



Unit 10 Employment

I Teaching Aim

1.Cognitive Information(认知信息): Employment

2.Language Focus(内容重点):

1)Word Study: A.executive, impression, recall, schedule, tastefully, appreciative, assessment, absorb, personality, preference; B.chief, ambitious, incredible, transform, digital, integrate, correspond, permission, complain

2)Phrases: A.according to, due to, show respect to, engage in; B.keep track of, be related to

3)Key words: A.establish; B.ensure

3.Grammar: 被动语态Ⅱ

4.Writing(写作技巧): E-mail写作

5.Translation(翻译技巧): 直译与意译

III Background Information


1. 个人品质

adaptable 适应性强的ambitious 有雄心壮志的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的disciplined 守纪律的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达

hard-working 勤劳的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的2.其他内容

objective 目标

career objective 职业目标

employment objective 工作目标

position wanted 希望职位

job objective 工作目标

position applied for 申请职位

position sought 谋求职位

position desired 希望职位

for more specialized work 为更专门的工作

for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

due to closedown of company 由于公司倒闭

due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满

to offer a more challenging opportunity 提供更有挑战性的工作机会

to seek a better job 寻找更好的工作

to look for a more challenging opportunity 寻找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

IV language and Culture Focus(语言文化要点)


1.Word study

1)executive n.① a person or group in a business organization, trade union, etc.with administrative or managerial powers 行政领导;经理

e.g.a sales executive 营业主任

She’s an executive in a computer company.她是一家计算机公司的行政人员。

②(in the Civil Service)a person who carries out what has been planned or decided 行政人员e.g.executive officer 行政主任

2)impression n.① ~(on sb.)a deep, lasting effect on the mind or feelings of sb.印象;感想

e.g.His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience.他当会长后的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。

② [esp.sing.] ~(of sth./doing sth./that...)an idea, feeling or opinion 想法,感觉,看法e.g.He gives the impression of being a hard worker/that he works hard.他给人的印象是工作很努力。


be under the impression that...to have the(usu.mistaken)idea that...有某种(通常指错误的)想法

e.g.I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow.我以为你明天才来呢。


impressive a.给人以深刻印象的3)recall v.① ~ sb.(from...)(to...)to order sb.to return(from a place)召回

e.g.recall an ambassador(from his post)将大使(从驻在国)召回

② to order(sth.)to be returned 收回

e.g.recall library books 要求归还图书馆的书

③ to bring(sth./sb.)back into the mind; recollect 回忆起;记起

e.g.I can’t recall his name.我想不起他的名字了

4)schedule n.① a program of work to be done or of planned events 计划表

e.g.a factory production schedule 工厂生产进度表

Everything is going according to schedule.一切都在按预定计划进行。

② a timetable

e.g.The fog disrupted airline schedules.这场大雾扰乱了航空公司的时刻表。

③ a list of items, etc.清单,明细表

e.g.The attached schedule gives details of the shipment.装运货物的细目见所附清单。

5)tastefully ad.having or displaying good taste 趣味高雅地

e.g.She often dresses tastefully.她总是穿着很有品味。


taste n.① ~(for sth.)liking or preference 爱好

e.g.She has a taste for foreign travel.她有到国外旅行的爱好。

② [U] ability to perceive and enjoy what is beautiful or harmonious, or to behave in an appropriate and a pleasing way 鉴赏力,审美力

e.g.have excellent taste in clothes, art, music 对服装、艺术、音乐很有鉴赏力

6)appreciative a.~(of sth.)feeling or showing understanding or gratitude 有欣赏力的e.g.an appreciative letter 感谢信

I’m most appreciative of your generosity.我对你的慷慨感激之至。


appreciate v.① to understand and enjoy(sth.); value highly 欣赏;赏识

e.g.You can’t fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。

Your help was greatly appreciated, i.e., we were grateful for it.非常感谢你的帮助。② to understand(sth.)with sympathy 体恤,体谅

e.g.I appreciate your problem, but I don’t think I can help you.我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。

③ to increase in value 增值,涨价

e.g.Local property has appreciated since they built the motorway nearby.自从附近修建了高速公路,本地的地产已经增值。

7)assessment n.① action of assessing 评定

e.g.Continuous assessment is made of all students’work.对全体学生的功课做出连贯性的评定。

② evaluation or opinion 评价;看法

e.g.What is your assessment of the situation? 你对这一情况有什么看法?


assess v.确定,评定

8)absorb v.① to take in; suck up 吸收

e.g.Aspirin is quickly absorbed by the body.阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。

(fig 比喻)Clever children absorb knowledge easily.聪明孩子容易吸


② to hold the attention or interest of(sb.)fully 吸引„„的注意力

e.g.His business absorbs him.他专心致志地处理业务。

9)personality n.① characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole 人格;个性

e.g.a likeable personality 讨人喜欢的个性

She has a very strong personality.她个性很强。

② a famous person, esp.in the world of entertainment or sport 名人

e.g.personalities from the film world 影界名流

a television personality 电视圈中的名人

10)preference n.① ~(for sth.)liking for sth.(more than sth.else)偏爱

e.g.It’s entirely a matter of preference.这完全是个见仁见智的问题。

② a thing that is liked better or best 偏爱的事物

e.g.What are your preferences? 你最喜欢什么?


in preference to 偏好

e.g.She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano.她愿学小提琴而不学钢琴。


prefer v.更喜欢

preferable a.更可取的;更好的2.Phrase

1)according to

① as stated or reported by 据„„所说

e.g.According to John you were in Edinburgh last week.据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。② in a manner that is consistent with 按照,依照

e.g.act according to one’s principles 按照自己的原则行事

Everything went according to plan.一切都是按照计划进行的。

③ in a manner or degree that is in proportion to 视„„而定

e.g.salary according to qualifications and experience 视资历和经验而定的薪水

2)due tobecause of 由于,因为

e.g.The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。

3)show respect to to show admiration for; regard 对„„表示尊敬

e.g.We should show our respect to people who make great effort constantly.我们应该尊重那些不懈努力的人。

4)engage into take part in or be occupied in 参加,卷入

e.g.I have no time to engage in gossip.我无暇闲聊。

3.Key Words

establish v.① to found or bring into being on a firm or stable basis 建立;设立

e.g.This business was established in 1860.这家公司成立于1860年。

② ~ sb./oneself(in sth.)(as sth.)to place sb./oneself in a position, office, etc., usu on a permanent basis 安置,安顿

e.g.We are now comfortably established in our new house.我们现已在新居舒适地安顿下来了。③ to show(sth.)to be true; prove 确定;证实

e.g.We’ve established his innocence.我们已证实他无罪。

④ to cause people to accept(a belief, custom, claim, etc.)使被接受

e.g.Established practices are difficult to change.积习难改。

His second novel established his fame as a writer.他的第二部小说确立了他的作家之名。


establishment n.设立;建立

established a.V Teaching tips(教学提示)

Part 3 Knowledge and Skills.Translation 直译与意译




e.g.In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line.在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线.(直译)

The earth acts like a big magnet 地球的作用就像一块大磁铁.(直译)

Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon 锰有同样影响,在强度






e.g.It’s easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules,Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike it will expand and fill any contain it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。(乱译)

例句中“乱译”是有主观臆想(不正确选择词义,任意转换成分)造成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通的,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。Matter 应作“事情”“问题”解。

将will expand任意转换为时间状语,不符合原文原意。Will expand and fill 应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它的容器”。


1)The reason why little girl like Barbie very much is that she looks like real people and can be dressed up in a perfect way.2)Man-made objects, though out-numbered by natural objects, play a more and more important role in people’s life.3)The number of man-made object is increasing steeply, compared with the number of natural objects as well as its actual number.4)The little girl of today would gladly use their old Barbie to exchange the new version of Barbie whereas their mother or grandmother would be reluctant to throw away their dolls until they fall-apart simply, because they are too old nothing could be more obvious than the difference between them.5)The societies and people that are used to poverty reject the practice of using one product only for once or a short time and then replace it by a new one.6)It is meaning that less for a man who is fairy old to say that he wants to develop a hobby in this or that form.7)It is sensible that you further develop the hobby;you already have instead of trying to cultivate a new one.8)Taking up a hobby and living a more regularized way of life are the most effective way to save them from their boredom.9)The long hour’s work in the office or factory provides these people with the money so they can live their lives and gives them a strong desire for the simplest pleasure.10)In fact, it is highly likely that those people who take their work as their pleasure are need to divert their effort from work from time to time urgently.11)The ability to do the right thing at the right time is essential to a good leader.12)A leader must be good at exercising his authority(this is a quality that a leader must have)and be able to demonstrate to the people that he does.13)A leader should find out what the people want to do or have, and guide them to achieve it.14)If we are not powerful, determined and brave, we can’t except to find a good leader, no matter how skilled we are in shopping images, we can’t make him to be what he is not, he is only a representative of all of us.15)John Dewey has said seriously that the degree that someone’s behavior can influence the custom is the same as the degree that his body talk can influence his mother tongue.16)The result from a serious study of the custom which is not influence by the outside shows that what Dewey said is just an objective description of the fact.17)If we still think that our culture is superior to those of the people who we regard as uncivilized, underdeveloped or irreligious, the study anthropology must be meaningless.18)We must realized that all the beliefs are based on the same thing, the intangible and should be treated equally along with our own.19)I believe that people in the society high above me are selfless, pure, noble and very intelligent.20)But it is difficult for a man of the working class to improve his social status, especially when he was full of objectives and imaginations 21)It is physically strong, and they profited a lot by exploiting my strength, but I only lived a poor life.22)He was no longer strong enough to make money by selling his strength and had nothing left to him, he had no other choice, but to slide down to the bottom of the society and die there in misery.23)After 100 years, the black people is still suffering in the isolated part of American society, and he feels like an outcast in his own country.24)We can see very clearly that as far as the black people are concerned, America didn’t fulfill its promise.25)We are here to demand the fulfillment of the promises which can guarantee us our freedom and justice.26)This is not the right time to calm down and adopt gradualism, waiting patiently for a solution.



模因 (Meme) 这个词最早出现在1976年出版的《自私的基因》 (The Selfish Gene) 一书中, 该书作者是英国新达尔文主义倡导者、牛津大学著名动物学家理查德·道金斯 (Richard Dawkins) 。道金斯认为模因是与基因相似又与之不同的复制因子, 它是一个文化信息单位, 那些不断得到复制和传播的语言、文化习俗、观念或社会行为都属于模因。在现实生活中, 模因可以是一句话也可以是一首歌, 可以是一件服饰也可以是一种楼房户型, 即只要能够被复制、传播的因子都可以归为模因。模因甚至可以被描述成“思维病毒” (viruses of the mind) , 可以感染、寄生于其他人的大脑, 并被传播给其他人或者他的下一代2。

道金斯的学生苏珊·布莱克摩尔 (Susan Blackmore) 在其所著的《模因机器》 (The Meme Machine) 一书中更加充实、完善了道金斯的观点, 并强调“模仿”对模因传递的重要性, 她认为:“科学或艺术当中所发生的一切, 用模因论术语来讲的话, 都是选择性模仿……任何东西, 只要它以这种 (模仿) 方式从一个人身上传递到另一个人身上, 那它就是一个模因。”3道金斯的模因论事实上也指出了“模仿”是模因的核心概念, 模仿是模因复制的方式4。希腊哲学家亚里士多德 (1996) 认为人类是最具有模仿能力的动物5, 正是由于模仿, 人类才学会了语言, 并使语言和文化一代一代得以传承和发展。假若一种语言离开了人们的模仿和使用, 那它势必走向衰亡。据统计, 澳大利亚原有的语言多达二百五十种, 然而, 由于受到英语的强势影响, 土著民族不得不放弃自己的本族语被迫使用英语交际, 因此很多语种都在渐渐消失。

二、模因论在《新编英语教程》 (第三版) 中的体现

语言模因论揭示了话语流传和语言传播的规律, 认为语言作为一种模因之所以能够流传, 是与语言使用者的不断模仿、传播是分不开的6。但是, 模仿、复制不是一成不变地百分百“克隆”, 模因在复制和传播的过程中会进行选择、变异和创新。因此, 我们认为外语学习就是建立在“模仿”的基础上, 以“仿写”、“仿读”为学习起点不断类推和创新的习得过程。李观仪教授主创的《教程》 (第三版) 系列教材旨在培养学生的听、说、读、写等综合基本技能, 重视语言基本能力和实用交际能力培养的结合。新版的教材前两册都是十五单元, 每一单元包括“语言结构” (Language structure) 、“对话” (Dialogue) 、“角色扮演” (RolePlay) 、“阅读” (Reading) 和“指导性写作” (Guided Writing) 等模块, 第二册在“对话”部分后还增加了“听与说”练习, 更加突出了语言的实际运用能力。各个模块的编写原则符合《大纲》精神, 同时也体现出语言模因的“模仿”重要性。下面我们以“语言结构”和“对话”为例, 来分析“模因论”在教学中的应用。

1、语言结构 (Language structure)

“语言结构”主要围绕某一语法点, 让学生逐步熟悉相关的表达句式, 并在录音听力引导下完成基本对话, 我们称之为“元对话”。教师让每位学生和自己的搭档 (partner) 配合朗读、熟读“元对话”, 然后根据教材和教师补充的“提示” (Cues) 去模仿“元对话”的结构并创造出新的对话, 学生甚至可以不拘泥于原有对话的字句, 在保持基本结构和大意的前提下大胆创新, 直至在交际活动中熟练使用这一语言结构。如“元对话”是:

A:It is said that three parks will be expanded.

B:Good.We’ll have more space for enjoyment and rest.7

学生在反复朗读、复述“元对话”后, 就能主动模仿“元对话”的结构, 并用新的语言资料去替换、类推。

A:It is said that Qingdao Metro is under construction.

B:Great.In that case, we’ll have a sound traffic service then.

2、对话 (Dialogue)

第三版教材删除了原先的“对话2” (Dialogue II) , 只保留一个长对话。“对话”和后面的“阅读”材料的话题是一致的, 并且尽量使用本单元“语言结构”中的所学句型, 巩固学生相关的语言表达方式。教师会在“对话”结束后, 引导学生绘出“对话”的提纲 (Outline) , 并要求学生在此基础上复述 (Retell) 对话的内容。所谓复述, 不是一成不变地照搬背诵, 而是有选择性地“模仿”, 即在保证原有对话内容大意不变的前提下去概括描述。“模仿”过程中学生可以适当地有所删减、增加、变换原文句型, 但始终要保持“复制忠实性” (copying-fidelity) 。学生通过这一“模仿”练习, 既能复习所学的语言结构知识, 又能锻炼口语表达的连贯性, 不失为课堂教学的有效辅助手段。

除了“语言结构”和“对话”外, “阅读”、“指导性写作”等模块也都反映了模因论在英语教学中的重要性, 特别是模因论启发下的英语写作背诵与模仿训练已被实践证明是有效的写作训练方式8。


语言模因的复制方式让我们认识到人类所具有的“模仿”能力, 不仅在母语的传承过程中起到关键作用, 就连二语习得也离不开它。因此, 以模因论为指导促进外语教学势必为我国的外语教学改革提供一个崭新的视角。但是由于模因论在国内外语教学中的应用研究起步较晚, 缺乏大量的理论支撑和实证分析, 还有很多问题值得我们继续探讨。




[3]、Blackmore, S.The Meme Machine[M].Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress.1999:7.

[4]、Dawkins, R.The Selfish Gene:30th Anniversary Edition[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press.2006:194.

[5]、亚里士多德.《诗学》 (陈中梅译注) [M].北京:商务印书馆.1996:47.

[6]、陈琳霞.模因论与大学英语写作教学.外语学刊[J].2008 (1) :88.

[7]、梅德明.新编英语教程 (第三版) [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.2012:4.


关键词:英语教学 影视资料 语法研究

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)05(a)-0110-01

1 英语影视视频数据库简介

笔者构建的英语影视视频数据库包括:2.5TB英语影视视频,包含近10000集电视剧,700多部电影。影视视频更新到2012年12月,实时追踪IMDB(The Internet Movie Database)内容,动态更新最新视频。对应英语影视视频数据库,建立了英语字幕语料库,达到1.1亿词,11627个文本文件。

2 英语影视语料在语法研究中的应用


《新编英语语法教程》第30页,“……个别表示游戏名称的名词作复数用。例如: Cards are not allowed here.”[1]而视频语料显示的情况与其有冲突:

That’s right.Cards is all about knowing the numbers.(The Wire S04E07《火线》)



One potato,two potato,three potato, four.Five potato,six potato,seven potato, more.(The Business《黑帮生意》2005)

One Mississippi,two Mississippi,three Mississippi,game over!(Friday Night Lights S03E04《胜利之光》)

第140页,“但若人称疑问代词紧跟于介词之后,则只能用宾格。例如:From whom did you receive a letter?”[1]《张道真实用英语语法(全新版)》(修订本)[3]和《薄冰实用英语语法详解》(修订版)都是与此相同的表述。不过,视频语料显示,介词后用主格who 的情况很多,有很高的可接受度。

Don’t look.Don’t look.-At who? (Dance Flick 2009 《跳舞大电影》)

I,I use them to pray.- For who? (Into Temptation《引诱》,2009)


Hey,I was called down here.By who? By whom.By Dr.Weaver.(ER S02E02《急诊室》)

To who?To whom. But that’s cool. Everybody makes that mistake.(Dead Like Me S02E04《死神有约》)


I was young I couldn’t do good. Now I can’t do bad.(Next Day Air《次日到达》,2009)

Mr Samuels!You did good.(Up In The Air《在云端》,2009)


So,how you doing over there, Theo Huxtable?/-I’m doing good./- Unh-unh.Superman does good.You’re doing well.You need to study your grammar, son.(30 Rock S01E02《我为喜剧狂》)

And it’s“drive well,”honey,not“drive good.”/-Wait.Don’t drive good?/- Proper English is“drive well.”I want you to drive well.(Post Grad《毕业生生存指南》,2009)


Because they’re never ever what they appear to be.(Bigger Stronger Faster 《更大,更强,更快》,2008)

3 结语



[1] 章振邦.新编英语语法教程[M].4版.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.

[2] 薄冰.薄冰实用英语语法详解(修订版)[M].山西:山西教育出版社,2008.


Objectives: to take notes as completely as possible in class.to present their interpretations of each paragraph.Section one Pre-reading questions:

(15 mins.)

1.What does ‘hobby’ mean?(refer to Lib.work)2.Do you have any hobbies? What are they? 3.Do your hobbies do you any good? In what ways? 4.Who is W.Churchill? What’s his hobby you know from what you have learned or from this text?(refer to Lib.work)

In-reading interpretation:

The teacher explains every sentence to the students while the latter try to take notes as quickly and completely as possible.After the text interpretation, the students are required to explain some sentences by their own.Para.1(15 mins.)

1.Worry is a spasm of emotion;the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go.spasm: an involuntary muscular contraction;here, a sudden violent spell(of);a sudden convulsive movement

Worry is a kind of feeling which catches you suddenly so that you can’t have any peace of mind.This feeling arises when you think about something without being able to discontinue thinking about it.Thus worry results.2.It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition.in this condition = when the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go

It is of no use trying to stop the troubled mind / the worry when it catches hold of something and will not let it go.i.e., when worry comes.3.The stronger the will, the more futile the task.(LW6-1)

The stronger your will(to argue with the mind, or to stop the worry)is, the more ineffective/unsuccessful/useless it will be for you to achieve this task of stopping the worry.The more you attempt to shake off your worry, the harder it will be for you to get rid of it / have it off your mind.Then what can we do to stop the worry? 4.One can gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp.insinuate = introduce indirectly and subtly

convulsive grasp = the worry

The only way is to have something else in mind so that it will not be grasped by worry / so as to replace the worry.What does ‘something else’ imply?

Something else implies the hobby.5.And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.attend = accompanied(comp.3-2)

illumination = enlightenment, edification

another field of interest = hobby

the old undue grip = worry

recuperation and repair = not becoming worried any longer

If you choose the right thing to conquer your mind, if you have another field of interest to enlighten you, your worry, gradually or swiftly, will be relieved./ you will be released from the worry.6.This para.is about worry, which is repeatedly talked about.Instead of mentioning ‘worry’ again and again whenever it is talked about, Churchill uses some other phrases to refer to this annoying state of mind so as to avoid the monotony of expressions.Identify these phrases in the 1st paragraph.(comp.3-1)

a spasm of emotion, its convulsive grasp, the old undue grip


(10 mins.)

1.The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man.It is the most important for a public man to cultivate a hobby, because he is likely to have more worries in his work concerned with interrelationships with various kinds of people.2.But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process.improvise = make or do without preparation, practice, sufficient material, etc.But a hobby cannot be cultivated and developed so quickly as you expect in your business.No matter how strong your will is, hobby cultivation has to undergo a long process.3.The seeds must be carefully chosen;they must fall on good ground;they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed.(comp.3-3)This is a metaphor to describe the cultivation of a hobby.Explain it.The author compares ‘hobby’ to ‘seed’, ‘fitness(of a hobby)to an individual’ to ‘good ground’, and ‘the effect(in lessening one’s worry)’ to ‘fruit’ so that the reader can have something concrete to look at.This is certainly a more effective way to explain an idea, esp.an abstract or complex idea.(Analysis)

sedulously = diligently, carefully, assiduously

vivifying fruits = results that give one relaxation / refreshment

The cultivation of a hobby is compared to that of a plant.First of all, the right hobby(the seed of a plant)must be carefully chosen for a person(good ground);then the process of cultivating a hobby, like that of growing a plant, requires care and effort.Only in this way can one reap in due time the fruit of one’s laborfor them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.(LW6-4)

command = have within reach, be master of, possess

gratify = give pleasure or satisfaction to, indulge

caprice = sudden wish to have, or do sth., whim

satiation = complete satisfaction, wearying oneself with too much

Since those very wealthy people can afford to get access to almost anything they may think of(those people can get whatever they want)and to turn the most fanciful ideas into reality(to turn whatever they dream or desire into reality), there is nothing in this world that can interest or excite them any more.To them, a new pleasure, a new excitement may very often make them even more bored about life.They are the unfortunate people.(comp.3-5)Why does Churchill classify as unfortunate those people who can command everything they want, gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire? Do you think Churchill’s attitude towards those people is really one of sympathy?

These people are simply hopeless;nothing works to relieve them of their boredom.Churchill does not really feel sympathetic towards them.Note the phrase ‘avenging boredom’.He seems to think that this is what they deserve.2.In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.frantically = widely excited(with joy, anxiety, pain, etc.)狂乱地

avenging boredom =(note 3)boredom that gives(them)no peace or that inflicts suffering(upon them)

clatter and motion =(note 4)This refers to the frantic rush from place to place of those who can command all they want.These kind of people rush frantically here and there(which implies, do this and that as their hobbies), talk this and that, intending to escape from the boredom they are deeply involved in, but their effort is in vain.3.For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path.How do you understand ‘discipline’ here?(comp.3-6)

Regularity, a more regularized way of life

This sentence is a suggestion for this kind of people: to lead a regularized way of life.Only in this way can they escape from the boredom.Para.5

(15 mins.)1.It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure;and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one.Here another classification of human beings is made: 1)those who take work and pleasure as two distinguished things, 2)those who combine work and pleasure together, getting pleasure from the work.2.Of these the former are the majority.They have their compensations.The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.compensation = sth to make up for, here referring to the following sentence.sustenance =(flourishing quality of)food and drink 营养, 食物

Their long-hour work brings them bread, or they have to earn their living by working hard.After work, they relax themselves and enjoy themselves in a simple way.(comp.3-7)Can you suggest one or two of the simplest and most modest forms of pleasure?

Jogging, taking a walk, listening to music on the radio, watching TV, gardening 3.But Fortune’s favored children belong to the second class.In what sense are the second class of people, i.e., those whose work and pleasure are one, ‘Fortune’s favored children’?(comp.3-8)or, why does the author call the 2nd class ‘fortune’s favored children’?

There is never a clash between work and pleasure.They are always happy to work.They are just like children who take everything as pleasure.4.Their life is a natural harmony.For them the working hours are never long enough.Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.grudged = accepted with great reluctance(comp.3-9)

This class of people enjoy their work, and take it as a kind of pleasure.They enjoy every working day so much that they regard the weekends and the public holidays as the interruptions of their delightful work.They are quite reluctant to take any holidays.5.Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.An alternative outlook, a change of atmosphere, a diversion of effort all refer to ‘hobby’.So it is of the first importance / of the great necessity for both of the classes to cultivate a hobby.Everyone should have a hobby.6.Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.(comp.3-10)What does the word ‘it’ refer to?

their work

(comp.3-11)the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds refers to the notion of ‘hobby’.(LW6-5)In fact,(it is probably those whose work provides them with their enjoyment who are most in need of periodic distractions from it.i.e.,)the second class of people are most in need of cultivating a hobby.Homework assignment:

Read your own notes and consult others’ to make it complete in order to understand the text fully/thoroughly.Mark where you find difficult and raise your questions in the next class.Read O & D and try to answer the question.Section two 1.Pose your problems for discussion(20 mins.)2.Comp.1: the purpose of the writing(B)-to bring home to the reader the importance of cultivating a rightly chosen hobby.(5 mins.)3.Comp.2: True or false

(5 mins.)4.O & D: What Churchill argues for in this passage is obviously the significance of a good hobby for rational, industrious human beings.But the 1st para.is devoted to a definition of ‘worry’, and a large portion of the rest of the text to the classifications of human beings.How are they relevant to his argument?

(10 mins.)

Churchill’s concern here is the role hobbies play in relaxing the mind of rational, industrious, useful human beings.To explain how a hobby works, he must first of all explain what worry really is.But Churchill is not of the opinion that any given hobby can produce this soothing effect under all circumstances.To make this clear, he has to make the first classification.He then turns to classifying the majority of human beings into two further categories.The purpose of doing this is to emphasize the point that hobby is necessary for all including those who think they do not need one as a diversion from work;as a matter of fact, they are the ones for whom the cultivation of a hobby is even more necessary.4.Interaction activity:(LW7)Talk about how a hobby can sometimes help to release your worry.a.Brainstorming in the groups(10 mins.)

b.Air the opinions in class(15 mins.)

Section three TEXT 2 A DEBT TO DICKENS Pearl S.Buck

Read the text by the students themselves and retell it by using ‘I’ or ‘Pearl S.Buck’.Cues: a seven-year child, in a remote Chinese countryside, the valley, the Youngtze River;

the boat folk and the farm folk, lingered and saw the customs, the way of living, fishing and thrashing, the babies alive and dead;

foreign devil, yellow curls and blue eyes, alien and isolated, parents too busy to care for her;

an impossibly voracious reader, read everything she could get;

novels by Charles Dickens, deep in them, read them again and again, over and over for about ten years, feel herself at home, not alien, entered into her own heritage;


Unit 1(1)Greeting and Introducing People

Teaching purposes:

1.The students should be able to understand greeting and introducing people and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people.2.The students should be able to communicate personal information.3.The students should be able to master some words and expressions in greeting and introducing people.(Key words and expressions: welcome, present a project report, business card, on business, care for, introduce)Teaching procedures: I.Talking face to face II.Being all ears III.Assignment I.Talking Face to Face Step 1 Lead-in: business cards.1.Warm-up questions:

1)When are business cards exchanged between people? 2)What are usually written on business cards? 3)When do people use passports?

2.Students read and translate the business cards under the guidance of the teacher.Sample1:

International Exchange Section Binhai Foreign Languages School

Prof.Lu Yang


Address:5 Binhai Road, Binhai City, 116000 Tel & Fax: 0411-4673289

E-mail: FLI603@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Sample2:

Binhai Electronics Ltd.Li Tiegang

Electronics Engineer Address: No.50Chang-Jiang, Binhai E-mail: ltg6@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Tel: 0411-4673289 Handphone: *** Step 2 Sample dialogue: 1.Warm-up questions:

1)How much do you know about the way Americans greet people and give responses? 2)How much do you know about the way Americans exchange their personal information? 3)How much do you know about the the Americans say good-bye to each others? 4)How much do you know about the the Americans introduce themselves to each other? Students speak out the sentences and expressions under the guidance of the teacher.2.Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue.Practice the following sentences:

1)Ladies and gentlemen, now let me introduce to you the renowned football star David Beckham.2)Businessmen often exchange business cards to each other when they meet for the first time.3)Would you care for a cup of coffee with me?

4)Our American English teacher told us to call her by her first name instead of her family name.Step 3 Students practice the dialogues in groups.1.Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.(P 3 in students’ book)

2.Students role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups, and then in front of the class.e.g.Please make a dialogue according to requirements.Task: Imagine you are Zhang and you meet Mr.Smith, an English teacher from the USA at the airport for the first time.The following dialogue is provided for your reference.Zhang: Hello, are you Prof.Smith from the United States?

Mr.Smith: Yes, Robert Smith.Please call me Robert.Thanks for coming to meet me at the airport.Zhang: My pleasure.Welcome to China.My name is Zhang Lin.You can call me Zhang.Here is my card.Mr.Smith: Thank you.Here is mine.And this is my wife.Zhang: How do you do, Mrs.Smith?

Mrs.Smith: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.Please call me Mary.Zhang: How was the journey, Mary?

Mrs.Smith: Well, it was Ok, although a little tiring.Zhang: Then let’s get your luggage and go to the hotel now.Mr.Smith: Oh, thank you.It’s very kind of you.3.Students do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out lout all the three dialogues they have completed.II.Being All Ears Dialogue 1:

Teaching Procedure(It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.)

Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions;read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises;listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1;ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder;listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time.Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercises, i.e.answering questions.This step aims to change listening to speaking.Notes: The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or less similar procedure.III.Assignments

1)Pair work: Prepare conversations about introducing oneself to other members of the groups.2)Do all the exercises in the section.Unit1(2)The Way Americans Greet Teaching purposes: 1.Understand the two passages as a whole;

2.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in a passage(reading skills development).3.Master some useful expressions in Passage I(Key words and expressions: greet, speaking of , leave a …impression on, prefer…to…, get/become acquainted with)Teaching procedures: I.Passage I II.Assignment

I.Passage I: The Way Americans Greet Step 1 Warm-up questions:

1.What is the common way for Chinese people to greet others?

(In greeting people, they usually ask personal questions to show intimacy, such as: “Have you had your lunch/dinner? / Where are you going? / What did you do last night?)2.How do Americans greet each other?

(They use greeting clichés like “Hi/Hello/Good morning!/How are you?/How do you do?/ Nice to meet you!/ How is everything going on? Step 2 Students read the passage

1.Comprehension Questions(The students will be asked some compression questions after they have skimmed the passage to help them develop reading strategies.)①.What does an informal greeting really mean to Americans? ②.Why don’t most Americans like using titles in introductions?

③.What do your American friends want to show when they address you with your first name? ④.Why do Americans ask you some personal questions?

Or: The teacher asks one question for each paragraph and the students read the passage paragraph and give their answers to the teacher’s questions:(参考教参P27和ppt.)

In this step, some related information will be provided for the students.)Formation of Common English Names

A common English name is usually composed of two or three parts: the first name is also called forename.If the person is a Christian, his first name will be given at his baptism, so it is also called the given name or the Christian name.Middle name is the second given name.When written, middle name is often shortened to the initial letter.Surname is often the father’s family name, so it is also called family name or last name.For example: Anne Louise Strong, George W.Bush.Step 3 Students summarize the informal ways American use for greeting and bidding farewell in Passage 1.(参考教参Page 27 and ppt.)

Step 4 Students read Paragraph 2 loudly and then complete the following sentences without looking at the passage.(参考ppt.)

Step 5 Students do dictation practice of Paragraph 3.Step 6 Explain the passage in detail 1)Difficult sentences:

①(Title)The Way American Greet

Analysis: In this title, “in which” is omitted after The Way.“in… way” means(to do something)by means of a certain method.Translation: 美国人的致意方式

Example: I think the way she studies is worth studying.②(Para.1)Speaking of „ time, I’ve got to run.Analysis: “Speaking of” is a present participle clause used as an adverbial of cause/time.It means “when it comes to time, I’m reminded of …” Translation: 说到时间,我得赶紧跑了。

Example: a.Speaking of English, I’ve go to a class.谈到英语,我得上课去了。

b.Speaking of business cards, I’ve got to print some more now.谈到名片,我现在得再印一些。

③(Para 2)However, American introductions are usually rather simple.Analysis: However is a conjunct to denote a contrast of this sentence to the previous one.It means “然而,可是” in Chinese.Translation: 然而美国式的介绍通常相当简单。

Example: a.In China, family relationships are usually rather close.在中国,家庭关系通常都很紧密。

b.In my hometown, companies are usually rather small.在我家乡,公司通常都很小。

④(Para 2)“Glad to meet you.I’m Miller.But call me Paul.” Analysis: Miller is the family name and Paul is the given name.Addressing others by their given name usually implies a sort of informal and friendly relationship.Translation: 比起正式称呼,大部分情形下他们更喜欢直呼其名。

Example: a.These boys prefer football to basketball.比起蓝球来,这些男孩子们更喜欢足球。

b.I prefer Chinese food to Western food.比起西餐来,我更喜欢中国食品。

⑤(Para 3)But Americans do sometimes ask such questions.Analysis: Do is used here to emphasize the following verb.It means “的的确确,真的”

Translation: 但是美国人有时确实会问此类问题。

Example: I do appreciate your help.⑥(Para 3)In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning a friendly conversation with you.Analysis: And is used here to introduce a coordinate clause, which further develops the topic being discussed.Translation: 他们想要得到你对这些询问的回答,这样就能更多地了解你,并以此为开端与你友好地侃上一场。

Example: In this way you can improve your spoken English and do(2)Useful Words and Expressions

①.Greet: v.say words of welcome to, express one’s feelings on receiving sb.Example: It is important for the students to learn how to greet people in English.Practice: a.我们经常用微笑表达喜悦。

We often express our happiness with a smile.b.她说话经常带浓重的乡音。

She often speaks with a strong local accent.②.Similarly: 同样

Example: Similarly, there are also many proverbs in Chinese.Practice: a.同样,格林教授也无法忍耐惰性。

Similarly, Professor Green couldn’t bear laziness.b.同样,他们也不愿意依赖他人。

Similarly, they don’t want to depend upon others.③.To sb.:对某人来说

Example: To the parents, a healthy child is the most essential thing.Practice: a.对一个商人来说,利润是最重要的事。

To a businessman, profit is the most important thing.b.对我来说,一个幸福的家庭是最有价值的东西。

To me, a happy family is the most valuable thing.④.leave an impression on/upon sb.给某人留下印象

leave a deep/good/nice impression on/upon sb.Example: 一个友好的问候会使谈话有一个良好的开端。

A friendly greeting will make a good beginning for a talk.Practice: 一个幽默的句子会给一堂课增添一股活力(lively touch)。

A humorous sentence will give a lively touch to the lesson.⑤.such: 如此的,这样的

Example: Such a life may be too hard to the little girl.Practice: a.这样的结局对我来说是太匆忙了。

Such an ending maybe too hasty to me.b.这样一种天气对游客来说是太热了。

Such weather maybe too hot to the tourists.⑥.acquaint: v.make familiar with, get to know, reveal to sb.结识,认识

Example: You should try to acquaint him with the facts of the case.Practice: a.I have become acquainted with my new duties.b.The overseas students have make themselves acquainted with their Chinese peers.⑦.prefer: v.like better, would rather do 更喜欢,宁愿

Example: I prefer to have the meeting in the morning rather than in the afternoon.Practice: Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? II.Assignments

1.Students tell the way the Americans greet.2.Recite the first paragraph of Passage I.3.Finish all the exercises in this section.Unit1(3)A Little about Me Teaching purposes: 1.Writing a business card.2.Master the basic sentence structures.3.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in passage II.Teaching procedures: I.Passage II II.Applied writing

III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review IV.Assignment

I.Passage II: A Little about Me Step 1 Warm-up activity:

T: First ask the students the question “If you write a short passage to introduce yourself, which aspects should be included in it?” and then make some conclusions as follows:

Self-introduction can be made according to different requirements and should be appropriate in different situations.Generally speaking, such aspects as name, personality, interests, appearance, etc.are included.1.The teacher asks a few students to introduce some of their classmates and lets the other student guess who they are.Words for describing appearance and characteristics.(参考教材P28和ppt)Step 2 Students read the passage.T: Today we’ll read a passage concerning self-introduction from which we can get a glimpse of how to write a self-introduction.Step 3 Students try to describe Mike according to the information given in the passage.(教参P29和ppt.)Step 4 Acting out

The students work in pairs to make up and act out an interview between a reporter form the college radio station and Mike Adams about his life and work in China.Step 5 Language points:

1.move to : to go from one residence or location to another e.g.The pressures of city life forced him to move to the countryside 2.be kind to :to be friendly, generous, or warm-hearted e.g.The doctor is always kind to the patients.3.change one’s mind: to reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision e.g.The old man is very stubborn and it’s difficult for him to change his mind.4.have everything under control: everything is controlled by … e.g.Some parents want to have everything of their children under control.5.look neat and tidy: to be clean and in order

e.g.She spends a few hours cleaning her house everyday.So it always looks neat and tidy.II.Applied Writing Trying Your Hand

1.Sample analysis: The teacher summarizes the format and the language used in business card.2.The teacher introduce some items often included in a business card.3.Simulated writing and create exercise.III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review.1.英语五种基本句型列式如下:

基本句型一: S V(主+谓)

基本句型二: S V P(主+谓+表)

基本句型三: S V O(主+谓+宾)

基本句型四: S V o O(主+谓+间宾+直宾)

基本句型五: S V O C(主+谓+宾+宾补)

2.Students do Exercises 5,6 and 7.IV.Assignments
