




① clientèle(f.)和 achalandage(m.)


② besoin(m.)和 demande(f.)


③ prêt(m.)和 crédit(m.)


④ ristourne(f.)和 remise(f.)


⑤ incertain(m.)和 certain(m.)




营业执照:registre de commerce税卡:carte d’immatriculation

公司章程:statut d’entreprise注册证书:acte d’immatriculation完税证明:extrait de rôle经营许可:autorisation d’exploitation资产负债表:bilan fiscal增值税:taxe à la valeur ajoutée 营业额:chiffre d’affaire资质证书:certificat de qualification资质级别:classification professionnelle业绩证明:référence professionnelle优质工程证明:attestation de bonne exécution保险证明:attestation d’assurance

1假日保险:CACOBATH② 社会保险: CNAS○

无工资投资人保险/股东社保:CASNOS ③负责人无犯罪证明:casier judiciaire du gérant失业保险:CNAC⑤总税费:toutes taxes comprise(TTC)总税费:toutes taxes comprise(TTC)中小规模企业:PME

银行资信证明:références bancaire/solvabilité信用证:lettre de crédit

领导人名单:liste d’encadrement个人简历:curriculum vitae(CV)居住证:carte de résidant劳动证:permis de travail

行车证:carte grise驾照 :permis de conduire

诊断证明:certificat de la médecine处方:ordonnance

认证:légalisation租房合同:contrat de logation公司所在地证明:attestation d’hébergement水利局:direction d’hydraulique

劳动局:agence national de l’emploi警察局:direction de la sûreté nationale税务局:direction des impôts工商局:CNRC④

保险公司:société d’assurance公证处:office notarial

房介所:agence immobilière授权书:délégation de pouvoir清关:dédouanement提单:connaissement

装箱单:liste de colisage原产地证明:certificat d’origine产品合格证:certificat qualité du produit委托书:procuration

出差证明:ordre de mission原件:origine



1:Caisse Nationale Des Assurance Sociales.○

②:Caisse Nationale Des Assurance Des Congé Payée Et Du Chômage Intempérie Des Secteurs

De Bâtiments Des Travaux Publiques Et De L’Hydrauliques.③:Caisse Nationale De Sécurité Sociale Des Non Salaire.④:Centre Nationale Du Registre De Commerce



3.This is to certify that:兹证明

4.(申请人)came to our notary public office [注3]and signed [注5] the foregoing Letter of Authorization [注4] in the presence of me, the notary public, on ×× ××××(date)申请人于 年 日到我处,在本公证员面前,在前面的委托书上签名。

5.acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the authorization and what he/she is legally required to do by making it.表示知悉委托的法律意义和法律后果。

6.The act of ×××(申请人)to make the authorization is in conformity with provisions of Article 55 [注6] of the General Principals of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China.申请人的委托行为符合《中华人民共和国民法通则》第55条的规定。

7.Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China 《中华人民共和国民法通则》

8.is in conformity with 符合

9.provisions of Article 55 第55条的规定 10.××Notary Public Office, ×× City, ××Province The People’s Republic of China

中华人民共和国XX省XX市XX公证处 11.Notary Public

公证员 12.(the applicant)confirmed before me, the notary public, that he/she made the authorization out of his/her own, true will and executed the letter with his/her own hand.申请人在本公证员的面前确认,前面的委托书市其真实的意思表示,委托书上的签名是申请人本人所为。

13.This Notarial Certificate can be used to claim inheritance of ××× in Taiwan注明公证书用途 14.declaration 声明

15.making a disposition 赠与 16.receiving a donation受赠 17.will 遗嘱

18.Section 1, Article 17 of the Law of Succession of the People’s Republic of China

《中华人民共和国继承法》第17条第一款。19.providing a guarantee 保证

20.Guarantee Law of the People’s Republic of China


21.certifying a company’s Articles of Association 公司章程 22.under which he/she voluntarily provided a guarantee [注4] for ×××(被保证人)and was thus under liability of joint guarantee 自愿为XX提供保证担保,承担连带保证责任

23.voted through its foregoing Articles of Association of ××××(company name)at its Shareholders’ Meeting(或者公司董事会、股份有限公司创立大会等)at ××(地点)on ×× ××××(date).XX公司于XX在XX以投票的方式通过了前面的XX。24.Of the ×× attending shareholders and shareholder attorneys representing ××× shares, 出席会议的股东及代表共

人,代表 XX 股。

25.×× representing ××× shares voted for the Articles, ×× representing ××× shares voted against them, and ×× representing ××× shares voted abstention.赞成的XX人,代表XX,反对的XX人,代表XX,弃权的XX人,代表XX。

26.These Articles and the procedure in which they were voted through are in conformity with provisions of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the signatures(印章)of ×××、×××、×××、×××(股东姓名)affixed on these Articles are found to be authentic[注3]。

该公司章程的内容及通过程序符合《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定,章程上XX的签名属实。27.are found to be authentic 属实

28.the signatures(印章)of ×××、×××、×××、×××(股东姓名)affixed on these Articles 章程上XX的签名 29.These Articles became effective as of ×× ××××(date).该公司章程自XX年XX日起生效。30.certifying paternity 认领亲子

31.×××(关系人)is ×××’s(甲)son(女儿)and ×××(甲)is ×××’s(the child concerned)father.XX是XX的XX,XX是XX的XX 32.According to the maternity test issued by ××××(医学鉴定机构全称)on ×× ××××(date), ×××(甲)and ×××(关系人)are related by blood.经过医学鉴定证实,XX与XX存在血缘关系。33.According to XX issued by: :根据XX 鉴定的XX 34.(甲)is willing to recognize ×××(关系人)as his biological son(daughter)and perform the rights and obligations as a father, to which ×××(乙)has no doubt.[注4] XX愿意认领XX作为自己的亲生XX,并履行XX的权利和义务,XX对此无异议。

35.Applicants have reached an agreement that ×××(乙)(或甲)shall bring up ×××(关系人)with ×××(甲)(或乙)paying ×××××(amount and way of paying)申请人间商定,关系人由XX负责抚养,X负担XX 36.birth 出生 37.deceased 去世 38.proving being alive生存

39.This is to certify that ×××(申请人)is alive up to ×× ××××(date)[注2], residing at XX至XX在XX尚健在,居住在XX 40.death 死亡

41.died of ×× [注6] in ××City(County), ××Province [注5] on ×× ××××(date)[注4].于XX在XX 因XX死亡

42.was declared dead by ×× People’s Court of ×× City of ×× Province on ×× ××××(date)于XX被XX人民法院宣告死亡 43.nationality 国籍

44.with address currently(或originally)registered at

户籍所在地为: 45.Guardianship 监护

46.that ×××(甲)and ×××(乙)are the legal guardians of their child ×××(关系人)

XX 和XX 是其未成年子女的法定监护人

47.in accordance with provisions of Article 16 of the General Principals of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China.根据民法通则16条规定

48.nullification of registered residence 户籍注销

49.×××(申请人)nullified his/her registered residence XX 注销户籍

50.previous name 曾用名

51.“nonexistence of residence registration 未做过户籍登记 52.residence住所地(居住地)53.which accords with his/her registered residence.与户籍所在地一致

54.is currently residing(或resides most of the time)at ××Road, ××City(County), ××Province, China 现居住地为:

55.academic credential 学历

56.graduated(completed his/her study, stopped his/her study)in × ××××(date).于XX毕业

57.specializing in ××, a ××–year undergraduate program, in the Department of ××in ××University(或College/Institute)XX大学XX专业学习,学制XX年 58.academic degree 学位

59.×××(申请人)was awarded the Degree of ×× in × [注2] by ×× University(或××institution)on ×× ××××(date).XX于XX被XX授予XX学XX学位 60.experience 自然人经历

61.worked as ×××× at ××××(单位全称)in ××Province(或City, County)from × ××××(date)to × ××××(date)在XX从事XX工作 62.experience 法人经历

63.×××(申请人)was engaged in ××××(如承建了某项工程)in ××City(County), ××Province from × ××××(date)to × ××××(date).XX于XX至XX从事了XX活动 64.post(professional title)职务(职称)

65.申请人)is(or, was from×× ×××× to ×× ××××)a ××××(职务或者专业技术职务名称)at ××××(单位名称).XX在XX任XX 66.××with legal personality 法人资格

67.×××(申请人), which was registered with ××××××(核准登记部门全称)[注2] on ×× ××××(date)and issued a ××××《××××》[注3]

XX于XX经XX核准登记,取得XX。68.holds legal personality 具有法人资格

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