












Gender: female

Education: college political landscape: 0

Birthday: 0000-00-00 national:

Marital status: married native place:

Height: confidential weight: confidential

Professional: accounting work experience: college graduates

Expect work location: xinxiang


Industry/position: financial/audit/statistics/cashier accounting expected monthly salary: 4000 yuan nature of work: full-time

Education experience

School name: river normal university professional: accounting study in time: the 1994-09-01-1994-09-01 degree: college degree

Language ability

Languages: Chinese language ability: good

Work experience

Company name: chemical

Working time: the -02-01-1996-02-01

Company size: keep it a secret

Department: finance

Job classification: financial/audit/statistics/cashier supervisor

Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

Job description:

Self assessment

All interests for the company, to the enterprise benefit maximization, reasonable tax avoidance, tax reasonably


姓名: yjbys

性别: 女

学历: 大专 政治面貌: 0

生日: 0000-00-00 民族:

婚姻状况: 已婚 籍贯:

身高: 保密 体重: 保密

专业: 会计 工作经验: 应届毕业生

期望工作地点: 新乡市


行业/职位: 财务/审计/统计/收银员 会计 期望月薪: 4000元 工作性质: 全职


学校名称: 河师大 专业: 会计 就读时间: 1994-09-01 至 1996-05-01 获得学历: 大专


语种: 汉语 能力: 良好


公司名称: 化工

工作时间: 1996-02-01 至 -01-31

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 财务

工作分类: 财务/审计/统计/收银员 主管

职位月薪: 保密









1. 会计英语的词汇特点及翻译方法

1.1 大量使用术语

会计是在对财务活动和成本资料的收集、分类和报告的基础上, 形成协助管理决策的信息系统。在会计文献中大量使用会计专用术语, 这些术语精练、严谨。除单词术语外, 其短语术语有不同的结构组合。

1.1.1 名词+名词

例如:profit control (利润控制) , book value (帐面价值) , debt capital (借入资本) , cost accounting (成本会计) , cash balance (现金余额) , store fixtures (店面装置) , journal entry (日记帐分录) , merchandise inventory (商品盘存) , piece wage (计件工资) , money order (汇票) , check stub (支票存根) , work sheet (工作底表) 。

以上这些例子中, 将名词当作形容词作前置定语, 这在会计英语中非常普遍。翻译这种结构的术语时, 一般用直译法, 一方面要准确地表达原文的意思, 另一方面要使它符合汉语的习惯说法。例如:income statement应翻译为“损益表”而不是“收益表”;balance sheet应翻译为“资产负债表”而不是“平衡表”。

1.1.2 名词+介语短语

为了达到“明确”和“简练”的要求, 会计英语的词汇较多使用了名词+介词短语的结构, 介词短语通常作名词的后置定语。翻译过程中, 注意中心词一般是放在前面的名词。例如:profit after tax (税后利润) , loss on sales (销货亏损) , invoice for sales (销货发票) , gross profit on sales (销货毛利) , sales on credit terms (赊销) , deposit in bank (银行存款) , level of income (收益水平) , goods on hand (库存商品) , supplies on hand (在用物料) 等。

1.1.3 形容词+名词/名词+形容词

形容词修饰名词的短语无论是在专业英语中还是在普通英语中都大量存在, 是最常见的短语形式, 例如:gross profit (毛利) , indirect cost (间接成本) , extraordinary items (非常项目) , intangible asset (无形资产) 等。还有些动词加上后缀-able之后变成形容词, 表示“能够……;适于……;可……;应……”。例如:receive (收到、接受) 加上-able成为receivable, 其意义也相应成为“能收的、应收的”;同样pay (付款、支付) 加上-able也相应成为“应付的”。这里要特别提到的是, 动词后缀有-able所形成的形容词, 和一般形容词不同, 在修饰名词时, 它不在名词之前而在名词之后。例如accounts receivable (应收帐款) , accounts payable (应付帐款) , notes receivable (应收票据) , notes payable (应付票据) 等。

1.1.4 分词+名词

为了明确所描述的对象, 会计英语中较多地使用分词作定语。现在分词含有“主动、正在进行”的含义, 过去分词含有“被动、已完成”的意义, 但翻译时不需将这种意思翻译出来, 只将分词看作是形容词来翻译。例如:beginning inventory (期初存货) , closing procedure (结账程序) , sinking fund (偿债基金) , financing activities (筹资活动) , accrued revenue (应计收入) , semifinished parts (半成品) , deferred credit (递延贷项) , fixed assets (固定资产) , authorized stock (额定股本) , preferred stock (优先股) 等。

1.1.5 合成形容词+名词

合成词的特点是构词结构形象, 词义一目了然, 非常符合会计专业英语的特点。例如:break-even point (保本点) , straight-line method (直线法) , long-term asset (长期资产) , current-noncurrent method (流动与非流动项目法) , paid-in capita (缴入资本) , wage-bracket table (工资税级表) , cost-benefit data (成本—效益数据) 等。

1.2 缩略词

社会不断发展, 新的概念和术语不断涌现, 会计专业词汇日趋丰富和复杂。为了提高工作效率, 使信息传递更为便利, 会计英语中使用了较多的缩略词, 这些缩略词多出现在各种会计凭证、帐薄和报表中, 使帐表单据的编制更简单明了。翻译缩略词应了解缩略词的全称并理解缩略词的意义, 同时要熟悉相关的会计凭证与报表, 这些都有助于迅速地准确地翻译。

例如:Dr.———debit record (借记) , Cr.———credit record (贷记)

P.R.———Post.Ref.———Posting Reference (过帐记号)

Acct.No.———Account Number (帐号)

D.L.hours———direct labor hours (直接人工工时)

Bal.———balance (余额)

Depn.———depreciation (折旧)

Dis.———discount (折扣)

Doc.———document (单据、凭证)

CVP analysis———cost-volume-profit analysis (本—量—利分析)

Inv’t———inventory (存货、盘存)

N.S.F.———not sufficient funds (存款不足)

V.A.T.———value added Tax (增值税)

1.3 一词多义与单义性

会计英语隶属于专门用途英语 (ESP) 的分支———经贸英语 (EBE) 。和其它专业英语一样, 会计英语中存在着共核通用词, 这些词汇在不同情况下有不同的含义, 例如:claim在普通英语 (GE) 中有“要求, 索取, 声称, 断言”等意思。而在会计英语中, 除了以上意思外还有“债权, 求偿权, 索赔”等多个意思。类似的词还有:outstanding (GE:杰出的) , outstanding stock (EBE:外发股份) , outstanding check (EBE:未兑付支票) ;consideration (GE:考虑;EBE:对价, 报酬) ;inventory (GE:目录;EBE:盘存清单, 财产目录) ;discount (GE:折扣;EBE:折扣, 贴现) 等。在翻译时, 应注意一些使用频繁的词汇很容易被误译, 须结合上下文来理解这些词汇的意思。

同时, 会计英语的另一部分词汇具有单一、专用的特点。一个概念只有一个固定的术语, 即“一词一义”。例如:dividend (股利) , liquidation (清算) , amortization (摊销) , leasehold (租赁权) , voucher (应付凭单) , accruals (应计项目) , deferrals (递延项目) , budget (预算) 等。

2. 会计英语的句法特点及翻译方法

2.1 句子结构简洁明确

会计英语中的句子要陈述事实, 力求准确直白, 因此较多使用非谓语动词、介语短语、不定式短语等来代替句子中的定语从句、状语从句。句子结构紧密且简洁明了。


1) The accumulated portion of the cost taken as depreciation to date is subtracted from its original cost to obtain the book valueof assets. (解析:过去分词作后置定语, 相当于定语从句, 译成所修饰名词的前置附加语)

译文:作为至今为止因折旧而注销的那部份累计成本, 应从各相关资产的原始成本中减去, 以得出其账面价值。

2) With the exception of site land, the use of long-term assets to generate revenues tends to consume their economic potential. (解析:介词短语在句子中可充当不同的语法成分, 在翻译中, 要正确表达介词短语的关系, 必须首先判断其语法功用, 此句的介词短语在句子中作状语, 表示背景情况。另外, 不定式短语“to generate revenues”在此句子中作目的状语, 可采用顺译法并添加“以”“使”这类的词。)

译文:除地基用土地外, 在使用长期资产以产生收入时, 势必消耗其经济潜力。

3) At the end of April, accumulated depreciation would have a balance of$375, representing three month’s accumulated depre-ciation. (解析:现在分词作定语, 相当于一个非限制性定语从句, 对整个主句加以补充说明, 可顺译为并列分句。)

译文:到4月末, 累计折旧将会有375美元余额, 代表3个月的累计折旧数额。

2.2 大量使用被动语态

会计英语文献主要是客观地陈述理论及会计事务, 力求准确地表达事物的本质与特征, 因此会计英语文献通常使用非人称的语气来作客观阐述, 较多地使用被动句。由于被动句可以省略施动者, 因此当施动者是上文已提到的、显而易见的、或是无关紧要的时候, 就可省略。在达到客观性的同时, 又使传递的信息简洁化, 利于信息的传递。例如:

1) When an asset is disposed of, the related original cost and accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts.

译文:当要清理某项资产时, 要将有关的原始成本和累计折旧从该帐户注销。

2) Equal debits and credits have been recorded for all transactions.


解析:汉语中较少使用被动语态, 因此在将被动句翻译成汉语时, 多译成无人称句, 将原来的主语转译成宾语。这些被动句句中通常没有介词引导的行为主体。

3) One record is generated by the firms recordkeeping procedures and another is furnished by the bank.


4) At the end of each accounting year, these temporary accounts will be closed.

译文:在每一会计年度终结时, 这些暂时性账户应予结清。

5) Since the declaration and payment of a dividend reduce the stockholders’equity, the dividend could be recorded by debiting the Retained Earnings account.

译文:由于宣布和发放股利减少企业的所有者的权益, 发放股利时, 可以通过借记“留存收益”帐户来加以记录。

解析:当英语句子本身强调动作的承受者时, 为了忠实于原文, 翻译时也应该使用汉语的被动语态, 除了用“被”字来表达被动语态, 还可以使用“受”、“由”、“给”、“加以”等字来表述。

6) Any group of similar accounts may be removed from the general ledger and a controlling account substituted for it.

译文:任何类似的帐户都可以从总分类帐中剔出, 以统制帐户取而代之。

7) The costs related to the use of long-term assets must be properly calculated and matched against the revenues the assets help generate.

译文:与使用长期资产有关的成本, 必须恰当地计算, 并与这些资产帮助产生的收入相匹配。

解析:当被动句的主语为无生命名词, 句中没有介词引导的行为主体时, 在翻译过程中, 无需改动主语与句子结构, 直接采取主动语态的形式。

2.3 使用复杂长句

会计英语是用严密的逻辑推理形式来表述的, 为了说明原理的内在特征和相互之间的联系, 以及会计本身的复杂性和综合性, 会计英语文献中也较多使用复杂的长句式。这类句子中常包括多个从句或包括多重修饰成分, 一层叠一层, 使得整个句子从表面上看错综复杂, 而实际上形成一个树型结构。在翻译时通常先要找到句子的主干, 然后再层层分析, 理顺各成分彼此之间的联系, 才能准确、通顺地翻译原文。还可根据具体情况采用顺译、倒译、分译、增译、省译等翻译方法。例如:

1) Enterprises that choose not to show operating cash receipts and payments are required to report the same amount net cash flows operating activities indirectly by adjusting net income to reconcile it to net cash flows from operating activities by removing the effects of (1) all deferrals of past operating cash re ceipts an payments and all accruals of expected future operating cash receipts and payments and (2) all items that are included in net income but do not affect operating cash receipts and payments.

译文:对于那些不去反映经营中的现金收入和支出项目的企业, 则要求它们间接地通过把净收益调节为来自经营活动的现金净流量的方法, 报告相同的来自经营活动的现金净流量金额。这就要消除: (1) 过去经营中现金收入和支出的所有递延项目和未来经营中预期现金收入和支出的所有应计项目的影响; (2) 已包括在净收益中, 但不影响经营中现金收入和支出的所有项目的影响。

解析:其中句子的主干是:Enterprises are required to report the same amount of net cash flows.英文原文只是一个句子, 但这个句子中有两个由by引导的状语, 这就为拆分句子打下了基础, 由于第二个by引导的状语与主语的关系较为松散, 因此译为两个中文句子。

2) Job order cost accounting is appropriate when production is characterized by a discontinuous series of products or jobs undertaken either to fill specific orders from customers or for a general stock of products from which future orders will be filled.

译文:当生产的特征是不连续的产品系列, 或者是, 所承担的工作是为了供应顾客的特定定货, 或为了供应未来定货而一般地储存产品时, 分批成本会计将是适宜的。

解析:此句的主句很简单, 是一个主-系-表结构的句子。从句是一个用连词when引导的时间状语从句。由于英汉两种语言在语序上有各自的特点:英语句子通常是先主句后从句, 时间状语放在句中后部, 结果在前, 原因在后;推论在前, 条件在后。而汉语句子多数是先表述时间后叙述事件, 原因在前, 结果在后;条件在前, 推论在后。因此, 可以用倒译法先将when引导的时间状语从句翻译出来, 放在句子的前面, 最后才翻译主句部分。翻译过程中还要注意词性的转换, 此句中的动词“characterize”可转换成汉语的名词, 以达到译文明确、通顺的目的。

3. 会计凭证、帐薄和报表的特点及翻译

一个企业在一个会计期内必须经过编审凭证、分录、记帐、试算、调整、结帐和编表等一系列会计程序, 它们都是以表格的形式对日常会计处理工作进行高度的概括。这其中包括了:原始凭证、发票、支票、银行对账单、日记账、试算表、资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表等几十余种。这些表格十分简洁, 特别是财务报表, 通常用三、四页纸就把一个公司某一特定期间内, 如一年的财务活动概括出来。由于种类和功能不同, 这些帐表单据都采用不同于其它的固定格式和固定的项目以体现其规范性。为了使表格的内容简洁明了, 语言上主要使用短语、词组和缩略词。在翻译时, 首先必须严格遵守原文表格的格式, 并根据单据的种类来正确理解词义, 利用会计专业知识来确定术语的翻译, 力求忠实于原文。例如:

September 30, 2008


摘要:会计是一门专业性很强的应用学科, 因此英语在会计工作中的应用, 就与普通英语有着不同的特殊性与复杂性。本文主要探讨会计文献中涉及的专业英语的词汇、句法、凭证、报表等方面的语言特点, 并针对这些特点提出了不同的翻译技巧和方法。



[1]常勋, 肖华.会计专业英语[M].上海:立信会计出版社, 2006.

[2]孙坤, 胡英坤.会计英语[M].沈阳:东北财经大学出版社, 1996.

[3]邹力, 李育.商务英语翻译教程 (笔译) [M].北京:中国水利水电出版社, 2005.

[4]许建忠.工商企业翻译实物[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001.

[5]范武邱.实用科技英语翻译讲评[M].北京:外文出版社, 2001.

[6]叶子南.高级英汉翻译理论与实践[M].北京:清华大学出版社, 2001.



张 宁

(秦皇岛职业技术学院,河北秦皇岛 066000)



一 精准阅读《国际会计准则》的重要性


二 《国际会计准则》英文术语特征







表2 《国际会计准则》中的对义术语(部分)



缩略词(abbreviation)应该说是现代快节奏生活的产物,在会计英语中这类词也很常见。如Bal.是balance的缩写,意思是“余额”; Dr.是debit的缩写,意思是“借方”; Cr.是credit的缩写,意思是“贷方”; CPA是certified public accountant的缩写,意思是注册会计师。此类缩略词在会计英语中还有很多,如AICPA(美国注册会计师协会)、GAAP(公认会计准则)、FASB(财务会计准则委员会)等等。


1)首字母缩略语(acronym),来源于希腊文akros 和onyma,意思是将各个单词第一个字母组成新词,它不再将各个字母单独读出,而是可以拼读。如REIT(real estate investment trust——房地产投资信托公司)、VAT(value added tax——增值税)和EBIT (earnings before interest and tax税息前利润)等。

2)缩写(initialism),它的缩略方法大致与首字母缩略语相同,即用各个词的第一个字母组合起来表示一个新词,而与首字母缩略语不同的是它的发音,不能读成一个单词,而必须读出每一个字母的读音。如CPA(certified public accountant——注册会计师)、FASB(financial accounting standard board——国际会计准则委员会)、GAAP(generally accepted accounting principles——公认会计准则)等。

3)截短词(clipping),又称“简化词”,即用一个词或一个词组中的部分字母来代替整个词或词组,而构成的新词。如Acct. (account——账户)、Bal. (balance——余额)、Cap. (capital——资本)、Exp. (expenses——费用)、Earn. (earnings——收益)、Dr. (debit——借方)、Cr. (credit——贷方)、Acc. No. (account number——账号)、Acct. Tit. (account title——账户名)等等。

与其他会计英语文本相比较,笔者发现《国际会计准则》较少使用缩略词,而且使用的缩略词中,截短词的使用频率最低。《国际会计准则》的一个重要目的就是为信息使用者提供完整、准确的信息,而保持词汇的完整可以避免由于理解上的混淆而产生的歧义。而且在《国际会计准则》中没有发现使用首字母缩略语的情况,只是有一些词采用了缩写的形式。如IFRS(international financial reporting standards)是指“国际财务报告准则”, IAS(international accounting standards)是指“国际会计准则”等。

三 《国际会计准则》中英文术语的翻译



例1: party在普通英语中有“聚会,政党,一伙人”的意思,而在《国际会计准则》中party一般是指一个主体或与交易相关的某一方,如related party即指“关联方”。

例2: presentation在普通英语中有“陈述、介绍”的意思,而在《国际会计准则》中presentation意思是“列报”[2],如IAS1—Presentation of Financial Statements 即指“《国际会计准则第1号——财务报表的列报”。



例3: interest 在普通英语中有“对… 感兴趣”的意思,而在《国际会计准则》中它的意思是“利息”。像这种被赋予新义的术语在《国际会计准则》中还有很多,如下表3所示:

表3 《国际会计准则》中被赋予新义的术语(部分)

四 会计英语翻译中的原则

根据以上分析,在会计英语的翻译过程中,有一些基本的原则可以借鉴运用。这些原则也是评价翻译质量好坏的基本标准。第一条原则是要忠实于原文。不同于文学翻译,专业技术领域的翻译应该平凡而忠诚地忠实于原著。任意的省略或添加很可能会毁了会计制度的逻辑性。第二条原则是准确性。如果缺乏专业知识,会导致原义的曲解,是很难做到这一点的。如balance sheet(资产负债表),使用了balance这个词,是因为 “资产=负债+所有者权益”是这张表编制的基础。但没有专业知识的人很可能会将其翻译成“平衡表”或其他,而不是“资产负债表”。 因此,掌握过硬的专业知识是会计英语翻译准确性的基础。第三条原则是一致性。尽管不断有新的会计文献推出,但它们都是会计思想和原则的应用与扩展。可接受的翻译已经固化为一定的标准,因此,译者在会计英语翻译中应该坚持已经固化的标准。改变固有的翻译标准会毁坏翻译工作的可靠性。如owner’s equity可以翻译为“所有者权益”或“债权人的权益”,但在翻译中必须按照多年来沉淀下来的标准,翻译成“所有者权益”。这三条翻译原则可以用于指导会计英语翻译实践工作。

五 结 语


[1] 姚立杰,程小可.国际财务报告准则研究的回顾和展望[J].会计研究,2011(6):25-26.

[2] 中国会计准则委员会. 国际会计准则第1号——财务报表列报[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2013:1-2.

Analysis ofIASEnglish Terms


The international convergence of accounting standards is an irreversible historical trend, China’s financial accounting is accelerating to internationalize. Based on the English terms ofIAS, this paper aims to analyze its features and applications. We hope to help the accountant to understand and master the standards more accuracy, and to give the learners some assistance.

IAS,English terms,analysis


张宁(1979—),女,河北山海关人,硕士,秦皇岛职业技术学院副教授、会计师。主要研究方向为高校财务管理、财经英语、国际贸易与经济等。通信方式: 58242662@qq.com。

F275; N04



Education background

Graduate school: financial institute 1993.9-1997.7 specialized in finance or accounting

Business and specialty

assistant accountant title, and be familiar with national finance system and relating policy laws

cet6 level, familiar with all kinds of English business letter writing format

mastering basic computer knowledge, and able to skillfully use Powerbuilder, SQL language, FOXPRO, Powerpoint, office97, Foxbase of computer software application and development, and has good computer network knowledge and skills

mind is quick, calm and steady personality, a strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit

Work experience

1999.3 - so far XX group company cashier, accounting

to be responsible for the industrial enterprise material cost accounting, sales account with accounting, accounting receivable, accounts payable, the sales target accounting, statistics


69 n. grant street, mid lake city, california 84301

cell :( 988) 598-1331


career objective:to take up the responsibilities of a tax specialist in a renowned organization wherein my skills and abilities will enhance the growth and development of the organization.

core competencies:

possess more than twelve years of professional experience in handling financial and accounting tasks

strong analytical and organizational skills

in-depth knowledge of financial and accounting

excellent command over english and german language

good time management and leadership skills

multitasking skills with ability to work in independently and as a part of a team

familiar with the rules and regulations of taxation laws

technical proficiencies:

knowledge of microsoft word, excel, tally, powerpoint, vertex, fasttax, bna and cd-rom based programs

educational summary:

masters degrees in taxation from university of california in the year 19x

bachelors degree in accounting, saint mary college of arts, california in the year 19xx


certified public accountant, business learning centre, california in the year 19xx

professional experience:

new insurance associates & co, california

20xx till date

tax specialist

prepared financial statements, pst/gst and tax related statements

researched specialized questions and prepared recommendations

supervised tax interns and tax staff

worked on international tax schedules

reviewed and prepared both separate and consolidated company, federal and multi state corporate tax returns

planned and researched on various tax issues like analysis of proposed legislation and new tax laws

involved with government tax audits and correspondence

international business centre, california

19xx to 20xx

staff tax accountant

prepared individual, corporate, partnership and other types of tax returns

researched on various tax related matters

handled the tasks of responding to client and government inquires regarding tax related issues

prepared payroll, sales, commercial and property rent returns

assigned the tasks of preparing weekly payroll for 100 employees

handled the responsibilities of annual property tax reporting and quarterly sales tax reporting


reading novels, listening to soft music, traveling and shopping

personal details:

name: annie smith

date of birth: xx/xx/19xx

employment status: permanent

marital status: single


mr. andrew smith

california international banking group, california

tax specialist

cell: 988-258-8888



·More than 14 years in accounting.

·Training and directing staff in accounting activities and be an expert in Lotus system.

·Planning and conducting audits and variance analysis ,processing payroll and payroll tax reports and files,and maintaining /updating accurate inventories.


Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1968

Martial Status:Married Email Address:stellali@chinahr.com


·Responsible for the accurate and timely processing of accounts payable/receivable, payroll,insurance reports,and sales tax/payroll tax reporting.

·Performing job costing ,account analysis,and general ledger management using Lotus and Excel.

--Freeding up $32,ooo by reducing A/R aging from 77 to 38 days

--Reducing accounting payroll costs 41% through automation

·Analyzed and interpreted forecasts,capital expenditures,and financial data.

·Directly involved in budget preparation and cash flow.

·Trained and directed six employees in accounting department.

--Successfully negotiated a $650,000 credit line with major bank.

--Detected costing problem that eventually saved the company$124,000/year.

--Active participant in the successful implementation of just-in-time program.

·Performed detailed financial audits for clients.

·Recommended improvements in system procedures,documentation,and internal controls.

·Conducted reviews and compilations.

·Prepared corporate and individual income tax returns,and payroll /sales tax returns.

·Assisted in budget forecasting.

·Developed standard cost data and variance analyses.

·Reviewed capital expenditures and coordinated /reconciled physical inventories.


10/-09/2000 China USA Business University M.B.A

Certifications & Memberships

Certified Public Valuer-Member of China Appraisal Society


During these years, the IASB and the FASB have worked intensively with their aim of finalizing key standards by June 2011.At the same time changes in governance are in the air as the IASB moves into its second decade.

As early as 2009, The International Accounting Standards Board issued an important discussion paper, Preliminary Views on Revenue Recognition in Contracts with Customers.The paper's key proposal is that a business should recognise revenue when it satisfies a performance obligation in a contract.A business satisfies a performance obligation when it transfers a promised asset to the customer.The asset is transferred when the customer has control of it.Services are also assets and a customer takes control of a service when it receives it.but It is difficult to be sure how far these proposals would change current practices.Much will depend on how key words are interpreted and on the terms of individual contracts.However, the proposals could eventually lead to fundamental changes in the way that many businesses recognise income, in Europe and internationally.

The revenue recognition team have accepted from the constituent feedback that their control criterion for recognizing revenue is not operational.They are now working on an approach which differentiates the supply of service from that of goods, and has criteria based on transfer to the client.DIFFERENE OF REVENUE RECOGNITION

Non-accountants must find it difficult to understand how he can recognise revenue differently depending on which side of the Atlantic he lives on. In a simple world, the customer buys a product, pays the cash and the sale is recognised.

As an accountant, I blame the marketing and sales department for making their lives difficult.In years gone by, the sale was made and the invoice hit the top line.Then they started to get products being sold with added services (or vice versa) ;TVs being sold with long-term warranties, mobile phone contracts sold with a free phone, tickets sold for concerts which will not occur for a number of months and software sold with free upgrades.

In determining how to account for these sales, on this side of the Atlantic, they have managed to get by with one basic IFRS standard-IAS 18.On occasion, IFRICs have been issued such as one to provide guidance on accounting for customer loyalty programmes, but for the most part they have managed to apply the same general principles. Unfortunately for their US colleagues, the US marketing and sales departments must be slightly more imaginative, as on last count, over 100 standards on revenue recognition have been required under US GAAP.Some say this is because US GAAP is rules-based.

Why else would the US colleagues have had to issue such a large number of very specific standards, ranging from EITF 00-22 Accounting for 'Points' and Certain Other Time-Based or Volume-Based Sales Incentive Offers, and Offers for Free Products or Services to Be Delivered in the Future to FASB Technical Bulletin 90-1- Accounting for Separately Priced Extended Warranty and Product Maintenance Contracts to Technical Bulletin 79 The Meaning of the Term ‘Customer’ as It Applies to Health Care Facilities under FASB Statement No.14.


Convergence projects such as this one may ultimately be the route that ensures direct comparability between IFRS and US GAAP.

It is because of the difference that the IASB and FASB issued their discussion paper, entitled Preliminary Views on Revenue Recognition in Contracts with Customers.To attempt to issue one standard covering all industries requires a principle-based approach and much thought behind the scenes.

The boards propose that revenue should be recognised on the basis of an increase in an entity's net position in a contract with a customer.Breaking this down, the discussion paper goes on to state that revenue is recognised when a contract asset increases or a contract liability decreases, which occurs as an entity performs the obligations inherent in the contract.


As noted above, for most entities, the proposed standard will have minimal impact on current practice in Europe.The revenue recognition team is now working on an approach which differentiates the supply of service from that of goods, and has criteria based on transfer to the client.we can foresee these changes will benefit to large extent most entities.so we should have confidence in the convergence between IFRS and US GAAP of revenue recognition.


Richard Howard.2009.Revenue Recognition Convergence between IFRS and US GAAP.Accountancy Ireland June 2009 vol.41 No.3.

Preliminary Views on Revenue Recognition in Contracts with Customers (2009) .

Epstein, B.2006.Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards.Hoboken, NJ:John Wiley & Sons.


Richard Howard.2009.Revenue Recognition Convergence between IFRSand US GAAP.Accountancy Ireland June2009vol.41No.3.

Preliminary Views on Revenue Recognition in Contracts with Customers (2009) .
