




Personal Statement

Once a philosopher said that numerous choices made up of life.As for me, there are two significant choices that have great influence on my development orientation and career over the 21 years.Four years ago, in spite of teachers’ strong oppositions, I resolutely gave up mathematics that I was adept at and chose to study Law after National College Entrance Examination, for I understood that such a choice would enable me to actualize my dream and accomplish my pursuit of life.Last month, I unhesitatingly quitted the qualification of furthering studies at ours without taking examinations, which our university offered to those academic excellent students.I abandoned the chance that most of students longed for.Instead, I choose to study in UK and I would like to apply for LLM in Corporate Law & Governance administrated by University of Warwick so as to win self-improvement.It is proved that my first choice is right and the second choice is under way.I yearn for engaging myself in law, so I hope I can make my ideal come true as expected.To study law is my childhood dream, my way of exploring the fairness and harmoniousness of the society and the necessary path for me to realize my dream of embarking on law.My grandfather and grandmother are both engaged in law of the first batch after the foundation of P.R.China.And my father is a judge.Growing up in such family atmosphere, I have been edified by various value views concerning law since childhood.Supposed I accepted these value views passively in childhood, now law is not only my major but also my way of living in the previous three years in that my study of logic thinking of law has exerted an great influence on my idea.Law is the crystal of human’s wisdom and the footstone of harmonious society.My ideal of becoming a lawyer strives me to move forward on the way of studying law perseveringly.After her entry to WTO, developing herself rapidly in economic globalization, China has a lot of development opportunities and increasing chances to involve herself in trades with developed foreign countries.However, there do exist insufficiencies and the most obvious one is her imperfection in law system.My study at the university makes me clearly understand that there are plenty of problems in our law and realize that China needs learn from and use relevant systems of western countries for reference.Hence I want to get to know law ideas of British and American law systems so as to acquire healthy law systems regarding economy and trade in western countries.As the cradle of common law system, UK enjoys a high reputation in law research and education all over the world.Via the Internet, I have referred to the recruit information and specility setting of Law School of celebrated higher education institutions of UK, to my surprise, I find yours will offer the program of International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation in 2007.In my opinion, the program will enable students to contact system and rules of corporate law on a whole in a year and apply law to practice in financial aspect and so on.No doubt, it offers me a gold opportunity to touch relevant contents about corporate law to a maximum extent in the one-year study.


I have ……


I’m confident.I believe in myself/my abilities, but I know my limitations.Assertiveness

I’m assertive, but not pushy.Pride

I take pride in my work.I’m self-assured, but not prideful/boastful/arrogant.A sense of pride

I’m proud of my achievements.Dedication

I’m dedicated.I work hard to do my best.Persistence

I’m persistent.I stick to my job until I get it done.Determination

I’m determined.I push to get my job done.Drive

I’m driven to do my best.I drive hard when I need to.Reliability

I’m reliable.I’m known for reliably doing what I set out to do.Responsibility

I’m responsible.I take responsibility./ I have always handled my responsibilities well.1


I’m dependable.My boss knows he can count on me to do what I say I will do.Loyalty

I’m loyal.I plan to stick with the company and be a loyal employee./I’m not a job-hopper.Energy

I’m energetic.I maintain a high level of energy and get the maximum done each day.Motivation

I’m highly motivated.I’m self-motivated and an achiever.Enthusiasm

I’m enthusiastic.My energy and zeal stimulates others to be positive and to do their best.Optimism

I’m optimistic.I can always see the positive side.A positive attitude

I’m upbeat, positive.My upbeat spirit motivates others.Initiative

I can initiate projects.I take initiative, start action.Follow-through 坚持到底

I’m a finisher.Whenever I start something, I make sure that I complete it(carry it out).A view of process

I’m process-oriented.I can break a big task down into logical, sequential steps and carry the process out to completion.Vision

I am visionary.I can see things that need to be done or developed before others.I foresee trends, needs, problems and take action to prepare.A quick mind

I’m quick-minded.I pick up things quickly./ I quickly master new knowledge or skills.The ability to learn

I’m trainable, teachable.I can be trained, I like to learn.Creativity

I’m creative.I like to create/develop new ways.Integrity/Honesty

I’m honest.I’m a man or woman of integrity.Tact圆滑,机智

I’m tactful.I use tact when negotiating.Consideration

I’m considerate of……

I show respect to my colleagues and am sensitive to their(or the customer’s)needs.Courtesy/Politeness

I’m polite.I know how to make the customer feel respected.Team Spirit

I’m a team player.I can cooperate well with others.Efficiency

I’m efficient.I can make the most of time and resources to get the job done.Effectiveness

I’m effective.I know how to get the most important things done in the shortest amount of time.I know what needs to be accomplished and set out to do it.Clear Goals

I’m a goal-oriented person.I can set goals and reach them.Time sense


商务英文陈述, 英文为Business English Presentation。Presentation, 牛津释义为a meeting at which sth, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people, 意思是展示会或者发布会。商务英文陈述不同于一般演讲:一般演讲, 演讲者是主人, 听众是仆人;商务英文陈述, 是基于商务的发言, 演讲者是仆人, 听众是主人。苹果公司著名总裁乔布斯先生就是做商务英文陈述的高手。好的陈述, 是可以通过学习技巧训练而成的。

笔者所在应用外语系曾经组织过商务英文陈述形式的外贸商品发布会模拟实训及比赛, 活动以小组为单位, 学生设计商务项目, 然后进行商务陈述。这个活动的命题是:假设每个小组是创业公司, 台下听众是投资商, 小组成员合作进行商务英文陈述, 以获得创业资金。通过商务英文陈述, 可以培养同学们的语言能力, 创新能力, 动手能力以及团队合作能力等。


商务英文陈述的准备阶段, 是重要阶段。准备充分, 就等于成功了一半。学生应先进行项目设计, 例如什么公司、什么产品或服务等——项目不是目的, 是一种手段, 通过项目提高语言能力才是重点, 然而有意思的项目, 更能帮助陈述;然后学生组织语言, 进行陈述。

在商务英文陈述中, 语言要注意四个部分:1.介绍部分, 包括问候听众、自我介绍;2.提纲部分, 包括陈述目标、陈述大纲、时间长度等;3.主体部分, 包括项目要点 (what) 、项目亮点 (why) 、如何经营及盈利 (how) ;4.总结部分, 包括问答环节、结尾总结等。在主体部分中, 注意表达顺序, 例如可以使用Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally等副词, 让听众清晰理解。此外, 也要注意陈述中的非语言技巧:保持微笑, 与听众自然地进行眼神交流, 使用开放姿势等。

在陈述中, 要注意利用视觉辅助材料。例如, 产品实物、照片、图表、音频、视频等, 尤其要注意PPT幻灯片制作:PPT要简明扼要, 它是辅助, 不是负担;PPT背景、字体、图片等, 要合理搭配。


外贸商品发布会模拟实训及比赛之前, 笔者曾组织学生进行项目设计:寻找他们和听众都感兴趣的商务项目。例如, 有组同学设计婴儿服务中心, 取名BBQ, 项目主要针对夫妻工作忙碌的家庭, 提供照顾婴儿的服务公司;学生六人一组, 共同设计公司的标志、口号、选址、设施、产品等, 更有意思的是, 他们还编了一首广告歌曲。这个项目很有创意, 能够激发同学们学习英语的兴趣与动力。接着, 这组同学做好分工, 每人负责陈述的一小部分, 他们先把陈述语言写下来, 并不断修改, 务求每句英文都简单易懂、抑扬顿挫、掷地有声;然后根据语言制作PPT, 并准备产品实物等。之后, 他们对每个环节进行设计, 包括动作、服装等, 一遍一遍地进行彩排, 期望能够在规定时间 (15分钟) 之内完成商务英文陈述。

外贸商品发布会模拟实训及比赛时, 他们一起上台, 由组长逐个介绍组员, 他们与听众热情打招呼。接着, 组长介绍此次商务英文陈述分为四个部分:What, Why, How, Future Plan。组员甲开始陈述What部分:公司名称, 标志, 口号 (Growth, always in the details) , 客户 (2 month to 3-year-old babies) 。甲乙之间的过渡很自然, 甲介绍乙出场, 组员乙就接着陈述Why部分:为什么建造婴儿服务中心, 并引出他们的一站式服务 (One Stop Services) 以及公司选址的构想。乙介绍丙出场, 组员丙就开始陈述How部分:如何提供婴儿服务, 并展示婴儿房、沐浴房, 介绍婴儿按摩、婴儿游泳等服务。此间, 其他组员配合用玩具娃娃, 亲自示范如何为婴儿按摩等。为了展示细致服务, 组员丁现场演唱他们中文改编而成的英文广告歌曲, 现场气氛更加热烈。组员戊接着介绍How部分:中心的婴儿商店与父母教室, 更好地提供婴儿服务。然后, 组长陈述Future Plan部分:提出资金需求计划, 并点题 (Everything for the babies) 。同学们在陈述中, PPT制作精良、使用恰当, 现场互动较好。问答环节, 听众与组员一问一答, 小组还设计了提问听众环节, 答对有奖。最后, 全组一起向听众致谢。通过努力认真准备, 同学们的模拟实践取得了成功。


随着时代进步, 英语学习者应该更具备运用英语解决实际问题的能力。商务英文陈述的技巧和模拟实践, 对于学生提高语言能力, 拓展未来职业生涯很有帮助。它不仅仅是陈述, 而是有技巧地去沟通。英语教师在实际教学中, 应该大胆创新, 引导学生建立学习的自信, 增加他们的实践机会, 最终提高学生们解决实际问题的综合能力。


[1]Ros Jay, Antony Jay.Effective Presentation【M】.PearsonPrentice Hall, 2004

[2]Anne Laws.Presentations【M】.人民邮电出版社, 2002

[3]Jeremy Comfort.成功演讲【M】.复旦大学出版社, 2005




个人陈述(Personal Statement),是申请西方国家的本科或研究生时,需要提交的一种介绍自我的漫谈体文章。个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位。在某些学校,个人陈述甚至已经代替了面试,成为了评价学生综合素质的关键环节。近年来,随着国内申请出国留学的人数与日俱增,个人文书写作指导也成为了一个新兴的教学领域。本文将从评价意义角度出发,比较个人陈述语篇的价值观与其评价意义的异同,以及在这过程中评价系统如何转换,为相关领域的教学从业者提供一定参考。


评价系统(The Appraisal Systems) 是系统功能语言学在对人际意义的研究中发展起来的新的词汇—语法框架,主要关注用于协调社会关系的语言资源和态度的表达(Thompson, 2008:F17) 。Thompson认为,评价意义“是所有语篇意义的核心,因此,凡是对语篇的人际功能进行分析都不可忽视它”。

总的来说,评价系统包括三大子系统:态度系统、介入系统和分级系统。态度系统是评价系统的核心。因为个人陈述这一体裁偏重陈述个人的经历和观点,态度系统也是本文分析中主要考察的维度。Martin (2000) 认为,态度系统可分为三种基本类型: (1)情感; (2)判断; (3)鉴赏。而在个人文书的写作过程中,这一评价类型,在中文与外文之间是相互对应的关系。

换句话说,评价(appraisal)可以简单地被定义为说话者对事情好坏的看法。对同样的事情,不同的群体有不同的评价标度。通过对评价意义的分析,可以看到不同的语篇类型有不同的评价标度,以及不同的评价标度所反映的不同的文化群体有不同的价值观(张美芳 2002) 。在本文中,它对于我们分析语言应如何在不同文化体系之间转换,十分具有借鉴意义。







以上三种类型各有特色,我们在指导学生进行个人陈述 “立意”时,应充分考虑学生自身的特点,结合目标院校和专业的需求,来进行选择。这样才可以有的放矢,更好地提供个性化教学








Someone may argue they are awkward and old-fashioned, but I consider the rhythm between lines as something extraordinarily attractive.






Though trembling with cold, I stiffened my neck, stretching my eyes over the ocean of people to see the speaker, while being determined to be as knowledgeable as him.

综上所述,正如某国外院校招生官所言,“Simple is the best.” 在指导学生进行个人陈述写作時,我们应该注意到,紧扣主题、简洁有力、重点突出的文章才是最能打动招生人员的材料。除了找寻合适的立意,审好题以外,更需要我们指导学生斟词酌句,通过个人陈述传达积极的评价意义。



Personal Statement

Wei, Linlin

Motivated by the idea of devoting myself to the well-being of my country and its people since childhood, I chose public administration as my major in college.During four years of academic study in Shandong Normal University, which ranks among top 50 in the field of Public Administration research in China, I was equipped with the basic knowledge on the political system and the operation of government agencies in China.I took several introductory courses on this subject in college, including Public Policy Analysis, Human Resources Management, and Public Administration.The more I learned, the more deep thinking I had.Luckily, after graduation from college, I got the chance to further my education in the School of Public Administration in Renmin University of China, which enjoys the highest reputation in China’s Public Administration academic community.I was greatly influenced by a number of Public Administration theories such as Bureaucracy, Reinventing government, New Public Management, Citizen Participation and so on, and managed to apply these methodologies and principles in my research on the administrative reform in Chinese central government.What is more, the free atmosphere in RUC made me reflect upon diverse perspectives and possible solutions in the process of policy-making, and most significantly, strengthened my determination to pursue my career as a public servant.With a master’s degree on Public Administration, I started my career in the Department of Human Resources in Chongqing Police Bureau, which boasts a staff of nearly 40,000 police officers.During the past two years, I was mainly in charge of Personnel Management and Organizational Reform, including recruiting and allocation of talents, performance evaluation, personnel reform measures, and establishment of new police branches and so on.It was really a good feeling to be helpful to people who needed improvements in their careers and organizations who wished to get a better performance in operation.Although I have always been proud of being able to put what I had learned through college education into professional practice, it was still a challenge for me to deal with the most creative part of my job—how to encourage people to develop to their full potential and thus make the entire agency benefit from taking such initiatives.I hope to find some possible solutions by having my knowledge undated and my horizon broadened.With these goals in mind, I decided to further my theoretical background through the MPA program in UIC, to get some inspirational learning experiences from a different culture.I am fully confident that your program will not only enable me to learn how to explore individual capacity through human resource management and organizational changes, but also inspire me to think about potential solutions for governments to take in tackling problems in an increasingly open and democratic society.I will return to my job after graduation, and make efforts to figure out how to apply those promising principles to the operation of Chongqing Police Bureau.Meanwhile, I also sincerely cherish the hope that there will be contributions that I could make to this program as an international student.Yours Sincerely,



