Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)


Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)(精选10篇)

篇1:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)



2、Talk about gardening and planting.






1)decide to do sth决定做某事

2) begin doing sth开始做某事

3) make sure确信

4)keep…away from使…远离

5)try to do sth尽力做某事

6)the purpose of…的目的

7)best of all更好的是,更重要的是

8)have fun doing sth高兴做某事

9)grow into长成





enough sun足够的阳光 rich enough 足够富裕




I find this plant ________ to grow in our homes.

A enough easy B easy enough C enough easily D easily enough

【探究二】Is it easy to water your garden?

It is+adj+ to do sth做某事怎么样

It is+adj+for sb+ to do sth多某人来说做某事怎么样


1.It is hard me ________to drive a car.

A to B for C about D with

2.________ is important for us to exercise.

A This B That C It D That

3.It is very useful for him ________English.

A to learn B learn C learning D learned


1,I decide ________(change )my eating habits.

2.When do you begin ________(garden)

3.It is not easy ________ (be )a good doctor

4.We have fun ________(play )football.

5. 确信你明白这个问题。

________ ________ that you understand the problem.


Your seed will ________ ________ a tree.


Please ________the children ________ ________the fire.

8.He is old enough ________( move )the box.

9.It is important ________(speak )English every day.


The coat is very nice. ________ ________ ________,it is very cheap.




篇2:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)

1.通过本课学习让学生记住 单词和 短语。(重点)


3.通过学习,让学生了解 如何询问天气及回答 。


【预习案】 (10分钟)




A. 练习册Lesson 1 I.根据汉语提示完成句子

B. 读课文,改正句子。

⑴. What’s the weather today?

⑵ It’s not snowing, and it is cloudy.

⑶ It will be 10°C during the night.

⑷ There will be a shower this evening.

⑸ The sun will set at 7:25 this evening.



1.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 是用来询问天气的常用句子,还可以表达为:

2.It will be snowy and hot.今天将会是雪天,很热。snowy是形容词,表示“下雪的,多雪的”。它是由名词snow+后缀y构成,类似的词还有:

3. I hope not!我希望不是这样!

它的肯定表达为:I hope so!而I think so ![我认为是这样!]的否定式常为:I don’t think so ! 我认为不是这样!

4.I’m scared of thunder! 我害怕打雷!

Be scared of sb./sth “害怕某人/某物”。 害怕做某事为:

be scared of doing sth.

5. What strange weather! 多么奇怪的天气啊!

What 引导的感叹句结构为:① What +a/an +形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语动词/系动词。 ② What +形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数+主语+谓语动词/系动词,意为“多么…啊!” 。

How 引导的感叹句结构为:


1. 让我们看一下今天的天气预报吧!

Let’s watch today’s

2.--- 明天会下雨吗?--- 我希望如此。

--- Will it rain tomorrow? ---


There a sports meeting next week.


like in Beijing this winter?


I dark when I was young.

6. great picture! Who painted it?

A.How B. WhatC. How aD. What a

7.The sun in the east.

A.riseB. rises C. set D. sets

8.She is scared of in the dark.

A.walk B. walked C. walking D. to walk



2.练习册lesson1 A1--A4全做。A5-A6做 I--II.

篇3:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)

Mothers and Fathers Are Special

First part:Mother’s Day.


1.知识与技能:掌握本课单词及短语alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method.

2.过程与方法:通过中心话题“Mother’s Day”, 及配套的PPT课件和图片来直观导入新课, 培养学生学会感恩。

3.情感、态度与价值观:Family的含义。培养学生学会感恩, 培养学生细致观察的能力。


1.alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method的用法。

2.What day is Mother’s Day?Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May every year.

3.How do people celebrate it?Give presents to their mothers, or make a special breakfast for their mothers.


多媒体课件, 视频。


本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”。整个单元的设计围绕这一主题展开。学生通过关注家人、亲情和沟通, 主要是感恩教育。通过课堂项目和故事, 学生复习已学词汇和学习新词汇, 熟练针对这些话题进行交流。


学生在之前已经学习了本单元的部分词汇, 并预习了本课。通过前五个单元的基础学习, 对理解本单元的知识点有一定的帮助。本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”, 学生对这方面的内容有所了解, 但理解不够深刻。所以本单元的主要教学方法是, 挑本单元的重难点讲, 单独板书, 重点强调。尽可能多地以图片和视频的方式教学, 来加深学生对本来陌生事物的印象, 从而提高记忆能力。


alive, hero, take care of的用法。


1.听故事, 看图片answer me the question.How do you like the story?

2.导入新课, 看视频, 画出重点。


(1) People give______gifts______ (礼物) to their mothers.

(2) In England people__celebrate_____ (庆祝) “Mothering Sunday”.

(3) In North America, people do___special____ (特别) things for their parents.

(4) They also try___to help______ (帮助) mothers all day.

(5) Their mothers are still_______. (活着的)

(6) In the______ (17世纪) they began to use machines.


(1) It was amazing that the little baby was still. (活着的)

(2) These soldiers are______. (英雄)

(3) We should______ (照顾) our mothers when they are old.

九、板书设计 (略)

十、教学反思 (略)


篇4:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)



通过上一课的学习(Brian, Jenny and Danny决定发动全班同学清扫校园里的垃圾)学生已初步了解“污染”这一概念。课前,先要求学生去关注环境问题,搜集拍摄生活地相关污染图片,和家长或同伴讨论环境的变化。这些相关文化背景知识可以引导学生预测课文内容,激活相关知识网络。将要授课的初二3班,学生英语综合运用能力水平不错。对于需要掌握的词汇和接触词汇,以及文中出现的宾语从句和定语从句,前期学习中均有所接触涉及,不会对阅读形成障碍。

篇5:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)

Lesson 39 Clean Cars?

科目 英语 审批人 张辉 班级 序号 36

主备人 张广卫 修订人 张军鹏 姓名 使用时间


目标 知识与技能: 利用词汇表熟记本课单词短语,并能熟读课文

过程与方法: 读课文了解内容




情感与价值观: 通过本课学习,了解讨论交通工具的演变及未来的发展


重点 通过本课学习,能够了解一些常用交通工具,并掌握本课重难点


难点 We had to think of an invention, and present it to the class.

学法指导 课前在课本中找出合作探究中的句子,并且背诵

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配


Do you like science ? Why or why not ? 2分钟



1听起来/声音_________ 2肮脏的_________

3 踏板/骑自行车_________ 4电_________


短语:1. 了解_________ 2. 思考/考虑___________

3. 想起/想出_________ 4. 把……呈现给___________

5. 穿上 ____________6.听起来像_________

7,go well_________

预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。 5分钟

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配

句型:1. That ( ) ( ) a fun project ! 那听起来像是个很有趣的任务。

2. I don’t know( ) ( ) present.我不知道展示什么。

3. .Our air would be ( ) ( ) cleaner.我们的空气将会比较干净。

4 We had to( ) ( ) an invention, and ( ) it( ) the class.我们必须想出一个发明并给全 学生独立完成并且抢答 3分钟


Lead--in (课堂导入) (2分钟)

1.What’s your favourite type of transportation ? 2.. How can we protect our environment?

Learning of the text (新课学习)(10分钟)

1 .Reading : Listen to the radio and write down(划下) important phrases .

2.Group----work : Read and understand the text in groups , then fill in the following blanks.

Jenny studied _________ this week in school. The teacher asked them to ________ _______ the future. They had to think of an ________ and present it to the ________. Danny called his invention ________ ________.He________ ________ an old backpack, ________ ________ a chair and ________ ________. But Jenny would like to invent a ________ ________.She asked Li Ming for help. Li Ming thought Jenny was _________ about cars: Everyone should ride _________. Our air would be a lot_________. Television and lights use .__________. Maybe in the __________ all cars will be ________.Or Maybe someone will invent an engine that uses ________ or _______.


老师进行点拨 15分钟

教师活动 学生活动



I don’t know what to present.


句中不定式短语what to present作know的_____________。英语中疑问代词 ___

和疑问副词 等后加动词不定式构成动词不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。例如:What to do is a big problem.(做什么是个大问题)划线部分作___________.

The question is how to get there.(问题是如何到达那儿)。划线部分作______________

Our air would be a lot cleaner.


a lot在句中修饰形容词或副词比较级,表示程度,其含义是“太大;比------得多”。在英语中,可以修饰形容词或副词比较级的词有:_________,_________,_________,_________,__________等。

造句:.我比我兄弟跑得快得多。I run________ ________ than my brother..






1. An Easter egg hunt is a game for_______ (find) eggs.

2. We had fun _________ (play) games together this morning.

3. The egg will be_______ (go).

4. They are hunting _______ the lost dog.

5. Happy Easter to you!________________________

教 学 过 程

II 选择最佳答案:

1. The song ( hears /sounds ) really beautiful.

2. I don’t know (what to present / how to present) ?

3. It’s an (electric / electricity ) .

4. I hope your travel (to go / goes/go) well .

5. What you say ( sounds like / sound like) a good idea..

6. My mother asked my father (not to smoke / not smoke / to smoke) any more.

7. May I present Mr. Yang (for /with / to ) you.



收获 本节课你学到了什么:





作业 一类: 二类:


设计 Lesson 39 Clean Cars?


篇6:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)


Unit 2 Lesson 13 why are plants important?

【课 题】: why are plants important? 【教材与学生分析】






情感态度:能通过谈论植物的重要性,让学生掌握植物在生活中的重要作用,并且让学生树立爱护植物的思想。Teaching Aims:

A: Learn the importance of the trees.B: Learn to how to express the usage of the trees.Learning aims:

1.Remember the new words: air, energy, die, heat, nothing, bamboo, kilogram, shade, carry away, make…into.2.The important sentences: ① Trees help clean the air.② Donuts don’t grow on the trees!

③ All plants take energy from the sun and make it into food.④ Without food, they would have nothing to eat and they would die.Language Focus:

1.Trees can help clean the air.help…(to)do sth./ help …with sth.帮助…做… 2.Donuts don’t grow on trees!

on the tree(on trees)与 in the tree(in trees): on the tree(on trees): “在树上”,指树本身所长的东西,如树叶,花等。(用on表示在树的枝叶中。)

in the tree(in trees): “在树上”,表示不属于树本身生长的,如鸟,人等。(用in表示在枝叶上。)

3.Then the wind and water don’t carry the soil away.风和水就不能把土壤带走。

carry away:(1)运走,拿走(2)使着迷;激动 carry back:(1)运回,拿回(2)使回想起 carry on:(1)继续进行(2)吵吵闹闹

carry through:(1)进行(到底)(2)使度过(困难,危险等)。carry off:(1)轻而易举地完成(2)夺去(某人)生命,拐去。【教学重点及难点】:


2、学习怎样用英语表达植物的作用。Learning important and difficult points:

1.区分短语in trees 与on trees。2.Master “Why are plants important?”

【教学方法】: 任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学。Learning method: Listen, say, read and write.Teaching times :one class

Preparation of teaching aids: tape recorders, tapes, multi-media.Teacheing times:one class Time: 45 minutes

Teaching Process:

Step 1: Greetting Step2: Talking

Talk about: Why do we need trees? What kind of things can plants do?

Step 3: Revision.Ask some questions:

1.How many main parts do plants have? What are they? 2.What do plants need to grow? Why do plants need them? 3.Do you think plants are important? Step4:.Learning Learn new words.Step 5:Think about it.Step6: Listion to the tape and answer quitions: 1.What are Danny, Jenny and Brian talking about? They are talking about trees and the reason why we need them.2.Donuts don’t grow on trees, do they? No, they don’t.3.Why do we need trees ?

Ask some students answer and the teacher correct Step7: Reading

Read the dialogue first.Then find out the useful expressions.1.talk about 2.clean the air 3.on trees/in trees 4.carry…away

Step 8 : look at the picture.know the fascinating facts.Step9: studing language points

1、Let’s = Let us

2、help sb.(to)do sth.和help sb.with sth.3、pleasant 与pleased的区别


4、on the tree(on trees)in the tree(in trees)

5、also, too与either

6、carry away把搬(移)走 carry back运回,拿回 carry off轻而易举地完成carry out 执行

carry forward发扬,推进

7、make into把制成用于主动语态,be make into用……制成,用于被动语态


Practice the dialogue in pairs.Step 11: project Step12: Do exercises Step 13: Homework

Write a diary about why we need trees.Preview Lesson 14 Summary:

Review the text is very important.The students know what they will take to the class, what is useful to the study.Let them to talk about Why Are Plants Important? Why do we need trees? What kind of things can plants do?

板 书 设 计:

1、help…(to)do sth./ help …with sth.帮助…做…

2、on the tree(on trees)与 in the tree(in trees): on the tree(on trees): in the tree(in trees):

3、carry away:(1)运走,拿走(2)使着迷;激动 carry back:(1)运回,拿回(2)使回想起 carry on:(1)继续进行(2)吵吵闹闹

carry through:(1)进行(到底)(2)使度过(困难,危险等)。

carry off:(1)轻而易举地完成(2)夺去生命,拐去.4、Let’s = Let us let sb.do sth.“

肯定回答一般用“OK” “All right.” “Yes, let’s…”。否定回答用”Sorry, I …”。

5、辨析:also, too与either




5、make into把制成用于主动语态,be make into用……制成,用于被动语态。

教 学 反 思:


广平县平固店中学 尹晓娜

I.The teaching goals 1.kownledge goals

1>.master some important words and phrases

a fair competition score

four to three



a pair of jeans

have the pleasure of doing

invite sb to do sth

go to the movies = go to watch the movies

stay with

2>.master the present past tense 2.skill goals

1>.read words.phrases and passage

2>.practice listening

3>.practice writing 3.emotion goals

Educate the students to get on well with each other II.The teaching important points 1.To review the present past tense 2.To use some language points well

III.The teaching difficult points To practise the students’ writing IV.The teaching methods 1.To use the task teaching method 2.To use the writing teaching method

V.The teaching procedures Step1.Creating learning scene Step2.New lesson learning 1.Listening test problem

• • • • 1.what day was it that day? 2.what was the weather like that day? 3.who was the new friend? 4.when did Jenny’s mother buy a pair

of jeans for her? • 5.where was Mary from ? • 6.where was Brian from? 2.Cooperation exploration <1> the present past tense

1>.sign words





are _______

am/is __________

lose _______

buy __________

wear ________

have _________

<2>.important or difficult language points



2>.Brain is arriving from the U.K

译文: _____________________________________

它表达什么时候的动作 3.Practice problems(3minutes)

• 1.I want to _____ myself___(向…介绍)the class.• 2.Li Ming and I are__ the same _______(在…队).• 3.This basketball game will be ________(一场公平比赛).• 4.The ______(得分)was_________(4 to 3).• 5.My mother bought _________(一条牛仔裤)for me • 6.Jenny had the __________ to(很高兴对…说话)Mary.• 7.She ______ me ___________(邀请…去看电影)yesterday.• 8.I’m a _________(本地)famer.• 9.I will stay with her _______(5天)4.Opening up and Remembering problem

Today, Li Ming______(介绍)me a new friend,_____(他的)name is Brain, He was______(同一班)as me, He______(来自)America, I had__________(高兴和他说话)him, He is__________(友好的), He

often_________(激励…学习)me ________English.Yesterday , he _______(邀请)me______(去打篮球),It was __________(一场公平的比赛).Then, We want to have dinner _____________(在一个当地餐馆).We are getting well with each other , We have become

篇8:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)

(一) 教学课型:综合技能课

该课型基于教材文本, 又超越文本信息重构新的文本。教学过程从信息输入到信息加工处理, 最后到信息输出, 真正着眼于“提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力, 特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。” (教育部, 2003)

把教材的第二部分调整到第一步分之前处理, 在复习环节引导学生综合、分析、处理信息的能力, 在自主与合作学习过程中了解异国文化, 激发学生对生活的热爱。

根据Learning English教材的课程理念, 本课准备以任务型教学模式为主, 融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构, 使整个教学过程循序渐进, 并使交际内容生活化。

(二) 教材内容分析:

Fun in the Sun是初中英语冀教版 (Learning English) 八年级下Unit 1 Spring is Coming! 的第五课。

通过本单元学习学生将复习学过的有关天气、日期和季节的词汇, 并通过故事和话题进一步扩展描述天气的词汇, 学习有关户外娱乐的词汇。通过比较中国和加拿大的户外娱乐活动, 使学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来。

本课围绕“建议”展开话题, 以学习新的体育运动词汇, 用英语提建议, 以及发表个人见解为重点, 为“使学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来”, 做好语言积累和知识铺垫。在复习有关天气的词汇同时, 在对比中加入不同的户外娱乐活动, 让学生了解文化差异, 培养学生热爱运动、热爱生活的情趣。


(一) 知识基础:

学生对于有关季节、天气和运动的词汇已经有一些了解和积累, 基本掌握用“I like to do…/ I like doing…”表达个人意愿。

(二) 心理及技能特点:

50%左右的学生基础较差, 没有良好的英语语言表达习惯, 这部分学生比较依赖教师讲解, 习惯于被动接收信息。约20%的学生能够听懂并乐于参与教学活动, 善于发现问题并能够积极解决问题。还有大约30%的学生能够参与课堂活动, 但是由于畏难情绪常常不敢尝试。

(三) 学习需要 :

爱玩是孩子的天性。为了能够真实准确的表达个人意愿, 学生有了解更多户外娱乐项目的愿望。基于已有知识, 学生需要了解和学习更多有关户外娱乐或活动的词汇, 以及更加丰富的语言表达方式来满足其表达需要。


(一) 语言知识目标

1. 学习词汇:baseball, skiing, hit, rather, kick

2. 学习句型: 建议用语——

Let's (go cycling.) {Let’s …, shall we?}

Shall we (play basketball?)

How / What about (playing soccer?)

3. 识别词汇:degree, cycling, soccer ball

4. 了解词汇:Baseball 棒球



Table tennis乒乓球




Setting-up exercise健身操


Roller skating Blading滑旱冰



(二) 语言技能目标

1. 通过听说训练, 使学生学会有目的的获取所需关键信息。

2. 学生基本能够运用所学语言项目准确表达个人见解, 与他人交流。

3. 训练学生与他人沟通信息, 合作学习的能力。所有学生能够就简单话题提供的信息表达自己的观点, 参与讨论。

(三) 情感态度目标

1. 锻炼学生在学习中敢于用英语表达个人意见和见解, 培养学生的合作与竞争意识。

2. 培养学生热爱生活, 热爱运动的品质。

3. 让学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。


(四) 文化意识目标



第一, 考虑到学生整体水平以及教材的难度, 本节课分为“词 - 句 - 篇”三个步骤。只有做好单词和句型的操练, 铺垫到位, 学生对学习内容的把握才会水到渠成。因此本节课训练重点是前两个步骤, 使学生在合作、探究学习过程中逐步建构语言能力, 提高合作学习效率。对于“篇”的要求作为难点, 力争80%的学生达成目标。

第二, 利用多媒体, 通过声音、图片等各种形式的辅助, 结合听、读、说、写的训练将生词和重点句型整合、归纳、提炼进行足够量的语言输入, 引导学生积极主动地参与教学活动。

第三, 学生运用前面几个环节积累的词汇和句型进行对话, 发表个人见解。在教师的帮助下, 学生合作学习, 自制出游计划并在全班展示。



Warming-up: Listen and sing.

营造气氛活跃课堂, 使学生尽快进入英语学习状态。


Class opening. / To have a review.

(一) 预设学生活动

Free Talk:

What do you like to do in spring (in China) ?

Exercise the patterns of discussion likes or dislikes.

(二) 教师活动

Leading-in & Presentation:

Tell them spring is a season for sports. And lead insports like this:

T: May I know what sports you like in spring?

S: Yes, I like (doing) . Yes, I like (to do) .

Let the patterns be the guide: like to do… / likedoing…

(三) 设计意图

复习有关运动和天气、季节的词汇, 复习表达意愿的句型, 导入新授课。


Part 1: Let's….

(一) 预设学生活动

1. Discussion:

What can we do in spring in Canada?

Work into pairs to fi nish Part 2 of this lesson.

2. Practice:

Use the sentence“Let′s…”to ask and answer oneby one.

(二) 教师活动

1. Teaching new words:

Lead in, ask and answer.

Use the slides to show pictures of cycling and skiing.

T: Let's look at the… ( 建议用语的实际应用, 为后面教学埋下伏笔 )

2. New words:

Go cycling

Let’s go cycling.

(三) 设计意图

1. 拓展词汇丰富语言了解中西文化差异。

2. 由图片引入单词, 词组和句型, 由简到难。

Part 2:Shall we…?

(一) 预设学生活动


Students try to give advice by using “Shall we …?”

Ask and answer one by one.

They practise the dialogue in pairs:

Let's go fi shing.

No, let's not.

/ (Sorry, I don’t like it)

Shall we fl y kites?

OK. (Good idea)

2. Group work:

What do you usually do after school?

Look at some pictures of sports on the screen, talkabout them by way of asking and answering.

(二) 教师活动

Leading- in:

From the answer “No, let's not.” lead to “shall we—?”

Create situations and help Students use thesentences.

Help them answer

Good idea/ OK/ Wonderful or No, I don’t like it/ No, let’s not/ Shall we fl y a kite? …

(三) 设计意图

1. 学习运用多种建议句型。

2. 注重过程评价, 使学生在学习过程中感受英语学习的乐趣。同时不失时机的训练学生发散思维和创新意识。

Part 3:

HowWhat about doing …?

(一) 预设学生活动


Let's go cycling.

No, Let's not.

Shall we play basketball?

I don't like basketball.

How about playing soccer?


(二) 教师活动

Use the PPT to help teach new words——“soccer”“play soccer”

Help the students to use “How/What about——?”

Use the PPT to show the grammar: What/How about doing——?

(三) 设计意图

1. 充分利用PPT的效果, 通过调动各种感官引导学生发现问题并引起注意。将语法学习渗透到语言学习中, 以练代讲, 促进学生自主学习。

2. 借助认知规律, 学习新语言知识。以情激趣, 以趣导学。通过大量的语言输入引导学生积极主动地参与教学活动。

3. 提供多种建议用语, 进一步了解提建议的表达方式, 丰富学生英语语言, 提高学生口语表达能力。


Part 1:

Watch and talk ( 简笔画图片附文后 )

(一) 预设学生活动


What are they talking to each other?

(二) 教师活动

Give students some pictures, ask them to discussin groups of four. Then write down the dialogue theyhave made.

(三) 设计意图

使学生将新知识纳入自己的已有知识结构内, 通过思考记忆深刻。

Part 2:


(一) 预设学生活动

Practise the dialogue and act it out in groups of three.

(二) 教师活动

Give them much encouragement and prizes.

Encourage them to use more forms of sentences

(三) 设计意图

练习语言, 并运用语言做事情, 提高学生学习兴趣, 让学生更加积极主动地探究语言。

Part 3:

Target language

(一) 预设学生活动

Find the rules:

“How to give some advice and how to answer?”

Work in groups and try to find the rules of theadvice sentences.

(二) 教师活动

Give some help.

Tell them some faster and better skills of finishing the job in a group.

1. Shall we…? /

2. Let′s do…/

3. WhatHow about doing...?

4.Good idea/ Wonderful / OK / Agreed or No, let′s not. / Sorry, I don′t like it.

(三) 设计意图

1. 对学生进行学习策略指导, 训练学生自主探究学习能力, 为发展学生终身学习能力服务。

2. 培养学生合作意识, 使每一位学生在合作中有事可做, 树立自信心, 锻炼学生合作学习能力。


Part 1:


Exercise and play a game

(一) 预设学生活动

Follow and fi ll.

1. Competition:

Every group tries to make a plan for this Sunday.

2. Post-task:

Every group asks two students to present their planin front of class.

They can use their favorites form to show. Studentschoose the best group.

(二) 教师活动

Walk around and give students some help if theyneed.

Make a Task.

Divide students in groups of four.

A prompt: He She likes to do… likes doing…


Students talk about benefi ts of sports. Tell them: All work and no play make jack a dull boy; every student should do some sports each day.

(三) 设计意图

1. 将课文作为一个阅读复述材料 , 由学生自我检测是否掌握了基础知识。

2. 将目标语言生活化, 激发学生主动表达的欲望培养学生语言运用能力发展个性化思维方式 , 在合作学习中培养友情 , 培养学生热爱生活热爱运动的品质。


Class closing

(一) 教师活动


1. Activity Book-Ex4.

2. Have a survey “What do you like to do on usualdays?”

To survey your families and share their ideas.

(二) 设计意图

巩固所学单词和句型, 让学生从实际出发, 练习、运用语言。



(一) 对教学过程的反思:

整个教学过程还算完整、清晰。教学环节清楚简练, 遵循了学生的认知规律:导入——呈现新知——操练新知——迁移运用——巩固评价, 环环相扣, 过渡自然。

活动的设计形式多样, 首先体现在活动的组织形式上, 如二、三人一组和四、五人一组的活动;还体现在活动本身的设计上, 如预测、复述、表演、调查、报告等。

教学过程的目标意识体现突出, 每一个环节和步骤都配有简洁明确的意图阐述。媒体资源的运用也比较合理, 基本能有效拓宽学与用的渠道。

教学设计中注重学生能力培养, 注重英语的交际功能, 体现了英语作为一种语言的工具性。学生通过合作学习, 在用中学, 学而用, 不断巩固和提升英语语言知识及综合运用能力。

教学设计中情景创设有利于学生学习GOOD ENGLISH。在情境中学生感知、体验英语语言的真实性, 更有利于学生掌握和恰当运用所学英语语言知识以及语言技能。


该教学设计基本体现了新课标理念。教学中坚持学生的学习主体地位, 积极探寻学生主动学习的内驱力, 努力引导学生自主、创新学习, 使学生在学习中感受英语语言的魅力, 享受英语学习过程的快乐, 体验成功的英语学习。

篇9:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)






















































































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篇10:Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising 学案设计(冀教版英语八年级)

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: connect, monitor, keyboard, key, enter, mouse, screen, Internet, button, fail, succeed, fantastic, shout, menu, forward, search

Oral words and expressions: space bar, shift, button, connect…to…,turn on

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the development of the computer.

2. Know about how to use the computer.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to connect the computer to the Internet.

2. Let the students express it in English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Some words and expressions in the process of connecting the computer to the Internet.

Teaching Preparation: a computer

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a computer

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Review the last unit:

Make up some sentences with the Modal Verbs: can, could, would, should, may, must, might

I can go almost anywhere on foot.

At first, only rich people could buy cars.

I would like to see hoverboards.

I think someone should invent a transporter, too.

May we leave our car here?

I must go and get new things, or I might have a fit.

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT.”

Let the students talk about the questions.

Step3. Listen to the tape and finish Exercise2 in activity book.

1) What is Li Ming doing?

2) Can Wang Mei connect the computer to the Internet?

3) What do they see when Li Ming pushes the “on” button?

4) What does the word “fail” mean?

5) Why do they fail to connect to the Internet for the first time?

6) Do they succeed at last?

Step4. Read the text and check the answers in silent. Then read the text loudly for a while. At the same time, the teacher walks around to see if they need any help.

Step5. Practice some language points, such as: connect… to…, make a noise, fail, succeed

Step6. Let some students come to the front and practice. The teacher should choose the similar situation for them.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT.”

Divide the class into groups of three of four. Talk about the following questions:

What would you like to do on the Internet? Why?

Are these things possible? Use your imagination.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


This is very abstract to the students who are not familiar to the computer. So the teacher should try to create a vivid situation for them. If you have the lesson in the media room, that is very convenient. If you don’t, please bring them into the computer room to continue the lesson.

Lesson 42: It Only Takes a Moment!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: receive, message, somebody

Oral words and expressions: click, compose, address, printing press, a list of, hear from…

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the western culture.

2. Know about the differences between the Chinese and Western countries.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to send an e-mail.

2. How to describe the process in English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Send an e-mail and explain it in English.

Teaching Preparation: a computer

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a computer

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Let a few students come to the front and demonstrate how to connect the computer to the Internet. At the same time, explain it in English.

Step2. Ask some students talk about the e-mail.

1. What do the students know about the e-mail?

2. Has anyone has sent e-mails to the others? When is your first e-mail? Who did you send it to?

3. Who can demonstrate how to send an e-mail? Can someone explain it in English?

Step3. Listen to the tape and try to retell the main idea, but not word by word.

Step4. Read the text and finish Exercise2 in activity book.

1) E-mail lets us send and receive messages around the _____ in_______.

2) Before we connect to the Internet, we must _______ _______ the computer.

3) If we want to send an e-mail, we must click on “_______”first. And then click on “_______”to type the e-mail address to the person you want to receive the e-mail.

4) Click on “______” to type a few words to describe your e-mail.

5) If you have a new mail, you will see a list of________.

6) When you have finished _______ the message, click on “_______”. The box with the message will close.

Step5. Read the text and find out the good points of the passage. Read it several times until they can read it fluently and correctly.

Step6. Listen to the tape again and imitate after it. Make sure they have the correct pronunciation.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work in pairs and finish the task. Let some students come to the front and act out their dialogue.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Introduce the largest company to the students. Tell them Bill Gates is the father of computers. Give them more time to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the computers. Help them to solve the problems that they meet on computer.

Lesson 43: Books or Computers?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: machine, which

Oral words and expressions: printing press, modern, by hand

Teaching Aim:

1. Learn about the history of the books.

2. Know about the fountain of the printing press.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Why is the printing press important?

2. How did books change information?

Teaching Difficult Points:

Find facts about the printing press and about the Internet in this unit.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. What is a printing press?

2. How were books made before the printing press?

3. How did books change information?

Step2. Read the text and check the answers. Then read it loudly in class.

Step3. Practice some main language points in the text. Make sentences with the following phrases:

By hand, in a short time, look up

Student 1: I made the model plane by hand.

Student 2: He will finish the work in a short time.

Student 3: If you meet a new word, you can look it up in a dictionary.

Step4. Practice the Modal verbs:

Find the sentences that have Modal verbs. For example:

The printing press could make many books quickly.

I ca find lots of information in just a few minutes.

If you forgot something, you could look it up.

Step5. Talk about the question: Which one is more important, the printing press or the Internet? Why?

Talk about this question in groups. Then write a paragraph to answer the question.

Every group chooses a student to answer the question. Encourage them to speak more.

Step6. Listen to tape for several times and repeat after it. Make sure the students can read it fluently and correctly.

Step7. Talk about the passage in details.

What does the printing press do for us?

What does the Internet do for us?

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Summarize what we learn in the text. Pay attention to the importance of the printing press and the Internet. Let the students discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of the Internet.

Lesson 44: Everybody! Hear This!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: everybody, tool

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the foreign culture.

2. Master some beautiful foreign songs.

Teaching Important Points:

1. What can the Internet do in our everyday life?

2. Learn more about the computer.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Know the advantages and the disadvantages of the Internet.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Listen to the tape and feel the rhythm of the song.

Step2. Read the lyric for the student line by line. Let the students read after you. We must read by heart. Thus we can feel Internet reaches far in the world.

Step3. Ask the students to read the text for several time until they can read it fluently and correctly.

Step4. Listen to the tape again and sing after it. Play the tape for several times. We can pause in the learning process.

Step5. Let some volunteers come to the front and sing the song loudly.

Step6. Use the flashcards to make the class interesting.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT!”

Divide the class into several groups. Talk about the following questions:

Is the Internet good or bad for the students? Why? Give your reasons to support your views. Let some students present their result to the class.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the reading in the student book.


Before the class, ask the students to find some more things that the computer can do. If some students Internet is bad for the students, they must find more information to support their view. Divide the class into two groups and let them have a debate about Internet.

Lesson 45: Wang Mei’s First E-mail

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: till, yet, problem

Oral words and expressions: Anna, I’m sorry, but he isn’t here right now. Can I take a message for you? Please wait a moment/minute. wait for somebody

Teaching Aims:

1. Communicate with the others in western countries.

2. Learn more about the foreign countries.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Making Telephone Calls.

2. How to write an e-mail?

Teaching Difficult Points:

Grasp the words and expressions in making telephone calls.

Teaching Preparation: a telephone

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a telephone

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Review the language points of making a telephone call.

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

1. When did you receive your first e-mail?

2. How often do you receive e-mail from your friend?

3. How will Wang Mei send her message to Li Ming?

If you are in a town, some students may say, “No.” So ask the following questions:

1. Did you see an e-mail? Where?

2. What is an e-mail like?

3. What is an e-mail address like?

4. Do you want to have an e-mail?

Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. Why does Wang Mei phone Li Ming?

2. Is Li Ming at home?

3. Does Wang Mei leave a message for Li Ming? Why?

4. At last, what does Wang Mei want to do/

Step4. Read the text and check the answers in silence. Then read it loudly in class.

Step5. Read the text in roles. Then let some students act the dialogue out in front of the class.

Step6. Practice

Make up a similar dialogue according to the text. Then act it out in front of the class. They can decide the content by themselves.

Step7. Deal with the e-mail.

Let the students summarize the style of the e-mail.


Send an e-mail to your friend. Talk about what your opinion is about the Internet. Exchange your ideas with your friends.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Preview the next lesson.


Making telephone calls is an important part in our daily life. So practice more in our class. When the students are in trouble, help them. We must grasp how to make telephone calls and how to send e-mails. If we can’t finish them in this lesson, we can go on in the next one

Lesson 46: Mothers and Fathers Are Special

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: alive, whatever, hero, since, care, take care of, candy

Oral words and expressions: Anna, Dodd

Teaching Aim:

1. Learn about the western culture.

2. Find out the differences about the festivals between China and the western countries.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Know about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

2. Why are the two festivals becoming more and more popular in the world/

Teaching Difficult Points:

Master the dates and the resources of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Let the students talk about the following question:

1. Remind the festivals in China. What are their meanings?

2. Talk about the festivals in western countries. What are their meanings?

Step2. Talk about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

1. What do the students know about them?

2. What do people do on that day?

3. Do people in China celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day?

Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. What day is Mother’s Day?

2. How do people celebrate it?

3. When was the first Mother’s Day?

4. Do other countries have Mother’s Day?

5. Is there Father’s Day?

6. How did Father’s Day start?

Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Then read it loudly in class.

Step5. Play the tape for several times. Let the students imitate after it until they can read it fluently and correctly.

Step6. Talk about the details of the text. Such as questions like this:

1. Where did Mother’s Day start?

2. Who started Mother’s Day?

3. What’s its meaning?

4. Where did Father’s Day start?

5. What people do on Father’s Day?

Step7. Talk about the following questions. Finish the task in groups.

1. How do you feel Mother’s Day and Father’s Day?

2. If tomorrow is Mother’s Day, what will you do?

3. Which one do you like to have, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day? Why?

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book,

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


We must teach the students to say “thank you” to their parents in their daily life. They should do what they can do in their life. Except this, they should learn to take care of others. The teacher should creative students’ duty sense. So when they meet difficulties, they will not be afraid.

Lesson 47: I’m Connected!

Teaching Content:

Oral words and expressions: South America, agree

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to write an e-mail.

2. Grasp the Simple Past Tense.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn more about the computer.

2. Know how to write an e-mail.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Read and master the main idea of the passage.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Suppose you are Wang Mei. Describe the experience that Li Mei has had these days since their family got a computer.

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. Who helped Wang Mei connect to the Internet?

2. When did Wang Mei send Li Ming an e-mail?

3. How did Wang Mei feel when she connected to the Internet?

Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again in class.

Step4. Read the text in roles. Then act it out in front of the class.

Step5. A guessing game

Make up a few riddles about the electric machines. Such as:

1. It is used to talk with somebody far away. We can ask and answer, but we don’t have to write. What is it?

2. We can search information on it and it can tell you the things far away.

3. We can see many programmers on it. It’s very fun. When we are free, we can enjoy it.

Step6. Talk about the next questions:

1. What do you think of the Internet?

2. What can you do with the Internet?

3.What do you like the computer to do in the future?

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Do the exercises of next lesson.


Many students are interested in computers. Internet is a very useful tool on these days. We can use it to do many things, but sometimes it’s harmful to the students. It can make a good student become bad because of the computer games. So warn the students not to lose them selves in it.

Lesson 48: Unit Review

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 41to Lesson 47.

Oral words and expressions form Lesson 41 to Lesson 47.

Teaching Aim:

1. Learn more about the western culture.

2. Know about the way that we use to keep touch with the others.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. The grammars: the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Perfect Tense.

2. Know what the computers can do.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to make full use of the computers?

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the computers.

Divide the class into two groups. One is for a view. The other is for another.

Step2. Talk about the festivals in China.

1. When is the festival?

2. What do people do on that day?

3. How does it begin?

4. Do you like the festival? Why?

Step3. Let some students come to the front to demonstrate how to send e-mail.

One student act, at the same time, the others say what he does.

Practice for several teams until we have satisfied result.

Step4. Do the exercises in the text. Let the students ask questions. The teacher explains it in class.

Step5. Practice the grammars: the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Perfect Tense.

Explain the differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Simple Past Tense.

--Have you found your watch?

--Yes. I found it five minutes ago.

I have been a teacher for ten years.

When they got there, the film had been on half an hour.

Step6: Let’s sing the song together.

Step7: Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Read the passages of this unit in activity book.


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