





首先是听,如果你还没有听过历届专八真题,那么花三天左右的时间先从真题开始;接下来的二十多天时间,听法语广播,首推RFI的franais facile,资源在沪江法语频道都有,并附有法语原文,大家一定不要投机取巧,对着原文听广播,应该先听几遍广播,大致弄懂意思了再参考原文,看有哪些重点遗漏;此外,沪江听写酷中的听力填空题建议多做。对于已经听完专八真题的同学,就可以省去第一步骤了。








The meaning revealed by the picture is that reality shows have hit into our common cultural market. On the one hand, not only does this sort of consumer culture drives the improvement of cultural industry, but also it exerts a strong influence on our daily life, such as being informed of local customs and folklore from place to place, relieving the pressure derived from our working class’ regular work and so on. On the other hand, it is the wide spread of this form of entertainment that makes it difficult to present the real, cultural contents but only stays in the half-hearted nature. What’s worse, what the increasing imitative behaviors brings about, to a new high, is the national over-consumption.

As for me, the type of reality shows is a special product of the economic and social development that produces more benefits but less adverse impact. However, it is imperative for us, common people, to take a rational yet responsible attitude to the life we lead, especially the kind of activity we are obsessed with.


名词化是一种惯用的词汇语法现象, 长期以来受到语言研究的关注。结构主义语言学、转换生成语法、系统功能语法以及认知语言学等都对语言的名词化现象进行了较为深入的理论探讨。 (刘国辉、刘建茹, 2004) 国内一些学者开展了实证研究, 探讨名物化在语体中的作用, 结果发现, 名词化是语言使用者做出的一种语法选择, 文体的变异与名物化的分布有密切的关系, 语体越正式, 其名物化程度就越高。 (霍红、刘淑范, 2009) 本文通过统计分析专八英语写作中优秀作文与中档作文名词化使用差异, 来探讨名词化与写作分数的影响, 以期对专八写作提供启示和反馈。

2 名词化的分类

本文借助王立非、刘英杰 (2011) 提出的名词化整合性分类, 搜索了英语专业学生写作中的词性类别与句法结构, 将名词化分为词汇名词化和句法名词化两类。词汇名化包括动词名化、形容词名化, 词汇名化在同一语言层面内部发生转类;句法名化包括V-ing结构、to不定式结构和小句三类。

3 名词化与专业英语八级写作

3.1 专八写作评分中有关语言表达的评分标准

根据2007年修订的《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》对写作部分简短明确的规定:“学生应能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的说明文或议论文。该作文必须语言通顺, 用词得体, 结构合理, 文体恰当, 具有说服力。”该规定清楚地说明专八写作考查的重点是考生的英语语言水平。再加上其写作体裁弹性不大, 多以说明文和议论文为主, 考生很难在内容和结构上有出众之处, 因此优秀作文与中档作文的分水岭最终在语言表达上。

3.2 名词化使用与专八评分标准

下面的例句来自随机抽取的一份中档作文 (得分为13分) :

When I left home for school, my parents stayed behind and after this I felt very isolated and I really missed them and I made a series of personages to show how I felt.

很显然, 考生的这句话是由多个and连接的小句组成的, 句子表达臃肿, 且很难显示句子中的逻辑关系, 这样就造成了严重的口语化倾向, 从评分的角度看, 不符合优秀作文规定的逻辑性和得体性。如果把语句变成名词化的表达方式, 即把句子中的动词如left、miss、made和felt名词化, 把形容词isolated名词化后, 变成“The earliest serried of personages articulate my intense feeling of loss and isolation from my parents who remained at home after my departure.”通过名词化的过程, 使得个小句之间存在着一种因果关系, 更富有逻辑性。因此可以得知, 写作中名词化的使用可以有助于考生的作文达到优秀的标准。

4 研究方法

鉴于针对英语名词化在专八作文中的实证研究较少, 为了尝试研究这一现象, 笔者以2008年~2010年英语专八写作的评分样卷共为语料, 共计17篇。其中界定17~20分的作文为优秀作文, 13~16分的作文为中档作文。评分样卷是每次专八写作正式阅卷之前, 阅卷组从考卷中挑出的几篇代表各个水平的典型试卷, 供阅卷人员参考, 是评分标准的最佳体现, 因此保证了语料的代表性。另外, 此次研究以王立非、刘英杰 (2011) 提出的整合性分类为标准 (见表1, 表2) 。利用搜索工具Ultra Edit-32以及Excel 2003对专八写作语料库进行量化分析及对比分析。

5 数据统计与分析

5.1 优秀作文与中档作文名词化使用分布对比

通过对18篇优秀作文和中档作文中名词化的使用情况进行分析。统计出学生作文中名词化使用的分布情况, 如表1所示:

通过上表的分析, 可以得出两点: (1) 优秀作文中名词化的使用数量大于中档作文中名词化使用数量, 这说明优秀作文的学生比中档作文的学生更注重写作时对名词化的应用, 而后者对名词化的使用意识薄弱, 还不能熟练地将其应用到作文中。 (2) 优秀与中档作文在词汇名词化使用上的差距要大于句法名词化使用上的差距, 这说明优秀作文的学生在写作时由于掌握了更多丰富的词汇量和词汇变形, 因此更加注重词汇使用的简洁性、逻辑性, 力求在语言表达上寻求亮点, 而在句法名词化使用上, 两类学生由于对句字语法的掌握程度大体相同, 因而在句法名词化使用上无明显差异。

5.2 名词化的具体使用分析

5.2.1 从词汇名词化的分类角度分别对所选的8份优秀作文与8份中档作文进行对比分析, 如表2所示:

通过对表2的分析, 可以从词汇名词化使用角度分别看出优秀作文的写作特点: (1) 从总体水平看, 优秀作文的学生可以高频率地运用各类名词化, 而中档作文的学生对名词化使用欠缺; (2) 动词名词化派生型在两类作文中比例最多, 形容词名词化派生型次之, 说明这两种名词化的使用是高分学生专八写作中常用技巧, 不过这两种类型的名词化在两类作文分布还是有一定的差距, 表现为, 动词名词化派生在两类作文中的使用差距较为明显。

5.2.2 从句法名词化的分类角度分别对所选的8份优秀作文与8份中档作文进行对比分析, 如表3所示:

通过对表3的分析, 可以得出以下结论:从总体水平看, 优秀作文的学生句法名词化使用在数量上要大于中档作文的学生, 而且在各类名词化的使用上更加灵活, 中档作文的学生较集中在to-不定式名词化和That从句这两种类型。可见优秀作文灵活的运用各类名词化结构, 体现了考生对语言运用的熟练程度, 而且更容易在专八考试中取得高分。


名词化现象是英语书面语的一个主要特征, 通过研究英语专业八级优秀作文与中档作文名词化的使用分布情况, 发现优秀作文使用名词化的数量远大于中档作文, 而且分数高的学生能更自由、准确地使用英语名词化。虽然名词化的使用未必是学生取得专八写作高分的唯一因素, 但是善于运用名词化, 对提高英语专八写作分数确实有一定的帮助。

摘要:名词化是书面语写作中常见的词汇语法资源, 本文借助小型语料库分析专业英语八级写作中优秀作文与中档作文名词化的使用分布情况、频率, 旨在说明名词化使用对专八写作分数有积极影响。



[1]胡壮麟, 朱永生, 张德禄.系统功能语言学概论[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2005.

[2]霍红, 刘淑范.中国大学生英语作文中语法隐喻使用情况的分析与启示[J].外国语言文学, 2009 (3) .

[3]刘国辉, 陆建茹.国外主流语言学派对名词化的研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2004 (9) :17-22.




Mini Lecture (迷你演讲/笔记与填空)

Mini Lecture是目前国内英文考试中难度最大的一种听力题目。该题型要求考生在无任何文字提示的情况下一边听一篇长约9分钟、篇幅1,000词左右的演讲稿,一边在纸上做笔记。听力材料播放结束后,监考人会将答卷纸发至考生手中,要求考生利用笔记内容进行填空。

专业八级听力部分涉及四大能力的测试:①基础听力能力;②速记能力;③理解笔记能力(解码能力);④填空能力。结合四大能力的考查,对于Mini Lecture题型,笔者总结出如下做题步骤:


听力材料首段由问候语和主题介绍构成。首段至全文第一个序数词(例如first和number1)之间一般不会出题。考生需要以最快速度进入状态,并且确定听力材料中出现频率最高的单词的缩写。请看2006年Mini Lecture的第一段话:

Good morning. In today’s lecture, we shall discuss what meaning is in literary works. When we read novels, poems, etc., we invariably ask ourselves a question. That is, what does the writer mean here? In other words, we are interested in finding out the meaning. But meaning is a difficult issue in literature. How do we know what a work of literature is supposed to mean or what its real meaning is? I’d like to discuss three ways to explain what meaning is.



请考生注意,序数词是此类题目中最需要听清楚和听懂的词汇。请看2006年Mini Lecture的第二段话:

Number 1: Meaning is what is intended by the author; Number 2: Meaning is created by and contained in the text itself; and Number 3: Meaning is created by the reader.











experience→exp;knowledge→knl;modern society→md-sct (速记词组时最好在单词之间加上一个连字符)


but/however→#;why→?;very important/vital/crucial→!。

请看2006年Mini Lecture的第三段话:

Now, let’s take a look at the first approach. That is, meaning is what is intended by the author. (主题句,必记) Does a work of literature mean what the author intended it to mean? And if so, how can we tell? (疑问句不出考点,不必记) If all the evidence we have is the text itself and nothing else, we can only guess what ideas the author had according to our understanding of literature and the world. In order to have a better idea of what one particular author means in one of his works, I suggest that you do the following. First, go to the library and read other works by the same author. Second, get to know something about what sort of meanings seem to be common in literary works in that particular tradition and at that time. In other words, we need to find out what the literary trends were in those days. And last, get to know what were the cultural values and symbols of the time. I guess you can understand the author’s meaning much more clearly after you do the related background research.

在本段内容中,划线部分出现了序数词,这是重点。未划横线的语句比较长,考生会发现,要听懂这么长且很抽象的大段文字相当困难,而在没有听懂的基础上进行的记录是无效的记录。所以,笔者的建议是:当你发现听到的材料因难度大而无法理解时,请放弃记录,因为此时理解比记录更加重要。另外,像that is或in other words这类短语后面紧接的内容通常简单易懂,而且是其前面内容的再次论述。所以,考生听到此类短语时再动手记录也不迟。


1.M←A (意义是作者的意图决定的)

1-1. lib/oth-wks(1. 去图书馆读本作者其他的作品)

1-2. ?L-trd(2. 文学趋势是什么)

1-3. ?cul-val/sbl (3. 文化价值和象征是什么)

最后,我们来对照2006年Mini Lecture的答卷纸和答案,检验一下速记效果:

Ⅰ.Meaning is what is intended by ⑴ the author.

Apart from reading an author’s work in question, readers need to

1) read ⑵ other works by the same author;

2) get familiar with ⑶ literary trends at the time;

3) get to know cultural values and symbols of the time.




Interview & News (访谈与新闻)



本原则是指如果某个选项中的词语与听力中的内容重合较多,该选项通常是正确的。此原则在解答Interview & News题目时非常适用。


Which of the following is the main cause of global warming?(下面变色的选项为正确选项,下文同)

A. Fossil fuel.B. Greenhouse gases.C. Increased dryness.D. Violent storm patterns.


The scientists say there is greater than a 90% chance that green house gases are the main cause of rising temperatures and sea levels.

解析:题干中的main cause是重要的提示,一旦在原文中听到该短语,答案就在其左右。


Which of the following best describes the role of the charter?

A. The charter only describes powers of the UN bodies. B. The charter mainly aims to promote the world economy.

C. The charter is a treaty above all other treaties. D. The charter authorizes reforms in UN bodies.


It states that the charter comes first above all other treaties.



The trade dispute between the European Union and the US was caused by ____.

A. US refusal to accept arbitration by WTOB. US imposing tariffs on European steel

C. US refusal to pay compensation to EUD. US refusal to lower import duties on EU products


The European Union has drafted a list of US products to be hit with import taxes in retaliation for tariffs the United States has imposed on European steel.




According to Nigel, most problems of air travel are caused by

A. unfavorable weather conditions.B. airports’ handling capacity.

C. inadequate ticketing service.D. overbooking.


Most of the problems are caused by the heavy volume of traffic.

解析:由题干可知,most problems及caused by将成为解题的核心,而airports’ handling capacity (机场的吞吐能力)和原文的heavy volume of traffic (拥挤的交通)进行了替换。


Which of the following statements is TRUE about Miss Green’s university days?

A. She felt bored.B. She felt lonely.C. She cherished them.D. The subject was easy.


M: Well, I see from your resume, Miss. Green that you studied at the University of Cambridge. How did you find it there?

W: I had a great time.

解析:本题中,女士用“I had a great time”来表达自己对大学生活的感情,自然地,C选项就成为正确答案。







Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal (封建的) way of purging (清除) the community of dishonor,” and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly. However, in an era in which both business and governmental leaders seem particularly good at evading responsibility, many US managers would probably welcome an infusion (灌输) of the Japanese sense of responsibility, If, for instance, US automobile company executives offered to reduce their own salaries before they asked their workers to take pay cuts, negotiations would probably take on a very different character.


acceptance n.接受, 承诺, 容忍, 赞同, 相信

resignation n.辞职, 辞职书, 放弃, 顺从

cowardly adv.胆怯地

evade v.规避, 逃避, 躲避

executive adj.实行的., 执行的, 行政的 n.执行者, 经理主管人员



1.His plan met with universal acceptance.

2.U.N. Ambassador John Danforth submitted his resignation after holding the job for less than six months .

3.He held them in contempt for behaving in such a cowardly way.

4.Give me a direct answer, and stop evading the issue.






The important role of a city’s local conditions in the urban design

Recently there is a hot debate on a report that a foreign design company invited by a little-known mountainous area in Guiyang provided a design without paying too much attention to the city’s unique characteristics.Some people appreciate the bold innovation of the design but others do not like it.In my opinion, any urban design should take the city’s original cultural heritage into account.The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.<题目改写>

First, a city’s regional characteristics or local cultural heritage are its symbol, its identity.In a mountainous area, too many unconventional, super-futuristic buildings will not be compatible with the city’s landscapes.Without these landscapes, it is just another so called modern city composed of concrete and steel.Take Beijing for example.In the past few years, Beijing has been removing a large number of such alleys traditionally called hutong, in order to make it become a real international city.But without these hutongs can this city still be called Beijing, an ancient capital? The disappearance of hutongs means the disappearance of a period of history, a cordial lifestyle, and even the disappearance of Beijing itself.Then Beijing will lose its uniqueness.<总分;举例>

Second, it can help a city save a lot of money by suiting the design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.This is especially important to small cities, like this one in a mountainous area near Guiyang.We all know Guiyang is a developing city, not very rich.Unconventional, super-futuristic buildings mean large need of money input.Then more burdens may be added to this city, which will run counter to the city’s original purpose of developing itself.Instead, if connections between a city’s culture and the various urban sectors, including housing, infrastructure and governance, are well made, the maximum economic benefits will be achieved.<总分;分析题目现状>

Besides, the modernization should be a gradual process.More haste, less speed.Nonetheless, it should not be overlooked that the shortcomings of futuristic-style constructing outweigh its advantages brought.In conclusion, any urban design should take the city’s original cultural heritage into account.The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.A scientific city design should be dependent on the city’s regional characteristics, on a case-by-case basis.Maybe We Have a Better Idea

Few things can add as much colors to the regional features of a city as the look of its CBD.Hence, we know Manhattan of Big Apple, Pudong of Shanghai.Indeed, they are the most typical sights projecting a skyline of a modern city.However, should a CBD in the world look all like? Who told us it should solely be made up of unconventional, super-futuristic buildings? And should they stand out from their surroundings? Answers to these questions are universally and unequivocally No.A CBD is not a detached but integral part of a city.To prevent it from being too extreme or monstrous, it supposedly goes with the general style of the rest parts of the city.In the past, we Chinese have learnt so many hard and painful lessons.We could have had a Beijing with more Chinese traditional characteristics, more valuable cultural heritage preserved and above all more integral and harmonious Tian An-men Square to present to the world.If our grand fathers had been more willing to listen to the advice of some personages, mankind could have known another Paris of a totally different style in the world.Secondly, with more and more mortals being aware of the value of eco-friendliness, those unconventional, super-futuristic buildings made especially of steel, concrete structures and other eco-unfriendly materials are being increasingly questioned, suspected and forsaken.A China southern city like GY should, perhaps, model its CBD on that of Davos rather than New York or Shanghai.Instead of erecting skyscrapers and towers, GY ought to make its CBD delicate and pleasing, offering bankers and businessmen from across the world comfortable and cozy offices.Finally, a trend that has caught on since some time ago is that regional is international.The world is world nowhere because of its unity and sameness but because of its diversity and variety.To add her own measure of colors to the world, CBD in GY should be local, regional and reflecting the distinctive features of the city.Just a look would give one familiar with her an intimacy “That’s GY all over!” The day when such a CBD is completed, she can be a resort of another sort riveting people all over the world doing business in the area while enjoying her beauty and warm comfort.Therefore, the municipal and city-developers ought to give it a serious thought before turning whatever foreign design company’s blue print to concrete and steel.Maybe we can come up with a better idea – a new type of CBD, eco-friendly, amiable and economical, might set a new precedent!
