




Dear Sir/Madam:

Hello. Thank you for coming to see me this resume, here there is a warm and sincere heart eager to get your understanding, support and help.

I am the 20xx Hunan Normal University graduate school, is studying music education major. In the upcoming graduation, I look back on the past study experience, joy, success, there are bitter, there is sweat. Now Im leaving college, start a new life journey, filled with excitement and anticipation, eager to play to their own expertise in the future work, solid work, to realize the social value of a person.

I am eager to after graduation to become a music educator. Because I love music, but also become a glorious teacher is my childhood dream. The teachers job is to shape peoples work, it is sacred, great. If I can be lucky to teacher post, I will try my best, to do everything. I will try to teach my students, let them. I will teach my students how to behave, how to live, how to face your life. This glass of water I will teach them to go to the taste of life, it is not cold, but warm; it is not weak, but is sweet.

I sincerely hope to become a member of you in 20xx, I will be with full enthusiasm and tenacious disposition diligent work, not negative leadership expectations.



april 13,XX

p.o. box 36

tsinghua university

beijing,china 100084

dear sir/madam:

your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10 student daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking.

according to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt4.0 and linux system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of tsinghua university this year with a m.s. degree . my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual interdev and sql server.

during my education, i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed cet-6, but more important i can communicate with others freely in english. my ability to write and speak english is out of question.

i would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

with many thanks,


dear sir madam:


i am the shanghai university of finance and economics undergraduate students, professional accounting and administration to attend the second degree, in july next year i will graduate and undergraduate. recently informed that your company is recruiting, i am confident i am in college for four years, the learning of the candidates would help me to this position, at the same time i am in human resources management was very interested in the work, it took part in their spare time by the shanghai municipal personnel bureau of human resources management certificate training posts. familiar with the personnel policies and regulations in china, and some professional talent recruitment, evaluation, knowledge, etc.; believe that the knowledge i have to learn to work well.

i have good computer knowledge and ability, i was able to carry out skilled office operations. my english is very prominent, in the second year through the four national examinations, are preparing for cet.

at the university, i also served as a college party branch secretary, has a strong ability to organize and coordinate; has led the class was awarded the title of shanghai, the collective good. therefore, i believe a very strong sense of professionalism and responsibility will enable me to face any difficulties and challenges.

i very much hope that your company can join and play to my potential. can join your company, i will invest 100% of my enthusiasm and responsibility. enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful.




dear school leadership:

first of all, your hard work to extend our deep respect! at the same time, also thank you for your busy schedule in my recommended reading materials. i am a beijing university of foreign studies for english majors in XX session, a student will be faced with graduation. experienced a four-year college education and college life, in the face of new opportunities and challenges, i am more determined the “self-confidence, self-reliance, diligence, modesty,” the doctrine of life.

beijing foreign language university is well-known english talent training base, renowned for their rigorous scholarship, well known for educating people. in such a learning environment, i appreciate the vital to the fun of learning english and determined to be a people dedicated to teaching english to their own education, whether in knowledge or in the quality of self-cultivation, i have benefited from.

“high school teacher, who is fan” is the warnings i have in mind. to learn in my four years at the university to study hard and continue to enrich themselves and self-adjustment. in school, i start from the characteristics of english majors in listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other aspects of the strict demands on themselves. good performance of the subjects. sophomore year with good results when passed a professional examination of the four, third year with good results, they adopted the beijing foreign studies university cet professionals is now actively note 8 national examination for english majors. at the same time, i learned a large number of extra-curricular knowledge, reading the original english text of books, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, and regularly participates in various academic activities of faculties to expand the breadth and depth of knowledge. english proficiency to be able to respond to business letters and timely translation of a variety of day-to-day presentation, be fluent in english communication. the french second language also have a certain amount of listening and speaking ability. computer proficiency in the use of office to office software and windows operating systems, proficiency in a variety of document processing. in addition, i also participated in various school-related professional training, as well as english teacher training. four years at the university won the award four scholarships.



大学生求职成本指毕业生从开始求职到与用人单位签约的过程中所花的费用, 主要包括简历制作成本、考证成本、异地求职成本 (招聘会门票、通讯费用、交通费用) 、个人包装成本及公关成本等。表1、表2所列数据说明为大学生求职的相关费用。


以上数据说明了毕业生求职成本的基本情况, 而个人情况不同其求职成本也会存在差异。


1. 学生原因

首先, 地方高校毕业生自我定位不明确。从调查中我们了解到, 许多毕业生没有很好的定位自己, 不懂得规划职业生涯, 求职时东挑西拣, 期望值过高。其次, 毕业生的准备不充分, 没有进行统筹规划。不少毕业生的准备工作做得很不够, 打的都是“临时战”、“突击战”。最后, 毕业生自身的素质需进一步提高。一些地方高校培养的部分毕业生出现动手能力较差、适应能力不强等问题, 他们在求职时必然遇到各种困难, 从而影响到学生的顺利求职, 其求职成本自然会较高。

2. 高校原因

首先, 地方高校的教学改革及人才培养与社会的经济发展仍存在不一致的地方。一些地方高校还没有完全摆脱传统教育的束缚, 培养的学生实践动手能力欠缺, 还不能完全适应社会需求;学校专业设置与社会经济发展存在不相适应的地方, 对一些社会需求少的专业, 学校没有及时调整其教学内容及招生人数。其次, 地方高校的就业指导工作还有待进一步完善, 大多数高校基本存在着缺乏有效的、有针对性的就业指导机制, 就业指导质量不高。

3. 社会原因

高校毕业生就业制度改革后, 政府及社会的服务功能在政策及服务体系方面有相应的对策, 但仍存在许多问题, 如高校就业工作存在多头管理, 目前还没有形成有序的就业市场及就业环境, 服务保障体系也未健全, 学生创业渠道不够畅通, 相关政策还不能完全到位, 毕业生就业的途径还较单一等。而用人单位方面也没有形成完全规范的用人制度等, 这些问题及现象的存在造成了大学生求职存在困难, 促使毕业生求职成本增加。


1. 准确定位, 明确目标是降低求职成本的关键

(1) 做好职业定位, 明确职业目标。

一方面, 毕业生要根据自己的实际情况和用人单位的现状做好职业定位, 提前做些职业能力及兴趣方面的测试, 既要考虑自身条件也要考虑用人单位的工作环境等。另一方面, 求职预期应适中, 不能太低也不要太高。职业选择的盲目性不仅是导致求职成功率低下的重要原因之一, 而且容易抬高求职成本。所以毕业生要学会放弃, 明确职业目标。

(2) 精心准备, 统筹规划。

首先, 掌握并运用好应聘的技巧。细节决定成败, 对于求职者而言, 细节就是应聘的技巧。其次, 做好时间的规划, 把握求职的最佳时期。把握时机对择业的成功很重要, 抓住这一有利时机找到合适的工作岗位是最优化的选择。再次, 做好费用的规划, 选择合适的就业渠道。针对求职成本不断攀升之势, 应该倡议“绿色”求职, 即精打细算, 力求少花钱多办事。一是在简历上省钱, 实用就行。二是考证要量力而行。三是服装费用方面力求节约, 面试只要穿着整齐, 不可一味地追求名牌服装。四是多通过网络求职。通过网络求职是一种成本低的求职途径。网站求职能有机会接受更多企业的挑选, 既可节省外出的差旅费, 又避免了舟车劳顿, 可以省去很多成本。

(3) 刻苦学习, 提高素质。

地方高校在客观方面比重点大学存在差距, 因此, 大学生在校期间, 既要学会灵活掌握专业知识和专业技能, 又要具有相应的知识系统, 培养自己的动手能力、面对挫折的能力、公关能力、与人交往的能力, 锻炼自己的思维方式和提高自己的思维能力。

2. 学校做好“成本控制”工作是降低毕业生求职成本的重要手段

(1) 科学论证专业设置及招生人数, 做好前期的成本管理控制工作。成本管理控制的前期应该从科学论证专业设置及招生人数开始。学校专业设置与市场需求不适应自然增加了毕业生的就业成本, 人为地加大了毕业生的就业难度, 导致毕业生结构性失业的出现。因此, 地方高校专业设置要遵循市场需求和地方经济发展需要的适应性原则, 突出特色、注重内涵的原则, 与学科建设相协调的原则。依据这样的原则, 高校应科学地做好专业论证和设置, 灵活地制订招生计划, 防止盲目招生, 争取从根本上逐步解决大学生的就业难及降低就业成本问题。

(2) 优化课程设置, 做好中期的成本管理控制工作。成本管理控制的中期应从优化课程设置开始, 即改革不合理的教学内容, 优化课程体系。要做到这一点, 地方高校就要坚持科学的办学理念和办学方针, 以培养大学生的思想政治素质为核心, 以普遍提高大学生的人文素养和综合素质为目的, 以培养创新精神与实践能力为重点来优化传统课程, 使之更有利于大学生的素质教育和素质拓展, 促进理论与实践的有机结合。同时注重大学生的职业指导课程体系的建设, 做好自己的职业生涯规划, 有计划、有目的地为就业做好充分准备, 包括心理、知识、能力等方面的准备。

(3) 发挥学校在就业方面的独特作用, 做好后期的成本管理控制工作。成本管理控制的后期即从大四阶段开始。下图为广西某高校财务管理专业2006届部分毕业生就业途径比例图。

从图中可以看出, 毕业生通过学校提供的就业信息或者举办的招聘会成功求职的比例为30%, 通过个人的途径成功求职的只有12%, 不足学校招聘会的一半。可以说学校的招聘会仍是毕业生最主要的求职途径。笔者在调查中发现, 大多数学生更愿意参加学校的招聘会。首先, 随着就业制度改革的不断深入, 学校在就业推荐方面的作用仍然明显, 学校一方面可通过各种途径向社会推荐本校的毕业生, 另一方面可为毕业生们提供汇集到的各方面就业信息, 包括单位简介、联系人、联系电话以及历年毕业生的需求情况等。其次, 学校直接联系和邀请各地用人单位来校招聘毕业生, 可以将用人单位的需求信息直接提供给毕业生, 实现“供需”双方的直接见面, 便于双方深入了解和选择。毕业生参加学校的招聘会可以很好地节省求职费用。

3. 发挥政府职能是降低大学毕业生求职成本的重要保障

高校毕业生是国家宝贵的人才资源, 是社会人力资源中最富有朝气、最富有活力、最富有创造性的群体。各级政府要重视高校毕业生就业工作, 不断促进毕业生创业及就业的良好政策环境。

首先, 发挥政府职能, 可以规范及协调好高校的工作。地方政府职能部门通过支持各地方高校加强教育基础设施建设, 支持其实习基地、创业基地的建设, 可以较好地改善高校的办学条件, 为地方高校培养高素质人才提供硬件方面的保障;结合地方经济发展趋势指导高校制定宏观专业结构调整, 对各高校的专业结构和招生数量进行引导及控制, 可使高校的专业结构及招生人数都能较好地与社会经济发展相结合。其次, 完善毕业生就业政策是促进大学毕业生就业的重要手段。为此政府各职能部门要进一步完善毕业生就业政策, 加大力度促进政策配套化、手续规范化、服务便民化、信息沟通实时化, 为大学生就业提供指导性、技能性、专业化的服务。制定针对应届毕业生创业的优惠政策, 通过税费减免和小额贷款等政策, 鼓励和扶持毕业生自主创业;继续落实毕业生到西部工作的优惠政策, 探讨为到艰苦地区、艰苦行业就业的毕业生提供奖励或代偿助学贷款等措施。最后, 改革人事制度, 探讨针对大学毕业生到外地就业的新户籍管理模式, 改革其阻碍大学毕业生及时就业的问题。


[1]陆沛沛.当代大学生就业成本研究[J].时代经贸, 2006, (48) :47-49.







Thank you for your busy schedule to pull redundant reading my cover letter. Set sail, Lai Dongfeng help you! I am a 20xx session of the Hubei Normal University Department of Mathematics, fresh undergraduate mathematics education. Will soon face the choice of employment, I am think of your organization worked. Colleagues and your organization want to work hand in hand, a total of Yang sails of hope to create brilliant career.

“Sharp sword from the sharpening out, plum blossom incense come from the bitter cold.” After more than four years of professional study and university life of training, into the school when the naive, childish I have now become composed and calm. In order to base society, for their own career success, four years I have been to study, whether it is basic courses, or specialized courses, have achieved good results. Acquired during the year 20xx the University Hospital of individual scholarships to meet the state 4 level, the computer had the national level, and through the National Putonghua Proficiency Test Upper Second Class. At the same time after school, I also paid attention to expanding their knowledge and professional skills of teachers Minor (Secondary Mathematics Education), has studied with master basic skills. The use of spare time learning the basic operation of computer, familiar with windows operating system, master office20xx office software can be skilled in using software, Authorware, Powerpoint and other produce courseware, multimedia teaching.

Learning is important, but capacity-building is also essential. More than three years, in order to enhance their teaching ability, and accumulated educational experience, starting from the second year, I have the doors of specialized courses to learn, it is also the use of spare time to participate actively in tutoring practice for more than math lame leg junior secondary and primary remedial math students, so that they have a greater degree in mathematics achievement improved, my work has also been recognized and praised parents. In order to further accumulation of experience in mathematics education system, I went to Wuhan Iron and Steel Daye iron ore carried out a two-month internship in middle school mathematics education, in the two-month internship, and I actively consult an experienced teacher, pay attention to learn from their teaching art, improve their professional level and teaching presentation skills, and strive to make their teaching style to achieve simultaneously informative and interesting. Through their continuous efforts and teaching practice, I already have a good teacher, excellent work style, solid way of teaching basic skills, strong self-learning and adaptability, good communication and coordination, makes me full of the future of education of confidence and expectations.

10 years of Han Chuang studying, now I have endless pride and confidence. Career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities. Similarly, a unit of honor need to carry her carrier - who dedicated himself selflessly. I urge your organization to give me a chance, let me have the honor to become a member of you, I will hundredfold pragmatic enthusiasm and hard work to return you for helping his career.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Please find attached my personal resume, thank you for your busy schedule to take a moment to approval of this material.



dear mr. bates:

palm beach county, according to reliable publications, is one of the fastest-growing counties in the united states. i applaud the tremendous work you are doing at the palm beach visitors and convention bureau to attract major events, further improving the economic climate of our thriving area. your achievements, showcased as the cover story in the latest convention venture, international, are impressive, and i for one would like to be a contributing sales member of your professional team.

i understand from the article that you are looking to become the number one convention center in florida, and i feel my sales skills and abilities can help tip the scales from orlando to palm beach! i offer you:

9 years of proven experience in convention/event sales.

a verifiable track record for closing major national events.

strong market analysis and strategic planning skills.

a personable, team-spirited professional with a strong network (national) in place.

i will be in west palm beach next month. if possible, i would like to visit and personal-le meet with you to introduce myself and my qualifications i will take the liberty of calling you next week to arrange such a meeting.

thank you for your time and consideration i look forward to speaking and meeting with you soon.



How are you!

i am a recent college graduate with a b.a. degree in automotive marketing &management. i have also been part of a family-owned automobile distributorship for nearly all my life, so cars are my life!

i noticed your advertisement for automotive sales and marketing assistant in the june 14th edition of the dover star,and have submitted my resume for your consideration

you mentioned in the advertisement that the successful candidate must have:

1) a bachelor of arts degree i do

2) excellent communications skills i do

3) ability to work well with people at all levels i do

4) eagerness to learn and pay my dues i am and i will

this is a job that i believe was made for me. i am familiar with your operation, as i am originally from this area. i an available immediately, and offer you competence, dedication, and a good work ethic if you dont mind, i will call you next week to see if a personal interview can be scheduled.

thank you for your consideration and i look forward to speaking with you next week




调查对象为我校2012年毕业的大四学生。针对毕业生就业的主动性、就业区域、薪酬等方面, 共设13个选择题, 调查采取问卷调查的方式, 共发放问卷3000份, 回收有效问卷2928份, 回收率为97.6%。



调查结果显示, 29%的大学生愿意到长三角就业, 26%的大学生愿意到珠三角就业, 26%的大学生愿意到环渤海就业, 到中西部地区就业的占16%, 而到边疆及贫困地区就业的只占3%。城乡和区域经济发展的差距, 影响大学生求职取向。沿海地区无论是较高的经济发展水平, 还是市场化程度, 为大学生今后的发展提供了更多的发展空间。急需人才的西部地区“门前冷落车马稀”, 难以吸引人才。


调查结果显示, 大学生在择业过程中, “体面”、“铁饭碗”的党政事业单位一直受到学子们的青睐。在近几年的公务员考试中, 有的一个岗位吸引几千人来竞争。数据显示, 去机关、事业单位的占毕业生的36%;到学校就业的占9%;到国有企业的占17%;到科研单位就业的占7%;累加起来, 69%的学生就业选择稳定、高收入的工作。大学生有着较高的收益期望, 大学生就业目标偏向物质化、现实化和功利化。


受金融危机的影响, 就业压力加大, 使得大多数大学生对于第一份工作的薪酬要求趋于合理化, 但是仍有部分大学生对薪酬的期望值过高。调查显示, 41%的学生第一份工作的待遇期望值是2000-2500元, 28%的学生第一份工作的待遇期望值是2500-3000元, 12%的学生待遇期望值是3000元以上, 有19%的就业待遇期望值是2000元以下。


调查显示, 44.66%的学生没有参加, 22.68%的学生参加了1次, 14.25%的学生参加了2次, 8.55%的学生参加了3次, 只有9.86%的学生参加了3次以上。近一半的学生依赖思想仍很严重, 不能独立地谋取职业和通过多种渠道就业, 依然采取传统的“等、靠、要”的就业观念。

综上调查分析认为, 大学生求职过程中出现“三多三少”的现象, 即“东部多, 西部少;城市多, 农村少;国企多, 民营少”。求职目标上过于追求自我价值的实现, 缺乏正确的自我认识和评价, 就业的期望值过高等。大学生传统就业观念的形成是一系列因素共同作用的结果。它既受到社会因素的影响。也受到个人因素如偏好、理想、能力等方面的影响。这些思想、观念如果得不到及时的引导, 对大学生的求职就会产生很大的负面影响。


1、加强就业指导专业课程建设, 培养高素质就业指导队伍

在对“你认为就业指导课应该从哪年级开设”问卷调查。调查显示:有12.83%的大学毕业生认为应在四年级, 37.41%认为应在三年级, 23.4%和26.37%的学生分别认为应在一二年级。大学生的就业意识和对就业指导的需求正逐渐增强。学校应该把大学生就业指导列入高校的教育教学计划之中。按照“四化”的要求, 加大就业指导老师的培训工作, 为学生提供高质量的就业指导。

2、正确认识自己, 全面提升自身综合素质

市场经济条件下人才的竞争主要是综合素质的竞争。大学生在大学四年应该正确认识自己, 注意自己各方面素质的培养, 提前做好求职准备。培养自己的道德素质、文化素质、心理素质等, 培养自己的交际能力、创新能力、沟通协调能力、运用知识的能力, 增强自己的竞争力和自信心, 使自己成为适应社会需要的合格人才。

3、加强教育, 帮助大学生树立正确的就业观念

要帮助大学生树立“行行可建功、处处能立业、劳动最光荣”的就业观和成才观, 鼓励大学生到国家急需人才的地方去, 把自身价值的实现与国家的发展、社会的需要结合起来。教育大学生树立“先就业、后择业、再立业”的务实观念, 切不可追求一步到位, 切不可一味追求工作轻松、工资高、待遇好的单位。

4、搭建平台, 邀请企业来校招聘

针对学生去校外参加招聘会比较少的情况, 我校把毕业生的自荐材料收集起来刻制成光盘, 做成《毕业生自荐推介系统》走出去推介毕业生, 这样不仅节省了学生的就业成本, 而且受到用人单位的欢迎和好评。充分利用校友资源, 邀校友回母校招聘学弟学妹。加强与企业的沟通, 采用“走出去, 请进来”的校企互动方式, 多邀请企业来校招聘、建立就业实习基地, 为毕业生和用人单位搭建更为宽广的平台。


通过此次的求职意向调查, 在一定程度上, 客观的反映了我校大学生的求职意向。总的来说, 学校要积极研究新形势, 积极采取相应措施, 为毕业生提供全方位的就业指导服务。在校学生尽可能多的参加实践活动, 加强自身素质培养, 提高求职技能, 转变就业观念, 降低就业期望值, 只有这样才能在竞争激烈的社会成功找到适合自己的岗位

摘要:当前, 金融危机对我国经济的影响还没有消除, 高校毕业生就业工作面临严峻的压力。本文通过对我校2012年毕业生求职意向进行调查研究, 并提出了解决问题的建议和办法, 从而促进大学生充分就业。



[1]王健, 熊建设.大学生毕业生就业意向调查及启示[J].江西教育学院学报.2010年2月

[2]邓然, 尹启华, 王葵, 田泽霞.金融危机下应届大学毕业生就业心理调查[J].职业时空.2010年7月



[5]任福全, 王璐, 张秀敏.当代大学生择业观教育探究[J].职业时空.2010年2月
