




Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. 第一课时: 1. Knowledge Object(1) Key Vocabulary sad, energetic, stressed out, soft (2)Target LanguageI’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic. Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out. 2. Ability Objects (1) Improve students’ listening ability. (2) Help students to express their opinion freely. 3.Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision T: Yesterday we finished Unit 12. In this unit, we learned how to tell what we are supposed to do. Now tell me some things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school. S1: We’re supposed to do our homework every day. S2: We’re supposed to raise our hands before we talk. S3: We’re supposed to come to class on time. S4: We are not supposed to be late for class. S5: We’re not supposed to eat in class. T: Very good. You’re right. From now on, we’ll learn Unit 13. Look at the following list of activities on the blackboard: parties, exams, school vacations, gym class. How do you feel about parties? Happy? Excited? Nervous? StepⅡ 1a This activity introduces new vocabulary and provides oral practice using the target language. Go through the instructions and look at the two pictures. Ask, Who can describe the interior of each restaurant? (Rockin Restaurant has red walls, ugly paintings on the walls, and loud music. The Blue Lagoon has blue walls, plants, flowers, and a piano player. ) Say, Which restaurant would you rather go to? Talk about it with your parter. Let students work in pairs, and tell each other which restaurant they would like to go to and why. When students work, go around the classroom offering help as needed. When they have finished talking to each other, call out several pairs to say their conversations to the class. Step Ⅲ 1b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Ask students to read the instructions. Look at the chart and point out the two headings: The Rockin’ Restaurant and The Blue Lagoon. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers The Rockin’ Restaurant: sad, tense The Blue Lagoon: relaxed, sleepy Notes:  1. awful――terrible; dreadful  2. energetic――full of energy Step Ⅴ Summary Step Ⅵ Homework Review the target language. Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. A: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. B: Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic. A: Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out. 第二课时 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary  tense, have fun, angry, cry. (2)Target Language Loud music makes me tense. Loud music makes me want to dance.  That movie made me sad. 2. Ability Objects (1) Train students’ listening ability. (2) Train students’ speaking ability. 3. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision Check homework. Invite a pair of students to read the conversation in Activity 1c. Then let some pairs act out their conversations according to the pictures in Activity 1a and Activity 1c. Step Ⅱ 2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation Look at the pictures. Ask, What are they doing? Please guess. (In Picture 1, two women are eating and smiling. Maybe the food is very delicious. In Picture 2, the two women are crying. Maybe they are seeing a sad movie. In Picture 3, one of the two women is very tense that because of the loud music. In Picture 4, one woman is waiting for the bus or someone. Waiting makes her angry. ) Answers The pictures should be numbered in this order: (down)3 2 4 1 Step Ⅲ 2b This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language. Go through the instructions and point to the list of statements. You will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to what each person says. Put a checkmark in front of the statements you hear. Look at the sample answer. On. the tape Tina says, Waiting for her made me angry, so a checkmark goes in front of this sentence. Play the tape again. Let students check the sentences they hear. Ask students to say the reasons why they check them. Check the answers with the class. Step Ⅳ 2c This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus



Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad. 第一课时: 1.KnowledgeObject(1)KeyVocabularysad,energetic,stressedout,soft (2)TargetLanguageI’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolistentoquietmusicwhileI’meating. Oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic. Notme!Loudmusicmakesmestressedout. 2.AbilityObjects (1)Improvestudents’listeningability. (2)Helpstudentstoexpresstheiropinionfreely. 3.TeachingProcedures StepⅠRevision T:YesterdaywefinishedUnit12.Inthisunit,welearnedhowtotellwhatwearesupposedtodo.Nowtellmesomethingsthataregoodtodoinschoolandthatarenotgoodtodoinschool. S1:We’resupposedtodoourhomeworkeveryday. S2:We’resupposedtoraiseourhandsbeforewetalk. S3:We’resupposedtocometoclassontime. S4:Wearenotsupposedtobelateforclass. S5:We’renotsupposedtoeatinclass. T:Verygood.You’reright.Fromnowon,we’lllearnUnit13.Lookatthefollowinglistofactivitiesontheblackboard:parties,exams,schoolvacations,gymclass.Howdoyoufeelaboutparties?Happy?Excited?Nervous? StepⅡ1a Thisactivityintroducesnewvocabularyandprovidesoralpracticeusingthetargetlanguage. Gothroughtheinstructionsandlookatthetwopictures.Ask,Whocandescribetheinteriorofeachrestaurant?(RockinRestauranthasredwalls,uglypaintingsonthewalls,andloudmusic.TheBlueLagoonhasbluewalls,plants,flowers,andapianoplayer.)Say,Whichrestaurantwouldyourathergoto?Talkaboutitwithyourparter. Letstudentsworkinpairs,andtelleachotherwhichrestauranttheywouldliketogotoandwhy.Whenstudentswork,goaroundtheclassroomofferinghelpasneeded.Whentheyhavefinishedtalkingtoeachother,calloutseveralpairstosaytheirconversationstotheclass. StepⅢ1b Thisactivitygivesstudentspracticeinunderstandingthetargetlanguageinspokenconversation. Askstudentstoreadtheinstructions. Lookatthechartandpointoutthetwoheadings:TheRockin’RestaurantandTheBlueLagoon. Checktheanswerswiththewholeclass. Answers TheRockin’Restaurant:sad,tense TheBlueLagoon:relaxed,sleepy Notes: 1.awful――terrible;dreadful 2.energetic――fullofenergy StepⅤSummary StepⅥHomework Reviewthetargetlanguage. StepⅦ BlackboardDesign Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad. A:I’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolistentoquietmusicwhileI’meating. B:Oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic. A:Notme!Loudmusicmakesmestressedout. 第二课时 1.KnowledgeObjects (1)KeyVocabularytense,havefun,angry,cry. (2)TargetLanguageLoudmusicmakesmetense.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance. Thatmoviemademesad. 2.AbilityObjects (1)Trainstudents’listeningability. (2)Trainstudents’speakingability. 3.TeachingProcedures StepⅠRevision Checkhomework.InviteapairofstudentstoreadtheconversationinActivity1c. ThenletsomepairsactouttheirconversationsaccordingtothepicturesinActivity1aandActivity1c. StepⅡ2a Thisactivitygivesstudentspracticeinunderstandingthetargetlanguageinspokenconversation Lookatthepictures.Ask,Whataretheydoing?Pleaseguess.(InPicture1,twowomenareeatingandsmiling.Maybethefoodisverydelicious.InPicture2,thetwowomenarecrying.Maybetheyareseeingasadmovie.InPicture3,oneofthetwowomenisverytensethatbecauseoftheloudmusic.InPicture4,onewomaniswaitingforthebusorsomeone.Waitingmakesherangry.) Answers Thepicturesshouldbenumberedinthisorder:(down)3241 StepⅢ2b Thisactivityprovidesguidedlisteningpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.Gothroughtheinstructionsandpointtothelistofstatements. Youwillhearthesamerecordingagain. Thistimelistencarefullytowhateachpersonsays.Putacheckmarkinfrontofthestatementsyouhear. Lookatthesampleanswer.On.thetapeTinasays,Waitingforhermademeangry,soacheckmarkgoesinfrontofthissentence.Playthetapeagain.Letstudentscheckthesentencestheyhear. Askstudentstosaythereasonswhytheycheckthem. Checktheanswerswiththeclass. Step Ⅳ2c Thisactivityprovidesoralpracticeusingthetargetlanguage. StepⅤGrammarFocus






阅读材料选自人教版Go for it!九年级Unit 13We Are Trying to Save The Earth Section B部分的Rethink,Reuse和Recycle。文章主要介绍了三位在节能环保方面做出杰出贡献的人物,他们凭借灵感和创造性思维把生活中司空见惯的垃圾变成实用品或工艺品的故事。






1. 通过阅读文章,学生能正确使用下列常用的词汇和表达:recycle,wooden,metal,bottle,throw...away,put sth.to good use,pull...down,upside down,bring back,能正确认读以下词汇:inspiration,iron,creativity。

2. 学生能借助文中的插图和标题,对文章内容进行合理的预测;能用略读的阅读方法,快速找出每段的段落大意;能用寻读的方法,找到文中的细节描述;能借助上下文和构词特征,猜测部分词汇的意思。

3. 通过阅读学习,学生能从中得到环保再生的灵感和启发。






Activity 1:warming-up

上课前,教师准备一些实物:破牛仔裤、饮料瓶等。在课堂上,教师向学生提问:“What are they?How do you deal with these things?But after you see something you may change your mind.”然后,教师拿出另外两样实物,分别是用破牛仔裤做的包和饮料瓶做的花瓶,然后向学生提问:“这是用什么做成的?”

【评析】课前几分钟的预热让学生很快进入学习最佳状态。通过两类实物的对比,为学生进入话题埋下伏笔,这样的设计符合学生的认知。同时,实物给学生直观的视觉冲击,创造了真实的语境。在真实的情景中处理部分词汇和表达,如rubbish,iron,bottle,throw away,put...in good use,bring back to life等。

Activity 2:predicting


1. What does the title“Rethink,Reuse,Recycle”mean in literally?

2. What do you think might be talked about in the article after reading the three pictures?



Activity 3:Choosing after Skimming


1. Please choose the way in which the passage is organized.


2. Please find the topic sentence.

【评析】教师通过自上而下的方式处理文本,有利于学生从宏观的角度把握文章的组织结构,训练学生用略读(Skimming)策略了解文章结构布局和topic sentence。文章的“总—分”结构相对明显,学生能够顺利完成第一个任务。学生了解文章的“总—分”结构后,能快速地从总起段找到中心句:Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.

Activity 4:Matching



Activity 5:Fill in the table after careful reading

细读第一个例子,完成表1,并提醒学生关注Amy Hayes的环保再生创作,同时品读文章的细节描述。


Activity 6:Finish the mind-map after careful reading

教师要求学生细读第3段,完成下面的思维导图。在完成思维导图的同时,关注动词不定时to do这一语言结构。

【评析】此项活动是对文章局部信息的理解。在阅读中,学生关注频繁出现的语言结构to do这一不定式,使学生在语用中感知语言,真正做到在用中学。

Activity 7:Answer the questions after careful reading


1.Wang Tao is known for_________________.

2.He_______makes larger pieces that look like animals and humans______small pieces that can be put at home.

3. Why does he hope to set up a“metal art”theme park?

4. What can art bring according to the last sen-tence?



Activity 8:Rethinking the meaning of the title

教师要求学生在通篇理解文章后,再次对文章标题进行挖掘和剖析。教师说:“Let’s return to the title and rethink the meaning of the title.Would you like to talk about your understanding after reading the whole passage?”引导学生对阅读做更深层次的解读,使学生对文本的理解不再局限于字面意思,鼓励学生欣赏文本的文艺性和所要传达的充满正能量的价值观,达到提升文本内涵,升华学生情感的目的。

根据学生的回答,教师以图片的形式进行最后总结(见图4)。Rethink:think again in one’s mind.Reuse:use again in one’s action.Recycle:cycle something again to get a positive result.即先有想法,然后付诸实践,最后达到良性循环,从而拯救环境,保护地球。


Activity 9:discussion




有效英语阅读教学设计必须坚持以学生为中心,以“可理解的语言输入(comprehensive input:克拉申i+1公式)”为出发点,根据学生现有的语言认知水平和生活经验(i),设计略高于现有水平的课堂教学活动(1),让学生获得最佳的学习效果(刘玉屏、孙晓明2010)。案例中的活动设计充分考虑了学生在不同阶段的认知水平和经验,设置学生“跳一跳”就能够得着的任务。比如,任务Activity 2的设计既对学生有挑战性,又不超出学生的认知水平。

有效英语阅读课堂设计,要挖掘文本的工具性和人文性,制订综合的三维教学目标,即知识能力、方法策略、情感态度和价值观(教育部2012)。案例中的每个活动都有明确的目标,且各有侧重。如Activity 4的设计既训练了学生寻读的阅读技能,又强调了学生对语言知识点的学习;Activity 8的设计凸显了文本所要传递的情感和价值观。






1. be like 像,跟……一样

look like 看起来像……

2. in water 在水中

3. in one’s life 在某人一生中

4. be against (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事

5. living textbooks 活生生的教科书

6. provide... for... 为……提供……

7. the public 公众,民众

in public 公开地

8. care for 关心,爱护

9. be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶

be surprised to do sth. 惊讶地做某事

10. urge sb. to do sth. 强烈要求某人做某事

11. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

agree on sth. 就某事达成一致意见

12. stop riding in cars 停止驾驶汽车

13. a most unusual woman 一个不同寻常的女人

14. pull down 摧毁,推翻

15. be made of 由……制成(成品中看得出原材料,制作过程中仅发生物理变化)

be made from由……制成(成品中识别不出原材料,制作过程中发生化学变化)

be made in由……制造 (in后接表示地点的名词)

be made by由……制造 (by后接动作的执行者)

be made into 制成……(某种原料制成某种产品)

be made up of 由……组成


1. We’re trying to save the manatees!我们正在尽力拯救海牛。

2. They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds. 他们大约有10英尺长,1000磅重。

3. Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. 动物园对动物们来说是可怕的居住地。

4. They provide homes for many endangered animals... 他们为许多濒临灭绝的动物提供家园……

5. ... and help to educate the public about caring for them. ……并且帮助教育公众关爱它们。

6. ... turn off the shower while you are washing your hair. ……洗头的时候关掉淋浴。

7. You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne. 你可能從来没有听说过Amy Winterbourne。

8. The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together. 墙是由旧玻璃瓶粘在一起建成的。

9. I agree with you. 我同意你的意见。

10. Have you ever won anything? 你赢得过什么吗?


1. 针对某个话题,阐述自己的观点,驳斥他人的观点以及如何进行英语辨论。

2. 复习现在进行时、一般现在时、现在完成时、被动语态以及used to + v.,复合句等。





熊平华 丰城市丽村中学


一、Chapter content: Section A(1a—1c)

二、Analysis of the Teaching Material:

In this unit ,the language aims are to talk about how things affect you and how to express their thoughts about like or dislike.Language structure : make sb /sth + adj /do

三、Analysis of the students : The students have learned the structure : make sb /sth + adj /do.So this class we will mainly teach the adjectives and to talk about how things affect you and how to express their thoughts about like or dislike while teaching the structure.四、Teaching aims and demands :

1.Target language : How do you feel about loud music ?

Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.Waiting for her made me angry.2.Language structure: make sb /sth +adj

Make sb /sth +do

3.Ability objectives


Train students’ listining ability.(2)

Train students’ speaking ability.(3)

Train studints’ the ability of using grammar fous.五、Teaching key points: make sb /sth + adj /do

六、Teaching difficult points:

1.The target language

2.How to train the students’ listening ability.七、Teaching methods and learning methods:

1.Listening method to improve students’ listening ability.2.Pairwork to make every student work in class.3.Task-based teaching method.八、Teaching tools : a

computer ,pictures

九、Teaching procedures

Step one :


1.Ask a student : What is your hobby?

S: I like reading.T: Why ?

S: Because it is interesting.T: So it makes you interested.Write down on the blackboard: It makes you interested.2.Ask the other students, get them to say the word :Happy,sad,excited,relaxed,nervous,sick,energetic,stressed out, tense

comfortable ……

3.Write these words down and get the students to read the words together.Step two :


1.Show some pictures , for example an exciting basketball match ,a beautiful flower ,a happy family ,a relaxing scenery , a scary monster ,and so on.T: How do you feel about picture 1? Happy ?Beautiful ?Excited ?Awful ?

S: Excited.T: It makes me excited.Show this sentence on the blackboard.Then repeat with the other pictures,get them to say :

It makes me happy.It makes me awful …… Step three :


1.Say: Look at the pictures in 1a.There are two restaurants.Please describe them.For example : In Rockin’ Restaurant ,paintings on the walls are ugly.The music is too loud.The Blue Lagoon has blue walls ,plants , flowers , and a piano player.Let the students say some sentences about the two pictures.Then ask students : Which restaurant would you like to go to ?Why ? Let them use the structure : make sb/sth +adj to say.For example :

T: I don’t like The Rockin’ Restaurant ,because the loud music makes me tense /comfortable……

Then check several students to answer.2.T: Look at the girls in the picture in 1a.They are Amy and Tina.They are hungry,They want to get something to eat.what do they think of the two restaurants? ? Look at 1b ,read the sentences ,you will hear the missing words on the recording ,fill in the blanks with the words you hear in the tape.Play the tape the first time ,students only listen.Play the tape the second time.and say,This time please fill in the missing words.Check the answers.Play the tape again, let them read the conversation with it.Step four : Consolidation and Extension :

1.Teacher say :I would rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.What about you ? Help the students say : Me, too.Loud music makes me tense.T: I agree.Loud music makes me uncomfortable.2.Get the students practice in pairs.Then check several pairs of students.3.Get the students practice the dialogue with the teacher.When the students say “ I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.” The teacher can say : Not me ,I like The Rockin’ Restaurant because loud music makes me want to dance.Get the students to practice dialogue like this in pairs.Then check several pairs of students.Get some students to act the dialogue in front of the class.3.This weekend where would you like to go to eat or play? Why? And where wouldn’t

you like to go? Why not ?

The teacher can give an example :

I would rather go to the park on weekend.Because it makes me relaxed.I don’t like to go to see the movie.It makes me bored.Let the student discuss in groups of four.Then check several groups and let then practice in front of the class.Step five : Homework :

Make a dialogue.Ask your friend where he or she would like to go to eat and play.Explain the reason with the structure :make sb / sth +adj /do.十、Design on the blackboard.Unit 13

Rainy days make me sad.Section A(1a—1c)

make sb /sth +adj

adjectives It makes you interested.happy





sick It makes me excited.comfortable






以新目标九年级英语Unit4 What would you do?为例:1a部分,我给学生提出了一个问题What would you do if you had a lot of money?围绕虚拟语气说和写出一些短语来。是写与说的练习。1b 是听的训练,1c紧接着就是围绕虚拟语气说的,2a,2b又是听的训练。那么我根据目标的需要就不要这么多听力了,我只选取了学生感兴趣的话题1a和1b,我想先来上一节以“说”为主的课。

于是,我提前一节课把词汇和语法给同学们呈现并讲解了,接着就是让同学们为下节课的内容做些“未雨绸缪”的工作:第一,我给同学们布置的问题是what would you do if you were a teacher? 让学生们用所学知识或课前搜集素材,为下节课的说做准备。第二,了解海伦凯勒,并在网上或通过书籍阅读她写的《假如给我三天光明》部分段落,体验一下虚拟语气。并且想想,假如你和海伦凯勒一样看不见,你只有三天的时间可以看见,你会做些什么?这会无形中培养了学生的阅读能力,并且也会多多少少渗透些让学生战胜困难的情感教育。第三 读 Aladdin and the magic lamp 《阿拉丁神灯》的故事,让同学们想象,What would you do if you had an Aladdin magic lamp?对于课外的一些东西,学生们一般都很积极去尝试体验。果然,学生们都搜集了很多我布置的作业中的内容素材。我设计的着重说的课进行的很顺利。

课后,我又布置了三篇自选作文:1 What would you do if you had one million dollars ? 2 If I had three days to see.3 If I had a magic lamp.同学们因为经过了搜集材料,大量的练习说的过程,写的时候就变的轻车熟路,条例清晰,有相当多同学写的作文都是非常有内容的,经过修改后,我把十多篇范文贴在了板报栏里,激发了学生学习英语的热情。

基于初三学生要中考,在中考中要涉及到if 条件状语从句,我又让学生把以前所学的关于if条件状语从句需要注意的知识系统复习了一下,尤其是时态。还练习了if引导宾语从句需要注意的一些事项,让学生在比较中感受到虚拟条件句与真实条件句的不同。随后设计了大量的相关练习让学生做。学生们,在进行了一个单元的学习后,绝对不仅仅是多了些虚拟的想象,而是对知识有了扎实的运用与掌握。






——九年级Unit 4 What would you do?教学反思



1、在Lead-in这一环节中。随着电脑屏幕上播放着泰山、黄河、长江等祖国名川大山的图片,学生很感兴趣。我抓住这个机会导入 课题:“Where is it?” 学生齐说:“It is Mount Tai, the Yellow River… .”我接着说:“They are the places that I visited last summer. I know something about the places that I visited ”并让学生重复我的话,这样学生自然地进入了新课的学习。


Exercise:The places that/which we Li Ming visited is …

学生用“Nanshan Temple, Huangshan , Moutain Tai”。课件出示练习后,同学们便跃跃欲试地举起手,并大声齐呼“Let me try!”


1. I like music that I can sing along with.

2. Jane likes music that sounds beautiful

3. Xu Fei like the places that lie in the south

4 、在Speaking这个环节中,我设计了一个游戏,让学生用老师或班里的学生来造定语从句的句子。游戏如下:

A game: What’s the name of the student?

What’s the name of the student who sits behind/in front of ……?

What’s the name of the student who sits on……right/left?

The student who sits…… is ……

What are the names of the students who are in LineX?

The students who are in LineX are……

5 、在Grammar这个环节中,由于前面大量定语从句的练习,学生基本已经完全掌握了定语从句,所以在我的引导下,学生基本可以总结出定语从句的用法。我在这就不再说这些语法了。

6. 在Practice这个环节中,通过电脑显示不同颜色的鞋、毛衣和杯子,让学生用定语从句编购物的补全对话。我给他们重要的句子结构,A表示售货员, C表示顾客。比如:

A: What can I do for you?

C: I want to buy…….

A:This one?

C: No, I like the one which /that…….

A: The one which/that you want to buy is sold out. Would you like another one?

C: Ok. Give me the one which/that……

A: Here you are.

C: How much is it?



1. 创设语言情景,激发学生的探究欲望。语境对语言的.学习与运用都非常重要。如果语言能够在一定的情景中呈现,则容易被学生理解和掌握;而缺乏语言环境的机械操练则容易使学生产生厌烦情绪,所以我在语境当中让学生体会和学习定语从句。 让学生观看一些风景图片并引导他们说:“The place that Miss Zhao visited last summer is Mount Tai .” 泰山是祖国的名山,学生对此了如指掌,引导学生说:“ Mount Tai is a place that many people want to visit. ” 接着让学生用老师或班里的学生来造定语从句的句子。游戏如下:

A game: Who is the teacher?

Who is the teacher who is thin and tall?

Who is the teacher who wears glasses and is strict with her students?

Who is the teacher who has long and curly hair?



2. 运用多媒体教学,形象直观,容量大。能运用图片等大量资料使学生对学内容感兴趣和创设语言环境。




Tell me, and I will forget.

Show me, and I will remember.

Involve me, and I will understand.

《英语课程标准》倡导要教学过程 中运用任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师教学的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。能力的培养有多种有效途径。这节课充分利用了“知识―活动―能力”这一途径,即知识通过学生的活动转化为能力。一开始,我利用图片导入新课,使学生对标题有一定的了解,并感兴趣,立志认真学好这节课,从而达到了教育教学的目的。然后,利用图片进行巩固新知识,使学生以自己的良师益友为话题,并操练了恰当的词汇和句型。不但掌握好了定语从句,而且语言表达能力有一定提高。最后,让学生用定语从句编购物的补全对话,购物的补全对话是中考重要知识点,这样学生能够达到综合运用本节课词汇、句型的作用,知道知识是相通的。


单元:Unit 4 What would you do?


(一) 课程目标及课程设计理念

以话题为中心, 以语言结构、功能项目为主线进行展开, 利用信息技术, 使课堂教学容量相对增大, 给学生提供更多的语言实践机会。教学设计体现兴趣性、真实性、交际性, 以循序渐进的生活化的学习程序引导学生学会运用英语, 有目的地做事。

(二) 教学目标及教学设计理念

学生能运用虚拟语气讨论一些虚拟的情景并且能针对面临的问题给出建议。引导学生从他人角度考虑问题, 彼此理解, 关爱他人。

(三) 学情分析

对于九年级的学生来说, 大部分学生已经有了一定的语言积累和知识储备, 乐于思考, 敢于发表自己的观点。但学生两极分化现象较明显, 部分学生主动参与课堂的积极性不高。因此, 在英语教学过程中, 一方面, 教师要创设贴近生活、令学生感兴趣的情景, 借助生动形象的多媒体课件, 激发他们参与课堂的积极性;另一方面, 通过小组学习的形式, 使学生互相帮助, 合作分享。

(四) 重、难点

掌握虚拟条件句的基本结构, 谈论虚拟情境。


Step 1:Lead in (5 minutes)

1.Talk about my friend Larry

Larry won a prize in a lottery last week.Get the students to guess how much money he got and what he would do with the money.

2.Present the words

million, medical research

【设计意图】介绍朋友Larry上周彩票中奖, 通过学生对彩票金额及他打算用这笔钱做什么的猜想, 导出本节课的新单词million, medical research。同时, 通过谈论真实情境, 自然过渡到虚拟情境。

Step 2:Listening and speaking (10 minutes)

1.Do pairworks

Larry has 5 million dollars, and he will give it to medical research.Do you have 5 million dollars?What would you do if you had 5 million dollars?

A:What would you do if you had 5 million dollars?

B:I’d...What would you do?


2.Listening practice:

Do 1b:Number the pictures in the order and describe the pictures“The boy/girl would...”

【设计意图】设计谈论虚拟情景, 用“如果你和Larry一样有5百万美元”来引入话题, 通过别人的事情自然过渡到自己身上, 在对话中学生操练虚拟条件句“What would you do if you had 5 million dollars?”, 通过1b的听力练习来巩固句型, 并练习第三人称单数做主语的回答“The boy/girl would...”。

Step 3:Practice (10 minutes)


Compare some sentences and find out the structure of a second conditional sentence.


Give the students two imaginary situations and get them to discuss in groups.

(1) An“Internet friend”has asked your friend Lucy to meet.If you were Lucy, what would you do?

(2) If you lost your wallet in another city, what would you do?

【设计意图】运用多媒体课件的动画效果, 对比真实条件句及虚拟条件句, 学生通过比较课件中语言现象与以前的不同, 自己发现问题, 了解并掌握虚拟条件句的基本结构, 印象更加深刻。同时, 给出两个虚拟情景 (网友要求见面, 异地丢钱包) , 情境贴近生活, 教师引导学生以小组形式积极参与讨论。

Step 4:Listening and speaking (10 minutes)

1.Talk about Larry’s worries and give him some advice.

“If I were you, I’d...”

2.Listen to 2b:Check the four things Larry’s sister says to him.

【设计意图】通过对Larry烦恼的谈论及听力2b的练习, 帮助学生巩固虚拟条件句的基本结构, 并运用虚拟条件句为他人提出建议。

Step 5:Report (10 minutes)

1.Talk about teachers’worries:

“If we were students, we would...”

2.Discuss in groups

“If you were a teacher, what would you do?”

3.Make a report

“If we were teachers, xxx would give the students less homework.XXX would...”

【设计意图】创设情境, 小组讨论。师生换位思考, 让学生站在教师的角度, 用本节课掌握的虚拟条件句给教师提建议, 引起师生共鸣, 以共同开启心灵之窗的形式让本堂课有了一个完美的结局。


本课选自人教版新目标英语九年级第四单元Section A。本单元主要内容涉及用虚拟条件句来讨论假设的情景, 虚拟条件句是教学中的一个难点和重点, 既可以培养学生的口语交际能力, 又能给学生提供充分发挥想象力的空间。本课为本单元的第一课时, 主要围绕以下两个话题谈论假想的情况:

话题一:What would you do if you had a million dollars?

话题二:If I were you, I would...

为了更好地让学生主动参与课堂, 笔者在教学中运用了任务型教学法、听说法、交际法等多种教学方式, 借助生动形象的多媒体课件, 结合学生生活设计课堂活动, 引导学生在合作、探究、体验的过程中感知并掌握本节课的语言知识, 形成技能, 培养积极的情感。

教学设计中的导入是很重要的, 它能起到事半功倍的作用。因此, 笔者在设计这节课时首先创设情境———我的朋友Larry给我打电话, 说他彩票中奖了, 很自然地引入新课话题。通过学生对彩票金额及他打算用这笔钱做什么的猜想, 导出本节课的新单词million, medical research。笔者采用了对比的方式, 让学生感知真实和虚拟条件句, 让学生明确Larry中奖已经拥有了五百万, 而我们现在没有这笔钱。由别人的事情自然过渡到自己身上, 学生很快进入情境, 并积极地表达他们的想法, 为下一步听力练习奠定了语言基础, 适当降低了听力难度。

通过前面大量的感知和操练, 学生对虚拟语气已有所了解, 能表达出自己的一些想法, 但还没有语法概念。这是教学中的一个难点和重点, 也是学生比较不容易理解的部分。笔者先呈现一些句子并提示学生注意观察, 让学生感知、判别真实条件句和虚拟条件句, 掌握虚拟条件句的基本结构, 并通过讨论两个虚拟情景, 引导学生以小组的形式积极参与讨论, 进一步巩固句型。通过这种形式, 学生充分发挥自己的想象, 达到了学以致用的目的, 同时将本节课推向了一个小高潮。

为了进一步升华, 让本节课达到高潮, 在最后一个环节中, 笔者以教师的烦恼引出小组讨论, 让学生进行换位思考———学生站在教师的角度用本节课所掌握的虚拟条件句给教师提建议, 引起师生共鸣, 以共同开启心灵之窗的形式让本堂课有一个完美的结局。

通过教学, 笔者感觉到本节课的设计符合学生的认知规律;另外, 在设计本节课时, 笔者没有受教学内容和顺序的限制。语言只有在真实的语境中才会显得更加生动。笔者以Larry中奖为主线, 将本节课的教学内容有机地连接到一起, 串成一个故事, 达到了很好的效果, 充分有效地将教材的知识激活。笔者采用了对比的方式, 没有针对虚拟条件句语法规则作系统地讲解, 而是让学生通过运用, 总结自己获得的一些感性知识, 帮助其把语言功能项目与语法项目达到真正的统一。本节课中, 笔者一直以引导者、启发者和组织者的身份来组织课堂, 让学生在pairwork, groupwork, discussion等活动中进行自主、合作、探究性学习, 增强他们的积极性和兴趣, 让学生灵活地运用所学内容, 并对所学知识进行更深层次的拓展和升华。同时, 笔者还不失时机地对学生进行德育渗透。在顺利完成教学任务的同时, 笔者发现还存在一些不足, 如有些学生的积极性没有被充分调动起来, 各环节在时间上还有待合理分配。

