unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案


unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案(共8篇)

篇1:unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案



1.When is your birthday ? My birthday is November 11th .

2.How old are you ? I’m thirteen years old .

3.What events do you have at your school ?

We have an Art Festival each year .

4.Do you have a pop concert ?Sorry ,I don’t know .

5.When is the school trip ? It’s in April .

6.When were you born ? I was born in ….





课时1: p47-p48 2c

课时2: p482d-p49

课时3: p50 Section B-p51 3b

课时4: p51 (4) groupwork-p52 selfcheck


Period One

1. Showing the students a large calendar.

Teaching the words : when , January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September ,October , November , December.. birthday.

2. T: When is your birthday ?

S1: My birthday is -----

T: When is his /her birthday ?

S2: His /Her birthday is ----

Teaching : first , second , third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , … , twentieth , thirtieth,twenty-first -----

3. Training the ordinal numbers together .

4. Listening to the tape recorder of 1a . The students try to remember the words of the months .

5. Listening to 2b conversations and number them 1-3.

6. Pairwork : Practise the conversations “When is your/his /her birthday ?” “…”

7. 2a. Listen to the recorder several times and repeat them.

8. Ss try to find the rule of the ordinal numbers and the teacher writes them on the Bb.

9. 2b,2c : Listen and match the names , months , days.

10. Homework: Workbook , Copy new words and setences.

Period Two

1. Duty report,

Review words of the months and the ordinal numbers .

2. T: When is your birthday ?---When were you born ?

S: My birthday is …. ---I was born in /on …

3. Help the students to learn the festivals of the year .

The students discuss them while the teacher write some of them on the Bb .

4. Pairs work : Practise “ When is your birthday ? / When were you born ? ’ How old are you ?…

5. 3a : Point out the conversations and read with students , practise“How old are you ?”

Point to the three ID cards ask questions about them .

6. 3b: Pairwork

First students make their own ID cards . Then pairs ask and answer.

7. Dictate the sentences .

8. Homework : Workbook , 评价手册 ,让学生制作家人生日卡。

9. If there is time , the whole class play games about birthday , age , name one by one.

Period Three

1. Let the students say out their family members’ names, birthdays , ages ,

2. Section B

Match the pictures and the events :

1. speech contest d

2. party c

3. school trip b

4. basketball game a

Teaching new words : speech , contest , party , school trip , basketball games , event, art , festival , pop , concert , chorus , lecture , music .

3. Listen and check the events above 1.

4. 2b : Listen again , fill in Joe’s calendar

Write 2b conversation on the Bb . Point to the calendar and show the September and October dates . Students listen to the recorder several times

And fill in Joe’s calendar

5. 2c : Ask two students to read the conversation to the class .

Students pairs do .

6. 3a Pair work

Ask students to do in pairs . Look at p51 3a and p97 , complete the schedule .

7. 3b : Practise the dialogue like the model : School Days , Art Festivals , Chorus Competition , Lecture , English Party .

Yes No I don’t

Know Month Do you like it?

School Day

Art Festival




Music Festival

English Party

8. Ask the students in small groups .

9. Ask the students to read the lists to the class .

10. Let the students copy these in their notebook .

11. Homework .

Period Four

1. P51 4 Group work : Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper . Another student will read to the class .

2. Have the students guess who the student is .

3. Self check

1.) Students remember the words

2.) Dictate the words

4. Write the words in the vocabulary builder by the students themselves .

5. Show the pictures of the famous people . Help the students to find their names and their birthdays

6. Home work : Students writing something about themselves including their names , ages , birthdays , the school events etc. .

篇2:unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案

1. General aims:

A. Talk about preferences

B. make plans

C. types of movies and description words

D. conjunction

2. Particular aims:

A. Language Focus.

(1) ordinary questions Do you ….?

Does she/he…?

What kind ….?

(2) conjunction: and and but

B. Language goals

(1). Do you want to go to a movie?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

(2) Does she/he want to go to a movie?

Yes, she/he does. /No, she/he doesn’t.

(3). I want to go to an action movie.

(4). What kind of movies do you like?

(5). I like thrillers and I like action movies.

(6). I like comedies but I don’t like documentaries.

C. Language structures:

(1). Do you want to v…?

(2). What kind of … do you like?

(3). … and …/….but…not

D. Useful words and phrases:

Words: comedy, thriller, documentary, tragedy, romance, action movie, funny, interesting, scary, exciting, sad, romantic, fun, but, stay, favorite, think, also

Phrases: stay at home, on weekends, in a word, learn a lot about, in fact,

E. Grammar language:

singular and plural

irrigate sentences

present tense to want


F. Learning strategies:

(1). Inducing

(2). Reinforcing

(3). classifying

G. Interdiscipinary:

(1). Art

(2). Music

(3). show

H. Emotion and manner:

Teaching time: 5 periods

Teaching procedures:

Period One (pp53-54)

Step I. Section A Use vocabulary from earlier lessons to introduce the idea of using want to express preferences and make plans.

1a This activity introduces some key vocabulary words.

ask, what movies have you seen lately?

Call attention to the conversation in the speech bubbles.

Explain the meaning of the four words using simple explanations and gestures.

Step II. 1b This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

Listen to the tape carefully.

Play the recording a second time.

Step III. 1c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the conversation.

Ask two students to demonstrate a conversation using one of the words from 1a.

Step IV. 2a This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

You will hear a recording of a conversation.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording the second time.

Step V. 2b This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Point to the headings on the chart and ask a student to read them to the class.

Point to the names at the left and read them aloud.

Play the first two lines of the conversation.

Play the whole recording and ask students to complete the task individually.

Step VI. Grammar focus

Point out the question, what kind of movies do you like? Ask students to think of other what kind of …questions they might be able to ask.

Period Two (pp55-56)

Step I. 3a This activity provides guided reading and oral practice using the words and and but.

Call attention to the two conversations: Brad and Maria’s and Hidecki and Michele’s.

Write the sentences from this conversation on the board.

Point to the and and say, we use “and” when both ideas in the sentence are the same. We use “but” when the two ideas in the sentences are different.

Call attention to the second conversation.

Step II. 3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Point out the sample conversation and ask two students to read it.

Ask several students to say sentences to the class.

Step III. 4 This activity provides guided reading and oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the chart and the list of movie types students are going to ask about.

Ask the students to get into groups of four. Tell them to ask each other questions about the types of movies listed in the chart.

Step IV. Section B

1a This activity introduces key vocabulary words used to describe movies.

Point out the four illustrations with description words.

Ask students to complete the chart individually.

Step V. 2a This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

Listen to the tape the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording the second time.

Step VI. 2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Play the recording.

Period Three (pp56-57)

Step I. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Listen to the tape and repeat the passage.

Ask students to translate them into Chinese.

Ask students to talk about it like that.

Step II. 3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Call attention to the two pictures of Charlie Wayne

Ask students to read the review to themselves.

Ask students to repeat the review.

Step III. 3b This activity provides guided reading and writing practice with the target language.

Call attention to the four words in the box.

Read the completed review aloud or ask a student to do this.

Ask students to read again.

Step IV. 3c This activity provides open-ended writing practice using the target language.

Read the two reviews to the class.

Ask several students to read their review to the class.

Step V. 4 This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Ask students to work in groups

Period Four (pp58)

Step I. 1 This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.

Ask students to read the words.

Speak Chinese about words

Step II. 3 This activity provides written practice with the target language.

Ask students to fill in the blanks individually.

Step III. Just for fun This activity provides guided reading practice with the target language.

Ask students to read the conversation.

Ask students if they know anyone who doesn’t like movies.

Period Five

篇3:unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案

然而, 在我们努力尝试“让学生自主学习”“把课堂还给学生”“把游戏活动引进英语课堂”的同时, 却发现我们一直十分重视的纪律却出了状况。由于各方面的原因, 课堂中出现了不少违纪现象。有时, 甚至会出现台上表演, 台下喧闹的场面。这种看似“活泼”“热闹”的英语课堂, 实际上与目前倡导的“形散而神不散”的新的课堂模式是背道而驰的。如果此种局面无法改变, 这将是我们课程改革的悲哀, 也将会是我们整个素质教育的悲哀。因此, 我们教师必须严格把好纪律关, 努力找出“解放学生思维”与“规范学生行为”的平衡点, 为英语刚入门或者还未入门的七年级孩子们创设一个良好的课堂环境。

要解决七年级英语课堂的纪律问题, 就必须找出问题的症结所在, 这样才能有的放矢地采取措施。结合教学实践, 我认为导致这样那样的违纪行为, 主要有以下三个方面的原因:


英语是一种语言, 语言是一门“说”的艺术。不说出来的语言是没有生命的。我们都不希望学生学的是“哑巴英语”。因此, 在英语课堂上, 我们鼓励学生们用英语大胆表达自己的想法。与此同时, “新课程改革强调以学生为主体, 在教学过程中, 要培养学生的合作、探究学习能力。”因此, 七年级的英语教材中, 出现了大量的pairwork (对话操练) 和groupwork (小组活动) , 旨在训练学生的思维, 提高学生的口语, 从而实现学生英语水平的整体提高。但是, 七年级的孩子们显然没有领悟到教材和教师的良苦用心。很多学生美其名曰“操练对话”或是“讨论”, 事实上是在聊自己的“闲话”。曾有一次, 我让学生操练对话, 看似热烈讨论的学生中, 竟有不少完全没有按照我的要求练习。正是由于教师和学生都没有很好地理解和处理如何“说话”, 才导致课堂纪律涣散, 教学任务难以完成。


从轻松自由的小学生到要面对考试压力的中学生, 很多孩子还没有完全适应这一角色转变, 或者说, 他们还未进入初中英语学习的状态。很多学生还表现出一些小学生的心理特点:好动, 自控力不强。我曾观察一名学生, 在45分钟的英语课中, 他一共捡了15次笔。另外, 七年级学生好说、爱表现, 但静心思考的能力不强。当教师抛出一个问题时, 他们往往不经思考就随意表达。好奇、易激动也是这一阶段学生的一大特点, 对课文中出现的新事物, 他们会无比好奇, 对课堂里发生的小状况, 他们会大惊小怪。与此同时, 七年级学生的学习目的性不强, 他们只对感兴趣的知识加以重视和学习, 而当教师讲解他们不感兴趣的内容时, 他们就会开小差或者聊天;还有一点不容忽视的是, 学生们已渐渐步入了青春叛逆期, 个别学生出现挑战教师, 甚至反抗教师的行为。

三、教师本身的素质不高, 也是影响课堂纪律的重要原因

尤其对于刚站上讲台的新教师而言, 对课堂的驾驭能力不强, 缺乏处理突发事件的经验。再者, 由于对新课程的研究不够深入, 对新学生的了解不够全面, 于是, 我们无法很好地把握课堂节奏, 教学重点不明确, 常常出现一堂课内容过多或过少的问题。所有的这一切, 成了我们解决纪律问题的“拦路虎”。

既然导致七年级英语课堂纪律问题的原因是复杂多样的, 那么, 我们在解决这一问题时, 也必须从各个方面进行考虑, “多管齐下”。我认为可以从以下三个方面努力:

(一) 课堂要立规矩, 培养学生良好的学习习惯

著名特级教师于永正曾说:“儿童的天性是好动、好说、好问, 有人一刻也坐不住, 低年级的儿童还不知道什么叫‘权威’, 什么叫‘民主’, 所以一定要给他们立规矩。是规矩, 就要和学生约法三章———上课应该怎样做, 不能怎样做;违反了, 老师要怎样处分等。”于老师的话不无道理, 尤其对于七年级英语课堂来说, “立规矩”是何等重要啊!在上文中我已提到, 七年级的学生因为不知道如何“说话”而产生了纪律问题。既然学生不知道该怎样“说话”, 教师就应该通过立规矩告诉他们应该如何“说话”。例如:在英语课堂中, 要尽量多说英语、朗读声音要响亮、回答问题必须先举手等等。当然, 规矩的制定必须切合实际, 必须人性化, 不过多过烦, 否则会引起学生的厌烦情绪。

当然, 对那些“以身试法”的学生, 教师还是要有心理准备。我认为适当的惩罚是必须的。“惩罚, 是教育的一个重要组成部分, 必要的惩罚, 是让一个人健康成长必不可少的营养剂。在孩子犯错的情况下, 对其进行适当的惩罚是必要的, 但一定要在尊重孩子人格, 维护孩子自尊心的前提下。” (赵国忠2007) 当然, 对于一些不十分严重的违纪行为, 教师也可采用眼神提醒或突然发问等方式提醒学生集中注意力。另外, 实践证明, 正面的教育和鼓励也有不错的效果。一次, 我让一位上课经常搞小动作的学生当他们讨论小组的组长。告诉他不但要自律, 还要负责管理周围同学。后来这个学生的进步很大, 不但改掉了坏毛病, 而且, 还能帮助我维持课堂纪律。

(二) 建立良好的师生关系

在新课程改革的要求下, 英语教师已不仅仅是知识的传授者、组织者和控制者, 而且还是一位合作者、引导者。教师和学生在人格上是平等的。所以教师一定要摆正姿态, 尊重学生, 只有这样才能得到学生的青睐, 让学生心服口服。特别对于逐渐进入叛逆期的学生来说, 他们敢于挑战教师的“权威”, 所以采用高压手段, 结果适得其反。反之, 如果我们处理得当, 效果就完全不一样。记得我第一堂课自我介绍时, 有一位学生突然打断我:“Are you a new teacher?” (你是一位新老师吗?) 此时, 周围不少学生开始偷笑, 甚至还有个别学生在起哄。我微笑着回答:“Yes, I’m new, just like you.So we are friends now, right?” (是的, 和你一样, 我是新来的。所以我们可以成为好朋友, 对吗?) 说着, 我友好地向那个学生伸出了手。学生握着我的手, 很惊讶, 也很感动, 周围起哄的学生也顿时安静下来。由此可见, 只要教师能放下身段, 主动亲近学生, 学生也会给予教师尊重, 自觉维护课堂纪律。

(三) 教师必须上好课, 这是最重要的一点

良好的课堂纪律是上好课的重要前提, 但从某种意义上说, 一堂精彩的课又何尝不是维护课堂纪律的有力保障呢?试问, 一堂条理清楚、节奏明快、人人积极思考、个个踊跃参与的英语课, 又怎么会出现这样那样的纪律问题呢?

要上好课, 必须先备好课。这里所说的备课不仅是指备教材, 更是指备学生。我们在熟悉教材的同时, 还要全面了解学生的知识水平和学习需要, 对教学内容进行合理的安排。选择七年级学生感兴趣的话题, 创设真实的语言环境, 这对于学习目的性不强的七年级学生而言是至关重要的。“兴趣是最好的老师”, 有了兴趣, 学生们自然会全神贯注。在课堂教学中, 教师要讲解清晰;特别是英语教学中的任务比较多, 在布置任务时, 教师要明确要求, 并且合理分组、明确分工, 让每一个学生都积极参与到课堂中来。同时, 在学生进行任务时, 教师作为“引导者”“帮助者”, 要密切关注学生动态, 帮助他们扫除障碍, 从而顺利完成语言任务。如在学生讨论时, 教师可以走下讲台, 仔细聆听学生们的讨论, 并提醒他们用英语交流, 鼓励每一个学生积极发言, 并帮助他们解决一些生词。如此一来, 我相信, 英语课堂将不会是喧闹和空洞, 而一定会是热烈又有内容。

综上所述, 教师要深刻理解初中英语新课程改革的要旨, 同时牢牢抓住七年级学生的心理特点。只要我们能摆正姿态、尊重学生, 用我们的人格魅力打动学生, 用我们的课堂魅力吸引学生, 不仅七年级英语课堂的纪律问题能迎刃而解, 而且学生也能在一个严谨而又和谐的课堂中快乐地学习英语!


卡罗尔·西蒙·温斯坦.2006.中学课堂管理[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, (7) :26.


() 1. I got an e-mail this morning. Its ______ my best friend John. (2008浙江嘉兴)

A. inB. onC. at D. from

()2. Millions of Shanghai citizens are learning to _______ English for the 2010 World Expo. (2006上海市)

A. tellB. speak C. sayD. talk

()3. She can speak Chinese, English and ________ French. (2008四川泸州)

A. a little B. a few C. few


1. 选D。根据句意来判断,应用表示“来自……”意思的from。

2. 选B。表示“说某种语言”要用speak。

3. 选A。a little意为“一点;少许”,用来修饰不可数名词。a few与few用来修饰复数可数名词。French意为“法语”,是不可数名词。

Unit 2

()1. —Excuse me, young man. Where is the park, please?

—Its across ______ the supermarket.(2008浙江湖州)

A. in B. onC. from D. at

2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。(2008内蒙古乌兰察布市)

你们的教室紧挨着图书馆吗? Is your classroom _______ _______ the library?

3. 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。(2008江苏宿迁)

—Would you please put this box ________(在……之间) the desk and the wall?

—No problem.

()4. —Excuse me. _______ is the park?

—Its next to the supermarket. (2008内蒙古呼伦贝尔)

A. WhatB. When

C. WhereD. Which

()5. 词语释义:There is a tall treein front ofthe house. (2007海南省)

A. behindB. beforeC. beside

()6. —________, could you tell me the way to the Park Street?

—The Park Street? Oh, go straight and turn left. You cant miss it.(2007安徽省)

A. All right B. Never mind

C. Excuse me D. Thank you

()7. Look, there ________ a cat and a dog fighting under the tree. (2008广西北海)

A. are B. is C. have D. has

8. 根据句子意思及汉语提示,写出所缺的单词。(2008江苏徐州)

I could see her ________ (透过) the window.

()9. Mary bought a house ________ a small garden. She will move in next week. (2007云南)

A. fromB. with C. forD. of

()10. —Our family are traveling to Germany for the Beer Festival.


A. CongratulationsB. See you later C. Have funD. Take care


1. 选C。根据答语来判断,应用across from,意为“在……对面”。

2. 填next to。next to意为“紧靠……的旁边;贴近;最接近”。

3. 填between。介词between意为“介于……之间”,between可与and连用,表示“在……与……之间 ”。

4. 选C。根据答语来判断,所问的应是“地点”。

5. 选B。in front of意为“在……前面”,与before意思相同。

6. 选C。因某事需要打扰对方时,一般要先说Excuse me。

7. 选B。There be ...句型表示“某处有某人 / 物”,be用is还是用are,要与其后面的第一个词的单、复数形式保持一致。have / has表示“拥有”,与there be不可出现在同一个句子中。

8. 填through。across与through都有“穿过”的意思,但through所表示的是“从某一空间中穿过”,across所表示的是“从某一物体的表面穿过”。

9. 选B。介词with有“带有”的意思。

10. 选C。have fun意为“玩得开心”,此处是用来表示祝贺的,答语意为“祝你玩得开心”。

Unit 3

()1. —Mum! The boxs too heavy.

—Dont worry. Let me ______ it for

you. (2007浙江台州)

A. carryB. carries

C. carryingD. to carry

()2. —Why do you hope to visit Hawaii

some day?

—_______ it has beautiful beaches.


A. ThoughB. Or

C. BecauseD. So

3. 根据句子所给汉语,写出句子空缺单词的正确形式。(2007广西桂林)

Miss Lin is very ________(友好的) to us.

We all like her very much.

()4. —Isnt he a pilot?

—________. He is a reporter from

CCTV. (2007湖北随州)

A. No, he isntB. Yes, he is

C. No, he is D. Yes, he isnt

5. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式


There are a lot of _______(leaf) on the tree

when spring comes.

()6. —Mary, would you like to go hiking

________ me? (2008吉林长春)

—Yes, Id love to.

A. inB. atC. toD. with


1. 选A。let sb. do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”,do为不带to 的动词不定式。

2. 选C。由why开头的特殊疑问句,要用because来回答。

3. 填friendly。friend是名词,意为“朋友”;friendly是形容词,意为“友好的”。

4. 选A。否定的一般疑问句翻译成汉语,意为“难道……不……吗?”,多用来表示提出请求或表示说话人的看法或惊异的情绪。在回答否定疑问句时,要注意应根据实际情况回答。如果答案是肯定的,就用“Yes, +肯定结构”;如果答案是否定的,就用“No, +否定结构”;但Yes通常译为“不”,No通常译为“是的”。

5. 填leaves。leaf是单数形式,其复数形式是leaves。

篇5:unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案

课 型 REVISION 教 师

学习内容 Unit IV

学 习

目 标 知识与技能:1.掌握表示地点的介词。

2. 学会询问地点旳句型等等。




重点难点 重点 1.in/on/at/under/beside/behind/

2.Where is the map? It’s on the wall. Where are my books?They are on the sofa.


学具准备 学案,习题

学习形式 教师导学,学生学习

学 习过 程



本课时我们将归纳复习Unit IV内容。


bookcase schoolbag chair desk sofa table map radio tape player model plane hat notebook

Under the bed on your desk on your head

In Jim’s room behind the door beside the window a set of keys(接单数be动词)

而 Two sets of keys(接复数be动词)


Where is the map /the watch/?

It’s on the wall/on the dresser.

Where are my books? They are on the sofa/in the bookcase/everywhere..

Where is my hat? It’s on your head.

Gina’s bookstore are everywhere.

I am tidy.



第一人称 第二人称 第三人称

形容词性物主代词 单数 my your his/her/its

复数 our your their

名词性物主代词 单数 mine yours his/her/its

复数 ours yours theirs



My bedroom

Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It’s small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a bookcase and a dresser . The bed is near the desk . There is a bookcase near the dresser, too . Many good books are in the bookcase . I like the books very much . Oh , yes , There is a nice picture on the wall .Oh , My bedroom is too beautiful . I like it very much . Do you like my bedroom? Can you tell me about your bedroom , please ?
















篇6:unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案

Conversation 1:

Girl: Is this your ruler?

Boy: No,it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Conversation 2:

Teacher: Is that your backpack?

Boy: No, it isn’t. It’s his backpack.

Conversation 3:

Boy: Is this your pencil?

Girl: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

Tim: And Jane,is this your ruler?

Jane: No,it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Tim: OK,and this is my book. And this is your pencil case,Jane.

Is this your pencil?


No,it isn’t.


It is not my book.


(2)sorry adj. 抱歉的

sorry是I”m sorry的省略形式,用于冒犯、冲撞了他人或伤害了对方等场合。


Not at all.没关系。

That’s all right.没关系。

It doesn’t matter.不要紧,没关系。

Never mind.别在意,没关系。



(3)thank n.&v. 感谢


Many thanks! 多谢!

Thanks a lot! 多谢!

Thanks! 谢谢 !

Thank you! 谢谢你!

(4)in prep. 用……(方法、媒介、工具等);使用……(语言)

John is drawing a car in pencil.


We always speak in English.



Conversation 1:

Kelsey: I’m looking for my watch.

Teacher: OK. Is this your watch?

Kelsey: No,it isn’t. That’s my watch.

Teacher: Here you are.

Kelsey: And that’s my ID card.

Teacher: OK. What’s your name?

Kelsey: Kelsey.

Conversation 2:

Mike: That’s my pen.

Teacher: This?

Mike: Yes...and that’s my baseball.

Teacher: All right. What’s your name?

Mike: Mike.

Teacher: OK. Here’s your baseball.

Mike: Thank you.

(1)how adv.(表示方法、手段、状态)怎样;如何

How did you make it?


How do you like our school?


(2)call v. 打电话

n. 电话

call sb. 给某人打电话

give sb. a call 给某人打电话

(3)at prep. 在(里面或附近);在(时间)

at school 在学校,上课,在求学

at home 在家

Shall we meet at 3 o’clock?


(4)school n. 学校 go to school 上学




在句子中指示代词可以充当主语、定语、宾语或表语。如:This is a pear.


These video clips are very interesting and those ones are not.


I like this very much.


Oh,it’s not that.




This is a Chinese car.



Is that a ruler?


No,it isn’t. It’s a pen.


Are these your books?


Yes,they are.




Is this your pencil?


Yes,it is.是的。

Have you any magazines?


Yes,I have.有。


【1】Here’s exercise-book.

A. a B. an C. two D. ×

句中的a和an都是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前,修饰限定名词,表示“一个、一块……”的意思。如果名词的读音以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,如:a banana, a pear;如果名词的读音以元音音素开头,要用不定冠词an,如an orange,an egg。在本句中,book是可数名词单数,用冠词a,而单词exercise是以元音音素“e”开头的词,故要用冠词an。


(1)- you in Class 4?

-Yes, I .

(2)This is a car and that is a car,.

(3)-Is this a Chinese bike?

-No.a Japanese bike.



(3)It’s是It is的缩写形式,It指代this。由于No后面用的是句号,且后面的句子是一个完整的句子,应看做为一个独立的句子,故it’s应大写第一个字母。

答案 (1)Are; am (2)too (3)It’s


(1)That’s a chinese car.



(2)That is a pencil box.


(2)英语中有部分单词是由两个词构成的,在两个词之间须加连字符号“-”,所以应改pencil box为penhcil-box,同学们在学习时要多加注意。

(3)-What’s this in English?


-It’s computer.



【4】This is my car. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)。

答案 Is this your car? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.


《英语》(新目标)Go for it!七年级 上册

教学内容:Unit 3 This is my sister.Section A

教学目标 1,知识技能 words:Mother, father, parents, brother, grandmother,grandfather, grandparents, sister.Sentences: This is my friend.These are…Those are…Is this your friend?Is that…

Learn to make correct introductions using the expressions

above.2, 情感与价值观To love our families and our family members.Learn

to meet more friends in our lives.教学重难点 1,Correct reading and usingabout the new words

2,Introductions between new friends.教学教具准备A tape-recorder, a family photo of the teacher, family photos of the




Step1 Leading-in(导入)

The teacher shows a family photo to the students and tell them: “Do you want to know

my family members? Now, look at this photo of my

family.This is my….Can you guess? You can tell me

in Chinese.”…

Step 2.Presentation

目标 Learn the new words about the family members.Try to use this is/ these

are/those are…structures correctly when introducing.材料Family photo, pictures.活动形式 全班活动和小组活动


1,Talk about the family photo with the students.Write the new words on the

blackboard while the students are saying the words in Chinese.2,Teach reading then let the leader of each group teach reading.3,Have a reading competition in groups.To see which group read best of all.4,Talk about the family members again in English.Let the students complete the

introductions instead of the teacher.Step3 Practice.目标 Review the new words about family members learned just now.Try to use the

sentences, This is… Is this…?These are…Are these…?

材料:pictures,family photos of the students’



1,Look at the family photo of yourself and tell your partner who they are in your

family.2, Then change the photos with your partner.Ask them the members in the photos.(即

询问对方的家庭成员)E.g.Is this your mother? Are these your parents?

3, Talk about the pictures in the textbook(1a).Ask and answer in pairs.4, Have introductions about the family members in groups and then choose a best one.Let him or her go to the blackboard to introduce to the whole class.(可用投影器投影他的照片)Then choose the best reporter and reward them.Step4.Listening.目标:Practice listening and improve their listening abilities.材料:Textbook 1a,2a



1,Listen and look at the picture of 1a.Listen and give the right answers.2,Read the listening materials together.3,Listen to the materials 年2a first and then say the answers as fast as possible.4,Reward those who can give the right answers first.5,Listen and repeat after the tape.Then have them practice the dialogues in pairs.Step5 Writing

目标:Improve the students’ writing abilities and review the key words and sentences

what they learned in this unit.材料:Key words and useful sentences in this unit.活动形式:全班活动


1,Tell the students they will write a short composition about their family photos.(可以根据刚刚做的口头介绍来做,把它转换成书面形式)

2,They write the passages to describe the family photos.3,Each group choose one composition and analyze it with the others together.(可把


篇8:unit6 topic3 sectionA 七年级英语新教案


1.打招呼的差异。在中国,打招呼是一种必不可少的社交形式。当遇到不熟悉的人,中国人往往就来个“点头之交”即可;对于很熟悉的朋友,用语就比较多样了。然而,在西方,这种方式会让他们感到很突兀,甚至不快。因为对于西方人来说,这些问题是有关他们的私生活的,而对于英美人来说,隐私是非常重要的。在西方,当他们遇到人不想多聊,只想简单的打个招呼的时候,他们经常就说“Hello”或根据不同的时间段说“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”或“Good evening!”,这就等同于中国人的点头之交。如果遇到比较熟悉的人,他们会常用谈论近况来开启交际对话。

而对于谈近况这个话题,我们最熟悉的就是“How are you?”这个问句了。而这个话题出现在Starter Module1My teacher and my friends Unit2 Good morning. I’m Chen Zhong.这一课中出现。以前常听人批判中国的填鸭式英语教学的时候就喜欢用这个问句来做例子,中国的学生只会用“Fine,thank you.”来回答这个问题。但我发现最近的孩子并不会这样了,一组学生,我都问同一个问题,但是答案会比较丰富,例如:Just-so-so. Not bad. 等等。对于这点,我们应该感到欣慰。但我也发现了一个问题,很多学生也会停顿思考后才回答我这个问题,说明“ How are you?”这个问题对他们来说真的就是一个需要思考后回答的问题。但事实真是如此吗?其实西方人也是很喜欢用这句老套的问话来打招呼,事实上,他们大多时候所期待的都是“Fine,thank you.”这类标准的回答。其实“How are you? ”就像中国的“你吃了吗?”其实问的人也不一定要真想知道你吃没吃,中午吃什么了?这只是开始一段话的问候语。在历史悠久的中国,民族文化背负的东西很多,其实西方很多国家的人也不是那么容易快乐的。我们东方文化充满了消极宿命的色彩,面对“How are you?”就自然会有不同的回答。但是西方人倡导积极乐观的面对人生,所以不管他们心情多么糟糕,也基本都是用 “Fine,thank you.” 或“Pretty good” 来回答。所以,对于这个问题,其实没有对错,不同的情境和不同的文化也就营造出了不同的语境。

2.校园环境差异。新标准英语七上Module3 My school Unit There are thirty students in my class.(P14)中对话里:

Linda: Yes,it’s really big. There are thirty students in my class. How many students are there in your class in Beijing?

Daming: There are forty students,twenty girls and twenty boys.





(1)S24 的对话里:

Tony: What’s your favourite sport,Daming?

Daming: Football.

Tony: It’s my favourite sport too!

( 在这个例子中,Daming和Tony的最喜欢的运动都是足球,但我觉得他们的文化内涵是不一样的。考虑到两国的足球文化的差异,笔者认为Daming说喜欢足球,这可以理解为其个人的一种兴趣爱好,而Tony对足球的爱好则体现了一种普遍性。)

(2)P28 描述My school day: They go to the playground and play football (during the break).

P31 Around World: After school they go swimming,play football ...

(这两处都提到了学生的足球活动,对于英国的学生休息期间和放学后,最常见的运动之一就是踢足球了,而我们的学生基本上都是打乒乓球和篮球,这个差异我们从学生所写的作文My school day里很容易看出来。)

(3)P50 Choosing birthday presents一文中提到:

Lingling’s aunt and uncle like football,but they don’t go to football matches. They usually watch football on television at weekends.

