



精品资源,临风文档。http:///afeiz 高一英语下学期重点单词、短语、语法复习


Unit 13

Healthy eating 本单元重点单词

decision n.决定


contain vt.包含;容纳

vitamin n.维生素

stomach n.胃

hurt v.疼痛;伤害



cough v.& n.咳嗽

pain n.& vt.疼

ripe adj.(水果)熟的


exam n.检查;考试

energy n.能量


traditional adj.传统的 diet n.节食

calorie n.卡路思,卡(热量单位)

offer vt.提供;给予

protein n.蛋白质

muscle n.肌肉

calcium n.钙

carbohydrate n.碳水化合物 nutrient n.营养物

function n.作用;机能

fibre n.纤维

mineral n.矿物质

pills n.药丸

balanced adj.平衡的

include vt.包括

amount n.(数)量

supplement n.补充物

chage n.挑战

opportunity n.机会

snack n.小吃苦耐劳

equipment n.设备

fold vt.折叠 本单元重点短语

give advice on 就……提(意见)建议

make suggestions提建议

make a list of 列出一张……单子

have a fever发烧

make up 编(拟定);创设

all the time 一直

be car with 小心(留神)……

be all right正常;康复

in the re将来

lie down躺下 py of大量的 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力糖

Unit 14 Festivals festival n.节日

custom n.风俗习惯 habit n.习惯

symbol n.象征

describe v.描述

favorite adj.喜欢的 fight n.战斗

crime n.犯罪

allow vt.允许

argument n.争辩

celebrate v.庆祝

major adj.主要的 create vt.创造

ancestor n.古人;前辈 characteristic n.特征

principle n.原则

community n.社区;团体

self-determination n.自我作决定

solve vt.解决

faith n.真诚

lit v.点燃(过去式)

theme n.主题 generation n.一代人

sa v.向……致敬 reminder n.提醒

occasion n.时机 fool vt.愚弄;捉弄

compare with 与……进行比较

make others happy 使他人幸福快乐

learn about 了解

spend on 在……方面花费

so that 以便

speak for 为……说话

the spirit of ……的精神

commercial activities 商业活动

by giving away 以放弃……的方式

have got to 必须

instead of 替代

get out of the car 下车 get off 下车

take off one’s hat 摘下礼帽

look into the eyes 直视(某人的)眼睛

shake hands with sb.与某人握手

make friends with 与……交朋友

the living and the dead 生者和死者

the cycle of life 生命周期

play tricks on sb.捉弄某人


The necklace scary adj.可怕的,吓人的 mysterious adj.神秘的,不可



scene n.场景;布景

recognize vt.vi.认出;认识;承认

diamond n.钻石;金刚石

government n.政府

ball n.舞会

palace n.宫;宫殿

ry n.(总称)珠宝 accept vt.接受

invitation n.邀请;请贴

franc n.法郎

continue vi.继续

pretty adj.漂亮的;俊俏的 happiness n.幸福;快乐

exactly adv.精确地

valuable adj.值钱的;贵重的

worth adj.值……的 author n.作者

character n.人物,角色;(汉)字

line n.(戏曲)台词

alien n.外侨

clone n.&v.克隆

rehearse v.排练(节目)

plot n.(小说的)情节 dormitory n.宿舍

fall asleep 人睡;睡着

a dark night in April 四月的一个黑夜

a scary place 一个恐怖的地方

create a short play 编一个短剧

on one’s way to school 在某人上学的路上 something unusual happened发生了异常的事 another normal day 又一个普通的日子

walk towards sb.朝某人走去

don’t look very 看上去气色不好

look older than one’s age看上去比年龄大

ten&nb sp;years of hard work 十年的辛劳 only a small cold room to live in只有寒舍一间

for the past ten years 在过去的十年里

[NextPage] in a government office在一下政府部门

accept an invitation接受邀请

after all 毕竟 a man with a lot of money 有钱人

continue to do sth.继续做某事

cal on访问;拜访

bring out 取出;拿出

a lovely diamond necklace可爱的钻石项链

try it on试戴

look wonderful on sb.戴在某人身上看上去很美 the last moment of happiness最后的快乐时光 look down 低头看 rush back to the palace 猛地跑回宫殿

without luck不幸运,不凑巧 day and night 日日夜夜 pay off 还清 write a scene写一个场景

precious stone钻石 take up several jobs找几份工作 wear a new ring 戴新戒指 animal products 动物制品

play different roles扮演不同的角色 lines wri like a dialogue写得像对话的台词

of one’s own某人自己的 come up with a very good story编成很好的故事

give it a try试一试 take sb.for a ride带某人去兜风 a thousand years from now从现在起一千年 be scared 害怕 do the same with照……做 rehearse a play排练话剧 Unit 16

Scientist at work instructions n.指令;指示 safety n.安全

glove n.手套

accident n.事故

earring n.耳环

flame n.火焰

advantage n.优点;优势

wheel n.轮;方向盘 engine n.引擎,发动机

technology n.技术

energy n.能量

nuclear n.原子 space n.太空;空间 economy n.经济

conduct n.指导;处理;传导

lighting n.闪电

realize vt.认识;意识

attract vt.吸引 condenser n.电容器;聚光器 last vi.持续

frame n.框架

enough adj.足够的

control n.& vt.控制

fix v.安装;确定 fasten vt.扎(捆)

sharp adj.尖锐的 charge n.& v.负责;充电

cross n.杂交;十字架

in one’s opinion 在某人看来 a waste of …(某方面)的浪费

make use of 利用 be famous for … 因……而闻名 all over 遍及 make discoveries 发现 a number of 一些 a great deal of 大量;许多

fasten(tie)… to …把……扎(捆)到……上面

take care 留神;小心

protect… from …保护……免受损害

stop…from doing… 阻止……不……

tear down 拆掉 be in tears 含着泪花 end in 以……告终;结束 such as 如;例如 at least 至少;起码 find out 查清楚;弄明白 go against 与……对抗 be made up of 由……组成.Unit 17 Famous women inspire vt.激励

explain v.解释

admire v.羡慕



cheerful adj.高兴的 general adj.大致的;总的 hard-working adj.努力的 weak adj.软弱的;不强壮的

stupid adj.愚蠢的 dishonest adj.不诚实的

mean v.&n.意味着;方式

tense v 紧张 miserable adj.可怕的 singer n.歌手

actress n.女演员

champion n.军

alone adj.单独的 penguin n.企鹅 Antarctica n.南极洲

chage n.挑战 increase v.冠


1. diet


【备考实例】---Would you like some more chicken?

---No,thanks.I am ______a diet and I’m trying to ___weight.

A.on,lose B.on, put on C.in ,have D.in ,lose

【考点解析】 句意:你想再来点鸡肉吗? 不,谢谢。我在节食,我在试着减肥呢。 on a diet 是固定短语,意为节食。lose weight 减肥。故答案为A。

【知识拓展】be /go on a diet 控制饮食 diet of sth.多的令人生厌的东西

put sb. on a diet 限制某人的饮食

2. advise


【备考实例】She advised that the work ______at once.

A. is done B. be done C. was done D. would be done

【考点解析】句意:她建议要马上去做这项工作。 advise 后接从句时,宾语从句中的谓语要用should+do 其中should 可以省去。 故答案是B.

【知识拓展】advice n. 建议,忠告,劝告

advise sb. (not) to do sth.劝告某人(不要)做某事

advise doing sth. 建议做某事 take /follow/accept one’s advice 接受建议 give advice on sth.就…提出建议

3. fit

【考纲释义】adj.健康的,合适的 v. 适合

【备考实例】---Is the young man ____for the job?

--- Of course.He is responsible and honest..

A. siut B.fit C.suitable D.fitted

【考点解析】句意:这个年轻人胜任于这项工作吗?当然了,他既负责又诚实。此题考查be fit for sth.适合某事,胜任于。 故答案选B.

【知识拓展】be fit for sth. 适合某事,胜任于 be fit to do sth.适合做某事

fit in with 适合,符合,适应

fit up 准备,装备

fit on 穿上,试穿

【辨析】fit 指大小,尺寸,形状合适;suit 指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,地位等;match 多指大小,色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配。

4. similar


【备考实例】Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls. In a _____way, some birds have bright feather.

A. common B. ordinary C. similar D. same

【考点解析】句意:男孩子穿时髦的衣服来吸引女孩子,同样地,有些鸟也身披鲜艳的羽毛。 common“共同的,普遍的”; ordinary“平凡的,一般的”; same 一般要与the 连用。in a similar way 与…相似的;故答案选C.

【知识拓展】similarly adv.类似地 similarity n.类似,相似之处。

be similar to sb./sth. 与某人/某物相似

be similar in sth .在(某一方面)相似

5. honour/honor

【考纲释义】v.尊敬,给以荣誉 n.光荣,荣誉

【备考实例】The speaker said that he was feeling highly ________one of the guests invited to the press conference.

A. honored with B.honored as C.honored for D.honored by

【考点解析】句意:发言人说,他作为被邀请参加会议的客人之一而颇感荣耀。be honored as “被尊为…”,故答案为B.

【知识拓展】 in honor of sb.为了向某人表示敬意 be honored for 因…而受到尊敬/获得荣誉 be honored as 被尊为 be honored with 被授予… feel honored to do sth.因做…而感到荣幸 have the honor to do sth. 有幸做

feel it an honor to do sth.因做…而感到荣幸

6. compare


【备考实例】(04.湖北)_______with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.

A.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared

【考点解析】句意:同整个地球的大小比较起来,世界上最大的海洋看起来一点也不大了。句子的主语the biggest ocean 是compare with的宾语,构成动宾结构,故此处需用过去分词表示被动,答案是D。

【知识拓展】comparision n. 比较,相似,比较的结果 beyond comparision 无与伦比 compare …with 把…比作… 指同类相比

compare …to… 把…比作… 指异类相比

Compared to/with sb./sth. 和…比起来 常位于句首或者句尾做状语。


【考纲释义】 v.测验,检查。

【备考实例】 ---Did the doctor ______ your mother ?

---Yes.He said there was nothing wrong with her.

A.check B. examine B.test D. review

【考点解析】句意:医生为你母亲检查身体了吗?是的,医生说,她没什么事. examine 可指对病人的检查,其他各项意思不对。故答案选B.

【知识拓展】examination n. 测验,考试。exam n. 考试。

take/sit an exam 参加考试 pass/fail an exam 考试及格/不及格

【辨析】 check主要指对某物进行核对,以免出错。 test 作为动词使用的频率不高,意思是测试,测验,检测。examine 可指对病人的检查,诊断。也可以指考试,测验。


1.keep up with (1)跟上,不落在…后面 (2)保持联系

Are wages keeping up with inflation?


Do you still keep up with him?


【知识拓展】catch up with (在落后的情况下)追上,赶上

keep up 继续,坚持,保持

keep away from 使…远离

keep off 使不踩(吃,谈等)

keep back 隐瞒不讲,阻止

2.plenty of 许多的,大量的,多用于肯定句中,否定句中用many,much或者enough.

Don’t worry!We still have plenty of time .


【知识拓展】a great deal of/a large amount of 后只能接不可数名词。

a great/good many /a large number of 后只能接可数名词复数形式。

plenty of /a lot of /lots of/ a large quantity of 后既可以接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。

3. give away 分发,泄露,捐赠,让步

He is sure to give away your secret.


She has given away all her money to the beggar.


Our taecher is giving away the prizes to the students.


【知识拓展】give out 用完耗尽 精疲力竭

give in 屈服,投降,退让

give up 放弃,终止

give back 归还,送回

give off 散发出蒸汽等

4.take in 欺骗,理解,吸收,改小(衣服)

Don’t trust that fellow ;he‘ll take you in if he gets the chance.


My dress is a bit loose round the waist----could you take it in for me?


I can’t take in what you said.


Black clothes take in the sunlight easily.


【知识拓展】take down 记下,拆毁

take off 脱衣服,飞机起飞

take on a new look 呈现新面貌

take one’s place=take the place of sb.代替,取代某人的位置

take place =happen 发生

take …for granted认为某事当然

take up 开始从事,拿起,继续下去,占据(时间,空间等)


1. all together & altogether

All together是as a group的意思,表示“全部的,整体的”;而altogether则是in total的意思,表示“总共”。

※ 练习

The teacher waited until the students were __________ in the hall before he addressed them. 老师一直等到全体学生都到达大厅,才发表演讲。

There were __________ 400 students in the hall. 大厅里一共有400位学生。

2. award & reward

这两个词都是动词,其区别在于:award 表示“授予(奖品)”,而reward是“报答、酬劳”的意思。Award还可以作名词,表示“奖、奖品”。

※ 练习

The journalist became the first Chinese who was __________ the Nobel Peace Prize due to his concern about the poor. 因其对于贫困人群的关注,这位记者成为了第一位被授予诺贝尔和平奖的中国人。

How can you __________ my virtue with vice? 你岂能以怨报德?

3. imply & infer


※ 练习

When Auntie Amy said, “My God! That's a big piece of pie, young lady,” did she mean to ________ that Dorothy was being a glutton in taking such a huge slice? 艾米阿姨说道:“我的天哪!姑娘,那真是一块很大的馅饼。”这时,她是不是想暗示桃乐茜太贪吃,竟然拿了这么巨大的一块饼?

Dorothy ________ from Auntie Amy's comment that she'd better not ask for a second piece. 桃乐茜从艾米阿姨的评价中推断出她最好还是别再要一块了。

4. lay & lie

这是高考中考得极其频繁的一组词。Lay是“放置”的意思,大家还要记住它的动词变位:进行时是 laying,过去时和过去分词都是laid;lie表示“躺下时”,它的变位是:进行时是lying,过去式是lay,过去分词为lain。此外,lie还可以表示“撒谎”,而此时它的变位是:进行时为lying,过去式、过去分词都为lied。

※ 练习

Tom, ________ down and roll over! 汤姆,躺倒,翻身!

Tom ________ down on the floor. 汤姆躺在地上。

Auntie Amy, Tom's just ________ there. He's not rolling over! 艾米阿姨,汤姆正躺在那里呢。他没有翻身!

How long has he ________ there, Dorothy? Maybe he's taking a nap. 他躺那里有多久了,桃乐茜?也许他正在小憩呢。

5. raise & rise

Raise 可作动词,表示“增加,提升,收集,喂养”;而rise也可作动词,表示“升起,起床,成长”。Raise基本都作及物动词,而rise大多数情况下是不及物的,只有作“让……飞起来”讲才是及物动词。

※ 练习

They are ________ pigs. 他们正在养猪。

The sun ________ over the battlements. 太阳从城垛上升起了。

6. desert, deserted & dessert




※ 练习

After the bomb, Hiroshima became a ________ city. 经历了轰炸以后,广岛变成了一座荒城。

For the legendary racer, Schlesser, driving in the ________ of Sahara has the same peculiar fascination which Everest has for mountain climbers. 对于传奇赛车手施勒塞尔而言,行驶在撒哈拉沙漠中有一种特殊的魅力,就像珠穆朗玛对于登山者有特殊的魅力一样。

Blueberry cheese cake is his favorite ________. 蓝莓芝士蛋糕是他最喜欢的餐后甜点。

7. exchange & change

这两个词词义和拼写都很相近,exchange 表示“交换”,而change却表示“改变,更替”。

※ 练习

She quickly took her athletic outfit off and ________ into a formal dress. 她迅速脱下运动服,换上了一套正装。

Magic Johnson wished he could ________ all his money only for a good health. 魔术师约翰逊祈愿他能够用他所有的金钱换取一个健康的身体。

8. medal & metal


※ 练习

Although Liu Xiang only won several silver ________ in 2005, he is expected by the entire nation to win the gold ________ in the 2008 Olympics. 尽管刘翔在2005年只赢得了几块银牌,举国上下依然期待他在2008年奥运会上取得金牌。

Generally speaking, ________ contracts when cooled and expands when heated. 一般说来,金属热胀冷缩。

9. means & mean



※ 练习

She rose to fame by fair ________ or foul. 她不择手段地出了名。

I have been ________ to tell you that I took a liking to you at first sight. 我一直想告诉你,自从第一眼看到你,我就对你心生好感。

The poor man ________ well, but he only made matters worse. 这个可怜人用意很好,可是却让事情变得更加糟糕。

It was ________ of him to leave the dinner without paying. 他不付钱就离开晚餐真是小气。

10. opportune, opportunity, chance & possibility


Opportunity 是名词,指时机,尤其是指一种有利的状态或合适的时机。

Chance和 opportunity意思相近,表示“机遇,机会”,但其常表示因为运气或偶然而出现的机遇。

Possibility 是指“可能(性),可能的事物”。

※ 练习

Is there a ________ that she will pass the exam? 她有可能通过考试吗?

I haven't had a ________ to read my letter. 我还没有机会看我的信呢。


1.all together / altogether

2.awarded / reward

3.imply / inferred

4.lie / lay / lying / lain

5.raising / rose

6.deserted / desert / dessert

7.changed / exchange

8.medals / medal / metal

9. means / meaning / meant / mean


1 fill in/out the form填写表格

2 take turns doing/to do轮流做某事

3 ask for advice/suggestions征求意见 give advice/ make suggestions给出建议

4 What do you have in mind?=What are you thinking about? have…in mind心中考虑到某人、物

have sth on one’s mind:worry about sth有心事,担心

eg,You look worried.Is there something on your mind?

bear/keep…in mind记住某事

set one’s mind on(doing)sth:make up one’ mind to do下定决心要做

eg,Once you set your mind on (achieving )the goal,you should go for it.

be the last thing on sb’s mind是某人最不可能考虑的事

eg,Marrying you is the last thing on my mind.

It’s all in your mind.都是某人自己想象出来的

eg,The doctor has said you’re not really sick and it’s all in your mind.


great minds think alike英雄所见略同

read one’s mind领悟某人的心思

5 dance/sing to music配合音乐跳舞、唱歌 sing to the guitar和着吉它唱歌

6 show independent/strong/free spirit展现独立、坚强、自由精神的人

be in good/low spirits=be in a good/bad mood心情好、坏

be in high spirits=be excited情绪高涨

keep up one’s spirits保持心情开朗

7 suggest (doing)sth/suggest that…

eg,She suggested having lunch at the restaurant.

=She suggested that we (should)have lunch at the restaurant.

suggest sth/that… 暗示,表明

eg,Are you suggesting that I’m not suited for the job?

eg,His tone suggested his indifference (漠不关心)to the matter.

8 consider doing考虑做 consider sb/sth (to be)认为某人某物…

9 play a musical instrument弹奏一件乐器

10 on/over the radio通过广播 on TV在电视上

11 have /take a bried look at… 简单地来看

12 used to do 过去常常get/be used to doing习惯做 be used to do(某物)被用来做…

13 have much/a lot/nothing in common (with…)

14 spread(vi.) all over/throughout the world遍及全世界

spread(vt.) lies/rumors/gossip散布谎言、谣言、流言蜚语

15 Spanish-speaking countries讲西班牙语的国家 spoken language口语

16 be popular in/at sp. 流行 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎

popular belief/view普遍的信念、观点

17 be well-known/famous throughout the world全球闻名

18 a wide variety/range of 各种各样的,各种不同的

eg,The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors.各种颜色的T恤都有。

eg,Students came from a wide range of backgrounds.学生门来自不同的背景。

19 in every corner of the world在世界的每一个角落

20 open your ears to the sounds of the world倾听来自世界的声音

turn a deaf ear to =close/shut one’s ears to 充耳不闻,置若罔闻

21 music is a universal language.音乐是全球通用的语言

22 follow the beat 合上节拍

23 start/begin school开始上学 leave school毕业;退学finish school /graduate from school 毕业

24 in the open air 在户外

25 pick out::recognize sb/sth in a group of people or things分辨出,辨认出

eg,It’s easy to pick out Jack in the crowd for he is tall.

make out:be only just able to hear,see or understand sth(勉强)听出,看出,辨认出

eg,I can scarcely(=hardly)make out his writing.我几乎辨认不出他的笔迹。

26 rock and roll摇滚音乐 rock the nation 震惊全国

eg,The major scandal rocked the whole nation.

27 in style/out of style=in fashion/out of fashion流行的、过时的 eg,This type of dress is in style.

the latest style in hairdo最新的发型款式 live in the Western style过着西式生活

change your living style改变你的生活方式

It’s not one’s style.=it is not the way sb ususally behaves 那不是某人的做事风格

eg,I can’t be irresponsible.-it’s just not my style.

28 perform a play/a song/dance表演一出戏剧,一首歌,舞蹈

perform an operation/an experiment实施一项手术、做实验

perform well/badly表现地好、差

eg,Our team performed very well . The computer performs badly.

give a performance表演,演出

29 make/play records 录制、播放唱片 keep a record(write down sth)做记录

set /hold /break a record创下记录、保持记录、打破记录

30 during/in one’s lifetime在某人的一生中 the chance of a lifetime一生难逢的机会

around(=throughout)the world遍及世界 around the clock日以继夜地,日夜不停地

31 turn into sth=change into sth变成 eg, The prince turned into a frog.王子变成青蛙。

turn sth/sb into sth=change sth/sb into sth 把…变成

eg,You can’t turn iron into gold.

eg,You’ll never turn me into a scientist,Dad.I’m not made for it.


32 have /hold different opinions about/on sth 对…持不同观点

have a good/bad opinion of 对…评价好、坏 opinions are divided on sth . 持不同观点

33 be similar to 与…相似be the same as与…相同 反义:be contrary to 与…相反

eg,My opinion is contrary to yours.

34 on one hand,on the other hand / for one thing,for another thing

35 satisfy/meet/appeal to one’s inner desire满足某人内心需求

36 make/earn money 赚钱 make a big fortune发大财

37 because of =as a result/consequence of=on account of 因为,由于

38 forget about the real world 忘却真实的世界

39 bring in 200 million dollars 挣20万美金

40 feel easy 感觉放松 lead an easy life过安逸的生活

Make yourself easy.请放心。 Take it easy.别紧张。


1 People have been playing the blues for many years,but the music has kept many of its characteristics.

2 There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.

3 The next time you look for a record,don’t just look for Chinese or American music-open your ears to the sounds of the world.


the next/first time/the moment/the second/the minute/the instant…..=as soon as

instantly/directly/immediately=as soon as

4 Music makes people feel easy and forget about the real world.

5 Music is more than just sound--- it’s a way of thinking.

more than glad to help you 非常乐意帮你

The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州的美非语言所能描述

Unit 12 art and literature


1 design a film poster设计一副电影海报

2 A match B相配;相匹敌

eg,Her clothes don’t match her age. eg,No one can match her in math.

match A with/to B 使A与B相配eg,Can you match the paintings with the correct painters?

not match不搭配 eg,Your socks don’t match.你的两只袜子不是一双。

be a match for相配;旗鼓相当的对手eg,This tie is a good match for your suit.

eg,She is more than a match for me.她比我更优秀(我远不是她的对手)

be no match for根本不是对手

eg,I am no match for the champion.我根本不是这位冠军的对手。

be a perfect match天做之和,非常般配的一对

3 action movie动作电影 romantic comedy浪漫喜剧

4 act a part/role扮演角色 act out the dialogue/situation表演出对话、情景

act as担任…职务 act on(one’s)advice/orders按照某人的意见,命令办事

5 get sb to do 让某人做 对比:let/have/make sb do注意:make sb do/be made to do

6 be on exhibition(exhibit)=be on show

7 magic power 魔力 magic trick魔术戏法 play a trick on sb. 捉弄…

8 a series of events 一连串的事件 a comedy series一部喜剧系列片

9 what to do with sth /How to deal with sth 如何对付某事

10 be in/out of trouble get into trouble have trouble/difficulty (in)doing

11 come/run across/ meet with / run into sb/sth偶遇

12 fight (struggle/battle)with/against同…抗争 fight (struggle/battle)for为…而斗争

13 believe in/trust sb信赖某人 believe sb=believe what sb said

14 share the same opinion/interest持共同观点 share joys and sorrows同甘共苦

15 live a good life过得好 die a horrible death死得残 smile a insincere smile假笑

16 whisper sth to sb=whisper sth in one’s ear耳语

17 sound like… 听起来像 eg,That sounds like a helicopter.

sound as if/though …. eg,Your voice sounds as if you’ve got a cold.

It sounds as if/though…

eg;It sounds to me(I think I can hear) as if there’s a tap running somewhere.

sound the alarm拉响警报

18 If only=How I wish… 但愿,真希望,要是…就好了

eg,If only I had met her earlier! (表过去) eg,If only we had two days off a week.(表现在)

对比:only if 只有在…条件下 (对条件if的强调)

eg,Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.

eg, The company will succeed only if it has sufficient backing.


19 be about to do…when…正准备做…这时…

20 make an announcement宣布,宣告

21 treat / regard / see / take / consider / count …as 将。。。看做

think of / look on / refer to… as

22 form / develop / fall into the habit of 养成习惯

drop/break (with)/give up/get rid of /get out of the habit改掉习惯


1 Where someone is born and what a person looks like are not as important as what he grows up to be.

2 Strangers can still be friends if they share the same goals,hopes and dreams.

3 It sounded like a woman crying.=it sounded as if a woman was crying.

4 He was just about to say sth when Peter turned around.

5 We pick up a book and lose ourselves in a good story , eager to find out what will happen next.


1 be kind to sb 对某人友善

It’s kind of sb to do…eg,It’s really kind of you to let us use your computer.

Would you be kind enough to do sth? 劳驾,请您…好吗?

=Would you be so kind as to do sth? eg,Would you be kind enough to close the door,please?

2 be honest with sb/about sth对某人、某事坦诚

To be honest/Honestly speaking坦白说 make/earn an honest living正当谋生

3 be loyal to…对…忠诚

4 表喜欢:I like/love/enjoy/prefer/am fond of /am into/am keen on(热衷于)/am crazy about…

5 surf the Internet上网 chat online

6 be cast away(因沉船)流落(荒岛) a castaway一个流落荒岛的人

7 a car/bus/plane crash车、飞机撞毁,失事 crash a car/a plane 撞毁车,飞机

8 survive the crash在空难中幸存下来

9 land on a deserted island 降落在一座孤岛上

10 hunt for food/hunt for a job寻找食物,找工作

11 make/build a fire生火 light/put out a fire点火;灭火 catch fire着火 be on fire在燃烧

set sth on fire=set fire to sth放火烧,引燃… start a fire/fight a fire放火,纵火;救火,灭火

A fire breaks out.火灾爆发 play with fire玩火,做危险的事

go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火,冒一切危险

12 in order to do(句首,句中)=so as to do(句中)为了

13 develop a friendship with sb= make friends with同某人交朋友

14 even though(=although,though)虽然,尽管

eg,We decided to part,even though we loved each other.

even if (=no matter if)纵然,即使

eg,Even if I sell my house,I’ll keep my bussiness going.

15 treat/regard/look on/think of him as a friend把他视为,当成朋友

16 share happiness and sorrow分享痛苦和欢乐

share an interest/opinion有共同兴趣,持共同意见

17 care about 关注,在乎,在意

eg,The only thing you care about is money. eg,He doesn’t care about clothes.

care for①(否定,疑问句)喜欢,想要eg,I don’t care for coffee.

eg,Would you care for a cup of tea?

②照顾,照料eg,She cares for her sick mother.

18 表责备,遗憾:should(=ought to ) have done本该做(事实没有)

should not(=ought not to) have done本不该做(事实做了)

need have done本需要做(但没有) needn’t have done本不需要(但却做了)

19 be quick in mind=be quick-minded反应快

have a quick temper=be quick-tempered性情急躁

20 go outing外出郊游

21 be/get angry with sb生某人的气

22 drop sb a line=write a short letter to sb给某人写封短信

23 keep/bear sth in mind记住

have sth in mind在想,心里想 have sth on one’s mind有心事,担心

make up one’s mind(to do)下定决心(做) change one’s mind改变主意

come into one’s mind=come across one’s mind=cross/enter one’s mind

=strike sb(sb’ mind)=occur to sb(想法,念头)浮现,掠过脑海

bring/call sth to mind使想起,忆起

eg,The photo brings those good old days to mind.=…brings back those good old days.


a heavy load off my mind卸下包袱

my mind goes blank.我的大脑一片空白。

out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦

二 重点句子:

1 I don’t enjoy singing,nor (neither)do I like computers.

Rock music is OK,and so is skiing.

Mary enjoys pop music,and she is also a bookworm. So it’s with me.

2 One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.

I was about to cook when the telephone rang.

I was making coffee when the doorbell rang.

3 In order to survive,Chuck develops a friendship with a volleyball.

4 Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him.

5 Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.

6 Just write your message and click it away.(点击鼠标)

Unit2 English around the world

一 重点短语

1 all the way(一路上)一直,不停地eg,We flew all the way from Seattle to London.

2 make yourself at home别客气 help yourself (to sth) 请自己取用

3 drive sb crazy使发疯 Got it. 明白,懂了 Make it成功做到

4 forget to do忘记要去做(还未做) forget doing 忘记做过

remember to do 记得要去做 remember doing记得做过

regret to tell/say…遗憾地告知,说… regret doing 后悔做过

mean to do 意图,打算做 mean doing 意味着…

try to do 努力去做 try doing尝试着做

go on to do接着做(另一件事情) go on doing接着做(同一件事情)

4 the majority of …=most of ….大部分

5 in total=in all总共,总计

6 be equal to①与…相(平)等②能胜任的(able) eg,I’am sure she’s quite equal to the task.

7 a number of 大量的(谓语动词用复数) the number of…的数量(谓语动词用单数)

8 mother tongue/native language母语

9 global culture全球文化

10 have a good knowledge of 非常熟悉,充分了解 have a good command of 精通,掌握

11 turn down the radio调小(音量)

turn down one’s offer(request,invitation)拒绝某人提议,请求,邀请

12 stay/sit up(very late)熬夜

13 come about 产生,发生

How did it come about that… ? 对比:bring about导致,促成

14 stay/remain the same保持不变

15 end up with/as/in/doing以…告终

eg,British English started borrowing words from other languages,ending up with different words.



Rare(ad.)----rarely fog(a.)----foggy truth(a.)---true

Firmly(a.)--- firm freeze(a.)---freezing distance(a.)---distant

Darkness(a.)---dark change(a.)---changeable deadly(n.)--- death

Deeply(n.)---depth treatment(v.)---treat volunteer(v.)---volunteer

Deserted(v.)--- desert stressed(v./ n.)--- stress; stress data(单数)----datum

Sweat(形似词)---sweet drown(形似词)---drawn reduce(反义词)---increase

Accept(反义词)---refuse latter(反义词)---former impossible(反义词)---possible

Fear(反义词)---fearlessness likely(反义词)---unlikely unpleasant(反义词)---pleasant

Nowhere(反义词)----everywhere sniff(近义词)---smell observe(近义词)---watch

Method (近义词)---way tip(近义词)---advice chance(近义词)---possibility

Rough(反义词)---smooth ignore(近义词组)---pay no attention to

Beat(过去式,过去分词)----beat; beaten stick(过去式,过去分词)----stuck; stuck

Fly(过去式,过去分词)--- flew; flown tap(过去式,过去分词)--- tapped, tapped

Panic(过去式,过去分词,现在分词)---panicked; panicked; panicking


Watch out for …留心... make achievements取得成就 glance at扫视

Step out into …走出去到... hold one’s nose捏住鼻子 in sight看得到

Stare(up) at (抬头)凝视 after midnight午夜之后 wish for 盼望

Make a decision做出出决定 be lost in the fog在雾中迷路 set off出发

Reach out 伸出(手) bang into 不小心撞到 breathe in 吸入

Pay back 报答,偿还 feel frightened感到害怕 work out 制定

Turn to 变成 by underground乘地铁 go hungry挨饿

By sight根据外表或形象 make progress取得进步 manage to do 设法做

Lose sight of看不见 be related to 和... in the distance 在远处

Make the most of 充分利用 set sail for ... get close to 靠近

Take the pain忍受疼痛 the sixth sense第六感 make sense 有意义

Compared to 与。。。相比较 ring out发出响亮的声音 can’t afford买不起

As long as possible尽可能长地 warm sb. Up使某人暖和起来

Express one’s thanks to sb. 向某人致谢 follow one’s advice听从某人的建议

In a scientific study在一个科学研究中 have something to do with 与。。。有关

Have high blood pressure 有高血压 be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住

Can’t help doing禁不住作某事 in everyday life在日常生活中

Hold sb still使某人一动不动 lose one’s sense of taste失去味觉

Over a long distance越过很长的一段距离 be likely to do 很有可能做

Take one’s usual bus home乘某人常坐的车回家

Contact sb. Through the newspaper 通过报纸和某人联系



Simplify(a.)---simple eventually(a.)----eventual standard(a.)-standard

Record (n.)---record create(n.)---creation contribute(n.)---contribution

Racial(n.)---race combine(n.)---combination direction(v.)----direct

Promise(n.)---promise confusing(v.)---confuse development(v.)---develop

Ending(v.)---end drawing(v.)---draw pronunciation(v.)---pronounce

Action(v.)-act pure(n.)---purity replace(n.)---replacement

Ox(复数)---oxen process(形似词)---progress disagree(反义词)---agree

Upper(反义词)---lower servant(反义词)---master modern(反义词)---ancient

depend(近义词)-rely indicate(近义词) ---suggest

Originally(a./n)---original; origin differ(a./n.)---different; difference


Stand for 代表 all over the world 全世界 be made up of 由…组成

Pick up拿起,捡起 differ from不同于 consist of 由…构成

Lift up 拿起,举起 back and forth来回 take control of 控制

Result in 结果导致 a waste of time浪费时间 work as 担当;担任

As a whole 总体上 mainland China中国大陆 upper class people上层人士

Mother tongue 母语 looke into one’s eyes直视某人 a pair of words一对词

Lose face丢脸 in addition 另外 throw away丢掉

Right away立刻 in a word 总之 sort out安排,拣选,分类

Instead of 代替,而不是 set a standard确立标准 look forward to 期望

Take action采取行动 what if倘使。。。将会怎样 care about 关心,担心

Look up查找,向上看 Chinese character中国汉字 at one time一度,曾经

Agree with 同意,适应 turn into使变成 solve a problem解决问题

Body language 肢体语言 sign language 手语up and down 上上下下

Official language官方语言get one’s attention吸引某人的注意

Have an impact on对。。。造成冲击 stop sb. Doing sth.阻止某人做某事

Inform sb. About sth通知某人做某事 replace….with用…来替代

Have a word with sb.和某人说句话 take…into consideration 考虑到…

Depend on 视…而定 mix … with… 把…与…混和

Contribute to有助于,是…的成因之一 disagree about sth在某事上有分歧

Simplified Chinese character简体汉字 develop from…into 由…发展为

In the 1950s在20世纪50年代 exchange information交换信息

Get along with进展,相处 undergo huge changes经历巨大的变化

牛津高中英语模块三Unit 3重点词汇与短语


burial(v. ) ---- bury wealthy(n.)--- wealth commercial(n.)--- commerce

erupt(n.)--- eruption cultural(n.)--- culture similarity(a.)--- similar

destroy(a.)--- destructive(n.)---destruction director(a.)-direct( 反义词)---indirect

poetry(诗人)--- poet unfortunately(反义词)--- fortunately

memorial(v.)---memorize(n.)--- memory

remains(v.)-remain remains意为遗迹时常用复数

ruin(动词词义;名词词义)--- 毁坏,废墟(常用复数形式)



Be in use 在使用中 set sail for 去航去 by the time 到…时候

As early as 早在 in the future将来 take over 接管,接任,控制

Lead to 导致 in memory of 纪念 in return for 作为……的回报

Burial chamber墓室 lost civilization失落的文明 carry out实施,执行,进行

No more不再 be off to 出发去 too…to 太…而不能

Pour out 涌出,倾泻 go to a lecture去听演讲 more than 多于, 不仅仅

Be buried alive被活埋 be covered with被…覆盖

Neither … nor 既不…也不 not only …but also不但…而且

On board在船上,飞机上或火车上 in good condition处于良好的状态

Prevent sb. from sth/ doing sth 阻止某人做某事 declare war against 向…宣传
