




题目:Getting Married in College 写作要求

In 2005, the Department of Education lifted the ban on students getting married while still in college.And it has been a hot topic for people from all walks of life.What’s your opinion about it?

Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

Getting Married in College

You are to write in three parts.In the fi rst part, state specifi cally what your idea is.In the second part, provide reasons to support your opinion OR describe your idea.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion

or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.审题思路

本题是一道观点选择型的题目,论述对在校大学生结婚一事的看法,可以从以下几方面着手 :

思路1:赞成在校大学生结婚,原因可以从法定结婚年龄、大学生情感需求等方面讲 ;

思路2 :反对在校大学生结婚,原因可以从大学生心理成熟度、经济条件等方面讲 ;

思路3 :对此持中立态度,提出判断标准:如果各方面条件成熟,可以结婚,否则还是不要结婚为好。

思路4 :先摆 出赞成者和反对者各自的理由,然后给出自己的看法,并进行简单说明(补充更多理由)。


Getting Married in College

Since 2005 the ban was lifted by the Department of Education on college students’ getting married, it has been a hot topic for students, parents and educators and their attitudes differ sharply.Some hold the positive view and others think differently.In my view, I believe they’d better not get married for the following reasons.引言部分:作者提出热议话题:在校大学生现在允许结婚了,并提出自己的观点:他们最好不要结婚,用following reasons 引出下文。

First and foremost, though mostly adults, college students are actually immature psychologically.Their wishes to get married are, more often than not , impulses.I admit that it is a basic right for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married marriage is more solemn and requires more than just reaching the age.In addition, the university or college is a place to study instead of a community to lead a family life.Allowing college students to get

married would adversely affect their study.For instance, they would spend too much time attending to their family and love, thus unable to concentrate on their school work.Besides, as tudents, they are not ready to support a family financially.主体部分:作者从几个方面述了反对的理由,而且在说明自己的观点的同时也提及了支持者的观点。这种对比可以更加凸显这一话题的争议性,同时更体现了作者做出这样选择的慎重性。

Weighing the arguments of both sides, I would still say “no” to getting married in college, though it’s their legal right.总结部分:作者经过衡量,选择持反对观点。这里使用的 weighing the arguments of both sides 呼应了前段第一条理由提及的“人权”或 “法定婚龄”,使结论显得更客观。


1.ban : “禁止、禁令 ”,可以做名词和动词,此处为名词,注意与之搭配的介词为on,表示“对 „„的禁令”。

2.lift: 一般表示“举起、抬起”,此处表示“解除(封锁、禁令等)”。

3.hot topic: “热议话题” ;此处topic可以用issue替代,不过topic更普遍随意些。

4.hold: “持有(观点)” ;此处hold the positive/negative view也可以写成be for/against sth.,表示

“持同意或反对意见”。近义词为think, maintain, claim, believe, consider,都可以引导表示观点的从句。

5.immature psychologically: “心理上不成熟”。

6.more often than not: “往往、多半”,常用作插入语。

7.a severe violation of: “对 „„的严重违背” ;此处也可以用动词形式severely/seriously violate,不过用名词形式更为正式。

8.solemn: “庄严,严肃” ;比serious更贴切。

9.adversely affect: “对 „„产生不利的影响” ;adversely表示“不利地、逆 向地”,比较正式,另外它的名词形式adversity


10.attend to: “专注于、照料” ;注意此处的to为介词,后面接名词或动名词。此处也可以用更常见的take care of来替代。

11.weigh : “称重、衡量”;此处表示“衡量”,“weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe/think...”常用来引出自己观点,同学们可以借鉴。

12.say “no”to: “对 „„说不”,表示反对意见,近义词为oppose/disagree with/disapprove of等,反义词为say“yes”to,此处to为介词,后面接名词或动名词。


[正] Please take this dictionary to Mr Brown.?

[误] Next time, please take your little sister here.?

[正] Next time, please bring your little sister here.?

[析] 英语中bring是带来,而take是带走.还有一个词fetch, 表示到某处去把某物取、接回来.如:Please fetch the doctor at once.?business ?

[误] My father went to Shanghai for business.?

[正] My father went to Shanghai on business.?

[析] on business出差?busy ?

[误] The students were very busy to prepare for the exam.?

[正] The students were very busy preparing for the exam.?

[析] be busy doing something为忙于作某事?

[误] The students were busy for the exam.?

[正] The students were busy with the exam.?

[析] busy直接接名词时应用with.?but ?

[误] He couldnt help but realizing that he was wrong.?

[正] He couldnt help but realize that he was wrong.?

[误] She couldnt help to cry when she saw her mother.?

[正] She couldnt help crying when she saw her mother.?

[析] couldnt help其后应接动名词,表示情不自禁的动作,但couldnt help but后面要加动词原形即省to的不定式,所以前一句应译为他才真正认识到他错了。




3.助动词。我认为助动词应该分为两类,一类是帮助构成时态、语态的词,这类词本身无意义,起着帮助的作用,用来构成时态、语态。时态如进行时态am/is/are doing现在进行时及was/were doing过去进行时中的be;完成时态have/has,done现在完成时态及had done过去完成时态中的have/has、had。语态中构成被动语态be done,又分为一般时态的被动语态、进行时态的被动语态和完成时态的被动语态。列举下来,被动语态一览表如下(6种常用时态):

在这6种时态中,be done的助动词为be;be being done的助动词为be;have/has/had done的助动词为have/has/had。


下面将这几类词进行排序,情态动词是老大,句子中有情态动词要先考虑使用情态动词;动词be是老二,当是be作为谓语时,没有情态动词就考虑使用be动词;然后考虑有没有时态的be doing的be,have/has/had done的have/has/had,被动语态的be done的be,be being done的be,以及have/has/had been done的have/has/had,若句中没有上述的三类词则可以考虑do/does/did。例如:

He must be Li lin

再如:There will be a concert on Tuesday evening.


一般疑问句:Will there be a concert on Tuesday evening?

否定句:There won’t be a concert on Tuesday evening.

反义疑问句:There will be a concert on Tuesday evening,won’t there?




A. take toB. get to

C. see toD. keep to

2. Mr.Smith was_____to be a doctor but he became a teacher when he grew up.

A. demandedB. supposed

C. suggestedD. agreed

3. It would be very safe if you_____the door_____to the garden.

A. fasten; ledB. will fasten; leads

C. fastened; leadingD. fastened; to lead

4. They are_____to eat Chinese food though they have been in America for years.

A. contentB. please

C. interestedD. fond

5. Mr Black is the professor_____I have the greatest respect.

A. to whomB. for whom

C. whomD. who

6. The boy was seen_____in the examination and was punished by the teacher.

A. having cheatedB. cheated

C. cheatingD. cheat

7. Take this medicine,_____you will be getting worse.

A. or ratherB. or else

C. for thatD. for another

8. A new technique _____, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.

A. working out

B. having worked out

C. having been worked out

D. to have been worked out

9. He told me he had been offered a very well-paid_____abroad.

A. serviceB. business

C. positionD. work

10. The officer made his men_____his order at once.

A. carry outB. work out

C. make outD. act out

11. —This is the first time I_____my first picture with my own hands.

—It is time that you_____a picture for me.

A. took; took

B. have taken; took

C. took; will take

D. will take; have taken

12. She listened to the music with her face_____in tears.

A. bathesB. bathing

C. to batheD. bathed

13. He’ll be very upset if you_____his offer of help.

A. turn offB. turn out

C. turn overD. turn down

14. The very idea_____a man can think of driving in such a state is really unthinkable.

A. whichB. if

C. whatD. that

15. All_____is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A. what is neededB. for our needs

C. the thing neededD. that is needed

16. She admitted_____a story to explain the reason why she was late.

A. to have made upB. having told

C. to have toldD. having made up

17. It wasn’t such a good dinner_____she had promised us.

A. thatB. which

C. asD. what

18. The_____look on his face suggested that the news was _____.

A. excited; exciting

B. exciting; exciting

C. exciting; excited

D. excited; excited

19. These two maths problems can’t be used in the exam. They are too_____to the students.Everyone can remember the answers.

A. easyB. difficult

C. familiarD. simple

20. —How long did the meeting last this afternoon?

—It was supper time_____the meeting was over.

A. thatB. at which

C. whenD. Until











IwishyouamerryChristmasandahappynewyear;Iwishyouhaveagoodtime等。2012年中考英语选择题掌握四技巧 http://.cn2011年11月28日 11:25中国教育在线





























E ?

each ?

[误] Every of them has his habit.?

[正] Each of them has his habit.?

[析] each可以作形容词,但也可作代词,而every只能作形容词。?

[误] The manager comes to America almost each month.?

[正] The manager comes to America almost every month.?

[析] each与every都作形容词讲时,都有“每个”之意,但有不同。each多指个体,而every则多指整体。如:We want every student to succeed. each不同来表达总体概念,所以不能与almost, nearly, likely等词连用。?

[误] We each has a book.?

[正] We each have a book.?

[析] each 作同位语时,其数应与其同位的名词相同,而each作主语时则应取其单数形式。 ?

each other one another ?

each other与one another这两个词组的区别在很多语法书中强调each other是两者之间,而one another是多者之间,其实不然,如:All students must care for each other, must love and help each other. 事实上这两个词组是同义的,如果要讲有什么区别的话,当我们非常笼统地谈,而不特指什么人时,多用one another.?

early ?

[误] Could you come here more early??

[正] Could you come here earlier??

[析] 单音节和少数双音节副词的比较级和最高级要用?er和?est来作其结尾,如fast, soon, early, hard, long, near等。?

earth ?

[误] What on the earth do you mean??

[正] What on earth do you mean??

[析] on earth这一词组在句中为的.是加强语气,其意为“究竟”、“到底”。而作为“地球”讲时则要加定冠词,如:How far is the earth from the moon. 而作为“泥土”讲时则为不可数名词,如:He filled the pot with earth and wanted to plant some flowers.?

easy ?

[误] You can easy imagine my surprise.?

[正] You can easily imagine my surprise.?

[析] easy只在有限的词组中被用作副词,如take it easy (不要紧张),go easy, stand easy等。 例如:Easy come, easy go. (钱来的容易花的也快. )Easier said than done. (说的容易做着难。) ?

east ?

[误] Japan is on the east of China.?

[正] Japan is to the east of China.?

[析] 在讲述地理位置时,有3个介词常用,它们是in, on和to, 其中in表示处于所表达的范围之内,如:Shanghai is in the east of China. on则表示双方接壤,如:North Korea is on the northeast of China. 而表示互不相接的两部分时则用to, 如:Taiwan is to the east of Fujian.?


一、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)。1.—I want to know if he _____________ back tomorrow.—I’ll call you as soon as _____________.A.will come;will return

B.will come;returns C.comes;will return 2.—I wonder if our foreign teacher Mr.White _____________ to his hometown next Tuesday.—I’m not sure.But if he returns to his hometown, I’ll _____________ him off.A.return;see

B.will return;see

C.will return;will see 3.—Excuse me.Could you please tell me _____________? —Sure.Go along this street and turn left.It’s on your right.A.when I can get to the bookstore B.when can I get to the bookstore C.how I can get to the bookstore

D.how can I get to the bookstore 4.—Do you know _____________? —Yes, she is very kind and outgoing.A.what’s his mother like

B.what his mother likes C.what his mother is like

D.how his mother is like 5.I didn’t know _____________.A.what we could do B.how we could do C.what can we do 6.—I wonder _____________.—Under the tree, I guess.A.where will Uncle Liang park his car B.where Uncle Liang will park his car C.how Uncle Liang will park his car 7.—There will be a concert this evening.But I don’t know _____________.—By underground.It takes less time.A.where it will be held

B.how can I go C.where will it be held

D.how I can go 8.—Could you tell me _____________? —Look!He is playing volleyball over there.A.what is Tom doing C.where Tom is

B.how Tom did it D.why Tom is doing it 9.—Hi, Amy, you live on Center Street.Can you tell me ___________? —Sure.There is one called Grandma’s Home.A.where it is

B.how I can get there C.if there is a restaurant on it 10.—Excuse me, I wonder ___________.—Yes, it’s near the bookstore.A.where we will go for the holiday B.if there is a lost and found office C.when she will give a call D.how we can go to Hong Kong 11.—What did your father say to you just now? —He asked me _______________.A.that I would like to see a movie C.if I enjoyed myself at the party party 12.—Richard is studying in Germany.I wonder _______________.—On the phone.A.how his parents keep in touch with him with him C.how do his parents keep in touch with him with him 13.—Could you please tell me _______________? —Ten years ago.A.when you taught in this school

B.when did you teach in this school D.how long did you teach in this

D.why do his parents keep in touch

B.why his parents keep in touch

B.where I will spend my holiday D.when did I attend the graduation C.how long you taught in this school school 14.—Look at the man in blue!Do you know _______________? —Oh, he is a policeman.2 A.what does he

B.what he does

C.how he does 15.—Could you tell me _______________? —Every four years.The 24th will take place in China in 2022.A.how long the Winter Olympic Games last Games last C.how often are the Winter Olympic Games held Games are held 16.—I am worried about _______________.—Whatever the result is, don’t be too hard on yourself.A.how have I prepared for my final exams final exams C.that my school team lost the game because of my fault the game 17.—Excuse me, but could you please tell me _______________? —Sure.A.where is the restroom B.when the store opens C.what time does it begin 18.—Could you please tell me _______________, Sonia? —It’s on the first Tuesday of May.We hold special parties and give teachers thank-you notes that day.A.if you had Teachers’ Day in America

C.what you did on Teachers’ Day

your teachers 19.To my surprise, my grandma suddenly asked me _______________ get the "Red Packets" on QQ.A.that she could C.what could she

B.how she could

B.when Teachers’ Day is in America

D.how do you show your thanks to

D.why did my school team lose

B.if I can get great grades in the

D.how often the Winter Olympic

B.how long do the Winter Olympic

D.whether could she 20.—Excuse me.I’d like to take exercise but I’m new here.Could you please tell me _______________? —Follow me.I’ll take you there.A.how I can get to the airport

B.where the supermarket is

D.which is the way to the sports C.How to get to the police station



1.Our geography teacher told us that China _______________(lie)in the east of the world.2.He said he _______________ then _______________(do)his English homework.3.Could you tell me when we _______________(have)the sports meeting the next term? 4.The stranger asked me how long I _______________(study)English.5.She asked me if I _______________(go)to Lucy’s birthday party the next week.6.She said that the sun _______________(be)brighter than the moon.7.I didn’t know how old she _______________(be).8.I don’t know how many people _______________(be)in the room.9.I wanted to know if he _______________(can)mend the car.10.She said that she _______________(go)fishing the day before yesterday.11.She told me that they _______________(be)talking about the new film.12.The young woman said that she _______________(work)in the south for three years.13.Mother asked me if I _______________(be)late for school yesterday afternoon.14.I hear that Tom _______________(be)here for a week.15.I hope that I _______________(visit)Beijing soon.三、用适当的引导词填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)。1.This is the tallest building _______________ I have ever seen.2.The film about _______________ they talked will be on next month.3.This is the house in _______________ I lived ten years ago.4.I love the present _______________ you gave me for my birthday very much.5.The man _______________ spoke at the meeting is Mr.Black.6.The man from _______________ I borrowed the book is Li Lei.7.They rushed over to help the man _______________ car had broken down.8.There are many works of art in the museum _______________ we will visit tomorrow.9.Is this the reason _______________ he refused our offers? 10.This is the mountain village _______________ I stayed last year.11.He gave us everything _______________ he had in the bag.12.This is the car for _______________ he paid fifty thousand dollars.13.The beautiful girl _______________ we met yesterday afternoon is a college student.14.She said _______________ her aunt lived in Shanghai.15.—Did you know _______________ Peter was? —A reporter.16.He was surprised at _______________ you said to him yesterday afternoon.17.I couldn’t understand _______________ my wife was so angry.18.—Excuse me.I’m a traveller here.Could you tell me _______________ I can get to the Museum of Natural History? —Take the No.8 Bus.19.—I’m calling to know _______________ there is any food left in the refrigerator.—Hold the line, please.Let me have a look.20.—Do you know _______________ the football match will begin? —It’ll start at 9:00 a.m.四、按要求转换句型(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)。

1."I am having supper," he said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)He said that having supper.2."I’ve seen the film," Gina said to me.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

Gina me that she the film.3."I went home with my sister," she said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

She said that home with her sister.4.The teacher said, "The sun is bigger than the moon."(把直接引语变为间接引语)The teacher said that the sun bigger than the moon.5.“I met her yesterday,” he said to me.(直接引语转化成间接引语)

He told me that

her the day.6.“You must come here before five,” he said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)He said that I to go before five.7."I bought the computer two weeks ago," she said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

She said that she the computer two weeks.8."Did you read the book last week?" he said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

He I had read the book the week.9.He said, "You can sit here, Jim."(把直接引语变为间接引语)He Jim that he sit.10.He asked, "How did you find it, Mom?"(把直接引语变为间接引语)

He asked his mother it.11.“Where have you been these days?” he asked.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

He asked me been days.12."Do you know where she lives?" he asked.(把直接引语变为间接引语)He asked knew where she.13."Keep quiet, children," he said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

He the children quiet.14."Don’t look out of the window," she said.(把直接引语变为间接引语)

She told me out of the window.15."Are you interested in this?" he asked.(把直接引语变为间接引语)He I was interested in.五、根据中文提示完成句子(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)。1.我认为迈克不会来参加我的生日聚会了。

I think Mike to my birthday party.2.爱丽丝说她已经买了一台新电脑。

Alice said that she a new computer.3.弗兰克说他要去上海。

Frank said that he for Shanghai.4.我想知道这个小女孩为什么在哭。

I wonder the little girl.5.他没有告诉我今晚有没有去深圳的火车。

He didn’t tell me a train to Shenzhen this evening.6 6.你决定将怎样帮助那些贫困地区的孩子了吗?

Have you decided you the children in the poor area? 7.这是我曾经听过的最有趣的故事之一。

This is one of the most interesting I.8.Who was the boy(获得第一名)in last year’s sports meeting?

9.Jack Will visit the hospital(他出生的)next week.10.This is the best TV play(我所看过的)this year.11.All(他们所做的)is good for us.12.Those(想学习英语的)during the summer holidays please stand up.13.Please pass me the book(封面是绿色的).14.Have you finished all the homework(我们老师要求我们做的)? 15.The woman(我们谈论的)

an hour ago has been to Beijing.参考答案


1.【答案】B 2.【答案】B 3.【答案】C 4.【答案】 C 5.【答案】A 6.【答案】B 7.【答案】D 8.【答案】C 9.【答案】C 10.【答案】B

11.【答案】C 12.【答案】A 13.【答案】A 14.【答案】B 15.【答案】D 16.【答案】B 17.【答案】B 18.【答案】B 19.【答案】B 20.【答案】D

二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)。【答案】 1.lies


3.will have

4.had studied 5.would go/was going





14.has been/will be

15.will visit


11.that 12.which



15.what 17.why



20.16.what when


9.told;could;there if/whether I;lived 13.told/asked/ordered;to keep if/whether, that


14.not to look


10.how she had found 11.where I had;those

12.9.which he was born in 11.that they have done 13.whose cover is green

10.that I have watched 12.who want to learn English


听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 1.A.fl ower B.power C.tower

() 2.A.191 B.119 C.116

() 3.A.this Tuesday B.next Tuesday C.this Thursday

() 4.A.have a car B.have a card C.give a card

() 5.A.Most people agree that it’s healthy to eat fruit and vegetables.

B.Most people disagree that it’s healthy to eat fruit and vegetables.

C.Most people agree that it’s unhealthy to eat fruit and vegetables.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 6.A.To Tom’s party.B.To play soccer.C.This Sunday.

() 7.A.Good luck!B.Congratulations!C.That’s a good idea!

() 8.A.Yes, please.B.No, thanks.C.Neither.I want a cup of coffee.

() 9.A.Yes, I have.B.On May 10th.C.Once a year.

() 10.A.She was wrong.B.She hurried to school.C.She was excited.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 11.Why didn’t the girl get to school on time?

A.Because she overslept.B.Because she was ill.

C.Because she didn’t catch the school bus.

() 12.What day is coming?

A.Tree-Planting Day.B.Clean-Up Day.C.Mother’s Day.

() 13.How long haven’t they seen each other?

A.For almost three years.B.For thirteen years.C.For three years and a half.

() 14.What is the girl learning?

() 15.What should the man do this holiday?

Ⅳ.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

() 16.What do English people often do on a bus?

A.They often talk much.B.They often eat something.

C.They often read books or papers.

() 17.What can you say when you meet English people?

A.Nice weather!B.How are you?C.Nice to see you.

() 18.How many students did Lin Hao save?



() 19.What did Lin Hao do during the earthquake?

A.He carried two students to safety.B.He saved his parents.

C.He saved his teachers.

() 20.Why did the man want to sell his old car?

A.Because it made noises.

B.Because he didn’t need a car at all.

C.Because he had got a new one.

() 21.Whom did Mark buy the car for?

A.He bought it for himself.B.He bought it for his daughter.

C.He bought it for his wife.

() 22.What are they talking about?

A.Something about pets.

B.Something about dogs.

C.Something about protecting animals.

() 23.What animal does the woman like best?

A.The cat.B.The dog.C.The parrot.

() 24.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

A.The man has a pet parrot.

B.The woman has a pet dog.

C.The man feeds the pet dog every day.

() 25.What does the man think of keeping a pet parrot?

A.He doesn’t like it.B.He gets bored.C.It is fun.


V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)


() 26.—Where is my red T-shirt?

—It’s in the washing machine.You have to wear________different one.

A.any B.the C.a D.other

() 27.—Will you help________send this e-mail?My computer doesn’t work.

—Sure.My pleasure.


() 28.Sandy likes reading very much.He often goes to the Reading Club________Friday afternoon


() 29.The supermarket isn’t far from here.It’s only________ride.

A.half an hour’sB.half an hours’

C.half and hoursD.an hour and a half

() 30.________great fun it is!

A.WhatB.How aC.HowD.What a

() 31.When we saw the beautiful view, we couldn’t stop________photos.

A.to takingB.to takeC.tookD.taking

() 32.Half of the class________done most of the work.The rest of the work________rather diffi cult.

A.have, isB.has, isC.have, areD.has, are

() 33.He doesn’t feel________, so he has to see the doctor.

A.good enoughB.well enoughC.enough goodD.enough well

() 34.—How much is the computer you bought for your son?

—I nearly________8, 000 yuan on it.


() 35.If he doesn’t go to the cinema tomorrow, ________.

A.so do IB.neither do IC.so will ID.neither will I

() 36.We’re going to do some exercise now.Mary, could you________the exercise books fi rst?

A.put downB.look outC.write downD.hand out

() 37.He preferred________at home rather than________to the movies.

A.to stay, goingB.to stay, go

C.staying, to goingD.staying, to go

() 38.Jim________on the computer when I went to see him last night.

A.playsB.playedC.was playingD.is playing

() 39.—How often do you go to see your grandfather?


A.Once a month.B.In a month.C.After a month.D.For a month.

() 40.Brian looks happy today, ________he?

A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.is D.does

() 41.Three years________since they came here.

A.have past B.passed

C.has passed D.past

() 42.—I really don’t know________with this problem.It’s too hard.

—You can ask Mr.Wang for help.

A.which to do B.when to do

C.what to do D.how to do

() 43.—Have you seen our head teacher?

—No.I________to go to his offi ce, but he wasn’t there.

A.was told B.don’t tell

C.have told D.told

() 44.This is the most interesting story________I have ever heard.


() 45.As teachers, we should let our students do________to develop their interests.

A.whatever do they like B.whatever they are like

C.whatever will they like D.whatever they like

VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Everyone wants to be good-looking especially young people.Everybody wants to 46______tall build.

If a girl has a 47______face, maybe she can be an actress after she grows up.If a girl has a48______build, she can be a model.Of course a handsome boy can be an actor, and a tall boy can be a 49______.

If you have an ordinary face, don’t worry about it.Most people have ordinary faces.They still work 50______and live a rich, happy life.

Judge (判断) is not from appearance.A beautiful face is very 51______, but it isn’t all in all.We can fi nd jobs and make 52______for our families if we have knowledge in the future.So we must study hard and do 53______in our subjects.We should get high education after we 54______middle school.Remember:Knowledge is the 55______to success.

() 46.A.give B.have C.live D.take

() 47.A.beautiful B.ugly C.big D.long

() 48.A.short B.strong C.small D.tall

() 49.A.postman B.policeman C.sportsman D.businessman

() 50.A.hard B.hardly C.easy D.easily

() 51.A.exciting B.boring C.important D.interesting

() 52.A.friends B.money C.cars D.tea

() 53.A.well B.good C.best D.nice

() 54.A.stop B.begin C.fi nd D.fi nish

() 55.A.street B.bridge C.exit D.place

() 53.A.wellB.goodC.bestD.nice () 54.A.stopB.beginC.fi ndD.fi nish () 55.A.streetB.bridgeC.exitD.place VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。



() 56.According to the ads, these three books are for________.


() 57.Many pictures in the book Learning How to Learn can________.

A.make the book beautiful B.make the children draw beautifully

C.make the book sell well D.make the children understand the book easily

() 58.The book________can tell you the meaning of the different marks in a dictionary.

A.Learning How to Learn B.Study Skills for Life

C.Basic Study Manual D.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children

() 59.If you buy the three books on June 18, 2006, you will have to pay________for them.


() 60.The purpose (目的) of the passage above is to________.

A.sell the three books to childrenB.help children learn English

C.help children learn about businessD.teach children how to use a dictionary


What is the book made of?When we read books, magazines and newspapers, we hardly stop and think about the paper used to make them.Without this invention, our lives would be very different.

Paper is one of the most important inventions of all time.The word“paper”comes from the word“papyrus”—a grass-like plant.The Egyptians (埃及人) first used papyrus around the year 3, 000 B.C.to make a kind of paper.In 105 A.D., a Chinese man named Ts’ai Lun invented a new type of paper using pieces of old cloth.For centuries, people all over the world used this Chinese way to make paper.In 1838, Charles Fenerty, a Canadian man, invented a new way of papermaking using wood.Today, most of the paper we use is made from wood.

Think again about your book.Did you use paper money to buy it?If so, you can thank the Chinese.They invented paper money in the ninth century A.D.The government began using paper notes as money because there wasn’t enough metal to make coins.

Today, it’s hard to imagine life without paper.We use it to communicate in many different ways.We also use many important products that are made of paper.Take toilet paper for example.Many believe that an American, Joseph Gayety, invented it in 1857.Walter Alcock, an Englishman, later had the idea to put the paper on rolls (卷) .By 1907, toilet paper was used everywhere in the United States and England.Imagine what life today would be like without this important invention!

() 61.Paper was fi rst made from________.

A.metalB.a kind of plantC.grassD.old wood

() 62.From the second paragraph we know________.

A.papermaking has a history of about 4, 000 years

B.Ts’ai Lun invented a new way of papermaking

C.an American tried to make paper from wood in 1838

D.most of the paper made from wood is in Canada

() 63.The Chinese________.

A.was the fi rst to use real papyrus B.invented toilet paper in 105 A.D.

C.made paper money to save wood D.began to use paper money over 1, 000 years ago

() 64.What does the sentence“Today, it’s hard to imagine life without paper.”really mean?

A.It means people have to read books, newspapers and magazines every day.

B.It means the government needs and uses paper money.

C.It means our life will be very diffi cult if there is no paper.

D.It means people can’t read without paper.

() 65.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The word“paper”comes from a grass-like plant.

B.Today most of the paper is made from wood.

C.Toilet paper was invented by an Englishman named Walter Alcock.

D.Toilet paper became popular in the U.S.and the U.K.by 1907.


Sunny Children’s Palace

() 66.You can go to Sunny Children’s Palace to learn some skills every day except________.

A.Monday B.Wednesday

C.Thursday D.Sunday

() 67.If you want to improve your English, you’d better learn it from________.

A.Miss Yang Jing B.Prof.G.White

C.Prof.Wang Lan D.Liu Xin

() 68.If you are interested in swimming, you can join________.

A.Sports Club B.Painting Club

C.English Club D.Swimming Club

() 69.If you want to learn a skill in the shortest time, you learn from________.

A.Mr.Green B.Miss Yang Jing

C.Liu Xin D.Prof.Wang Lan

() 70.Which of the following is true?

A.You can go to learn how to use Offi ce 2000 from Prof.J.Brown.

B.If you want to learn painting, you should go there on Sunday afternoon.

C.Prof.J.Brown teaches children English from 3:00~4:00 p.m.on Saturday afternoon.

D.Prof.G.White can give a talk about English learning to students on Monday morning.

卷II (非选择题共35分)

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

Information Sheet

71.Dave lives in__________________.

72.He likes watching__________________and reading books.

73.He likes books that are__________________and exciting.

74.He likes to make friends with honest and__________________people.

75.We write to each other__________________.


IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)

A farmer had a very valuable cow.He took very good care of this cow and one day when i was ill, he was very worried.He telephoned the vet.

“What’s the problem?”the vet asked him when he arrived.

“My cow’s very sick, ”the farmer said.“I don’t know what’s the matter with her.She’s lying down and won’t stand up.She won’t eat, and she’s making a strange noise.”

The vet looked at the cow.

“She’s certainly sick, ”he said, “and she needs to take some very strong medicine.”

He took a bottle out of his case, and put two pills (药片) into his hand.

“Give her these, ”he said.“They should make her better.”

“How should I give them to her?”the farmer asked.

The vet gave him a long tube (管子) .

“Put this tube in her mouth, ”he said, “then put the pills in the tube and blow.That’ll make her swallow (吞) them.”The vet went away.

The next day he came to the farm again.The farmer was sitting outside his house looking very miserable (苦恼的) .

“How’s your cow?”the vet asked.

“No change, ”the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”

“Oh?”the vet said.“Why?”

“I did what you said, ”the farmer explained.“I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then pu two pills down it.”

“And?”the vet asked.

“The cow blew fi rst, ”the farmer said.

根据短文内容, 回答下列各题。

76.What was wrong with the cow?


77.What did the vet give the farmer?


78.What did the farmer use to give the medicine to the cow?


79.Did the cow take the medicine?


80.Who took the two pills at last?


X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。

81.His favorite__________________ (学科) are math and English.

82.I often hear him__________________ (唱) this song in the classroom.

83.I know they arrived there__________________ (安全) .

84.Our homework must__________________ (上交) tomorrow morning.

85.Tina likes__________________ (交朋友) with others.

XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)

A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)

86.you, me, my, please, could, help, English, with


87.what, you, his, do, think, idea, of


88.we, him, yard, playing, watched, in, the


89.he, me, present, bought, nice, for, a


90.I, she, girl, think, is, honest, an


B) 书面表达 (计10分)

假如你是李明, 请根据提示给班主任张老师写一封e-mail, 反映一下同学们的情况。60~80词。

提示:1.面临毕业, 学习任务重, 心理压力大。2.每天写作业到很晚, 睡眠不足。

3.很少参加体育锻炼, 经常生病。4.同学之间缺乏交流和沟通。



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2009年中考英语模拟试题 (四) 选择题答题卡








2009年中考英语模拟试题 (四)

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出包含所听信息的选项。

1.There is a clock on the church tower.2.My sister spent¥119 on the dress.3.His parents will come back from England next Tuesday.4.It would be better to have a car for the trip.5.Most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出该句的最佳答语。

6.Where are you going?7.I’m sure our team is going to win the match.8.Would you like to have a cup of tea or water?

9.Have you ever forgotten your father’s birthday?10.What did Mary do when she got up late?

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。

下面你将听到五组对话和问题, 每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确选项。

11.W:I was late for school today.M:Did you get up late?W:No.I missed the school bus.

Q:Why didn’t the girl get to school on time?

12.W:The Clean-Up Day is coming, and we’d better do something for our school.

M:Good idea!Which places are we going to clean up?Q:What day is coming?

13.W:Bob, is that you?M:Yeah, it is.Hey, Amy!I haven’t seen you for three and a half years.

W:Yeah.I’m here visiting my grandparents with Mom and Dad.Wow, you have changed a lot.

Q:How long haven’t they seen each other?

14.W:Oh, I can’t learn English.M:What’s the problem?

W:I read a lot but I always forget the words.How do you study?

M:By asking the teacher for help.Q:What is the girl learning?

15.W:Hi!How is it going?M:Not very well.I am so busy doing my work, even on the weekend I’m still working.

W:Oh, that’s terrible.This holiday you should go somewhere to relax.Q:What should the man do this holiday?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。

下面你将听到四篇听力材料和十个问题, 听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后, 根据所听内容, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确答案。

下面请听第一篇材料, 并回答第16~17题。

In England, people don’t usually talk much.If you get on a bus or a train, you’ll see everyone sits and looks out of the window.Often they read.They read books or papers.But they don’t talk much.When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing:the weather.So when you meet someone in England, you can say, “Nice weather!”

Questions:16.What do English people often do on a bus?17.What can you say when you meet English people?

下面请听第二篇材料, 并回答第18~19题。

In my opinion, a hero is a person who is brave to save others’lives when they are in trouble.For this reason, there is a young hero in my heart—a nine-year-old boy named Lin Hao.When Wenchuan earthquake happened, Lin Hao carried two students to safety and walked seven hours to get to a safe place by himself.What he did shocked the whole world.Millions of people spoke highly of him after the earthquake.I was deeply moved by him.He is a real hero in my heart.

Questions:18.How many students did Lin Hao save?19.What did Lin Hao do during the earthquake?

下面请听第三篇材料, 并回答第20~21题。

When I drove my old car over 55 miles an hour, it made loud noises, so I decided to sell it.A man called Mark wanted to buy it.I told him about the car’s problem.I thought he might drop it.But I was surprised by his reply.“That’s okay, ”he said.“I’m buying this car for my daughter.If she complains about the noise, I’ll know she’s driving too fast.”

Questions:20.Why did the man want to sell his old car?21.Whom did Mark buy the car for?

下面请听第四篇材料, 并回答第22~25题。

M:What animal do you love best, Lucy?W:Dogs.M:Do you keep a pet dog then?

W:No.My mother says keeping a pet is a waste of time.

M:But keeping a pet is also great fun!I have a pet parrot.W:Really?Does it talk?

M:Of course it does.To hear it talk gives me so much pleasure.W:Who takes care of it?I think it’s quite a job.

M:You are right.To take care of it is quite a job.You have to feed it, teach it how to talk and clean its cage.But to work is beautiful, isn’t it?

Questions:22.What are they talking about?23.What animal does the woman like best?

24.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

25.What does the man think of keeping a pet parrot?

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。

下面你将听到一篇短文, 短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后, 根据短文的内容和提示, 在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺信息。

Dave is my new pen pal.He lives in New York.He likes cool clothes.He also likes to listen to rock music.He can’t stand music that makes him sleepy.He likes watching funny movies and reading books.He likes books that are interesting and exciting.Harry Potter is his favorite book.As for friends, he likes to make friends who are honest and friendly.We write to each other once a week.Sometimes we chat online.He is going to visit China next year.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (一)


I.1~5 BABAC II.6~10 CABBC III.11~15 CCACB IV.16~20 CBABC 21~25 AACBC V.26~30 CBADB 31~35 CBABD36~40 CDABA 41~45 DBABD VI.46~50 BACDA 51~55 ABCAC VII.56~60 BADBC 61~65 ABDDC 66~70 ADDCA


VIII.71.Meeting 72.Thursday 73.fi fteen minutes 74.$2 75.Hauxton IX.76.Chinese handicrafts 77.The windows.78.No, they didn’t.79.Yes, he did.80.looking at goods X.81.sports 82.to help 83.carefully 84.making mistakes 85.is made from

XI.A) 86.Was he late for school yesterday?87.How much fruit does she want?88.I am looking forward to seeing you next month.89.I gave him a present last week.90.Do not get off the bus until it stops.

B) One possible version:

My Pen Friend

Mark is my pen friend.He is a 15-year-old boy who lives in London, England.We got to know each other by accident when we chatted online.He likes listening to rock music.He enjoys reading interesting books, and Harry Potter is his favorite.He also likes to make friends who are friendly and knowledgeable.We write to each other once a week, and sometimes we meet on the Internet.We are happy to talk with each other.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (二)


I.1~5 BCBAC II.6~10 CBCAA III.11~15 BBBAC IV.16~20 CCBCB 21~25 AAACA V.26~30 BADBC 31~35 ABADD36~40 CDABC 41~45 CAADB VI.46~50 BCADB 51~55 DADBA VII.56~60 CBBDC 61~65 DBBDB 66~70 BBBCD


VIII.71.music 72.800 73.from 2:30 to 3:30 74.two 75.smoke IX.76.Yes, they did.77.Sue.78.He is handsome, strong and healthy.79.We don’t know.80.At home.X.81.tickets 82.watering 83.strongly 84.broke down 85.given away

XI.A) 86.Have you ever won an award?87.How important is keeping healthy to you?88.Try hard not to fall behind others.89.I fi nd it necessary to learn English well.90.No one knows where he comes from.

B) One possible version:

Attention, please!Good news for us!We are going to the Sandy Beach this Sunday.So it is necessary for us to make some preparations.I think we should take sun-glasses, a hat, a bathing suit and an umbrella.There are many different kinds of activities there.We can go fi shing, swimming and surfi ng.At noon, we will have lunch on the beach together.And we are going there on our school bus.So remember we will meet at our school gate at 6:30 a.m.this Sunday.Hope we will have a happy day there!

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (三)


I.1~5 ABACC II.6~10 CBCCB III.11~15 BCBBA IV.16~20 CABAC 21~25 CBCBA V.26~30 BBCDA 31~35 DAACB36~40 DBACD 41~45 CADBC VI.46~50 BADCA 51~55 CBADB VII.56~60 ACDBA 61~65 CBCAD 66~70 CBDBA


VIII.71.December 25 72.November 73.care (much) about 74.being friendly 75.Christmas songs IX.76.their health 77.afraid78.June 79.before 80.the train went into a tunnel X.81.decision (s) 82.reading 83.brightly 84.got on 85.were blown out

XI.A) 86.Did you have a class meeting yesterday?87.How long were you away from school?88.Do not leave her waiting outside in the rain.89.He told us a funny story this morning.90.I will call him if he is late.

B) One possible version:

Last Friday afternoon, a running competition was held on the playground in our school.Thirty-fi ve classes took part in it.All the teachers and students watched the competition.At the end of the competition, the headmaster announced that my class got the fi rst place.My classmates and I were so glad that we couldn’t help jumping.

I think running is a good way to keep healthy.It also helps us relax so that we can study more effectively.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (四)


I.1~5 CBBAA II.6~10 AACAB III.11~15 CBCBA IV.16~20 CABAA 21~25 BABAC V.26~30 CBCAA 31~35 DABBD36~40 DBCAB 41~45 CCABD VI.46~50 BADCA 51~55 CBADB VII.56~60 CDDCA 61~65 BBDCC 66~70 CBDAC


VIII.71.New York 72.funny movies 73.interesting 74.friendly 75.once a week IX.76.She was sick.77.Some medicine./Two pills.78.A tube.79.No.80.The farmer.X.81.subjects 82.sing 83.safely 84.be handed in 85.making friends

XI.A) 86.Could you please help me with my English?87.What do you think of his idea?88.We watched him playing in the yard.89.He bought a nice present for me.90.I think she is an honest girl.

B) One possible version:

Dear Mr./Miss Zhang,

We have many troubles these days.Although we work hard every day, we are under great pressure.We can’t get enough sleep every night because we have to stay up late to do our homework.Also we have no time to play sports, and we often get sick.Besides, we can hardly fi nd time to communicate with each other.We are all exhausted.I don’t know what we should do.Could you please help us out?

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

上一篇:第四章 统计管理体制下一篇:入党申请书和思想汇报的基本写法