新剑桥少儿英语一级 A unit10简易教案


新剑桥少儿英语一级 A unit10简易教案(精选4篇)

篇1:新剑桥少儿英语一级 A unit10简易教案



In ________________ on ________________ under ________________ Behind ________________ next to ________________


Today is Saturday.It is fine.Mike and I are playing chess.The first board(第一局),I win.I feel happy.Then, we have another board(第二局).Mike wins.Mike looks excited, but I feel angry.Then I am very serious(认真的)about the third board(第三局).Finally(最后), I win.()1.Today is _________



C.Sunday()2.Mike and I are __________

A.Playing chess

B.Playing football

C.Running()3.The first board, _________ win(s)



C.Nobody()4.The second board, Mike feels __________



C.Excited()5.I win _________ board(s).A.One



Unit 10 An easy maths lesson 一.重点词汇












1.One plus two is ____________ 2.Two plus three is five.____________ 3.Three plus four is ____________ 4.Five minus one is ____________ 5.Nine minus four is ____________ 6.Ten minus three is ____________ 三.完成课后练习3,5,6题。四.我们一起动脑筋

Each letter of the alphabet can have a value.A















P 1 11 12 14 16 Q








Z 17 18 20 21 22 24 Eg: ANT is worth: 1+14+20=35

TIGER is worth: 20+9+7+5+18=59 Can you find an animal worth less than ANT? Can you find an animal worth more than TIGER? Find out the value of each animal.看看谁先做完 Giraffe=

horse= Snake=

elephant= Hippo=

bee 比一比,看谁能先找到60的 课堂练习


Many things around us can affect(影响)our feelings.I like listening to music.When I am happy, loud rock makes me more excited and active.But when I am unhappy, loud music makes me feel bored and angry.Colours can affect my feelings a lot.Different colours change my feelings.When I feel sad, I usually wear bright-coloured clothes, such as light green, red, yellow and orange.They will make me feel happy soon.When I am unhappy, I don’t wear dark-coloured clothes.()1.When I am happy, _______ makes me more excited and active.A.Loud rock music

B.Doing my homework()2.Remember to wear ________ clothes when you feel sad.A.Dark-coloured

B.Bright-coloured()3.What will the author(作者)talk about next?

A.The weather can also affect our feelings

B.What his favourite colour is.

篇2:新剑桥少儿英语一级 A unit10简易教案

Pre-Starters A Unit1 Greetings Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands 1.knowledge objects(1)Key vocabulary: hello/ hi, good , morning, panda, monkey, dog, cat,.(2)Target language: Hello!/Hi!/Good morning!/Good noon!/Good afternoon!/ Good evening!/ Good night!/ How do you do!/ How are you!/ I`m fine/ I`m OK./ I`m not fine./What`s your name?/ My name is XXX./I am XXX./ Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you!, too./ Glad to meet you!/ Glad to meet you!, too.How are you?, I`m fine/ Ok, I`m not fine/ OK.2.Ability Objects Recognizing skill Speaking skills Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points The greeting expression.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point How are you!What`s your name? / My name is XXX/ I am XXX.Nice to meet you!/ Glad to meet you, too.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods Task-based teaching method Recognizing method Listening method Ⅴ.Teaching Aids

Multi-media and blackboard Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures StepⅠ.Greeting and introduce myself.StepⅡ.Lead in

1).Ask all students` names and greeting them with “Hello!XXX / Hi, XXX”.And teach students answer: Hello/ Hi, Doris/Ms Fu.2)Ask students make new friends with What`s your name?.I`m XXX, My.name is XXX.And other students say Hello/Hi, XXX.(点同学到前面来介绍自己的姓名Hello, everyone, my name is XXX然后全班同学say : Hello!XXX)3)Ask all students say Hello / Hi with each other.Let everyone take part in this activity.Make sure everyone speak.And then pairwork.Step Ⅲ.Presentation and Practice.Present some pictures about monkey, panda, teddy bear, dog, cat and say hello/hi to them.More the expression of greeting , say Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night(用图片展示早上,中午,下午,晚上,晚安).Step Ⅳ.Rhythm practice.Teach twice and sing with students, and then ask each student to sing once.Who sing the best in them will win a star.Have a break!Step V.Let` chant and sing

Hello!Hello!Hello!......(变成学生自己的名字)StepⅦ.Review Review the greeting expression what we have learnt last class.Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night!(通过图片展示时间)StepⅧ

Pairwork & Group work(Draw the sun)1.Draw the sun 2.Pairwork

Teacher presents some pictures about morning/noon/afternoon/evening/night and ask students to guess what`s time? And then say good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night and then ask students to practice the greeting with good morning/noon/ afternoon/ evening/ night and then greet each other with their own names.Ask some pairs of students to present this conversation.(Everyone has a partner)3.Group work

My name is XXX, good morning ,everyone.Good morning, XXX.Everyone will come to the front of the classroom and speak loudly.Step Ⅸ New expression 1).Ask students to greeting again, use How do you do?/ How do you do? or Nice/Glad to meet you!/ Nice / Glad to meet you , too./ How are you?, I`m(not)fine/OK.2).Ask students practice these conversations.StepⅩ Summary


I like apples

一、Teaching aims:





二、Key point and difficult point: Key point: apple, banana, pear, mango, lemon, peach, grapes, coconut, orange, want, fruit,Difficult point: What would you like?

I like apples.I want a coconut.三、Materials for teaching:

1、The cards.2、Some fruit.3、Some pictures about fruit.4、PPT

四、Teaching process:

(一)Greeting T: Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Cathy.(二)Free talk

T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine ,thank you ,and you? T: I am fine ,too.T:What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Nice to see you!...Ss:…

(三)Warm-up T: Now, boys and girls,please all stand up,Let’s do some warm-up,follow me,please!

Follow ,follow ,follow me,hands up,hands down.Follow ,follow ,follow me,turn left,turn right.Follow ,follow ,follow me,Let’s turn around.Follow ,follow ,follow me,stand up,sit down.Ss: …

(四)Review T: Last week,we learnt some words,do you remember?Let’s review them.(Show the cards and ask students to guess what the word is.)T:If you can read the word and spell it quickly,you can get 1point,do you understand? Ss:Yes.T:Good.Are you ready? Ss:Yes.T: Let’s begin.……

(五)Dictation T:OK,now everyone,please take out your notebooks and pencils,let’s have a dictation.T:Are you ready?Let’s begin!……

(六)New lesson T: Now today we will study a new lesson:Unit 3 I like apples.(Write on the blackboard)Can you read this sentence? Ss:…

T: Wonderful,Read after me,please.“ I like apples”.Ss: “ I like apples”.T: Gteat.Now look here,I have a bag,There are many fruit in the bag,you can guess what they are.If you are right,you can get 1point,OK,now let’s begin,Who can try? Ss:…

T: You are so clever,Now let’s play a game,the name of the game is: “Ostrich game”.Who can try?

Ss: I can try.T: OK,* *and * *please.Come here.Others,listen carefully,you must back to back,when I say:1,2,3,go.You must turn over and use other side’s word make a sentence.For example:The word is“banana”, you must say:“I like bananas.”or some other sentences.who is quick,he or she will get 1 point.Do you understand? Ss: Yes.T:OK,let’s begin.Ss:…


T: You are so clever.Now look here,look at these cards,let’s read these words together.…… Ss:……

T:Can you read these words?Now who can try?Read the words.Ss: I can try.……

T:Well-done.Now Look at the PPT,what’s this?



touch the card

Grape fruit


loud and lowly



hide the card

T:Now,let’s read them together,you must read them three times.Ss: …

T:Good,Now let’s play an interesting game.The name of the game is: “Down Game”.Now listen carefully, I’ll ask five students to come here and I’ll give them everyone a card,there is a word on the card,the others can give orders,if one of them say: “apple down”.The apple must down quickly,do you understand? Ss:Yes.T:Who can try? Ss: I can try.T: OK,…are you ready?Let’s begin.……

T:Now,look at this PPT, where is it? Ss:超市。

T:Yes,It’s a supermarket,what did she say?

Read after me,please.What would you like? Ss: What would you like? T: Good job,one day,I want to buy some fruit,what shall I say? Ss: What would you like? T:No,you can say: I want some apples.Read after me,please.(用不同速度拍手来操练)T:Now ,let’s do some dialogs,A ask,B answer.who can try?


(七)Lesson Part 2 Look , ask and say

Ask some students do the dialogs.A:Would you like an ….? B:Yes,please./No,thanks.Part

3Finish on the computer.Part

4and Part 5 the sound of “o”

Finish on the computer.Part6

Listening Part7 Ask the student to answer and spell.Part8 Homework Part9

Finish on the computer.Part10 Homework Part11 Oral English Part12 Write the words Part13 Homework(八)Homework

1、抄写并背诵单词:apple, banana, pear, mango, lemon, peach, grapes, coconut, orange, want, fruit,2、抄写并背诵句子:I like apples.I want a coconut.3、回家对爸爸妈妈说:What would you like?

I’d like a/an …

Would you like an apple?

篇4:新剑桥少儿英语一级 A unit10简易教案

本课将要学习剑桥少儿英语一级unit9.在这篇课文的学习中主要要求学生掌握一些玩具类的单词,比如:玩具汽车,玩具飞机等。还要掌握方位词,例如:on,under,next to…要掌握的句型就是where is …?/it is …… have you got …?/yes I have or no I haven’t


二 说教学目标

基于对课文内容的理解,以及对学生身心发展规律和认知规律的分析,我制定了如下教学目标: 1 语言知识目标:

(1)能正确地听、说、读、词语A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap

position:on in under between, behind, next to

(2)听得懂、会说、会用句子…where is …?/ it is…..have you got a …?/yes I have or no I haven’t.(3)要能用句型where is …/it is ….以及have you got a..?/yes I have or no I haven’t 灵活的做对话 2 语言技能目标:

(1)能根据情境和图片说出单词和句子(2)在设计的情景下进行简单的英语交流。3 情感态度目标:


(2)培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。(3)通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力。三 说教学重点 能听得懂、会说、会读单词A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap 听得懂、会说、会用句子where is …?/it is …… have you got …?/yes I have or no I haven’t能流利表达物体所处方位以及自己是否已经拥有某样物品。四 说教学难点






该环节主要是复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,为新知识的引入做铺垫,使他们立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。首先,根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,我给学生讲一个简短的小故事,Mary弄丢了她的玩具小汽车,自然而然地引导出句型“where is my toy car?”为新内容的学习做好认知准备。



1.在前面认知准备的基础上,带领学生学习新的单词。先是由ppt 展示之后出示几张单词卡片,并让学生通过跟读、集体读、自由读等形式初步接触新词。学完物体类的单词之后是一个抢读单词的比赛。将全班按人数分组,比如apple group, banana group ….每组每次出一名同学参加比赛,按座位一次向下轮流进行。

2.在where is ….?/it is …句型的学习上我先带学生读,了解句型结构,包括每个方位词的使用方法,分别在情境中作例句,(ppt 和书上的图画)带学生读,记忆。然后播放情境提问学生,找人回答。再之后由同学自己提问自己回答,最后找同学,一个同学问,一个学生答,做简单对话。反复练习。在第七部分的pair work 部分也采用同样的方式。






