



-----Unit9.Have you ever been to the amusement park? 单元学习目标: 谈论过去的经历,自己曾经去过某娱乐地方。2 学会运用①---Have you been to ….?---Yes, I have./No ,I haven’t.②---I have been to ….---Me too.③---I haven’t / have never been to ….---Me neither.进行语言交流。

第一课时Section A(1a~2c)

重点词汇: 1.amusement ①n.娱乐;消遣,eg: He only do it for amusement 他只是做着玩的。②to one’s amusement 令某人好笑的,eg:

To everyone’s amusement ,the actor fell off the stage.令每个人好笑的是,那个演员摔倒在舞台上.③amuse.v.逗乐(笑);消遣

amuse oneself by(doing)sth 通过做某事消遣

He often amuses himself by playing the piano.2.neither ①.Adv.也不.---I can’t swim.Neither /Nor can I./Me neither.(我也不会。简单回答方式).I can’t swim, either.②两者都不(的)neither…nor – both..and(…和…都…),连接两个主语时,谓动随nor 后的主语而定.eg:Neither my brother nor I am a worker.③Neither of +代(宾)/n 复+谓(单)Neither of the answers is right.(两个答案都不对)③---What would you like, tea or coffee ?

---Neither..I’d like a cup of water./either.i like both of them.3.have /has been to(去过,已回)have /has gone to(已去,末回)have/has been in +地点+时间段…(曾经在某地呆过多久)eg: My father has been to Shanghai.---Where is Tom?---He ____ ____ ___Wuhan.(他已经去了武汉.)I ___ ____ ____ Ma’an Middle School for five years.我曾经在马安中学呆了5年

二.重点句型: 1.---Have you been to the space museum?---Yes ,I have./No ,I haven’t.2.---I have been to an aquarium.---Me too./So have I.我也去过

3.---I’ve never been to a water park.---Me neither./Neither(Nor)have I.我也没去过。巩固练习:译下列词组






二.句型转换.1.I have ever been to a water park.(改疑问句)____ you ever _____ ____a water park? 2.---He hasn’t been to the aquarium.---____ _____ /____ _____ _____(我也没).3.Mary has gone to Wuhan.(改否定句)

Mary _____ _____ _____ Wuhan.4.Harvey had a great time at Water World.(同义)

Harvey ______ ________at Water World.5.Both my mother and my father are teachers.(用neither…nor …改否定)

_____ my mother ____ my father _____ a teacher.6.()Mary has gone to the teacher’s office.___ has Joan.A.And B.Neither C.So D.But

第二课时(Section A(3a~4)

重点词汇:1.character n(小说,戏剧等中的人角色)famous characters

3.theme.n.主题, a theme park 一个主题公园, the theme /topic of ….的主题

4.attraction.n.吸引力(可数n),have an attraction /some attractions for sb 对…有吸引力.Eg: Disneyland has a great attractions for children.5.cruise.n.have a cruise 乘船旅游

have a round-the –world cruise乘船周游世界 6.on board 在 船上

7.around the world =all over the world=in the world 8.end up doing sth结束做…

end up with 以…结束 9.island.n.an island

巩固练习:译下列的词组:一个主题公园____________, 迪尼斯乐园__________________, 唐老鸭_______________ 著名的人物___________ ,全世界_____________ 过山车____________ 在一个岛屿上____________()1.Have you ever traveled to_____ province of China?

A.the other B.another C.other D.others()2.I discovered that the most important reguireme

was ______ English well

A.speak B.to speak C.say D.to say()3.Would you like ______ to the theater now?

A.going B.went C.to go D.goes()4.Does Pingping speak English as_____ as Alice?

A.better B.best C.good D.well()5._____ fish, we eat meat,vegetables and so on.A.Except B.Besides C.Between D.Among

()6.My father isn’t at home He has_____ to Beijing.A.been B.gone C.went D.going

()7.---Have you ever _____ to Beijing?---Yes, I ____ there last year.A.been, went B.gone, went C.went, went D.gone, gone()8.There are many trees on _____ sides of the river.A.each B.every C.all D.both


重点词汇:1.exchange.① n.交换 an exchange students交换生,②.v.The two women exchanged greetings.2.a flight attendant 一个航空服务员

3.① discover.v.发现 一件原先已存在而不为人知的事物。②Invent.v.发明创造原先没有的东西。③find out.v.查明,查清 指经过观察,调查把某事物搞清楚,弄明白事情真相。Eg:They discovered an oil field.(油田)

Do you know who invented the telephone.? I want to find out who broke my window.4.a tour guide 一个导游

5.attendant.n.a flight attendant(飞机上的空中服务员)


理解英文电影______________, 在一个讲英语的国家学习_________________________,如何提高英语___________________,一个新交换生___________,成为一个空中服务员___________________,最重要的要求______________________.1.Singapore is a small island _____ Southeast Asia, which is a wonderful place to take a holiday.A.in


C.to D.into

2.---I hear your father _____ to Japan once.---Yes.He ______ last year.A.went;has bee

B.has been;went


D.has been;has been 3.His hobby is _____ taking photos ____ collecting

stamps.It’s listening to music.A.either;or

B.neither;nor C.not;but

D.both;and 4.As they had no map with them, they had problem

_______ the hotel.A.find



D.finding 5.He doesn’t like playing tennis.________.They

both enjoy playing football.A.Neither does she

B.Neither she does C.So does she

D.So she is 6.It _____ a lot since I left the city.A.is changing



D.has changed 7.---Will your younger brother go for a picnic this

Sunday?---If I don’t go, _________.A.so does he

B.so he will C.neither will he

D.neither does he 8.---Have you sent your parents an e-mail telling

them you arrived safely?

---No, ____ of them can use a computer.A.none


C.neither D.all 9.There’re many______(岛)in the south of China.第四课时(self-check)语法:见课本P98 现在完成时: have/ has + done(过去分词)一.表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响:(与ever, never, already, yet, just, before, so far…等不确定的时间状语连用)1.I ________ ever _________(be)to Beijing.2.We ______ already ___________(finish)our homework.3.He ________ never ___________(see)an English movies.4._______ she ever____________(speak)to a foreigner? 5.They _______ ________(meet)the movie star.6.I _________ never _______(travel)to an English-speaking country.7.Tom _______ever _________(write)a letter in English.8.I _______ ________(collect)50 stamps so far.二.表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作和状态,强调的是现在的情况。(与for+段时间,since+点时间,how long…,these days, recently, all this years等表示一段时间的词连用。动词一定要用可持续动词)现在完成进行时表示动作从过去一直持续到现在,强调动作正在发生,并可能延续到将来(与for+段时间,since+点时间,how long…

连用,动词一定要用可持续动词).1.He ____ ____(live)in Xiamen for 6 years now.2.We ______ ______(learn)English since we were 10 years old.3.She got the job last year.= She _____ ____the job for 1 year.4.I borrowed the book 2 days ago.=I ______ _______ the book for 2 days/since 2 days ago.5.His father died 10 years ago.= His father _______ ________ _______ for ten years。6.I bought this pen a week ago.= I _________ _______ this pen for a week.三.have /has been to去过(人已回);have/has gone to 去了(还没

回);have/has been in..(曾经在某地呆过)

1.He _______________ to Shanghai several times.2..My uncle ____________to my hometown, so he isn’t at home now.3.----Have you _____(see)the film Hero?----Yes.I saw it last year.4.It seems strange______(visit)a city at night.5.How long have you been_____(wait)here?



1.in southeast Asia , southwest , northeast , northwest

2.wonderful.极好的.adj.wonderfully.adv.n wonder奇迹,奇事, eg:He is a wonderful actor.The weather was wonderfully warm.天气极好。

It’s a wonder that it take only ten years.这仅只花了十天的时间,真是个奇迹。

3.on vacation/holiday 在休假中take /have a holiday 休假, 渡假 a public holiday 公共假日.Eg: New year’s Day is a public holiday.4.population.n.人口① 作人口总数,作主语,谓单。

The population of the city is about 3 million.②population 前有修饰词时,如分数,百分数,谓语动词用复数。Eg:Tow fifths of the population of that village are workers.③对人口提问用What’s the population of ….=How large /big is the ….?=How many people are there …?对人口多用big /large ,人口少用small

5.three quarters /fourths 四分之三

6.have problems/difficulty/trouble doing sth 做某事有困难 7.whether ….or 不管….还是… 8..fear to do sth /that 从句, 害怕干…

9.an excellent boy , be excellent in(doing)sth…在某方面优秀

10..in/during the daytime 在白天;at night 在晚上 11.season(four seasons)四季 spring /summer/autumn /winter

12.natural adj 自然的n – nature自然

13.wake(sb)up 叫醒(某人), be awake 反:be asleep wake-waked/woke-waked/woken

13.keep/protect the environment保护环境

14. India.n.印度,Indian.adj.印度的,印度人的,an Indian boy

15. take one’s temperature 量某….的体温

16.all year round /all the year /the whole year 一年到头,终年 17.whenever=no matter when



无论什么 wherever= _______________

无论在哪儿 however = _______________

无论怎么样 whoever= _______________


whichever= _______________

无论哪一个 巩固练习:

1.()The population of Shanghai is ____ than ____Tianjin.A.larger,at B.larger, that of C./ D.bigger, it is in 2.()____ right ___ wrong , he always wins the argument.A.Whether, or B.Between, and C.Neither, nor D.Both ,and 3.()”You can’t have them both.You can choose _____the kite ____or the toy car.” Said mother.A.either, or B.both ,and C.not ,only D.also

4.Singapore is an ____(极好的)place to try new food.5.I like Beijing, ______(尤其)in autumn.6.Look, the baby is ________(醒着的).7.What’s the _______(人口)of Shanghai?

8.One ______(四分之一)of the students in our class have visited the museum.9.Her English isn’t good, she needs to ______(提高)her listening skills.10.I know that place well, so let me by your ____(向导).11.Of all the countries she has ______(travel)to, she likes Canada

best.12.At first she _____(think)about going camping,but later she changed her mind.13.Who ______(discover)America in 1492? 14.There are four______(season)in a year.15.Two_______(India)came to our school last week.



本单元的话题是谈论好玩的地方,使学生在此语境下继续学习现在完成时以及本单元的目标语言。Section B 部分的话题则拓展到旅游景点,通过更加丰富的材料来学习been、ever和never 的用法,最后通过写作达到笔头落实的目的。





3.Master some important words and phrases:camera,unbelievable;progress;rapid;unsual;toilet,encourage;social,peaceful,a couple of,thousands of,on the one hand…on the other hand,all year ound.4.Improve the listening,speaking,reading and writing ability.二、过程与方法




To be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in English class,以及了解各类博物馆、主题公园和名胜古迹






第1课时:Section A 1a-2d

第2课时:Section A 3a-4c

第3课时:Section B 1a-2e

第4课时:Section B 3a-Self Check


第1课时 Section A 1a-2d



1.Key vocabulary:amusement;neither.2.Listening practice.3.Target language:

Lets’ go somewhere different today.Have you ever been to…? Yes,I have./ No,I haven’t.How about/what about…?

How are we going to get there?

We can take the subway/…

4.To train students’ listening and speaking skills.二、过程与方法



To be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in English class.教学重点

1.Key vocabulary in this period.2.Target language in this period.教学难点

Make conversations freely using the target language.教法导航

1.Scene teaching method.2.Listening and speaking methods.学法导航

Pair work.教学准备



Step 1 Greetings

Greet the students as usual.Step 2 Lead-in

1.Guess the places of the pictures;they are the British Museum,space museum,history museum,water park,zoo,amusement park while leading in sentence patterns:“Have you ever been to …?”


Get students to work in pairs to practice the conversation:“Have you ever been to…”

“Yes,I have”/ Not,I haven’t.Step 3 Pre-listening

1.Section A 1a

T:OK.Now open your books on Page 65.In Part 1a,6 places are given.Please read the names of these places.Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 to 6.S1:Amusement park ______,water park ______,zoo ______ art museum ______ space museum ______, history museum.S2:Space museum ______,art museum ______,zoo ______,water park ______,amusement park ______, history museum.S3:…

2.Talk about the picture

Step 4 Listening

Listen and choose the best answer.Listen and check the boxes.Have these students ever been to these places?

Science museum

History museum

Art museum

Nature museum

Space museum



Step 5 Speaking

Ask and answer in pairs:

A:let’s go somewhere different today.B:OK.Where do you want to go?

A:Have you ever been to the space museum?

B:No,I haven’t.How about you?


Step 6 Listening 2a 2b

1.Listen and circle the places that you hear.(首先让学生浏览图片,明确题目要求)

2.Listen again and circle T for true or F for false.Conversation

11.Tina went to the space museum last year.T/F

2.John has never been to the space museum.T/F

3.They are going to take the subway.T/F


21.Linda has been to the amusement park.T/F

2.Linda went to the amusement park yesterday.T/F

3.Linda is going to the amusement park again by bike.T/F


31.Frank had a great time at the water park.T/F

2.Frank’s friend has never been to the water park.T/F

3.Frank and his friend are going skating.T/F

Answer:T F T T F T F T T

Step 2 Pair Work


Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.A:Have you ever been to the space museum?

B:Yes,I have.How about you?

A:No,I haven’t.B:Oh,it’s fantastic.Let’s go tomorrow.A:OK.How are we going to get there?

B:We can take the subway.Give the students a few minutes to practice the conversation and let a few pairs to present their conversations.2.Speaking

Role-play the conversation in 2d.A:I went to the film museum last weekend.Have you ever been there? …

B:Yes,I have.I went there back in April.…

If they have difficulty,the teacher can help them deal with the difficult points.课堂作业

Practice the conversation by themselves.教学反思


第2课时 Section A 3a-4c



1.掌握重点词汇和短语:unbelievable,progress,rapid,unusual,toilet,encourage,social,peaceful,performance,perfect,itself,collect.2.Learn to use the present perfect tense.3.To train students’ reading ability

4.To get students know some knowledge about many kinds of museums.二、过程与方法

1.Explanation method.2.Reading for comprehension.3.Exercise methods.三、情感态度与价值观

To raise students’ interest of learning English.教学重点

1.掌握重点词汇和短语:unbelievable,progress,rapid,unusual,toilet,encourage,social,peaceful,performance,perfect,itself,collect.2.Learn to use the present perfect tense.3.To train students’ reading ability.4.To get students know some knowledge about many kinds of museums.教学难点

To understand and use the present perfect tense.教法导航







Step 1 Greetings and Revision

Look at the pictures and make conversation:

A:Have you ever been to…?

B:Yes,I have./ No,I haven’t.Step 2 Pre-reading

Brainstorm:think of the kinds of museums that you can name.Watch a video.About the International Museum of Toilets.Talk about the video.Step 3 Fast reading

Match the words with their meaning and learn some new words.True or False.()1.American Computer Museum only has information about different computers there.()2.Ken thinks computers will do more work in the future.()3.International Museum of Toilets is a very unusual museum.()4.India has the most advanced toilet.()5.Linlin didn’t know why her grandpa loved drinking and collecting tea set.Step 4 Detailed reading

Read the passage again and answer the questions:

1.Which three museums do the students talk about?

2.What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?

3.What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets?

4.Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?

5.What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?

Students read the passage and try to answer the questions.Check the answers.Step 5 Explanation

Read the passage again and underline the difficult points.1.The old computers were much bigger.much可修饰形容词比较级,表示…得多。如:much richer,a little,even,a bit也可以修饰形容词比较级。

2.I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future.不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事情呢。

wonder 表示“(对某事)感到疑惑;想要知道;想弄明白;琢磨”,后面常接由what,how,who 或者if/whether引导的宾语从句。

e.g.①wonder how they’re getting on.我想知道他们现在过得怎样。

②I just wonder if they’ve arrived safely.我就想知道他们是否安全抵达了。

3.It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to…

encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。

e.g.My father encouraged me to take part in the sports meeting.父亲鼓励我参加运动会。

Step 6 GrammarFocus

Ask students to read the sentences of Grammar focus aloud.Then let them learn the Present Perfect Tense(和学生一起总结出现在完成时的用法)




I/You/We/They have finished the work.He/She/It has finished the work.I/You/We/They have not finished the work.He/She/It has not finished the work.疑问式


Have I/you finished the work?

Has he/she finished the work?

Yes,you/I have.No,you/I haven’t.Yes,he/she has.No,he/she hasn’t.


have(助动词)+ p.p

has(第三人称单数助动词)+ p.p

have not 常缩略为haven’t;has not 常缩略为hasn’t。

3.have been to & have gone to区别

比较:He has been to Beijing.他曾去过北京。(人已回来,可能在这儿)

He has gone to Beijing.他已经去北京了。(人已走,不在这儿了)。

have / has been(to)表示“曾经到过某地”,说话时此人不在那里,已经回来。侧重指经历。

have / has gone(to)表示某人“已经去某地了”,说话时此人可能在路上或已到那里,不在这里。


比较:I have seen the film..我看过这部电影。(我了解这部电影的内容)

I saw the film last month.我上个月看了这部电影。(只说明上个月看了这部电影,不涉及现在情况)

① 一般过去时只强调过去的动作;现在完成时强调过去的事情对现在的影响。

② 一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用;现在完成时则不能与表示过去的时间状语连用。

③ 一般过去时单纯表示过去的经历;现在完成时表示过去的动作或状态延续到现在并可能持续下去。

一般过去时的时间状语有:yesterday,last week,…ago,in1980,in October,just now…

现在完成时的时间状语有:for,since,ever,never,just,already,yet,in past years,…

共同的时间状语有:this morning,tonight,this summer,before,already,…

Then let the students read the above aloud.Step 7 Exercises

Ask the students to do the exercises by themselves and then check the answers.Make sure the students understand the passage.If necessary,the teacher helps the students deal with the difficult points.课堂作业

Sum up what they have learned in this lesson.教学反思


第3课时 Section B 1a-2e



1.Key vocabulary:the Terracotta Army,the Great Wall,the Bird’s Nest,the Palace Museum,Singapore,population,southeast Asia,western food,Indian food,Night Safari…

2.To train students’ listening,speaking and reading abilities and skills.二、过程与方法

1.Listening and speaking methods.2.Reading methods.3.Practice method.三、情感态度与价值观

1.To raise students’ interest of learning English.2.To make students get to know cultures of other countries.教学重点

1.Key vocabulary:the Terracotta Army,the Great Wall,the Bird’s Nest,the Palace Museum,Singapore,population,southeast Asia,western food,Indian food,Night Safari.2.To train students’ listening,speaking and reading abilities and skills.3.阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。


1.Improve students’ listening skills.2.Improve students’ reading skills.教法导航







Step 1 Greetings

Greet the students as usual.Step 2 Pre-listening

1.Look at the pictures and learn the new words:

thousand num.一千 thousands of 数以千计的safe adj.安全的 fear v.& n.害怕;惧怕

Indian adj.n.印度人;印度的 spring n.春天

Japanese adj.n.日本人;日本的 fox n.狐狸

equator n.赤道

2.Look at the pictures and review the sentence pattern:Have you ever been to…?

3.Finish exercise 1a on textbook.Match the pictures with names._________ the Terracotta Army._________ the Great Wall._________ the Bird’s Nest._________ the Palace Museum.Keys:c,a,d,b

Step 3 Listening

1.Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student.Check(√)the question you hear.1._______ Have you visited the Palace Museum?

2._______ Have you been to the Great Wall?

3._______ Have you been to the Bird’s Nest?

4._______ Have you seen the Terracotta Army?

5._______ Have you tried Chinese food?

Keys:1,3,52.Listen again and take notes.Name:_____________________________________


How long in China ________________________

Places visited:____________________________


Keys:Peter,Australia,two weeks,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,the Bird’s Nest,the Terracotta Army,Beijing Duck.Step 4 Speaking

Work in pairs to ask your partner where she/he has been to?

Have you visited …?

Have you been to …?

Have you seen …?

Have you tried …?

Then let some pairs report their conversation.Step 5 Reading

1.Introduction of Singapore.1)Look at some pictures and watch some videos about Singapore.2)Talk about the symbol of Singapore.2.Fill in the blanks according to the article.Singapore’s geographical position

A small island(1)____________

Language(s)people speak in



Food we can find in Singapore

Chinese food,(3)__________ andJapanese food.Name of the night zoo in Singapore


Temperature in Singapore

It is(5)_________

_____ all year round.

Keys:(1)in Southeast Asia(2)Putonghua and English(3)Indian food,western food(4)Night Safari(5)almost the same

Work on 2c.The statements below are false.Use information from the article to correct them.1.Most people in Singapore only speak English.2.It is not easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.3.It’s better to see lions and tigers during the daytime because they will probably be awake.4.It’s best to visit Singapore in the autumn.Keys:1.both English and Chinese 2.very easy 3.at night 4.whenever you like

Work on 2d:Fill in the conversation about Singapore using the information from the article.A:I am going to Singapore next week._____ you ever ____ there before?

B:Yes,I’ve ____ to Singapore many times.It’s my favorite country in ____ Asia.A:What languages do people ______ there?

B:Mostly Chinese and _______.A:What about the food? Is it good?

B:It’s excellent!_____ you ever tried Indian food? Indian food is really good in Singapore.A:I see.Have you ____ heard of the Night Safari? Someone told me to go there.B:Yes!I ____ been to the Night Safari.It was really exciting to ___ the animals in the dark.A:And it is always _____ in Singapore?

B:All ____ round!It’s always summer there!

Keys:Have,been,been,Southeast,speak,English,have,ever,have,see,warm,year.Give the students a few minutes to read the exercise aloud.Step 6 Language points

Help the students deal with the difficult points:

1.on the one hand… on the other hand 一方面…另一方面…

e.g.On the one hand,she taught English,on the other hand she learned Chinese.她一方面教英语,一方面学习汉语。

2.…more than three quarters of the population are Chinese…

quarter n.四分之一;一刻钟

e.g.I’ve got to go in a quarter of an hour...一刻钟以后我就得走了。

three quarters 四分之三

3.A lot of animals only wake up at night…

wake v.醒来;唤醒(woke woken)

e.g.She went upstairs to wake John.她上楼去叫醒John。



e.g.He seems unhappy today.他今天好像不高兴。

She seems very sad.她似乎很伤心。

2)seem +(to be)+ n.e.g.They seem(to be)doctors.他们好像是医生。

3)seem +(to be)+ 介词

e.g.It seems like years since I last saw her.从上次遇到她,好像已过了许多年。

4)seem to do something.e.g.He seems to be happy.他好像很高兴。

My mother seemed to know that.我妈妈好像知道那件事。

5)It seems that + 从句

e.g.It seems that he is happy.= He seems(to be)happy.他好像很快乐。

Then let the students read the passage again.Step 7 Homework

Make some notes about Singapore.Write down anything that you remember.课堂作业

Translate the following phrases.1.在东南亚 _________ 2.四分之三人口 _________ 3.做某事有困难 ________ 4.在白天 _________ 5.睡醒 ________ 6.处于一个自然的环境中 ________ 7.一年到头,终年 _______

参考答案:1.in southeast Asia 2.three quarters of population 3.have problems doing sth.4.during the daytime 5.wake up 6.in a natural environment 7.all year round



第4课时 Section B 3a-Self Check



1.掌握目标语言:Have you ever tried/seen/been…? If you…,you will/can… You should… One great thing about …is…

2.To train students speaking and writing abilities.二、过程与方法

Writing methods.三、情感态度与价值观



1.掌握目标语言:Have you ever tried/seen/been…? If you…,you will/can… You should… One great thing about …is…

2.To train students speaking and writing abilities.教学难点

Improve students’ writing ability.教法导航





1.A computer for multimedia use.2.Survey papers.教学过程

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the students as usual.Step 2 Revision

What do you know about Singapore?

position:Where is Singapore?

position:in Southeast Asia.Population:

More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.Language:

Chinese and English.Food:

A lot of food from China,such as rice,noodles and dumplings.Indian food,western food and Japanese food.Zoo:

Singapore has a special zoo called the “Night Safari”.A lot of animal only wake up at night,so this is the best time to watch them.Weather:The temperature is almost the same all year round.Step 3 Writing

3b Write an article to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to.句型:

Have you ever tried/seen/been…? If you…,you will/can…

You should… One great thing about …is…


Step 4 Self Check

Get the students to do the exercises by themselves.Do the first one together as an example and then get the students to do the rest.Check the answers together.Step 5 Review what they have learned in this unit.Step 6 Homework



Sum up what they have learned in this unit.教学反思




2 .在简单地图上进行区域划分;

3 .在地图上指出四大区域的地理位置、范围及划分原因;

4 .在地图上找出秦岭、淮河,并说明秦岭—淮河一线的意义。







二、新课导入 阅读课本回答:

1 .地理区域的划分可以分为哪些类型?为什么会出现不同的地理区域?

2 .一个地区只能属于一个地理区域吗,可以同时兼有多重“身份”吗?

3 .我国四大地理区域是按什么划分的?

4 .尝试划分区域活动P3第1题。

5 .邮政编码与不同级别的行政区域之间有关系吗(活动P3第2题)?还有哪些事例反映出区域的不同尺度或不同级别呢?



1 .地区与南方地区的`分界线大致与_____(山脉)、____(河流)一致。

2 .西北地区与北方地区的分界线大致是影响的界线,大致与_____mm等降水量线一致。 3 .青藏地区与西北地区及北方和南方地区的分界线大致与_____、_____级阶梯分界线一致。

4 .地理区域可以划分为多种类型,如_____、_____和_____等。

5 .在我国四大地理区域中,地势最高的是_____地区,地势最低的是_____地区。


北方地区和南方地区的分界线,大致与下列哪一条年降水量线最接近?( )

A、200mm B、400m C、800mm D、1600mm

2 .我国北方地区和西北地区分界线确定的说法,正确的是( )

A、气候差异 B、地形差异 C、河流差异 D、植被差异 3 .从区域的角度看,既是行政区域又是经济区域的是 ( )

A、青藏高原 B、山西 C、深圳 D、山东半岛

4 .下列区域中属于同一尺度的是 ( )

A、深圳、广东 B、北京、重庆 C、香港 D、西藏自治区、西双版纳傣族自治州

5 .我国四大区域中,面积最大的是 ( )

A、北方地区 B、南方地区 C、西北地区 D、青藏地区

6 .北方地区不包括哪一个省?

A.山东省 B、山西省 C、河北省 D、浙江省

7 .云南省位于的温度带是 ( )

A、亚热带 B、温带 C、寒带 D、热带

8 .上海市属于四大地理区域中的 ( )

A、北方地区 B、南方地区 C、西北地区 D、青藏地区

9 .位于我国的第一级阶梯上的地理区域是 ( )

A、青藏地区 B、南方地区 C、北方地区 D、西北地区

10 .我国陆地最低点位于 ( )

A、北方地区 B、南方地区 C、西北地区 D、青藏地区


1 .将图中大写英文字母代表的地理区域名称填在下列空格内: A、南 方 地 区, B、_____________地区, C、_____________地区,D、_____________地区。

2 .图中C地区最突出的自然地理特征是_________, D地区最突出的自然地理特征是_________。

3 .A、B两地区的地理分界线(图中虚线)是_______岭―_________河一线,



2 .我国的四大地理区域。

