美语,即I understood58 it.要记住get 作为“到达”讲时是不及物动词,如:I’ll get to the school at 8 a. m.初中范围常用与to有关的动词词组如下: belong59 to 属于 come to 苏醒 point to (at) 指着get to 到达 refer60 to 谈到 stick61 to 坚持lead to 导致 turn to 翻到 look forward63 to 期望agree to 同意

[误] The meat has gone badly66.

[正] The meat has gone bad.

[析] 英语中go, get, become, turn作为转变时,其后接形容词,这时这些动词应被看作系动词。

[误] The teacher said67 the earth68 moved around the sun.

[正] The teacher said the earth moves around the sun.


[误] I’ll come to see you as4 soon as I’ll be back.

[正] I’ll come to see you as soon as I am back.

[析] 在状语从句中要用一般时来表示将来,如:I should tell him when he came69 back.

[误] I want to know whether70 you come to my party tomorrow or not.

[正] I want to know whether you will come to my party tomorrow or not.

[析]在宾语从句中则要用将来时表示将来的动作。要注意的是如果宾语从句中仍有状语从句时,依然要用一般现在时表示将来,如:I want to know if it rains tomorrow you’ll come here or not.

[误] What did you do at eight last night?

[正] What were you doing at eight last night?

[析]在描述过去某一具体时刻的动作或从某时到某时一段时间内正在进行的动作要用过去进行时,如:I was washing71 clothes from eight till72 noon14 last Sunday

[误] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn’t go with them, because I have seen73 it before.

[正] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn’t go with them because I had74 seen it before.

[析]现在完成时与过去完成时的相同之处是其动作均开始于过去的某一点,它的差别在于该动作是截止到什么时候。如动作截止到现在用现在完成时;如动作截止到过去,用过去完成时。例如:I‘ve learnt English for three years.(到现在为止)又如:Before I went to college75, I had learnt English for three years. (动作截止到上大学那时,即截止于过去)

[误] I’m feeling76 well now.

[正] I feel well now.

[析]瞬间动词有些无进行时态,它们是:表示思维状态的词:believe, feel, forget, imagine78, know, mean, need, prefer79, remember, understand, want 表示感情的动词:care, like, do like, love, mind80, hate, fear81 表示状态的词:belong, own2 感观动词: feel, hear, see, smell, taste

[误] When have you done this work?

[正] When did you do this work?

[析] when提问的是一个时间点不可用于完成时态的问句中。

[误] This is our new English teacher. He has gone to many foreign82 countries.

[正] This is our new English teacher. He has been to many foreign countries.

[析] have gone to 是到某地去了,此人现在不在这里。have been to 是到过某地,现在此人在说话现场。

[误] I have borrowed83 this book for two weeks.

[正] I have kept this book for two weeks.

[析]截止性动词有完成时态,但不可和与表达一段时间的时间状语连用。如:When I got to the cinema the film had begun. 但要讲When I got to the cinema the film had be on for five minutes 这样的用法还有buy, join, die84, 如:I bought this book yesterday.我昨天买的这本书。 I have had this book for two days. 这本书我已买了两天了。

I joined the club85 two years ago.两年前我加入了这个俱乐部。

I have been in this club for two years. 我加入这个俱乐部已两年了。

My father died86 five years ago. 我父亲是5年前去世的。

My father has been dead87 for five years. 我父亲已去世5年了。

[误] Have you understood the lessons?

[正] Do you understand the lessons?

[析] 有些动词不易用完成时态,它们是understand, think, believe77, know (知道)

[误] It was said that the Second World War64 had broken89 out in 1939.

[误] It was said that the Second World War was broken out in 1939.

[正] It was said that the Second World War broke88 out in 1939.

[析]在讲述过去的历史事件时,总要用过去时而不要用完成时,而且happen, break out, take place作为发生讲时均没有被动语态。

[误] When I walked along90 the street. I happened to meet an old friend.

[正] When I was walking along the street I happened to meet an old friend.

[析]在一个长动作发生或进行的过程中,某一突然事件发生,这时长动作应用进行时(现在进行时或过去进行时),而突发性动作用一般时(一般现在时或一般过去时),如:When my father is reading91 a newspaper the telephone rings.

[误] Please buy a book to me.

[正] Please buy me a book.

[正] Please buy a book for me.

[析]在接双宾语的动词后面的两个宾语,一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语,如:Buy me a book中me是间接宾语,而a book是直接宾语。如果将直接宾语前置,其后应加for,其它加to如: Tell me a story. Tell a story to me. Give me a book. Give a book to me.

[误] He was seen come into the book store92.

[正] He was seen to come into the book store.

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