




科目:八年级英语 班级:总课时:时间:2012.2.29


学习目标: 1.利用音标学习和反复读记,掌握mad, anymore等词的拼写,固定搭配及用法;



学习内容:Report what someone said.学习重点: 初步了解宾语从句的构成学习步骤Step1.预习检测

愤怒的______ 再也(不)______直接引语___________间接引语___________把…带到„___________ 句子:1.Marcia 说她正准备在周五晚上为Lana举办一次惊喜聚会。______________________________________________________________________________________ 2我对John非常恼火____________________________________________________________________ 3他说他能说三种语言___________________________________________________________________ 4我将带一些饮料和小吃去你家___________________________________________________________ 5 Lily说不再生Ben的气了_______________________________________________________________ Step2:课堂互动探究:直接引语,间接引语。观察下面句子,总结用法“ I like English,” Jim says.(直接引语)2.Jim says(that)he likes English.(间接引语)

3.He said to me,“ I will fly to the moon”(直接引语)

4.He told me(that)he would fly to the moon.(间接引语)

5.“We are listening to the radio now.” The teacher said.(直接引语)

6.The teacher said they were listening to the radio then.(间接引语)

总结:___________________________________________________________________________。运用:选词填空:1.Gina told me that she _______(will, would)visit China the next year.2.Lana’s English teacher said that she ________(is ,was)a good student.3.Mike said that he ________(is, was)born in 1995.4.Mike said that she _______(can, could)speak four languages.5.Tom said that he _______(go, went)to the beach every Saturday.Step3:听力练习1b,2a,2b


1.He said he _____________(can)dance and sing well.2.She said she _________________(eat)some junk food at that time yesterday.3.The teacher told me the earth ______________(go)around the sun.4.When I was young, my parents told me ___________________(not play)in the street.B将下列直接引语改为间接引语5.” I want to have a rest.” Jim says.Jim says ___________________________________

6.“ You can play tennis with us next Sunday.” Lily said to Ben.Lily told Ben ____________________________________

7.She said,” I’m looking for my new dictionary.”

She said______________________________________________________

8.I told my mother, “ There is only one sun in the sky.”

I told my mother________________________________


科目:八年级英语 班级:总课时:时间:2012.2.29

Unit4 SectionA3a—4第二课时

学习目标: 掌握单词first of all, message,pass on, be supposed to ;会流利转述别人的话.学习重点: 能把直接引语变成间接引语学习方法:导学法、任务型教学

学习内容:Report what someone said.学习步骤Step1.预习检测

消息_________假定_________首先___________传递__________被期望或被要求„„_____________ 把答案传给她_________________________做作业_____________________________






作业设计A句意填词:1.Thanks for lending me your umbrella, and I’ll r___________ it tomorrow.2.Mary and Lucy are doing their homework p_________ together.3.Please read the note and then pass it ________.4.Your mother asked me to take a m_____________ for you.5.You’re not _____________(suppose)to smoke in public.B选择.()1.Linda _______ her friend that her parents were going to have a party for her.A.saidB.toldC.tellD.says

()2.He hasn’t been late for school _______ from then on.A.some moreB.someC.anyD.any more

()3.We’re surprised ____ the news.A.at hearB.hearC.hearingD.to hear

()4.You were supposed _______ at the bus stop this morning.A.to meetingB.to meetC.on meetingD.meet

()5.Ben told Lana that Marcia _______ a surprise party for her.A.was going to haveB.would beC.was going to beD.would go to have

()6.I told him Uncle Wang _______ the TV set for us.A.will mendB.would mendC.is mendingD.can mend

()7.The policeman asked the little boy ________.A.where did he liveB.where does he liveC.where he livedD.where he lives

()8.I hope you’re in _____.A.good healthyB.good health C.well healthD.well healthy

()9.The more exercise you take, the ________ you will be.A.weakB.healthierC.luckierD.worse

()10.I am better _______ reading and listening.A.toB.onC.atD.for

()11.Jim’s mother said to him _________.A.she will be back in an hourB.she would be back in an hour

C.she is back in an hourD.she came back in an hour

()12.Our science teacher said the earth _________ around the sun.A.wentB.goC.goesD.is going


科目:八年级英语 班级:总课时:时间:2012.2.29

Unit4 SectionB P29

学习目标:1.掌握一个单词hard-working 和两个短语be good at /do well in


学习重点: 用英语进行自我评价。学习方法:导学法、任务型教学

学习内容:Report what someone said.学习步骤Step1.预习检测



2.Tom 擅长口语。______________________________________________________________________



5.数学老师说,你是一个懒惰的学生。_____________________________________________________ Step2:课堂互动探究Step3:听力练习2a,2b


1.I’m ___________(good)at ____________(swim)than he.2.Who does ___________(well)__________ _____________(listen)in your class?

3.He said I _________(am)in good ___________(healthy), but I think I’m a little__________(health).4.He was ____________ _________ see the ________________report card.(surprise)

5.Lana said she __________(go)to Marcia’s house this evening.6.Mike said he _____________(be not)mad at Tom anymore.7.He said I was _______________________(healthy)than him.8.But ___________(luck), I wasn’t hurt badly.9.In English, I’m better at ___________(read)than ___________(listen).B选择.()1.We are supposed _______ there before seven, so we must hurry up.A.getB.to getC.gettingD.not to get

()2.She said she ______ play computer games anywhere.A.doesB.doesn’tC.wouldD.wouldn’t

()3.The geography teacher told us the earth ________ round the sun.A.goB.goesC.goingD.went

()4.She said she wanted to do her homework at home on Friday night and ______ go to Mary’s house.A.didn’tB.won’tC.wouldn’tD.doesn’t

()5.It was the ______ day of this season.A.badB.badlyC.worseD.worst

()8.My grandpa is a science teacher and he ___________ science.A.is good toB.is good forC.does good toD.does well in

()9.The teacher made me _____ in the front of the class but got Tom __ back to his seat.A.stand, to goB.to stand, to goC.to leave, forD.stand, to

()10.I’ll be sorry _______ Guilin.I enjoy living here.A.to visitB.to leaveC.to leave forD.to live in


科目:八年级英语 班级:总课时:时间:2012.2.29

Unit4 SectionB P30第四课时

学习目标:1.掌握六个单词 和五个短语report card, in good health,another disappointing result ,have a hard time with science, get nervous.2.学生能仿照3a用英语进行自我评价。

学习重点: 用英语进行自我评价。




不安的________信封________学期_________真实的________令人失望的___________幸运的_____身体健康_______________成绩单______________期末考试-_______________得到我的成绩单____________________变得紧张______________学科学很吃力_____________________另一个失望的结果____________________向某人问好____________________近况如何____________________ 句子:1.听说她上周感冒了,我觉得很难过。______________________________________________






______________________________________________________________________________________ Step2:课堂互动探究3a


1.You can believe me, the story is t__________.2.She felt a little n__________ before so many strangers.3.I put the letter into the e____________ and then had it mailed.4.Her son studied very hard last s____________, so he got a very good r_________.5.I’m sorry ______________(trouble)you.6.I will tell you a piece of d________________ news that we didn’t get the first prize.7.The young man is l__________ to get such a good job.L___________, the car didn’t hurt her.B写作


English teacher: good at listeningPE teacher: the best

Math teacher:hard-workingHistory teacher:could do better

Science teacher:lazyArt teacher:bad at drawing

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 总结与反思:

科目:八年级英语 班级:总课时:时间:2012.2.29


学习目标:掌握一个单词copy, own 和个短语get over ,start a bad habit.学习方法:导学法、任务型教学











7)我说这会养成一个坏习惯,她应该自己做.______________________________________ 作业设计A 填空

1.He didn’t know what was h____________ outside.2.The boy never does homework a____________.He just c_________ his classmate’s.3.This is my _o_______ car, not my father’s.4.Eating lots of vegetables ____________(make)us ____________(health).5.Is this mobile phone his or ___________(her)?


()1.Let’s help him ________ the mistakes in his lessons.A.get downB.get awayC.get offD.get over

()2._______ he’ll come here on time.A.I’m sorryB.I’m sureC.I’m afraid D.I’m agree

()3.He did quite ______ in the singing competition and she did even __________.A.better, wellB.well, wellC.well, betterD.better, better

()4.I hope Tina _______ to my birthday party next Sunday.A.to comeB.comeC.cameD.will come

()5.He said that I ________ better.A.can doB.amC.will doD.could do

()6.Could you tell me ________?

A.what’s the teacher’s officeB.what the teacher’s office is

C.where’s the post officeD.where the post office is

()7.–I fell off my bike and hurt myself yesterday.-__________.A.CongratulationsB.That’s funnyC.All rightD.Sorry to hear that

()8.She will ________ the area after finishing her studies.A.returnB.return toC.go backD.get back

()9.It’s not right for you _______ his homework.A.copyB.copiedC.copyingD.to copy

()10.He sent me here ________ about it.A.askB.askedC.askingD.to ask 总结与反思:



Unit 4 What would you do? Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计) Structures: Second conditional, Should for advice Target language: What would you do if you won a million dollars? I’d give it to medical research. I can’t sleep the night before an exam. What should I do? If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed. Vocabulary: million, charity, pimple, confident, shirt, tie, medical research Learning strategies: Matching, Listening for key words SECTION A Goals ●To learn to use Second conditional and Should for advice ●To listen and talk about imagined life Procedures Warming up by learning about Second conditional and Should for advice The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the second conditional is formed, and when to use it. The structure of a second conditional sentence Like a first conditional, a second conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an if clause and a main clause: if clause main clause If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house. If the if clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the if clause comes second, there is no need for a comma: main clause if clause I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars. We use different verb forms in each part of a second conditional: if clause if subject simple past verb* main clause subject would verb 1a Talking about imaginary situations What would you do if you had a lot of money? If I had a lot of money, I would give it to charity. If I had a lot of money, I would buy snacks. If I had a lot of money, I would give it to Hope Project. If I had a lot of money, I would buy books for the poor. 1b Listening and numbering Now you are going to listen and number the pictures 1 to 3 in the order you hear them. Tapescript Girl1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity. Boy1: Wow, what a nice man! Girl1: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Boy1: If I had a million dollars, I’d give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas. Girl1: That’s a gook idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy a big house for my family. Girl2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow! Boy2: Hmmmm… I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people. Now listen again and write down the sentences with Second conditional and Should for advice 1c Doing pairwork Let’s pretend that we are the people in the picture on page 26. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars. Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity. Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars? I’d give it to medical research. I’d take a chance to achieve my dream of flying to the moon. If I won a million dollars, I’d stop working and become a professional runner. I’d go to an old people’s home to help them. I’d volunteer at the hospital twice every week. 2a Listening and circling Listen to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why Larry is nervous. Tapescript Girl1: Where are you going, Larry? Boy1: To Tom’s party. Girl1: Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party! Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear. Girl1: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. Boy1: And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present? Girl1: If I were you, I’d take a small present―a pen or something. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it. Boy1: OK. But what if I don’t know anyone? Girl1: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people. Boy1: I guess I can do that. Girl1: Look! You’re sure to have fun. But if you’re still nervous, you can leave. Now listen again and write down all the expressions onto your phrase book. go to that party, a little nervous, wear a shirt and tie, have a present, bring a present, take a small present, keep…in your pocket, know anyone, talk to…, introduce… to …, have fun 2b Listening and checking Listen to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things Larry’s sister says to him. 2c Doing pairwork Xu Linfeng, you are Larry. Men Yating, you are Larry’s sister. Xu is going to talk about his worries and Men is going to give him advice. X: I don’t know what to wear. M: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. X: I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? M: If I were you, I’d take a small present―a pen or something. X: What if I don’t know anyone? M: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people. … … 3a Reading and matching Go to page 28. Read the problems in the boxes and match them with the correct advice. And now write down all the expressions into your phrase book. be really shy, enjoy parties, get nervous before big parties, get pimples, look terrible, the night before…, take a big exam, do well, help with…, eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water, take a long walk, go to bed, look friendly, feel shy 3b Thinking and role playing Next you are going to think of different advice for the problems in activity 3a. Role play conversations with your partner. A: I am really shy. I don’t enjoy parties. B: If I were you, I’d go and shout in the street. I’d set up parties and invite all my classmates to come and sing and dance. A: I get nervous before big parties and I get pimples. B: Pimples look good to me. They are not terrible at all. If I were you, the night before the big exam I’d lie in bed counting the cows, the sheep, the cattle and the horses. Then I’d have a nice sleep. If you count as many cows as possible you’d do well in the exam. A: I can’t lose my weight. B: If I were you, I’d eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water and take a long walk before going to bed every evening. 4. Doing group work You are put into pairs and find out each other’s problems at school and at home. Then give each other advice. I really want to go to the mall with my parents, but I don’t have the time. Finish your homework at school and stop going to Sunday classes. You’ll find time that way. I failed the driver’s exam and cannot get my driver’s license. Go practicing driving more often and go over the textbook three more times. You won’t fail next time. My father does not want me to get my ears pierced. If I were you, I’d go to my mother for support. Or you can ask your mother to have her ears pierced first. I have to go to school on foot. I want to take the bus. Going to school on foot is good for your health. Go on going to school, to any places nearby on foot. It save money, too. I like to choose my own clothes, but my mother doesn’t allow me to do that. Wear your school uniforms while you are still a student. Wait till you are a big man and you’d have the right to choose your own clothes. … … Closing down by taking a test on Second conditional Match up the parts of the sentence 1. If I lost my job, a) wed both benefit. b) Id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) youd be more aware of what people really felt. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 2. If I were in your position, a) Id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) Id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) youd be more aware of what people really felt. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 3. If I spoke Japanese as well as you do, a) Id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) Id try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks. c) wed both benefit. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 4. If we spent more on Research and Development, a) Id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) Id have a lot of problems getting another



单元:Unit 4 What would you do?


(一) 课程目标及课程设计理念

以话题为中心, 以语言结构、功能项目为主线进行展开, 利用信息技术, 使课堂教学容量相对增大, 给学生提供更多的语言实践机会。教学设计体现兴趣性、真实性、交际性, 以循序渐进的生活化的学习程序引导学生学会运用英语, 有目的地做事。

(二) 教学目标及教学设计理念

学生能运用虚拟语气讨论一些虚拟的情景并且能针对面临的问题给出建议。引导学生从他人角度考虑问题, 彼此理解, 关爱他人。

(三) 学情分析

对于九年级的学生来说, 大部分学生已经有了一定的语言积累和知识储备, 乐于思考, 敢于发表自己的观点。但学生两极分化现象较明显, 部分学生主动参与课堂的积极性不高。因此, 在英语教学过程中, 一方面, 教师要创设贴近生活、令学生感兴趣的情景, 借助生动形象的多媒体课件, 激发他们参与课堂的积极性;另一方面, 通过小组学习的形式, 使学生互相帮助, 合作分享。

(四) 重、难点

掌握虚拟条件句的基本结构, 谈论虚拟情境。


Step 1:Lead in (5 minutes)

1.Talk about my friend Larry

Larry won a prize in a lottery last week.Get the students to guess how much money he got and what he would do with the money.

2.Present the words

million, medical research

【设计意图】介绍朋友Larry上周彩票中奖, 通过学生对彩票金额及他打算用这笔钱做什么的猜想, 导出本节课的新单词million, medical research。同时, 通过谈论真实情境, 自然过渡到虚拟情境。

Step 2:Listening and speaking (10 minutes)

1.Do pairworks

Larry has 5 million dollars, and he will give it to medical research.Do you have 5 million dollars?What would you do if you had 5 million dollars?

A:What would you do if you had 5 million dollars?

B:I’d...What would you do?


2.Listening practice:

Do 1b:Number the pictures in the order and describe the pictures“The boy/girl would...”

【设计意图】设计谈论虚拟情景, 用“如果你和Larry一样有5百万美元”来引入话题, 通过别人的事情自然过渡到自己身上, 在对话中学生操练虚拟条件句“What would you do if you had 5 million dollars?”, 通过1b的听力练习来巩固句型, 并练习第三人称单数做主语的回答“The boy/girl would...”。

Step 3:Practice (10 minutes)


Compare some sentences and find out the structure of a second conditional sentence.


Give the students two imaginary situations and get them to discuss in groups.

(1) An“Internet friend”has asked your friend Lucy to meet.If you were Lucy, what would you do?

(2) If you lost your wallet in another city, what would you do?

【设计意图】运用多媒体课件的动画效果, 对比真实条件句及虚拟条件句, 学生通过比较课件中语言现象与以前的不同, 自己发现问题, 了解并掌握虚拟条件句的基本结构, 印象更加深刻。同时, 给出两个虚拟情景 (网友要求见面, 异地丢钱包) , 情境贴近生活, 教师引导学生以小组形式积极参与讨论。

Step 4:Listening and speaking (10 minutes)

1.Talk about Larry’s worries and give him some advice.

“If I were you, I’d...”

2.Listen to 2b:Check the four things Larry’s sister says to him.

【设计意图】通过对Larry烦恼的谈论及听力2b的练习, 帮助学生巩固虚拟条件句的基本结构, 并运用虚拟条件句为他人提出建议。

Step 5:Report (10 minutes)

1.Talk about teachers’worries:

“If we were students, we would...”

2.Discuss in groups

“If you were a teacher, what would you do?”

3.Make a report

“If we were teachers, xxx would give the students less homework.XXX would...”

【设计意图】创设情境, 小组讨论。师生换位思考, 让学生站在教师的角度, 用本节课掌握的虚拟条件句给教师提建议, 引起师生共鸣, 以共同开启心灵之窗的形式让本堂课有了一个完美的结局。


本课选自人教版新目标英语九年级第四单元Section A。本单元主要内容涉及用虚拟条件句来讨论假设的情景, 虚拟条件句是教学中的一个难点和重点, 既可以培养学生的口语交际能力, 又能给学生提供充分发挥想象力的空间。本课为本单元的第一课时, 主要围绕以下两个话题谈论假想的情况:

话题一:What would you do if you had a million dollars?

话题二:If I were you, I would...

为了更好地让学生主动参与课堂, 笔者在教学中运用了任务型教学法、听说法、交际法等多种教学方式, 借助生动形象的多媒体课件, 结合学生生活设计课堂活动, 引导学生在合作、探究、体验的过程中感知并掌握本节课的语言知识, 形成技能, 培养积极的情感。

教学设计中的导入是很重要的, 它能起到事半功倍的作用。因此, 笔者在设计这节课时首先创设情境———我的朋友Larry给我打电话, 说他彩票中奖了, 很自然地引入新课话题。通过学生对彩票金额及他打算用这笔钱做什么的猜想, 导出本节课的新单词million, medical research。笔者采用了对比的方式, 让学生感知真实和虚拟条件句, 让学生明确Larry中奖已经拥有了五百万, 而我们现在没有这笔钱。由别人的事情自然过渡到自己身上, 学生很快进入情境, 并积极地表达他们的想法, 为下一步听力练习奠定了语言基础, 适当降低了听力难度。

通过前面大量的感知和操练, 学生对虚拟语气已有所了解, 能表达出自己的一些想法, 但还没有语法概念。这是教学中的一个难点和重点, 也是学生比较不容易理解的部分。笔者先呈现一些句子并提示学生注意观察, 让学生感知、判别真实条件句和虚拟条件句, 掌握虚拟条件句的基本结构, 并通过讨论两个虚拟情景, 引导学生以小组的形式积极参与讨论, 进一步巩固句型。通过这种形式, 学生充分发挥自己的想象, 达到了学以致用的目的, 同时将本节课推向了一个小高潮。

为了进一步升华, 让本节课达到高潮, 在最后一个环节中, 笔者以教师的烦恼引出小组讨论, 让学生进行换位思考———学生站在教师的角度用本节课所掌握的虚拟条件句给教师提建议, 引起师生共鸣, 以共同开启心灵之窗的形式让本堂课有一个完美的结局。

通过教学, 笔者感觉到本节课的设计符合学生的认知规律;另外, 在设计本节课时, 笔者没有受教学内容和顺序的限制。语言只有在真实的语境中才会显得更加生动。笔者以Larry中奖为主线, 将本节课的教学内容有机地连接到一起, 串成一个故事, 达到了很好的效果, 充分有效地将教材的知识激活。笔者采用了对比的方式, 没有针对虚拟条件句语法规则作系统地讲解, 而是让学生通过运用, 总结自己获得的一些感性知识, 帮助其把语言功能项目与语法项目达到真正的统一。本节课中, 笔者一直以引导者、启发者和组织者的身份来组织课堂, 让学生在pairwork, groupwork, discussion等活动中进行自主、合作、探究性学习, 增强他们的积极性和兴趣, 让学生灵活地运用所学内容, 并对所学知识进行更深层次的拓展和升华。同时, 笔者还不失时机地对学生进行德育渗透。在顺利完成教学任务的同时, 笔者发现还存在一些不足, 如有些学生的积极性没有被充分调动起来, 各环节在时间上还有待合理分配。




1. You can’t enter her room without her p____.

2. Don’t b____ me. I’m very busy doing my homework.

3. Tom is c____ of winning the match.

4. I asked him to go fishing with us, but he r____.

5. If you don’t work hard, you’ll fail the e____.

6. The ____ (架子) are too old. Please take them out.

7. Please ____(覆盖) the table with a piece of paper.

8. Let’s go ____(在楼下) to have dinner.

9. What would you do if you had a ____ (百万) dollars?

10. The hotel owner agreed to ____(提供) hot water all day.

B) 用括号内的词的正确形式填空。

1. If I ____(be) you, I would go to school by bike.

2. If he ____(have) time, he would play basketball with you.

3. If it ____(not rain) tomorrow, I will visit my grandmother.

4. Most of them share free ____(medicine) care.

5. I’d wait for her to introduce ____(her) to me.

6. His grandfather is ____(knowledge).

7. The policeman went into the room and carried the boy to ____


8. Miss Wang is ____(help). She often helps others when they are in


9. The teacher got ____(annoy) when she heard the news.

10. How many ____(listen) are there in the meeting room?


1. ——What would you do ____ you got a million dollars?

——I would buy myself a wonderful car ____ I got a million dollars.

A. if; whetherB. when; ifC. if; ifD. after; whether

2. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble ____ you.

A. troubleB. troublesC. will troubleD. troubled

3. ____ people play basketball for fun and exercise, but few people

know how the sport started.

A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Two millionD. Two millions of

4. If I ____ her, I would sing a song in English at the party.

A. amB. wasC. areD. were

5. I can’t decide ____.

A. to choose which presentB. choose which present

C. which present to chooseD. to which present choose

6. If it ____ tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

A. not rainB. won’t rainC. doesn’t rainD. didn’t rain

7. Victor has ____ friends because he’s easy to get along with.

A. plenty ofB. a fewC. fewD. a lot

8. It’s dark. I would rather ____ in bed than ____ a walk outside.

A. lie; takeB. to lie; to takeC. lie; to takeD. to lie; taking

9. The leader always comes up ____ good solutions ____ people’s


A. with; toB. with; ofC. at; toD. of; of

10. He made a shelf ____ his books on.

A. putB. to putC. puttingD. for putting


1. What would you do if someone asked you to in a movie?

2. He will catch the bus if he got up early.

3. I want to have two millions dollars.

4. I can’t sleep the night before a exam.

5. They say that you’re easy to get along.


1. He has plenty of friends. (改为同义句)

He has ____ ____ ____ friends.

2. If I were you, I would wear a skirt to the party. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ you ____ if you were me?

3. Five people would talk to the friend right away. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ people would talk to the friend right away?

4. I’m creative and outgoing. (对划线部分提问)

____ are you ____?

5. I would argue with him if I were you. (改为否定句)

I ____ ____with him if I were you.


1. 如果我买彩票中奖一百万,我要把它给慈善机构。

If I ____ a million yuan in the ____, I’d give it to ____.

2. 你不应该担心别人在穿什么。

You ____ ____ ____ what other people are wearing.

3. 你的朋友大概会说你很随和。

Your friend would probably say you are ____ to ____ ____ ____.

4. 你的周围有一帮很好的朋友。

You have ____ ____ ____ very good friends.

5. 词典对我们学习英语非常有用。

A dictionary ____ ____ ____ study English for us.


A: I just did a personality survey in Teen Time magazine. __1__

B: Oh? How did you do, Peter?

A: __2__ But it’s a really interesting test. You should try it, Milk.

B: OK.

A: How about Question 1? What would you do if the teacher asked

you to give a speech in front of the whole school?

B: __3__ I would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole


A: __4__ What would you do if someone asked you to be in a


B: Oh, I’d say no. __5__

A. I’d be too nervous.

B. I don’t know yet.

C. How about this movie question?

D. It tells you how.

E. I’d say I had a cold and couldn’t speak.


Debbie got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted __1__ in Green Park with some of her friends. She was very happy about it.

__2__ she was ready, she got on her bike and left for the park—it was on the other side of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she __3__ sirens(警笛). The sound of the sirens was getting __4__, so Debbie looked __5__ her to see what was happening. As a result (结果), she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasn’t hurt, __6__ a car hit her bike. After the car __7__, two men got out and started running. __8__, a police car stopped next to the same car and three policemen got out and started running after the two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the thieves (贼)!”

__9__ a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a way, she had helped them __10__.

1. A. goes to skateB. go skating

C. going to skateD. to go skating

2. A. WhileB. As soon asC. IfD. As quickly as

3. A. heardB. listened toC. foundD. saw

4. A. close and closeB. closer and closer

C. big and bigD. bigger and bigger

5. A. afterB. in front ofC. behindD. before

6. A. becauseB. soC. butD. and

7. A. fell overB. passed awayC. turned backD. stopped

8. A. A few minutes laterB. Just then

C. After an hourD. Very fast

9. A. In a few daysB. Sometimes

C. Some time laterD. At the same time

10. A. get out of the carB. run after the two men

C. catch the thievesD. shout at the thieves



Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”

“OK, Dad,” said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn’t remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that no man would come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.

The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more.”

The man was very surprised. He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”

“Burnt yesterday evening,” said the boy.

1. Mr. Brown told his son that ____.

A. he would be away from home for four days

B. he would be back in seven days

C. he would be back in a month

D. he liked a cup of tea

2. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ____.

A. the wallB. the door

C. a piece of paperD. his son’s pocket

3. A man came to visit the boy’s father on ____.

A. the second dayB. the third day

C. the fourth dayD. the fifth day

4. The man was very surprised because ____.

A. he thought the child’s father was dead

B. the child didn’t ask him to sit down

C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn’t find that piece of paper

5. What was burnt? ____.

A. The piece of paperB. Mr. Brown

C. The visitorD. The boy


You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying, when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just don’t like one of your classmates?

If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容).Tolerance is the ability(能力) to realize and respect(尊重) the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.

Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind.

You need to remember an old saying, “Treat others how you want to be treated”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is important to treat them kindly too. If you tolerate(宽容) something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.

It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyone’s lives easier. Learn to accept(接受) people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.

1. What does the writer think of school?

At school, students can not only study but also


2. It’s important for you to get to know others. What can it help you?

It can help us


3. How can you get along well with your classmates?


4. Must you change yourself or others if you tolerate something?


5. Why is tolerance important?





Title Lesson 25: What is wrong with Danny

Teaching Aims:

1. Mastery words and expressions.

2. Teach how to see a doctor in foreign countries.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Compound Sentences.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. Some words and expressions about the illness and seeing a doctor.

Teaching Preparation: Audiotape picture

Teaching Steps Activity Design Language Notes

Step1. Warming up.

Talk about the question: How often are you ill? What is the last time that you are ill? What’s wrong with you?

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1.What’s wrong with Danny?

2.Does Danny have to stay in hospital?

Step4. Read the text.

Read the text and check the answers in listening part. Encourage the students to ask more questions about this part. Such as:

When does Danny feel unwell?

What does Mr. Dinosaur think of Danny’s illness?

Does Danny have a fever?

Is the hospital always open?

Who is the doctor?

What does the doctor say to Danny?

Check the answers and give them enough hints to answer the questions.

Step5. Act out:

Act out the dialogue in front of the class. Make another dialogue to perform in the class. The roles are doctors and patients and the patients’ family members.

Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.”

Make up a dialogue in front of the class. When they are acting, help them when it is necessary. Teach them more new words about illness and parts of the body

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book. * Let the students talk about the questions in groups. Then give a report to the class. They can make up a dialogue in pairs or in three or four.

If time is not enough, you can choose several groups to perform in front of the class.

* This is a difficult task for the students. If the questions are a little difficult, they can’t answer them. But we don’t have time to let them listen again

* Divide the class into several groups and act out the role-play in front of the class. Choose the best one and give them praise.

* Teach them more new words about illness and parts of the body

Blackboard Writing Design:

After Class(教学反思):

Title Lesson 26: Where Is Danny ?

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more expressions for describing illness and treatment.

2.Know how to see a doctor in foreign countries

Teaching Important Points:

1.Know some knowledge about the illness and the treatment.

2.Go to see a doctor.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.Know some words and expressions about the illness and the treatment

Teaching Preparation:

Teaching Steps Activity Design Language Notes


Talk in groups about the showings about the cold. The teacher asks the students “When you catch a cold, how do you feel?” Let the students sum the phenomenon of the cold. Then give a report in the class. They can begin like this: when I have a fever, I…

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Talk about the following question: “What do your father and mother usually tell you to do when you catch a cold?”

At the same time, ask the students to talk about the question: “What do your parents do when you are ill? How do they feel when you are ill?”

Step3.Listening task

Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What’s wrong with Brian?

What does Jenny do to help Brian?

Finish the exercises in oral in class.

Step4. Reading task

Read the text and fill in the blanks according to the text.

1. _______ almost never gets sick.

2.Brian’s ________ and _______ hurt.

Jenny brought some _______ _______ for lunch.

Jenny says to Brain: “_______ _______.”

Finish the blanks in class in oral.

Step5.Come to “PROJECT”

Divide the class into groups in three or four. Complete the dialogues. In the group, one is a patient. Another is a doctor. The others can be the nurses or the patients’ family members.

Let the students grasp the words and expressions of illness and treatment. Encourage the students to read their student books and readers to find out facts about cases and symptoms of common illness.

Step6. Homework

Finish off the activity book.

Go on the next reading in the student book.

*S1: When I have a cold, I have a fever.

S2: When I have a cold, I often cough day and night.

S3: When I have a cold, I often have a running nose.

S4: When I have a cold, I often have a headache.

*S5: My father and mother usually tell me to drink more water and take medicine three times a day.

When I’m ill, my mother looks after me at home. She can’t go to work.

S6: My parents tell me to keep warm and drink more water. When I have to get an injection, my parents are sad.

S7: My parents often tell me to play inside and take medicine. When I am ill, my parents are worried.

*After they grasp more words and expressions about the illness, they can begin the role-play.

Blackboard Writing Design:

After Class(教学反思):

Title Lesson 27: Good Food, Good Health

Teaching Aims:

1.We must eat healthy and keep healthy.

2.Know about the balanced diet.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Know more words about the names of the grain in our daily life.

2.How to eat healthy and keep healthy.

Teaching Difficult Points:

What is a balanced diet?

Teaching Preparation:

Teaching Steps Activity Design Language Notes

Step1.warming up:

Talk about the question: what do you eat in your daily life? Do you think what the foods you eat contain?

Step2.Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.What do bread, noodles and rice come from?

2.Is fruit different from vegetables?

Answer the questions in class in oral. If they can’t answer them correctly, let them read the text. Help them find the correct answer.

Step3. Read the text in details and finish the exercises.

Read the text and fill in the blanks:

1.Bread, noodles and rice are made from _______.

2 ______and _______are very good source of ________, _______ and _______.

3. ______ ______ are made from potatoes.

4.Salad is made of _______ ________.

5.Many people think that only meat and chicken have _______.

______ makes your bones and teeth strong.

Step4.Listen to the tape and let the students follow it for two time. Let them have the correct pronunciation and intonation.

Step5. Ask some students to read the text in the class. Don’t read the whole text, read only the important words, expressions and sentences.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Fill in the chart to compare the eating habits of your classmates.

Interview four or more students to fill in the chart. They can design more questions to ask the others.


Finish off the activity book.

Go on the next reading in the student book * Some words are too difficult for them to answer, so the teacher shows some new words to them with pictures.

Blackboard Writing Design:

After Class(教学反思):

Title Lesson 29:Don’t Smoke, Please!

Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about disease.

2.Learn the harm of smoking and drinking.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Some words and expressions about the disease.

2.Know how to keep healthy.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Help people keep healthy.

Teaching Preparation:

Teaching Steps Activity Design Language Notes

Step1.Warming up:

Divide the class into groups of three or four. Talk about the following questions: what do you think of smoking?

The teacher: Some boy students think smoking makes them look more handsome. Is it right? No, it’s very wrong. Smoking is more harmful to all the people around the world. Now let’s talk about the topic in groups. After a while, every group will give a talk in front of the class.

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

When we are talking the two questions, we can use the Internet to help us. Search more information for the students. Search more pictures to show the students how many pains have the diseases brought us.

Ask some students to answer the questions.

S1: When I eat too cold food, my stomach always hurts..

S2: When I have a fever, I know I have a cold.

S3: I have a headache when I wear fewer clothes in winter.

Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What’s wrong with Danny?

How is Brian today?

Step4. Read the text and Fill in the blanks:

Brian feels ______ on Monday.

Brian wants to make a poster about ________.

Smoking is also bad for your _______.

Step5. Make sentences with the following language points:

be away from

Li Ming has been away from school for ten days.


If the weather is fine, we will go the park tomorrow.


He is also a doctor.

Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.

Divide the class into groups of three or four to finish the task. Discuss the diseases causes by smoking and drinking. It can be divided into two steps. The first step, talk the harm of smoking. Drinking is more harmful than smoking. Many people died from drinking every year. They drink too much, but they still drive their cars. Now too many accidents happen on the road.

Make a poster to show the harm of smoking and drinking for people. Every group makes their posters and explains to the others what it means.

Put the posters up in the class. Every group sends a poster to the teachers in the school. Let all the teachers tell the students about the harm of smoking and drinking.

Step7. Homework:

Finish off the activity book.

Go on the next reading in the student book.

* Group1: We all think smoking is a great harmful to the bodies. Many people die of lung cancer every year. Lung diseases sometimes causes by smoking.

Group2: I also think smoking is bad for health. So give your friends or relatives advice. Let them give up smoking.

Every group gives their report. Then the teacher sums their talks in class.


* After playing the tape, the teacher checks the answers.

Blackboard Writing Design:

After Class(教学反思):

Title Lesson 30: Jane’s Lucky Life

Teaching Aims:

1.The spirit of the disabled.

2.Know more about the disabled people.

Teaching Important Points:

Learn the spirit of the disabled people.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Know about the difficulties that the disabled people have to face in the world.

Teaching Preparation:

Teaching Steps Activity Design Language Notes

Step1.Warming up:

If you are a disabled person, what problems will you meet?

Divide the class into groups of three or four. The teacher can design the task for every group.

Step 2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Ask some students to talk about the questions in pairs. Then let some students demonstrate their opinions in class.

Step3. Look at the picture of Jane. Do you think what’s wrong with Jane? Do you think she is happy? Why?

Step4. Read the text and let’s learn more about Jane. Encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.

S1: How old is Jane?

S2: She is forty years old.

S3: What is she unable to do?

S4: She is unable to brush her teeth. She can’t run or jump. She can’t make breakfast.

S5: Is she married?

S6: Yes, she has a daughter and a son.

If some students can’t answer some of the students, the teacher helps them.

Step5. Demonstrate the dialogue in part 2.

Let some students act out the dialogue in front of the class.

Step6: Listen to the tape and read after it for several times. Play the tape for several times in order to let them have correct answers.

Step7. Imagine you are Jane. What difficulties will you meet in your life?

Step8. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the class in groups and discuss the questions. Let them demonstrate their opinions freely. The teacher should help them if they are in trouble. Remember them to think about the problem in right ways.

Step9. Homework

Finish off the activity book.

Go on the next reading in the student book.

* Group1 lost an arm in an accident. Now what difficulties will you meet?

Group 2 lost a leg in an accident. Now what difficulties will you meet?

Group 3 is deaf.

Group4 is blind.

Let the students talk about their problems for five minutes. Then give a report in the class.

*Ask some students to answer the questions in class. Do you think when you are happy?

*The teacher should help them if they are in trouble. Remember them to think about the problem in right ways.

Blackboard Writing Design:

After Class(教学反思):

Title Lesson 31: Danny Tells All

Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the disease.

2.Learn more about the hospital in foreign country.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Know something about the disease and hospital in foreign countries.

2.How do we feel when we are in hospital?

Teaching Difficult Points:

Demonstrate the feeling in hospital.

Teaching Preparation:

Teaching Steps Activity Design Language Notes

Step1.Warming up:

What do you think of Danny? Do you miss him? What do you want to know about him?

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What’s wrong with Danny?

Where is Danny now?

Let the students answer the questions in class in oral.

Step3.Read the text and encourage students to ask more questions:

S1: Who went to see Danny in hospital?

S2: Brian and Jenny.

S3: What did Danny feel about missing school?

S4: He felt terrible.

S5: Is everyone quiet as Brian reads the letter?

S6: Yes.

S7: What did the doctor take from Danny’s stomach?

S8: An appendix.

Give them hints and let them ask more questions.

Step4. Make sentences with the following language points:

1.I have something to tell you.

They have a lot of homework to do.

2.in hospital; in the hospital

I was ill in hospital last year.

We went to see my uncle in the hospital.

I’m feeling much better.

Much equals a lot, even, far, a little

Step5.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the class into groups. Talk about the questions. After a while, let some students give their report to the class.

Step6. Homework

Finish off the activity book.

Go on next reading in the student book.

* Let some students answer the questions in class in oral. Pay attention to the words that they are using. If you think it is necessary to show more words, you can show some new words to them.

* Show them more words and expressions about disease with the cards.

When the students are discussing, the teacher walk around the classroom and give them help if it is necessary.

Blackboard Writing Design:


一、Teachers’ words: A lazy youth, a louse age.( 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。)

二、Teaching Aims: Talk about how to get to school.

1. How do you get to school?

2. -How far is it from your home to school?

-It’s three miles.

3. -How long does it take you to get from home to school?

-It takes 25 minutes.


Leave for,

The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.



1. 翻译下列短语,并熟练掌握

1) 到达_____________________ 2) 乘地铁_______________________________

3) 乘火车____________________4) 乘小汽车_____________________________

5) 步行去------________________6) 骑自行车____________________________

7) 多远 _________________ 8) 多久_________________

9) 多久一次______________ 10) 动身去------_________________

11) 车站_____________________12) 早班车________________________

13) 从------到__________________14) 匆忙的早餐_________________________


1. 1) leave, “离开;出发”。过去式是left.如:

We left the party at 8 o’clock.


Did you leave the window open?

3)动词,“遗留;遗忘”。注意不用forget. 如:

I’ve left my things at home.

2. hundred


There are five hundred students.

易错点提醒:若表示“数百的”的约数概念,则用hundreds of. Thousand, million也有类似用法。


1c, 2d, 3b Pairwork.


5. 达标检测


( ) 1. -_____ did you go there? -By boat.

A. When B. Where C. HowD. Who

( ) 2. -_____ is it from your home to the school?

-About twenty minutes walk.

A. How far B. How long C. WhenD. Where

( ) 3. It takes _____ time to the work.

A. too many B. too much C. a few D. quite little

( ) 4. -How does he go to Hong Kong?-_____.

A. Take train B. By train C. By the train D. By trains

( ) 5. Our holiday is coming. Two _____ students in our school will go hiking.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

( ) 6. -_____ water do you want? -A little.

A. How many B. How big C. How long D. How much

( ) 7. My uncle usually _____ a bus to go to work.

A. take B. by C. on D. takes

( ) 8. It takes me twenty minutes ______ my homework

A. to do B. do C. doing D. in doing

( ) 9. How about going there _____ our bikes?

A. in B. on C. at D. by

( ) 10. How does Ken’s mother _____ home?

A. get B. get to C. gettingD. gets

二、词汇 (根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,或用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. Another word for “ bike ” is b__________.

2. There are 60 m__________ in an hour.

3. My home isn’t far from here, it’s about two k__________.

4. A sheep has four ________ ( foot ).

5. It took them ten minutes __________ ( walk ) to the hotel yesterday.

6. Different __________ ( country ) has different weather.

7. In our school, most __________ ( 学生 ) take cars to school.

8. Lily usually gets up at six, exercises and __________ ( have ) breakfast in the morning.

9. It’s over three __________ ( hour ) ride from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.

10. When it __________ ( rain ), I take a taxi.

三、补全对话 (选择合适的选项补全对话)

A: Wang Dong, may I ask you some questions?

B: Sure.

A: 1______

B:At about 6:00. Then I shower and have breakfast. 2______


B:I ride my bike. Sometimes I walk.


B:1.5 kilometers.

A:How long does it take?


A. How far do you live from school? B. I leave for school at about 6:30.

C. How do you get to school? D.I ride to school at 6:30.

E. What time do you get up in the morning?

F. It takes 10 minutes bike and 15 minutes on foot. G. Where do you live?

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