



Whoever in front of the graph will be very much fascinated: How thought provoking it is!The bar chart reflects the statistics...As can be seen clearly from the table, the figure of...is about...among those...,the highest/lowest among all the categories.While conversely, the proportion/percentage of...As for those...,the figure is.....(至少两句,至多三句)However simple the chart looks, its intended meaning is far-reaching.Why does this phenomenon revealed in the graph above appear? Many driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follow.First and foremost,...;In many case,...;what’s more ,...;Last but not least,....Judging from all the factors offered, all the analyses point to an reasonable conclusion.With the rapid growth of economy and technology, we may predict that the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the fierce competition of the talent market.So it is high time that we should make full preparation and enhance our consciousness of it./with efforts from all walks of life,a brighter future is not far behind./Obviously,to reverse the trend is not a light task,it requires a good awareness of

份额share、饱和saturate、worse still更糟的是 at the rate of以...速率增长

下降 descend /come down/drop/fall/decline

减少 reduce、decrease、lessen、cut down、上升 raise、rise、heighten、enhance、advance、strengthen、boost、boost up短句 like the pandora’s box,the crippling force of...have a steady and slight increase/witnessed a great surge within no more than...year,and remain constant in..../the biggest surge happens from...take effective and efficient action to promote/curb....Only in this way can we embrace a sustainable and harmonious society to some extent在某种程度上 a sound attitude正确的态度 strive for努力 Broaden one’s outlook开阔眼界

people-oriented以人为本 psychological quality心理素质 trading platform网购平台 high-tech product高科技产品 competition spirit竞争意识 financial crisis金融危机 brand named product品牌产品 guide rational consumption引导合理消费 seize the opportunity 抓住机遇 stimulate domestic demand刺激内需 get into a good living habit养成生活好习惯 slugging market市场疲软 face adverse condition面临困境 prime time黄金时段 disruption of ecological resources生态失衡 greenhouse effect全球变暖 fine for breaking regulation违章罚款 income distribution收入分配 wealth gap贫富差距 microblog微博 public servant公务员 regional disparity地区差异 personal net关系网 migrant workers外出务工人员 social activities社会生活 complex interpersonal relationship人际关系网 stable mental conditional to稳定的心态 hinder economic development阻碍发展 be devoid of morality缺乏道德 way of thinking思维方式 custom/convention习俗

boost prosperity促进繁荣

enhance understanding增进了解 popularity of internet网络普及 in the era of high-tech在高科技时代

information technology信息技术

foster expertise夯实专业知识 cultivate spirit of innovation培养创新精神 deficiency亏损 thorny棘手的 comply with遵守 drag sb down 拖后腿 work out concrete solution制定具体措施 traffic congestion交通堵塞 unremitting efforts 不懈努力 sustainable development可持续发展

virtual reality technological updating技术更新 make the economy more market-oriented进一步市场化

raise environmental awareness among the general public提高环保意识

If wisely and correctly used none can deny the fact that do not come without drawback 有坏处

purchase购买 possession占有 emerge出现 circumstance情况 appreciate感激 prompt及时的 embarrassing尴尬的 cherish爱惜 hesitate犹豫 puzzle困惑 sincere诚挚的 humble谦虚的 colleague同事 statistics统计 category类目


Dear Sir or Madam,I venture to write to complain /feel bad to trouble you but I have to make a complain about the poor service(quality)of a product that I purchased from your store two weeks ago.During the five days when sth has been in my possession,problems of sth have emerged one after another.For one thing ,(抱怨的第一个方面)。For another,(抱怨的第二个方面)。In addition,Under these circumstances,I find it(感觉)to(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)。

I appreciate it very much if you could(提出建议和请求),preferably(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by(设定解决事情最后期限)./I am looking forward to your replay at your earliest convenience.2:询问信

I ,as a...of..., am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding...(介绍自己、提出请求)

Considering...,I am at a loss.First of all,what are...?(第一个问题)Secondly,when will...?(第二个问题)Thirdly,is...?(第三个问题)In addition,I would like to inquire...(说明原因及其他事项)

Thank you for you kindness,and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.(表示感谢、期盼答复)3:道歉信(2008年)

I am writing to make an apology to you for I...(道歉的原因)/ It was most embarrassing to discover that...I have always been cherishing sth as treasures.However, The reason is that...(介绍原因)firstly,...Unfortunately,...(I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of such a happy get-together,and I hope that all of you enjoy a good time.Is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterward?If so ,please don’t hesitate to give me a call about your preferable date.)

Once again,I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused/I sincerely apologize for my careless mistake ,as well as for any inconvenience thus caused to you.Hope you can understand my situation and accept my apologies.To make up my fault,...I will also...(另给好处)4:感谢信

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for(感谢的原因)。具体情形...puzzled me so much that I would rather...It is your valuable assistance that enabled me to...(帮助的结果).Every one agrees that it was you who(给出细节)。Again,I would like 5:建议信(2012年欢迎建议信2009年建议信 2007年建议信)

I am a...,are writing here to provide some advice to improve the service./You have asked me for my advice with regard to...,and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.In my humble opinion,you would be wise to take the following actions:...(建议的内容)/I can find no better suggestions than the following two.To begin with,....Besides,please pay more attention to...I hope you will find these proposals useful,and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Thank you for your time and consideration.6:求职信

I am responding to your ad in the January 5th,2012,the Sunday issue of China daily for the position of the...It prompts me to offer you my qualification because your requirements closely parallel qualification and working experience.I graduated from English Department of Beijing University.I once worked as a...for3 years.I have been working as a manager assistant for one years in.../Not only do I have the qualifications for this job,but I also have the right personality for a...(工作名称)。In the one hand,...(第一个原因)。On the other hand,...(另一个原因)。

I wish you would give me an opportunity to be interviewed.I can be reached at my resume address or phoning(010)88888888 after 4 p.m.Looking forward to hearing from you.7.辞职信(2005年)

I am much grateful to be employed by you two mouths ago for(职位).I to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues.However,as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn’t fall in with my previous training and strength.I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that confirms to my former preparation.I highly appreciate the invaluable experience and happy days working here.thanks for your patience,understanding,and trust.Please accept my sincere apologizes for any inconveniences my leaving may incur.8.请假条

Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday.This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth.I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight.The situation could worsen, should infection occur.Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution.I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.Thanks.I will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.9:邀请信

There will a ____(内容)at/in____(地点)on____(时间)。We would be honored to have you there with us.The occasion will start at ____(具体时间)。This will be followed by a ____(进一步的安排)。At around____(时间),____(另一个安排)

I really hope you can make it.RSVP before ____(通知你的最后期限)Yours sincerely Li Ming



(二)为了制止不文明的行为(uncivilized behavior),有人提议将这种行为实名曝光。他们提出以下理由:首先,因为害怕被曝光,人们会提高自觉性并注意自己的行为。另外,如果不文明行为被置于人们监督下,会有更多的人关注不文明行为,这样可以有效防止不文明行为的发生。当然,也有人反抗这样提议,首先,被曝光的人容易受到来自公众和朋友的批评和怀疑,这可能会影响他们的正常生活。其次,实名曝光在很大程度上不具有可行性,因为大多数不文明行为不能被当场发现,不文明行为者的姓名也难以获取。




He prides himself in the fact that he does not have to workhard to be better than others and gives up learning completely.

笔者认为, 原句中“prides himself in”的搭配用法有误。on。例如 :

1.She prided herself on her ability to speak eight languages/on knowing eight languages.她对自己会说八种语言感到得意 。

2.She had always prided herself on her appearance.她 总是对自己的外貌感到得意。

3.He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.他 在紧急关头十分镇静,为此感到骄傲。

当pride作名词用 时 ,可用于“take (a) pride in sth./doingsth.”的词组中 ,这时 ,介词要用in,而不用on。例如 :

1.I take(a)pride in my work.我为自己的工作感到骄傲。

2.We take great pride in offering the best service in town. 我们以能够提供全城最好的服务而自豪。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,pride既可作动词用,又可作名词用,但是各自所用的介词是不同的。因此,原句宜改为:He prides himself on the fact that he does not have to work hard tobe better than others and gives up learning completely. 也可改为 :He takes(a)pride in the fact that he does not have to work hard tobe better than others and gives up learning completely.



I believe that the three R principles can contribute a lot toreach the eco-friendly destination.

笔者认为原句中的动词“contribute”用法有误。“contributeto”作“有助于 ,促成 ;是……的部分原因”解 ,其中的to是介词 ,后面跟sth.或doing sth.,不跟to do sth.。例如:

1.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 充足的新鲜空气有益于身体健康。

2.The driver’s carelessness contributed to the accident. 司 机的粗心大意是造成这场事故的原因之一。

3.Can robots contribute to preventing environmental deterioration?机器人能有助于阻止环境的恶化吗 ?

4.As is known to us,good learning habits contribute to improving?learning efficiency. 众 所周知 , 好的学习习惯有助于提高学习效率。

从上述实例中, 我们可以看出,“contribute to”词组中的“to”是介词,不是不定式符号。因此,原句宜改为:I believe thatthe three R principles can contribute a lot to reaching the eco friendly destination. 也可改为 :I believe that the three R principles can help a lot to reach the eco -friendly destination. ( 把contribute改为help,其后可跟 (to)do sth.)



As far as I see it,the resentment towards the rich results fromthe widening gap between the rich and the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually get their way”.

As far as I see it,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.

笔者认为,以上两句中的动词“see”用法有误,“as far as Isee it”不符合英语的表达习惯。在要表达 “在我看来 ,依我看来,依我之见,就我所知”时,英语中,我们既可说“as far as Ican see”,又可说“as I see it”。前者没用it,后者不可缺少it,二者不可混用。例如:

1.That’s the problem as far as I can see. 在 我 看 来 , 那 就 是问题所在。

2.As far as I can see,at least four different weapons wereused.依我之见 ,至少使用过四种不同的武器 。

3.As I see it,there are two alternatives.We can either staywith your parents or rent a place.在 我看来 ,有两种选择 。 我们可以跟你父母住也可以租房住。

4.As I see it (=according to my view of the situation),theblame lies with the driver.依 我看 ,这责任在司机 。

从以上实例中,不难看出,英语中无“as far as I see it”的搭配用法。因此,原句宜改为:1. As far as I can see,the resentmenttowards the rich results from the widening gap between the richand the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually gettheir way”.2. As far as I can see,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.也可改为 :1. As I see it,theresentment towards the rich results from the widening gap betweenthe rich and the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually get their way”. 2.As I see it,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.



In conclusion,universities are justified to bond with enterprises and accept their financial support.

笔者认为,原句中的动词“justify”用法有误。根据英语的表达习惯,“be justified”后一般不跟“to do sth.”,而要用“in doing sth.”或“in sth.”, “be justified in doing sth./sth.”是固定 搭配用法。例如:

1.She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.她 觉得有充足的理由要求退款。

2.I think I’m completely justified in asking for her resignation.我 认为 ,我要求她辞职是完全合理的 。

3.Is he justified in his criticisms?他的批评有道理吗 ?

4.Charwell had been perfectly justified in his action. 查 威尔的行为已证明是完全正当的。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,“be justified”后不可跟“to dosth.”。因此, 原句宜改为:In conclusion,universities are justifiedin bonding with enterprises and accepting their financial support.



In my opinion,the upsurge is resulted from two-fold factors.

笔者认为,原句中的动词“result”用法有误。根据英语的表达习惯,“result from”和“result in”都用主动式,不可用被动式。例如:

1.The damage resulted from the fire.这损失由火灾所致 。

2.His lameness resulted from an accident. 一次事故造成了他的跛足。

3.Sickness often results from eating too much.过 量进食常会导致疾病。

4.The game resulted in a win for our side.比赛结果为我方获胜。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词词组“result from”不可用于被动式。因此,原句宜改为:In my opinion,the upsurge results from two-fold factors.也可改为 :In my opinion,two-fold factors result in the upsurge.



During his lifetime which symbolizes the triumph of the human spirit,Nelson Mandela was rewarded the 1993 Nobel PeacePrize.


动词“reward”作“报答;奖励”解,常用于“reward sb.for(doing)sth.”和“reward sb.with sth.”的句型中 ,前者“with”后跟的名称是具体名称,表示所奖励的物品等,后者“for”所跟的成分表示奖励的原因。有时,二者可合用,即“reward sb.with…for(doing)sth.”。例如 :

1.She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with asmile.她开始给孩子唱歌 ,孩子则报以微笑 。

2.They rewarded him (for his great help)with a gift of money.他们奖给他一笔钱(以酬谢他鼎力帮助。

3.They rewarded the boy with £5 for bringing back the lostdog.他们因男孩带回那条走失的狗奖给他5英 镑 。

动词“award”作“授予;给予”解,可用在“award sb.sth.”和“award sth.to sb.”的句型中 ,其中的名称为奖品或荣誉称号等。例如:

1.They awarded him a medal.他们授予他一枚奖章。

2.I was awarded the Nobel Prize.我获得了诺贝尔奖。

3.The prize was awarded to me for excellence in French. 我因法语成绩优异而获奖。

4.The degree of B.A.was awarded to him.他 被授予文学学士学位。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词“reward”和“award”的不同用法。因此,原句宜改为:During his lifetime which symbolizes the triumph of the human spirit,Nelson Mandela was awardedthe 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.


在《新题型预测》“Should Rewards for Doing A Good Deedbe Promoted?”的作文范文里 ,有以下一句 :

However,in recent years there has aroused a heated debatedas to whether people should be rewarded for doing a good deed.

笔者认为,原句中动词“arouse”用法有误。在由“There”开头的句子中, 其后的动词不能用及物动词, 往往用不及物动词,如come,remain,lie,stand,arise及exist,等等。主语退居后面,目的是突出主语的意义分量。例如:

1.There comes a point where you give up.现在该你认输了。

2.There remains the problem of finance.财政问题仍然存在。

3.There lies a large field of rice in front of our village. 在我们的村庄前面有一大片稻田。

4.There stands a high monument in the middle of the square.广场中央矗立着一座高大的纪念碑。

5.There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions.在我们哲学的讨论里发生了一种不诚实的情况 。

6.There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies.两个物体之间永远存在着吸引力。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词“arouse”是及物动词,作“激起;引起”解,不能用于“There+动词(不及物动词)+主语(名称主语 )”的句型中。

因此,原句宜改为:However,in recent years there has arisena heated debate as to whether people should be rewarded for doinga good deed.动词arise作“发生 ;产生 ;出现”解 ,是不及物动词 ,可用于上述特定句型中。


























































(5)情感方面:培养学生良好的学习习惯; 激发培养学生学习的热情,对英语学科的喜爱; 引发学生用所学知识进行交际的意识和勇气; 继续培养学习兴趣,提高他们听和说的能力。








