人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit


人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit(精选6篇)

篇1:人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit

第五讲 Unit 4 A garden of poem


1. intend to do / doing

intend sb. to do / for sth.

( be intended to do / for sth.)

had intended to do / intended to have done

intend that…..

have (no) intention of doing….

intended trip

I intend you to take over the business.

I had intended to call on you, but I had to do some extra work.

The park is intended for the recreation of the people.

2. go / run mad

send / drive sb. mad

be mad at / with sb.

be mad about =be crazy about

3. lonely / alone

He lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely.

The old couple live in a lonely village.

all alone= all by oneself

leave / let sb. alone

let alone

Man alone has the gift of speech.

拓展:be sound / fast asleep ; be wide awake; be much alike

4. call up sb. = ring sb. up = make a call (phone) to sb.

He was called up in the war.(征招入役)

The picture called up memories of my childhood.(使想起)

call in叫进来

call off取消

call for

call on sb.

call at a place

I’ll call for you at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

The work calls for patience.

I’ve to go to the post office to call for my parcel.

5. stand out突出,引人注目

stand out as作为……很突出

stand out from远远超过

stand out against在…..衬托下很注目、鲜艳

His red hair made him stand out in the crowd.

He stood out as a football player.

The church stood out clearly against the sky.

Does your work stand out from that of the others?

stand for 代表,象征;主张

stand up to勇敢面对

stand by站在一旁;支持某人;袖手旁观

Our flag stands for our country.

We want to know what he stands for.

Don’t just stand by. Can’t you lend me a hand ?

No matter what happens, I’ll stand by you.

6. 表语倒装:

Happy will be those who help others.

Waiting together with him was his father.

Gone are the days when we had to depend on foreign oil.

Inside the pyramid were bodies of ancient kings and queens.


By his side sat his faithful dog.

I reached a big tree soon, under which lay an old man.

I had a photo taken where stood the tower.

7. lead to =result in = cause =contribute to

result from由…..引起

Eating too much sugar can contribute to health problem.

Hard work leads to success while laziness leads to failure.

His carelessness resulted in the accident.

=The accident resulted from his carelessness.

8. late : be late / come late / late in spring / his late (前任的,已故的)wife

later: three days later


latest: the latest news / invention / magazine

latter: the latter one ( the former one)

9. No matter + what / who / which / how / when / where…., …….=Whatever / whoever / whichever / however / whenever / wherever…….引导让步状语从句

Whatever / whoever / whomever/ whichever / however / whenever/ wherever引导名词性从句及方式时间地点状语从句

No matter what you do (=whatever you do), you must do it well.

No matter where you go( wherever you go) , please keep in touch with us.

No matter how late he came back ( however late he came back), his mother always waited for him to have dinner.

You can take whichever you like.

You can take whichever seat you like.

You can give the gift to whoever comes in first.

You can give the gift to whoever / whomever you like best.

You can go however you like

We should go wherever we are most needed.

10. gone / lost / missing

be gone / find sth. gone 作表语或宾补

be lost / the lost papers / be lost in thought / be lost in the crowd / lose oneself (get lost)作表语、定语或补语

the missing child / He has a finger missing.(缺掉的) / be missing作表语、补语或定语

It’s no use thinking of one’s lost youth.

We got lost / lost ourselves. in the woods.

11. next to

(1)= almost ,常用于带有否定意思的词前

It’s next to impossible to cure her illness.

I know next to nothing about chemistry.

(2)+ n. / pron. 靠近,次于

The bookstore is just next to the bank.

It’s the largest city next to London.

Next to playing football, I like playing chess most.

12. collect stamps

collect oneself / one’s thoughts使自己镇定下来;整理思路

collect sb.接某人

collect sth.去某物

collect / raise money集资,捐钱

n. collection he has a large collection of precious paintings.

13. change A into / to B把A变成B

change A for B把A换成B

change buses

for a change换换

find ….changed

get changed换衣服;变了

Can you change the fifty-yuan note into five ten cents for me, please?

This shirt is a bit too small. Can you change it for a bigger one?

14. recommend sb. sth. = recommend sth. to sb.

recommend sb. for (a job)

recommend sth. for ( a certain use)

recommend sb. as…

recommend doing

recommend sb. to do

recommend that……(should) do….

Would you recommend a good dictionary to me?

They recommend him for the job. / I recommend these pills for your cough.

I recommend him as your driver.

The doctor recommended him to take a good rest.

The teacher recommend that we should read this novel.

15. be absent from ( the meeting / class ) / be absent in….

in / during one’s absence from / in Shanghai

absent-minded / absence of mind

I’ll take your place in your absence =in the absence of you.

He acted as chairman during my absence.

That he was absent from the meeting made us surprised.=

His absence from the meeting made us surprised.

Mary is absent in Shanghai.

16. introduce A to B / introduce oneself ( to sb.)

introduce sth. to / into把…..引入

introduce sb. to sth.使某人了解、熟悉

make a self-introduction to sb.

the introduction to the book这本书的序言

a letter of introduction

Allow me to introduce you to my friend.

Coffee was introduced into / to England from America.

My cousin introduced me to jazz music.

17. light up a cigarette

The night sky was lit up with fireworks.

His eyes / faces lit up at the news

His coming into the room lit up her face.

a lighted candle / a burning candle

18. send for the doctor / more beer

send out invitations / a message for help / light and heat / new leaves

send up satellites

send sb. away / send away the goods

send off the parcel / send sb. off (=see sb. off)

The servant was sent away for stealing things from the house.

19. apart from (1) besides (2) except for

tell them apart把他们区分开

take sth. apart把某物拆开

Apart from the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me.

We had a pleasant time, apart from the weather.

20. contribute money / books / clothing to……捐钱、衣物等

contribute a lot to society作贡献

contribute essays to the paper报刊等投稿

make great contributions to ( education / society / literature)

contribute to=lead to

He contributed a lot of money to the church.

Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford ( to our school).

It’s an honour to be invited to contribute to your magazine.


21. When he was asked how he got along with his work, he kept silent.

= (When) Asked how he got along with his work, kept silent.

表示时间的连词: when , while, once, until

表示条件的连词: unless, once, if

表示让步的连词: even if ( though), (al) though, 疑问词+ever

表示方式的连词: as , as if (though)

When he was asked how he broke into the room, he kept silent.

=When asked how he broke into the room, he kept silent.

If we had been given enough time, we could have done better.

=If given enough time, we could have done better.

Though he was frightened by the fire, he stood out bravely.

=Though frightened by the fire, he stood out bravely.

He didn’t do the experiment as he was told to.

=he didn’t do the experiment as told to.

He stopped as if he wanted to see if someone was following him.

=He stopped as if to see if someone was following him.

He looked around as if he was looking for sth.

=He looked around as if looking for sth.

However frequently his works are performed , they are always popular among the audience.

=However frequently performed, his works are always popular.

Once the book is printed, the book will be popular.

=Once printed, the book will be popular.

过去分词作宾补,根据动作发生的时间,可有下面两种形式:done , having been done:

Having been told many times, he still couldn’t answer the question.

Asked the question, he lowered his head.


He was standing against the wall, (with) his hands crossed behind his head.



1. The road is designed for only motor vehicles, so once _____, bicycles are not allowed to go along it.

A. opens B. having opened C. opening D. opened

2. As we joined the big crowd I ______ from my friends.

A. got lost B. got missing C. got separated D. got spared

3. -----She thought he was a dull and selfish person.

----__________, either.

A. His impression of her was no better

B. Her impression of him was no better

C. His impression of her was no worse

D. Her impression of her was no worse

4. I have often heard this song ______, but I have never heard you _______ it.

A. to be sung ; to sing B. being sung; sang

C. sung; sing D. sang; singing

5. __________ the room, the nurse found the tape-recorder _______.

A. Entering; stealing B. Entering; gone

C. To have entered; being stolen D. Having entered; to be stolen

6. It’s time for supper now. Please _____ your books _______ so that we can use the table for supper.

A. give ….away B. put….off C. set….aside D. pass …..by

7. ______ it ______ or not, I will go to attend the conference on time.

A. if; rains B. Whether; rains C. If; will rain D. Whether; will rain

8. -----Tom is very stupid. He fails in every exam.

----In my opinion, he’s _____ than stupid.

A. lazier B. much lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather

9. -----Mind your behavior in public, or we’ll have our _____ruined.

-----Oh, no one sees.

A. figures B. names C. bodies D. images

10. Among mystery writers, Agatha Christie _______as a real master.

A. stands for B. stands by C. stands up D. stands out

11. All things ________, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered

12. Generally speaking, _____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

13. You should follow these sentence _____ to make twenty new sentences.

A. patterns B. appearances C. signs D. symbols

14. His speech at the meeting ______ my memories of the past.

A. called in B. called for C. called up D. called on

15. It is well known that the _____ of air can make a man die.

A. presence B. absence C. short D. plenty

16. I was deeply struck by their happy _____ in face of all kinds of difficulties.

A. position B. situation C. atmosphere D. space

17. I can’t think how he can _____ the time.

A. get over B. get rid of C. get out D. get through

18. As we all know, the People’s Republic of China _________in 1949.

A. came into being B. was put into practice C. was put to use D. was existed

19.Every one of us should _____ a part of our food and money to the people trapped in the terrible flood.

A. contribute B. equip C. share D. collect

20.She _____ the phone book for his telephone number.

A. looked up B. referred to C. picked out D. put away

22. We are all trying to avoid _____ the name of her son, who died ______a traffic accident weeks ago.

A. mention; from B. to mention; of C. mentioning; of D. mentioning; from

23. _________ into Chinese, the novel is well accepted.

A. Having been translated B. Translated C. Translating D. Being translated

24. -----You have eaten ______ nothing. What’s wrong?

----I’m not feeling well.

A. next to B. close to C. up to D. as to

25. Two speakers walked out of the hall, ______ happily with the teacher and ______ by a group of students.

A. talking; followed B. talking; following C. talked; followed D. to talk; to be followed

26. ________ from the moon, our earth, with water ______ 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”.

A. Seen; covered B. Seeing; covered C. Seen; covering D. To see; to cover

27. Though ______ of danger, he still went skating on such thin ice.

A. warning B. warned C. being warned D. having warned

28. ______ after a long walk, he called and said he couldn’t come to our party.

a) Worn out B. To wear out C. Wearing out D. Having wore out

29. My father seemed to be in no ________ to look at my school report.

A. feeling b. attitude C. emotion D. mood

30. I can ______ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker.

A. suggest B. advise C. recommend D. propose

31. The room was furnished in different ______ of gray and yellow.

A. shades B. shelter C. shadow D. shape

32. ______ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.

A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at

33. _______ on the ground _____ a boy of six together with an old man.

A. Lying ; is B. Laying ; is C. Lain; are D. Lied; are


篇2:人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit


1. preference n. 偏爱, 比较喜欢

have a ~ for … 更喜欢

show ( give) ~ for … 偏爱

in preference to

prefer v.

prefer sth./ to do sth. / doing sth.

that sb. ( should) do sth.

sb. to do sth.

prefer to do A rather than do B = would rather do A than do B

prefer (doing) A to (doing) B

preferable 更好一些(与 to 连用) A is ~ to B.

2. design v./n.

be designed to do / for sth. 打算做……用

have designs on ……对…..有企图

by design(=on purpose)故意

The toy is designed for children above three.

They have designs on your money.

This machine is of bad design.

3. taste v. / n.

sense of taste

have a taste for music 爱好

a taste of success成功的体验、经历

taste a rich variety of foods.

taste the joys of freedom 领略自由的欢乐

This tea tastes sweet.(连系动词,后接形容词,不用被动)

This soup tastes of chicken.(taste of sth.尝起来有……的味道)

tasty adj. a tasty meal

Tasting nice, the beef sells well.

4. convenient adj. 方便的;合适的;近而方便的(与to连用)be ~ to sp.

be convenient to/ for sb.

It is convenient for sb. to do sth.

When will it be convenient for you to go?

It is convenient to live close to your work.

Our house is ~ to the children’s school.

convenience n.

at one’s ( own) convenience 在方便时,

for the convenience of 为…… 方便起见

if it suits sb’s convenience 如果对某人方便a public convenience 公共厕所

5. stand = bear , put up with, tolerate忍受(常接n. / doing)

I won’t stand your treating the child like that.

I can’t stand being kept waiting.


I can’t stand the cold / your talking to me like that.

Their work will hardly stand closer examination.

The cloth stands washing.

处于某种状态/境地(Link Verb)

How do things stand at the moment?

These hospitals stand ready for emergency cases.

The house has stood empty since the old man’s death.

6. under construction / discussion / consideration / repair

7. impress vt.

(sth. ) impress sb. (deeply)

(sb.)be impressed by/ at / with sth.

~ sth. on (upon) sb. = ~ sb. with sth. 使(某人)铭记

(sth.) be impressed on one’s memory

My father impressed on me the importance of work.

= My father impressed me with the importance of work

impression n.

What’s your impression of …….?

make/ leave / have an impression on sb.

have the impression that……

What’s your impression of this city?

The trip to Hainan left a deep impression on me.

I have the impression that he was once in prison.

8. act as = serve as; work as

act on/ upon 对……起作用

She acted as our guide .

He acted as chairman while I was away.

The medicine acted on my stomachache.

9. despite prep. = in spite of 不管; 即使

although / though + Clause

adj. / adv. / n as + 主语+谓语

Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.

=In spite of the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.

=Although the weather was bad, we enjoyed our holiday.

=Bad as the weather was, we enjoyed our holiday.

10. sail v. / n.

sail west = sail for the west

sail the ship驾驶船

sail the sky在空中飘浮过

sail the Pacific Ocean在太平洋上航行

set sail for…..启程去某地

go sailing去航行

11. belong to属于(不用进行时或被动语态)

Who does the dictionary belong to?

Where does the magazine belong?

China is a country belonging to the third world.

12. set aside money= put money aside存蓄钱

set aside time 留出时间

set aside sth.把……放一边;对…..不予考虑

Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary.

Set aside for a moment your dislike of him.

13. rent

rent sth. from sb.

rent sth. to sb. for (money) 以……价钱租出去

pay the rent/ free of rent/ at a heavy( high) rent

for rent (Am)= to let (Br)

14. with the development of industry

develop an interest in

develop one’s body

develop the habit of

develop a film/ pictures/ photos

develop into…

develop from

developing country

developed country

15.be free to do sth.=do sth. freely

for free / free of charge

travel free

free of摆脱……的;无……的;没有……;免交…….;离开

free from不受……影响/损害 ( pain / trouble / blame / anxiety)

in one’s free time

Everyone is free to express himself here.

Babies can travel free.

The boat was free of the harbour.

I like to live in a quiet place which is free of crowds and noise.

16. If I do / am……, I will……..陈述语气

If I did / were……I would……虚拟语气(表示现在的假设)

If I had done / had been….., I would have done ……..(表示对过去所做事情的假设)

If I did / were to / should….., I would do……(表示对将来所作事的假设)

If I were you (= Were I you ), I would take that job.

If she stayed at home alone now, she would feel unhappy.

If you hadn’t taken his advice ( Had you not taken his advice), you would have failed.

If it should / were to rain ( rained) tomorrow (=Should / Were it to rain), we would have to stay inside.

17. share sth. with sb.和某人合用某物

share sth. among / between sb.某物在某人间分享

share (in)sorrows as well as joys with sb.和某人同甘共苦

share the same interests and tastes with sb.和某人有同样的兴趣爱好

What’s my share of the expenses?

18. while

(1)当……时候What happened while I was away?

(2)而,却 Some people waste food while others have not enough to eat.


While we don’t agree with each other, we are still good friends.

While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.

While there is life there is hope.


Make hay while the sun shines.

We must strike while the iron is hot.

19. such as(=like)像…….的

放置于被修饰的名词复数后面,不与and so on等连用

He can speak five languages, such as English, French and German.

He has many hobbies, such as playing table tennis, swimming and skating.

such / so…….as像……的那(些)(引导定语从句,as为关系代词)

such/ so……that引导结果状语从句

Don’t make such friends with people as are lazy.

Such a film as you described shouldn’t be shown.

She is not such a fool as she appears.

This is such a terrible film that it shouldn’t be shown.

20.It looks as if……(陈述语气或虚拟语气)

It looks as if it’s going to rain.

It looks as if she had seen a ghost.

The man treated the boy as if he were his own son.

21.A is to B what C is to D.

The engine is to the car what the heart is to the man.

22. remind sb. of sth.使某人想起……

remind sb. to do提醒某人做…….

remind sb. that…….

This picture reminded me of what we did together during our holidays.

He reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.

23. of + n. (抽象或具体的名词)

of the same color / of different sizes ( shapes)

of great value / importance / use / help to sb.=valuable / important / useful / helpful to sb.

The two are of the same age but are of different heights.

I find the book of great use to my research.(=useful)

Is there anything of importance in today’s paper?(=important)

Your advice is of no value to me.(=not valuable)


24. 过去分词作宾补:


see / look at / observe / notice / watch / feel / listen to / hear sth. done ( being done)

I once heard the song sung in German.

She felt her shoulder touched.

The old man was watched hit by a yellow car.

We stood there seeing the flag being raised.


have / get / make / let / keep / leave sth. done

Please keep me informed of the latest news.

John had his wallet stolen in the bus.

Please speak slowly and clearly to make yourself understood.


want / ask / expect / allow / permit / forbid / advise / order / wish / require / request sth. (to be ) done

I don’t want my daughter (to be ) taken out after dark.

25.with+ Object + Object Complement ( doing / done / to do / to be done / adj. / adv. /prep )

He likes sleeping with the light on.

The little girl cried with the glass broken.

The boy went out of the room with a stick in his hand.

With all the problems settled, he felt relaxed.

With so many people to help us, we are sure to succeed.

With the exam to be held tomorrow, you’d better not watch TV tonight.


1. _____, he came to the meeting.

A. In spite of his illness B. As he was ill

C. Despite he was ill D. Being ill

2. --- __________.

--- Do you mean I can study the subjects I like? That’s great!

A. You are free to choose your own course

B. To choose your own course is free

C. You are free with your time

D. You can choose the free course

3. ___ the house carefully and then decide ____ to buy it or not.

A. To view, whether B. View, whether C. Viewing, if D. Viewed, if

4. Travel and lectures ____ my time. I had no time to spend with my family.

A. filled up B. filled up with C. were filled up D. were filled up with

5. To Lu Xun, his pen is ____.

A. that a gun is to a soldier B. that a gun to a soldier

C. what a gun is to a soldier D. what a gun to a soldier

6. His wife came down the stairs, _____ in her arms.

A. held their year-old son B. to hold their year-old son

C. with their year-old son holding D. with their year-old son

7. The book ______ on this subject was written by a very young writer.

A. referring B. referred C. referring to D. referred to

8. At present, the fact that some people waste food ____ others haven’t enough really upsets us.

A. while B. when C. as D. and

9. Is this the radio you would like ____?

A. to have it repaired B. to have repaired

C. to have it repair D. have it repaired

10. The woman kept her eyes _____ on her baby for quite some time before she got up and left the room.

A. to fix B. fixed C. fixing D. being fixed

11. When he got home, he found his pocket ____ open and his wallet ____.

A. cut, stealing B. cut, stolen C. cutting, stealing D. cutting, stolen

12. --- We will go swimming after school. Will you ____ us?

--- The idea sounds ____.

A. come with; invited B. take part in; inviting

C. join; inviting D. attend; invited

13. ______ my sister _____. She is an excellent singer, yet she can’t dance at all.

A. Take; for example B. To take; as an example

C. Take; for an example D. To take; for example

14. You’d better _____ some money for special use.

A. pick up B. set aside C. put off D. give away

15. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ____ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see

16.The ______ lines and modern shapes make the car _____ warm and friendly.

A. flowed; looked B. flowing; looked C. flowed; look D. flowing; look

17. The film _____ me of the days ____ we spent in the small village.

A. remembered; when B. reminded; that C. remembered; which D. reminded; when

18. You can ____ a car for a holiday if you can’t afford to buy ____.

A. hire; it B. rent; that C. employ; one D. hire; one

19. The man earned a lot of money by printing ____ of famous writers.

A. a work B. work C. the work D. works

20. The judges were _____ with the girl’s splendid performance.

A. inspired B. impressed C. interested D. excited

21. He wanted his house ____ in a way ____ natural.

A. to build; to look B. build; looking C. built; to look D. being built; looks

22. If I ____ you, I ____ some trees around the house.

A. was; planted B. am; will plant C. were; would plant D. were; would have planted

23. His speech is _____ and we’re all _____.

A. inspiring; inspiring B. inspiring; inspired C. inspired; inspired D. inspired; inspiring

24. This dictionary ____ me.

A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belonging to D. is belonged to

25. Anyone who ____ laws will be punished.

A. go against B. goes against C. go for D. goes for

26. I found them _____ at the back of the theatre.

A. seat B. to seat C. seating D. seated

27. ____ in thought, he almost ran into a tree.

A. Losing B. Lost C. Lose D. To lose

28. The last man _____ the sinking ship was the captain.

A. left B. to be leaving C. to leave D. leaves

29. Weather _____, we will start at six this afternoon.

A. permits B. to permit C. permitting D. permitted

30. --- Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?

--- _____.

A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually.

B. Of course not, it is not allowed here.

C. Great! I love pets.

D. No, you can’t.

31. Who is the man with his hands ____ behind?

A. tie B. tied C. tying D. be tied

32. Don’t you think your composition wants ____?

A. rewritten B. to rewrite C. rewriting D. being rewritten

33. Don’t scold him, please. He didn’t do it ____ design.`

A. by B. at C. in D. on

34. It was raining hard, but we got there on time _____.

A. the same B. at the same time C. all the same D. same

35. I’d rather you ______ the coming exam.

A. pass B. passed C. to pass D. passing

篇3:人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit

由于高中英语教学长期存在课时紧、教学任务重的情况, 在一个模块或单元结束时, 许多教师常忽视复习本模块或单元教学内容的环节。而学生也同样苦恼, 不少学生反映:学完一单元后, 感觉没有多大的收获。笔者认为, 导致这些问题的根本原因在于教师没有组织学生进行科学、有效的复习。

科学、有效的复习是知识向能力过渡的桥梁, 是启迪思考和开发智力的良机, 是提炼、升华教学内容, 帮助学生建构知识网络和提高学习兴趣的有效途径。就高中英语教学而言, 上好单元复习课, 对于学生巩固所学知识、提高语言能力有着事半功倍的作用。此外, 教师在上复习课时还能弥补之前教学中的欠缺, 提高教学质量 (马智慧、刘欢2011) 。


(一) 教材分析

通过人教版高中英语模块6 Unit 1 Art的复习, 学生可掌握有关绘画艺术的相关词汇、句型和知识。围绕“绘画艺术”这个主题, 他们可了解西方绘画艺术的历史、中西方各种艺术形式与风格、各个历史时期的著名画家及其作品的不同风格, 培养学生对艺术的兴趣。

(二) 教学目标和任务

核心任务:学习写建议信, 掌握如何与收信一方交流自己对某一问题的看法, 并提出自己合理化的建议, 从而使对方参考或接受自己的想法或主张, 以达到解决问题的目的。

知识与技能目标:掌握有关绘画艺术的相关词汇、句型和知识;学习虚拟语气 (和现在、将来事实相反) 的用法;训练听力、阅读、写作技能。


(三) 教学片段

1. 回归内容

Scene 1:Lead in and show the task.To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about art.

(1) Pair work

Show the picture, Mona Lisa smile (见图1) .Ask Ss three questions.And see how much they know about the famous picture.

(1) Who is the woman in the picture?Mona Lisa.

(2) Who painted the picture?Leonardo da Vinci (1452~1519) .

(3) How long did it take him to paint it?Four years (1503~1506) .

(2) Individual work

To practice time expressions.

Use time expressions to complete the text below.

Suggested Answers:

In the 5th century, until the 15th century, Renaissance, In the Middle Ages, 1428, from the 15th to the 16th century, In the late 19th century, Nowadays, in the future

(3) Group work

Fill in the blanks:

设计意图:通过欣赏图片引出话题;通过填空的方式复习本单元的重点词汇, 检查学生对相关词汇和知识的掌握情况, 了解学情。在学生完成活动的过程中, 教师不仅了解了学生的知识储备现状, 还能发现学生知识和技能方面的问题, 进一步明确了随后需要复习内容的重难点。

2. 突破难点

Scene 2:Practice

(1) 重点词汇和短语

realistic, abstract, religion, religious, sculpture, gallery, belief, consequent, consequently, aim, symbol, value, focus, possession, convince, impressionism, impressionist, shadow, ridiculous, nowadays, attempt, predict, the Renaissance, focus on, a great deal

(2) 重点句式

As there are so many...it would be impossible to...

If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint...


(1) 我试图使他相信那个人不是个好人, 可他不在乎。 (convince)

(2) 在过去几个月里, 我们的医疗队取得了很大成功。 (a great deal)

(3) 那个男孩想熬夜看世界杯但被他的父母阻止了。 (attempt)

(4) 要是她会唱歌, 我就邀请她参加晚会了。 (if)

设计意图:外语学习的遗忘率通常较高, 在词汇学习方面尤为明显。学生学习词汇的最大障碍是如何实现词汇的高频再现, 从而加深理解、记忆, 以及如何完成词汇学习在课外的有效延伸。“突破难点”的活动就是要解决这个问题。为了帮助学生复习、巩固重点词汇和句型, 笔者设计的活动主要有翻译、填词、同义句转换等。

3. 弥补缺漏

Scene 3:同义句转换


(1) These years, Europe has changed a lot.

设计意图:弥补英语知识缺漏。教师要针对学生未掌握的内容进行矫正性学习, 弥补知识缺漏, 复习巩固尚未掌握的内容。教学内容的选择要考虑知识的深度与广度, 使其符合学生的需求, 使其适合所授班级的学生, 真正为学生创造学习的空间和机会, 让学生能够自主参与学习过程, 激发学生的学习潜能, 提高教学效率。

4. 语言运用

Scene 4:Group work

Please make up a small conversation between you and your partner.

(1) If you could have three of these paintings on the wall of your classroom, which would you choose?Discuss your reasons.These words might help you in your discussion:

(2) Would you rather have Chinese or Westernstyle paintings in your home?Give your reasons.

Scene 5:Writing

To learn to write letters for making suggestions.


建议信中应该包括建议的原因、理由和提出合理的建议。建议信的写作要简明扼要, 目的明确。


I am writing to express my view concerning...

You have asked me for my advice with regard to...and I will try to make some conductive suggestions.


I feel that it would be beneficial if...

I would recommend that...

As you may agree that...


I would be ready to discuss this matter in further detail.

设计意图:复习教学中如何在“用”上下工夫, 提高复习教学的有效性, 教师要关注语言知识的运用, 凸显一个“用”字, 让学生实现知识向能力的有效转化。


本案例中的回归内容、突破难点、弥补缺漏、综合运用四个环节始终与“用”紧密相连, 分别体现在:学生在欣赏图片中走进话题, 教师在语言的运用中了解学生的原有知识的状况;师生在真实的语境中, 运用语言突破难点和重点, 消除盲点;学生在阅读中运用语言实现反馈和检测, 达到巩固语言和内化语言的目的;学生在运用语言中分析观察各种语言现象, 总结归纳语言学习的规律;学生运用语言解决日常生活中的实际问题。总之, “用”是复习的起点, 也是复习的终点。复习课中, 教师要在“用”上下工夫。


篇4:人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit

第二课时 reading


Global warming为人教版选修六第四单元。本节课为第二课时阅读课,是第一课时的延续。随着经济的增长及人民生活水平的提高,大气中二氧化碳含量逐年增加,全球气温上升,环境问题已成为全世界关注的问题,同时也是高考命题的热门话题,由此可见,本课内容十分重要。














Show the students some pictures and ask them some question.



Step I skimming (individual work)

Read the text and answer the questions.

Step II Fast reading (individual work)

Read the text again, and match each part with the main idea.

Step III Listening & Careful reading (individual and pair work)

Listen to the text paragraph by paragraph to find some detailed information.



Show the students a short video and let them know the harm of global warming. So what can we do about global warming


Group discussion: What can/should we do? ( group work)

Then ask each group to share their ideas on the blackboard.

Please remember: Together, individuals can make a big difference.




Global Warming

What can we do about global warming?

Group I Group II Group III Group IV

… … … …

… … … …




篇5:人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit

掌握Unit 8词汇及词性变化



Unit 8 Sports

stand for

stand by

stand out(from)



如:He is real athlete. 他的实力真是名不虚传。


如:He is a real sportsman. 他才配是真正的运动员。

athletic adj. 健硕的,运动员般的

sportsmanlike adj. 有体育道德的,有风格的

gold adj. 金的,金制的 n. 金子

golden adj. 金子般的,金色的


gold指金制的,如:gold watch,gold pen等

golden指金子般的,如:golden opportunity,golden hall,golden rules等

final n. 决赛

half / quarter final 半决赛/四分之一决赛

shoot v. 射击

shot n. 射击,投掷

would rather do than do 宁愿…也不愿…

辨析:join,join in,take part in与attend

join是become a member of的意思,即成为某组织的一员

如:He joined the Party three years ago.

join in是参加某活动之意,且此处亦可用join,且此处与take part in意义基本相同

Would you please join(in)/ take part in the game?

Would you like to join us in a walk?


如:He will attend the meeting.

competitor n. 竞技者,竞争者

compete v. 竞技,竞争

competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的

competent adj. 胜任的,能干的,

rank v. / n. 定级,定衔,军衔,身份

辨析:prepare与prepare for


如:The teacher is preparing a test.

prepare for是为…而做准备

如:We are preparing for the coming test.

effect n. 效果,效用

have an/no effect on(一般用于不可数,但可以加an)

put sth. into effect

take effect

of / to no effect

in effect

effective adj. 有效用的,实际的

affect v. 影响,感动

affecting adj. 感人的

affected adj. 受感动的

weight n. 重量 v. 称重

weigh v. 称重

skill n. 技能,技巧



如:Only skilled workers can do this job.


如:He is a skillful musician.

gesture n. 手势,姿势 v. 摆姿势,做手势示意


Every four years…


如:每5天/每隔四天,every 5 days或every fifth day;

Many of the sports were the same as they are now.


Some of the games in which the young men competed were……


They were held in Greece-the country in which the Games were born

注意:奥运会Olympic Games永远以复数形式出现

28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries

注意:ranking在此处做伴随状语,注意rank的词组,rank sb. sth.(给某人定为…身份,头衔)和sb. rank sth.(某人处于…身份头衔)

Following the history-making success……


To make it the ever best Games……


……will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome……


light sth. 点燃,注意light的形容词lighted和lit


如:The candle was lit/lighted.

a lighted candle



…France will be represented by three fencers.


Matches will be won or lost in a matter of seconds.

注意此句中matter的用法,matter有“事情,事情的核心”的意思,如:It’s not a matter of money, but a matter of time.


[例1] When your friends are in trouble, you can not just ______.

A. stand out B. stand for C. stand by D. stand

(答案为C,stand by袖手旁观)

[例2] When their friends were in trouble, they became ______.

A. stand-byers B. stand-biers

C. standers-by D. stander-bies


[例3] You must catch hold of this chance, it’s a ______ opportunity.

A. gold B. golden C. silver D. bronze


[例4] They ______ him, but missed him.

A. shoot at B. shot at C. shoot D. shot

(答案为B,向……射击用shoot at)

[例5] The company decided to employ him, because they thought he was ______ in this job.

A. competed B. competitive

C. competing D. competent


[例6] Mother was ______ the supper when I came in.

A. preparing for B. preparing

C. prepared for D. prepared


[例7] The new rules will ______ next year.

A. have effect B. in effect

C. take effect D. effect

(答案为C,生效用take effect)

[例8] Playing computer games ______ the students’ study.

A. effect B. affect C. effects D. affects


[例9] She ______ to me that I was wrong.

A. told B. asked C. posed D. gestured


[例10] I still can’t feel warm though the ______ candle shone on me.

A. lit B. light C. lighted D. lighting


[例11] We are going to have a picnic next week, will you ______ us?

A. join B. take part in C. join in D. attend

(答案为A,此题是be a member of词组,要用join)

[例12] Missing this plane ______ here for another 2 days.

A. means to stay B. means staying

C. is mean staying D. mean stay

(答案为B,表示意味着…用mean doing)


一. 填入适当的关系代词:

1. Do you know anyone ______ teachers are foreigners?

2. The man ______ computer is very new has lent it to me.

3. The boy ______ father is a manager studies well.

4. He is the only people ______ English is very poor in my class.

5. This is the house ______ we used to live in.

6. This is the house ______ we used to live.

7. The playground ______ we used to play on has become a tall building.

8. The playground ______ we used to play has become a tall building.

9. We don’t know the place ______ he is staying now.

10. Please tell me the park ______ there are many pigeons(鸽子).

二. 汉译英:

1. 你认得你们班上父亲是我们老师的那个女孩儿吗?

2. 那个蓝眼睛的女孩是我的姐姐。

3. 请给那个红色墙壁的花园照张像。

4. 这就是我们平常学习的教室。

5. 这就是那个顶端有个花园的大楼。

三. 选择题:

1. The knife we used to cut the bread is very sharp .

A. with which B. which it for C. which to D. which

2. The boy for Mrs. Green is making a coat is an orphan.

A. whom B. him C. who D. which

3. The picture has a house and many flowers in it is the one I like best .

A. when B. where C. who D. which

4. This is all the teacher told us in class .

A. what B. that C. which D. of

5. This is the most difficult book .

A. which I have read it B. which I have read

C. I have read D. what I have read

6. He makes good use of the time he can spare.

A. which B. that C. in that D. in which

7. In the police station I saw the man from room the thief had stolen the TV set .

A. whom B. which C. whose D. that

8. - “ How do you like the book ? ”

- “ It’s quite different from I read last month . ”

A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what

9. Please pass me the dictionary cover is black .

A. which of B. which C. its D. whose

10. It was he I met yesterday .

A. whose B. whom C. where D. which

11. There is a garden we can play .

A. when B. where C. whose D. who

12. I don’t know the reason he was absent(adj缺席的)yesterday .

A. where B. when C. why D. whom

13. to do now is to find out the meaning of this motto(座右铭).

A. The thing what I want B. That I want C. What I want

14. I’m one of the boys never late for school .

A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is

15. The young man is an engineer of our factory .

A. that you just talked B. whom you just talked to

C. which you just talked to D. who you just talked

16. The second book I want to read is Travels in China .

A. which B. what C. that D. as

17. The boy handed everything he had picked up in the street to the police .

A. which B. that C. what D. whatever

18. I’ll never forget the days I stayed in your beautiful country .

A. when B. which C. what D. for which

19. September 18 ,1931 is the day we’ll never forget .

A. that B. when C. on which D. on that

20. The only language is easy to learn is the mother tongue(母语).

A. which B. whose C. that D. it

21. Guilin is the most beautiful place people all over the world want to visit .

A. where B. which C. what D. that

22. The dictionary is sold out in the bookshop .

A. you need B. what you need

C. which you need it D. that you need it

23. Is this the shop sells children’s clothing ?

A. which B. where C. in which D. what

24. The continent I visited last year was not the one I once worked .

A. which ; where B. which ; which C. where ; which D. where ; where

25. The reason I’m writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday .

A. because B. why C. for D. as



1. whose 2. whose 3. whose 4. whose 5. which / that 6. where

7. which / that 8. where 9. where 10. where


1. Do you know the girl in your class whose father is our teacher?

2. The girl whose eyes are blue is my sister.

3. Please take a photo/picture of the garden whose walls are red.

4. This is the classroom where/in which we usually studies./This is the classroom(which/that)we usually studies in.

5. This is the building on the top of which there is a garden.



篇6:人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit




Unit 7 Cultural relics

statue n. 雕像






represent vt. 代表

representative n. 代表

include vt.

including prep. 包括

辨析include与contain二者均为包含,包括的意思,但include强调其中含有,并不说明全部内容,比如:The newly published books include two essays of his.

contain强调所包含的一切,比如:The newly published books contain 3 separate ones.

conclude vt. 结束,总结,下结论

conclusion n. 结束,结论

draw a conclusion

restore vt. 重新获得,使恢复

recover vt. / vi. 重新获得,恢复

portrait n. 画像,肖像,描写

portray vt. 刻画,描写

recreate vt. 重新创造

recreation un. 娱乐活动,休闲

unite vt. 使统一、团结

union n. 统一,团结,团体,组织

unit n. 单位,单元

damage vt. 损伤,造成损失

hurt vt. 伤害 (可指心理上)

injure vt. 伤害

wound vt. 使受伤

official adj./ n. 官方的,文官

officer n. 军官

breath n. 呼吸

out of breath 喘不上气来,呼吸急促

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

breathe vt./ vi. 呼吸

limit vt./ n. 限制


Where there is a river, there is a city.


…but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on a bank of a river.


Peter the Great,彼得大帝

…during his lifetime在他在世时

…and they often look like something out of a fairy tale.

St. Petersburg has also been the center of many important events in history.






The Germans burned many of the palaces as they left.

burn放火烧,set fire to sth.,set sth. on fire

burning hot,火烧般的热;burning coal红热的煤炭

St. Petersburg was nearly in ruins: fires burned everywhere.

be in ruins一片废墟,被摧毁

…and paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.

be in pieces粉碎,此处lie起到be动词做系动词

Restoring the city and its cultural relics seemed impossible.

restore sth.恢复,修复

…we will do everything we can to save our city.


Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis now could be used to rebuild the city and its culture.


…when they were trying to bring the city back to life.

bring sth. back to life

It was difficult…without destroying its old beauty.

without doing表示做…的同时而没有做…

…the missing pieces were replaced


Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow …, have been carefully recreated.

including sth. 介词词组做状语

Strong, proud and united, the people of…


Page48, Integrating Skills

The carbon dioxide from their breath is damaging the paintings.

damage sth. 损坏某物

I think one way to solve this problem is to put glass…




…and the new houses provide jobs for hundreds of people.

provide sth. for sb.为…提供…


The River Niles used to flood large areas…


The Aswan High Dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly.


…important old temples, which date from about 1250 years ago.

date from追溯到,从…开始


[例1] When you are going to have an interview for a job, you must pay attention to your ______.

A. statue B. figure C. image D. status


[例2] You must regularly eat vegetables to keep your ______.

A. statue B. figure C. image D. status


[例3] What do you think can best ______ the Chinese people’s spirit?

A. present B. represent

C. representative D. mean


[例4] The whole trip ______ two days in the U.S. and three days in the U.K..

A. includes B. contains C. has D. have


[例5] To ______ the city, they used a lot of money.

A. recover B. regain C. repeat D. restore


[例6] My favorite ______ is swimming.

A. recreate B. recreation C. relax D. entertain


[例7] The couple was very happy about their ______ after 5 years’ separation.

A. union B. uniting C. united D. reunion


[例8] How much does this pat cost?

$200, a bag and two tennis balls ______.

A. including B. included C. to include D. include

(答案为B,被动关系,独立主格 )

[例9] You should make it a rule to put things ______ you can find them easily.

A. when B. where C. how D. what


[例10] When you read the book, you can make a mark ______ you have any questions.

A. at which B. where C. how D. what


[例11] Jim has two possessions ______ he is very proud.

A. which B. that C. of which D. of that

(答案为C,be proud of词组用于定语从句中)

[例12] -Why Della didn’t come to my party last night?

-She ______ too busy to come.

A. must be B. might have been

C. might be D. can’t be free



1. I had hoped to go into the fire to fetch the expensive box, but my roommate told me .

A. don’t go B. not go C. not to go D. not to

2. -Could you lend me some of your writing-brushes?

-Sorry, I’ve got ______ left now.

A. nothing B. no one C. none D. no ones

3. -Aren’t you the manager?

-No, and I _______.

A. don’t want B. don’t want to C. don’t want to be D. don’t

4. ____ otherwise directed by a doctor, this medicine should be taken three times a day.

A. If B. Whether C. Unless D. Although

5. I don’t think Peter is too young to take care of the pet dog _____.

A. correctly B. properly C. exactly D. actively

6. ______at the door before entering, please.

A. Knocked B. To knock C. Knocking D. Knock

7. The men will have to wait all day_____ the doctor works faster.

A. if B. unless C. whether D. that

8. The sun was shining brightly, ______ everything there_____ more beautiful.

A. making ; look B. to make ; looked

C. and made ; looking D. and making ; be looked

9. -I wish I could buy one of those beautiful toys.

-I’m afraid they wouldn’t allow ______ in the hotel.

A. you keeping B. that you keep it

C. you to keep it D. you keep it

10. Visitors _____ not to touch the exhibits.

A. will request B. are requested

C. are requesting D. request

11. -Do you play football after work?

-Yes, ______. Playing football is not my favourate sport.

A. more or less B. once in a while

C. time and again D. sooner or later

12. -What did you see?

-We saw _____ police there.

A. a good many B. much C. plenty D. the

13. -Let’s hurry. Professor Bush is coming.

-Oh, I was afraid that we ______.

A. already miss him B. will miss him

C. has already missed him D. had already missed him

14. -You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.

- _______.

A. Oh, don’t complain about it

B. That’s all right. I’ll give you a better one

C. I’m glad you like it

D. You have a gift for music, don’t you?

15. -Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

-Sorry to say I didn’t. It was ____ a meeting than a party.

A. more of B. rather like C. less of D. more or less

16. -Let’s see if the baseball game has started yet.

-Started? It must be clear who _____by now.

A. is winning B. wins C. has won D. would win

17. -John, come on !

-Wait a moment, mum. I ______.

A. get just dressing B. got just a dressed

C. am just getting dressed D. have just dressed

18. -Has your father finished his essay yet?

-I don’t know; he ______ it this morning.

A. wrote B. has written C. had written D. was writing

19. -I’m green at everything.

-Don’t worry. ______ you get older, you will get more experience.

A. When B. Till C. If D. While

20. When Xiao Li was ill in hospital, his classmates went to see him _____.

A. every a few days B. each few days

C. every two days D. every the second day


