七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版


七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版(通用8篇)

篇1:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版

UNIT 9 Do you want to go to a movie?


1.Language Goals: Talk about movie preferences and make plans.New language:-Do you want to go to a movie? Yes,I do。I want to go to an action movie.-What kind of movies do you like? I like comedies and documentaries but I don’t like thrillers.-kinds of movies: thriller, war, documentary, comedy, romance, action movie, mystery, fantasy and adventure-descriptions: scary, boring, great, fun, exciting, sad, funny, awesome, fantastic, wonderful 2.Teaching Aids:

Movie posters

Balloon(for grammar focus)3.Vocabulary Words: film, war movies, action movies, romances or love stories, thrillers, comedies, documentaries, mysteries, fantasies and adventures, exciting, sad, scary, funny, great, fun 4.Teaching Steps:

1.Teacher talks about the movie he/she has seen lately.Make necessary gestures to get the attention of the students(like story telling).2.Ask the students about the movies they have seen recently.Let them write the answers on the board.3.Write the vocabulary words on the board.Explain clearly the meaning of each word with the use of teaching aid(posters).You may use appropriate gestures to make the explanation simple.Examples: Film – is another English word for movie.Comedies – are a kind of movies made to make people laugh and feel happy.Documentaries – are often educational and usually talk about famous historical events and study of a famous people.Action movies – are simple stories of good people against bad people, where most problems are resolved using physical force.Usually action movies have fighting scenes.Thrillers – are scary movies with lots of surprises and usually they make people jump.4.Teacher reads every word with correct pronunciation while students listen.5.Say every word and ask students to repeat after you.6.Group the class into 5 and ask each group to read the vocabulary words correctly.7.Point to the example(1a): Say number1is(a), action movie.Ask them to match the kinds of movies with the posters.Check the answers afterwards.教学一得:次项活动,帮助学生学习语言和运用语言,提高了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们的参与意识。LESSON 2(LISTENING AND SPEAKING)1.Sing a song(to the tune of LONDON BRIDGE).I’m the first one don’t change me, don’t change me, don’t change me, I’m the first one don’t change me-oh no just let me be.2.Pair work: Ask students practice the given conversation(guided by the teacher).Take time to practice the dialog for mastery.Ex.Do you want to go to a movie / Do you want to see a movie? Yes, I do.I want to see a thriller movie.3.Listening: Ask students to do activities 2a and 2b.Tell them to listen carefully.4.Introduce GRAMMAR FOCUS.Give the rules and explain further by giving more examples.Note: A teacher could give additional examples out of the given content such as city – cities… A.Singular Noun

Plural Noun






comedies action movie

action movies-Read the singular and plural forms of nouns to the students and ask them to repeat.Point out the change from y to ies when the word documentary becomes plural.B.Explain contractions.Blow up a balloon-ask what happened?(It expanded.)Let the air out-ask what happened?(It contracted which means to get smaller.)Ex.do not –

don’t-Point out that present tense questions with want are answered with a form of the verb doI don’t like documentaries because they’re boring.3.Invite pairs of students to say the conversation or dialogue for the rest of the class.4.Ask students to share their friend’s movie preferences(likes and dislikes), what the person thinks about movies.For example: I have a friend.Her name is Ann.She likes comedies very much but she doesn’t like documentaries because they’re boring.5.Encourage every student to speak English and correct every mistake for further understanding.教学一得:新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。

篇2:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版

本单元的核心教学项目是"语言",涉及到国家,国籍,所使用的语言等项内容,让学生通过学习和活动, 掌握交流个人基本信息的技能和知识。教学目标

1.话题:Countries, nationalities and languages 2.功能目标:1)学会向别人传递个人的基本信息 2)像别人介绍自己的笔友




老师在课前准备一些带有七大洲特色的照片和图案及特征颜色,贴在教室的不同地方,形成七个区域---即七大洲。上课后,老师站在不同的区域,让学生们猜出是哪个洲(汉语即可),然后教英语。之后学生自己选一个自己喜欢的洲,离开座位。老师在每个洲选两个人,试问:“Where are you from?”重复刚才教的七大洲名。重难点突破 1.一般现在时

该时态用于描述经常性的动作或者状态。谓语动词be有三种形式am,is,are,在使用时要根据主语,选择不同的形式。否定句中,直接在be后添加not,在疑问句中将be直接放在主语之前即可构成疑问形式;其他动词(主要包括行为动词和除be以外的系动词)在一般现在时中也因主语发生变化。当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词的词尾要添加“s”,构词法与名词复数构词法基本一样;反之,谓语动词则以动词原形出现;如: They like to eat different kinds of food.They don’t like to eat different kinds of food.Do they like to eat different kinds of food? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.What do they like to eat? Li Shan likes rice a lot.2. come from„

来自于”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在否定句中,我们直接将否定词加在助动词do或does后,因此出现该动词的缩写形式don’t或doesn’t。注意助动词do或does在使用时,受到主语人称的限制。在书写特殊疑问句时,在系动词be,助动词do或does前会出现特殊疑问词,句式结构与一般疑问句完全一致。如:Are you from the States? Yes, I am.No, I am not.I am not from the States.Where are you from? Do you come from the States? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.I don’t come from the States.Where do you come from? 活动一:获取对方信息 目 的:进行自然交流 材 料:两种不同的表格

A(for some of the students in the class)NAME AGE





Bob 12 3


Jo Hunt 15


long hair Jim


Jack Wilson


Nancy 13


round face

B(for the other students in the class)NAME AGE






British English

short hair

Jo Hunt

American English

Jim 12

British English

big eyes

Jack Wilson 15 4


thin and tall





(period 2)教材分析

让学生通过学习和活动, 掌握交流个人基本信息的技能和知识。教学目标 1.认知目标:

1)词汇Canada, South Korea, France, Japan, the United States, Brazil, Australia, the United

Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean 2)语法项目:一般现在时的陈述句和疑问句形式。3)语言目标:Where is your pen pal from? She’s from Mexico.Where does she live? What language does she speak? She speaks English and Spanish.教学重点


当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词的变化形式。重难点突破 1.一般现在时


Li Shan likes rice a lot.Li Shan doesn’t like rice at all.Does Li Shan like rice? Yes, she does.No, she doesn’t.What does Li Shan like? 2.be from„

“来自于”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在一般疑问句中,be from中的系动词be可以直接提前构成一般疑问句,在否定句中可在系动词be后直接添加not表示否定;以come from作谓语构成的一般疑问句,由于come是行为动词,它的疑问形式是句首出现助动词do或does, come在句中的位置,形式与陈述句时是一样的,不发生任何变化。They like to eat different kinds of food.They don’t like to eat different kinds of food.Do they like to eat different kinds of food? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.What do they like to eat? Yes, I am.No, I am not.I am not from the States.Where are you from? Do you come from the States? 活动一:介绍笔友

目 的:在情景中运用本单元学过的词汇和句型。材 料:一张表格

语言技能:Speaking and listening 活动形式:group work 操作过程:1.教师提出语言任务:向同伴介绍自己的笔友


3.教师提供表格可能的话,可以包括对人的外貌的描述 NAME:









6.学生以小组的形式制作表格,填写自己笔友的基本情况 7.小组之间进行信息交流

8.教师对学生完成以上任务的情况做出评价 教后一得:

该教案设计灵活,方便实用,利用学生加强语言的交际能力,同时还为她们提供了大量的动手、动笔的能力。(period 3)


1.To talk about where people are from.2.To talk about countries , cities , and languages.3.To get some knowledge about geography in English.4.To get information about different cultures.语言目标:


1.Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里?

2.She is from Mexico.她来自墨西哥。

3.Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方?

4.She lives in Mexico City.她住在墨西哥城。

5.What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言?

6.She speaks English and Spanish.她讲英语和西班牙语。

7.Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗?


Countries :

Brazil , South Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia ,Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand

Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , Korean

Other words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike 二.重点、难点:

1.To ask about where people are from.询问人们来自哪里。

a.be from “来自”

(1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States.“Mary 和Tony来自美国。”

(3)I’m / I am from China.“我来自中国。”

b.come from “来自”

(1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方?”

(2)Where does your pen pal come from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(3)My pen pal comes from Korea.“我的笔友是韩国人。”(4)They come from Russia.“他们来自俄罗斯。”

2.To ask about what languages people speak.询问人们讲什么语言。

(1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言?(2)I speak Chinese.我讲汉语。

(3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言?

(4)He speaks Japanese and a little English.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”.不能用其他的动词。

3.To ask about where people live.询问人们居住地。

(1)Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Beijing.我住在北京。

(2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方?

She lives in Washington.她住在华盛顿。注意:表示在某个城市,介词用“in”

如:in New York

in Tokyo

in Mexico City

4.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。如:I like listening to music!

My father likes watching TV.Boys like playing balls.5.Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗?

write to sb.“给某人写信”

I write to my pen pal twice(两次)a month.我每月给我的笔友写两次信。

Sometimes I write to my parents.6.To get to know some countries , their capitals and languages.CountryCapitalLanguage




MexicoMexico CitySpanish


BrazilRio de JaneiroPortuguese



7.I enjoy physics class at school.enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。

e.g.I enjoy listening to classical music.听古典音乐是种享受。

He enjoys his meals.他非常满意饭菜。

教学一得:本课设计合理,层次清晰;形式活泼多样,课件运用恰当;开始由chant导入新课,最后在歌声中结束,使整节课首尾呼应、气氛活跃,达到了学生掌握并灵活运用目标语言的教学目的。不足之处:在任务的设计和衔接上还不够精炼和流畅,有待在今后的教学中作进一步研究和探讨。period 4 单元目标:

1.To talk about where people are from.2.To talk about countries , cities , and languages.3.To get some knowledge about geography in English.4.To get information about different cultures.语言目标:


1.Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里?

2.She is from Mexico.她来自墨西哥。

3.Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方?

4.She lives in Mexico City.她住在墨西哥城。

5.What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言?

6.She speaks English and Spanish.她讲英语和西班牙语。

7.Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗?


Countries :

Brazil , South Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia , Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand

Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , Korean

Other words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike


1.To ask about where people are from.询问人们来自哪里。

a.be from “来自”

(1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States.“Mary 和Tony来自美国。”

(3)I’m / I am from China.“我来自中国。”

b.come from “来自”

(1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方?”

(2)Where does your pen pal come from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(3)My pen pal comes from Korea.“我的笔友是韩国人。”(4)They come from Russia.“他们来自俄罗斯。”

2.To ask about what languages people speak.询问人们讲什么语言。

(1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言?(2)I speak Chinese.我讲汉语。

(3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言?

(4)He speaks Japanese and a little English.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”.不能用其他的动词。

3.To ask about where people live.询问人们居住地。

(1)Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Beijing.我住在北京。

(2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方?

She lives in Washington.她住在华盛顿。注意:表示在某个城市,介词用“in”

如:in New York

in Tokyo

in Mexico City

4.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。如:I like listening to music!

My father likes watching TV.Boys like playing balls.5.Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗?

write to sb.“给某人写信”

I write to my pen pal twice(两次)a month.我每月给我的笔友写两次信。

Sometimes I write to my parents.6.To get to know some countries , their capitals and languages.Country













Mexico City





Rio de Janeiro


France Paris





7.I enjoy physics class at school.enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。

e.g.I enjoy listening to classical music.听古典音乐是种享受。

He enjoys his meals.他非常满意饭菜。

篇3:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版

本课围绕介绍家庭成员开展听说读写教学活动, 中心话题是“The family”, 语法重点是能用who引导的特殊疑问句询问第三方是谁。介绍家庭成员。教学内容为语法的学习和使用提供了必要的感性材料, 同时也体现了语法项目与交际情景自然结合的特点。学生的学习活动是在真实的生活场景中展开的。


本节课所面对的是初一年级的学生, 他们活泼好动, 充满好奇心和求知欲。本单元所谈论的是关于家庭成员的话题, 这贴合学生的生活, 使学生容易对本课产生兴趣。但初一的学生年龄仍然较小, 尤其在有人听课的条件下, 他们更容易紧张, 调动学生积极参与是本课的难题之一, 这需要教师在课堂中注意营造宽松的课堂气氛, 引导并鼓励学生在课堂上勇于表现, 大胆发言, 运用所学知识完成本节课所设计的学习任务。

三、Teaching aims

1. Language goals

Make the students recognize different familym e m b e r s a n d b e a b l e t o u s e t h e s e n t e n c estructure “Who is /are…?”, and the key words“photo, have a good day”.

2. Ability goals

B e a b l e t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e r e l a t i o n s h i pb e t w e e n f a m i l y m e m b e r s b y l i s t e n i n g t omaterials.

Be able to talk about family members usingsimple structures.

3. Emotion goals

Make the students not only care about theirown families but also their classes, their schools…

四、Teaching important and difficultpoints

1. Different names of family members.

2. The sentence structure “Who is …?”

3. How to use the sentence structure “Who is…?” to describe the family members in the realsituations.

五、Teaching methods

Task-based teaching method, cooperativelearning method

六、Teaching aids

Multi-media, blackboard

七、Teaching procedure

(一) Leading-in (5 minutes)

Show a group of the teacher’s own familyphotos.

Review the words that they have learnt lasttime.

(二) Listening exercises (12 minutes)

1. Pre-listening

Make a conversation in pairs.

A: How many people are there in your family?

B: There are…

A: Who are they?

B: They are my father, mother…….

2. While-listening

2a: Listen and circle the words.

2 b : L i s t e n a n d m a t c h t h e n a m e s w i t h t h e people.

3. Post-listening

Pair work

A: Who is the man in green?

B: He is Cindy’s…

A: What’s his name?

B: His name is…

A: Who’re the two old people?

B: They are Cindy’s…


Improve the students’ listening skills and make them know some simple listening strategies.

(三) Fun time: (3minutes)

Enjoy a short period of a movie named TheCroods.

Make the students relaxed.

(四) Reading (2d) (8 minutes)

1. Pre-reading

Talk about the picture in 2d with the students

2. While-reading

Read the conversation quietly and quickly and match the names with the people.

Sally’s sister Paul

Sally’s friend Kate

Sally’s brother Jane

Read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Read aloud together.

3. Post-reading

Act out the conversation in groups of three.

Make the students learn to talk about their family members in the controlled situation. Learn how to use the sentence structures.

(五) Group work (12 minutes)

Help an foregingirl Amy to find a Chinese family to live with.

Make the students use the target language in the real situation and improve their speaking ability.

(六) Homework

1. 请给我写一封电子邮件, 介绍你的家庭情况, 邀请Amy到你家居住。要求包含以下内容。 (不少于40词)

(1) How many people are there in your family?

(2) Who are they?

( 3 ) What do you and your family members like? (40 words)

2. Draw a family tree.

My email address: 355415336@qq.com.

Make the students consolidate what they learnt today and improve the stud ents’ writing ability.

篇4:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版


1. 去繁就简,化虚为实,强化学生对数学本质的理解






4. 用方程解答下列问题:




2. 重视经验,促进思考,落实“四基”教学



3. 对各章教学关键点、重点和难点的把握


(1)教学《第一章 有理数》的关键点是“正数和负数”的充分理解,要让学生视“负数”与“正数”一样容易理解.因此,需要创设让学生获得“负数”经验的数学活动,让学生充分体验.重点是“有理数”的“计算能力”的培养,同样需要在适量的计算活动中去积累经验,要引导学生分析具体题目,选择合理的运算律并确定合理的运算顺序进行计算,尽量避免“蛮干”与“死算”.难点是关于分数的计算,分数的计算在小学阶段是学生的计算难点,学习有理数时,依然是难点.

(2)教学《第二章 整式的加减》的关键点是获得“用字母表示数”的经验,要让学生视“字母”与“数字”一样容易理解.因此,在本章第1课时的教学中,要充分让学生经历用字母表示数,并积累丰富的字母表示数的经验.重点是“单项式”与“多项式”概念的理解,以及单项式的系数与次数、多项式的项与次数的理解,需要教师在教学时明晰概念教学以便让学生充分地理解.难点是代数式运算时的去括号步骤,要让学生充分理解去括号法则并在适量去括号的练习中获取经验.

(3)教学《第三章 一元一次方程》的关键点是深刻理解“等式的性质”,它是正确解方程的基础,在解方程过程中,“去分母”、“去括号”和“移项”、“系数化为1”等步骤的理论依据都是“等式的性质”.因此,在本章《等式的性质》这一节内容的教学中,要充分让学生经历等式的变形,并积累丰富的等式变形的经验.重点是“解一元一次方程”,这既是前面所学“有理数”和“整式的加减”的综合运用,也是后面学习“方程”、“不等式”和“函数”的基础,课本中的例题和练习题足够丰富,教学中要让学生适量训练,积累丰富的解方程的经验.难点是解应用题时寻找并建立“等量关系”.学生解应用题有几重困难,首先是“选择”用列方程解应用题,在他们心里,做应用题会选择小学所学的列算式法和初中所学的列方程法,而不太适应列方程解应用题;其次的困难是设未知数,在他们看来,题中的未知量不止一个,不知该设谁为未知数;而最为困难的就是寻找并建立“等量关系”,哪怕在教师看来存在很明显的等量关系,但因为学生缺乏方程思想,所以难以找出等量关系.本次教材修订,我注意到修订者有意识地重新编排了应用题的部分例题和练习题顺序,而且增加了一些难度更适宜的题.因此教学时,教师要不断地引导学生寻找并建立“等量关系”,让他们通过问题的解决不断地建立“方程思想”并获得丰富的经验.

(4)相对来说,《第四章 几何图形初步》修订的内容比较少,关键点是通过《几何图形》来认识图形并建立“空间观念”.因此,在本章的教学中,要始终坚持引导学生“看图”和“说图”,看图是为了建立空间观念,而说图更有利于建立空间观念.重点是“几何符号语言掌握和运用”,要始终如一地加强几何符号语言的学习和准确运用.难点是线段和角的知识中涉及“分类讨论”的问题的解决,这主要是因为学生刚刚接触这种数学思想,比较难适应.

4. 在教学中严格落实“减负”


篇5:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版


2.学会从对话中获取对方的基本信息(询问他人姓名)。.Language points(语言点)

1.要求掌握以下句式:What’s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is „„

2.要求掌握下列词汇:his, and, her, question, answer, look 3.语法:了解缩略形式What is=What’s,I am = I’m等;初步了解代词my,your,his,her的用法(此知识可在今后学习中进一步巩固)。Difficulties:(难点):代词my,your,his,her的用法。



the the Teaching steps(教学步骤)

1.Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Sing ABC song1

(2)Greeting(Say hello between the teacher and the Ss)(3)Review introduction T: Good morning.I’m Diana.2 What’s your name? S: I’m Xu Dong./My name is„ Nice to meet you.T: Nice to meet you ,too.2.Presentation(呈现新知识)

T: Boys and girls,let’s play a guessing game, “What’s his/her name?” 3 OK?

famous persons, let

them guess the names of these persons using:

His name /Her name is „„4 I his/her is„5 Is

think name by






1. 为活跃英语课堂氛围而进行的活动。


3.从guessing game中引出What’s his/her name? His/Her name is„„。让学生利用名人的图片来进行猜测,熟练新的句式。4.板书What’s his/her name? His/Her name is„„

5.对有能力的同学,鼓励使用更多的句式来表达。Is he/she„? I think he/she is„ I think his/her name is„„




3.Summary(short forms)My name’s ______.Your name’s _______.His name’s _______.Her name’s ________.6 4.Work on 2a(完成P2-2a)

T: Now, look.at the pictures on P2, listen to the four conversations.Just listen.(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.)Then, listen to the recording again, and number the pictures.Check the answers.5.Work on 2b(完成P2-2b)

Listen again.Circle the names you hear.The first name is done for you.Play the recording.Students listen and circle the names they hear.Then check the answers.7 6.Listen and repeat(听音跟读)

T: Now let’s listen to the tape and repeat.Please try to read like the tape.8

7.Work on 2c(完成P2-2c)

T: Suppose you are new students in No.1 Middle School.You are from different countries.You meet for the first time.Make up a dialogue in pairs.9

8.Grammar focus(老师用中文总结这两天所学的语法点)



专心 T:这两天学习了自我介绍、认识新朋友、问候的句型。

My name is „„ I’m „„

What’s his/her name?

Nice to meet you.回答


your/his/her name? 的答语用: My/His/Her name


:What’s=What is



name’s=name is10


篇6:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版

I. Teaching content: Section A 1a-1c

II. Teaching aims and demands:

1. knowledge objectives:

1) Key vocabulary:

much, How much…, sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar.

2).Target language:

How much is the blue T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How much are these socks? They are two dollars.

Can I help you? Here you are. I’ll take it/them.

2. Ability objectives: Encourage students learn to ask and answer the price of the things.

3. Emotion objectives: To cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction. It’s not polite to ask the price of others’ things and incomes.

III. Teaching and learning methods: guiding for learning.

IV. Teaching aids: multi-media

V. Key Points:

How much questions

VI. Difficulties:

The names of different clothes. Demonstrates this, that, these, those.

VII. Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead in

Good morning, everyone. How are you today? (Fine) At the beginning of our class, I want you to look at some funny pictures. Ok, do you know what’s in their hands. ( money) Read after me.

Step 2: While teaching

A. Now, look, I have some money. Let’s see how much are they? How much is it? ( It’s 1 yuan.) How much is it? (It’s 5 yuan.) Look at this one, do you know which country the money belongs to? (America) How much is it? (It’s 1 dollar) How much is it? (It’s 5 dollars) Good! So look, what’s the difference between yuan and dollar? (yuan doesn’t have plural form but dollar has.)

B. Flashcards


T: What’s this in English?

S:Skirt/ 裙子。

T:Read after me. How much is it?

S: It’s 3 dollars.


C. some of the difficult words we have learnt just now. (sweater, T-shirt, shirt )

Practice: practice the target sentences with singular words.

a. use 2 pictures( T ask, Ss answer; Ss ask, T answer)

b. pairwork. (use the singular words to make sentences)

D. some new words (trousers, shoes, shorts and socks)

Practice: practice the target sentences with plural words.

a. use 2 pictures( T ask, Ss answer; Ss ask, T answer)

b. pairwork. (use the plural words to make sentences)

E. Guessing game. ( competition between boys and girls)

The first two pictures with 2 prices to choose. The next 2 pictures with half of the price covered. The next 3 pictures with a range of price in it.

F. Conversation

Role-play the conversation between shop assistant and customs.

A: Hello, can I help you?

B: Yes, I want ...

A: what color?

B: ...

A: How much is the

B: It’s/ They’re ...

VIII. Summary

Do you remember what we have learnt today? We have learnt some words about clothes. They are... We also learnt How much question. How much is... and How much are...

Ⅸ.: Homework:

Recite the new words on p37

X. Blackboard Design

Unit 7 How much are these socks?

A: Hello, can I help you?

B: Yes, I want ...

A: what color?

B: ...

A: How much is the

篇7:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版

1.The sunrises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 (名词)

2.He likes dancing.他喜欢跳舞。(代词)

3.Twenty yearsis a short time in history. 二十年在历史中是个很短的时间。(数词)

4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(动名词)

5.To see is to believe. 眼见为实。(不定式)

6.What he needsis a book. 他所需要的是本书(主语从句)

二、谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。

1.We studyEnglish. 我们学习英语 2. He is asleep. 他睡着了。


1. He is a teacher.他是个老师(名词 2. Five and five is ten. 五加五等于十(数词)

3.He is asleep.他睡着了 (形容词) 4.His father is in. 他的父亲在家 (副词)

5.The picture is on the wall. 画在墙上。 (介词短语)

6.That sounds good那听起来很好。 7.Tom looks thin.汤姆看上去很瘦。

常见系动词有: be, sound(听起来),look(看起来), feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来、, feel(感觉)


1.I likeChina. 我喜欢中国。(名词) 2.You can helpme.你能帮助我。(代词)

3.How many do you need? We needtwo. 你们需要多少?我们需要两个。(数词)

4. I like playing soccer. 我喜欢踢足球。 (动名词)

5.I want to have an apple.我想要吃个苹果。 (不定式)

6.Did you write down what he said? 你写下他所说的话了吗?(宾语从句)


Tom’s mother buy him some books. 汤姆的妈妈给他买了一些书。

篇8:七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 teaching plan》教案 人教新目标版


明德中学 “三生”理念 ( 生命教育、生活教育和生态教育) 是在新一轮课程改革背景下引进的。其主旨是减负增效, 打造高效课堂。“中小学生命教育的理论和实践研究”首席专家肖川教授认为:“生命教育”作为教育的价值追求, 作为真正人道的教育, 其目的是帮助学生更好的理解生命的意义, 确立生命尊严的意识, 高扬生命的价值, 使他们能拥有一个美好的人生。1生活教育即从生活中学习, 教育在生活中进行。生态教育是指教育中的教师、学生、教学内容以及教学资源等各因素应该像自然界的生态系统一样, 相互联系、相互依存、相互作用, 最终实现人与人、人与自然以及人与社会的全面和谐、可持续发展的教育。

所谓英语 “三生课堂”, 是指让英语课堂 “生命化、生活化和生态化”。“三生课堂”要求老师关注学生个体的 “生命、生活、生态”, 创设优质高效课堂。要打造英语 “三生课堂”教师应明确学生才是学习的主体, 把课堂还给学生, 让学生自主学习、自主探究、自主发展、让教学结果自然生成, 从而提高课堂效率。下面笔者以 《人教版新目标七年级英语下册》为例, 分析如何有效实现英语 “三生课堂”。

1. 让学生自主, 打造生命化课堂

英语 “三生课堂”以学生终身发展、全面发展为本, 为学生的终身发展和幸福奠基。这就要求我们教师尊重每一个学生, 把自主性还给学生, 让每一朵花都能绽放。要营造出富有生命力的英语课堂氛围, 教师在设置教学环节时要难度适宜, 跳一跳就能够得着的目标才是适合学生的, 否则将大大挫伤学生的积极性, 让课堂沉闷无聊。以记英语单词为例, 很多学生畏难不愿记单词, 为此笔者将每单元单词按10个一组分配, 每天记10个, 大大降低了难度, 第二天课前笔者将花5分钟时间以学习小组为单位口头抽查单词记忆情况。每个学生抽查一个单词, 全对的小组可以加分。因为第一天回家抄写并默写了这10个单词, 第二天他们通常都很有信心来回答单词。学生们总是抢着预约第二天的单词抽查名单。再比如默写单词, 笔者先前一次默写一个单元, 学生得满分者甚少, 后来笔者把一个单元分两次默写, 全对者比先前多了, 学生也更喜欢默单词了。所以教师在设置任务时要充分考虑学生的水平, 布置难度适宜的练习, 这样效果或许更好。

2. 教育从生活中来, 到生活中去, 使学习生活化

陶行知先生说, “生活即教育, 在生活里找教育, 为生活而教育”, 这要求我们备课时不是从教材、教参出发, 而是从学生的生活实际出发, 课堂以生活为本。在讲授Unit 8 Is there a post office near here时, 笔者就先搜集了部分学生家庭附近的建筑物, 在课堂活动 “ A guessing game”中, 选择一些学生上讲台来, 其他学生猜测 “Is there a/an…near your home?”, 因为这些建筑物来自学生身边, 所以学生们积极性很高, 他们想知道自己同学家附近有些什么建筑物, 而那些上台的学生也很希望与大家分享自己家旁边有何种建筑物。再比如在讲授Unit 9 What does he look like? 时, 笔者预先搜集了学生家长的一些照片并设置了一个孩子用英语描述自己父母的长相的环节, 再出其不意地放出孩子们父母的照片, 家长的参与让孩子对本堂课印象十分深刻。当笔者问孩子们: “Do you love your mother / father?” 和 “I think your mother is the most beautiful woman /your father is the most handsome man” 时, 孩子们都给予了肯定回答。这样的环节取材于孩子们的生活, 同时还渗透着浓浓的亲情教育。

3. 小组合作, 人人参与, 教师巧设问题, 打造生态化的课堂

英语 “三生课堂”强调小组合作, 共同参与。生态化英语课堂强调把教学各要素看成一个教学的生态系统, 以实现教师和学生共同和谐发展。教师着眼于学生整体, 让学生小组合作探究问题, 自然生成。以Unit 4 Don’t eat in class为例, 这个单元重点是谈论规则, 笔者设置了一个环节, 小组合作为本班制定班规, 同时选出最酷班规。孩子们分组合作, 讨论热烈。最后纷纷要求展示自己小组制定的班规。再比如英语写作, 传统写作模式中老师把题目给定, 对题目做点简单分析, 让学生独立完成, 结果是一些学生总觉得无话可写。笔者的做法是对于一些难度较大的作文, 采取合作学习模式, 大家集思广益, 共同探讨完成作文。在这种模式下, 平时不爱写作文的学生在其他同学的带领下纷纷提出自己的观点或看法, 每个小组成员都会或多或少地贡献自己的力量。以小组合作形式写出文章, 再以小组合作的方式互相批改作文, 最后老师总结。随着合作机会的增多, 学生们的互帮互助意识增强了, 团队感也增强了。写作变得有趣味性了。要打造生态化课堂, 作为课堂组织者, 引领者的老师也要善于设置问题。

“三生”英语课堂要求老师以培养学生将来的生存能力为目标更加用心地去备课, 让自己的课堂符合基本的认知规律和教学规律, 不能破坏学生自然的生长过程, 让每一朵花都自然地开放。




[3]汪小红, 刘忠政.论中学英语课堂教学的生态化[J]贵州师范学院学报2014 (11)
