







②Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in the picture is ______(揭示图片的深刻含义). First, ______(分析第一条含义).More often______(进一步阐述隐含的深刻含义). Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in



























②What ______(名言的指出者) remarked is just in line with my own mindset. In the first place, ______(论 点一). In the second place, ______(论点二).

③Though, ______(辨证地论述问题).


When asked about a theme, different people will offer different opinions... is no exception. Some people take it for granted that ... However, others hold that...

As for as I am concerned, that I am in favor for the second view. The reasons are as follows.

First, there is and elements of truth that ... But it doesn’t follow that... A case in point is that ...Therefore, the first view doesn’t hold water.

In conclusion...

2.优点和缺点(Advantages and disadvantages)

Nowadays, ...plays an important part in ... Like everything else, ...has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows

Firstly, ... Besides ... Most important of all ...

But every coin has tow sides. The negative aspects are alse apparent. To begin with, ... To make matters worse of all ...

Through above analysis, I believe that the advantages aspects outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore...

3.怎么办(How to)


Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones may be most effective. First of all ... Another way to solve the problem of ... is ... Finally...

There are not the best and only tow measures we can take. But it should be noted that if we take strong action to ...

4.选择行动(A or B)

When you ... you will be faced with the choice between A and B. Before making the right choice, you had better make a close comparison and contrast of them.

First of all, A... Also, B... Second, A... likewise, B... Despite their similarities, A and B are also different in the following aspects. First, A... However, B... Besides, A... on the contrary, B...

Therefore, it depends with ... you should choose. If you ..., you should choose A; but if you ... you should turn to B.



There are many reasons for... but in general, they come down to three major ones. For one thing... for another thing ... Perhaps the prime reason is that ... From the foregoing...


As proverb goes that......

篇6:名师谈 考研英语作文套路








简单化原则零错误原则 纯原则 语法结构:定语从句+插入语


1.The satirical sketch graphically portrays a scene in which ______________________

It is graphically/vividly/symbolically illustrated/demonstrated in the 图 that___________

2.1) What makes the drawing striking/intriguing/compelling is the fact that __________

2) The most striking feature of the drawing is (the fact)that ____________________

3) As is symbolically depicted in the (first/left-handed)图,____________________


4.字幕 1) We are informed by the caption that “____________________________”

2) The caption reads “___________”/The caption indicates that “___________”





1)Standing by the riverside, the Master sighed, “May time pass on and on like this, never ceasing day and night.”

2) Fluttering through the air, we dance wing to wing, life after life, forever a pair.

2. ADJ+N

3. =with+N

With passion/difficulty/optimism/confidence/joy/enthusiasm/grief/sorrow…..

单图:2008 合作

The impressive and thought-provoking cartoon graphically portrays a moving scene invoving two handicapped men. (Depicted in the thought-provoking cartoon are two handicapped men.) The most striking feature of the drawing is that the two cripples, leaving their crutches behind and supporting each other with their powerful hands, are walking forward with confidence and optimism. In addtion, we are informed by the caption that “You have merely one leg and so do I. Helping each other, we can travel around the world.”

As is illustrated in the thought-provoking cartoon, an optimistic and confident man, taking off his clothes, is rushing toward on a bridge from “poverty” to “prosperity”. What makes the drawing intriguing is that the bridge is entitled/ marked as “reasonable system”. Unquestionably, it is the positive politics that has bridged the gap between the poor and the rich.

双图:2006 小贝头

As is vividly depicted in the photos above, Beckham, the handsome British football superstar, is enjoying a striking popularity among young people. In the first photo, Beckham’s name appears on a young man’s face. The caption indicates that worship for the idol is written on the face. In the second photo, this young man is doing Beckham’s chic hairstyle in a barbershop. We are informed that he is spending 300 yuan imitating his idol’s hairdo.


天龙八部 三分天下


到底什么是天龙八部? 简单理解,就是八个可以在第二段当中构思的方面。第二段最好是总分总的夹心式写法。其中最最最关键的是现状分析,原因分析和后果分析。注意到,这八个方面是可以构思的方面,不是要都写,都写的话,这一段一般人过200,高手过1000. P2注意尽量控制在6-7句以内.

1.由浅入深:Simple as the picture is, the connotation behind it should be taken into consideration with more insight and penetration.

2.深层含义:Undoubtedly, the purpose of the picture is to convince us that due attention has to be paid to the prevalent and pervasive issue of unsafe food.


1)The past several years has witnessed/experienced the phenomenon that people in growing/increasing/expanding/mounting numbers suffered from the severe consequence of unsafe food.

2)The unprecedented economic development over the past several years is accompanied by the dramatic increase of unsafe food.

3)We can think of a variety of cheating phenomena in our contemporary society, such as the poisonous milk which results in prevalent infant kidney problem, and eggs which contain undesirable chemical factors, all of which are sounding an alarm to our society.


1). 人们为了追求利润,而丧失了道德底线

2). 国家监管不力,相关法律并未完善,给了不法分子漏洞

3). 万能BT理由,社会压力巨大。(with the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all individuals.)

1)Several factors, both individual and social, could account for the negative phenomenon.

2)The reason for the phenomenon may be complicated, but we can, to a large extent, ascribe it to the following interrelated factors. (1,2两句作用相同,都是引出两条原因。注意没必要两条,一条就够,两条主要是为了层次感)

3)具体的两条理由,On the one hand, a great number of people are only in pursuit of the maximum profit, totally turning a blind eye to /totally ignoring the basic morality of the whole business.

On the other hand, our legal system is far from perfect, which directly or indirectly provides the immoral businessmen with the chance of cheating.


The irresponsible teacher depicted in the picture is naturally associated with a great number of professors in real life, who are only in pursuit of their research papers and titles, while totally turning a blind eye to their obligation as qualified educators, for the reason that a great number of colleges and universities regard the number of papers as an essential standard to judge a teacher.


Professional dishonesty not only adversely affects the health condition of numerous consumers, but also poses a probable and potential threat on social stability.

坏:1.Adversely affect

2.pose a probable and potential threat on

3.exert a(n) unfavorable/undesirable/adverse/negative consequence on

4.sound an alarm to

5. put an enormous pressure upon

好:1.Lay a solid foundation for

2.exert a(n) positive/favorable/far-reaching/beneficial impact on

3.play a(n) vital/crucial/irreplaceable role in

4.serve as a catalyst for

教授的职责:The indifferent attitude towards education not only undermines the teaching quality of universities and adversely affects students’ desire for knowledge, but also sounds an alarm to education system in contemporary society.

Undeniably, this phenomenon will reduce the education quality. And students on the other hand, will have no specific and professional instruction.

6.举例说明It can be best exemplified by the case of poisonous milk and other dangerous food.(其实就是联系实际,也可以说就是现状的具体体现)


Undoubtedly, the photos have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among the youth nowadays. Beckham represents the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans. Likewise, several teenage girls won their fame overnight in The 2005 Super Girl Contest in China, which provoked nationwide noisy debates on the value and harm of admiring these idols. Generally speaking, young people are inclined to adore the people who excel in appearance, intelligence or talent.


摘 要 文章采用文献综述、逻辑分析的方法将英语和武术的内在联系起来,进行关于如何借用英语来提高少儿武术套路教学质量的相关理论研究。包括英语和少儿武术的内在结合阐述、结合时应该遵循的原则,旨在通过研究得出理论方法来指导武术套路教学实践。

关键词 少儿武术 英语 教学


















[1] 张久美.音乐融入体育教学和运动训练中的作用[J].天津理工学院学报.1998(1):78-80.















Introducing Yourself/Starting the Meeting /Opening Remarks

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!


Hello everyone and welcome.


It’s my great honor to be here.


It’s very happy to see you all.


Thank you for being here.



We haven’t all met before,so I’d better/like to /want to introduce myself. I’m Li Yang from LYCECo./First let me introduce myself.I’m….



I hope you’ll excuse my English.I’m a little out of practice/nervous./Please excuse my poor English.




Preparing the Aduience

What I am going to talking about today is…


First I’d like to talk about …


My topic today is very interesting.


I hope I can share my experiences with you.


I’ll start with…and then move on to …Finally, I’m going to …/I’ll begin by describing…then go on to …and I’ll end with….


I think, if you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions to the end ./If you have any questionhs I’ll be glad to answer them.

(我想如果你们不介意的话,我们将把问题留到最后来解决。/如果你们有问题,我很高兴为大家解答。)(主次分明 以“礼”服人。)

Please hold/save any questions until the end.


Remember this important point.



Delivering the Message

Firstly….Secondly…/First of all…Next….


This Brings me to my next point …/Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.(这正引出了我下面要讲的一个……./如果你们有问题请尽管打断我。)

I must emphasize/stress /make clear/I’d like to turn to/I’d like to stress….


At this point we must consider…/At this point we have to bear in mind…


Now, to digress for a moment…/Now to change the subject for a moment…


To go back to my earlier point…/To return to the point I made earlier…


Finally…/In conclusion…(最后…..)




Before finishing/closing I’d like to summarize the main points again/

Before I finish,I’d like to run through the main points again.


That’s all I’d like to run through the main points again.

That’s all I have to say for the moment/now/today./

That brings me to the end of my presentation.


Thank you for listening/coming/being here/Thank you for your attention.


Now if there are any questions. I’ll be happy to answer them./I’ll be glad to take any questions./If you have any questions,I’d be glad to answer them.


Finally I’d like to summarize the mail point.


I hope you all enjoy yourself today.


Thank you for listening.


Thank you for your time.


Thank you very much.



American High School Students

1. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. It’s my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. Thank you for what I am going to talk about today is American education.

2. Firstly, I’d like to talk about American high school students. My topic today is very interesting because American high school students are very different from Chinese high school students. I was a teacher in an American high school and I hope I can share my experiences with you.

3. Remember this important point, American students care about their social activities and activities outside school more than anything else. Chinese students care about their schoolwork and exams more than anything else. American students are very independent. They drive their own cars, work at part time jobs and often have their own money. American high school students are often involved in relationships with boyfriends or girlfriends. Studens in America must learn how to schedule their time among work, school, friends, sports and of course, fun! This type of responsibility is challenging for young people and often their education suffers. This is just a brief introduction to one of the many aspects of American education. Thank you all for listening and I hope you all enjoy yourselves today.

1、女士们, 先生们、早上好!我很荣幸来到这里、并且很高兴见到大家。谢谢你们的光临。我今天要谈论的话题是美国教育。

2、首先,我想谈谈美国的高中生。我今天的话题很有趣,因为美国的高中生与中国的高中生有很大的不同。我是一位来自美国的中学教师,我希 望我能和你们一起分享我的经历。

