NSEFC-II Unit08(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)


NSEFC-II Unit08(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)(精选4篇)

篇1:NSEFC-II Unit08(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

The British Isles 课 时 6-1 授 课 时 间 .10

教 学 目 标 1. Train the Ss’ listening ability by doing some listening.

2. Master the expression for agreement and disagreement.

3. Get the Ss to learn about the UK and Ireland.

教学重、难点 Master the expressions for agreement and disagreement.

Improve the students’ listening ability.

教、 学 具 A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides

预习要 求 Search as much information as possible about the UK and Ireland

教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1: Greeting

Step2: Warming-up

1.Show the Ss a world map and ask the following questions:

a. Where is Europe?

b. Where is the British Isles?

c. What do you know about the British Isles?

2.Ask the Ss to look at the four pictures and guess where they were taken.

3. Work in groups having a discussion and try to find out as much as you can about the geography, history, culture, famous people, building and other things in the UK.

Step3: Listening

1.Get the Ss to discuss the following questions:

a. What subject do you learn at school?

b. What is your timetable like?

c. How do you learn English?

2.Make the Ss read the requirements to know what they should do .

4. Play the tape for the first time to get the general idea, then play the tape three times for the Ss to do exercises 1,2 and 3.Replay some parts of the tape if necessary

5. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 4: Speaking

1. Get the Ss to answer the following questions:

a. Is English easy for Chinese people to learn? Or is Chinese easy for English people to learn?

b. Do you agree that we can learn the geography of the UK more easily by going there?

c. Which countries have better chances to become rich, small countries, big countries or island countries?

2. Make the Ss have a discussion about the three statements in the books in three groups. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue to express themselves.

Useful expressions:

Don’t you think that …?

I don’t think that’s right …

I don’t think so.

You must be mistaken …

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summarize the knowledge learnt in this period. Then ask the Ss to do vocabulary exercises in the workbooks.

Ss answer the questions

Look at the pictures

Discuss and answer

Listen to the tape

Listen to the tape and do exercises

Answer the questions


Discuss about the three statements. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue.

Finish vocabulary exercises in the workbooks.

课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-2 授 课 时 间 2004.

教 学 目 标 1. Get the Ss to know about the British Isles.

2. Develop the Ss’ reading ability by reading a passage “The British Isles”

教学重、难点 Train the students’ reading ability and develop their reading skill

How to help the Ss to grasp the main idea of the text

教、 学 具 A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides

预习要 求 Scan the illustrations and the contents above them

教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1: Greeting and Revision

Ask the questions about the British Isles:

What do you know about the United Kingdom?

How many countries make up the British Isles?

What do you know about Ireland?

Step2: Pre-reading

1. Show the Ss a map of the British Isles on the Bb. Ask the Ss to speak out the names of some places on the map.

2. Make the Ss answer the following questions according to the map

a. What is the British Isles made up of?

b. Where is the British Isles?

c. Which is the largest island?

Step3: Fast-reading

Now read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not.

⒈ The British Isles is made of 3 parts.

⒉ The British Isles lies off the west of Europe.

⒊ The English Channel is only 20 miles wide.

⒋ The British Isles is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles.

⒌ There’s much rain in the British Isles.

⒍ Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

⒎ There’s 6 languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles.

Step4:Careful- reading

1. Read the passage carefully to find out some details to fill in the chart.

Answer the questions

Look at the map and name the places on the map

Ss read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not.

Scan the text to judge

Check answers with the whole class.

Items Details






2. Read the text carefully and try to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1 General idea about England.

Para 2 Position of the British Isles.

Para 3 The climate of the British Isles.

Para 4 The culture of the people in the British Isles.

Para 5 The language spoken in Great Britain and Ireland.

Para 6 The history of the United Kingdom.

Para 7 The language spoken throughout the British Isles.

Step5: Post-reading

1. Listen to the tape to do exercise1 and check the answers.

2. Get them to finish exercises 2, 3 and 4

and check the answers.

Step6: Summary and Homework

Do reading comprehension in workbooks.

Bb design:

Read the ext carefully to fill in the chart

Read the passage to get the main idea

Listen to the tape to finish excises

Finish Wb exercises.

课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-3 授 课 时 间 2004.

教 学 目 标 1. Deepen the Ss’ understanding of the passage

2. Get the Ss to master some important words and expressions

3. Enable the Ss to use the words and expressions correctly

教学重、难点 The usages of some important words and expressions.

How to help the Ss to master them.

教、 学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Go through the text to find out some difficult sentences

教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1: Greeting and Revision

Ask some Ss to spell some new words and expressions learnt in the last period.

Step2: Language points

1.The idea that England stands for Fish & Chips, Speakers’ corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.

⑴that引导的是一个同位语从句,用于说明idea的内容 。同位语从句常用于说明idea, news, hope, wish, fact, suggestion等抽象名词的具体内容,连词that 没有词义,不充当句子成份,但不可省略 。

⑵stand for

a. 代表,象征,意味着


e.g What principles do you stand for?⒉ …their view of British culture is sometimes narrow.

narrow 狭窄的,狭隘的,险胜的

⒊ The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.

⑴ be made up of =consist of 由…组成

⑵ be unknown to sb.不为人所知道

⒋ …there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity-to see it as it really is, a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.

⑴make the most of充分利用,也可以说make the best of

⑵ diversity 多种多样,多样性

Mary has a great diversity of hobbies such as stamp collecting, traveling.

⑶as it is 以现在的样子,根据下面的情况看

⑷ hold together 使不分开或团结一致

⒌ The largest island is called Britain, which is separated from France by the English Channel, which at one point is only 20 miles wide.

⑴separate A from B 把A与B分隔开,指:把放在一起的或连在一快的分开

e.g. A year is divided into twelve months.

⑵at one point在某一地点;一度

⒍ In general, Scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain.

⑴ in general总的说来,大体上,通常

e.g. In general, people like her.

⑵ throughout the year 整年,一年到头throughout 贯穿,介词

e.g. He worked hard throughout the year to support his family.

⑶ receive 动词,收到,接到

⒎ In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and north can be as much as nine degree.

英语中在表示数量的词语前习惯上加as much as ,as many as等来加强语气。as much as用与表示 “雨(水)量”,时间 ,金钱,重量,钱数,价格等方面。表示 “总量”和“单位量”的大小,as many as用于人或者物的具体数量前,as much as从总的角度出发,侧重于“总量”,as many as从个体出发,侧重于具体数目。

as far as 远到;尽…程度

e.g. They walked as far as the seaside.

Don’t worry. I’ll help you as far as I can.

as long as 长达;只要

She spends as long as three hours on English study every day.

⒏ The culture of the people in the British Isles was influenced by the culture of the people on the European mainland.

influence 指不易察觉到的,潜移默化的影响


influence 影响力,支配力

⒐ ……Their languages formed the basis for English.

⑴ form the basis for 构成/形成…的基础

⑵ 为…⑶打下基础,lay foundations for

e.g. Four –year college life laid solid basis for his further improvement.

⑶provide a basis for 为…⑶提供依据

e.g. The result provided a sound basis for further research.

⒑ The result of this French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.

end up with以…结束,通常是 最后接受某东西,其意思为receive sth. in the end

⒒ …but it was not only 250 years later that they formed a single state.

是一个强调句,有原句They didn’t formed a single state until 250 years later变化而来,此类句子需强调状语until时候,应将否定句not… 与状语until…一起作为强调部分,构成it was not until… that …的巨型

⒓…While the southern part of England was only part of the UK for some time…

⒔ There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles as well as two local accents.

⑴ be considered to be (consider sth/sb.to be+形容词或名词)的被动式,

⑵ be native to本土的,本国的,土生的

e.g. Panda is native to China.

⒂ They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.

Be of great value=be very valuable非常有价值的,可用于此类型的词有:use ,help, importance, help etc.

E.g. We consider their works of be of great value.

The invention is of great value. =The invention is very useful.


Step3: Summary and Homework

Do some exercises on the screen.

Revising some words and expressions

Write notes and make sentences

The news that team has won the game is exciting.

WTO stands for World Health Organization.

A narrow river/street a narrow idea about relics a narrow escape(九死一生)

The group is made up of five members. = The group consists of five members.

The cause of the delay is still unknown to us.

He wished to make the most of his chance.

a wide diversity of opinions看法上的众说纷纭

Give as many as examples

I’ll send it to you as it is, (我就照现在的样子卖给你,) but don’t complain, if it doesn’t work.

The needs of the children held their marriage together.

She separated the good apples from the bad ones.

divide …into 指把整体分成部分

A traffic accident happened at one point yesterday.

At one point, he was very weak.

The rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year.

At the job, she could earn as many as eighty dollars every week.

The civil war in that country lasted as much as eighty 16 years.

We must learn as many as 300 English words.

The kind of English built as many as 50 pyramids.

Probably we influenced each other.

Parents have a great influence on Children.

This idea formed the basis for Theory of Relativity.

We ended the supper up with fruit and coffee.

It was not until 1969 that man set his first step on the moon.

原句:Man didn’t set his first step on the moon until 1969.

We considered this (to be) very important.

Write down notes and make some examples

Look at the examples

The party was ended up with a pop song.

He is considered to be the best student.

The machine is of use.= The machine is useful.

课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 9

Grammar 课 时 6-4 授 课 时 间 2004.

教 学 目 标 Make the Ss know more about some words learn in this period

Enable the Ss to master noun as the Subject, the Object, the Predicative

教学重、难点 Master the usages of the noun clauses

How to master the differences between the Appositive clause and the Attrib Master the usages of the noun clause

教、 学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Find out the noun clauses as many as possible in the text

教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1: Greeting and Revision

Revise the uses of some words and expressions learnt in the last period by doing some excises on the screen.(略)

Step2: Word Study

1.Look at the words in the box and try to think of their meanings. Then complete the sentences with the proper words.

2.Check the answers with the whole class and ask the Ss to translate into Chinese.

Keys: union, Republic, upper, consists, mistaken, narrow, influence, basis.

Step3: Grammar

1.Ask the Ss to look at the sentences on the screen.

a. That they carry their conversation

in French is suggested. (Subject Clause)

b. He made a suggestion that they carry on their conversation in French

(Appositive Clause)

c. His suggestion was that they carry on their conversation in French. (Predicate Clause)

d. This is the suggestion that he made last week. (Attributive Clause)


名词性从句包括:主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,多由连词that, wh-疑问词或由what, whatever等关系代词引导。

⒈ 主语从句

⑴ 主语从句在句子中充当主语

E.g. Why he refused to work with you is still a mystery.

Whatever comes is welcome.

⑵ 主语从句前的that不能省略,仅仅起连接作用,有时候为保持句子平衡,that从句后置,而由it作形式主语。

E.g. That he became a lawyer may have been due to his mother’s influence.

It is not true that he has moved to New York.

⒉ 宾语从句在句子中充当宾语

E.g. I don’t know where the sound came from.

Don’t be satisfied with what you have achieved.

⒊ 当从句放在系动词be, look, remain, seem等后构成表语从句。

E.g. The trouble is that I have lost his address.

It seemed that the night would never end.

⒋ 同位语从句

⑴同位语从句是对与之同位的名词中心词作进一步解释,能接同位语从句的常见名词有: idea, news, fact, problem, belief, opinion, hope, understanding…

⒌ whether与if 在名词性从句中的用法区别

if 一般 指用于引导从句,而whether可引导包括宾语从句在内的其他名词性从句。


⑵宾语从句中,whether常与or not搭配,也可以说 whether or not, 而不说if or not.

E.g. I don’t care whether or not she will attend the meeting.

⑶whether也可用在介词 后,或带to 不定式前,if or not.

E.g. She doesn’t know whether to get married now or wait.

I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll go back home.

⑷ 某些动词后面(如discuss)只能用whether, 不用if .

E.g. We discussed whether we should go on climbing.

在句子中做主语的从句叫主语从句,是一种 重要的名词性从句。


⒉ 由that 引导的主语从句

⒊ 由whether, if等引导的主语从句,句


⒋ 由whoever. whatever等引导的主语从句

whoever=the person who或anyone who. who 也可以引导主语从句,但只能表示“谁”

Anyone 与the person皆不能引导从句。

⒌ 由it 作形式主语引起的主语 从句


⑴位于是seem,appear,be(im)possible,be a pity,be a wonder,be likely等。

E.g. It seemed certain that this would win the prize.

It appeared that he was right.

⑵在It is known…; It is said…;It is hoped…; It is believed…等句型中。

注意:有时候在“It is necessary(important. suggested等)+that clause”结构中, that从句常用“should+动词原形” 形式来表示虚拟语气, 其中should常可省去.

Step4: Practice

Ask the Ss to do grammar exercises in the Ss’ book or workbooks. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step5: Summary and Homework Ss do excises on the screen and check the answers.

Ss fill in the blanks

Do some translation

Ss speak out the usages of the that clauses

Ss think of the usages

The fact that we talked about is very important.(定语从句)

The fact that he succeed in the experiment pleased everybody. (同位语从句)

Whether he will attend the meeting is uncertain.

The question is whether he will come.

Ss make some examples

What you have done might do harm to other people.

It worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.

That you don’t like him is none of my business.

Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

Who will win is not important.

Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

It is still a question when we shall have our sports meet.

It doesn’t matter what you say.

E.g. is necessary that a college student should master at least a foreign language.

课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-5 授 课 时 间 2004.

教 学 目 标 ⒈ Enable the Ss to learn how to describe a place in its landscape, culture, relics, the people, their life, economy and etc.

⒉ More practice at Noun Clauses.

教学重、难点 Improve the Ss’ integrating skills-reading and writing

How to train the Ss’ writing skill

教、 学 具 A tape recorder and some slides

预习要 求 Scan the text and search more information about England

教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1: Greeting and Revision

Ask the Ss to open their books to page 40 and look at the exercise in Checkpoint5.Make them complete the sentences by using the noun clauses. ( after a while)Check the answers with the class.

Step2: Reading

Get the students to read the passage quickly and ask some questions about it.

⒈ What can be seen across the fields of Salisbury?

Sheep can be seen everywhere.

⒉ What’s the cathedral famous for?

The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower. It’s 404 feet high. Daniel thinks the tower is the highest and the most handsome in England.

⒊ How many important kinds of produce and trade are there in the city of Salisbury? What are they?

There’re two important kinds of produce and trade in Salisbury. They’re making cloth and sheets called Salisbury whites.

⒋ How about the hills and fields there?

The hill and fields are most beautiful with many small and clear rivers and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.

⒌ Say something about the hills of Salisbury(The last paragraph)

Step3: Retelling

Get the students to read the text once again and have them retell the text.

Step4: Language points

⒈ …the great number of them is very wonderful.

The number of +复数名词(谓语动词用单数) a number of + 复数名词(谓语动词用复数)

E.g. A number of students were studying in the reading-room.

⒉ All around the city of Salisbury, as far as twenty-two miles to the west, and six miles south, down to the coast, farmers raise sheep.(此句子中farmers raise sheep是句子的主干,前面均是表示方位, 距离的短语做状语. 其中south前面省略to the .由于coast是地势较低处,所以用down to the coast.

⒊ There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury, measuring every way round and the town in the centre.

⑴句中fed within six miles of Salisbury是一个过去分词短语修饰sheep,measuring…是一个V-ing短语,修饰six miles of Salisbury。

⒋ The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower, which is without doubt the highest and the most handsome in England, being from the ground 410 feet.

⑴without doubt=certainly无疑地;确定地

e.g. Without doubt, our team will win the game.

⑵ being from the ground 404 feet在此句中做状语,用语说明tower的高度。

⒌ Neither of them is very big, but they become a larger river when joined together, and yet larger when joined by a third river.

⑴ a third river又一条河流,不定冠词a 用在序数词之前,表示“再一次, 又一”。

E .g. You can have a second try if you fail the first time.

⑵Neither of the books is interesting.(这2本书都没意思。)表示“两者都”,用both of+复数名词,表复数概念。

E.g. Both of you have to go there.

⒍ …, which employ the poor of a great part of the country round-namely, making cloth and sheets,

namely 副词,即,就是,用以补充或具体说明前面已提到的事物

e.g. Two boys are late for school today-namely, Tom and Jim.

⒎ …with many small and clear rivers, and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.

⑴bearing fruit and grain做宾语补足语,bear“结果实”,产生,长出

e.g. The tree is bearing a lot of apples this year.

⑵ with +宾语+v-ing,在此做状语。

E.g. With you standing here, we can’t work.

⒏ …, village and houses, and among them(指代houses) many(后省略了are) of good size.

Of good size= have good size

E.g. The cellphone is of great high quality.

=The cellphone has high quality.

Step6: Writing

Ask the Ss to look at the main ideas in the boxes and try to write a composition to describe their hometowns. The teacher can show them a simple composition on the screen.

Step7: Summary and Homework

Make the Ss speak out the way of writing a descriptive composition. Ask them to write a composition after class.

Ss do the excises in Checkpoint5 and check the answer

Ss read the passage to answer the questions

Retell the passage

Find out some difficult sentences

Make some sentences according to the usages.

Make notes and listen

Try to write down some key words

Ss speak out the way of writing a descriptive composition,then write one composition.

课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-6 授 课 时 间 2004.

教 学 目 标 1. Get the Ss to master some important language points in Unit5.

2. Help the Ss to learn the way of dealing with problems.

3. Improve the Ss’ reading and writing ability.

教学重、难点 The important language in Unit5

How to help the Ss master them and deal with problems easily and correctly.

教、 学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Scan the whole paper and try correcting the mistakes

教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1: Greeting and Analysis

Analyze the whole paper and praise some Ss. At the same time, encourage some Ss who failed to pass the exam.

Step2: Single choice

Check the answers with the whole class, then choose some difficult ones to explain to the Ss.

1. In general, the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.

此句中in common即共同的与句意不符合,in total为总共,总计,而in particular为特别的,也不对。只有表示大体上一般的in general 才正确。

2. The news has spread all the country that the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.

The news that为同位语从句,对news进一步说明解释。

3.Scoland lies to the north of England; it is part of Britain.

表示位置的词to可接壤可不接壤,不在一个范围内,on表示两地接壤或者在河岸上,off表示远离,in表示在范围内。England和Scotland不在一个范围内用to,而它是属于Britain的一部分,所以用part。而be part of表示前者是后者的一部分。

4.run over 表示从。。。上碾过或者水满溢出,the cup was full and the water in it was running over

5. ---What made her so sad?

. ---That she failed in the examination.

此句中that引导一个主语从句,that 只起连接作用,没有实际意义。而because 和 as ,since都是回答why的问题。

6. Oh, please don’t. He is now seriously ill. Just look at the state he is in.

这里state 表示状况,它现在的情况,用in。e. g in a poor state of health。健康状况不好。同时state 有国家。州。政府的意思。

6. With the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder.

在这里approach 指的是名词来临。同时它还有动词的性质,临近,靠近等。还有做事的方法,途径,入门等名词性质。

7.We saw a big black bear coming up on us from the woods.

选择come up 表示熊向我们靠近过来,come up 有靠近,走近,发生的意思。而come out表示出版,出现;come back 表示恢复的意思。故选择come up。

Step 3: Cloze Test

Ask some students to report their answers and choose some difficult ones to explain.

40. in the way she liked best.表示她最喜欢的方式,下面进行了介绍。

50. never miss it.


55. being persuaded .

她担心会被劝服去买东西,persuade 表示说服去做某事。

Step4: Reading Comprehension

1. Make the Ss report the main idea of each paragraph, then ask some students to speak out their answers.

2. Choose the most difficult ones to explain.

Step5: Correcting

Ask some Ss to correct the mistakes. Then check the right answers with the whole class. Choose some difficult ones to explain.

(1) be mending be mended

(2) feet foot

(3) in such a long time after such a long time

Step6: Writing

1. Ask someone to read his or her composition before the whole class. Make others correct it.

2. Get all the Ss to write down the key words.

3. Show a sample composition on the screen and ask the Ss to read it .

Step7: Homework

Read all the items in this unit. Ss check the answers with the teacher

Ss make some sentences

Ss speak out the usages of the noun clause

Ss report their answers and try to correct the mistakes

Some one report the main idea of each paragraph

Ss find out some difficult ones

Report the answers and try to look for the right answers in the passages

Write down some key words

Check answers.

Ss correct the answers.

Check answers with the whole class.

Someone read his or her composition before the whole class. Make others correct it.

篇2:NSEFC-II Unit08(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

教学目标 1. Learn something about volcano through reading.

2. The students can use what they have learned to describe volcanoes.

3. The students realize that human beings can overcome any hardship.

4. The students will improve the ability to solve problems.

教学重点 1.Try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.

2.Understand the text well.

教学难点 1.How to use the new words & expressions correctly.

2.To understand the reading materials of similar topics.

教、学具 a computer, a tape recorder & a projector, some slides.

预习要求 Read new words in Unit 10.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1 Warming up


1. What’s the weather like today?

2. Do you often care about the weather?

3. How do you hear about it?

4. Have you ever heard of typhoon?

5. What words can you think of to describe the typhoon weather?

6. What will you feel in such kind of weather?

7. What about the hurricane? Have you ever heard about it?

8. What about volcano?

9. How is a volcano formed?

10. Where is the most possible place that a volcano may erupt?

11. Do you know how a volcano works, if you do, describe it?

Step 2 Pre reading

Show a picture

(The body of the people, exactly, the body of the people in the town of Pompeii in the southern Italy.----show a picture of the relics of the town of Pompeii.).

Show another.

(A volcano erupted suddenly and after 18 hours all were damaged, including the people, animals, plants and the town itself.)

Step 3 While reading

Q5: heavy wind (blow hard) storm (show a picture of stormy weather.)

roaring thunder (also roaring forties: part of the Atlantic Ocean, often very stormy, between latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees south.)

Q9: 1). Show a video about the eruption of a volcano.

2). Show a picture of the boiling water kettle, which means the eruption of a volcano is something like the boiling water from the kettle. That is, the rocks is very, very hot and melted to gas and liquid. And they try to get out like the steam and boiling water.

Task 1 Skim the text and answer the following questions.

Q1: What is described in the following passage?

Q2: When and where did it happen?

Q3: Who is the writer of the letter?

Task 2 Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

1. A volcano erupted on the 24th of August in 79 BC in southern Italy.

2. My uncle planned to save his friend’s wife Rectina.

3. My uncle went to rescue Pompy after saving Rectina. 4. The flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on.

5. They decided to try the open air instead of staying in the house. 6. It was night when the volcano erupted.

Task 4 Scan the text & fill in the following form.

Task 5 Arrange the following statements according to the right order.

1. He decided to rescue his friend Pompy.

2. Some people watched an unusual cloud rising from a mountain. 3. Rectina begged him to save her.

4. He ordered a boat made ready.

5. Two slaves helped him stand up and immediately he fell down dead. 6. He bathed and had dinner.

7. A rain of rocks was coming down.

Task 6 Read the text again and explain what the words in bold refer to: it, the one, the other, their, they


1. (in the first period)Find out some sentences you enjoy most, & try to recite them as possible as you can.

2. Refer to the website to know more about the volcano.



Ss answer:

The eruption of the volcano called Mount Vesuvius.

On the 24th of August in 79 AD in southern Italy.

Pliny, the younger.

Check answers: 3T,5T

Ss read the text again and rearrange the order:


Check answers:

it: a cloud of unusual size and shape rising from a mountain

the one: the wind

the other: my uncle’s friend Pompy

their: flames

They: scared people

Ss finish their homework.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 10 课 时 6-2 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.12

教学目标 1. The students can use what they have learned to describe volcanoes.

2. The students realize that human beings can overcome any hardship.

3. The students will improve the ability to solve problems.

教学重点 1.Try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.

2.Understand the text further

教学难点 1.How to use the new words & expressions correctly.

2.To understand the reading materials of similar topics.

教、学具 a tape recorder , a projector, some slides.

预习要求 Read the text of Unit 10.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1 Go over the text

Get Ss to listen to the recording of the text.

Step 2 Revision

Check their homework

Step 3 Post reading

Task 1 The uncle of the writer was not afraid of what was happening. How do you know? Give three examples that show he had no fear.

Task 2 Further understanding

1. How does nature form a danger to people in the world and how can science help reduce that threat?

2. What’s the relation between human beings and nature?

3. What should we do to protect the environment that we live in?

5R policy.

Show a picture of a tree; explain to the students that we must reduce the amount of trees that we cut down.

Show a picture of a coat; explain to the students that when our coat is not suitable for us to wear, we can give it to our brothers, sisters or give it to the Project Hope.

Show a picture of a cola can; explain to the students that after drinking the cola, the cans left can be collected together and melt them to make new cans. Listen to the text

Check their most enjoyable sentences in the text. Get some of them to recite some of the sentences.


1. He wrote a report about all he observed during his trip.

2. Rescued Pompy, calmed down, bathed and had dinner, sleep, etc.

3. Slept after baths and dinner, told the flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on.

1. Reduce: Reduce the amount of waste by every possible means.

2. Reuse: Reuse the useful things before getting rid of them.

3. Recycle: Recycle the waste things if possible.

Show a picture of a watermelon; explain to the students that if part of the watermelon is rotten, we can cut it out and eat the good parts.

Show a picture of a chair; explain to the students that if one leg of a chair is broken, we can repair it and use it again.

Step 4. Language points.

1. draw one’s attention to sth. 吸引某人的注意力

eg. She drew my attention to a mistake in the report.

catch one’s attention; focus one’s attention on; pay attention to; give one’s attention to

2. Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now, darker and more, the closer they went.

3. urge 催促, 极力主张; 强烈要求

eg. The U.S.A urged Iraq to give up.

4. Upon arrival: As soon as he arrived 当…的时候; 一… 就…

5. bath n. 洗澡;浴缸

bathe v. 洗澡

6. He looked more asleep than dead.

eg. The pig looks more lovely than stupid.

eg. The boy looks more stupid than angry.

Step 5 Homework

Finish Exercise 2 at Page 77 in SB..

Bb design:

4. Recover: Make use of good parts while getting rid of the bad ones.

5. Repair: Repair the broken things.

Ss listen and take notes when necessary.

Finish the homework

Check answers next time.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 10 课 时 6-3 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.12

教学目标 1) Understand the listening text in the workbook.

2) The Ss can express emotion, anxiety and fear properly.

3) Know more about typhoon.

教学重点 To master the useful new words and expressions.

教学难点 How to use what the students have learned to describe a nature disaster.

教、学具 a computer, a projector & a tape recorder

预习要求 Nothing but to read the new words.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1 Revision

Check homework.

Other questions:

1 What kinds of disasters does nature give us?

2 What kinds of disasters does man give us?

Step2 Pre-listening

Page 144,Listening. Look at the picture. Discuss Exercise1 with the students.

Step3 Listening

Play the tape for the students to do Exercises2-4. Then ask: What happened in the typhoon Linda talked about?

Step4 Lead-in

Page74,Speaking.Get the students to read the dialogue to find out the answers to the following questions:

1 What happened in the typhoon?

2 What else do you know will happen in a typhoon?

3 What was people’s emotion?

4 What do you think happens in a hurricane, a volcano, an earthquake, SARS and bird flu?

Step5 Speaking

Give the students some pictures. Get them to make a similar dialogue. Tell their partners whether these things or situations frighten them and explain why. Also, talk about people’s emotion in these situations and how they would behave. Get them to make with the help of the useful expressions.

Check homework

Answer the questions.

Look at the picture.

Discuss Exercise 1.

Listen for main ideas.

Read the dialogue to find out the answers.

Make a similar dialogue.


A: Have you been in a situation that frightens you?

B: Yes. It was last summer. I spent my summer vacation in my hometown, a small village in a mountainous district. One day, I went hiking with my cousin. On our way home, we met a cobra.

A: Were you frightened when you saw it?

B: Very! It made my hair stand on end. My cousin was too frightened to move at that time, too. Because we both saw on TV that the poison of a cobra can kill a person easily.

A: What happened next?

B: Fortunately it didn’t see us. We acted just as the TV programme told us. At last, it went by. The distance between the cobra and us was only three metres or so.

A: How terrible!

Step6 Pre-talking

Ask: What do you need to do when you are trapped in a typhoon?

Get the students to read the dialogue at Page144, Talking between Xiaosong and David to find out what Xiaosong suggests in case of typhoon.

Step7 Talking

Get the students to read the roll cards and make similar dialogues.

Step8 Homework

Make a dialogue with your partner about a disaster. It should include the following:

1) What was it like?

2) What happened?

3) What was people’s emotion and what about yours?

4) What safety measures should be taken?

Bb design:

Hand out the material for Ss to read.

Get the students to read the dialogue at Page144 and make up a new dialogue.

Read the roll cards and make similar dialogues.

Make up a new dialogue.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 10 课 时 6-4 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.12

教学目标 1.Learn the text “typhoon” and master the detailed information in it.

2.Learn useful words and expressions

3. Write a passage about how the story will end.

教学重点 1. To train Ss’ reading skills and writing skills

2. To master the usages of the new words and expression of this period.

教学难点 1. To write a passage about terrible weather---- typhoon

2. To understand the difficult words, phrases and sentences


教学方法 Teaching Aids: a computer, a projector, a tape recorder

Fast reading and careful reading: to get the Ss to grasp the detailed information

Writing practice: to get the Ss to learn how to describe something terrible

Pair work or group work: to get the Ss to be active in class

预习要求 Read useful; words and expressions.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1 Teaching Revision

1.Check the homework

2.Retell the story ( if the teacher likes )

3.Review the words and expression for talking about weather.

Step 2 Lead in

In the last few periods, we deal with a letter about volcano. It is a terrible nature disaster. This summer our hometown also experience a terrible disaster----- typhoon, one called Yunan. It caused great damage, isn’t it? Can you describe it? ( Ss: …. )

If it happens in USA, what do people call? (A hurricane)

In fact, a typhoon is the same thing as a hurricane except the place where they form. Before we deal with the detailed information, let’s watch a short video to experience the story wind again and here are two questions for you.

1. What does the hurricane bring in?

2. How long will it usually last?

Step 3 Pre-reading

We know typhoons can cause great damage or even deaths. In order to reduce the loss and protect ourselves,

we have to learn more about it. Then what else do you know about the typhoon? Tell us what you know, please!

First talk with your partner and then tell the whole class what you have discussed.

Step 4 While reading

Fast reading: skim the passage and try to get the general

idea of the text.

Careful reading: Ss finish two tasks after reading.

Check homework

Retell the story

(Ss watch the video and give the answers. If it is necessary, play it twice.)

Talk with their partner 3.(This activity aims to review the words and motivate the Ss. In this way, the topic will be turned to typhoon.)

Task1.Scan the passage and find the answer to the following questions.

1. Where did the ship meet the typhoon?

2. What was the weather at first?

3. Why did the capital say that it looked as if a typhoon was coming on?

4. Where were they when the full force of the hurricane struck the ship?

5. What should they do in such terrible weather?

6. What does the sentence “ Another one like this, and that’s the last of her” mean?

7. Why did the capital strike a match? What did he see?

Task2. Try to explain the difficult sentence in bold in English.

1. It was fine, for there was no wind and the heat was close.

2. Because he observed the barometer fell steadily and he knew that a terrible storm would come soon.

3. When the hurricane struck the ship with full force, they were all on the bridge.

4. They could only move the ship over the high sea and into the very eye of the wind.

5. It was the lowest reading he had ever seen in his life

Step 5 Deal with language points after that.

Step 5 Discussion

Extended discussion:

We know typhoon can cause great damage to our life. How can we reduce the loss? How can we protect ourselves?

Step 6 Homework

1.Oral homework:

Suppose you are a newspaper reporter and are interviewing the captain. Make up the dialogue.

Think it over: What questions will the journalist ask?

2. Written homework

Write the end of the passage on your exercise book.

Bb design:

( Ss answer the main elements of a story: who, when, where, how)

( pair work for two minutes and then one or two Ss report )

(This activity is to motivate the Ss to talk in English and cooperate well with each other.)

( Then the teacher introduce the background information )

Ss explain the difficult sentence in bold in English.

Ss discuss in pairs or in groups and then report what they discuss.

Finish the homework.

课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 10 Listening (Wb) Integrating skills & Writing (Wb) 课 时 6-5 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.12

教学目标 1.The Ss can understand the listening text.

2.The Ss can get the general idea of each paragraph.

3.Through reading, the Ss develop some microskills in reading, such as skimming and scanning. What’s more, they can write a composition of similar topic.

4.The Ss can develop in somewhat the ability of autonomy learning, processing information and thinking in English.

5.The Ss have the sense to protect our environment. They share the experience of learning English and have the sense of success in learning English and cooperation.

教学重点 1.Learn the useful words and expressions in this period.

2.Learn to write about a natural disaster.

教学难点 1.Know how to use the words and expressions in this period.

2.Know the structure of writing about a natural disaster.

教、学具 a tape- recorder a computer & a projector

预习要求 Try to learn the new words in this unit.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Stage 1 Listening

1.Read the information about the exercises.

2.Listen to the tape and do Exercises 1,2 & 3.

3.Listen again and finish all the questions in this part.

(If necessary, play the tape again.)

Stage 2 Reading


Ask the Ss to describe a kind of weather and what people do in such weather.

Today we’ll read some book descriptions about natural disasters and stories that happened in terrible weather.

Volcano & Earthquake

The Coming Storm: Extreme Weather and Our Terrifying Future

Hidden Big Island of Hawaii: Including the Volcanoes National Park

Sudden Sea: The Great Hurricane of 1938

2.Pre-reading tasks

Read through the book descriptions and match them with the following book titles.

Read the information about the exercises.

Listen to the tape and do Exercises 1,2 & 3.

Describe a kind of weather and what people do in such weather.

Read through the book descriptions and match them .

Volcano & Earthquake Under the Volcano: A Novel

Disaster! The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906

3.While-reading tasks

Ask the Ss to read the descriptions carefully again. Divide the whole class into two parts. Each part deals with one of the following two activities:

1. Which books on the list interest you? Give reasons why you might want to read them.

2. Choose one book from the list which you don’t want to read and explain why you think it won’t interest you.


Group work.

Imagine your teacher asks you to write an essay about human experiences and how people suffer during natural disasters. Which books would you choose to help you write your essay? What information do you think you could use from them?

Stage 3 Writing


What natural disasters do you know?

2. Writing

Divide the class into six groups. Each group discuss a topic and writes a composition together. After they finish the writing, they should do peer-revision. Then the teacher will post the compositions on the wall. Each composition should contain the following parts:

1.How is the disaster formed?

2.What happens when the disaster comes?

3. What is the damage after the disaster?

4.What do people do after that?

5. What lesson have you learn?

Stage 4 Homework

Read more passages about natural disasters. They can refer to the following websites:






This activity aims to improve the Ss’ reading ability of skimming and the Ss can get the general idea of each paragraph.

(This activity is to help the Ss develop the ability of scanning and express their own opinions with their own words.)

(This step tries to develop the Ss’ cooperative ability and writing ability. The Ss look up information in many different ways.)

Ss will be happy to do this exercise.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 10

Grammar & word 课 时 6-6 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.12

教学目标 1. Learn and master Grammar: Ellipsis

2. Review the usage of the present participle & past participle.

教学重点 1.Learn about Ellipsis of different types.

2.Enable Ss to learn how to choose the present participle & the past participle.

教学难点 How to use Ellipsis to make a sentence brief and clear.

教、学具 a computer & a projector

预习要求 Read grammar items in a Grammar book.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1: Word Study

1. Check the answer to Exercise 1 at Page 77.

2. The Present participle & the past participle

Look at the 2 sentences on the blackboard.

This is a moving story.

The boy is deeply moved by the story.

Can you tell the difference between “moving” & “moved” ?

Please open your books at Page 78. Look at Ex. 2. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words.

Step 2: Grammar - Ellipsis

Look at the 2 sentences on the blackboard.

Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and (?) tried to give him courage.

Then came a smell of sulphur, and then (?) flames.

Read them and decide which words were left out at each place of the question marks.

In modern English there is a tendency to omit or leave out some words in a sentence for the sake of conciseness. The omission is called “Ellipsis”, and a sentence containing such an elliptical sentence.

A word or words in a sentence can be omitted only on condition that the omission would not cause the sentence to be understood in more than one way to be unclear meaning or wrong. We must keep in mind that

we should not omit words necessary for clearness. Are you clear about that? Now I’d like to some more about “Ellipsis”.


1) 省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略;

The present participle “moving” expresses an action that happens around the same time as the main verb with an active meaning while the past participle “moved” expresses an action that is completed with an passive meaning.

Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words.

I think in the 1st sentence the subject “he or my uncle” was left out.

In the 2nd sentence I think “came” should be at the place of the question mark.



3) 省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留to,但如果该宾语是动词be或完成时态,则须在之后加上be或have:


5) 同时省略几个成分


1) 主句中有一些乘法被省略

( I’m ) Sorry to hear you are ill.

2) 主句中有一些乘法被省略





(1) 宾语从句中常省略连词that,但也有不能省略的情况。

(2) 在定语从句中,that在从句中作宾语时可省略.另外,凡是进行时态和被动语态的定语从句都可省略关系代词和be 动词。

2) 在某些状语从句中,从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可省去“主语+be”部分


并列的不定式可省去后面的 to.

help 当“帮助”讲时,后面的宾语或宾补的不定式符号to可带可不带.

3)介词but前若有动词do,后面的不定式不带 to.

(4) 某些使役动词(let, make, have)及感官动词(see, watch, hear, notice, observe, feel, look at, listen to等)后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去 to, 但在被动语态中须将to 复原。

(5) 主语从句中有动词do,后面作表语的不定式的 to可带可不带。

(6) find 当“发现”讲时,后面作宾语补足语的不定式符号to可带可不带。 但如果是不定式 to be,则不能省略。


8) 主句和从句各有一些成分省略。

The sooner (you do it), the better (it will be).

Step 3: Homework

Finish all the exercises about “Ellipsis” in your book. (I)Thank you for your help.

(There is) No smoking .

–Are you going there?

--Yes, I’d like to (go there).

–Are you thirsty?

--Yes, I am (thirsty).

–-Have you finished your work ?

---(I have) Not (finished my work) yet.

–Is he coming back tonight? --I think so.

My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse.

When (he was) still a boy of 10, he had to work day and night.

I told him to sit down and wait for a moment.

I will help (to) do it for you.

The boy did nothing but play.

I saw the boy fall from the tree.

All we can do now is (to) wait.

We found him (to) work very hard at the experiment.

She found him to be dishonest.

(1) Had they time, they would certainly come and help us.

(2) Were I you, I would do the work better.

篇3:NSEFC-II Unit08(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

Step 1. Greetings and warming-up

Greet the students as usual.

Ask the Ss to talk about their hometown and their houses.

Qs: where are you from, a city or a small town?

Can you describe the buildings in your hometown?

What kind of buildings do you live in, a traditional house or an apartment?

Show students two pictures, a tall building and a traditional yard.

T: what can you see in the two pictures?

What is the difference between them?

(When the Ss describe the pictures, remind the students to think about the differences in the two pictures. The students may have different opinions. Encourage them to think out reasons as many as possible. They may have a discussion.)

Suggested answers:

Block of flats Traditional house



The rooms are big.

Every flat has a toilet and bathroom.

Not much contact with their neighbors.

People often feel lonely.

Flat roof.


The rooms are small.

Sometimes no toilet or bathroom.

Life is much more interesting. Neighbors get on well with each other. People can grow flowers in the yard.

The roof is sloping.(why?)

In which house would you prefer to live? Why?

S: I like living in ….because….

I prefer living…

I’d rather live…

The students should tell others their reasons to support their choices. For example, living in the small house makes me feel warm. I like making friends with my neighbors. It looks like a big family. Encourage them to express their ideas freely.

T: Buildings in the different places are different. So what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture?

Show the students some different kinds of houses , ask them to describe them.

Collect their answers.( appearance: high, low, great, The palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale.;materials: brick, stone, steel ,glass, wood…)

T: If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? What materials would you use? Explain why you made certain choices about your dream house?

Architect: one who designs the construction of buildings or other large structures.

Give the students enough time to discuss the question. Collect their answers.

Step 2 Speaking

Books open, page 18. Ask the students to listen to the sample dialogue and follow the tape. Study the useful expressions. Remind them to learn the structure how to express their preferences.

Practice. Ask them to look at the pictures and choose the item they prefer. Try to explain the reasons.

Two tasks: One is to talk about traditional and classical furniture. And the second task is choosing a picture to decorate their room.

T: In your dream houses, are there any chairs?

(Show some chairs) which one do you like? Why?

When they answer the question, encourage them to use expressions in the following table. A moment later, ask them to act out their own dialogue.

Sample dialogue:

A: which do you like better, classical chairs or modern chairs?

B: I prefer modern chairs.

A: Why?

B: In my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. They are comfortable.


Step 3 : Preparation for listening

T: You have already designed your own dream house , it is time to buy some furniture. What kind of furniture will you buy? And why do you prefer them?

Have a short discussion in pairs. You can introduce names of furniture, such as heater, air-conditioner and so on.

Step 4. Listening.

Books open, Page 18, listening part. It is a talk between a young married couple, Danny and Amy and a shop assistant.. They want to buy some furniture for their new house. Ask the students to go though the exercises and make sure what to do.

Play the tape twice for the students to listen and finish the exercises by themselves. They may check the answers in pairs.

Then play it a third time for the students to check their answers. Check them with the whole class in the end.

Step 5.Homework

1.Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration.

2.Find out about the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world as much as possible. Share the ideas with others.

Period 2&3: Reading

Step1: Pre-reading

----Enjoy pictures of both modern architecture and classical architecture

1. Greetings

T: We’ve really had a wonderful tour around the world last time, seeing the marvelous architecture home and abroad, modern and classical. I hope you enjoy that… but I wonder if all of you can recognize some of the most famous architecture.

2.Brainstorming or guessing game

---Name the pictures: Sydney House; the Eiffel Tower; the Temple of Heaven…

Q: Among all of these pictures, which ones are different from others? Or you may say which ones belong to modern architecture.

SS: …

Q: How do you know which ones belong to modern architecture? What’s the difference between modern architecture and classical (ancient) architecture?

SS: …

T: If you want to know more and to enjoy the beauty of modern architecture, you’d better join us, as we are going to have a new journey, the journey to the world of modern architecture.

Step2: While-reading

1. Fast- reading

----Find the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture in the text.

Q: what’s the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture?


Modern architecture Classical architecture

Materials Steel, iron, glass… Stone, brick, wood…

Characteristics Huge; like boxes; unfriendly Beautiful, closer to nature

Q: What kind of materials is used? What other materials do you know?

Q: What’s the characteristic? How do people feel towards modern architecture?

2. Careful-reading

----Find out the information according to the key words

Modern architecture

Q1: When was modernism invented? -----1920s

Q2: How many architects are there in the text? ---Antonio Gaudi/ Wright

Q3: Where were they from? ----Spanish/ American architect

Q4: What did Gaudi want to be used in his works? What’s the characteristic of his architecture? How is his architecture like?

----Natural materials/ like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.

Q5: What inspired Wright? ----Japanese seashells

Q6: How many examples are there in the text?

----The Opera House/ the new Olympic Stadium

Q7: How do they look like? ----Seashell/ nest

Q8: Why do we call the Olympic Stadium in Beijing” the Bird’s nest”?

Q9: What do they (two architects / two examples) have in common? ---Nature

3. Listening

----While listening, pay attention to the key points in the text.

Step3. Post-reading

1. Task 1: Interview (group work)

2. Task2: Design (group work)

--- Design the architecture of a new school.

---Report four elements: what kind of materials is used? / Why do you design in this way? / How do the architecture look like? / What’s the style?

Step4. Homework

1. Exchange designs with your classmates and exhibit them.

2. Report what you have learned about modern architecture next time.

Period 4: Language study

Step 1, Lead-in

T: Hello, everybody, yesterday we have seen a lot of wonderful modern architectures and got to know some famous architects. Today I’d like to introduce you one of my friends. He is an architect. Who can tell me the meaning of “architect”. (a person who designs buildings). He lived in this house when he was young. Do you think this house beautiful or not beautiful? (not beautiful) Can you use another word to replace “not beautiful”. (ugly). So when he became an architect, he designed some pretty houses. Not long ago he designed a new house for me. Let’s go and see my new house.

Step 2, Vocabulary

T: Welcome to my new house. Could you say something about my new home?

T: I’m not alone here, because I have two neighbors. Do you know who are they and where they live? (nest, dog house)

T: Let’s learn some new words of house.

(balcony concrete nest brick roof)

Try to remember these new words, then fill in the blanks.

an area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a building ________________.

A strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________

a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young ____________

the structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out_________

Step 3, Word Study

T: Can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest)

A nest is to a bird what a house to a man.

Who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?


T: Good. Let’s try another one

Water is to fish what air is to men.


T: Well done. These two sentences have something in common-they are using the same sentence pattern. What is it?

→A is to B what C is to D

T: Very good. Now I will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern.

Fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana.

____are to a house what words are to a text.

An architect is to____________what a painter is to art.

A___is to a boat what an engine is to a car.

A____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.

Arms are to the body what_______are to a tree.

Step 4, Grammar

T: I’m very glad that you like my new home. Our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. I’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there.

show the Ss the picture and ask them to describe it.

--What can you see in the market?

--Let’s see what can we do here?

Give examples: I can have my hair cut here.

I can have my bike mended.

Ask the Ss to make similar sentences.

T: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern-“have something done”.

Now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare A and B.

A: I can have my bike mended

B: I can have the car waiting for me.

A: I found myself tied to a tree.

B: I found myself walking in a forest.

Watch more sentences on page 22.

Examine all the sentences carefully, and find out when we use –ing form and when we use –ed form.

→ passive voice: -ed

active voice: -ing

Look at the pictures, can you find out another difference between –ing form and –ed form.

Let’s do some exercises.


Did you find the city done?

When will he ever get the work greatly changed?

She can’t make herself called.

Next week I’ll have my bedroom understood.

You’ve got to keep the door locked.

I got the watch repaired.

She heard her name decorated


I don’t want any bad words____(say) about him behind his back.

Please get the work____(do) as soon as possible.

I’ll have the materials_____(send) to you next Monday morning.

She won’t have her long and beautiful hair____ (cut) short.

You should make your voice______(hear).

I want you to keep me_________(inform) of how things are going with you.

The rent sounds reasonable. How would you like it________(pay).

At last I succeeded in making myself__________(understand).

We’ll move to the new school, and four people will share one room. There will be a competition on decorating your room. The most beautiful and most special room will he the winner. Now work in groups of four to design your room. Five minutes later the group leaders should give a simple report. And pay attention to use –ed form in your report. Here are some phrases to help you:

Step 5, Homework

1.Workbook page 97, exercises 1-5

2.Workbook page 98, exercises 1-2

Period 5: Integrating skills

Step 1. Revision:

( Talk about new house decoration to revise the grammar: have… done)

--- Dear class, I’m especially happy these days, because I’ve just bought a new house. It’s very beautiful. Look, here it is. I want to share my happiness with you. So would you like to help me design my house? How should I decorate my room? Please discuss it and give me some advice, OK?

--- You should have your walls painted white.

--- You had better have … done.

A few minutes later, call out some pairs to report their design. >

--- Ok, which group will give me good suggestions?

--- Thank you very much! You’re good designers. I’ll decorate my room according to your design.

Step 2. Lead-in

( Talk about how to deal with the old house.)

--- Now after I finished decorating the rooms, I moved into my new beautiful house. But what should I do to deal with my old house? Should I pull it down? No, I don’t want to do that. Anyway it’s so lovely a house. Should I let it stand empty? No, not a good idea. I want to give it a second life. What shall I do? Please discuss again in groups and this time give me advice on how to deal with the old house.

< Ss discuss and give advice. >

--- Wow, you have so many wonderful ideas! I think I like to change it into a beautiful teahouse and I can rent it to somebody else since I am too busy to run it myself. And thus I can give my old house a second life. Thank you very much! Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea in my teahouse some day?

Step 3. Fast reading on “ Factory 798 ”

--- Thank you for your ideas to give my old house a second life. And the same story goes with another old factory which is no longer used in Beijing. It is the famous place called “Factory 798”. Has anybody ever heard of that? If no, let’s open our books and read the passage on Page 23. Try to find out: “What is Factory 798? ”

< Ss fast reading for a few minutes. >

--- Who has found out the answer?

→ an old army factory ; an arts centre;

Step 4. Careful reading

--- Now let’s get some detailed information about Factory 798. Please read the second paragraph of the passage carefully again and find out:

--- What was Factory 798 like?

→ huge factory halls of bricks

→ small round windows that remind you of ships

→ bent roofs

→ 20-foot high walls of glass

More questions on the screen to guide the reading:

1. When was Factory 798 built? Who designed it? Who built it?

2. Why is it very different from Chinese architecture?

--- We’ve known that Factory 798 was built in 1950s. As time went by and things developed, what happened to it then?

→ no longer used/ needed

→ stood empty

--- What has happened to it now?

→ turned into an arts center

More questions:

3. How did Factory 798 turn into an arts center?

4. Why was Factory 798 welcomed by painters, music bands, artists and musicians?

Step 5. Listening and reading

--- Now, let’s listen to the tape and get a better understanding of the text. Please follow the tape in a low voice and pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words and phrases which you’re not sure of. At the same time, please try to find out the following new language points in the text and see how much you can understand them in English.

< Show the language points on the screen. >

1. pull down

2. stand

3. with… aid

4. remind … of

5. set aside

Step 6. Retelling

--- Now it’s time for you to read the text by yourselves and try to summarize the text. That is to say, suppose you are a journalist from CCTV 9 and you’ve just paid a visit to the famous Factory 798. Please make a TV program to introduce Factory 798 to our citizens in your own words. I’ll give you three minutes to read through the text by yourselves and get prepared for the retelling, OK?

Step 7. Discussion

--- In almost every city around the world, there are old buildings which are no longer used, such as schools, hospitals, factories or even churches. What do you think people should do with them? Why?

→To pull down the old buildings and set up new modern ones to keep up with the pace of the society.

→New uses should be given to old special buildings. It’s a great way to save the architecture from the past.

Step 8. Writing.

--- Since we all agree that giving the old special buildings new uses is a great way to save the architecture from the past, now it’s time for you to have a practice and show your ability. You know our school is moving to the new campus now and the old campus will be left empty then. Suppose you are young painters, artists, musicians, and you can rent some parts of the school building to practice. How do you want to change the school buildings? What new uses can be given to the old school buildings? Please work in groups and make a plan about it.

Step 9. Homework.

1. Finish the program about Factory 798 as a TV reporter.

2. Finish your plan about how to reuse our old school buildings.

In this unit you have learnt about art and architecture. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below?

The things I can do Evaluation

I can understand and read about art and architecture. 5 4 3 2 1

I can describe buildings and works of art. 5 4 3 2 1

I can tell the differences between traditional architecture and modern architecture. 5 4 3 2 1

I can express my preferences in English. 5 4 3 2 1

I can draw and talk about floor plans of a building. 5 4 3 2 1

I can use the past participle as the object complement. 5 4 3 2 1

篇4:NSEFC-II Unit08(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

1 break down(机器)坏掉,(人)垮掉,(谈判,计划)失败,分解

联想:break up分散,(关系)破裂 break through 突破break in(vi.)闯入,插嘴

break into(vt.)闯入;突然大哭/大笑 break off中断,折断 break away from摆脱

2 leave sb/sth alone不理会 leave sth behind遗留;留下 leave out 遗漏,漏掉

leave +n.+adj/adv. 使…处于某种状态

eg,He question left me speechless. Don’t leave your work half done.

She left her baby crying. Leave them as they are.

3 defend/protect … against(from)保护…免受…

4 keep sb/sth alive让…生存,保留下来 come alive活跃起来

5 cure sb of sth 治愈某人的疾病;改掉某人的恶习

eg,Moving to the countryside cured her of asthma.搬到乡下他的哮喘就好了。

eg,The painful lesson cured him of the bad habit of drinking and driving.


6 be infected with/contract disease感染疾病 transmit/spread disease传播疾病

(feelings)infect sb情绪感染某人eg,Her enthusiasm infected the whole class.

7 blood transfusion输血

8 because of a lack of/for lack of/in the absence of 因为缺乏

9 as with/as is the case with/in common with同…一样

10 the+adj.表示一类人:the young(=young people) ,the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)

the dead(死者),the living,(生者),the accused(被告)

表示抽象化事物:the beatuiful(=beauty)美的事物,the impossible不可能的事情

11 suffer from (a disease)患有某种疾病

eg, suffer from a bad cold/loss of memory/somnia患重感冒,失忆症,失眠

suffer+n. 遭受,经历(痛苦,损失)

eg, suffer pain/torture/defeat/damage/loss遭受痛苦,折磨,失败,破坏,损失

12 be available 可获得的,可用的;有空的,不忙的

eg,The library is available for the students. 图书馆对学生开放。

Sorry,I’m not available for the comment.我现在没时间做评论。

13 much too expensive(adj.)太贵 too much expense(n.)花销太大

14 spend/waste(time/money…)doing花费,浪费…做

15 discourage sb from doing阻止,打消某人做

16 cheer(sb)up使振作起来

17 get/keep(stay)/lose contact(touch) with 与某人取得,保持,失去联系

put sb in contact(touch)with使某人与…取得联系 contact lenses 隐形眼镜

18 persuade sb to do/into doing(talk sb into doing)说服某人做

persuade sb not to do/out of doing说服某人不做

persuade sb of sth=convince sb of sth使某人相信,信服

eg,We finally persuaded her of his innocence.

19 live with/come to terms with/put up with忍受,忍耐

live through 历经过 live up to不负(盛名),不辜负,符合(标准) live on以…为食

20 develop AIDS(逐渐)患上(疾病) develop films冲洗胶片 develop new drugs 研发新药

develop mind and body发展身心 develop the habit of(逐步)养成习惯

develop an interest in培养兴趣 develop a friendship with 培养友谊

21 as long as/only if/on condition that/provided that…(表条件)只要

22 be immune to 对…免疫,不受其影响

23 have sb do/doing让某人做 eg,Mr wu had us clean the classroom.

Eg, He had us laughing all through the class. 他让我们整堂课笑个不停。

have sb/sth done (表被动)

eg,Mum took me to the hospital to have me examined. / eg,I must have my hair cut.

24 be diagnosed with被诊断出

25 disrupt traffic/public order扰乱交通,社会治安

26 recover from 从…中恢复,痊愈 recover from a cold/ the shock感冒痊愈,从打击中恢复

recover consciousness恢复知觉 recover one’s hearing/sight 恢复听力,视力

recover oneself恢复健康;情绪平稳下来

27 keep/stop/prevent/ban/prohibit sb/sth from doing阻止某人(某事)发生

28 on the contrary相反 be contrary to 与之相反

29 for the moment 暂时,暂且 for a moment 一会儿 the moment…(as soon as)当…时刻

30 be free from摆脱,不受影响 eg,I want to be free from the life of pressure and anxiety.

31 think of ..as/look on..as/regard …as/consider..as/view ..as/count…as把…看作

32 teach sb a lesson给…一个教训

33take/grasp/seize a chance把握/抓住机会

34 to the fullest最充分 live life to the fullest把生活过地充实


1 AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illnesses.

2 People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.

3 The disease is spreading fast in Africa ,mainly because of a lack of proper health care.

4 As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.

5 If I were to live long enough to have a job,I would choose to be a doctor.

6 I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.

7 The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment,but I know that I will never be completely free from it .

8 Living with cancer has made me realise how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest.



I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.(表现在的虚拟)

I wish I hadn’t made such a foolish mistake.(表过去的虚拟)

I wish AIDS could be cured some day.(表将来的虚拟)

Unit8 first aid

一 重点短语

1 catch fire着火 play with fire玩火;做危险的事

set sth on fire/set fire to纵火,放火 make a fire 生火

2 within/beyond one’s reach范围之内/之外 reach out/hold out(one’s hand)伸出手

3 upside down颠倒着

4 witness(an accident…) 目睹,目击 be witness to 是…目击证人

eg: The year witnessed (见证)a great event-2008 Olmpic Games in China.

5 keep/bear sth in mind将…记住 have sth in mind心里想

6 stay/remain calm保持冷静 calm down 冷静下来

7 get into a panic/ be in(a)panic陷入恐慌

8 respond/react to 对…做出反应,回应 in response to作为对…的回应

eg, The school had to stop teaching classes during the vacation in response to public pressure.


9 sentence sb to death/three years’ imprisonment 判处某人死刑,三年有期徒刑

eg,The criminal Xiong Zhenlin has been sentenced to death for his brutal and savage crime.(野蛮残暴的罪行)。

10 recommend sth to sb把…推荐给某人 eg,Will you recommend a good dictionary to me?

recommend doing sth建议做… eg,The doctor recommended taking the medicine after the meal.

recommend sb to do eg,The doctor recommended me to take the medicine after the meal.

recommend that...(should )do… = recommended that I should take the medicine….

It’s strongly recommended that …(should )do强烈建议做…

11 the accident scene事故现场

12 be conscious/aware of (doing) sth意识到,注意到,明白

be conscious/aware that…

13…is on the way/around the corner/drawing near/approaching临近,靠近

14 in honor of 为了向…表示敬意,为了纪念 have the honor of doing….有做…的荣幸

eg,May I have the honor of dining with you tonight?我能荣幸地请你共进晚餐吗?

= Will you do me the honor of dining with you tonight?您能赏脸与我共进晚餐吗?

15 spit(sth)out吐出 联想:throw up(vomit)呕吐

16 search sp for sb/sth 搜寻某地 search sb搜身 search for sb搜寻某人


1 People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.

2 Seconds count in an emergency.(分秒必争)First impressions do really count .

3 The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.

4 If we were to get hurt(by)trying to save someone,we would not be able to help.

5 The question will also calm the person,letting him know that help is on the way.

6 If the person is not breathing,we must try to start his breathing at once,using the mouth-to-mouth method.

7 We should never try to revive a person unless(=if not) we know how to do it.


2. if 的非真实条件句:

①If I were you,I would give an AIDS patient a hug. (表现在的虚拟)

If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world.

②If I had known more about giving first aid,I could have helped them.(表过去的虚拟)

If the hurricane had happened during the daytime,there would have been many more deaths.

③If we were to panic,we would not be able to help.(将来的虚拟)

注意 :表将来的虚拟有三种形式

If you were to fail tomorrow,you wouldn’t get anything.

If you failed tomorrow, you wouldn’t get anything

If you should fail tomorrow, you wouldn’t get anything


If I had worked harder at school,I would be sitting in the comfortable office now.

If I were 10 years younger now,I would have got that job then.

4. if 在虚拟语气中省略,结构要倒装(助动词提到主语前面):

Were I you (If I were you), I would do it another way.

Had I known the truth,(If I had known the truth)I wouldn’t have helped him.

5. 表示建议,命令,要求的动词带从句,谓语动词通常(should)do,如:recommend,suggest,advise,insist,require,request,order,command ,etc.

eg,Many hospitals recommend that we (should)use DR ABC .


①It’s time that we paid a visit to our mother school.

② I’d rather (=wish)that I hadn’t met you yesterday.

③They are talking as if there were friends.

④If only I would be admitted to Peking university.
