



食品安全问题On the Food Security

Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media.The problem of food security has become a hot button across society.The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide.First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem.More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend.As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never.Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend.The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again.I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.1、越来越: be increasingly + adj;be on the rise,the growing number of, sth is gaining great popularity.(强化版)


① There is a growing number of the disposable plastic bags.② The recreational activities is gaining great popularity among the college undergraduates

2、人们认为: Some people believe, claim, agree, claim, maintain, argue, hold, suggest, consider

it is believed/held/agreed/claimed by some people that(加强版)

Some push the view that / maintain the view that/ create a solid statement that


① It is widely claimed that recreational activities are of great benefit to people.② Some people create a solid statement that disposable plastic bags are nearly impossible to break down and thus pose various environmental problems.3、许多、很多: many, different, various, numerous, abundant,a(great)number of, a great/rich variety of, various kinds of,(强化版)


① A rich variety of recreational activities has emerged in this ever-changing society.4、引起人们注意:claim, call, attract, general/public/world attention to sth.Bring to the public attention the fact that(四六真题版)我们要让群众认识到一次性塑料袋的危害

① We college students should bring the public attention the fact that disposable plastic bags are not only non-recyclable products but also detrimental to the environment.5、发挥/起到重要作用:important→ essential, crucial, vital, significant, fundamental

play an(important/active/great)role/part in(高频版)Sth is of great/utmost importance to,(四六真题版)It is of great importance/significance for sb.to do sth.大学生的心理健康十分重要

Mental health is of great importance to the college students.6.只有……才能…… Only by…can sb hope to do sth.Only by doing sth…can sb hope to do sth.只有通过这样的措施,我们才有希望减少校园浪费。

Only by this way, can we hope to reduce the waste on campus.7.是到了……的时候 It is high time that +过去时态 是到了全中国人意识到盗版危害的时候。

It is high time that all the Chinese people realized the harm of piracy.8.虽然但是 although/but

despite the fact that/in spite of the fact that(加强版)regardless of sth.虽然双休日给我们带来了方便,它同样也引起了很多问题。

Despite the fact that the two-day weekend brings convenience to us, it also gives rise to many problems.9.因为所以 because/so/since

due to/owing to/thanks to/because of(加强版)lead to/be attributed to/(加强版)

人们很喜欢用一次性产品,因为它们便宜又方便 People like to use disposable products because of their convenience and low price.10.不仅而且 Not only…but also Not only +倒装…but also


Disposable plastic bags not only damage our environment but also affect our health.Not only do disposable plastic bags damage our environment, but they also affect our health.


1. Many nations have been faced with the problem of …

2. Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3. Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

4. Recently the issue has aroused great concern among …

5.) Nowadays there is a growing concern over …

6. Never in our history has the idea that … been so popular.

7. Faced with …, quite a few people argue that…

8. According to a recent survey,…


1. 积极方面

一是大学英语四、六级考试已引起全国各高等院校及有关教育领导部门对大学英语教学的重视, 调动了师生的积极性。二是大学英语考试每年为我国大学生的英语水平提供客观的描述。由于大学英语四、六级考试广泛采用现代教育统计方法, 分数经过等值处理, 因此保持历年考试的分数意义不变。三是由于大学英语四、六级考试采用正态分制, 使每次考试后所公布的成绩含有大量信息, 成为各级教育行政部门进行决策的动态依据, 也为各校根据本校实际情况采取措施提高教学质量提供了反馈信息。四是大学英语四、六级考试从命题、审题、考务组织、统计分析到成绩发布已形成一套完整的制度, 是一项组织得较好的、严格按照标准化考试质量要求进行的大规模考试。五是大学英语考试在某种程度上得到社会认可, 目前已经成为各级人事部门录用大学毕业生的标准之一, 产生一定的社会效益。

2. 消极方面

(1) 引发各种犯罪和诚信危机, 不利于学生诚信品质的形成。大学英语引发各种社会诚信危机, 导致相关犯罪的产生。搜索2003、2004大学外语等级考试的相关信息不难发现:试题泄露、替考、枪手的盛行等等无不与大学外语等级考试相关。为了一个达不到又必须达到的目标, 人们挺而走险似乎成为一种必然, 引发各种犯罪和诚信危机。

(2) 滋长了社会不良分子的歪风。大量的需求使不良分子看到商机, 以此从中谋取暴利, 谎称有内部资料, 使广大同学钱财受损并严重影响了校园风气。一心向学的风气破坏殆尽, 由此引起作弊手段高科技化、程序组织专业化、滋长了不良分子的歪风。

(3) 不利于学生身心的健康发展。硬性指标使部分同学倍感压力, 再加上同学间互相比较及涉及就业等方面, 严重地影响青年身心的健康。

(4) 打击学生的自尊心自信心。凭自己的努力而一时没有成功的人, 看到别人甚至不如自己努力的人靠不正当途径成功, 会严重打击自信心, 从此可能不靠自己的主观努力, 反而依靠歪门邪道, 甚至产生厌世、轻生心理。

(5) 影响国家教育教学制定方针政策。大学英语4、6级考试在一定程度上反映了大学生的当前水平, 可投机取巧使指标有偏差, 不利于国家掌握当前大学生的状况, 从而影响教育教学政策的制定。

(6) 大学英语考试引发的大学英语教育热, 使部分人产生民族文化自卑。中国现在是全民学英语, 将大量的时间、精力都花在别人的语言上, 而将自己那么丰富的文化搁置一边, 而外国却以极大热情研究中国的国学, 难道不是背道而驰了吗?

(7) 大学英语教学和考试在一定程度上阻碍中国学术水平的提高。现在的全国硕士研究生入学考试可以这样说:政治和英语不合格, 你有多高的专业水平都不行!这样的导向阻碍了中国的学术水平人才的选拔和培养。

(8) 证书造假, 使取得的证书含金量缩水。社会上证书造假, 各种办证, 在很大程度上使大家产生依赖心理, 不靠自己的主观努力就想获得成功, 滋生不劳而获思想, 助其惰性, 同时也使社会对其认可度大受影响。

(9) 大学生、教师在社会中的形象下滑。现今经常在4、6级考试前, 有试题外泄, 甚至是考试答案……在出题、运题、运输到考场这中间任何一个环节都可能出现问题, 而涉及其中的一些教师为了一己私利很可能是参与其中。大学生购买答案与教师的舞弊、贩卖都使社会对其印象大打折扣。

(10) 人才质量的降低。没有真才实学的和学有小成混杂一起, 在同一等级上, 无法真正鉴别他们知识掌握程度。用人单位、机关在遇到鱼龙混珠时会自然而然对英语4、6级证书降等, 对有资质的人造成极大的不公平, 也使社会整体人才质量降低。

(11) 道德缺失, 道德意识冷漠。由英语4、6级考试引发的一系列作弊、不正当行为所产生的后果, 加重了社会上本就存在的“失德”, 道德意识冷淡。


每次看到考生从4、6级考试的考场出来, 心里总是有一种说不出来的感觉。每次如此多的大学生参加过级考试, 这成为我们中国大学外语教育的特色, 这种“中国特色”还是不要的好。考了这么多年了, 除了发放的合格证书越来越多之外, 从实际的效果来说, 对促进我国的外语教育来说, 又起到多少的推动作用呢?持有合格证又代表多高的水平呢?最后得424分和426分又有多少差距呢?笔者殷切希望非英语专业的大学生们千万别太把4、6级考试太当作一回事, 太多的时间和财力的投入根本没有必要。花更大的气力学好本专业才是根本, 研究中国博大精深的国学是辅助。不要再出现外国人比中国人都了解中国的文化这种尴尬的事件。如果想考研究生, 就花时间看些考研的书;如果想出国, 就看点托福, 雅思或GRE, 如若不然就在力所能及的前提下把外语作为一门课程来学学就可以了, 别指望大学公共外语学习会使自己的外语水平提高得如何如何。真要掌握一门外语所花费的时间和气力是一般人做不到的。

无论是什么专业, 只要不是英语专业, 它只不过是一门必修课。跟其他必修课一样, 共同构成培养某个专业的专业人才所必需的一个知识结构, 在这个知识结构的形成过程中, 对所开设课程的时间投入, 课堂教学, 课外自习时间的安排都应该是一个科学问题。如果过多的把时间投入到某个学科, 便会造成顾此失彼的现象, 而造成其他课程在时间上投入不足, 进而影响整个知识结构的完整性。其实有些用人单位也在被4、6级考试误导。他们应该想一想, 就连两年专门学英语的专业学生英语能力除了教中、小学之外, 很少能够派上什么其他用场, 更不用说, 非专业的英语了, 而一项调查表明, 过了6级的大学毕业生, 好一些的能够阅读原文, 翻译一些不太难的英语资料, 但是, 遇到汉译英就做不来了。英语学习在没有质的突破之前, 大量的时间是处于低效率的消耗状态。这也就是为什么, 绝大多数大学毕业生毕业若干年后, 外语逐渐丢光的原因。在外企的, 情况好一点, 但也是应付日常的工作和生活的那一点点比较熟。在正式的场合也是力不从心。取消它是必要的, 也是大势所趋。

抄袭成风, 而打假的“方舟子”却显的孤掷一注, 试想我们的考试、我们的教育是怎么了?怎么成为是畸形的怪胎!这不仅不利于国家的发展, 现代化的建设, 和谐社会的构建, 人才的培养, 违背教育部的初衷, 而且劳民伤财。如果说是得到什么, 可能我们有的只是纸上谈兵的纯理论或是一纸文凭 (证书) 。而美国语言学家预言:英语主导语言的地位正在退化, 学中文的人日益增多, 我国也应该从实际用途去调整教育策略, 多元化的社会不能一把尺子去衡量。试想几十年后, 外国人都在说流畅、熟练的汉语, 而我们中国, 却在说着蹩脚的汉语, 流利的英语, 这是多大的讽刺啊!

文化知识的健康发展是教育发展的第一要务, 在能力发展的同时传授基本的理论知识, 真正把理论与实践相结合, 直接经验与间接经验相结合;辅之打击不法分子的投机行为, 严厉惩罚违法犯罪行为可上升到法律层面;而提供合理工作岗位, 缓解就业压力, 提供政策、法律法规上的支持, 鼓励大学生自主创业, 给予政策上的帮助;鼓励创新, 把培养创造性人才落到实处;以创新精神和创新能力为核心, 构建新的人才培养模式和教育创新体系;构建终身教育体系和学习化社会实现人的可持续发展;加大大学生本专业的研究学习, 潜心学习本国优秀文化, 辅之了解外国文化、语言。如此, 由大学英语4、6级带来的种种比弊端可迎刃而解。

摘要:英语4、6级考试火热, 虽调动了师生, 英语教学的积极性, 为我国大学生的英语水平提供客观的描述并成为各级人事部门录用毕业生的标准之一, 但不利于学生诚信品质的形成、滋长了社会不良分子的歪风、不利于学生身心的健康发展、在一定程度上阻碍中国学术水平的提高, 证书造假, 使取得证书缩水等问题远远超过积极方面的作用。为此, 应着眼于能力的培养, 走出这种考试的“牢笼”。



[1]教育部教育管理信息中心汇编.中华人民共和国教育法律法规全书 (一) [M].北京:兵器工业出版社, 2001.

[2]胡海德.教育学原理[M].兰州:甘肃教育出版社, 1998.







Fantastic English Institute是一家著名的英语培训机构,总部设在北京,在全国有15个培训中心。为了拓展机构,现招聘学习顾问一名。该职位负责帮助学生成功完成学习任务。职位要求:







For One Study Adviser Fantastic English Institute is a famous English training institute with its headquarters in Beijing and 15 branch centers in China.In order to further develop our institute, we now need one study adviser to work in Shenzhen.This position is responsible for helping students successfully achieve their study objectives.And the Qualifications required are as follows: Language school graduates of English with a bachelor’s degree Excellent command of both spoken and written English At least 3 years of teaching or training experience Excellent personal skills as being patient and responsible The ability to work independently and as part of a team Anyone who would like to apply for this position, please send an email attached with your resume to recruit-fei@163.com.说明:按下列所给信息写一则招聘广告。



● 工程设计

● 施工监督

● 培训工人


● 化学工程大专文凭

● 三年相关经验

● 表达能力强

● 获高等学校英语应用能力考试A级证书


Words for reference:

东方(中国)投资有限公司oriental(China)Investment Co.Ltd;

天然气gas;大专文凭college diploma;高等学校英语应用能力考试A级PRETCO(Level A)


Engineer Wanted Oriental(China)Investment Co.Ltd is one of the major oil and gas companies.In order to further develop our company, we now need an engineer.And the responsibility and qualifications required are as follows:

Responsibility :

1.Engineering design

2.Construction supervision

3.Training workers


1.college diploma of chemical engineering

2.3 years of relevant working experience

3.strong ability to express yourself

4.got the certification of PRETCO(Level A)

Anyone who would like to apply for this position, please send an e-mail attached with your resume to oriental @hotmail, com.【高频词句】

1.further develop进一步发展

2.relevant working experience相关工作经验

3.anyone who would like to apply for this position任何有意申请该职位的人a


Jim Green 于2006年1月15日早上乘坐108次快车从深圳到北京,托运一个皮箱,但去取行李时,皮箱丢了。托运牌号为100859,里面有重要物件,以Jim Green的名义给北京车站写封信,说明上述情况,希望车站给予查找,并及时通知,通讯地址:北京市北京酒店227房间,电话:85305101.express train

registered a trunk

Rm 227 Beijing Hotel

Beijing Jan 15, 2006 Dear Sir/madam, I arrived in Beijing from Shenzhen this morning by express train No.108.At the Shenzhen station, I registered a trunk, but when I went to your luggage office to draw it this afternoon, I was told that it was missing.The check I hold is No.100859.I sincerely hope that you will trace the missing article at once, for there are many important things in it.My trunk bears my personal name Jim Green.I am now staying in Room 227, Beijing Hotel.If you have retrieved it, please inform me soon or contact me by calling 85305101.Thanks!

Jim Green









December20th, 2005

Notice The student’s union of Foreign Language School takes pleasure in announcing that its annual English evening is to be held in the assembly hall at 7 p.m.Saturday, December 31st.The program includes songs, dances, recitations, plays, games, etc.All teachers and students are welcome to join us and we will award everybody there a special gift.Admission tickets may be obtained on application to Room 308, office building.The student’s union of Foreign Language School December20th, 2005






December 20th, 2005


We Rear Service Department are taking pleasure to announce that the winter vacation will begin from Jan.14th, 2006 to Feb.19th, 2006, lasting for 37 days.All staff and students should follow this arrangement strictly.Anyone leaves earlier or arrives later than scheduled without leave permission will be punished according to the university rules.We remind all our staff and students to pay attention to safety problem and to observe discipline and obey the law during the winter vacation.And wish everyone a happy Spring Festival.说明:2008年5月12日,中国四川省发生了里氏8.0级的大地震,地震中,无数孩子失去家园。为此,校学生会号召大家本周六上午9:30在主教学楼前面为灾区孩子捐款,请你以学生会的名义写一份通知。


Words for reference:

里氏Richter scale;学生会The Students’ Union;主教学楼Main Building Note

Dear students,Attention please!

On May 12th, 2008, a 8.0 Richter scale strong earthquake happened in Sichuan province.It was a great sorrow for every Chinese people.This earthquake razed many regions of Sichuan province to the ground, many people lost their home, including some little children.Therefore, we call on all the students to donate money to the children in disaster areas.All those who will donate your money please go to the Main Building at 9:30 on Saturday a.m.We are looking forward to your love!

The Students’ Union

May 14th, 2008







4.希望住宿方面能给予提前安排 Dear Mr.Biggs, I’m very glad to receive your invitation to take part in the annual business management seminar.I’m going to give a talk on the Intercultural Business Management in the globalization.And I would like to know how long the talk should be, so that I can make good preparation for it.Concerning accommodation, I would be very grateful if you have some arrangements.Thank you for your invitation.I look forward to seeing you again.Yours sincerely,Jim Green

Date:(时间)November 10,2009 TO:(收文人)Kelly Anderson, Personnel Manager From:(发文人)J.Hign, assistant to the Customer Service Director Subject: Reasons of decreasing sales(正文)

说明:给你的同事Mary Chen写份备忘录。



To: Mary Chen

From: Li Ming

Re: New Year’s Party

Date: December 23, 2008

It is the time again for the staff to have some activities to celebrate the New Year’s Day.I know you and some young guys have planned to hold an informal party.But I think we need do something different this year.As I will be in Beijing for a week, it is up to you and the young guys to decide on the time and place of the party.Please let me know your final decision and whether I need do any preparation in advance.Yours,Li Ming


1.It’s the time for sb.to do sth.是某人该做某事的时间了。

2.hold a party举办聚会

3.It is up to you to do sth.某事的决定权在你。

4.decide on…决定…

收件人:Carl Fowler

发件人:Jane Larson







To: Carl Fowler

From: Jane Larson

Subject: Scheduling the film

Date: March 13, 2006

We’d better rearrange the showing schedule for next week’s film.As you know, we are going to show the film, The Smiths, next week in the projection room, which holds only fifty people comfortably without overcrowding.It is not big enough for the whole staff to see the film at the same time.So I suggest we show the film in different times.For example, we can arrange 40 people to see the film there on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m., and the remaining 40 on Thursday at the same time.If there’s any problem about this arrangement, please let me know.Jane Larson


I have the honor to inform you that...我很荣幸地通知您„„

I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter.我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。

I have several proposals for cutting down the cost.关于降低成本我有几个建议。

In response to your request for...I have to inform you that we can not approve it.对于你„„的请求,我不得不告诉你我们不能批准。

This is further to your memo dated June 6, 2006, in which you proposed that employees adopt the “punchin” system.回复你2006年6月6日关于员工实行打卡考勤制度的备忘录。






Sept.16th, 2002

Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of English History and Anthology of English Literature by Wu Weiren A copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin A copy of World Literature by Jiang Chengen.Wu Zhuo

For the Office of

Social Science Department


Tuesday Mr.Li, As the Spring Festival is drawing near, I’m very glad to invite you to come to a dinner party with several other friends of ours.I’m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly.Would you like to come on time at 5:00 p.m.today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel?

Yours always,Jiayang



Mr.Jiang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two periods of English Class due to a bad cold and high fever.Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days.I will go back to school as soon as I recover.Yours respectfully,Tian Ye

说明:今天早上怀特先生收到一份蓝鸟公司(Blue Bird Company)的传真,他认为该传真很重要,因此给秘书萨拉(Sara)写下了一张留言。要求:本传真与公关部(Public Relations Department)经理王平有关,所以请她首先填好“来访信息表”(Visitor Information Form),然后交给公关部经理,让他迅速作出安排。


Dec 23rd, 2008


I have received a fax from Blue Bird Company this morning, and the fax is about Wang Ping, the manager of Public Relations Department.I think it is a very important fax, therefore, please fill the Visitor Information Form first, and then send it to Wang Ping, and ask him to deal with it as soon as possible.Mr.White





From: hubin@163.com

Date: Dec.26th, 2008

To: KPOHsales@hobnail,tom

Subject: To establish business relationships

Dear Sir or Madam,I knew your new product of No.5670 during the exhibition held in New York on the date of Dec.15th to 22rid and I was quite interested in it.Please send us a price list and an instruction.Thank you for your attention and we are expecting to establish business relationship with you.We are looking forward to your early reply!

Yours sincerely,Hu Bin

写信人:Zhu Min




预订火车票:一张25日108次快车深圳到北京卧铺票,三张27日1532次列车深圳到郑州的硬座票。同时希望了解该段时间学生票是否打折。要求尽早告知是否有票,票价以及是否需要预付押金等。January, 2006 S-hotel,tickets@yah00.com.cn

Shenzhen Hotel Tickets Reservation Office,I would like to book a berth ticket for express train, No.108 from Shenzhen to Beijing on Jan.25 and three tickets for standard train, No.1532 from Shenzhen to Zhengzhou on Jan.27.And I also would like to know whether there is any discount for student ticket this time.Please write back as soon as possible, and let me know if these tickets are available, what the price is and if I should pay the deposit.Thank you.Yours truly,难点分析













Contribution Wanted In order to make the Tide DV entertainment more interesting and richer in content, we would like to invite our net friends to send in their contribution concerning about their stories on DV, Content: any stories in whatever style concerning about life with DV Requirement: 1.No contents shall be related to eroticism or violence or shall violate laws and regulations in our country.2.All contributions shall be originally composed by the contributor himself who is forbidden to copy other’s works.3.Tide Company has the final say on this contribution.You should e-mail your work to tidedv@vip.tide.com.And if you have any question, please contact us by calling(010)62628888—5024/5673.难点分析



1.We would like to ask for contributions from…我们特向……征集稿件。

2.…are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form and style.欢迎(征稿对象)投稿,格式文体不限。

3.Deadline for such contributions will be on…投稿截止日期为……


I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr old fish’s wedding ceremong with Miss Micky Mouse to be held in ZhouJi Hotel on April

If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1. We look forword to the pleasure of your company.

Yours Sincerely
