pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A


pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A(精选7篇)

篇1:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A

Unit Four Then and Now Ⅰ.Aims of the unit

1.Ability Aims(1)Students are able to correctly use the central sentences and phrases below to describe the changes of a place or a person;“There was/were(no)years ago.Now there is/are …” “ Before, I/she/he/it was … Now, I/she/ he/it …”

(2)Students can understand the meaning and pronunciation of the new words and phrases “star, easy, look up, Internet”

2.Knowledge Aims(1)Students can grasp the central sentences above in listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2)Students can grasp the central phrase above in listening, speaking, reading and writing.3.Other Aims(1)Moral Aims : Students can express their sadness and fear to their parents to reduce stress and keep healthy

(2)Cultural Aims : Students can make good use of the world-famous media—Internet to study by themselves

(3)Strategy Aims :Students can get the main idea and some detail information from the text.Ⅱ Content of the unit

Lesson One

(A Let’s learn)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims: 1.Students can grasp the words and phrases “dining hall, grass, gym, ago”

2.Students can know the speaking and using of the sentences: “There was gym in my school twenty years ago.” “Now there’ s a new one in our school.”

3.Students can sing the song Changes in me Ⅱ.Important &difficult points: Students can correctly use the past tense and present tense among the new words and sentences.Ⅲ Teaching Aids 1.PPT 2.Radio

Ⅳ Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up Go over the phrases of Unit 3: ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts, rode a horse, rode a bike , went camping, hurt my foot , went fishing 2.Presentation(1)Show the words :dining hall, grass, gym, ago.① Show the picture of grass.T: What’s this? Ss: It’s grass.Chant: Grass, grass.Play football on the grass.Teacher write down the words on the blackboard and show other word “dining hall, gym”.Chant: Dining hall, dining hall.Have lunch in the dinning.Gym, gym.Play basketball in the gym.② Teach the word “ago,...years ago,...months ago.”

T: I went fishing three days ago.I went to Beijing two years ago.Show the pictures of schools and compare:There was no gym in my school twenty years ago.Now there’s a new one in our school.Then ask students to read after the radio and then let them to make sentences to describe the school before and now.e.g.There was no computer room ten years ago.Now there’s a new one in our school.3.Practice and Consolidation 1.Game “What’s missing” 2.Finish “ Find the mistakes” 3.Sing the chant Changes in me 4.Homework Write and recite “ dining hall, gym, grass, years ago, months ago, last year, last month”

Lesson Two

(Let’s try Let’s talk)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims

1.Students can grasp the words:star, easy, look up, and Internet.2.Students can correctly use the sentences: “There was no library in my school.Tell us about your school, please.How do you know that?

There were no computers or Internet in my time.” Ⅱ.Important &difficult points: Students can correctly use the sentences :“There was no library in my school.Tell us about your school, please.How do you know that?

There were no computers or Internet in my time.” Ⅲ.Teaching Aids 1.PPT 2.Radio

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up 1.Go over words of Let’s learn.Game “Golden Eyes” 2.Make sentences with “ ago” 2.Teaching Procedures(1).Show the words: star, easy, look up, Internet.Then ask students to make sentences with them.(2).Show pictures of schools with and without library and present the differences: “ There was no library in the school.Now there’s a new one.” Show pictures of schools with and without computers and present: “There were no computers or Internet in my time.” Then ask them to read the sentences paying attention to was and were.(3).Explain and read the sentences for students “Tell us about your school, please.How do you know that?”

(4).Students answer the question “What was Grandpa’s school like?” and help them to get the correct answer.3.Practice and consolidation(1)Students read after the radio(2)Look and express the differences 3.Homework Recite the dialogue in groups

篇2:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A

Read and write down the new words Step 5:Blackboard design Unit 2 Last weekend Cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV Teaching reflection: 1.Some students are good in English class.2.The pronunciation of two students are not very good.3.Half students can finish exercise book in English class.Unit 2 last weekend Period 3 Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new phrases : read a book , watch TV,wash the clothes ,stay at home ,clean the room 2.To learn the key sentences.3.Student can make sentences use the key sentences.Important points Key sentences:How was your weekend?It’was good.What did you do?I stayed at home with your grandma.Was it interesting?Did you see a film?No,I had a cold.Difficult points : Make sentences Teaching aids :The word cards , a tape PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and warm-up.T:Hello,boys and girls!What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I...Go over new phrases:watch TV,wash the clothes,stay at home,clean the room Step 2:Revision Review the “Let’s talk ”

Let’s check 1.First , open your book and turn to page twenty 2.Listen and number 3.Listen again and number the phrases Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences Step 3 Pair work Role play Answer the questions T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I did homework on the weekend.Ask and write Ask about your partner’s the same questions.To finish Practice 1.Recite the “ Let’s talk ”

2.Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves 3.Give enough time to read them Step 4 Homework

Read and write down the new words Step 5:Blackboard design Unit 2 Last weekend Cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV Teaching reflection:

Unit 2 last weekend Period 4 Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new phrases : read a book , watch TV,wash the clothes ,stay at home ,clean the room 2.To learn the key sentences.3.Student can make sentences use the key sentences.Important points Key sentences:How was your weekend?It’was good.What did you do?I stayed at home with your grandma.Was it interesting?Did you see a film?No,I had a cold.Difficult points : Make sentences Teaching aids :The word cards , a tape PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and warm-up.T:Hello,boys and girls!What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I...Go over new phrases:watch TV,wash the clothes,stay at home,clean the room Step 2:Revision Review the “Let’s talk ”

Let’s check 1.First , open your book and turn to page twenty 2.Listen and number 3.Listen again and number the phrases Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences Step 3 Pair work Role play 3.Answer the questions T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I did homework on the weekend.4.Ask and write Ask about your partner’s the same questions.To finish Practice 1.Recite the “ Let’s talk ”

2.Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves 3.Give enough time to read them Step 4 Homework

Read and write down the new words Step 5:Blackboard design Unit 2 Last weekend Cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV Teaching reflection:

Unit 2 last weekend Period 5 Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new phrases : read a book , watch TV,wash the clothes ,stay at home ,clean the room 2.To learn the key sentences.3.Student can make sentences use the key sentences.Important points Key sentences:How was your weekend?It’was good.What did you do?I stayed at home with your grandma.Was it interesting?Did you see a film?No,I had a cold.Difficult points : Make sentences Teaching aids :The word cards , a tape PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and warm-up.T:Hello,boys and girls!What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I...Go over new phrases:watch TV,wash the clothes,stay at home,clean the room Step 2:Revision Review the “Let’s talk ”

Let’s check 1.First , open your book and turn to page twenty 2.Listen and number 3.Listen again and number the phrases Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences Step 3 Pair work Role play Story time Answer the questions T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I did homework on the weekend.Ask and write Ask about your partner’s the same questions.To finish Practice 1.Recite the “ Let’s talk ”

篇3:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A


本册教材和全套教材的内容特点和编排风格保持一致, 即每册书包含8 个单元, 每个单元分三个部分Part A/Part B/Part C, 两个复习, 一个小故事。 教材后面还收录了三个词汇表:一个是图画字典, 按类归并, 学生查阅时直观、明了;二是单元词汇表, 跟学习进度同步, 方便学生学习掌握;最后一个词汇表是按字母顺序排列, 方便学生和教师查询, 后两表所列的词汇有两个方面的要求, 一是红体字, 要求学生听懂、会说、认读和书写 ( 四会词) ;二是黑体字, 要求学生听懂、会说和认读 ( 三会词) ;三是带* 号的为课后阅读中出现的词语, 只要能看懂就行;最后还附有部分课堂用语。


( 一) 关于语音教学。

1 .本册教材语音教学内容。

(1) 复习五个元音字母a、e 、i 、o、u在开、闭音节中的读音规则 (一、二单元) 。

(2) 复习常见的字母组合ar、er、ir、or、ur 、sh、ch、tch、th、wh、wr 、igh、ei gh、sp、st 、sk、ph、al 、au、aw、or 、oor 、tr 、dr 、ts、ds在单词中的发音, 巩固字母组合的读音规则。


由于所学知识学生在此之前已经学习过, 都是复习巩固的内容, 所以在本册每单元语音教学部分, 教师可以采用以下教学方法来处理, 课前预习, 第一步:学生独自、与同伴或小组内尝试朗读字母、字母组合以及字母所在的单词, 在朗读的过程中观察, 复习字母、字母组合的发音以及单词的拼读规律。第二步:通过以前的课本找些类似的词汇。课中, 教师先叫部分学生示范朗读所给单词, 并说出自己或小组总结出的字母、字母组合和读音规律, 然后学生举出类似单词, 老师拓展类似单词。如果学生发音不很准确或总结的读音规律不够全面, 可请其他学生或教师本人帮助学生纠正发音, 总结出全面、准确的读音规律, 逐渐提高学生单词的拼读能力。

( 二) 关于语篇教学。

1 .本册教材语篇教学内容。

本册语篇教学内容都安排在每单元ParA、ParB的活动1 部分, 是本单元的主课文, 课文紧密联系学生实际生活, 选择具有时代气息的语言材料, 深入浅出, 寓教于乐, 为教师培养学生的交际能力提供大量的语言材料。 到高年级, 语篇的容量更大、篇幅更长, 而且涉及较多的生词、句型和语言点, 学生学起来存在一定的困难。


首先:与主课文内容关联的热身活动后进行交流谈话, 导入新课。

接着:提出问题, 首次播放视频或录音, 请学生仔细观看或听音, 初步整体感知课文。

然后:再次播放, 回答问题, 导出功能句和重点词汇, 做相应的操练。

最后:第三次播放, 学生跟读模仿, 感悟语音语调, 分角色朗读、表演课文或复述课文。

( 三) 关于词汇教学。

1 .本册教材词汇教学内容。

本册要掌握的四会词有51个, 三会词有19个。虽说要掌握的词汇不多, 但随着年级的升高, 部分单词比较长, 有的没有一定的规则, 学生认读和记忆词汇有一定的难度。


为了更好地适应课标对小学英语词汇教学的要求, 对小学英语词汇教学建议:根据语言学习的规律, 小学英语词汇教学也应遵循在语境中呈现语言, 在练习中感悟语言, 在活动中运用语言的原则。词汇教学要关注义、音、形三个层面, 学生要能够做到见词能读, 听音能写, 在语境中熟练运用本单元的核心词汇。

单词的呈现:除了我们常用的实物、图片、动作、表情等直观的呈现单词方法外, 六年级的学生有一定的思维能力, 根据学生的年龄特点和认知规律, 结合本册的词汇特点, 教师可在学习文本回答问题的过程中呈现新词汇。如:Unit 1 Part A我们只要提两个纲领性问题:Where did Julia/Wang Tao/Sally go in winter?What did she/he do there?就能在学生回答的过程呈现这些新词汇:famous travel along the Yangtze River。

单词的认读:六年级学生已经有一定的拼读单词的能力, 简单有规律可循的要求学生通过读音规则自己认读单词, 如fat show hear light feel hope soon等;较长的复合词用以旧带新合成法试读, 如anywher e;难度大的长单词分音节师生合作读, 如medicine physics chemistry geography information等。

单词的记忆: 反义词记忆法, 如fat - thin;归类记忆法, 如职业类、长见病名称;动词加er变名词记忆法, 职业类单词适合;读音规则记忆法;分音节记忆法等。

( 四) 关于语法教学。

1 .本册教材语法教学内容。

由于是小学阶段的最后一个学期, 本册几乎涵盖了小学阶段所要懂得的语法知识, 并以复习的方式体现, 内容包括:一般现在时 ( 单数第三人称的谓语形式) 、现在进行时、一般将来时、一般过去时、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、感叹句、序数词、代词所有格、情态动词以及以Don’t开头的祈使句、人称代词的宾格和能带直接和间接宾语的动词give。


在小学英语教学中, 教师不应过多地对学生讲解语法知识, 但也不是不让学生接触语法知识, 六年级平时采用“ 隐性为主, 显性为辅”的语法教学模式。 复习阶段可以侧重“ 显性”语法教学。

( 五) 关于阅读教学。

1 .本册教材阅读教学内容。

本册阅读材料都安排在每个单元的Par B的活动3及2个复习的活动3中。所有阅读篇幅短小, 话题与本单元话题联系紧密, 都是判断题, 只有三小题。


一读:默读短文, 了解大概意思。 遇到不懂的联系上下文理解句子意思。 二看:看看需要判断的句子, 理解所表达的意思。 三听:听录音, 进一步理解短文意思。四判: 根据理解所得在方框内打勾或打叉。 五评价:指名学生写答案, 其他同学评价正确与否。

(六) 关于写话教学。

1 .本册教材写话教学内容。

本册写话材料都安排在每个单元的Par C的活动2及2个复习的活动4中。从编排中可以看出, 需要写的话题与本单元话题联系紧密, 内容有图片提示, 基本上是半开放题。


一读:读句子, 想想横线上缺什么。二看:看看旁边的图片内容所表达的意思。 三补充:根据图片内容把句子补充完整。 四模仿:结合自己的实际模仿书本中的句子写话。 如:第二单元教师可说王涛担心他的功课, 那你的学习强项是什么, 用I’m good at … 说一说。 想一想, 你会对王涛说什么, 把它说出来, 并写下来。 学生根据课文内容写到结合自己的实际写, 做到基于文本又高于文本, 从文本到现实, 体现了学以致用。 由于学生写的东西是自己的亲身体验, 定能爱写、乐写。

( 七) 关于歌曲、童谣、听力教学。


本册歌曲5首、童谣8首、听力材料8个都安排在每个单元的Par C的活动1 、3和4中。 与老教材相比, 所选取的歌曲更简单、容易学、容易唱。 所选童谣言简意赅, 朗朗上口。 听力以图片形式出现有的连线、有的标号、有的打勾、有的圈图。 三者的内容均与本单元话题紧密联系。 从编排上看, 新教材更加贴近学生的年龄特点和生活实际。


由于周课时数少 ( 每周2节) , 与一到五年级不同, 毕业班每年在6月中旬提前考试, 这意味着本册教材的教学时间紧, 任务重, 而歌曲、童谣、听力能激发学生的学习兴趣, 活跃学生的身心, 提高听说能力和思维能力, 增强学生语感。 删除不上, 非常可惜, 最好把它们安排在Par A、Par B的热身或操练巩固环节。

( 八) 关于自我评价教学。

1 .本册教材自我评价教学内容。

本册自我评价与老教材相同, 都安排在每个单元的最后。


篇4:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A

PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 Part A Let’s learn







五年级学生已经学过两年多的英语,学生已经有一定的英语学习基础。学生已经有“warm,hot,cold,cool”等的词汇以及句型“What’s the weather like (today/ in...)? It’s...”的积累,是二级目标学习的第二学期。




3.学生学习并恰当使用句型“What’s your favourite season?”并交流。














注重方法训练,例如:tall→fall,windy→winter, mum→sum→summer

关注词汇外延,例如:fall (秋天、瀑布、落下)

注重词句联想:例如:Fall is golden. Fall is yellow.


What’s the weather like in Hong Kong/ Harbin/ Kunming?

Which season is it?


T:What’s the weather?Which season is it?



(4)尝试拼读:ring →pring→spring,



(7)词句关联:Spring is warm.Spring is green. Spring is beautiful.


How many seasons in a year? What’s your favourite season?

season→favourite season→your favourite season

→What’s your favourite season?



例如:A: Hi, Sarah.What’s your favourite season?B:Fall.







3. 选择图片,学生问答。学生应用What’s your favourite season?进行两两问答巩固所学句子。


Seasons in Jinan.

In ________, it’s very hot.In ________, it’s warm and sunny.

In ________, it’s cool and windy.In ________, it’s cold and snowy.

What’s your favourite season?






篇5:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A



1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food.2.能够询问别人在假期里所做的事情并作答。



2.难点是以下六个单词珠读音和拼写:took, learned, sang, danced, ate, climbed.三、课前准备




1.Warm up


师放第一首歌谣的录音,第一遍学生仔细听,第二遍学生跟录音说唱。2.利用农忙假假期,询问学生:Boys and girls, we had a one week holiday.How was your holiday? Did you have a fun holiday? Where did you go on your holiday? What did you do?

学生作答,待学生回答后,师板书: My holiday

T:Where did I go, guess?

T: I went to Hebei.What did I do there?

T: I went to KFC.(师拿出KFC食物盒,)I ate good food in KFC.I climbed a mountains in Hebei.I took pictures.And I sang and danced with my friends.呈现图片并带读。

3.师出示本部分的教学挂图,介绍说:Mike and John went to Xinjiang together.Mike likes taking pictures.He took many pictures.What else did he do ?手指Mike学中文的图说: He likes China.He learned Chinese.4.教师放A Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读。


6.学生听录音,做Let’s try 部分的练习。

7.老师提问:What do people in Xinjiang like doing? 引导学生回答:They like singing and dancing.8.Mike and John went to Xinjiang on their holiday.What didthey do there? Let’s listen to them.9.学生跟读Let’s talk 录音。学生分角色朗读。


1.能够听懂、会读Let’s read 中信的内容并独立完成信后的书写练习。

2.能够完成 Let’s find out部分练习。


1.重点是能读懂let’s read部分的一封信。

2.难点是能正确认读下列句子:Every day I had fun with my cousins.On Monday we went to a restaurant.Tomorrow I’ll be back home.三、课前准备


2.准备A Let’s learn 部分的动词短语卡片和五年级下册第四、五、六单元Let’s learn 部分的单词卡片。


1.Warm up



T: What day is it today?

S: It’s …

T:What are you going to do this weekend?

S: I am going to …

T:I will… this weekend.师告诉学生be going to 和will 意思相近,多数情况下可以互换使用。师让学生用句型I am going to …this weekend.或I will …this weekend.3.师问:What did you do last Saturday?学生回答。指导学生用last组词。

4.师描述自己一个星期内的活动:On Monday I played football.On Tuesday I played Ping-Pong.On Wednesday I …然后师问学生:What did I do on Monday/Tuesday/…?让学生凭记忆回答。最后师说:I did a lot of thingslast week.Everyday I had fun.板书had 和have,指导学生拼写这两个词。


6.师放Let’s read 放Let’s read 部分的录音,学生仔细听一遍,然后判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。

7.师再放一遍录音,学生跟读。师对其中词组:had fun, went to a restaurant,be back做适当的讲解。



1.能够听、说、读、写动词词组:bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went skiing, went ice-skating.2.能够听、说、认读句子:What did you do on your holiday? I bought presents.3.能够听懂、说唱歌谣Today I went to school.二、教学重、难点


2.难点是掌握四会单词bought, rowed 和saw 的读音和拼写。



2.准备A、B部分Let’s learn的短语卡片。


1.Warm up

放歌谣Today I went to school的录音,师生齐唱。

放Let’s read部分的录音,学生跟读。

2.师出示哈尔滨雪景照片说:I like snow.I can ski.板书ski, 然后出示went skiing的卡片,问: What did I do in winter? 引导学生回答:You went skiing.师板书:went skiing.带读单词skiing.学生拼读。

3.师出示went ice-skating的卡片问:What did …do on her/his holiday? Did she/he go skiing? 引导学生回答:No, she/He went ice skating.师呈现卡片,学生拼读。

4.师问:When do we go ice-skating? Can we skate in summer?引导学生作答。师继续说:No,we can’t.We can row a boat in summer.师出示rowed a boat 的卡片问:What did …do on his/her holiday? 引导学生回答:He/she rowed a boat.学生拼写。

5.师出示礼品盒问:What’s this? 引导学生回答:It’s a present.师板书present,带读。师继续说:I bought it yesterday.在present前写bought,领读。请学生比较动词原形和它的过去式,师指导书写。

6.师依次出示几张文具的卡片,提问:What did you buy in the bookstore? 引导学生用I bought…回答。

7.师放B Let’s learn 部分的录音,让学生跟读。

8.师问What’s the weather like in Harbin in winter? 学生回答:It’s cold and snowy.师继续问:How can you go to Harbin? 引导学生回答:I can to there by bus,by plane or by train.师:That’s right.Sarah went to Harbin on her holiday.How did she go there? Let’s listen.9.师放Let’s talk 的录音,引导学生回答:she went there by train.师板书How did you go there? I went there by train.师再放一遍录音,让学生听录音跟读。


1.读懂Let’s read 部分的短文并完成短文后面的练习。

2.听、说、认读句子: It was a long holiday.We left Beijing on February 1st and got to Harbin on the 2nd.For the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.能够完成Let’s check 部分的练习。


1.重点是听、说、认读句子:It was a long holiday.We left Beijing on F or the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.2.难点是认读以下单词和短语:relaxed, prepared to …, to back, for the last day of the holiday.三、课前准备




1.师放Let’s sing部分的歌曲录音,学生一起跟唱。

2.师放Let’s chant部分的歌谣Where did you go on your holiday?学生有节奏地说唱。

3.学生听录音跟读B Let’s talk 部分的对话。

4.师放Let’s read 部分的录音,学生回答问题。并提出不理解的句子,师每件事疑。

5.师板书left 和got,告诉left是leave的过去式,got 是get的过去式。6.师再放一遍录音,学生听录音跟读短文。

7.师指导学生完成Let’s check部分的练习。

篇6:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A


1、能让学生运用They are... 写句子。


3、会唱Let’s sing 的歌曲。

4、能听懂 Story time 的内容。




掌握重点句子:“They are...”的正确书写。


在四线格中的正确书写They are...




A: Can I help you?

B: ...

A: How much ...?

B: ...



1、让学生练习运用They are...练习说句子。






4、唱Let’s sing 的`歌曲。

5、听录音看动画理解Story time 的内容。



篇7:pep六年级下册全英英语教案unit4 Then and Now Part A

第四课时 教学设计


本课时的主要教学内容是不规则动词go的过去式以及有关环保的一些常见标志。本课时中,教师可以首先通过free talk带领学生一起巩固前几节课的动词短语过去式和句型;然后,通过教师介绍自己昨天的活动引入不规则动词read及go的过去式,went to a park, went swimming, went fishing, went hiking都是有关go的过去式,因此,教师可以只向学生介绍其中一个短语的过去式,然后让学生自己分析并举一反三;最后,通过看图讨论一些重大发明来进一步巩固过去式短语及句型。



听、说、读、写短语:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking。

听、说、认读句子:What did you do yesterday I went hiking.(二)能力


能够理解并会唱 “At the Zoo”。

能够熟悉Good to know中的标志。


通过熟悉Good to know部分,增强学生的环保意识。


短语went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking的听、说、读、写。



1.Let’s learn部分短语图片及Good to know部分四个标志牌的图片。






1)Daily Greeting

2)Free talk

T: What day is today?

A: Today is…

T: What day was yesterday?(强调 yesterday)

B: Yesterday/ It was…

T: What did you do yesterday?

C: I(did)…yesterday.(用前几课时已经学的词组)

3)教师播放歌曲本单元歌曲 “At the Zoo”,让学生欣赏。


1)Let’s learn

T: What did you do yesterday?

T: Who read a book yesterday?(教师做出读书的动作,帮助学生理解)…

教师分别说句子:I often read a book in the evening.I read a book yesterday.让学生去发现两个句子中read发音的不同。

教师一张张呈现go to a park, go swimming, read a book, go fishing, go hiking的图片,让学生先复习这些动词短语原形。

教师让学生看课本P31 Amy和Bai Lin的对话:

教师扮演Amy,让一名学生扮演Bai Lin,进行对话:

S: What did you do yesterday?

T: I went hiking.教师重复两边I went hiking.教师让学生发现went与go的关系。


T: What did you do yesterday?



2)Let’s play

将学生分组,4-6人一组,按照Let’s play部分自制表格,人物为该小组的成员。边对话边记录,然后做成表格再进行对话练习。


3)Let’s sing

T: I went to the zoo yesterday.What did I see? Do you want to know?

Ss: …

T: Ok, let’s sing the song and let’s see what saw at the zoo.教师播放歌曲录音,学生听录音哼唱两边后跟录音齐唱。


4)Good to know

教师出示准备好的各种标志牌,请学生讲讲各标志的含义(本部分的四个标志牌分别表示:No fishing, No swimming, No dogs peeing, No dogs pooping),和学生一起讨论环境保护的重要性。鼓励学生课下自己设计一些标志图,下节课带来全班一起传阅。







完成本课时活动手册的相关练习,评价学生对不规则动词过去式形式的掌握情况。另外,教师在学生完成Let’s play任务及看图讨论中体现学生的自我评价及教师对各小组的评价。

