仁爱版七年级英语下册unit5 topic3教材讲解


仁爱版七年级英语下册unit5 topic3教材讲解(通用6篇)

篇1:仁爱版七年级英语下册unit5 topic3教材讲解

Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 3 My school life is very interesting 一.重难点讲解

1、What day is it today? 今天星期几?--It is Wednesday.今天星期三。

What day……?用来询问星期几或是节日。回答: It is……

Eg: What day is it today? 今天是什么节日?

It’s Children’s Day.今天是儿童节。

在星期几用介词 on.Eg: on Wednesday.周三

2、What class are they having? 他们正在上什么课?

--They are having a music class.他们正在上音乐课。= Which class are they having?

(1)What class 用来询问“什么课程”= which class


Eg: Morning classes/lessons begin at eight o’clock.Class: ①班级。Eg: What class are you in? – I am in Class Seven.②一个班级的全体学生。此时是一个集合名词。Eg: Good morning, class!

(2)have a music class/lesson.上音乐课

Eg:We are having an English class/lesson.我们在上英语课。

3、What time is it over?几点下课?

be over 结束(指状态)= end 结束;完成(强调动作)

Eg:What time does it end? 几点结束?

4、Working on math problems.解数学题

work on 从事„„;致力于„„(根据多种语境可以有多种译法)

Eg:He is working on a new novel.他正在写一部小说。

My father works on a farm.我爸爸在农场工作

He is working on computers.他正在用电脑。

He is outside and working on the car..他在外边修汽车。

work out 算出;计算。

Eg: The little boy can work out the math problem all by him self.这个小男孩能自己算出这道数学题。

5、They are learing about the past in the class.他们在课堂上了解过去。

(1)learn about 了解

We learn English ,but we don’t learn about English.我们学习英语但我们不了解英语。

(2)learn = study学习(但 learn 侧重于强调学习的成果“学会,学到“学习具体的事情要用learn, 如: learn English ;study 还有钻研,研究的意思,表示研究性的学习,强调学习的过程)

Eg: They are studying history.learn to do sth 学做某事 Eg:let’s learn to speak English.6、You must like English very much.你一定非常喜欢英语。

must 表肯定的猜测。“一定……”

Eg: That book must be Jane’s, because her name is on it.那本书一定是简的,因为她的名字在上面。can’t be “不可能……”

表否定的猜测 Eg: That bike over there can’t be Jane’s,Hers is new.那边的自行车不可能是简的。她的是新的。

7、What do you think of it? 你认为它怎样?

--Sometimes it’s difficult and boring , so I don’t like it very much.有时难学且乏味,所以我不太喜欢

(1)What do you think of ……? 你认为……怎么样?(表示主人对某人或某物的看法)

可用 how do you like……? 此句还有询问对某物的喜欢程度

Eg: What do you think of the book? 你觉得这本书怎样?---It is very intersting.非常有趣。

=How do you like the book?

How do you like China? 你有多喜欢中国。---Very much.非常喜欢。

(2)very much = a lot



Eg: I like playing basketball very much.= I like playing basketball a lot.8、What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢什么科目?

=Which subject do you like best? what’s one’s favorite ……?=which …… do/does sb like best? 某人最喜欢什么? What’s your favorite sport?= Which sport do you like best?

9、Why don’t you like it?你问什么不喜欢它?

Why don’t you +动词原形?


此句型还可以用来提出建议,= why not…..? “为何不……呢?” Eg: Why don’t you play soccer with us? = Why not play soccer with us?


10、At school , my tearchers and classmates are very friendly to me.在学校,我的老师和同学对我很友好。

be friendly to sd.对某人友好

friendly 在此为形容词“友好的,友善的” = kind

Eg: Everyone here is very friendly to us.这里的每个人对我们都很友好。

= Everyone here is very kind to us.11、I study Chinese,English,politics,art,history,geography,biology and some other subjects.我学习语文,英语,政治,美术,历史,地理,生物和一些其他的课程。(1)当指在学校学习各门功课时study=learn

Learn ①通过练习或教师指导而记住或学会;

I’m learning to skate.我在学滑冰。


We should learn from each other.我们应该相互学习。


Men learn while they teach.教学相长。Study 指用功学,钻研,研究

Eg:He always studies math.他总是学习数学。

(2)other 形容词,“另外的,其他的”表示泛指,常与名词复数和不可数名词连用。

Eg:I see John with some other boys.我看见约翰和其他一些男孩在一起。如果other 前有the,this,any,each,every,no,none以及形容词性物主代词时,后面只加单数名词。

Eg:I have no other place to go.我没有地方可去。

① the other 表示两者中的另外一个,可单独使用也可接单数名词。

Eg: He has two pencils.One is short,the other is long.他有两只铅笔,一只是短的,另外一只是长的。② others 是other的复数形式,意为‘别的人或物’,表示泛指。如:If you work hard.you will catch up with others soon.如果你努力学习,你很快会赶上别人的。

12、Attention,please!Here is the news.请注意,这儿有消息告诉大家。

① Attention,please!是书面或口头通知的常用语,目的在于提醒别人注意。② News意为“消息,新闻”是不可数名词。Eg: a piece of news 一则新闻或消息。

What’s the latest news?有什么新消息吗?

13、There is a soccer game between Class One and Class Two on the playground at 5:00 this afternoon.今天下午五点,一班和二班将在操场上举行一场足球赛。



Eg: The chair is between the bed and the desk.那张椅子在床铺好桌子之间。

(1)指三者或三者以上的人或物中每两者之间,仍用between.Eg: She takes some medicine between three meals every day.她每天在两餐之间吃药。


Eg: Switzerland is between France,Italy,Austria and Germany.瑞士位于法国,意大利,奥地利及德国之间。

14、Do you want to see the stamps of the world? 你想看看世界邮票吗?

World 名词,“世界”

All over the world = around the world 全世界

15、speak English = say ……in English 用英语说……

Eg: My sister can’t speak English.我的妹妹不会讲英语。

My sister can’t say the pen in English.我的妹妹不会用英语讲钢笔。

16、Thank you for your hard work!谢谢你的努力工作。

(1)thank you / thanks for sth/doing sth.为某事或坐某事而感谢。Thank you for great photos.谢谢你送给我这些漂亮的照片。Thank you for inviting us.感谢你邀请我们。Thank you for coming.多谢您的惠顾。

(2)①hard adj.努力的,辛苦的,硬的,困难的。

Eg: It’s hard to believe that she’s only nine.很难相信她只有九岁。


Eg: It’s raining hard outside.外面正下着大雨。



Eg: Nothing is difficult to a man who wills.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

②hard较为口语化,也可以指在智力方面存在困难,此时可与diffcult互换;但指在体力方面存在困难时,通常用hard.Eg: The physics exercises are too hard/difficult for me.这些物理习题对我来说太难了

It’s hard to move the desk upstairs.要把这张课桌搬到楼上很困难。

17、Best wishes.最好的祝福。

(1)Wish 在此时名词,意为“祝愿,致意”。此外,wish 还可以作为动词,意为“祝愿,希望”。

Eg: I wish you success.祝你成功。

I wish to go swimming tomorrow.我希望明天去游泳。(2)best wistes to/for sb.意为向某人致以最美好的祝愿

如:best wistes to/for you.(3)best wistes for +节日,意为“致以….(节日)最美好的祝愿。如:best wistes for Teachers’ Day 致以教师节最美好的祝愿。

18、from …to…从…到…


Eg: We go to school from Monday to Froday.我们周一至周五上学。


Eg: It’s far from my home to school.从我家到学校路途很远


1.反义词:first – last borrow – return / give back 2.名词单数转化复数:life – lives shelf – shelves leaf – leaves half – halves lifebeautiful interest – interesting excite-exciting


1.Welcome to our school.欢迎到我们学校来。

2.What do you think of our school? It’s very nice.你认为我们学校怎么样?它非常漂亮。

3.Let me find it on the computer first.首先让我在电脑上找到它。4.Wait a minute.= Just a minute.等一等。5.Mary can’t find her purse and we’re looking for it.玛丽找不到她的钱包,我们正在找它。

6.Is there anything else in it? No, there isn’t.里面还有别的吗?不,没有了。

7.Thank you anyway.= Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你。Thank you for your hard work.谢谢你们的努力工作。Thank you for asking me.谢谢你邀请我。

8.Almost all the pupils walk or take a yellow school bus.几乎所有的小学生都步行或坐黄色的校车。

Very few pupils ride bikes.很少小学生骑自行车。

Most of them have lunch at school.他们大部分在学校吃午饭。9.I read them with great interest.我带着极大的兴趣读它们。

10.We’ll let you know if we find yours.如果我们找到你的(钱包)我们会让你知道的。

11.May I ask you some questions? Yes, please 我可以问你几个问题吗? 13.Where do you come from? I come from Australia.= Where are you from? I’m from Australia.你来自哪里?我来自澳大利亚。

Which city of Australia do you come from? 你来自澳大利亚哪个城市? 14.How long can I keep it? Two weeks.我能借多久?两个星期。15.Do you have a problem? 你有问题吗?

篇2:仁爱版七年级英语下册unit5 topic3教材讲解




篇3:仁爱版七年级英语下册unit5 topic3教材讲解








下面以一节县级研讨课(教学内容为仁爱版英语教材七年级下册Unit 6Topic 3Section C“Keeping Safe on the Street”)为例,简述“学·导·用”课堂教学模式的具体应用。本课的学习目标是学习并运用新单词和词组,了解常见的交通规则、如何遵守交通规则和懂得珍爱生命。

1. 课前






①独立朗读Section C 1a课文并标好行数,用红笔在课文中圈出新单词并在其正下方写上汉语意思。




2. 课中

首先是激趣导入。教师在课堂中先播放交通事故视频,吸引学生的注意力,给学生以视觉冲击,然后让学生小组讨论为什么会发生事故,我们应该怎么做。他们会得出结论:We should obey the traffic rules.接着,教师向全班出示学习目标,让学生上课一开始就明确学习目标,有学习方向。这样做能够激发学生的学习动机,调动学生学习的积极性,促进学生在后面的各个环节里主动地围绕目标去探索。之后教师与学生一起边谈论图片边呈现有关新单词,即在语境中教学单词。教完单词后让学生多读几遍单词,对单词音形义同时接触。T:Can you pronounce all the new words?Now sit face to face and pronounce the words according to the pronunciation.If you can’t,please turn to your team.然后进行小组合作共学。在这个环节,主要是针对还不会读的单词进行对学群学。所有学生必须起立,按照A→D、B→C这样的对学形式进行学习。教师巡视。学完后的小组同学坐下。随后教师任意抽查若干小组展示,读错的单词让其他组帮忙纠正。然后再次进行全班合作共学。在这一环节,教师借助图片教学,全体学生积极参与。

紧接着教师将话题转回到原先设计的教学内容上。T:Boys and girls,the words we learnt just now are all about traffic.To keep safe,what should we do?What shouldn’t we do?Please discuss the things we should do or we shouldn’t do in groups,then write down your results of your discussion on your exercise books.这一环节既抓住了根本,又充分调动了学生的参与热情。再教学P48的3、4就很顺畅。再次通过小组合作共学,学生很快地学会了祈使句的肯定及否定形式,也为阅读课文Keeping Safe on the Street做好了铺垫。然后请若干小组上台展示讨论结果,其他组同学提出问题,教师适时点拨启发,其他组同学及时评价。


最后,让学生完成本课最后一项任务,即小组根据图片讨论P47的2中短语的意思:a ticket for speeding,a ticket for drunk-driving,a ticket for parking in the wrong place,a ticket for making a wrong turn.组内讨论之后,让全班学生群策群力快速讨论出最好的翻译。结果学生将以上短语翻译成:超速罚单、酒驾罚单、乱停乱放罚单、随意拐弯罚单。这次合作共学不仅使学生充分展示自己的才华,又不偏离任务的中心,而且学生还在无意识中把a ticket for的用法掌握了。课堂上最后10分钟让学生消化本节课内容,先在本组内每人就“How to keep safe on the street”进行发言,然后当堂在作业本上写下来。

3. 课后

在下课的最后一分钟,教师给学生下一课Unit 6Topic 3Section D的前置学习单。





②复习Section A和Section B中问路的几种情况。







中图分类号:G634 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2016)03-0000-01


《新目标英语》(人教版七年级下册) 教材分析《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,加上复习单元2 个,文化背景知识和学习策略等部分补充材料。总的来说,这个长度对于一个学期的教学是合适的,与之前的教材相比, 省去了期中和期末的复习单元总结。在目录中,每一个单元中包括了题目、主题、功能、结构、目的语、单词、复习点这几部分。附录包括课文知识点、磁带录音 语音知识、语法、词汇与表达、单词index、名字列表、不规则动词变化表。每一单元都只有3页,分为A部分和B部分,各部分占一页要介绍基础性的语言知识,例如单词、句型、语法,而 B部分主要进行巩固和运用。在这两部分中,都比较好地结合了听、说、读、写四种能力的训练,但 A部分更注重听和说,B部分注重读和写。在 B部分结束之后,就会有一个简单的自我检测,这部分一方面是对学生学习的检测或总结,另外一方面则是带有一点拔高性质的要求。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。




(二) 实用性强。

每一个单元的主题都取材于学生的学习生活,与他们的认知水平、年龄、生活经历,习惯都有密切的联系, 例如: Unit 1:Can you play the guitar? Unit 3: How do you get to school? Unit 6:I am watching TV. Unit 11: How was your school trip? 等。这些话题来自生活,所以对于学生来说,他们都懂,也有话说,也可以在实际生活中用到,所以说实用性很强。










4、此书采用任务型语言教学,以学生为主体,且每一单元设计有4-5个pair/group work,学生每一堂课都有充分的练习时间,以此来强化新单词以及新的语法结构。同时,通过多样化的活动提升学生其他方面的能力,如反应能力,记忆能力,分辨能力,组织能力等。笔者所实习的育才中学在组织课堂教学方面做得非常好,教师不仅基本功扎实,教学方法好,而且注重提升学生的思想。如教unit 3 动物这一单元,就注重深入要爱护动物,和动物做朋友,在unit 4职业这一方面,则强调应注重男女平等,并不是所有nurse都是女性,也并非所有警察都为男性等等。这一方面,值得我们借鉴与学习。


篇5:仁爱版七年级英语下册unit5 topic3教材讲解









What is your father? He is a doctor.


Who is that boy? He is my brother

3)询问相貌特征 4)询问目的

What is she like?=What does she look like? What did they come here for?

She is beautiful. To attend a meeting.

5)询问原因 6)询问天气

Why did they come here? How is the weather today?

Because they have a meeting to attend. = What is the weather like today?

7)询问颜色 8)询问尺寸

What dolor is her skirt? What size does he wear?

It’s red. He wars 40.

9)询问钟点 10)询问星期

What time is it? What day is it today?

It’s 7:30. It’s Tuesday.

11)询问几号 12)询问年龄

What is the date today? How old is he?

It’s May 2. He is 38.

13)询问多久 14)询问长度

How long have you been here? How long is the bridge?

For five months. It’s 500 metres.

15)询问距离 16)询问频度

How far is it from here to the zoo? How often do you come back?

It’s 6 kilometres. Once a week.

17)询问多快 18)询问数量

How soon will she arrive? How many jackets do you have?

In an week. How much coffee do you want?

19)询问价格 20)询问高度

How much is it? How tall is she?

How much does it cost? How high is the tower?


1.What’s your favorite subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么?


例如:My favorite subject is English.(定语)我最喜欢的学科是英语。

The book is my favorite(表语)。这本书是我最喜欢的。


例如:The girl is a favorite.此女孩是受人欢迎得人。

2.Then make your own conversation.然后自编一组对话。


1) make sb. do sth.让某人做某事。如:He makes me work all day.他让我整天工作。

2) make sb. /sth+形容词。如:Let’s make our class clean.咱们把教室打扫干净吧!

3) Make after sb追求某人

make friends交朋友

make tea/coffee沏茶/泡咖啡,

make a coat 做衣服

make the bed铺床

make meal/breakfast/supper/lunch/dinner 做饭/早餐/晚饭/午饭/正餐 。

3.Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学?

释:这是以why 引导的特殊疑问句,why 引导的特殊疑问句是就原因进行提问的,因此


例如:-Why do you like P.E? 你为什么喜欢体育?

-Because it’s fun. 因为它有趣。

4.Who is your science teacher?你的自然老师是谁?

释:这是以who 引导的特殊疑问句, 如果疑问代词是问句的主语或以“疑问形容词+名词”为问句的主语,这个问句就用正常的陈述句语序。

例如:Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?

5.My science teacher is Mr Wang.我的自然老师是王先生。

释:在句中Mr. Wang为称呼语,称呼语要放在问候语之后,前面要加逗号。Mr.意为“先生”,是Mister的缩写形式,第一个字母须大写,不能单独使用,必须和姓连用,放在姓前面,这一点与汉语不同。

注:Mr.先生、Miss小姐(未婚女子)、Ms女士(已婚或婚否不明)三者都习惯于人的姓之前称呼。如:Mr. Wang王先生, Miss Green格林小姐, Ms Mary 玛莉女士。这种表达形式与汉语语序不同,绝不能把“王先生”说成Wang Mr.,“格林小姐”说成Green Miss,“玛莉女士”Mary Ms。使用Mr.、Miss和 Ms三词时第一个字母要大写。当称呼某某老师时,常用这三个词。如:“高老师”要说Mr.(Miss,Ms) Gao ,而不能说Teacher Gao 和Gao Teacher。

6 What’s your mother’s favourite color?妈最喜欢的颜色是什么?

释:句中的mother’s 是名词所有格,意为 “母亲的” ,名词所有格是在表示有生命的名词末尾加“s”,表示“……的”,其变化规则如下:

(1)单数名词和不以“s”结尾的人名后,加“s”,如:the girl’s name女孩的名字。

(2)在以“-s”结尾的单数名词后加“’”,如:marks’ desk 麦克斯的书桌。

(3)在规则的复数名词的“-s”后面加所有格符号“’”。如:Students’ books学生的书。

(4)在没有“-s”结尾的复数名词后用所有格用“’s”的形式。如:Children’s Day 儿童节。

(5)两人共同拥有的人或物,如:Lucy and lily’s mother 露西和莉的妈妈。

不是两人共同拥有的人或物,如:Lucy’s and WeiHua’s mothers 露西和伟华的妈妈们.

7. It’s Tuesday, November11.今天是11月11日,星期四。


例如:It’s Monday,October ist today.

Today is monday,October 1st.今天是十月一日,星期一。

在疑问句及否定句中,通常用it 作语,而不用today 作主语。例如:一般不能说:Is today Tuesday? 或Today isn’t Tuesday.


注:如要询问星期几,一般用What day…? 来提问。

例如:What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Saturday today. 今天是星期日。

如要询问日期,则有What date…?提问。

例如:What date is it today? 今天几号?Its September 10th.今天是九月十日。

8. I’m really busy today! 我今天真的很忙。

释:1)句中really是形容词real 的副词,意为“真实地、真正地”,在句中常常常可以修


例如:I really love you very much我真地非常爱你。

2) be busy 表示“很忙”。

例如:My mother is busy today. 我妈妈今天很忙。

注:关于busy 的常见句式还有:

be busy with sth 忙于……be busy doing sth. 忙着做……

例如:He is busy with his homework .=He is busy doing his homework.


9. Our teacher is very stict and makes me very tined.我们的老师非常严格,他使我很疲倦。

释:1)句中的strict mother 一位严厉的母亲,a strict teacher 一位严格的老师。

2)句中草药make 意为“使…成…(的状况)”,常用make+名词/代词+形容词结构.

例如:This makes me very happy. 这使我们非常高兴。

注:①be strict with sb. 表示“对某人要求严格”的意思。

例如:My parents are strict with me. 我父母对我要求非常严格。

②be strict in sth. 表示“对某事要求严格”的意思。

例如:Our teacher is strict in everything.


③be strict with sb. in sth 则表示 对某人在每件事上都要求严格。


Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic 1 how do you usually go to school ? 1.at the school gate 在学校大门口2.Happy New Year!新年快乐 3.The same to you!也同样祝你------4.come to school 来上学

5.come by bike= ride(s)a bike 骑自行车 6.go by subway=take(s)the subway

= in a subway乘地铁

7.go by bus=take(s)a bus / in a bus / on a

bus 乘公共汽车

8.by plane/ by air /in a plane / on a plane


9.by car /in a car / take a car坐小汽车10.by train / in a train / on a train / take a train


11.by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take the

ship 坐船

12.go on foot=walk to 步行 13.walk to school走路上学14.watch TV看电视

15.do one’s homework 做家庭作业 16.see a movie 看电影

17.want to do sth 想要做某事 18.what time什么时候 19.get up起床

20.at about six o’clock在大约六点钟 21.come on 快点

22.It’s time for class 该上课了

23.It’s time to have class 该上课了 24.know about 了解------的情况 25.school life 学校生活 26.have/has lunch吃午餐 27.at school 在学校,在上学 28.eat out外出吃饭,上馆子 29.have a short rest休息一会儿 30.after lunch午餐后

31.after supper/after dinner 晚饭后 32.after class下课后 33.after school放学后

34.listen to music听音乐 35.read books看书

36.go to the park 去公园

37.go to the zoo 去动物园 38.go to the library去图书馆39.go to school 去上学 40.go to work去上班 41.school is over 放学了 42.class is over 下课了 43.in one’s free/spare time在某人的业余时间里 44.play basketball 打篮球 45.play soccer踢足球 46.go swimming 去游泳 47.go shopping 去买东西 48.go fishing去钓鱼 49.go skating去滑旱冰 50.go skiing 去滑冰

51.go climbing mountains去爬山 52.go hiking 去远足 53.how often 多久一次 54.four times a year每年四次 55.meet friends见朋友 56.once a week 每周一次 57.twice a week 每周两次

58.twenty past six 六点过二十分59.at twenty past six在六点二十分60.have / has breakfast 吃早餐 61.have / has lunch吃午餐 62.have / has supper吃晚餐 63.have / has dinner吃晚餐 64.half past seven七点半 65.a quarter past five 五点过十五分66.get home到家67.go to bed上床睡觉

68.a quarter to ten十点过十五分 69.drive a car开小汽车

Topic 2 He is playing soccer on the


1.Computer room电脑室 2.dining hall食堂

3.teachers’ office 教师办公室 4.classroom building 教学楼 5.swimming pool游泳池 6.in the library 在图书馆 7.in the dining hall在食堂里 8.on the playground 在操场上 9.at the moment = now 此刻,现在10.clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 11.clean the classroom 打扫教室 12.clean the blackboard 擦黑板 13.make cards制作卡片

14.Would you like to---? 你想做---吗? 15.Good idea!好主意 16.See you soon 一会儿见

17.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

18.May I borrow---我可以借------吗? 19.a few几个,一些

20.of course= sure = certainly 当然 21.on time准时 22.in time 及时

23.do well in= be good at sth / doing sth在------做得好 24.do better in在------做得更好 25.on the shelf 在书架上 26.return = give back 归还 27.It’s a pleasure 不用谢

28.Thank you all the same仍然感谢你 29.lost and found 失物招领处 30.look for 寻找

31.a picture of my family 一张全家福照片 32.a pair of pants 一条裤子 33.a pair of shoes 一双鞋

34.two pairs of shoes 两双鞋 35.show sb around 带领某人参观 36.in the center of= in the middle of在------的中间,在------的中央 37.on the left在左边 38.on the right在右边 39.next to

在---隔壁,在---旁边,紧挨看,靠近40.at the back of在---后部,在---后面 41.near the playground 在操场的附近42.in the gym 在体育馆里,在健身房里 43.in the swimming pool在游泳池里 44.talk about谈论 45.Attention, please!请注意!46.between---and---在---和---之间 47.school hall学校大厅 48.talk to a Japanese girl 和一个日本女孩交谈 49.play the guitar 弹吉它

Topic 3

our school is very interesting

1.What day用来提问“星期几” 2.have a music class 上一节音乐课 3.a quarter to eleven 十点四十五分 4.outdoor activities户外活动 5.every week每周 6.drawing pictures画画

7.working on math problems 做数学题 8.speak English说英语

9.learn about the past了解过去

10.What do you think of it = How do you like it ? 你觉得它怎么样?11.my school life 我的学校生活 12.at school在学校里,在上学 13.be friendly to sb = be kind to sb


14.in the morning 在上午,在早晨 15.in the afternoon在下午

16.I often speak English with my classmates.我经常和我的同学说英语 17.after school放学后

18.play basketball with my classmates

和同学们打篮球 19.on the playground 在操场上 20.and so on等等

21.Thank sb for doing sth 感谢某人做了某事 22.best wishes致以美好的祝愿 23.have breakfast吃早饭

24.run on the playground 在操场上跑步 25.have a physics class 上物理课 26.play soccer at school在学校踢足球 27.read a book at home在家看书

28.have dinner in the school dinning hall


29.have dinner at home在家吃晚饭

Unit 6 Our Local Area

Topic 1 Is there a sofa in your study? 1.on the second floor在二楼 2.Why not do…=Why don’t you do…

为什么不做---? 3.go upstairs上楼 4.go downstairs 下楼 5.have a look看一看 6.a moment later过了一会儿 7.come in ,please请进 8.on the shelf在书架上 9.dining room 餐厅 10.living room 客厅

11.on the first floor在一楼 12.in the front of the house 在房子前面 13.in the kitchen在厨房 14.in the study在书房 15.behind the door在门后面

16.play with his pet dog 和他的宠物狗玩耍 17.play games玩游戏 18.have dinner 吃饭 19.talk about谈论 20.on the wall在墙上 21.put away把……收起

22.look after = take care of照看,照顾 23.in the bottle瓶子里 24.near the window窗户边 25.under the bed床下

26.in the tree在树上(外来物停在树上)27.on the tree在树上(生长在树上)28.in the garden花园里 29.under the tree在树下 30.next to在------旁边 31.in the front of 在---范围内的前面 32.in front of在…范围外的前面 33.I’m very glad to我很高兴 34.get a letter from sb.= hear from sb.收到某人的来信 35.tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事 36.tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事 37.tell sb sth告诉某人某事

Topic 2What’s your home like? 1.What’s your home like? 你家是什么样的? 2.an apartment building一座公寓 3.live with sb和某人居住在一起 4.in the country在农村 5.look for寻找

6.let’s help him 我们去帮助他吧 7.for rent出租 8.wanted求租

9.apartment for a family of two适合两口之家的公寓

10.Excuse me打扰一下,劳驾,请原谅 11.I’m looking for a store我在找一家商店 12.on the street corner 在街道拐角处 13.post office邮局 14.parking lot停车场

15.train station 火车站 16.Park cars停车 17.keep money 存钱 18.take trains乘火车 19.see a doctor 看医生

20.I’m really sorry about that十分抱歉 21.at the end of…在…的尽头 22.Lot of = lots of许多

23.close to离------近,紧挨着的 24.far from离------远 25.not far from 离------不远 26.call it for help 打电话向它求助

27.living near your home住在你家附近28.Do you like living there? 你喜欢住那里吗? 29.This is Linda speaking.我是琳达 30.What’s the matter? 有什么事吗? 31.There is something wrong with= Something is wrong with某人/某物出问题,有毛病 32.right now立刻,马上 = right away = at once

33.from---to---从------到------34.the traffic is heavy交通拥挤 35.the cost of living is high 生活费用高 36.a house with a garden有花园的房子

Topic 3How can I get to the bookstore? 1.go up this street to the end

沿着这条街一直走到尽头 2.on your left在你左边 3.How can I get to---?


4.go along Xinhuan Street沿着新华路走 5.turn left at the first street


6.go across the bridge穿过桥

7.It’s about one hundred meters along on the

right 顺着右边走大约100米(就到)8.Which is the way to---?


9.I’m new here 我对这儿不熟 10.on the corner of在------拐角处 11.across from在------正对面 12.between---and---在----和---之间 13.turn left and walk on


14.be---away from离------远 15.need to do sth需要做某事 16.take bus No.718乘坐718路车 17.change to the No.108 bus 换乘108路车 18.how far“多远”,问距离。19.sidewalk人行道 20.public phone公用电话21.traffic lights 交通灯 22.crosswalk人行横道 23.turn left左转 24.no right turn禁止右转 25.no left turn禁止左转 26.turn right右转 27.go straight直走 28.no parking禁止停车 29.no U-turn禁止调头 30.no swimming禁止游泳 31.no smoking 禁止吸烟

32.Make the road safe 使道路安全 33.Every year每年 34.get hurt受伤 35.lose their lives丧生,失去生命 36.in traffic accidents 在交通事故中 37.obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则 38.in most areas of China在中国大部分地区

39.keep on the right of the road遵守右行原则

40.Before we cross the road

41.stop and look both ways停下来左右看看 42.look left向左看 43.look right向右看 44.Must never play on the street绝对不能在街上玩耍 45.It’s good to do sth做某事是助人为乐的,好心的 46.cross the road = go across the road过马路

47.a ticket for speeding超速行驶罚单 48.a ticket for drinking and driving 酒后驾车罚单

49.a ticket for parking in the wrong place 乱停车罚单

50.a ticket for making a wrong turn 拐错弯罚单

51.Don’t drive too fast.车不要开太快 52.wait for等候

53.be careful小心

54.Don’t play on the street不要在街上玩 55.keep quiet in class 在课堂上要保持安静 56.Don’t be late for school.上学不准迟到 57.go down this road沿看这条路往前走 58.go up/down this street to the end and…沿着这条街一直走到尽头,然后------59.Excuse me, how can I get to---?打扰了,请问我怎样才能到------? 60.Go along---and turn left at the first street.沿着------在第一条街口向左转。61.Excuse me, which is the way to---?打扰了,请问去------走哪条路? 62.Sorry, I don’t know.I’m new here.对不起,我不知道。我初来乍到。

63.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to---打扰了,你能告诉我怎样------? 64.Go along this road until you get to---沿着这条路走,直到你到达------? 65.Excuse me, where is---?打扰了,请问------在哪里? 66.How far is it from here?离这里有多远?

67.It’s about---away from here.离这里大约------远。

Review of units 5—6 5—6单元复习

1.at the foot of在山脚下

2.along both sides of the river 在河的两旁 3.three times a week 每周三次 4.Here you are.给你 5.May I use your eraser?我可以用一下你的橡皮擦吗? 6.do some shopping 购物

7.a photo of Kangkang’s family一张康康的全家照片 8.on the sofa在沙发上 9.What a happy family!多么幸福的一家人啊!

10.get to the library from the gym从体育馆去图书馆

11.the way from the zoo to the park从动物园去公园的路

12.have a short break = have a short rest休息一小会儿 13.come over走过来 14.wet paint油漆未干

15.outdoor activities 户外活动

Unit7The Birthday Party Topic 1 When were you born?

1.next Tuesday 下个星期二 2.next year明年 3.next week下一周4.How do you plan to celebrate it?


5.plan to do sth打算/计划做某事 6.want to do sth想要做某事 7.have a birthday party开个生日聚会 8.Would you like to come?你想参加吗? 9.I’d love to我非常乐意去 10.work alone独立练习

11.What day is it today? 今天是星期几? 12.What’s the date today?今天是几号? 13.January first 一月一日 14.be born出生

15.in 用于表示周、月、季节、年,泛指上


16.on 用于星期,某日,某一天的上午、下

午(具体某一天时,常用on)17.a model plane一个飞机模型 18.guess again 再猜一下

19.What’s the shape of your present ?

= What shape is your present? 你的礼物是什么形状的? 20.It’s round它是圆的 21.what color什么颜色 22.black and white黑白相间 23.have a look看一看 24.have a rest休息一会儿 25.have a walk 散步

26.I’m afraid---恐怕------27.look like看起来像 28.looks like a flower 看起来像一朵花 29.just now刚才 30.a moment ago刚才 31.how wide多宽 32.how far多远 33.how long多长 34.how often多久一次(频率)35.how soon多久

36.10 centimeters long 10厘米长 37.6.4 centimeters wide 6.4厘米宽

38.use---for---用-------做------39.What do we use it for?


40.We use it to study English.我们用它用来学习英语 41.must be一定是

42.would like to do sth = want to do sth


43.cook a special dinner 做一顿特别的晚餐 44.want to buy想要买

45.That would be a surprise for Mrs.Brown


46.want to celebrate the birthday at home


47.make a birthday cake at home

在家里做一个生日蛋糕 48.cook a big dinner 做一顿大餐 49.make a cake 做一蛋糕

50.make a birthday card做一张生日卡片 51.do some cleaning大扫除 52.sing a song唱一首歌 53.When were you born?

你什么时候出生的? 54.Where were you born?

你在什么地方出生的55.What’s your favorite present?


Topic 2 Can you dance the disco or perform


1.would like to do sth.= want to do sth


2.I’d like to play the piano 我想弹钢琴 3.sing with me和我一起唱 4.perform ballet跳芭蕾舞 5.have a good time玩得开心 6.at the party在生日聚会上 7.of course I can当然我能 8.No way!没问题 9.ride a bike骑自行车 10.drive a car开车 11.play basketball打篮球 12.play soccer踢足球

13.Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!14.You are so smart!你太棒了!15.I can count我能数数 16.take these flowers to the party


17.take---to---把------送/带到------18.climb trees爬树

19.speak English very well英语说得很好 20.read English books 看英语书 21.take photos/ pictures照相 22.speak Japanese说日语 23.make model planes 做飞机模型 24.outdoor activities 户外活动 25.fly a kite放风筝 26.one year ago一年前

27.could only dance a little 只会跳一点儿舞 28.play ping-pong 打乒乓球 29.both like playing ball games两个都喜欢球类运动 30.be good at doing sth


31.do well in擅长---, 在---方面做得好 32.have a good time=have a great time= have a nice time

=have a wonderful time玩得开心,过得愉快 33.this year今年

34.When I was five.当我五岁时 35.Can’t come to school不能来上学 36.He hurt his right leg 他的右腿受伤了 37.live in London 住在伦敦 38.at the age of five在五岁时

39.couldn’t see anything 看不见任何东西 40.life was hard to her生活对她来说变得很艰辛 41.with one’s help在…的帮助下 = with the help of sb.42.begins to do sth.开始做某事 43.a smart girl 一个聪明的女孩 44.She is great!她太棒了!Topic 3 We had a wonderful party 1.How was Kangkang’s birthday party? 康康的生日聚会怎么样? 2.It was very fine.非常好 3.a Chinese song 一首中文歌曲 4.an English song 一首英语歌曲 5.performed magic tricks表演魔术 6.performed magic tricks表演魔术 7.performed kung fu 表演功夫 8.magic playing魔术表演

9.It’s your turn 现在轮到你了 10.What’s the matter? 怎么啦? 11.fall down摔倒了

12.Did you hurt yourself?你摔伤了吗? 13.hurt oneself 伤着某人自己 14.look at your hands看你的手

15.go and wash them at once马上去洗一洗 16.Where is the washroom? 洗手间在哪里? 17.This way, please!请走这边 18.play a game 玩游戏 19.come back回来,回到 20.come back home回到家 21.come back to school 回到学校 22.at about half past ten大约十点半 23.at that time那时

24.go to the movies = see a movie到电影院去,去看电影 25.lie to sb = tell a lie to sb 对某人撒谎 26.tell me the truth跟我说实话 27.talk about谈论 28.musical Chairs抢椅子

29.Have a birthday party for Kangkang.为康康举办了生日聚会 30.last Tuesday 上个星期二 31.each of us我们每个人

32.make the card by hand亲手工制作贺卡 33.sit around坐在------周围 34.make a wish 许愿

35.blow the candles out = blow out the

candles吹灭蜡烛 36.best wishes 最美好的祝愿 37.have a big dinner 吃一餐大餐 38.use it for writing用它来写字

Unit 8The Seasons and the Weather Topic 1 What`s the weather like in spring? 1.What’s the weather like in spring?

春天的天气怎么样? 2.in spring在春天 3.It is warm.天气很暖和

4.It is a good season for flying kites.是放风筝的好季节。5.in summer在夏天 6.go swimming 去游泳 7.in fall 在秋天

8.It’s a good time to do sth是做----的好时候 9.It is a good time for sb.to do sth.是-------的好时候

10.It is a good time for sth/ for doing sth 是-------的好时候 11.make snowmen堆雪人 12.climb hills爬山

13.Which season do you like best你最喜欢哪个季节

14.It’s hard to say 这很难说 15.learn to swim 学会游泳 16.last year去年 17.How is your holiday?你的假期过得怎么样?

18.take a walk = have a walk =go out for a walk散步

19.What do you think of---?你认为------怎么样?

20.What’s the temperature?温度是多少? 21.the low temperature 最低温度 22.the high temperature最高温度 23.answer the following questions回答下列问题

24.summer holidays 暑假25.had better do sth最好做某事 26.had better not do sth最好不要做某事 27.need to do sth需要做某事 28.take an umbrella带把雨伞 29.of course当然 30.remember to do sth记得去做某事(未做)31.remember doing sth记得做过某事(已做)32.in the afternoon在下午 33.later on以后,后来,随后34.be different from和------不同35.the weather change a lot天气变化大 36.weather report 天气预报37.in the world 世界上 38.go on a trip to a big city 去一个大城市旅行

39.give sb.some suggestions 给某人一些建议 40.in China在中国 41.get warm变暖和 42.get cold变冷

43.come back to life苏醒,复苏,复活 44.the harvest season 收获的季节 45.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事


Topic 2The summer holidays are coming 1.talk about their holiday plans


2.take pictures = take photos照相 3.go back to Cuba回古巴 4.hope to do sth希望做某事 5.get together with与------在一起 6.next month 下个月

7.I’d like to = I want to我想要 8.places of interest名胜古迹 9.each of us我们每个人 10.has a good plan for the holidays

有一个美好的假期计划 11.the United States美国 12.go for a holiday度假

= go on a holiday13.on the beach 在海滩上 14.swim in the sea在海里游泳 15.in the park在公园里 16.play in the snow在雪里玩耍 17.tell me something about Yunnan


18.sure = of course = certainly当然 19.the best time to go there

去那里的最佳时间 20.you can go anytime

你在任何时间去都可以 21.the Spring City春城 22.all the year round 一年到头

23.It sounds really interesting 听起来真有趣 24.take a camera 带照相机 25.and so on等等 26.go on a trip 外出旅行 27.go on a picnic 去野餐 28.go on a vacation去度假 29.go on a journey去旅行 30.the Great Wall长城

31.the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 32.take off脱下,脱掉,起飞 33.put on穿上 34.point to指向 35.point at指着

36.point out提出,指明 37.Mount Emei峨眉山

38.It’s very hot and nice非常辣,也非常好吃39.the day before yesterday 前天

40.Please give my love to your parents.请代我向你父母问好 41.best wishes致以最美好的祝愿 42.make money = earn money挣钱 43.watch soccer games看足球赛 44.go shopping 去买东西

Topic 3 let’s celebrate!

1.spring festival 春节 2.Chinese people 中国人 3.eat dumplings 吃饺子

4.perform lion and dragon dances 舞龙舞狮5.celebrate Christmas 庆祝圣诞 6.eat Christmas cakes 吃圣诞蛋糕

7.give each other presents互相赠送礼物 8.each other相互,彼此 9.Lantern Festival元宵节

10.It means the end of Spring Festival.它标志着春节的结束 11.on this day在这天

12.eat sweet dumplings for good luck


13.watch a lantern show看灯展 14.guess riddles 猜灯谜 15.Thanksgiving感恩节 16.get together 团聚、相聚、聚会 17.until midnight 一直到深夜 18.April Fool’s day愚人节 19.play tricks on sb捉弄某人 20.Mid-autumn festival 中秋节 21.eat mooncakes吃月饼 22.Merry Christmas圣诞节快乐 23.Happy New Year新生快乐 24.the most important festival

最重要的节日 25.on December 25th 在12月25日 26.prepare for… 为------做准备 27.clean houses 清扫房子

28.give Christmas cards to their friends

给他们的朋友送圣诞卡29.decorate Christmas trees 装点圣诞树 30.colorful lights彩灯 31.on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夕 32.go to church 去教堂

33.put up举起、挂起、张贴

34.by the fireplaces在壁炉旁 35.at the end of their beds 在床尾

36.before they go to bed在他们睡觉前 37.on the morning of Christmas Day在圣诞节的早上 38.Santa Claus 圣诞老人

39.give gifts to each other互赠礼物

40.Have a big get-together with a special dinner.举办一个聚会,并享用圣诞大餐 41.greet each other互相问候 42.give each other presents 互赠礼物 43.put up stockings at the end of their beds把长筒袜放在床尾 44.in Spain在西班牙 45.the whole family 全家人 46.get together for a big dinner聚在一起吃丰盛的晚餐 47.stay up熬夜

48.on the first day of the lunar new year在农历新年的第一天 49.lucky money 压岁钱 50.last night昨晚 51.knock on / at敲门

52.Trick or treat!不给糖就捣乱!

53.Please give my best wishes to your parents!请把我最美好的祝愿带给你的父母!54.There are many holidays and festivals in China中国有许多假日和节日。55.International Labor Day国际劳动节 56.May Day“五一”劳动节 57.enjoy a seven-day holiday享受一个七天的假期

58.Dragon Boat Festival端午节

59.on lunar May 5th在农历5月5日 60.have dragon boat races举行龙舟比赛 61.The National Day国庆节

62.the birthday of China祖国的生日

63.Go to Tian’anmen to watch the national flag go up去天安门广场看升国旗 64.Teachers’ Day教师节 65.Mother’s Day母亲节 66.sweet dumplings汤圆 67.enjoy the bright full赏月

68.Chinese New Year = Spring Festival 新年 69.put up张贴,挂起
