





In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to ones health,and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play basketball with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.

At home, I like to sing . I hope I will be a singer when I grow up.

Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them.


根据英语教育工作者多年的经验, 现在困扰初中学生学习英语的一大难题就是词汇问题。对于刚刚进入外语语言的系统学习的初中学生来说, 还没有形成一个完整的词汇认知系统, 对于词汇的学习仍然处于懵懂阶段。这就要求教师采取积极有效的方法, 挖掘学生学习英语词汇的潜力。学生只有拥有扎实的词汇基础才能在未来的英语学习中, 大有进步。


(1) 兴趣引导, 促进教学。兴趣是人生成功的真谛, 英语的学习同样需要良好的兴趣的引导。教师的任务就是培养学生的学习兴趣, 运用正确的教学方法达到对词汇学习的正确引导。教师可以引入实物采取固定句型一问一答的形式来激发学生学习英语的动力。例如:在学习“food and fruite”食物与水果方面的单词时, 教师可以将生活中的水果搬到教学课堂上。首先为学生树立形象思维, 在对每一个单词进行讲解前, 教师可以先用英语对这个水果进行简单描述, 然后让学生猜出所描述水果的名字, 再对这个水果的单词详细讲解。

(2) 简笔画图, 形象记忆。形象记忆的方法是初中学生普遍能够接受的记忆方法, 教师要充分挖掘学生的形象记忆, 通过简笔画图的方法, 为学生勾勒出一幅形象的图画。例如:desk书桌, 这个单词教师在没有讲解前, 可以先在黑板上一边画图一边用英语向学生描述这个物品:It is always used in the classroom.Our students write on it, it has four legs, what is it, do you know?学生听着教师的语言描述, 再观看着黑板上的简笔图画, 在听觉与视觉的形象思维的带动下, 学生就会自觉猜出这个单词。通过这种方法, 不仅能锻炼学生的听力, 而且在图画的形象直观的影响下, 会加深对单词的印象。

(3) 实物引导, 加以区分。英语单词中有很多近义词, 为了让学生更加形象地区分这些单词, 教师可以采取实物引入的方法, 对学生的学习加以引导, 让学生产生形象的印象。例如:初中课本常见的单词:cup杯子, bottle瓶子, glass玻璃杯, 为了让学生更好地区分这些意思相近的单词, 教师可以将生活中的实物杯子引入教学课堂, 让学生产生形象的印象, 进而加深对单词的理解。

(4) 掌握规律, 穿针引线。英语语言是一种典型的拼音文字, 单个词汇中有很多规律性的东西, 例如:字母固定组合的发音, 特殊名词的名词变复数的变化规律。教师在教学过程中要注意把握这些规律, 向学生展示这些规律。学生通过规律来掌握这些词语, 会达到事半功倍的效果。例如:ee、ea组合的发音是[i:], tea bee的发音分别为:[ti:]与[bi:], oo字母组合在以浊辅音字母结尾的单词前发音为长音[u:], 相反在清辅音前发音为短音[u]。教师在词汇教学中, 要注意把握这些规律性的东西, 积极引导学生发现规律, 通过规律展开同类词语的教学, 达到穿针引线的效果, 减轻学生的学习负担, 提高学习效率。

此外, 每当一个单元的单词学习结束时, 教师可以通过单词测试的方式对学生的单词掌握情况进行测试。从学生的答卷中反馈出学生的学习情况, 总结他们的问题, 从而对其进行纠正, 提高教学效率。对于学过的词汇要注意及时引导学生积极复习, 通过积极的复习达到对知识的牢固掌握。这是教师在整个英语教学必须掌握的基本教学方法。

词汇是英语学习的基础, 词汇是构成整个语言学习的基本组成部分。如何做好词汇教学工作, 让学生扎实地掌握词汇, 达到对词汇的熟练掌握和应用, 是每一个英语教师关注的问题。作为初中英语教师, 要做好词汇教学工作, 教师就要根据自身的知识与经验积累不断总结更好的教学方法;注意引入实物, 采用形象教学的方法展开教学, 鼓励学生做好课前预习工作, 做好课后作业, 积极开展英语学习工作, 要做好课后考察工作。对于学生在词汇学习中出现的问题, 要进行及时总结和思考, 不断改进教学, 提高学生学习单词的效率, 实现词汇的有效教学。



ARPG(Action Role Play Game,动作角色扮演游戏)

AVG(Adventure Game,冒险类游戏)




FFJ(Force Feedback Joystick(力量反匮式操纵杆)

FPG(First Person Game,第一人称游戏)

FTG(Fighting Game,格斗类游戏)


GBC(GameBoy Color,任天堂手提16色游戏机)



Fps(frames per second,帧/秒)

FR(Frames Rate,游戏运行帧数)



SFC(Super Famicom,超级任天堂16位游戏机)

SLG(Simulation Game,模拟类游戏)


SRPG(Strategies Role Play Games,战略角色扮演游戏)

STG(Shoot Game,射击类游戏)


I have a family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. My father is a teacher in the university. He likes doing sports. He swims every evening. He is tall and thin. He is sweeping the floor now. My mother is a teacher, too. She likes doing housework. She cooks everyday. She is not fat and not short. She is walking now.

I am a student. I like reading books in my bedroom. I take a bus at 7:30 a.m. I am short and thin. I am writing now.

I love my family.


This my classroom.There is a big biackboard in front of the class.There is a book case beside the biackboard.There are some chairs and desks in the room.There are some windos in my ciass room,too.I lilk my class room.



I like spring very much.It is warm .Threre are many beautiful flowers in this season.

The river flows slowly and the fish swim in the river happily.

How about you ?Which season do you like?


I bought a pair of beautiful shoes in there.

I love Beijing .

This too beautifuL


Well,the Summer vacation is coming.I am going to have a good rest.I`m going to help my parents with their housework. In addition, I`m going to read many good books.And I think I will have a happy Summer vacation.How about you? What are you going to do when the Summer vacation is coming?



A father and son snake are out for a nice afternoon slither.The son asks,”Dad,are we poisonous snakes?“ The father replies proudly,”Yes son,we are rattler snakes!Why do you ask son?“ ”Because Dad,I just bit my tongue!"


More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and there.

Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky.

With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars.


Yesterday I Buying equipment for my bike,A “Bicycle stopwatch”.It can tell me my velocity.

In the afternoon,I ride my bicycle in the JIANGSU UNIVERSITY.At first,I ride18km/h,but soon I ride 22-25km/h,and then I start to speed up.About 10Minutes,I keep my velocity27-28km/h,keep it a long time,so it makes me feel very tired and thirsty.But I also feel excite. It’s so Furious. Feel the joy brought by speed. Especially when the velocity is 30km/h or faster.Also it’s the reason of why I love cycling.

I ride 16km ,use about30-40 Minutes. Cycling can exercise my leg muscles.At the same time it also can exercise my endurance.So it’s a very good exercise.And it’s to me--the half of my life.Maybe someone think it’s exaggerated.But it’s ture.


Because we have a long holiday and less homework.

My parents took me to the zoo today.We saw many animals there.

We also took many photos.We all had a happy day today.



He likes exercise,usually when he comes home from school. His eating habits are pretty good.

He likes eating vegetables and fruit.He never eats junk food.
