人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解


人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解(共6篇)

篇1:人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解

第五讲 Unit 4 A garden of poem


1. intend to do / doing

intend sb. to do / for sth.

( be intended to do / for sth.)

had intended to do / intended to have done

intend that…..

have (no) intention of doing….

intended trip

I intend you to take over the business.

I had intended to call on you, but I had to do some extra work.

The park is intended for the recreation of the people.

2. go / run mad

send / drive sb. mad

be mad at / with sb.

be mad about =be crazy about

3. lonely / alone

He lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely.

The old couple live in a lonely village.

all alone= all by oneself

leave / let sb. alone

let alone

Man alone has the gift of speech.

拓展:be sound / fast asleep ; be wide awake; be much alike

4. call up sb. = ring sb. up = make a call (phone) to sb.

He was called up in the war.(征招入役)

The picture called up memories of my childhood.(使想起)

call in叫进来

call off取消

call for

call on sb.

call at a place

I’ll call for you at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

The work calls for patience.

I’ve to go to the post office to call for my parcel.

5. stand out突出,引人注目

stand out as作为……很突出

stand out from远远超过

stand out against在…..衬托下很注目、鲜艳

His red hair made him stand out in the crowd.

He stood out as a football player.

The church stood out clearly against the sky.

Does your work stand out from that of the others?

stand for 代表,象征;主张

stand up to勇敢面对

stand by站在一旁;支持某人;袖手旁观

Our flag stands for our country.

We want to know what he stands for.

Don’t just stand by. Can’t you lend me a hand ?

No matter what happens, I’ll stand by you.

6. 表语倒装:

Happy will be those who help others.

Waiting together with him was his father.

Gone are the days when we had to depend on foreign oil.

Inside the pyramid were bodies of ancient kings and queens.


By his side sat his faithful dog.

I reached a big tree soon, under which lay an old man.

I had a photo taken where stood the tower.

7. lead to =result in = cause =contribute to

result from由…..引起

Eating too much sugar can contribute to health problem.

Hard work leads to success while laziness leads to failure.

His carelessness resulted in the accident.

=The accident resulted from his carelessness.

8. late : be late / come late / late in spring / his late (前任的,已故的)wife

later: three days later


latest: the latest news / invention / magazine

latter: the latter one ( the former one)

9. No matter + what / who / which / how / when / where…., …….=Whatever / whoever / whichever / however / whenever / wherever…….引导让步状语从句

Whatever / whoever / whomever/ whichever / however / whenever/ wherever引导名词性从句及方式时间地点状语从句

No matter what you do (=whatever you do), you must do it well.

No matter where you go( wherever you go) , please keep in touch with us.

No matter how late he came back ( however late he came back), his mother always waited for him to have dinner.

You can take whichever you like.

You can take whichever seat you like.

You can give the gift to whoever comes in first.

You can give the gift to whoever / whomever you like best.

You can go however you like

We should go wherever we are most needed.

10. gone / lost / missing

be gone / find sth. gone 作表语或宾补

be lost / the lost papers / be lost in thought / be lost in the crowd / lose oneself (get lost)作表语、定语或补语

the missing child / He has a finger missing.(缺掉的) / be missing作表语、补语或定语

It’s no use thinking of one’s lost youth.

We got lost / lost ourselves. in the woods.

11. next to

(1)= almost ,常用于带有否定意思的词前

It’s next to impossible to cure her illness.

I know next to nothing about chemistry.

(2)+ n. / pron. 靠近,次于

The bookstore is just next to the bank.

It’s the largest city next to London.

Next to playing football, I like playing chess most.

12. collect stamps

collect oneself / one’s thoughts使自己镇定下来;整理思路

collect sb.接某人

collect sth.去某物

collect / raise money集资,捐钱

n. collection he has a large collection of precious paintings.

13. change A into / to B把A变成B

change A for B把A换成B

change buses

for a change换换

find ….changed

get changed换衣服;变了

Can you change the fifty-yuan note into five ten cents for me, please?

This shirt is a bit too small. Can you change it for a bigger one?

14. recommend sb. sth. = recommend sth. to sb.

recommend sb. for (a job)

recommend sth. for ( a certain use)

recommend sb. as…

recommend doing

recommend sb. to do

recommend that……(should) do….

Would you recommend a good dictionary to me?

They recommend him for the job. / I recommend these pills for your cough.

I recommend him as your driver.

The doctor recommended him to take a good rest.

The teacher recommend that we should read this novel.

15. be absent from ( the meeting / class ) / be absent in….

in / during one’s absence from / in Shanghai

absent-minded / absence of mind

I’ll take your place in your absence =in the absence of you.

He acted as chairman during my absence.

That he was absent from the meeting made us surprised.=

His absence from the meeting made us surprised.

Mary is absent in Shanghai.

16. introduce A to B / introduce oneself ( to sb.)

introduce sth. to / into把…..引入

introduce sb. to sth.使某人了解、熟悉

make a self-introduction to sb.

the introduction to the book这本书的序言

a letter of introduction

Allow me to introduce you to my friend.

Coffee was introduced into / to England from America.

My cousin introduced me to jazz music.

17. light up a cigarette

The night sky was lit up with fireworks.

His eyes / faces lit up at the news

His coming into the room lit up her face.

a lighted candle / a burning candle

18. send for the doctor / more beer

send out invitations / a message for help / light and heat / new leaves

send up satellites

send sb. away / send away the goods

send off the parcel / send sb. off (=see sb. off)

The servant was sent away for stealing things from the house.

19. apart from (1) besides (2) except for

tell them apart把他们区分开

take sth. apart把某物拆开

Apart from the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me.

We had a pleasant time, apart from the weather.

20. contribute money / books / clothing to……捐钱、衣物等

contribute a lot to society作贡献

contribute essays to the paper报刊等投稿

make great contributions to ( education / society / literature)

contribute to=lead to

He contributed a lot of money to the church.

Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford ( to our school).

It’s an honour to be invited to contribute to your magazine.


21. When he was asked how he got along with his work, he kept silent.

= (When) Asked how he got along with his work, kept silent.

表示时间的连词: when , while, once, until

表示条件的连词: unless, once, if

表示让步的连词: even if ( though), (al) though, 疑问词+ever

表示方式的连词: as , as if (though)

When he was asked how he broke into the room, he kept silent.

=When asked how he broke into the room, he kept silent.

If we had been given enough time, we could have done better.

=If given enough time, we could have done better.

Though he was frightened by the fire, he stood out bravely.

=Though frightened by the fire, he stood out bravely.

He didn’t do the experiment as he was told to.

=he didn’t do the experiment as told to.

He stopped as if he wanted to see if someone was following him.

=He stopped as if to see if someone was following him.

He looked around as if he was looking for sth.

=He looked around as if looking for sth.

However frequently his works are performed , they are always popular among the audience.

=However frequently performed, his works are always popular.

Once the book is printed, the book will be popular.

=Once printed, the book will be popular.

过去分词作宾补,根据动作发生的时间,可有下面两种形式:done , having been done:

Having been told many times, he still couldn’t answer the question.

Asked the question, he lowered his head.


He was standing against the wall, (with) his hands crossed behind his head.



1. The road is designed for only motor vehicles, so once _____, bicycles are not allowed to go along it.

A. opens B. having opened C. opening D. opened

2. As we joined the big crowd I ______ from my friends.

A. got lost B. got missing C. got separated D. got spared

3. -----She thought he was a dull and selfish person.

----__________, either.

A. His impression of her was no better

B. Her impression of him was no better

C. His impression of her was no worse

D. Her impression of her was no worse

4. I have often heard this song ______, but I have never heard you _______ it.

A. to be sung ; to sing B. being sung; sang

C. sung; sing D. sang; singing

5. __________ the room, the nurse found the tape-recorder _______.

A. Entering; stealing B. Entering; gone

C. To have entered; being stolen D. Having entered; to be stolen

6. It’s time for supper now. Please _____ your books _______ so that we can use the table for supper.

A. give ….away B. put….off C. set….aside D. pass …..by

7. ______ it ______ or not, I will go to attend the conference on time.

A. if; rains B. Whether; rains C. If; will rain D. Whether; will rain

8. -----Tom is very stupid. He fails in every exam.

----In my opinion, he’s _____ than stupid.

A. lazier B. much lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather

9. -----Mind your behavior in public, or we’ll have our _____ruined.

-----Oh, no one sees.

A. figures B. names C. bodies D. images

10. Among mystery writers, Agatha Christie _______as a real master.

A. stands for B. stands by C. stands up D. stands out

11. All things ________, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered

12. Generally speaking, _____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

13. You should follow these sentence _____ to make twenty new sentences.

A. patterns B. appearances C. signs D. symbols

14. His speech at the meeting ______ my memories of the past.

A. called in B. called for C. called up D. called on

15. It is well known that the _____ of air can make a man die.

A. presence B. absence C. short D. plenty

16. I was deeply struck by their happy _____ in face of all kinds of difficulties.

A. position B. situation C. atmosphere D. space

17. I can’t think how he can _____ the time.

A. get over B. get rid of C. get out D. get through

18. As we all know, the People’s Republic of China _________in 1949.

A. came into being B. was put into practice C. was put to use D. was existed

19.Every one of us should _____ a part of our food and money to the people trapped in the terrible flood.

A. contribute B. equip C. share D. collect

20.She _____ the phone book for his telephone number.

A. looked up B. referred to C. picked out D. put away

22. We are all trying to avoid _____ the name of her son, who died ______a traffic accident weeks ago.

A. mention; from B. to mention; of C. mentioning; of D. mentioning; from

23. _________ into Chinese, the novel is well accepted.

A. Having been translated B. Translated C. Translating D. Being translated

24. -----You have eaten ______ nothing. What’s wrong?

----I’m not feeling well.

A. next to B. close to C. up to D. as to

25. Two speakers walked out of the hall, ______ happily with the teacher and ______ by a group of students.

A. talking; followed B. talking; following C. talked; followed D. to talk; to be followed

26. ________ from the moon, our earth, with water ______ 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”.

A. Seen; covered B. Seeing; covered C. Seen; covering D. To see; to cover

27. Though ______ of danger, he still went skating on such thin ice.

A. warning B. warned C. being warned D. having warned

28. ______ after a long walk, he called and said he couldn’t come to our party.

a) Worn out B. To wear out C. Wearing out D. Having wore out

29. My father seemed to be in no ________ to look at my school report.

A. feeling b. attitude C. emotion D. mood

30. I can ______ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker.

A. suggest B. advise C. recommend D. propose

31. The room was furnished in different ______ of gray and yellow.

A. shades B. shelter C. shadow D. shape

32. ______ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.

A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at

33. _______ on the ground _____ a boy of six together with an old man.

A. Lying ; is B. Laying ; is C. Lain; are D. Lied; are


篇2:人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解


1. preference n. 偏爱, 比较喜欢

have a ~ for … 更喜欢

show ( give) ~ for … 偏爱

in preference to

prefer v.

prefer sth./ to do sth. / doing sth.

that sb. ( should) do sth.

sb. to do sth.

prefer to do A rather than do B = would rather do A than do B

prefer (doing) A to (doing) B

preferable 更好一些(与 to 连用) A is ~ to B.

2. design v./n.

be designed to do / for sth. 打算做……用

have designs on ……对…..有企图

by design(=on purpose)故意

The toy is designed for children above three.

They have designs on your money.

This machine is of bad design.

3. taste v. / n.

sense of taste

have a taste for music 爱好

a taste of success成功的体验、经历

taste a rich variety of foods.

taste the joys of freedom 领略自由的欢乐

This tea tastes sweet.(连系动词,后接形容词,不用被动)

This soup tastes of chicken.(taste of sth.尝起来有……的味道)

tasty adj. a tasty meal

Tasting nice, the beef sells well.

4. convenient adj. 方便的;合适的;近而方便的(与to连用)be ~ to sp.

be convenient to/ for sb.

It is convenient for sb. to do sth.

When will it be convenient for you to go?

It is convenient to live close to your work.

Our house is ~ to the children’s school.

convenience n.

at one’s ( own) convenience 在方便时,

for the convenience of 为…… 方便起见

if it suits sb’s convenience 如果对某人方便a public convenience 公共厕所

5. stand = bear , put up with, tolerate忍受(常接n. / doing)

I won’t stand your treating the child like that.

I can’t stand being kept waiting.


I can’t stand the cold / your talking to me like that.

Their work will hardly stand closer examination.

The cloth stands washing.

处于某种状态/境地(Link Verb)

How do things stand at the moment?

These hospitals stand ready for emergency cases.

The house has stood empty since the old man’s death.

6. under construction / discussion / consideration / repair

7. impress vt.

(sth. ) impress sb. (deeply)

(sb.)be impressed by/ at / with sth.

~ sth. on (upon) sb. = ~ sb. with sth. 使(某人)铭记

(sth.) be impressed on one’s memory

My father impressed on me the importance of work.

= My father impressed me with the importance of work

impression n.

What’s your impression of …….?

make/ leave / have an impression on sb.

have the impression that……

What’s your impression of this city?

The trip to Hainan left a deep impression on me.

I have the impression that he was once in prison.

8. act as = serve as; work as

act on/ upon 对……起作用

She acted as our guide .

He acted as chairman while I was away.

The medicine acted on my stomachache.

9. despite prep. = in spite of 不管; 即使

although / though + Clause

adj. / adv. / n as + 主语+谓语

Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.

=In spite of the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.

=Although the weather was bad, we enjoyed our holiday.

=Bad as the weather was, we enjoyed our holiday.

10. sail v. / n.

sail west = sail for the west

sail the ship驾驶船

sail the sky在空中飘浮过

sail the Pacific Ocean在太平洋上航行

set sail for…..启程去某地

go sailing去航行

11. belong to属于(不用进行时或被动语态)

Who does the dictionary belong to?

Where does the magazine belong?

China is a country belonging to the third world.

12. set aside money= put money aside存蓄钱

set aside time 留出时间

set aside sth.把……放一边;对…..不予考虑

Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary.

Set aside for a moment your dislike of him.

13. rent

rent sth. from sb.

rent sth. to sb. for (money) 以……价钱租出去

pay the rent/ free of rent/ at a heavy( high) rent

for rent (Am)= to let (Br)

14. with the development of industry

develop an interest in

develop one’s body

develop the habit of

develop a film/ pictures/ photos

develop into…

develop from

developing country

developed country

15.be free to do sth.=do sth. freely

for free / free of charge

travel free

free of摆脱……的;无……的;没有……;免交…….;离开

free from不受……影响/损害 ( pain / trouble / blame / anxiety)

in one’s free time

Everyone is free to express himself here.

Babies can travel free.

The boat was free of the harbour.

I like to live in a quiet place which is free of crowds and noise.

16. If I do / am……, I will……..陈述语气

If I did / were……I would……虚拟语气(表示现在的假设)

If I had done / had been….., I would have done ……..(表示对过去所做事情的假设)

If I did / were to / should….., I would do……(表示对将来所作事的假设)

If I were you (= Were I you ), I would take that job.

If she stayed at home alone now, she would feel unhappy.

If you hadn’t taken his advice ( Had you not taken his advice), you would have failed.

If it should / were to rain ( rained) tomorrow (=Should / Were it to rain), we would have to stay inside.

17. share sth. with sb.和某人合用某物

share sth. among / between sb.某物在某人间分享

share (in)sorrows as well as joys with sb.和某人同甘共苦

share the same interests and tastes with sb.和某人有同样的兴趣爱好

What’s my share of the expenses?

18. while

(1)当……时候What happened while I was away?

(2)而,却 Some people waste food while others have not enough to eat.


While we don’t agree with each other, we are still good friends.

While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.

While there is life there is hope.


Make hay while the sun shines.

We must strike while the iron is hot.

19. such as(=like)像…….的

放置于被修饰的名词复数后面,不与and so on等连用

He can speak five languages, such as English, French and German.

He has many hobbies, such as playing table tennis, swimming and skating.

such / so…….as像……的那(些)(引导定语从句,as为关系代词)

such/ so……that引导结果状语从句

Don’t make such friends with people as are lazy.

Such a film as you described shouldn’t be shown.

She is not such a fool as she appears.

This is such a terrible film that it shouldn’t be shown.

20.It looks as if……(陈述语气或虚拟语气)

It looks as if it’s going to rain.

It looks as if she had seen a ghost.

The man treated the boy as if he were his own son.

21.A is to B what C is to D.

The engine is to the car what the heart is to the man.

22. remind sb. of sth.使某人想起……

remind sb. to do提醒某人做…….

remind sb. that…….

This picture reminded me of what we did together during our holidays.

He reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.

23. of + n. (抽象或具体的名词)

of the same color / of different sizes ( shapes)

of great value / importance / use / help to sb.=valuable / important / useful / helpful to sb.

The two are of the same age but are of different heights.

I find the book of great use to my research.(=useful)

Is there anything of importance in today’s paper?(=important)

Your advice is of no value to me.(=not valuable)


24. 过去分词作宾补:


see / look at / observe / notice / watch / feel / listen to / hear sth. done ( being done)

I once heard the song sung in German.

She felt her shoulder touched.

The old man was watched hit by a yellow car.

We stood there seeing the flag being raised.


have / get / make / let / keep / leave sth. done

Please keep me informed of the latest news.

John had his wallet stolen in the bus.

Please speak slowly and clearly to make yourself understood.


want / ask / expect / allow / permit / forbid / advise / order / wish / require / request sth. (to be ) done

I don’t want my daughter (to be ) taken out after dark.

25.with+ Object + Object Complement ( doing / done / to do / to be done / adj. / adv. /prep )

He likes sleeping with the light on.

The little girl cried with the glass broken.

The boy went out of the room with a stick in his hand.

With all the problems settled, he felt relaxed.

With so many people to help us, we are sure to succeed.

With the exam to be held tomorrow, you’d better not watch TV tonight.


1. _____, he came to the meeting.

A. In spite of his illness B. As he was ill

C. Despite he was ill D. Being ill

2. --- __________.

--- Do you mean I can study the subjects I like? That’s great!

A. You are free to choose your own course

B. To choose your own course is free

C. You are free with your time

D. You can choose the free course

3. ___ the house carefully and then decide ____ to buy it or not.

A. To view, whether B. View, whether C. Viewing, if D. Viewed, if

4. Travel and lectures ____ my time. I had no time to spend with my family.

A. filled up B. filled up with C. were filled up D. were filled up with

5. To Lu Xun, his pen is ____.

A. that a gun is to a soldier B. that a gun to a soldier

C. what a gun is to a soldier D. what a gun to a soldier

6. His wife came down the stairs, _____ in her arms.

A. held their year-old son B. to hold their year-old son

C. with their year-old son holding D. with their year-old son

7. The book ______ on this subject was written by a very young writer.

A. referring B. referred C. referring to D. referred to

8. At present, the fact that some people waste food ____ others haven’t enough really upsets us.

A. while B. when C. as D. and

9. Is this the radio you would like ____?

A. to have it repaired B. to have repaired

C. to have it repair D. have it repaired

10. The woman kept her eyes _____ on her baby for quite some time before she got up and left the room.

A. to fix B. fixed C. fixing D. being fixed

11. When he got home, he found his pocket ____ open and his wallet ____.

A. cut, stealing B. cut, stolen C. cutting, stealing D. cutting, stolen

12. --- We will go swimming after school. Will you ____ us?

--- The idea sounds ____.

A. come with; invited B. take part in; inviting

C. join; inviting D. attend; invited

13. ______ my sister _____. She is an excellent singer, yet she can’t dance at all.

A. Take; for example B. To take; as an example

C. Take; for an example D. To take; for example

14. You’d better _____ some money for special use.

A. pick up B. set aside C. put off D. give away

15. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ____ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see

16.The ______ lines and modern shapes make the car _____ warm and friendly.

A. flowed; looked B. flowing; looked C. flowed; look D. flowing; look

17. The film _____ me of the days ____ we spent in the small village.

A. remembered; when B. reminded; that C. remembered; which D. reminded; when

18. You can ____ a car for a holiday if you can’t afford to buy ____.

A. hire; it B. rent; that C. employ; one D. hire; one

19. The man earned a lot of money by printing ____ of famous writers.

A. a work B. work C. the work D. works

20. The judges were _____ with the girl’s splendid performance.

A. inspired B. impressed C. interested D. excited

21. He wanted his house ____ in a way ____ natural.

A. to build; to look B. build; looking C. built; to look D. being built; looks

22. If I ____ you, I ____ some trees around the house.

A. was; planted B. am; will plant C. were; would plant D. were; would have planted

23. His speech is _____ and we’re all _____.

A. inspiring; inspiring B. inspiring; inspired C. inspired; inspired D. inspired; inspiring

24. This dictionary ____ me.

A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belonging to D. is belonged to

25. Anyone who ____ laws will be punished.

A. go against B. goes against C. go for D. goes for

26. I found them _____ at the back of the theatre.

A. seat B. to seat C. seating D. seated

27. ____ in thought, he almost ran into a tree.

A. Losing B. Lost C. Lose D. To lose

28. The last man _____ the sinking ship was the captain.

A. left B. to be leaving C. to leave D. leaves

29. Weather _____, we will start at six this afternoon.

A. permits B. to permit C. permitting D. permitted

30. --- Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?

--- _____.

A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually.

B. Of course not, it is not allowed here.

C. Great! I love pets.

D. No, you can’t.

31. Who is the man with his hands ____ behind?

A. tie B. tied C. tying D. be tied

32. Don’t you think your composition wants ____?

A. rewritten B. to rewrite C. rewriting D. being rewritten

33. Don’t scold him, please. He didn’t do it ____ design.`

A. by B. at C. in D. on

34. It was raining hard, but we got there on time _____.

A. the same B. at the same time C. all the same D. same

35. I’d rather you ______ the coming exam.

A. pass B. passed C. to pass D. passing

篇3:人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解

随着新课改的深入, 高中英语教师对各种类型的新课讲授进行了积极的探索, 不断推陈出新;然而对于常规复习课的教法研究和学法指导则没有引起教师们足够的关注。单元复习课不仅能帮助学生建构知识网络, 提高学习兴趣, 还能培养学生灵活运用所学知识的能力。由于高中英语教学长期存在课时紧、教学任务重的情况, 在一个模块或单元结束时, 大多数教师不安排单元复习课, 或仅以简单的习题评讲课代替复习课。这样做的结果是:教学的针对性不强, 重点知识不能全面地复现和巩固。常常可以见到在复习课上教师“一言堂”讲的口沫横飞, 而学生听得昏昏欲睡。这样的课堂对于教师来说伤身、伤心, 对于学生来说兴致索然、效率低下。如何才能实现复习课“梳理教材脉络、构建知识体系、发展理性思维、提高综合能力”的作用呢?


英国学者东尼·伯赞 (Tony Buzan) 是著名的大脑潜能和学习方法研究专家, 他从生物学、心理学、教育学等多学科角度对人的大脑机能、思维模式进行了实验和研究, 得出“大脑进行思考的语言是图形和联想”的重要结论, 并以此为依据经过多年的研究和实践, 于20世纪七十年代首创了“思维导图 (Mind map) ”这一行之有效的思维工具。

思维导图是人类放射性思维的可视化表达。它运用图文并重的技巧, 将注意的焦点清晰地集中在中央图形上;各分支从中央图形向四周放射, 每一条放射线都是息息相关的分支。这种放射性思维的表达把各级主题的关系用相互隶属与相关的层级图表现出来, 同时它利用色彩、图画、代码和多维度等图文并茂的形式来增强记忆效果, 使人们关注的焦点清晰地直接地集中在中央图形上。思维导图被广泛地应用于学习、工作、生活的各个方面, 极大地提高工作效率, 增强思考的有效性和准确性以及工作学习的乐趣。

实践表明思维导图可以准确展示教学内容的知识结构, 化复杂为简单, 化抽象为直观, 帮助学生把握重点、理解知识的逻辑关系, 将学生的注意力引导到教学的重点和难点上来, 引导学生把知识“串珠成线、结线成网、套环成链”时, 突出知识的逻辑关系, 使学生的知识条理化和系统化, 并启发学生积极思考。


人教版新课标必修一Unit 2 English around the world的中心话题是“世界上的英语”, 通过对这一话题的探讨加强学生对英语语言的了解。本单元涉及的要点有:1.了解英语的演化史;2.对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所了解, 尤其是一些常用词;3.掌握间接引语中命令与请求的表达法等。在完成一个单元的学习后, 笔者尝试运用思维导图, 帮助学生梳理单元知识。

1.英国英语与美国英语差异的思维导图。该图以英国英语 (Br E) 与美国英语 (Am E) 的对比为中心要素, 发散出四个大的分支:Vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation and usage, 每组分支又选取课文中出现的, 或比较常用的英国英语与美国英语的差异词或用法为例子。通过让学生读图并填空的形式, 帮助学生梳理并掌握该部分知识。

2.了解英语的演化史的思维导图。本单元阅读部分的文章标题是“通向现代英语之路”, 简要地说明了英语语言的起源、发展变化、变化原因, 以及它的发展趋势。了解文章大意, 即了解了英语的演化史。经过阅读部分的学习, 教师要求学生们将课文内容转化为思维导图。其中一位学生将一条路作为导图的中心, 与文章标题吻合, 在路的延伸过程中, 涵盖了文章中出现的英语发展史中的重大时间和事件, 使文章内容可视化, 非常有形象生动。

3.单元知识图谱。经过一个单元的学习, 一些重要的知识点散落在warming-up, reading, using language等各个版块。如何将这些零散的知识串联起来, 使学生们更好地掌握呢?教师可以将单元知识分为words, expressions, sentences, grammar四个分支, 要求学生们绘制单元知识导图, 首先学生个体独立制作, 然后在小组内讨论、对比, 查缺补漏。在绘图过程中, 学生们必须将单元知识从头浏览一遍, 并甄别出重要关键词, 这本身就是一轮高效地复习。同时经过小组思维碰撞, 使导图内容更加完善。制作好的思维导图不仅在单元复习中, 甚至在今后的月考、期末、高考复习中, 都可以发挥巨大的作用。


单元复习课是一种非常重要的课型, 是对整个单元所学知识的回顾、概括、总结、提升, 是夯实基础、提高能力、跨越式提高教学效益的重要一环。通过将思维导图理论运用到英语单元复习课当中, 可以突破传统的教学形式, 让学生在动手绘图的过程中将重点知识“一图打尽”, 并在小组合作中进一步完善思维导图, 形成知识体系的构建, 从而最终提高英语复习课的质量。


[1]马智慧, 刘欢.高中英语单元复习课模块教学的尝试[J].中小学外语教学 (中学篇) , 2011.03.

[2]东尼·博赞.思维导图大脑使用说明书[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.

篇4:人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解

关键词:体育赛事 归纳 操练 综合运用






A. When were the first Asian Games held? Where?

B. How many countries have hosted Asian Games?

C. When and where will the next Asian Games be held?

D. Are there Winter Asian Games? When were last Asian Games held? Where?

E. How often are Asian Games held?

F. Did China ever host Asian Games? When and where?























[1] 鲁春燕. 浅谈高中英语阅读课堂教学模式. 新课程(教研),2011,

篇5:人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解

1.Joe is an American who has come to Britain for the first time.乔是一个初次来英国的美国人。

for the first time“第一次,首次”,指有生以来或一段时间中第一次做某事,为介词短语,在句中一般单独作状语。如:

They were asked to make a trip for free for the first time. 有生以来他们头一次被请求作一次免费旅行。

For the first time he said nothing about our plan.第一次他对我们的计划没有说什么。

[辨析]the first time用作连词,常引导一个时间状语从句,其重点不是要说第一次做了什么,而是叙述另一动作或情况;同时该短语也可引导一个表语从句,强调到说话时为止某一情况或动作的次数,此时其后常用完成时态。如:

The first time I met her, I knew she was an honest girl.我第一次遇到她时,就知道她是个诚实的女孩。

-Do you know our town?你了解我们的城镇吗?

-No. This is the first time I have been here.不。这是我第一次来这儿。

2.Did you sleep at all on the plane?你到底在飞机上睡了没有?

at all有下面三种常见用法:

1) 用于疑问句中,意为“究竟,果然”,起加强语气作用。如:

Do you know who will come?你到底知不知道谁要来?

2) 用于否定句中,意为“根本”,起加强语气作用。如:

I don’t like the food at all.我一定也不喜欢这食物。

3) 用于条件句中,意为“既然……就……”。如:

If you do it at all, do it well.既干就得好好地干。

I’ll come tomorrow if I come at all? 如果我要来,就明天来。

[引申]not at all 不客气(常用于回答道谢)。如:

-It’s very kind of you to help me.谢谢你帮助我。

-Not at all.不用谢(不客气)。

4.Could I use your bathroom?我能用一下你的盥洗室吗?

Could I …?用来表示委婉的请求,比“Can I …?”更客气。可用于第一、


Could I use your dictionary for a minute?我可以借你的字典用一会儿吗?

Could you post the letter for me on your way home?在你回家的路上您能替我将信寄掉吗?

[注意]回答“Could I …?”时,一般不可再用could,而应其原形can,即不能说“Yes, you could.”,而应说“Yes, you can”,类似的肯定表达法还有:Yes, of course,Yes, please或Yes, help yourself。


-Might I put the book here?我可以将书放在这儿吗?

-Yes, you may.可以。

5. You don’t need to ask, just make yourself at home.你不必问,别客气。


The radio needs repairing. = The radio needs to be repaired.收音机需要修理了。

You don’t need to go now. They’ll arrive soon.你现在不必去了。他们很快就到。


-Need I go there?我需要去吗?

-Yes, you need. (No, you needn’t.)是的。(不,不必了)。

You need not tell her the news. She has known it.你不必要告诉她这消息了。她已知道了。


6.However, the number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.然而,把英语作为第二外语学习的人数超过7.5亿。


However, he didn’t finish the work on time.然而,他没有准时完成工作。

the number of表示“……的数量(数目)”,后接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词必须用单数形式。

[辨析]a number of表示“许多,很多”,后也接可数名词的复数形式,但作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。a number of 相当于本单元中的a great many。number前也可用large,small等词修饰,以表示数量的多少,大小。如:

The number of the students in the hall is about 200.大厅里的学生有约200人。

A number of students are planting trees.许多学生在植树。

7.It will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.精通英语将会越来越重要。

have a good knowledge of 意为“具有一种很好的……知识”。


He has a good knowledge of the English language but not much knowledge of English history.他对英语有丰富的知识,但对英语史知道得却不多。

I have no knowledge of what he said.我不理解他所说的话。

Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

8.For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed.很长一段时间这种语言在美国保持不变,而在英国却发生了变化。


The shop stays open until 11:00 p.m.这家商店开门到夜里十一点。

After three years, the town stays the same as before.五年过去了,小镇还是老样子。


The meeting lasted (for) three hours.会议开了三个小时。

[对比]I hope the warm weather will last for another three days. = I hope the weather will stay warm for another three days.我希望暖和的天气会再持续三天。


I’m interested in music, while my sister is fond of sports.我对音乐感兴趣,而我的姐姐爱好体育。

9.Except for these differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English.除了拼写上的这些区别,英国英语和美国英语在书面语中或多或少有所相同。

[辨析]except与except for

except是从一组东西(整体)中排除其特殊一个或几个(部分)。而except for则是以保留的方式对整个句子内容进行修正,此时前后两部分所表示的并非是同一类的事,它们之间常是从属关系,后面一部分常对前一部分在细节上加以。如:

Everyone went to the cinema except Tom.除汤姆外,每个人都去看电影了。

Your composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.你的作文除几个拼写错误外,其他都很好。

Except for an old lady, the bus was empty.除了一位老太太外,公共汽车内空无一人。


Two others went to see the film besides Tom.除汤姆外,还有两个人去看电影了。

10.However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.然而,大多数时候两国人在相互理解上并无困难。

have some (much, little, no,…) difficulty (in) doing sth. / with sth.为“做某事有一些(许多,几乎没有,没有,……)困难。如:

I have no difficulty with the maths problem.解决这个数学难题我没有困难。

Do you have any difficulty in finding his house?你找到他家有困难吗?

篇6:人教版 高二unit 2 同步讲解

New words:

1. reliable adj. able to be trusted; dependable可信赖的,可靠的


He looks a nice, reliable man.

Is this information reliable?

reliance n. 依靠,信赖

have/ place / put reliance on sb.

A child has reliance on his mother.

You can put no reliance on Tom.

Do you place much reliance on your doctor?

2. fire vt. 解雇, 开除dismiss from a job(反)take on , hire, employ

Get out! You are fired / dismissed!

vi. shoot off bullets发射(子弹),射击

fire at sb./ sth.

fire a gun at sb.

He is firing at us.

He ran into the bank and fired his gun into the air.

Don’t move or I’ll fire.

3. face n. 1)脸,面孔 [c] 2) 表面,面貌

*face to face

She stood face to face with him.

a face-to-face interview

hide one’s face (由于难为情或羞愧)低下头或把脸躲开

*in one’s face当面,迎面

“It’s your own fault!” he shouted in her face.

*in the face of

What could he do in the face of all the difficulties?

*look in the face正面看某人(而不羞愧),正视

If he knows ---how can I look him in the face?

I want you to look the facts in the face.

*lose (one’s) face

*make a face / faces

*pull / wear a long face

vt.1) 面向,朝着

The kitchen faces north.

2) 面临(形式,问题)

Such was the situation we were facing.

*be faced with面临,面对

We are all faced with the same problem of rising costs.

4. reason n. 意思是理由,原因,缘故着重指产生某种行为或想法的理由:

the reason for /why

Give your reason for the plan.把你计划的理由讲一下.

The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus.

The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.


There is no cause/reason for alarm.

You have no cause for complaint.

cause n.1).起因,原因,缘故,理由,根源[c]

着重是指产生某种结果的原因:the cause of

The cause of the fire was dry. 起火的原因是干燥。

The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving two fast.事故的原因是他开车太快了.

reason vt.i. 说服,推理,劝说

She can reason very clearly.

I reason that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me. 我推断既然她不给我回信,她一定是生我的气了.

reason with sb. (try to persuade by fair argument)以理说服;劝说

You should reason with the child instead of just telling him to obey.

5. injure vt.

1)injure vt.事故中受伤或器官,the injured


2)hurt vt.身体的内伤和精神上的伤

vi. 痛

3)harm vt.人们已认识到的客观害处,


4)wound vt.肉体上的外伤 (多指刀枪伤) the wounded

a) When I fell , I _____ my leg.

b) His words _____ her.

c) He was badly _____ in the accident.

d) Doctor says getting up early won’t

_____ you.

e) He got ________ in the war.

6. inform vt. to tell or give the information to (正式)告知,通知,报告

inform sb. that


疑问词+ to do

n. / pron.

She informed him that she was to send for it the next day.

He informed them of his arrival.

He will informed us where to go.

If you saw the accident please inform the police.

a well-informed man消息灵通的人

*say, tell, inform, speak, talk用法

*say vt.只能用话语(不能用人)作宾语:

He said, “I’m tired.”

He said a few words then sat down.

*tell vt. 接宾语或双宾语

He told us that he was tired.

*inform vt. 宾语是人

He informed us that he was tired.



speak, talk 不及物,有时可及物但绝不是人作宾语.

Do you speak French?

informed adj.有知识的,见闻广的,了解情况的

7.relate vt.

1) to tell a story讲述(故事)

relate to sb. sth.

relate +clause

He related (to us) the story of his escape.

The witness related what he had seen.

2) show a relation between把…联系起来,看出或显示出…与…的关系

I can’t relate those two ideas. 我看不出那两个想法之间的关系。

*relate to 1)和… 有关,涉及

This letter relates to the sale of the house.

I don’t know to what this relates

2)和…相处很好, 和...合得来 (通常用否定)

She doesn’t relate very well to her mother.

*be related to


All things were related to all other things.


Are you related to Mr Smith?

8. talent

genius – 是一个很重的词,只用于少见的才华或有天才的人:

Einstein had genius./was a genius.

She has a genius for mathematics.

talent-- 也表示特殊才能(她不指人本身not the person who has it),但不如genius重

a young actor with a lot of talent

She has a talent for music.

He is a talented football player.

skill -- talent和genius都是某人天生的能力,而skill指一种可以学到的本领,技能,只可以做好某事的能力

a skilled worker

gift-- a natural ability to do sth.天赋,天才

He has a gift for music.

a gifted painter

9. switch vt.i. change or exchange改变,交换

They switched the positions.

He got tired of teaching and switched to painting.

*switch off = turn off

电器用品的开关用turn on, turn off或switch on / off


水龙头或煤气的开关用turn on或turn off

10. interview n.会晤,接见

have an interview with sb.

Father had an interview with the teacher about John’s work.

receive an interview受到采访

give an interview to sb. 接受某人的采访

He refused to give an interview to the journalist.

a face-to-face interview

interviewee n.

interviewer n.

11.present /pri’zent/ vt.


He presented a silver cup to the winner/ presented the

winner with a silver cup.

2)bring to one’s attention, offer for consideration呈递,提交

The committee is presenting its report next week.

3)introduce (正式) 介绍

May I introduce Mr. Johnson ( to you)?

introduce sb. to

make oneself known

present adj.

1) in the place talked of出席的,到场的opp. absent

How many people were present at the meeting?

People present will get a gift each.

be absent from

Four students are absent from class.

2)现存的, 现在的

What’s your present address?

present n. 现在,当前,目前

We learn from the past, experience the present, and hope for success in the future.

at present= at this time = now现在

for the present暂时

12.truthfully yours

13. effort ---努力,尽力the use of strength

with (without)effort 费(不费)力

He lifted the heavy box without effort.

make an/ every effort to do努力做某事

spare no effort不遗余力

The prisoner made an effort to escape but he failed.

power-1)动力doing work, driving a machine, producing electricity

Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.

2)力量 Knowledge is power.




14.ignore 不顾,不理,忽视refuse to notice, take no notice of

比较:ignore : He ignored the s peed limit (=he knew about it, but paid no attention to it) and drove very fast.它无视时速限制,车开得很快。

ignorant :无知的,不知道的

He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that (= he didn’t know that) there was a speed limit. 他车开得很快,因为他不知道有时速限制。

15.attention n. 注意 (力)[u]

pay (close) attention to注意,重视

draw / catch / call /attract attention to

devote one’s attention to专注于

turn one’s attention to注意力转向

give attention to

concentrate / hold one’s attention upon将注意力集中在

fix one’s attention on留意,专心于02

Now they stopped to pay attention to him.

He is very quiet and doesn’t draw much attention to himself.

All his attention was concentrated upon the great blue circle.

16.tolerate vt.忍受,容忍is used of people or behavior , but usually not of suffering (用于忍受人或行为,通常并不指忍受痛苦)

tolerate doing

I find it hard to tolerate your behavior.


He bore/ stood the pain as long as he could. 他尽力忍受

痛苦. 还可同can连用,表非常讨厌的事情

I can’t bear/ stand strong coffee.

17. 1)affair事,事情[c]多指已发生的大小事情或必须去做的任何事情;

Leave me alone: mind your own affair.

It’s no affair of mine.


international affairs

affairs of state / family affair

current affairs时事

2)event 事件,事[c]

The important event of the year was the big earthquake.


July 7th Incident


by accident偶然

business n.商业,生意上的事

18. concern vt.

1)关于,关系到,与…有关to be about(无被动)

The story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned.这个故事是关于一个被冤枉入狱的人.

Does this concern me?

2)过去分词作表语be concerned with … 和…有关,牵涉

I’m not concerned with that matter any longer.

His work is concerned with the preparation of the documents for

3)过去分词作后置定语: 有关的

The man concerned was her husband.

We shall have to consult the other countries concerned.


concern oneself with / about

be concerned about /with /for / over

Please don’t be concerned about me.

We are concerned about/for her safety.

5) so(as) far as … is concerned就…来说, 就…而论

So far as I’m concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory.

It is impossible as far as we are concerned.

n. 担心,焦虑 [u]

There is no reason for concern.

Mother’s concern over her sick child kept her awake all night.

19. telegram n. 电报

He sent me a telegram yesterday.

比较: telegraph n. [u]

The news was sent by telegraph.


We telegraphed her the news.

20. locate -v.

1)to learn the position of确定…的地点,找到…的位置

We located the library, schools, and stores as soon as

we moved into the town. 我们一搬到这个城镇里,就


2)使…坐落于, 把…设置在fix/ set in a certain place.

be located位于

Where is it located?

The firehouse is located on Main Street.

The house is located next to the river.这房子坐落在河边.

21.look up to =respect=admire

(opp.) look down upon

look into

look on

look forward to

look on …as

look out

look through

22.bore vt.使厌烦make sb. uninterested

The lesson was boring.

The students were bored (by it).

23.fall in love with

be in love with

24.attitude n.

(1) a way of feeling态度,表现

attitude to( towards)

What ‘s you attitude towards this idea?

(2) a position of the body (正式)姿态,姿势

25.disappoint –vt.

1)使失望, 使计划受挫unhappy at not seeing hopes come true

I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t come after all.


2)disappointed adj. 失望的

*be disappointed about/ at/ in / with sb. /sth.

be disappointed to do

Are you disappointed about/ at losing the race?

My parents will be disappointed in/ with me if I fail

the examination.

She was very disappointed to hear it.

3) disappointing adj.令人失望

Her acting was disappointing.; I hoped she would do better.

What disappointing news !

He was disappointing , so his parents were very disappointed with him.

to one’s disappointment

The film made all of us ___. It is really ___.

A. disappointing; disappointed

B. disappointed; disappointing

C. disappointed: to be disappointed

D. fell disappointing; disappointing


1. generous 1) 慷慨,大方 (opp) mean

It is generous of sb. to do

It is generous of you to lend me your car yesterday.

be generous to sb.

The poor are usually generous to each other.

be generous with sth.

She is not very generous with the food.


He gave me a generous meal.

2.rob sb. / sp. of sth

不能说:rob sth.

Mrs Smith was robbed of her 4 3,000 designer watch at her west London home.

steal sth from sb./sp.

不能说:steal sb.

She was caught stealing food from the shop.他在商店偷食品时被发现了.

pick one’s pocket掏腰包

3.Food prices are going up.

go up go down vi.

上涨 rise 下降 bring down (the prices) vt.

get higher reduce vt.

The prices have been brought down.

The price is too high/ low.

The shirt is too expensive / cheap.

4. burn down (a building) be destroyed by fire烧毁 (强调破


The building was burned down and only ashes were left.

burn out make hollow by fire烧光,烧掉

The building was burned out and only the walls remained.

burn up destroy completely by fire烧完,烧尽 (强调结果)

All the wood has been burned up.所有的木头都已烧完.

5. experienced pp. used as an adverbial分词作定语

1) When shall we send the corrected papers back to them?

2) The unexpected arrival of the letter made us jump with joy. 那封信突然的到来使我们高兴得跳了起来.

3) He made an inspiring speech at the meeting.

4) The inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.受到鼓舞的听众站立起来,对他报以长时间的热烈掌声.

6.relate to sb. / sth. 能理解或同情某人(某事物)

Students find it difficult to relate to the life of a scientidt. 学生们发现理解科学家的生活很难.

relate… to有关联的, 相关的

It refers to something in the past which is directly relate

to the present time. 它指的是发生在过去但与现在有直接关系的某件事.

If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple. 如果你把结果与援引联系起来看,你会发现事情并不那么简单.

7. for once=just for once=for this once=this once (至少)这一次(平时不这样)

1) For once, they broke the rule.

2) For once ,you are wrong.

3) For once, Brown, the toughest man, was asking for support.只有这一次Brown这个硬汉,开口求人了.

at once/immediately/

all at once/ suddenly/ all of a sudden

8. 1)rather than 而不是,与其…宁愿 instead of

The color seems green rather than blue.

He is a write rather than a poet.

He ran rather than walked.

Rather cause trouble, he left.

2)rather than连接两个并列主语时与前者一致

He rather rather you is to blame.

3) A rather than B = more A than B与其说B,不如说A.

He is an artist rather than a philosopher.

=He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家.

4)would (had) rather … than宁愿…不愿

He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would

beg in the streets.

9.keep + adj. (present p./past p.) 使保持,继续(处于某种状态)

Will you take these home and keep them safe?请你把这些带回来,安全保管好吗?

Keep the fire burning.

Would you keep me informed of how things are going? 你随时通知我事情的进展好吗?

10. make sure that 确保,设法做到

Please make sure that the house is locked when you leave.

Before she called on her friends, she rang to make sure that they were home.

make sure of / about

Make sure of all the facts before you write the report.


There is just one or two details that I would like to make

sure about. 只有一两个细节我想弄明白.

11. bring back 1)带回, 送回

He always brings me back something nice when he goes overseas.

4) 使回忆起来,使恢复

Her heart stopped three times, but they brought her back.

Talking about it brings it all back.一谈起这件事就全想起来了.

12. adapt to改变,使能适应change so as to be suitable for new needs

It is not easy to adapt oneself to new conditions. 要使自己适应新环境是不容易的。

When you go abroad, you are often obliged to adapt yourself to foreign habits and customs. 一个人出国后往往被迫适应外国的风俗习惯。

13….it was the first time that I had written with real passion…


1) That /It is the first /second …time that + have done

was had done

This is the first time I’ve come here.

It was the third time(that) he had made the same mistake.

2) It is / has been + 一段时间 + since did

was had done

It is ( has been) two weeks since I came here.


It is five years since I smoked.


I have smoked for five years.吸烟五年

She said it was five years since she had finished her work.完成工作五年了

It is ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.十年没这么快乐了

3) was/ were about to do when + did

was/ were doing

was/were going to do

was / were on the flight

We were about to leave when the telephone rang.

4) Hardly had…done when did

No sooner than

Scarcely when/ before

Hardly had I got home when it rained.

5) It won’t be/take + 一段时间+before do用不了多久就

It will be/take + 一段时间 +before… 用了多久就...

It won’t be long before he comes back.

It will be two hours before he comes back.

It wasn’t + 一段时间 + before did 没过多久就...

It was + 一段时间 + before did 过了多久就...

It wasn’t ten years before they met again.

6)It is time that should do/ did

It is time that they went to school.

13.be/ get / become addicted to sth.… 对…有(上)瘾unable to stop having, taking

Soon he became addicted to cigarettes.

The children are addicted to television.

addiction 嗜好

14. on all sides = on every side 在各方面,四面八方

On all sides there was great enthusiasm over his speech. 他的演讲及其各界人们极大的热情.

They were trapped with enemies on every side.他们陷入困境四面楚歌.

15. respect 1) vt.

He respect every opinion his friend held.

2) n. 尊敬 [u, 可加a ] 重视

have (no, much) respect for sb. /sth.

I have much respect for him.

He has no respect for his promises.

3)n. (pl) 敬意,问候 =regards

Give my respects/ regards to your wife.

16. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.示威者们在场外与工人们交谈,积极呼吁保护地球,表现出了勇气和力量。

brave and strong表句子主语在talk和leave a message时的情形, 即:when the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth, they were brave and strong..

eg. The old man went to bed hungry last night. (The old man was hungry when he went bed last night. 这种结构与副词作状语结构不同.前者主要说明主语,后者主要说明谓语.

The old man went to bed slowly. (The action of “ going to bed” is slow)

He went home, tired and hungry.
