




1.International Tourism and Culture Festival国际旅游文


2.China International Travel Service中国国际旅行社 3.ecotourism 4.cultural tourism

5.ethnic tourism民族游 6.tourism destination

7.tourist receiving country旅游接待国 8.cultural heritage文化遗产 9.itinerary行程安排 10.eco-park生态园 11.theme park主题公园 12.aquarium水族馆 13.holiday resort度假村

14.tourist attraction/ scenic spot

15.natural splendor/ attraction自然景观 16.landscape of lakes and hills湖光山色 17.picturesque views景色如画

18.lakeside rocks and rockeries湖石假山

19.beautiful mountains and clear waters上清水秀 20.garden architecture 园林建筑

21.famous Buddhist mountain 佛教名山 22.World Tourism Day世界旅游日

23.world Tourism Organization世界旅游组织 24.Tourism Administration旅游局

25.low season <> peak season<> regular season淡季

26.state-list famous historical and culture cities国家级历史


27.tourist association 旅游协会

28.World Tourism Day(Sept 27)世界旅游日 29.to tap tourist resources开发旅游资源 30.market promotion市场开发

31.a bright future for development广阔的发展前景

32.the locomotive role of the tourism industry旅游业的带


33.to give an impetus to the local social development 带动 34.the construction of coordinated/ supporting development


35.the long holidays of National Day十一长假 36.a rich splendid culture丰富的文化 37.registered/licensed guide持证导游 38.local/ national guide地陪/全陪

39.to demand/acquire kickbacks/ commissions获得回扣 40.to lodge complaints投诉

41.letter of complaints/ appreciation感谢信 42.brochure手册

43.convalescence tour疗养旅游44.spring outing春游 45.quotation报价 46.to wire the funds to our account汇钱

47.cost of accommodation, meals, transportation,sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and a round-trip international airfare 48.Single room单人间

49.to apply for / claim a refund申请退款

50.to streamline the entry and exit process 简化手续 51.the deposit will be returned退还定金 52.stopover中途停留

53.service charge手续费/退票费 54.boarding pass登记牌

55.hand/ carry-on/ cabin baggage手提行李 56.excess baggage charges行李超重费 57.safety inspection安检

58.restricted articles严禁携带物品 59.lethal weapon凶器 60.life vest救生衣

61.limousine:接送旅客的大型轿车 62.star-grade hotels星级饭店 63.youth hostel青年旅馆

64.accommodate sb at the Holiday Inn安排在…下榻 65.to go through the registration procedure办理登记手续 66.to be 40 percent off打六折

67.IDD/DDD(international/ domestic direct dial)国际直拨 68.breakfast buffet

69.catering culture饮食文化

70.the four major cuisines/ schools of China四大菜系 71.haunting/ stunning/ breathtaking/ intriguing landscape 72.a paradise on earth人间天堂 73.exotic异域风情

74.the Huangguoshu Falls 75.The Three Gorges

76.a bird’s eye view of the city

77.a cruise on the Lijiang rive 漓江游 78.the State of Sakyamuni施加穆尼雕像 79.the Water Sprinkling Festival泼水节 80.sun-drenched beaches充满阳光的海滩 81.the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve82.natural botanic garden

83.The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

84.Qin Dynasty Terracotta Warriors and Horses85.the State Bureau of Cultural Relics国家文物局 86.archaeological discoveries 87.waterside pavilion水榭 88.to buy souvenirs

89.lacquer ware and wickerwork 90.clay figurine泥塑

91.scroll of calligraphy and painting字画卷轴

92.the four treasures of the Chinese study(a writing brush,an ink stick, an ink stone and paper)文房四宝


the World Heritage Committee of the UNESCO(united nations educational scientific and cultural organization)《世界旅游业职业道德规范》 the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism 世界旅游日(9月27日)World Tourism Day 承认不同的文化特性 to recognize cultural identities 在世界各国人民之间分享不同的思想与经历 to share ideas and experiences between the peoples of the world 著名的“丝绸之路”文化旅游专线 cultural itinerary known as the Silk Road 确保旅游业可持续、负责任、重道德地向前发展to ensure that tourism develops in a sustainable, responsible and ethical way 旅游业 the tourist/ travel industry/ trade/ sector, tourism 综合性很强的产业 a highly comprehensive industry 作为第三产业的重点as the top priority of the tertiary industry 开发旅游资源to tap tourist resources 客源输出国 tourist-generating country 市场促销 market promotion 产品开发product development 广阔的发展前景 a bright future for development 推动有条件的地区加快发展旅游业

to push areas which have the right conditions to accelerate the development of their tourism industry 旅游业的关联带动作用 the locomotive role of the tourism industry 带动当地的经济社会发展to give an impetus to the local social and economic development 配套设施建设the construction of coordinated/ supporting facilities 制定相应的扶持政策 formulate corresponding support policies 春节、国庆长假 the long holidays of Spring Festival and National Day 丰富多彩的灿烂文化 a rich splendid culture 中国历史悠久、山川壮丽、民俗奇异、旅游资源十分丰富

China has a long history, splendid scenery and fantastical folk customs, which bring rich tourist resources.中国有27个名胜古迹被列入联合国教科文组织的文化遗产录

China has 27 scenic spots that are on the list of world heritages of the UNESCO 国际旅游市场international tourist market 人类从茹毛饮血到田园农耕,从产业时代到信息社会,历尽沧桑。

From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless hardships.人类创造的巨大的物质财富和灿烂的精神文明,构成了社会发展进程中波澜壮阔的文明史图,形成了浩如烟海、博大精深的文明乐章。

The massive material wealth and splendid civilizations crated by mankind constitute a magnificent scenery of the history of civilizations in the course of social development and a resounding and profound musical movement of civilizations.亚洲文明是世界闻名的奇葩,历史悠久,辉煌灿烂。

With their long and brilliant history, Asian civilizations are glimmering like beautiful flowers in the garden of world civilization.在农耕、掘井、开渠、冶炼、天文、医学等领域。

In agro-farming, well-digging, canal-building, smelting, astronomy, medical science and other fields.中国古代的睿智贤哲提倡“四海之内皆兄弟”,“和为贵”、“海纳百川”等四项主张,对中华文明与其他文明间的交流和融合产生着重要影响。

Ideas advocated by ancient Chinese philosophers, the wise and able, such as “all men under heaven are brothers”, “harmony is the most precious” and “the ocean accommodates all rivers on earth”, remains highly influential in the exchange and integration among the Chinese civilization and other civilizations.不同文明间对话、交流、融合是历史发展的必然趋势,也是文明本身自我完善、延续发展的要求。

Dialogue, exchanges and integration among different civilizations, as the natural trend of historical development, are the requisites for the self-improvement and continued development of civilizations.化解积怨、捐弃前嫌

To eliminate one’s feuds to bring about reconciliation.世界是丰富多彩的,“物之不齐,物之性也”。

The world is indeed colorful.As a Chinese saying goes, “it is the law of nature that objects are different” 应该坚持各种文明取长补短、兼容并蓄。

It is essential to advocate mutual leaning and integration among civilizations.只有取其精髓、去其糟粕,扬长避短,相互借鉴,才能促进共同发展和共同进步。

Only by discarding the dross and assimilating the essence, fostering strengths to make up for weaknesses and mutual learning will it be possible to promote common development and progress.About travel agency 旅行社travel agency/ service 旅游公司 tourist company 中国国际旅行社 the China International Travel Service(CITS)中国旅行社 the China Travel Service 中国青年旅行社 the China Youth Travel Service 观光与度假相结合 to combine sightseeing with holiday-making 地方/全程导游;地/全陪 local/national guide 注册/持证导游registered/ licensed guide 索取回扣/佣金to demand /acquire kickbacks/ commissions 提高导游的素质和服务水平to improve the professional competence and service quality of guides 旅行团领队tour escort/ director 团队/包价旅游group/package tour 个人旅游individual travel 专向/特色旅游special interest program/tour 专业/职业旅游 professional tours 学习/学术/奖励旅游;生态旅游 study/academic / incentive tour;eco-tour 文华/蜜月/辽阳/商务旅游 cultural/ honeymoon/ convalescence/business tour 春游 spring outing 旅游价格tour price 报价quotation 报名交费 to sign up and pay the expenses 旅行团来华前应将费用全部付清,否则,预定的团组特作自动取消论处。

The balance of payment should be settled before departure.Otherwise, the reservation will be automatically released.“食、住、行、游、购、娱”一条龙的旅游服务体系 an integrated/ comprehensive service system for tourism covering dining, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment 各项旅游的报价均含游客在旅游过所需的一切费用。The quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country.包括住宿费、膳食费、交通费、游览费、导游费、机场离境税以及往返国际机票。This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and a round-trip international airfare.旅行者没有结束旅行离团时,扣除部分费用和旅行社的损失费后,将余款退还给旅行者。

A refund may be made to the tour member for the uncompleted part of the tour after making due deductions of expenses and damages incurred by the travel service.旅行者离团单独活动时所用交通费用自理。

Tour members arriving or departing independently outside group arrangements are responsible for their own transportation.单间一般没有。Single rooms are generally not available.负责由此而产生的一切额外费用。To be responsible for all additional costs incurred.待确认后费用全部付清。Full payment is due upon our confirmation.申请/要求退款 to apply for / claim a refund 退款政策 refund policy 全部退款 a full refund will be made 预定金马上退还给你the deposit will be returned to you immediately.Traveling by air 出境时,旅行者需支付机场税。Airport tax must be paid by the tour members at the time of departure.简化外国人出入境手续

to streamline the entry and exit process/procedures for foreigners 持美国护照 to hold an American passport 发放/获得/办理签证 to grant/ obtain/ process visa 头等舱;经济舱 first /business class;economy class 旺/平/淡季 peak/ regular /low season 正常/淡季/夜航票价

regular/normal/off-season/ night fares 中国国家民用航空总局 the State General Administration of Civil Aviation(CAAC)定期航班 scheduled flights/ departures 班期更改,恕不预告schedules are subject to change without notice.中途停留To stop over;stopover 续程联结飞机Onward connecting flight 旅客接送服务台Transfer desk 登机证Boarding pass 乘机/旅客联Flight/passenger coupon 手提行李Hand/carry-on/cabin baggage 免费行李额Free Baggage Allowance 行李超重费Excess baggage charges 行李票/证Baggage check /ticket 安全检查Safety inspection 严禁携带的物品Restricted articles 凶器Lethal weapon 易燃、易爆、腐蚀、有毒、放射性物质、可聚合物质、磁性物质

Inflammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous, radioactive, polymerizable and magnetized materials 机密文件和资料Classified papers and confidential documents 救生衣Life vest 安全带Seat/safety belt 机场接送车Limousine

Car rental 汽车出租Car rental 行驶里程不限Unlimited mileage 基价公里Minimum mileage 起租/等候/超时费Drop/waiting/overtime charge 3 空驶费No-occupancy surcharge

Accommodation 豪华/旅游酒店Deluxe/tourist hotel 星级酒店Star-grade hotels 老年公寓、招待所pension and hostel 青年旅馆Youth hostel平房/廉价旅馆Bungalow/budget hotel 夫妻旅店Mon-and-pop hotel 把… 安排在假日酒店下榻To put …up/ accommodate … at the Holiday Inn 地理位置优越、交通方便With an ideal location and easy transportation 地址适中Centrally located 所有费用由公司报销/负担The company will pay/bear/cover all the expenses.旅馆大堂Hotel lobby 入/离店手续;住房登记/退房手续Check-in/check-out 办理登记手续To go through the registration procedure 旅馆登记表Hotel registration form 总统/经理套房Presidential/ executive suite 蜜月/家庭套房Honeymoon/family suite 房价Room charge 打六折To get a 40 percent discount;to be 40 percent off 标准间/房价Standard room/rate 自动记账Auto-billing 旅行支票Traveler’s check

用现金或信用卡支付To pay by cash or credit 现金支付机Cash dispenser 自动取款机Automatic teller machine(ATM)带两张单人床的双人房Double room with twin beds 加床Extra bed 客房家具精致Tastefully furnished rooms and suites 赠送/免费饮料Complimentary drinks 客房出租率Room occupancy rate 顾客满意率Customer satisfaction rate for a hotel 销售部Sales and marketing department 业务范围Scope of business 设备齐全的商务中心Fully equipped business center 国际/国内直拨电话IDD/DDD(international/ domestic direct dial)集住宿、餐饮、娱乐、健身、商务和会务于一体

With a complete service of accommodation, catering, entertainment, body-building, and business and convention facilities 宾馆提供各种便利服务项目,其中包括出租车联系、机票和火车票预订、外币兑换、国际电话直拨、因特网使用等。

The hotel provides comprehensive services such as taxi arrangement, airline and train ticket booking, money exchange, international direct dial telephone and Internet service.提供衣服洗熨、美容美发、桑拿沐浴、按摩推拿等服务。

To provide laundry service, a beauty parlor, a sauna bath and a health service with medical massage.叫醒客人服务 wake-up service 各种娱乐设施一应俱全 to be complete with all entertainment and recreational amenities 4 卡拉OK歌舞厅 ballroom equipped with Karaoke facilities 健身房和娱乐中心 gym and recreational center 健身中心fitness center 桌球房、保龄球场合迷你高尔夫球场 billiard room, bowling alleys and mini-golf course 网球场、游泳池和溜冰场 tennis court, swimming pool and skating rink 矿泉浴和水力按摩浴spa and Jacuzzi

Food 饮食业Catering industry/ culture 中国的烹饪 Chinese cuisine基本的烹饪方法 basic ways of cooking 分为四个菜系,即北方菜、四川菜、江浙菜和南方菜。

To be classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School.因为中国的北方气候寒冷,所以各种菜式选用含卡路里较高的用料,以保证足够的热量。Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate 麻辣 spicy ad hot鲜嫩可口 tender and juicy 馋涎欲滴(of the mouth)to start watering 盛产各种鱼虾海味 a great variety of dishes from the sea, rivers and lakes 美食家 gourmet 旋转餐厅Revolving restaurant 自助正餐/早餐Dinner/breakfast buffet 饮食习惯/方式Food habits/styles 中餐烹饪的独特艺术The distinctive Chinese culinary art 享有“烹饪王国”之美誉To enjoy a world-wide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine” 中国四大菜系The four major/well-known cuisines/ schools of China 南淡北咸,东甜西辣The light southern(Canton)cuisine, and the salty northern(Shandong)cuisine;the sweet eastern(Yangzhou)cuisine, and the spicy western(Sichuan)cuisine 鲁菜通常较咸,汁色普遍较淡Shangdong cuisine is generally salty, with a prevalence of light-colored sauces.鲁菜注重选料精于刀功,善于炊技

Shangdong dishes feature choice of ingredients/ materials, adept technique in slicing and prefect cooking skills.川菜选料范围大,调味及炊技变化多样

Sichuan cuisine features a wide range of ingredients, various seasonings and different cooking techniques.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著称。

Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot.粤菜强调轻炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.扬州菜注重选料的原汁原味。Yangzhou cuisine emphasizes the original flavors of well-chosen materials.注意选料To select ingredients carefully;careful selection of ingredients 食物的质地The texture of food 中餐烹调所有的天然配料,品种繁多,几无穷尽;烹调方法,也层出不穷,不可悉数

Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/ cooking 评判中餐菜肴优劣的三大要素是“色、香、味”。

The three essential factors or key elements for judging Chinese cooking are known as “color, aroma and taste”.菜肴的装盘、摆放和图案The layout and design of the dishes 选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤地细心协调

The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table.佐料的调配The blending of seasonings 调味艺术The art of proper seasoning 味精Gourmet powder;monosodium glutamate 鸡精Essence of chicken;chicken essence 生姜/醋/酱油/黄酒/番茄酱Ginger/vinegar/ soy sauce/yellow rice wine/ tomato sauce 厨师Chef 菜刀/刀板/铁锅Kitchen knife/ cutting board / wok 刀功Slicing technique 烹饪餐具Cooking utensil 消毒To pasteurize /sterilize 食/菜谱Recipe/menu 各种帮派的民族风味餐 various ethnic foods 真宗的清真/回民菜authentic Muslim/ Halal food 家乡/地方风味 local flavor/ cuisine/ food 馒头、油条、大饼、平煎薄饼 steamed bread/bun, twisted cruller, bannock and pancake 豆浆/豆腐脑/方便面 soybean milk/ bean curd jelly/ instant noodles 米饭/叉烧炒饭/炒饭/蛋炒饭 steamed rice/ roast pork rice/ fried rice/ egg fried rice 小米粥/绿豆粥/芝麻汤圆millet congee/ congee with green beans/ sweet rice balls with soup 炒面/ 汤面/米线 stir-fried noodles/ soup noodles/ rice noodles 不含防腐剂free of preservative;to contain no preservative;preservative-free 备受青睐 to enjoy popularity;to be popular 您想点菜吗?Are you ready to order, sir? 贵店有什么特色菜? May I know your house special? 特色/招牌菜 specialty 药膳medicated diet;health food 两道冷菜、两道热菜、外加汤和米饭 two courses of cold dishes and two courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice.中餐先上冷盘,而西餐先上汤 A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes whereas a Western dinner starts with a soup.请尝尝我的拿手菜。Would you like to try my special recipe? 沏/泡/品/喝茶to make /brew /sip/ drink tea 浓/淡/绿/红/茉莉花/菊花/玫瑰花茶strong/ weak/ green/ black/ jasmine/ chrysanthemum/ rose tea 中国人又在正月十五晚上吃元宵、赏花灯的习俗 The Chinese have the custom of eating yuanxiao(sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour)and watching festive lanterns on the fifteenth evening of the first lunar month.Tourist attraction

丰富的旅游资源 rich/ abundant tourist resources 旅游景点/胜地 tourist attraction/ lure/ destination;scenic spot 风景点和旅游专线 scenic spots and special itineraries 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 地方志 local chronicles;annals of local history 文化载体 cultural carrier 自然景观 natural beauty/ attraction 人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage 把自然景观和人文景观完美地融为一体 a combination of natural scenery and cultural heritage;a perfect example of the kind of resort 6 that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage 中国传统文化与世界新潮完美结合的典范

a perfect combination of the traditional Chinese culture and the world’s fads and fashion 神话传说 fairy tales and folklore 天象

natural/ astronomical phenomena 国家级度假胜地 national holiday resort 避暑胜地summer resort 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 难以忘怀的风景haunting landscape 惊人的自然景色stunning natural beauty 令人流连忘返 to be reluctant to leave, to linger on 世外桃源 a paradise on earth;an earthly paradise 湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills/ mountains 景色如画 picturesque(views)熙熙攘攘/川流不息 seething/ onrushing 精巧绝伦 exquisite

美不胜收 breathtaking/intriguing 令人眼花缭乱 dazzling迷人的enchanting/ charming 带有异国情调/风味的exotic 湖石假山lakeside rocks and rockeries 园林建筑 garden architecture

独具匠心 original/ ingenious/ creative 工艺精湛 Exquisite workmanship 这里地势起伏,花木葱茏,环境幽静,建筑别致 Peaceful and secluded, this undulating terrain is covered with lush trees and beautiful flowers.The houses here are of unique architectural styles.两者交相辉映,美不胜收 The two categories of scenic spots complement each other and are really captivating.公园景色与庭院建筑珠联璧合,相映成趣。

The buildings and the enchanting gardens are built in harmony, each representing a beautiful ornament to the other.这一古建筑群集中代表了我国唐朝时期的建筑风格。

This ancient architectural complex fully represents the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty.它历史悠久,可以追溯到汉朝时期

It has a long history dating back to the Han dynasty.奇松、怪石、云海和温泉 rare pines, exotic stones, a sea of cloud and hot springs 传奇式的长城 the legendary Great Wall 神话般的丝绸之路the fabled Silk Road 京杭大运河the ancient Grand Canal 黄果树瀑布the Huangguoshu Falls 三峡(瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡)the Three Gorges(the Qutang Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge)鬼城丰都Fengdu, known as the “Ghost City” 漓江游 a cruise on the Lijiang River 桂林山水甲天下 The landscape of Guilin tops those elsewhere

上有天堂,下有苏杭 Up above there is a paradise, down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.山外有山,景外有景,无限风光 endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery 绵延200多公里 to stretch over 200 km 7 海拔4,000米 4,000 meters above sea level 内陆边界线 inland boundaries 属...气候to enjoy … Climate


购买旅游纪念品 to buy souvenirs 拼命购物 shopping spree 抢购 panic buying 工艺品摊点 arts and crafts stalls 手工艺品 handicrafts/ artifact 古玩店 antique/ curio shop 金石印章 metal and stone seals 木/竹/贝雕wood/ bamboo/ shell carving 漆器、藤条制品 lacquer ware and wickerwork 唐三彩 trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝、青瓷和陶瓷 cloisonné, celadon and ceramics 陶器 earthenware/ pottery 瓷釉/珐琅 enamel 玛瑙、琥珀、水晶、钻石、玳瑁和翡翠 agate, amber, crystal, diamond, tortoise shell and green jade 墨/青/碧/白/黄/纹玉 black/ hard/jasper/ white/ yellow/ veined jade 红宝石、蓝宝石、子母绿宝石、戒指、珍珠和坠子ruby, sapphire, emerald, ring, pearl and pendant 项链、手镯、耳环、发卡/饰和别针 necklace, bracelet, earring/eardrop, hair pin/ ornament and brooch 彩蛋、书签和钥匙链 painted egg shell, book mark and key holder 泥塑 clay figurine 字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting

国画、山水画和水墨画 traditional Chinese painting, landscape painting and ink painting





1. 在课堂中营造商务环境


例如:模仿晚宴聚会(Dinner Party),在这个场景中需要的角色大致分为两方,即主、客双方,因此在晚宴中还要了解中西方餐饮礼仪细节,如中方是主方,侧重点是要向客方介绍中餐特色,如相关的菜肴名称,如:糖醋鱼Sweetand-Sour Fish;红烧牛肉Braised Beef in Brown Sauce。同时也要适当注意客方的用餐礼仪,让客人感觉亲切自在。假如客方是来自英国,那么就主方而言,要主动去了解对方的风俗习惯,既要显得热情,也不能让人觉得过分。以这种方式在口译课堂中去训练学生,不仅是给学生空间去创造,也是在心理上让他们去主动靠近角色,进入状态,身临其境之后,对于里面的细节就能融会贯通,而且影响深刻。

2. 根据商务口译课程本身的需要,适当扩展课本上的内容

在口译实践环节中(interpreting practice)可以将知识扩充,增加口译实践的机会。例如让学生在课堂上参与到练习中,由一个学生提供一段大家都感兴趣的文字,让其他学生在接收到信息后转化成目的语,内容相对要广泛得多,其中出现的关键词也可以集体讲解,以增强印象。长期训练,词汇的掌握也会逐渐提高。对于参与形式,建议采用同声传译,只是难度适当降低,目的是让学生习惯这种训练模式,对中间出现的重难点有印象,方便积累。

3. 可以将未来可能从事的职业加入考虑范围,根据岗位需要来有针对性地让学生熟悉该领域相关词汇用语


例如:模仿旅行社,由导游介绍一条旅游线路的风景。那么在具体内容中要包含该旅游线路的景点名称,这也是难点所在。如丝绸之路“Silk Road”的介绍,它穿越陕西、甘肃境内的河西走廊(Hexi Corridor)、新疆的塔里木盆地(Tarim Basin)、帕米尔山区(Pamirs Mountain Region)、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克以及叙利亚,最后抵达地中海中岸。其间旅客将游览敦煌石窟(the Dunhuang Caves)。










【关键词】旅游翻译 接受美学 汉英差异






1.汉语重意合,英语重形合。英语较汉语更注重形合,将词的变化形式和词汇的衔接作为基本的语言组织手段; 而汉语更加注重意合,依仗意义,即内在的逻辑关系作为组织语言的手段。形合和意合往往并存于一种语言中,但二者的作用总是各有侧重。“汉语里多用意合法,连接成分并非必需;西方多用形合法,连接成分在大多数情况下属不可缺少的”。本口译过程中,作者很好的把握了汉英意合形合的区别,尽量使译文符合汉语表达习惯,例如:

(1)That was the best thing anyone could ever have for the brain to remember.


(2)These whales are cousins of the ones that the Japanese are hunting.


(3)You dont realize how hard can be to walk along unstable still lines until you get up here.


上面的三个英语句子用了诸如“for”、“to”、“of”等介词连接,第三个句子甚至用了从句,这就是英语形合的表现。但是作者翻译的时候并没有把每个词都翻译出来,例如“for the brain”并没有翻译成“对大脑来说”。由此可见汉语更注重句子的逻辑关系,而不是句子形式,相较汉语,英语则更注重句子的形式和构成方式,通过连词介词等将各成分连接起来。译者翻译这样的句子时要充分考虑到译语读者的期待视野,将英语句子的逻辑关系表达清楚才能满足读者的期待。


(4)Absolutely,any wild animal comes into us gets released.


(5)Its very important the resorts ensure the surrounding wildlife is not affected and ways of travelers do not interfere.






[1]Jauss,H.R.Toward the Aesthetic of Reception[M].Minnesota:The University of Minnesota.1983.



Regulatory mechanism 法规机制

The threshold of our transition into the new millennium跨越新千年的门槛

UNCHS (United Nations Center for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心

Urban residents 城市居民

Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市

把…列为重要内容place as the priority

不放松工作never neglect the work外语学习网

节约用水 water conservation

对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on

节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation

使…取得预期效果attain the results expected

授予…光荣称号 confer honorable awards on

为…而奋斗strive for

严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage

有关单位units concerned

与…比有差距compared with ……,there is still some way to go

预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success

开源与节流并重broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure

对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade

国内生产总值National Gross Products

欢聚一堂merrily gather

活跃的经济带vigorous economic region

基础雄厚solid foundation

留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression

盛世the grand occasion


开幕式 opening ceremony/inauguration 开幕致辞 opening address 在。。之际 at a。。moment

具有十分重要的意义 be of great significance/be highly meaningful

不需此行 a rewarding trip 场合,时刻 occasion

趁此机会 take this opportunity

给。。的历史增加了新的一页 add a new page to the history of 共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面 1work together to open a new chapter in China-US trade and economic cooperation 2work together to expand the horizon of trade and economic cooperation between China and US 供给。。住宿,招待,为。。安排(在。。)下榻 to accommodate 贵宾,佳宾 distinguished guest 欢迎仪式 welcoming ceremony 冷餐接待会 buffet reception 前所未有的 unprecedented 热情欢迎 warm welcome 热情接待 warm reception

盛情款待 generous hospitality/warm reception 盛情邀请 gracious invitation/kind invitation 无与伦比的热情好客 unequalled hospitality 应。。的邀请 at the invitation of。。

重温旧情,结交新友/会见老朋友,结交新朋友 renew old friendships and establish new contacts

回顾过去,展望未来 look back at the past and into the future 本着。。的精神 in the spirit of。。

概述 General Terms

欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome/opening/closing speech 开/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 签字仪式 signing ceremony 友好访问 goodwill visit 宣布开/闭幕 declare…open/closed

热情友好的讲话 warm and friendly speech 尊敬的 respectable/honorable 东道主 host 嘉宾 distinguished/honorable guests 值此……之际 on the occasion of

以……的名义 in the name of 全体同仁 all my colleagues 由衷的 heartfelt 荣幸地 have the honor of(doing…)

愉快地 have the pleasure(in doing…/to do…)

大洋彼岸 the other side of the ocean 友好使者 envoy of friendship 商界 business community 增进理解 promote understanding 促进合作 enhance/strengthen cooperation

符合……的共同利益 meet the common interest of 回顾过去 looking back on;in retrospect 展望未来 look into the future 最后;总之 in conclusion 提议为……干杯 propose a toast to

明/皓月当空 with a bright moon 拨冗光临 take the time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时 a wonderful time 金秋 golden autumn 祝……圆满成功 wish…a complete success

融洽的气氛 a congenial atmosphere 美妙的音乐 splendid music 热情动人的讲话 gracious and eloquent remarks 无比盛情的款待 incomparable hospitality 再叙旧情 renew one’s old friendships

结交新朋 establish new contacts 恋恋不舍 feel reluctant to part 千言万语说不尽 no words can fully express 前所未有的 unprecedented 卫生 public health;hygiene;sanitation 双边关系 bilateral relationship 剪彩 cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony 奠基礼 foundation stone laying ceremony 亲切的问候 cordial greetings 兄弟般的 fraternal

移交仪式 turning-over ceremony 开工典礼 commencement ceremony

称谓与头衔 Address and Titles

陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her Highness;Your/His/Her Excellency;Your/His/Her Royal Highness 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency 总理 premier;chancellor 首相 prime minister

医院院长 president 董事长 president;chairman 大学校长 president 中小学校长 principal;headmaster 院长;系主任 dean

总书记 general secretary 总建筑师 chief architect 总干事 secretary-general;commissioner 总监 chief inspector 总领事 consul general

副总统 vice president 副部长 vice minister 省长 governor 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow

编审 senior editor 译审 senior translator 副总经理 deputy general manager 助理教授 assistant professor 主任医师 senior doctor

代理市长 acting mayor 执行主席 executive/presiding chairman 名誉校长 honorary president 院士 academician

牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try






Ladies and Gentlemen,On this beautiful moon-lit evening, I would like to, on behalf of our Managing Director Mr.Ouyang, and all of my colleagues, express our gratitude to you for sparing time from your tight schedule at this busiest season of the year to attend our Mid-autumn festival party.We are honored to have invited some municipal officials, our business partners from New Zealand, and some veteran employees of our company.You are to enjoy the genuine traditional Chinese cuisine and wines as well as some wonderful entertainment program.At the beginning of the party, please allow me to propose a toast to prosperity of China, to our successful cooperation and to everybody’s health.Cheers!

口译分类词汇——接待 Reception

概述 General Terms

宾至如归 home away from home 不眠之夜 white night 持枪礼 rifle salute 怠慢 neglecting/slighting 当天的主宾 principal guest of the day

泛泛之交 bowing/nodding acquaintance 工友 fellow worker 化装舞会 masquerade;fancy dress ball 活动日程 itinerary;schedule 鸡尾酒餐厅 cocktail lounge

饯行 give a farewell dinner 健康证书 health certificate 接待 host;receive 接待员 receptionist 接风 give a dinner for a visitor from afar

经费担保 financial support 冷餐会 buffet reception 冷遇 cold welcome 盟友;刎颈之交 sworn friend 密友 bosom friend

牌友 card partner 外事办 foreign affairs office 喜宴 bridal dinner 校友 alumnus(男);alumna(女)

新闻界的熟人 journalistic acquaintance

野餐会 picnic party 招待 entertain 招待会 reception/entertainment party 招待所 hostel;lodging house 注目礼 eye salute

祝你胃口好!Bon appetite!

在机场 At the Airport

安全检查 security check 班车 shuttle bus 办理海关例行手续 go through customs formalities 包机 charter a plane;a chartered plane 报关 make a customs declaration

出境签证 exit visa 出租车候车处 taxi stand 到达时间 arrival time 登记卡 boarding pass 国宾 state guests

过境签证 transit visa 海关 the Customs 海关行李申报单 customs baggage declaration form 候机大厅 waiting hall 机场大楼 terminal building

旅行支票 traveler’s check 旅游签证 tourist visa 免税 duty-free 盼望已久的客人 long-awaited guest 起飞时间 departure/ take-off time

热烈拥抱 hearty embrace 入境签证 entry visa 入境手续 entry formalities 手提行李 hand baggage 双手拥抱 bear hug

随身携带行李 carry-on baggage 外币申报单 foreign currency declaration form 外交护照 diplomatic passport 往返票 round-trip ticket;return ticket 问讯处 information desk

行李标签牌 baggage tag 行李寄存处 baggage depositary 行李认领处 baggage claim 行李手推车 baggage handcart/pushcart 行李提取处 baggage/luggage claim

一次性/多次性入境签证 single-/multiple-entry visa 应纳关税物品 dutiable goods/articles 再入境签证 re-entry visa 曾用名 former name 种痘/预防接种证书 vaccination/inoculation certificate

宾馆餐厅 Hotels and Restaurants

按摩室 massage parlor 保龄球场 bowling alley 闭路电视 close-circuit television 标准间 standard room 餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan

茶道 sado 超豪华酒店 super deluxe hotel 大堂 lobby 单人间 single room 单人套房 chambers

弹子房 billiard room 迪斯科舞厅 discotheque 订房间 book a room 饭店/旅馆登记表 hotel registration form 高级套房 deluxe suite

高级夜总会 super club 公寓式饭店 apartment hotel 豪华套房 luxury suite 纪念品柜 souvenir stand 价目表 hotel tariff

健身房 gymnasium 叫人按钮 room service button 结账/退房时间 checkout time 卡拉OK厅 karaoke hall 客房服务生 chamber boy

客房女服务员 chamber maid 客满 no vacancy 山庄别墅 mountain villa 双人间 double room 未经预约的客人 walk-in guest

迎宾馆 guest house 永久地址 permanent address 预定金 reservation deposit 预付 pay in advance 总统套房 presidential suite

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上一篇:辅导班宣传方案下一篇:集团公司举办退休人员 及1988年入厂老职工新年团拜会