





Teaching aims:

1.Skills for Grammar blanks

2.Grammars: nonfinite verb Key Points:

nonfinite verb Step one

语法填空不可怕;看看空中缺个啥? 连代情冠介考查;形副出现多变化。空后若给词一个;词性变化为上策。动词时态非谓语;名词单复不放过。

Step two







our duty is environment protect

Step three


1.______ from the hill, we can see our school.2.______from the hill, our school is beautiful.A.See


C.To see

D.Seen 3._____ the film, he didn’t notice the mouse.4._____the film, he bought a copy of the film.A.Watch B.Watching C.Watched D.To watch 总结:

Step four


(2014 新课标2)One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about____(be)late for school.… … so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike ____(catch)my attention.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ____(stop)until we reached the next stop.Still, the boy kept _____(ride).Step five Exercise 1(2014 新课标1)In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio.It ___(be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.It took years of work _____(reduce)the industrial pollution and clean the water.(2014广东)We ______(tell)that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week,…… We got a little _____(sunburn)(晒伤), but the day had been so relaxing that we didn’t mind.(2013 广东)Suddenly, he ______(find)that he had run out of salt.but everyone added a little, always ______(think)that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today.(2012广东)He suddenly appeared in class one day, ____(wear)sunglasses.(2011广东)I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man _____(sit)at the front.He ____(pretend)that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.(2010 广东)After a four-day journey, the young man ____(present)the water to the old man.He spit it out, _____(say)it was awful.Exercise 2 I can’t believe I made it into San Francisco at long last!This morning, I went to the airport to catch my 10:00 am flight.I got there early to go through security.Since I had ___1__ electronic ticket, I then went straight to the boarding gate.When I got there, I couldn’t believe __2__eyes.The flight was put off for two hours!I made a__3__(decide)to look at the flight monitors to see if there was an__4__(early)flight to San Francisco.I saw that there was another flight __5__ will leave in 40 minutes, so I ran to the boarding gate of that flight.When I got there, I asked the gate agent __6__ I could get on that flight instead.She said that I needed to stay in the gate area and wait __7__ my name to be called if they had a seat available.So, I waited, and waited, and waited.The gate agent __8__(begin)calling out names.Guess what? The last name__9__(call)was mine.The last seat left on the plane was a middle seat and I usually prefer a window, __10__ I was just happy to get on board.I didn’t want my vacation to get delayed because of a late flight.语法填空解题技巧之非谓语动词


主讲人 王立超

Teaching aims:

1.Skills for Grammar blanks

2.Grammars: nonfinite verb Key Points:

nonfinite verb Step one(归纳概括语法填空的考点,引起学生兴趣)

语法填空不可怕;看看空中缺个啥? 连代情冠介考查;形副出现多变化。空后若给词一个;词性变化为上策。动词时态非谓语;名词单复不放过。

Step two(刨根溯源,探究非谓语的由来)







our duty is environment protect

Step three(总结非谓语动词形式和功能,为解题做铺垫)


1.______ from the hill, we can see our school.2.______from the hill, our school is beautiful.A.See


C.To see

D.Seen 3._____ the film, he didn’t notice the mouse.4._____the film, he bought a copy of the film.A.Watch B.Watching C.Watched D.To watch 总结:

Step four(师生共同解题,更好的理解解题思路和口诀的应用)口诀:动词时态非谓语

(2014 新课标2)One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about____(be)late for school.… … so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike ____(catch)my attention.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ____(stop)until we reached the next stop.Still, the boy kept _____(ride).Step five Exercise 1(大胆放手,让学生自己操作,自己讲解。培养学生解题能力的同时,发现学生的疑难之处。)

(2014 新课标1)In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio.It ___(be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.It took years of work _____(reduce)the industrial pollution and clean the water.(2014广东)We ______(tell)that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week,…… We got a little _____(sunburn)(晒伤), but the day had been so relaxing that we didn’t mind.(2013 广东)Suddenly, he ______(find)that he had run out of salt.but everyone added a little, always ______(think)that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today.(2012广东)He suddenly appeared in class one day, ____(wear)sunglasses.(2011广东)I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man _____(sit)at the front.He ____(pretend)that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.(2010 广东)After a four-day journey, the young man ____(present)the water to the old man.He spit it out, _____(say)it was awful.Exercise 2(强化训练)

I can’t believe I made it into San Francisco at long last!This morning, I went to the airport to catch my 10:00 am flight.I got there early to go through security.Since I had ___1__ electronic ticket, I then went straight to the boarding gate.When I got there, I couldn’t believe __2__eyes.The flight was put off for two hours!I made a__3__(decide)to look at the flight monitors to see if there was an__4__(early)flight to San Francisco.I saw that there was another flight __5__ will leave in 40 minutes, so I ran to the boarding gate of that flight.When I got there, I asked the gate agent __6__ I could get on that flight instead.She said that I needed to stay in the gate area and wait __7__ my name to be called if they had a seat available.So, I waited, and waited, and waited.The gate agent __8__(begin)calling out names.Guess what? The last name__9__(call)was mine.The last seat left on the plane was a middle seat and I usually prefer a window, __10__ I was just happy to get on board.I didn’t want my vacation to get delayed because of a late flight.教学反思:



1.一直做某事keep doing sthkeep sb doing sth

2.忙于做某事be busy doing sth

3.完成做某事finish doing sth

4.喜欢做某事like /love/ enjoy doing sth

5.练习做某事practise doing sth

6.介意某人做某事mind sb/sb’s doing sth

7.花费...做某事spend.....(in)doing sth

8.渴望做某事look forward to doing sth

9.习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth

10.注意做了某事pay attention to doing sth

11.奉献..做某事 devote...to doing sth

12.更喜欢做某事prefer to do sthwould rather(not)do sth

13.宁愿做...也不做....prefer doing A to doing B= would rather do A than do B= prefer to do A rather than do B

14.为什么不做某事why notdo sthwhat about doing sth

15.最好做某事had better do sth / had better not do sth

16.阻止某人做某事prevent sb from doing sth = stop sb from doing sthfrom可以省略

17.花费某人多少时间做某事It takes sb +时间+ to do sth

18.迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do sth

19.允许某人做某事allow sb to do sthallow doing sth—be allowed to do sth

20.建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sthadvise doing sth —be advised to do sth

21.有某人某物做某事there is /are sb/sth doing sth

只能加to do sth 的结构

希望做某事hope to do sthwish to do sth想要做某事 want to do sth决定做某事decide to do sth学会做某事 learn to do sth同意做某事agree to do sth答应做某事 promise to do sth

没能做某事 fail to do sth计划做某事 plan to do sth拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth

主动提出做某事 offer to do sth准备做某事 prepare to do sth 碰巧做某事happen to do sth

口诀;希望想要做决定,学会同意和答应, 碰巧没能计划好,拒绝提供再准备。

forget to do sth 忘记要做某事remember to do sth 记得要去做某事

Forget doing sth 忘记做过某事remember doing sth 记得做过了某事

Stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事go on to do sth 继续去做另外一件事

Stop doing sth 停止正在做的事go on doing sth 继续做之前的那件事


过去进行时was+doing(单数)were + doing sth(复数)

时间状语: at this time yesterday


The piantings(he devoted all his lifetime to)(show)last summer.(他奉献终生的那些)绘画去年夏天。

The problem(the leaders paid attention to)(solve)next week.领导们关注的那个问题下周将被解决

We must do everything(we can)(make)our earth cleaner and safer.我们必须做我们能做的所有事来使我们的地球更干净安全


解答填空题的基本策略是“准确、合理、迅速”.准确是解题的根本, 由于填空题只填写最终结果, 因而答案的准确显得尤为重要, 解题时要思维缜密, 步骤严谨, 特别要注意审题, 清楚要求解的问题是什么, 对答案中的细节要求尤其要看清楚, 如:“用数字作答”、“正确的是”、“不正确的是”、“写出所有真命题的代号”、“填上你认为正确的一个即可”、“不等式的解集是”等等, 要按照题目要求答题, 否则, 将为功亏一篑;合理是正确的前提, 运算过程合理, 运算方法简便为运算结果的正确提供必要的保证;而迅速是建立在合理的基础上, 要提高速度必须概念清楚、运算熟练和方法巧妙.解答填空题的要领可概括为“认真审题、弄清概念、明白算理、善于转化”.

例1 (2012年高考安微理15题) 设△ABC的三内角A, B, C所对的边长分别是a, b, c, 则下列命题正确的是_______.

从而有a2+b2>c2得cos C>0, 所以0

(4) (a+b) c<2ab由二元均值不等式, a+b≥, 所以<2abc<, 即ab>c2,

由 (1) 可知0

最后在 (5) 中, 由 (a2+b2) c2<2a2b2, 结合二元均值不等式得:

2abc2<2a2b2, 即ab>c2, 同样由 (1) 知, 0

综上所述正确命题是 (1) (2) (3) .

点评:本题虽为一个填空题, 但它有5个判断支, 要求考生对正余弦定理和均值不等式的运用有较高的水准.试题朴实无华, 看似平凡但内涵丰富, 能全面考查学生的代数推理和分析论证能力.解法1以余弦定理为主线, 确定C角范围为目标.在 (1) (2) (4) (5) 结合各自条件, 灵活应用“基本不等式”这一工具, 结合余弦定理确定出cos C的范围, 再定出C的大小进而给出解答.而 (3) 利用实数性质, 通过不等式的有效放缩定出cos C的正负, 从而定出C的范围.如若题目为解答题按解法1则既注意到推理的缜密性又能充分展示方法的灵活性和解题策略的有效性, 不失为优美解答, 但作为填空题, 还是采用解法2显得轻巧、灵活、简洁、高效.


1. 直接推理

直接法是从题设条件出发, 通过计算、分析推理得出正确结论的方法, 它是最常用的方法.解题中要注意优化思路、少算多想, 尽量减少运算步骤, 合理跳步, 小题小 (巧) 做, 高效答题.

例2从班委会5名成员中选出3名, 分别担任班级学习委员、文娱委员、与体育委员, 其中甲、乙二人不能担任文娱文员, 则不同的选法共有__________ (用数字作答) .

解法1:分四类: (1) 选甲不选乙有C31·C21·A22=12种; (2) 选乙不选甲, 同上有12种; (3) 甲乙都选上有A22·C31=6种; (4) 甲乙二人都不选有A33=6种.共有选法12+12+6+6=36种.

解法2:从反面考虑, 共有A53-2A42=36种.

点评:本题考查有限制条件的排列组合问题, 两种解法显然解法2更简捷.另外题目要求用数字作答, 就不能用A53-2A42等形式表示.

例3 (2 012年高考四川理) 如图1, 在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中, M、N分别是CD、CC1的中点, 异面直线A1M与DN所成角的大小是_______.

解法1:连接D1M, 易得DN⊥A1D1, DN⊥D1M, 所以, DN⊥平面A1MD1, 又A1M平面A1MD1, 所以, DN⊥A1D1, 故夹角为90°.

解法2:以D为原点, 分别以DA, DC, DD1为x, y, z轴, 建立空间直角坐标系D-xyz.设正方体边长为2, 则D (0, 0, 0) , N (0, 2, 1) , M (0, 1, 0) , A1 (2, 0, 2) , 故.所以, 故DN⊥D1M, 所以夹角为90°.点评::,

点评:异面直线夹角问题通常可以采用两种途径:第一, 把两条异面直线平移到同一平面中借助三角形处理;第二, 建立空间直角坐标系, 利用向量夹角公式解决.解法2较解法1运算要复杂, 但可降低思维要求, 便于操作.

例4 (2012年高考天津理) 如图2, 已知AB和AC是圆的两条弦.过点B作圆的切线与AC的延长线相交于点D, 过点C作BD的平行线与圆相交于点E, 与AB相交于点F, AF=3, FB=1, EF=, 则线段CD的长为_____.

点评:本题主要考查了平面几何中直线与圆的位置关系, 相交弦定理, 切割线定理, 相似三角形的概念、判定与性质等.直接综合运用这些平几知识即可获解.

例5设函数f (x) 的定义域为D, 如果对于任意的x1∈D, 存在唯一的x2∈D, 使 (C为常数) 成立, 则称函数f (x) 在D上均值为C, 下列五个函数:

(1) y=4sinx; (2) y=x3; (3) y=lgx; (4) y=2x; (5) y=2x-1.则满足其定义域上均值为2的所有函数的序号是.

2. 善用特例

当填空题的答案或结果暗示是与变量无关的一个定值时, 常可用特例法 (特殊值、特殊图形、特殊位置等) 迅速求解.

例6如图3, 在△ABC中, 点O是BC的中点, 过点O的直线分别交直线AB、AC于不同的两点M、N, 若, 则m+n的值为.

解2:用特例法.取M与B重合, N与C重合, 此时m=n=1, 得m+n=2.

点评:本题利用特殊位置迅速得解, 这样解题虽简洁但有风险, 应慎用.

3. 直接应用有关结论

填空题不必写出解答过程, 要提高解题速度, 可以应用一些典型例习题和拓展探究中的一些重要结论或方法, 心算、笔算相结合, 减少运算步骤, 简化计算过程.

例7已知 (1-x) 5=a0+a1x+a2x2+a3x3+a4x4+a5x5, 则 (a0+a2+a4) (a1+a3+a5) 的值等于_________.

分析:在二项式f (x) = (ax+b) n的展开式中有结论:其展开式各项系数的和为f (1) ;奇数项的系数和为[f (1) -f (-1) ];偶数项的系数和为[f (1) +f (-1) ].

解:分别令x=1、x=-1, 得a0+a1+a2+a3+a4+a5=0, a0-a1+a2-a3+a4-a5=32, 由此解得a0+a2+a4=16, a1+a3+a5=-16.

所以 (a0+a2+a4) (a1+a3+a5) =-256.

例8已知圆O的方程是x2+y2-2=0, 圆O'的方程是x2+y2-8x+10=0.由动点P向圆O和圆O'所引的切线长相等, 则动点P的轨迹方程是________.

分析:有关圆的切线长有结论:若圆方程为x2+y2+Dx+Ey+F=0 (D2+E2-4F>0) , 则由点P (x, y) 引圆的切线长为

解:设P (x, y) , 由切线长公式得, 化简得动点P的轨迹方程为x=

4. 利用特征性质

通过仔细观察, 抓住题设中的隐含条件或特征, 挖掘出题目的内在规律进行求解.

例9已知数列{an}对于任意p, q∈N*, 有ap+aq=ap+q, 若a1=, 则a36=_______.

解:令p=n, q=1, 则an+a1=an+1, 所以an+1-an=a1=


点评:抓住题设中p, q可为任意正整数的特征, 通过给p, q赋值, 使得等差数列的特征凸显出来, 从而迅速得解.

5. 数形结合

“数以形而直观, 形以数而入微”, 构建图形往往使问题直观清晰, 简洁明了.

例10 (2012年高考北京理) 已知正方形ABCD的边长为1, 点E是AB边上的动点, 则的值为_________;


动词填空包括用动词的谓语形式和非谓语形式填空。动词谓语形式涉及到时态、语态和语气。动词非谓语形式包括动词不定式、v-ing形式和过去分词。遇到这种题型,同学们必须认真把握, 细心归纳, 掌握好动词的基本时态和非谓语动词的用法,下面谈谈如何做动词填空题。





表示经常性或习惯性的动作。与一般现在时连用的时间状语有:sometimes, usually, often, always, every day/ week/ month/ year, on Sunday(s),in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, on a day/ week/ month/ year等。例如:

He often borrows (borrow) books from the school library.

The old man listens(listen) to the radio every day.

2. 一般过去时

表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:yesterday, yesterday morning/ afternoon /evening, the day before yesterday, last week/ month/year/ term/ spring/ Wednesday, at that time, just now, a moment ago, once,long before, the other day, in 1990等。例如:

Our school held(hold) a sports meeting last week.

My brother joined(join) the League in 2003.

3. 一般将来时

表示将来某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。与一般将来时连用的时间状语有:tomorrow, tomorrow morning/ afternoon/ evening, the day after tomorrow, next week/ month/ year/term/ Sunday/ autumn, in a few days, in a week, before long, soon等。例如:

They will go (go )to the park tomorrow.

Who is going to/ will speak(speak) at the meeting this afternoon?

4. 现在进行时

现在进行时表示现在(说话时)正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。与现在进行时连用的时间状语有:now, right now, at the moment, these days等。例如:

He is writing(write) a letter now.

We are working(work) on a farm these days.

Look!They are running(run) on the playground.

Listen!Who is singing(sing) in the next room?

5. 过去进行时

表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。与过去进行时连用的时间状语有: this time

yesterday, at eight last night, at that time, from eight to ten, last Sunday等。例如:

My father was reading(read) newspaper at seven o’clock last night.

They were digging(dig) holes on the hill this time yesterday.

6. 现在完成时

表示过去某时发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:already, yet, before, just, ever, never, this year, since…, for…, so far, up to now, in the past few years等。例如:

We have known(know) each other for about ten years.

The train has left(leave) already.

She has been (be) to Beijing only once.

7. 过去完成时

表示过去某一时刻之前(即过去的过去)已经发生的动作或存在的状态。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: by the end of last term/ month/ year, beforethatday 或由

before, when, after, by the time等引导表示过去时间的状语从句等。例如:

By the end of last term, they had learned(learn) three English songs.

When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun(begin).

8. 过去将来时


He said that he would ring(ring)me up when he got to Shanghai.

My uncle said that he would draw(draw) a beautiful horse for me the next day.


Don’tmakeanynoise . The baby ____ (sleep).





If he comescome) tomorrow, I will go(go) to town with him.

The teacher said(say) the earth goes(go) round the sun.

B. 如何确定谓语动词的语态


The hospital was built(build) in 1985.

The flowers must be watered(water) every day.


(一) 常接不定式的词语或结构

1. want, hope, learn, wish, decide,would like等接带to 的动词不定式。例如:

I want to borrow(borrow) some books on maths.

2. 在“ask/ tell/ invite sb.”后面用带to 的动词不定式。例如:

The teacher asked us to read(read) the text.

3. 在“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”句型中,用动词不定式结构。例如:

It takes me twenty minutes to walk (walk) to school every day.

4. 在“It is time (for sb.) to do sth.”结构中,用动词不定式结构。例如:

It’s time for us to play(play) games.

5.不定式可以和疑问词(如what, where, when, who, how等)连用, 构成不定式短语,可以在句中作主语、宾语和表语等。例如:

I don’t know what to do(do) next.

He doesn’t know where to go(go).

6. 在动词see, hear, watch, notice,let, make等动词的后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式一般不带to。 help后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式可带to,也可不带to。需要注意的是,以上动词改为被动语态时,其后的动词不定式一定要带to。例如:

They made him work(work) twelve hours a day.

He was made to work(work) twelve hours a day.

7. 在“Why not do sth.?” “You’d better (not) do sth.” “Will you please(not) do sth. ?”等结构中,用不带to 的动词不定式。例如:

Why not ask(ask) the teacher?

You’d better wear(wear) more clothes.


enjoy, keep, finish, What/ How about, be good at, thanks/ thank you for, be interested in, be afraid of, be busy等后面常接v-ing形式。另外,“see/ watch/ hear/ feel sb. doing sth.”表示“看到/观看/听见/感到某人正在做某事”。例如:

He enjoys listening(listen) to the radio.

She is good at drawing(draw)birds and flowers.

We heard her singing(sing) a song.


begin, start, like, love, hate接动词不定式或v-ing形式作宾语意思没有多大区别。但like 后接v-ing形式指经常性的动作,接不定式指一次性的动作。例如:

My brother likes playing(play)football, but he doesn’t liketo play(play) football this afternoon.



It’s time for class. Please stop talking(talk).

When he saw me, he stopped to talk(talk) to me.

forget, remember接v-ing形式表示“忘了/记得曾经做过某事”;跟不定式则表示“忘记/记住去做某事(此事还未做)”。例如:

I remember giving (give)the book to the library.

I forgot to turn off(turn off) the light.


Let’s try knocking(knock) at the back door.

She tried to speak(speak) more English.

go on 接v-ing形式表示“继续做原来的事情”;接不定式则表示“继续做另一件事”。例如:

He got up and went on runningrun).



Unit 1 I____(arrive)in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.It_____(be)sunny and hot, so we decided_____(go)to the beach near our hotel.My sister and I_____(try)paragliding.I____(feel)like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch, we_____(have)something very special——Malaysian yellow noodles.They _______(be)delicious!In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we______(see)the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.I wonder what life ___(be)like here in the past.I really enjoyed____(walk)around the town.What a difference a day______(make)!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted_____(walk)up to the top, but then it started______(rain)a little so we decided to take the train.We waited over an hour it was raining really hard.We _____(not have)an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!And because of the bad weather, we _____(not see)anything below.My father _____(not)bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.The food____(taste)great because I was so hungry!Last August, our class ______(do)something very special on our school trip.We_____(go)to Mount Tai.We _____(start)our trip at 12:00 at night, everyone in our class ______(take)a bag with some food and water, after three hours, someone looked at the map and _____(find)out we _____(be not)anywhere near the top.My legs _____(be)so tired that I wanted to stop.My classmates _____(tell)me _____(keep)going, so I __(go)on at 5:00 a.m.we_____(get)to the top!Everyone _____(jump)up and down in excitement.Twenty minutes later, the sun______(start)to come up, it was so beautiful that we_____(forget)about the last five hours Today_____(be)a beautiful day!My father and I____(go)to Penang Hill again, but this time we ____(walk)to the top.We____(start)at 9:30a.m.and_____(see)lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way.About one hour later, we _____(stop)and______(drink)some tea.Then we ______(walk)for another two hours before we_____(get)to the top.I ______(be)quite tired, but the city_____(look)wonderful from the top of the hill!


After our plane landed, we went to the hotel. We had made our reservation six months__17____ (early), but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake. We 18_____(tell)that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, 19_____ for the week after. I didn’t understand 20____ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged 21______ the reservation. What’s worse, the hotel had been fully booked. When we were wondering what to do, the manager came out. She was 22_____(surprise)helpful. She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on 23_____ top floor. We had never stayed in such an amazing room, and we weren’t charged extra.

The next day, my brother and I went to the beach 24____ we watched some people play volleyball. We got a little_____(sunburn),but the day had been so relaxing that we didn’t mind.

【文章大意】本文为记叙文。作者为我们讲述了一家人去迈阿密旅游时的一次经历。[语篇解读] 本文为记叙文,题材为个人经历。讲述了作者的一次旅游经历。虽然预订房间出现了差错,但问题得到了很好的解决,作者感到很满意。


17.【考点】本题考查副词比较级。【答案】earlier【解析】解此题关键在于本句中的had made可知,作者在到达迈阿密之前就提前六个月预定了房间。本句暗含比较,意思是“早在六个月前”。

18.【考点】本题考查时态和被动语态。【答案】were told【解析】事情在过去发生,所以用一般过去时。我们应该是由旅馆那边告知,所以使用被动语态;因为叙述的是过去发生的事情,we与tell之间是被动关系,所以本句使用一般过去时的被动语态。





23.【考点】本题考查冠词。【答案】the【解析】这里是特指顶层,所以用定冠词。the top floor顶层。

24.【考点】本题考查定语从句。【答案】where【解析】本句中含有定语从句,先行词是beach,where=on which=and on the beach=and there引导定语从句,修饰先行词the beach。因为先行词是地点名词,关系词在定语从句中作状语,所以填where。
