



Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC Song.Teaching aims: 1.Try to recognize the 26 letters.2.Learn the new words:favourite,song.3.Sing the ABC Song(It’s different from the old one)

Main points: 1.Know the 26 letters.2.Sentence pattern:What’s your favourite song?

Difficult points: New words :favourite, song Teaching aids: the alphabet cards.recorder Teaching procedure: Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings 2)Write the letters ABC on the blackboard.Step 2.Presentation T: Nice to see you again.We’ll learn the new lesson today.Look at the blackboard.Can you read it?(Pointing to the letters ABC.)Ss: Yes.A-B-C.(Teacher plays the tape while the students are reading.)Step 2.New structures learning T: Well done!Listen to the song(Play the ABC song).My favourite song is the ABC Song.What’s your favourite song,please? S:…..?

T: “Bo Si Mao“Lao Shu Ai Da Mi”Yes or no? S: “Two Butterflies”

(Show the notes of the words “favourite” and “song”.)1)Teach the pronunciation of the two words.2)Point to the sentence“What’s your favourite song?”and read it.3)Write the sentence“It’s the ABC Song”.4)Practice the question and the answer.Step 3 Letters learning 1)Show the alphabet cards one by one.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 2)Teach them to read the letters correctly.3)Ask some students to read them.4)A game.First,show a letter and let someone say a word beginning with the letter,then let the students read it loudly.Using the following cards to make the students interest in the activity.Step 4.Practice 1)Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and the ABC Song and ask them to read or sing after the tape,first individually and then in pairs.2)Important points: favourite, song.3)Encourage the students to read the dialogue with their deskmates.Let them try to say the letters.4)Look over the students.5)You point to a casual letter, the students read it.Step 5.Consolidation 1)Read the 26 letters again.2)Sing the ABC song(Difficult points:L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)Step 6 Homework 1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Make English letter cards.Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car.Teaching aims: 1)Review the unit 1.2)Learn the new structure:My name is……My favourite toy is……

Main points: 1)My favourite toy is……

2)New words: computer game, car, kite, ship, doll, toy.Difficult points:new words :

Favourite ,computer game, ship.Teaching aids:recorder ,objects of page 4,cards

Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings 2)Sing the ABC Song together.Step 2.Presentation

T: My favourite song is the ABC Song.My favourite toy is a dolls.Look!

(Take a Barbie doll)Step 3 New lesson 1)Show the following objects to cause the students’ interest.2)Teach the new words: car, ship, doll, kite,computer game.3)Practice the words(show the toys and say the correct words).4)A game.a.First,teacher say English and let the students say Chinese, row by row,then change the roles.b.Hand a toy and say “My favourite toy is …”, ask some students come to the front and choose a toy they like, then say a sentence with “My favourite toy is …”

5)Play the tape ,and have them think over “What’s Amy’s favourite toy? Sam’s? Tom’s? Daming’s? Lingling’s?”

6)Let the students answer the questions one by one.Step 4.Practice 1)Ask the students to talk about themselves with the new patterns.S1: My name is …

My favourite toy is …

2)Revise the colours “red, blue, green, black, yellow”

3)Say their favourite colours with the new sentence.4)Show some bears: father bear, mother bear, baby bear.5)Teach the rhythm on Page 5.Step 5.Consolidation

1)Listen to the rhythm of Activity4.2)Help the students finish the exercises of the Activity Book.Step 6 Homework 1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Practice the sentence pattern “My favourite toy/colour is …”

Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 They’re monkeys.Teaching aims: 1.Try to describe the animals.2.Learn the new words: tiger, lion, elephant, monkey, big, small, fat.3.Distinguish “What’s this?” with “What are they?”

Main points: 1.The animal words.2.Sentence pattern: What are they? They’re …

Difficult points: New words :favourite, song

Teaching aids: the animal pictures, tape, word cards.Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings.2)Sing the ABC Song.Step 2.Presentation 1)T: Yesterday was Sunday, I went to a zoo.Now look at the picture.Point to the second picture and ask

T: What’s this?

Ss: Tiger.(Some Ss have known it)2)T:(Point to the third picture)What’s this?

Ss: Elephant.3)Now show other pictures.panda


T: Point to the first panda, ask “ What’s this?”, they will answer “It’s a panda”.Now look at picture 2, “How many pandas”, they will say “Two”.Then you ask “What are they?”, you pretend them to say “They’re pandas.”

Step 3.New structures learning 1)You write the two sentences on the board:

What’s this? It’s a/an……

What are they? They’re ……

Explain the two sentences easily.2)Show some pictures.tigers


3)Point to the animals and ask “ What are they?”, have some individual students answer the questions.4)Compare the animals, ask the Ss to describe the animals with “big” and “small”.e.g.The tiger is big.The monkey is small.They’re big.5)Look at the panda, ask “Is the panda fat?”, explain “fat”.6)Ask more students to say the sentences,T: A tiger.S1: It’s big.Step 4.Practice Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and ask them to think about “ What are in the zoo?” “Big or small?”

1)Play the tape and answer the questions.2)Play the tape again, repeat the sentences.3)Now you point the picture and do a dialogue with class.T :(Show a picture).What’s this?

S1: It’s an elephant.It’s big.……

4)Have the Ss practice like this.5)Games.A student mimes an animal, another one asks “What are they?”, the third one answers “They’re monkeys”.7)Practice the other things with “What are they?”

e.g.T:(Point to some books).What are they?

Ss: They’re books.Step 5.Consolidation 1)Listen to the tape and read after it.2)Revise the animals together.3)Read the text by themselves.4)Have the Ss do their Activity Book and help them.Step 6 Homework 1)Listen to the Page6-Page7 at home.2)Read the dialogues.Unit 2 That monkey is fat.Teaching aims: a)Review the unit 1.b)Learn the new words.Main points: 1)Sentence pattern: This …is…

That …is … 2)New words: tree, tall, short, thin.Difficult points: The pronunciation of “thin”.Teaching aids: recorder ,animal pictures, cards Teaching procedure: Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings 2)Guessing animals.T :(Show a picture).S1: Is it a tiger?

S2: Yes, it is./No., it isn’t.Step 2.Presentation

Show some pictures and practice the sentence pattern “ What are they ?” “They’re… They’re…”

a.Look at a picture.S1: What’s this?

S2: It’s a tiger.It’s big.Another picture.S1: What are they? S2: They’re monkeys.They’re small.b.Show a picture.Big


Have the Ss compare the two monkeys, which one is big and which one is small? You point to the big one and pretend them to say “This monkey is big.” Then point to the other one and pretend them to say “That monkey is small.”

Step 3 New lesson 1)Show the following objects to cause the students’ interest.Tall


Talk about the two trees.“Tall, short”.e.g.This tree is tall.That tree is short.1)Study the words “fat, thin” with the same way.2)Practice the four words with the pictures.T: Show a picture of two pandas.S1: This panda is tall.S2: That panda is short.S3: This panda is fat.S4: That panda is thin.3)Ask more Ss to practice like this.4)Ask a student to stand up, the other describe him.e.g.He is tall.He is thin.Fat

thin 5)A game.3)The teacher say a word, the Ss make a sentence.e.g.T: Fat.S1: The tiger is fat.Ask more Ss to take part into the game.6)Have the Ss look at Activity3, you point to the animals, practice the sentence pattern “ What are they” “They’re…”,and describe them.Step 4.Practice 6)Ask the students to talk about themselves and their classmates with the adjectives.S1: My name is …

I’m tall.This is …

She is … 7)Revise the letters “A, B, C”

8)Show the word cards and recognize the pictures.9)Have the Ss look for the words they’ve learnt with the beginning letter A,B,C.10)Now have a rest.Listen to a song.Step 5.Consolidation

1)Listen to the sentences of Activity1.2)Listen to Activity1 again, repeat the sentences.3)Learn the song “Old MacDonald Has A Zoo”.2)Help the students finish the exercises of the Activity Book.Step 6 Homework 3)Listen to the tape at home.4)Make sentences with the words “ tall, short, fat, thin”.5)Sing the song.






3.能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.






2、教学目标的确定和其作用: 同学应争取掌握:meat、chicken、fish. eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen单词。能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.

3、教学重点与难点:八个单词和句子This food is good.









2、组织教学:“ONE,TWO,TIE MY SHOE”歌曲的开头,活跃课堂气氛,调动起同学的兴趣。




第二单元 20以内的退位减法 教材内容: 20以内的退位减法 教学目标: 1、知识与技能:学生经历与他人交流各自算法的过程,能够比较熟练地口算20以内的退位减法,使学生初步学会用加法和减法解决简单的问题。 2、过程与方法:经历与他人交流各自算法的过程,理解算理,掌握自己喜欢的计算方法。 3、情感态度与价值观:培养学生的数感及与他人交流、合作的优良品质。 重难点、关键: 1、重点:正确口算20以内退位减法和解答求另一个加数的减法应用题。 2、难点:减数小于差的20以内退位减法。 3、关键:引导学生动手摆,通过多媒体手段让学生理解掌握计算方法。 课时安排:12课时 十几减九……………………………………………………………………2课时 十几减几……………………………………………………………………3课时 用数学………………………………………………………………………2课时 整理和复习…………………………………………………………………3课时 1. 十几减9 第一课时:十几减9 教学内容: 教科书第10―12页的内容 教学目标: 1、知识与技能:使学生理解十几减9的退位减法的思维过程,并能正确进行十几减9的计算。 2、过程与方法:通过对问题情境的探索,使学生在已有经验基础上自己得出计算十几减9的各种方法;通过比较,使学生体验比较简便的计算方法。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过不同方法的选择,体验获得成功的喜悦,激发学习的兴趣。 教学重、难点: 1、重点:经历探讨计算方法的过程 2、难点:能正确地、比较熟练地进行十几减9的计算 教学准备: 课件 小鸟卡片 房子卡片 题纸一张 一支彩笔 教学过程: 一、谈话引入新课,激发学习兴趣 师:前几天,我们刚过完了“正月十五”,小精灵那天也参加了一次生动有趣的`游艺活动,活动中有一些奖品,你们想去看看吗?(电脑出示主题图) 二、探索方法,解决问题 1、观察主题图,提出问题 师:仔细观察,小朋友正在进行哪些活动准备颁发哪些奖品?(观察后指名回答) 点击电脑出现画外音: 泡泡:同学们,在这幅图里,我发现了很多的数学问题,你们愿意和我一起解决吗? 那好,让我们一起去看看小明和他的小伙伴们正在干什么?(电脑出示套圈图) 师:这是什么活动?让学生介绍。 泡泡:小明投了14个圈,有9个圈没套中,套中了几个?师:泡泡提出了什么数学问题?你们能帮助他解决吗?如何列式?为什么要用14-9呢?14-9怎样算?把你的想法告诉你小组的同学们,看哪一个小组的计算方法最多? 2、小组交流,探讨算法 指名回答,教师将算法板书在黑板上 师:请同学们观察这些算法,你最喜欢哪一种?请用你最喜欢的方法再说一说这道题。 师:今后在计算的时候,你就可以选择你最喜欢的方法进行计算。 (电脑出示泡泡伴有画外音) 泡泡:咦,那边怎么那么热闹,同学样,让我们一起去看一看吧!(电脑出示汽球图) 3、选择算法,进行计算 (出现画外音) (1)泡泡:哦,原来老师正在发奖品,数一数,老师手中一共有多少个气球? 师:同学们,仔细观察,老师手中的气球发生了什么变化? (电脑演示分气球的过程) 你能提出一个数学问题吗?怎么列式?板书:15-9= 等于几?你是怎样想的?并让几个学生说出不同的计算方法。 (2)师:顽皮的小泡泡又不见了,让我们找一找,它跑到哪里去啦?(电脑出示谜语图) 原来泡泡在猜谜语,同学们仔细观察这幅图,能试着提出一个数学问题吗?同桌互相说一说,并列式 (有13条谜语,猜出了9条,还有几条没有猜出?或者说:还差几条就猜完了?然后指名学生向全班汇报) 三、熟练算法,进行应用 1、看图列算式(第12页) 要求:看懂图意,独立列式,指名上台进行订正 2、圈一圈,算一算(第13页) 要求:让学生独立完成,说说为什么要这样圈? 四、观察算式,找出特点,发现规律 1、师:同学们,仔细观察黑板上的这些算式,它们都有什么特点? 2、除了这些,你还能写出十几减9的算式吗?谁能给这些算式排排队,让它一个也不少。(指名板演) 3、再观察,你还能发现什么? 师:那我们找到这些规律,有什么用处呢? 4、抢答练习利用找出的规律,同桌进行练习如:学生A:13-9 学生B:4 五、游戏 小鸟找房子(第13页的图) 游戏要求:先让学生计算出小鸟身上的算式,然后和房子上的号码一一配对; 游戏形式:小组合作,全班订正; 游戏结果:有一只小鸟没有房子,同学们帮它建造一座。 第二课时:十几减9的练习课 教学内容: 完成第13页的第4题―第8题 教学目标: 1、知识与技能:要求通过练习,学生能够熟练掌握十几减9的计算方法,能够运用自己喜欢的方法正确、快速地进行计算。 2、过程与方法:通过练习,让每一个学生都能用几种不同的方法来进行计算,同时渗透用多种方法解决问题的能力。 3、情感态度与价值观:培养学生的数感及与他人合作、交流的优良品质。 教学重、难点: 1、重点:能够用不同的方法来进行计算 2、难点:培养学生用不同的方法解决问题的能力。 教学准备: 电脑课件一套 口算卡片多张 教学过程: 一、基本练习1、听算 (视算) 13-9 17-9 12-9 15-9 18-9 14-9 (全班齐听) 1)、集体订正 2)、评讲:谁能说一说:18-9=?你是怎么想的? 把你的想法用小棒摆一摆,并与你的同桌说一说(边摆边说) 3)、指名学生说自己的算法,还有不同的想法吗? (学生口答,教师板书) 4)你最喜欢哪一种算法?用你最喜欢的算法再把18-9等于几说给你的小伙伴听。 2、看图写算式 (课件出示) ◎◎◎◎ ◎◎◎ ◎◎◎◎◎ ◎◎◎ (指名板演,全班齐练) 板书:9+6=15 6+9=15 15-6=9 15-9=6 3、算一算 第14页的第5题 要求:先同组的同学互相的说一说,然后再列出算式,最后集体订正,对于全对的同学给予鼓励。 二、出示课件(第14页的第6题和第8题) 要求:1)先让学生看图说图意 2)再指名说图意 3)再列式计算,并与你的同学说一说你是怎么想的? 三、练习学生完成书中第7题 回家写一个十几减九的算式,给妈妈说一说,你是怎么算的,能说出几种方法就说几种,比一比,看谁说的方法又多又好。





































