





1.看报纸 ______ ___________ 1.看电视 ________ ____ 3.写信 ________ ____ _______ 4.谈论 ______ ________ 5.等候 ________ _____ 6.打扫房间 ________ _____ ______ 7.在电话中交谈 _______ ____ _____ ________ 8.听起来不错 ________ _______ 9.我的一张全家福

____ ________ ____ _____ __________

10.游泳池 ___________ _____ 11.电视节目 _____ ________ 12.拍照 _______ _________ II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子,补全单词:

1.We should c our class room every day.2.Mr.Wang enjoys r newspaper in the morning.3.I am s that nobody knows me at the party.4.The sun rises(升起)in the east(东方)and goes down(落下)in the w.5.Many parents are w for their children at the school gate(大门).6.They will(将要)have many a during(在……期间)the spring festival.7.He didn’t take any photos because he lost(丢失)his c.8.Be careful, or you will fall into(掉进)the p and get wet.(弄湿)9.Now people can’t kill(杀死)any b , so you can see them flying in the sky and singing in the trees.10.We make t(玩具)in the factory for children from 1 to 5 years old.III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.Look!They ____________(sing)over there.2.He is _________(listen)to the music.3.Listen!Who ___________(read)in the next room? 4.It’s nine o’clock, and they ____________(have)classes.5.Do you want _________(watch)TV? 6.In the ________(two)photo, he’s playing soccer.7.She doesn’t like _____(she)father.8.Three _________(child)are having lunch.9.He enjoys ________(run).10.Here ______(be)two photos for you.IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.The little boy __________(eat)a big apple now.2.Look!Dave and Mary ___________(dance).3.—____ he _________(watch)TV? —No, he isn’t.4.She ___________(not do)her homework.She’s reading.5.It’s seven in the morning.Mr Black ___________(have)breakfast.6.Lily likes _________ very much.She _______ very well.She can _______ English songs.(sing)7.My brother __________(take)a shower now(洗澡).8._____ Bob __________(swim)now?



专心 9.—What _____ the children _______?(do)—They are reading.10.—What is Mike doing? —He __________(run).V.选择填空:

()1.This TV ____ is interesting.A.movie B.shop C.sport D.show()2.My mother is ____ cakes.She often ____ cakes for us.A.make , making B.making, makes C.do, doing D.doing, does()3.My parents are ____ TV now.A.reading B.looking C.watching D.seeing()4.—What does your mother do? —She is ____.A.reading B.in the factory C.a teacher D.from the USA()5.Don’t talk here.Grandparents ____.A.sleep B.is sleeping C.are sleeping D.sleeping()6.Look!Who is ____ in the pool? A.swims B.swimming C.swiming D.swim()7.My brother and I ____ at school.A.am B.is C.are D./()8.—Is Ann ____ American girl? —No, she isn’t.She’s ____ English girl.A.a, an B.an, a C.a, a D.an, an()9.One of my classmates ____ from France.A.is B.are C.am D.come()10.—____ does the musician play the guitar? —In the park.A.What B.How C.Where D.Which()11.They play football ____ Saturday morning.A.on B.in C.at D.for()12.—____ the young woman playing the piano? —Yes, she ____.A.Is, is B.Does, does C.Is, does D.Does, is()13.Here ____ four ____ of my family.A.is, photo B.are photoes C.are, photos D.is, photos()14.Thanks for ____ me.A.help B.helps C.helping D.to help()15.It’s six o’clock in the afternoon.Mr.and Mrs.Green are ____ dinner.A.eating B.doing C.talking D.waiting()16.Here is a photo ____ my family.There are five people ____ my family.A.of, in B.of, of C.for, in D.about, of()17.—Is Mary eating dinner? —____.She’s writing a letter.A.No, she doesn’t B.Yes, she is C.No, she isn’t D.Yes, she does()18.—Where are they playing soccer? —At ____.A.the school B.school C.the pool D.the mall()19.____ your beautiful gift(礼物)for my birthday.A.Thank you B.Thank for C.Thanks you for D.Thanks for()20.—Do you want to go to the movies? —____.A.That sound good B.It sounds good



专心 C.That sounds great D.It sound boring()21.Are you ____ a bus? A.wait B.waiting C.wait for D.waiting for()22.—Let’s go to the fashion show(时装表演).—____.A.Great.When are we going? B.That sounds boring.Let’s go C.Good.Where are you going? D.Sure, I want to watch TV()23.Look.Here are ____ my photos.A.some B.some of C.many D.much of VI.按要求转换句型:

1.I’m doing my homework.(变一般疑问句)_____ you doing _______ homework? 2.Alice is writing a letter.(对划线部分提问)______ ____ Alice _______? 3.She often plays the violin.(用now 替换often)She _____ _________ the violin now.4.Li Lei does his homework in the evening.(变否定句)Li Lei _______ ____ his homework in the evening.5.This TV show is boring.(对划线部分提问)______ ____ this TV show? 6.The students are waiting for their teachers.(对划线部分提问)_____ are the students ________ for? 7.You can see a bird in the tree.(对划线部分提问)______ _____ you see in the tree? VII.交际用语搭配,从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语:

A B()1.What language do you speak? A.Canada.()2.How are you? B.Yes, I am.()3.Where are you from? C.No, he doesn’t.()4.Are you watching TV? D.Fine, thank you.()5.Does your brother have a toy plane? E.French.VIII.完成句子:

1.他们正在和谁谈话? ______ are they _______ to? 2.我妈妈正在车站等我。My mother _____ ________ _____ me ____ the station.3.谢谢你的来信。________ _____ your letter.4.看!王先生正在公园拍照。Look!Mr.Wang _____ ________ photos in the park.5.这里有我的一些照片。Here ______ some of _____ _________.6.人们正在跳舞。The people ______ __________.7.你们在谈论什么? What are you _________ ________? 8.那听起来是个好主意。That _________ a good idea.9.不要进来,我们正在打扫房间。Don’t come in.We ______ _________ the room.10.玛丽没在学习英语,她正在写信。Mary ______ _________ English.She ____ ________ a letter.IX.完形填空:

Here is a picture 1 a park.You 2 see many boys and girls in the park.3 are some trees in the park.4 there are 5 flowers.Some birds are 6 in the 7.There are some old 8.They are sitting at the table.They are 9 tea and talking.Two young people 10 near them.用心


专心()1.A.of B.about C.for D.in()2.A.aren’t B.can C.do D.are()3.A.These B.Here C.There D.They()4.A.And B.But C.Or D./()5.A.some B./ C.much D.any()6.A.singing B.run C.dance D.sing()7.A.flowers B.park C.trees D.flower()8.A.man B.men C.woman D.mans()9.A.eating B.drink C.eat D.drinking()10.A.stand B.standing C.are standing D.stands X.阅读理解:

(A)It’s Sunday today.The Blacks are all at home.Mrs Black is in the kitchen(厨房).She is making cakes.Mr Black is in the living room(客厅).He is sitting in a chair and reading a book.Tom is in the garden with Mike.Mike is Tom’s classmate and good friend.They are playing soccer.Where is Sue? Oh, she and her friend Ann, are in her bedroom.They are watching TV now.根据短文内容选择正确答案。

()1.There are ____ people in Mr Black’s family.A.three B.four C.six D.seven()2.Who is in the kitchen? A.Sue’s mother B.Ann’s mother C.Tom’s father D.Ann’s father()3.What is Mr Black doing? A.Watching TV B.Playing soccer C.Reading a book D.Swimming()4.____ are playing in the garden.A.Tom and Sue.B.Tom and Mike C.Ann and Mike D.Sue and Mike()5.Which is RIGHT? A.Mike and Tom are in the same class.B.Sue and Ann are watching TV in Ann’s bedroom.C.Mike’s mother is making cakes.D.Tom is very clever.(B)It is cloudy.Zhang Qiang flies his kite on the playground.He is very happy.But it is raining now.He can’t fly his kite.His shirt and trousers are wet.He doesn’t want to go home.Ten minutes later, the sun is shining.It is warm now and Zhang Qiang has a good idea.He takes off his wet clothes and ties them to the long string of the kite.He flies his kite and clothes.So they are dry(干的).He puts on and there is a smile on his face.What a clever boy.()1.Zhang Qiang ____ on the playground.A.flies his kite B.flies his plane C.runs D.plays()2.Zhang Qiang wears ____.A.a shirt and trousers B.a shirt and shoes C.a skirt and trousers D.a skirt and



专心 shoes()3.Zhang Qiang ties his wet clothes ____ to make them dry.A.to a tree B.on his head C.to the kite string(线)D.to his arm()4.It is ____ that day.A.rainy, foggy(雾)and sunny B.cloudy, rainy and foggy C.cloudy, foggy and sunny D cloudy, rainy and sunny()5.Zhang Qiang is a ____ boy.A.lazy(懒)B.good-looking C.clever D.tall XI.改错:(将错误项的序号填入前面括号,在横线上订正)()_____________ 1.Jim has funny and outgoing(外向).A B C D()_____________ 2.Mary is a tall girl and long black hair.A B C D()_____________ 3.Kim is a exchange(交换)student in China.A B C D()_____________ 4.Be careful!There are a little water on the floor.A B C D()_____________ 5.He like to tell interesting stories after class.A B C D()_____________ 6.What was your weekend? A B C D()_____________ 7.There is a few students in the classroom.A B C D()_____________ 8.Anna, would you like to dance? Oh, I’d love.A B C D()_____________ 9.I have a few time for reading.A B C D()_____________ 10.I’m friendly at my workmates(同事).A B C D.用心


专心 5



1.read newspaper 2.watch TV 3.write a letter 4.talk about 5.wait for 6.clean the room 7.talk on the phone 8.sound good 9.a photo of my family 10.swimming pool 11.TV show 12.take photos II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子,补全单词:

1.clean 2.reading 3.sure 4.west 5.waiting 6.activities 7.camera 8.pool 9.birds 10.toys III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.are singing 2.listening 3.is reading 4.are having 5.to watch 6.second 7.her 8.children 9.running 10.are IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.is eating 2.are dancing 3.Is, watching 4.isn’t doing 5.is having 6.singing, sings, sing 7.is taking 8.Is, swimming 9.are, doing 10.is running V.选择填空:

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.B VI.按要求转换句型:

1.Are, your 2.What is, doing 3.is playing 4.doesn’t do 5.How is 6.Who, waiting 7.What can VII.交际用语搭配,从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语: 1.E 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C VIII.完成句子:

1.Who, talking 2.is waiting for, at 3.Thanks for 4.is taking 5.are, my photos 6.are dancing 7.talking about 8.sounds 9.are cleaning 10.isn’t learning, is writing IX.完形填空:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C X.阅读理解:

(A)1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A(B)1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C XI.改错:(将错误项的序号填入前面括号,在横线上订正)1.(A)has→is 2.(C)and→with 3.(A)a→an 4.(B)are→is 5.(A)like→likes 6.(A)What→How 7.(A)is→are 8.(D)love→love to 9.(B)a few→a little













教材依据:人教版七年级下册第五单元《I’m watching TV.》Section A Period1 设计思想



本节课围绕着一个话题“谈论现在正在进行或发生的动作”来展开教学活动,主要的教学内容是现在进行时。本节课紧扣教材,重新对教材进行编排。先通过描绘图片中人们的活动来学习词汇: doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, reading, eating dinner, „„并通过问答“人们正在做什么”来学习句型:What are you doing? I’m watching TV.并用前后桌或同桌合作的方式进一步加强句型的操练。然后通过听力训练和写作训练来加强练习和巩固。教学目标


Objects:(1)New words and phrases(2)Present progressive tense 2.Ability Objects: To talk about or learn about what they are doing 3.Moral Objects To be friendly to somebody 教学重点 1.Key Vocabulary 2.Present progressive tense: A +be+doing +其它 教学难点

To master the usage of Present progressive tense: A +be+doing +…其它 教学方法

Listening writing reading practicing playing games


一课时 教学过程

Step1: Warming up and lead-in(1).I show a basketball and say: look, I like playing basketball.I’m playing basketball now.I’m talking now.I’m running.When I make the actions,I ask some students to guess the meaning of the sentences.(老师边做动作边说句子,引出本课的内容,让学生明了现在进行时的句子构成及表达的意思,进而引起学生对本课的兴趣。)Step 2.Match the words and the activities.I show the pictures in 1a.Then, I ask questions:----What’s he doing??(Picture 1)----He’s making a telephone call.Ask the students to turn to page 25.Ask and answer just like that, and finish 1a.(Ss can guess the meaning of doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner and reading.)The Ss read these V-ing words after the teacher.Tell the difference Write down the V-ing forms by another lines of go, watch, do, play and eat.Ask the Ss to have a look and find the difference between them.For example: go and going, watch and watching, do and doing, etc.Then ask the Ss to read them again and do the following exercises(showing by flash card).Show the picture in 1a to the students.T: Show the pictures.They are doing different things.What are they doing? Please look carefully, match the words with the activities.T: Now let’s check the answers.The difference between read/watch/see/look read(读,读书,看报)

read newspaper watch(观看,看电影/电视)

watch TV see(表示看的结果)

I can see you.look(表示看的过程,常与at连用)look at blackboard Step3: Work on 1b Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and finish 1b.Make the Ss listen again and repeat.Ask Ss to read the sentences loudly.Step4 Let Ss ask and answer in pairs like this: A: What are you doing? B: I’m drawing.What are you doing? A: I’m playing volleyball.Show some pictures to the Ss and present the sentences: A: What is he doing? B: He is playing basketball.A: What is she doing? B: She is singing.A: What are they doing? B: They are watching TV.Ask the Ss to make the new conversations with the new words in pairs.After a few minutes, ask some pairs to act.Then ask some students to make the actions, let other students guess what they are doing.(通过短篇动画呈现一些名人及家人正做什么,为接下来的口语对话训练创设情景,不仅便于在虚拟情景中操练本课的目标语言,而且话题及情境贴近生活,让学生达到学以致用的目的。)

Step5 Sing a song Use them media to teach S sa song to consolidate what they’re learning this lesson.The name of the song is“What’s Zhou doing?”(Using the information above)(通过多媒体播放歌曲,进行教学,使学生感受到英语教学形式多样。让学生在歌唱的欢乐气氛中牢记今天所将内容,达到教学目的的同时将课堂气氛推向最高峰。)Homework: Make up a conversation about your family members: “what are they doing?”(课后作业是用现在进行时写对话,属于拓展训练。)板书设计

Unit 5 I’m watching TV---What are you doing?---I’m reading.---What is he/she doing?---He/She is cleaning.主语+be+ving+…(主语正在干……)



2.work______ 3.watch_______

4.eat_______ 5.read______

6.wait_____ 7.talk_____

8.go_______ 1.What are you doing now? I ___________(clean)the windows.2..I like _________(swim)very much.3.It’s time __________(play)football 教学重难点解决措施:通过老师引导、学生识图、听力配对和口语问答能力拓展训练等措施使学生逐一突破教学重难点。





明德中学 “三生”理念 ( 生命教育、生活教育和生态教育) 是在新一轮课程改革背景下引进的。其主旨是减负增效, 打造高效课堂。“中小学生命教育的理论和实践研究”首席专家肖川教授认为:“生命教育”作为教育的价值追求, 作为真正人道的教育, 其目的是帮助学生更好的理解生命的意义, 确立生命尊严的意识, 高扬生命的价值, 使他们能拥有一个美好的人生。1生活教育即从生活中学习, 教育在生活中进行。生态教育是指教育中的教师、学生、教学内容以及教学资源等各因素应该像自然界的生态系统一样, 相互联系、相互依存、相互作用, 最终实现人与人、人与自然以及人与社会的全面和谐、可持续发展的教育。

所谓英语 “三生课堂”, 是指让英语课堂 “生命化、生活化和生态化”。“三生课堂”要求老师关注学生个体的 “生命、生活、生态”, 创设优质高效课堂。要打造英语 “三生课堂”教师应明确学生才是学习的主体, 把课堂还给学生, 让学生自主学习、自主探究、自主发展、让教学结果自然生成, 从而提高课堂效率。下面笔者以 《人教版新目标七年级英语下册》为例, 分析如何有效实现英语 “三生课堂”。

1. 让学生自主, 打造生命化课堂

英语 “三生课堂”以学生终身发展、全面发展为本, 为学生的终身发展和幸福奠基。这就要求我们教师尊重每一个学生, 把自主性还给学生, 让每一朵花都能绽放。要营造出富有生命力的英语课堂氛围, 教师在设置教学环节时要难度适宜, 跳一跳就能够得着的目标才是适合学生的, 否则将大大挫伤学生的积极性, 让课堂沉闷无聊。以记英语单词为例, 很多学生畏难不愿记单词, 为此笔者将每单元单词按10个一组分配, 每天记10个, 大大降低了难度, 第二天课前笔者将花5分钟时间以学习小组为单位口头抽查单词记忆情况。每个学生抽查一个单词, 全对的小组可以加分。因为第一天回家抄写并默写了这10个单词, 第二天他们通常都很有信心来回答单词。学生们总是抢着预约第二天的单词抽查名单。再比如默写单词, 笔者先前一次默写一个单元, 学生得满分者甚少, 后来笔者把一个单元分两次默写, 全对者比先前多了, 学生也更喜欢默单词了。所以教师在设置任务时要充分考虑学生的水平, 布置难度适宜的练习, 这样效果或许更好。

2. 教育从生活中来, 到生活中去, 使学习生活化

陶行知先生说, “生活即教育, 在生活里找教育, 为生活而教育”, 这要求我们备课时不是从教材、教参出发, 而是从学生的生活实际出发, 课堂以生活为本。在讲授Unit 8 Is there a post office near here时, 笔者就先搜集了部分学生家庭附近的建筑物, 在课堂活动 “ A guessing game”中, 选择一些学生上讲台来, 其他学生猜测 “Is there a/an…near your home?”, 因为这些建筑物来自学生身边, 所以学生们积极性很高, 他们想知道自己同学家附近有些什么建筑物, 而那些上台的学生也很希望与大家分享自己家旁边有何种建筑物。再比如在讲授Unit 9 What does he look like? 时, 笔者预先搜集了学生家长的一些照片并设置了一个孩子用英语描述自己父母的长相的环节, 再出其不意地放出孩子们父母的照片, 家长的参与让孩子对本堂课印象十分深刻。当笔者问孩子们: “Do you love your mother / father?” 和 “I think your mother is the most beautiful woman /your father is the most handsome man” 时, 孩子们都给予了肯定回答。这样的环节取材于孩子们的生活, 同时还渗透着浓浓的亲情教育。

3. 小组合作, 人人参与, 教师巧设问题, 打造生态化的课堂

英语 “三生课堂”强调小组合作, 共同参与。生态化英语课堂强调把教学各要素看成一个教学的生态系统, 以实现教师和学生共同和谐发展。教师着眼于学生整体, 让学生小组合作探究问题, 自然生成。以Unit 4 Don’t eat in class为例, 这个单元重点是谈论规则, 笔者设置了一个环节, 小组合作为本班制定班规, 同时选出最酷班规。孩子们分组合作, 讨论热烈。最后纷纷要求展示自己小组制定的班规。再比如英语写作, 传统写作模式中老师把题目给定, 对题目做点简单分析, 让学生独立完成, 结果是一些学生总觉得无话可写。笔者的做法是对于一些难度较大的作文, 采取合作学习模式, 大家集思广益, 共同探讨完成作文。在这种模式下, 平时不爱写作文的学生在其他同学的带领下纷纷提出自己的观点或看法, 每个小组成员都会或多或少地贡献自己的力量。以小组合作形式写出文章, 再以小组合作的方式互相批改作文, 最后老师总结。随着合作机会的增多, 学生们的互帮互助意识增强了, 团队感也增强了。写作变得有趣味性了。要打造生态化课堂, 作为课堂组织者, 引领者的老师也要善于设置问题。

“三生”英语课堂要求老师以培养学生将来的生存能力为目标更加用心地去备课, 让自己的课堂符合基本的认知规律和教学规律, 不能破坏学生自然的生长过程, 让每一朵花都自然地开放。




[3]汪小红, 刘忠政.论中学英语课堂教学的生态化[J]贵州师范学院学报2014 (11)



1. My uncle is ____(swim) at the pool.

2. Her father often ____(go) to the movies with her mother on weekends.

3. We are ____(clean) the house.

4. Thank you for ____(help) me learn English.

5. What can you ____(see) in this photo?


6. This TV show is ____.

7. My father is talking to my math teacher ____.

8. Who is Linda ____?

9. What are you ____ now?

10. Do you ____ to play basketball with me?


1. Could you tell me what they are talking ____.

A. toB. withC. aboutD. for

2. Look!An old man is waiting ____ the bus there.

A. atB. forC. toD. in

3. Look at the ____ girl. She’s a nurse.

A. firstB. oneC. thisD. that

4. Bob’s sister is ____ an interesting book. It makes her laugh.

A. watchingB. seeingC. readingD. looking

5. Listen!My sister ____ the piano in her room.

A. playB. playsC. playingD. is playing

6. ____ are your parents talking with?

A. WhoB. HowC. WhenD. What

7. ——What is your father doing?


A. He goes to workB. He is playing basketball

C. He is a doctorD. He likes playing basketball

8. ——Where do people usually swim?


A. At the mallB. In the library

C. At the poolD. At the restaurant

9.——Is your brother doing his homework?


A. Yes, he doesB. No, he doesn’t

C. Yes, he isn’t D. No, he isn’t

10. ——Do you want to go to the movies, Tony?


A. That sounds good

B. Sure, I don’t like movies

C. No, I like going to the movies

D. I am sorry. I am going to the movies



1. Susan often cleans her room. (用now改写句子)

Susan ____ ____ her room now.

2. She is reading an English book. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ reading an English book now?

3. The girl is shopping in the supermarket. (就划线部分提问)

____ is the girl ____?

4. His father is cleaning the car. (就划线部分提问)

____ is his father ____?

5. Lisa is talking with Mrs Green. (就划线部分提问)

____ is Lisa ____ with?



1. 我正在家里做家庭作业。

I ____ ____ ____ ____ at home.

2. 玛丽正在给她的父母写信。

Mary ____ ____ ____ her parents.

3. 你们在谈论什么?

____ are you ____ ____?

4. 他们在打电话。

They ____ ____ on the phone.

5. 谢谢你的来信。

____ ____ ____ your letter.



see, at, about, boring, watch, do, want, thriller, exciting, sound

Tony: Hi, James.

James: Hi, Tony. What are you __1__ now?

Tony: I’m __2__ TV, but it’s __3__.

James: Do you __4__ to go to the movies?

Tony: That __5__ pretty good.

James: What kind of movie do you like?

Tony: I like action movies and __6__. They are __7__.

James: Great! There’s an action movie today. When do you want __8__ the movie?

Tony: How __9__ 6:30?

James: OK, let’s go __10__ 6:30. See you later.

Tony: See you then.


Billy is fourteen years old and in the __1__ grade. He has a __2__ job. He gets up at __3__ every morning. He is a newspaper boy.

Each morning, he leaves the house at 5:15 to get to the corner __4__ them.

In winter it is still dark when he gets up, but during(在……期间) the rest of the year it is __5__. Billy must deliver the newspapers to the __6__ of people in all kinds of weather.

Billy earns about $70 per month, and he is saving some of the money to go to college. He spends __7__ on records and clothes.

Billy has seventy __8__ now, but he hopes to get more soon. He __9__ to win a new bike and __10__ a trip to Europe.

1. A. ninethB. ninthC. nineD. ninths

2. A. part-timeB. full-timeC. workingD. morning

3. A. sixB. sevenC. fiveD. afternoon

4. A. to look forB. to buyC. to findD. to carry

5. A. darkB. lightC. midnightD. cold

6. A. the peopleB. the handsC. houseD. to shops

7. A. someB. allC. littleD. most

8. A. newspapersB. customersC. dollarsD. friends

9. A. thinksB. wantsC. takesD. delivers

10. A. to goB. to beC. to haveD. to stay



Everybody has a home. People have homes. Animals have homes, too. People live in different kinds of homes. Animals also have different kinds of homes.

Some animals live in holes under the ground. The woodchuck lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If an enemy comes through one door, the woodchuck goes out of the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels build nests high in trees. Some birds live in holes in trees. Most of the birds live in nests. Crows build their nests high in trees. But hawks build their nests high in the mountains.

Some animals even carry their homes on their backs.

1. The text is about ____.

A. some treesB. some animals and birds

C. animals’ homesD. different animals

2. ____ live under the ground.

A. All the animals B. The woodchuck and the squirrelC. Some animals D. Some birds

3. How many doors does the woodchuck have in his house? ____.

A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. No doors

4. Animals’ homes are ____.

A. in all kinds of placesB. in the field

C. in holesD. at the same

5. Which animal carries his home on his back? ____.

A. The woodchuckB. The squirrel

C. The hareD. The tortoise


At this moment(瞬间), people in different places of the world are doing different things.

In London it’s five o’clock and people are leaving work and going home. Some are waiting for buses. Some are driving their cars.

In Moscow(莫斯科) it’s eight o’clock. People are having dinner at home or in restaurants. Some are watching TV at home.

In Beijing it’s one o’clock. People aren’t having dinner. They are sleeping.

In Los Angeles(洛杉矶) it’s nine o’clock. People are working. Children are having their lessons.

In New York it’s twelve o’clock. People are having lunch. Some are seeing friends or doing some shopping.


6. Londonnine o’clockwatching TV

7. Moscowone o’clockdoing some shopping

8. Beijing twelve o’clockgoing home

9. Los Angeleseight o’clockworking

10. New Yorkfive o’clocksleeping


live, buy, open, teach, talk

My sister is 30 years old. She __1__ in a middle school. She __2__ with her five-year-old son. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. My sister __3__ with her son. She wants him __4__ the door and then she can take her bike out. But the boy cries because his toy is lost. On her way to the school, my sister __5__ him a new toy.



提示词:practice English, do some exercise, play the guitar, take a walk…




2.做家庭作业__________3.打扫房间__________ 4.吃饭 ___________5.看书__________6.打电话__________7.做他们的家庭作业 _________ 8.去看电影__________ 9.想做某事_________ 10.听起来好_________ 11.得到他们的钱_________ 12.做他的家庭作业_________ 13.做我的家庭作业_________ 14.做她的家庭作业_________ 15.看一本书_________ 16.在七点钟_________ 17.等待_________ 18.和某人交谈_________ 19.谈论某事____________ 20.看这些图片_________ 21.在图书馆_________ 22.在水池_________23.在购物街_________ 24.在学校_________ 25.打篮球_________ 26.因…感谢_________ 27.写信_________


29.在第一幅照片里_________ 30.在第二幅照片里_________ 31.在第三幅照片里_________ 32.在下一幅照片里_________ 33.在最后一幅照片里_________ 34.和某人在一起_________ 35.在家_________

36.我家庭的一张照片_________ 37.看报纸_________ 38.踢足球_________ Ⅱ、Sentences: 1.我正在看电视。

________________________ 2.你正在干什么?

________________________ 3.他正在干什么?

________________________ 4.他正在踢足球?

________________________ 5.露西的弟弟正在做作业。

________________________ 6.玛丽正在做什么?

________________________ 7.她正在看书。

________________________ 8.他们正在做什么?

________________________ 9.他们正在打电话。

________________________ 10.他们正在吃饭吗?肯否回答


11.他正在写信吗? 肯否回答。

________________________ 12.南希正在做家庭作业吗?肯否回答

________________________ 13.安娜和戴夫正在看电视吗?肯否回答。

________________________ 14.Lily的妈妈在做什么?

________________________ 15.她正在做饭。

________________________ 16.他们正在哪儿踢足球?

________________________ 17.你想去看电影吗?

________________________ 18.当然,这个视频太无聊了。

________________________ 19.你想什么时候去?

________________________ 20.让我们在六点钟去吧!

________________________ 21.他想什么时候去?

________________________ 22.你的堂弟想什么时候去?

________________________ 23.他在哪儿?

________________________ 24.他正拿着什么?

________________________ 25.他在等什么?

________________________ 26.她在读什么?



________________________ 28.英语老师正和谁在交谈?

________________________ 29.我们在谈论什么?

________________________ 30.他们都正去哪儿?

________________________ 31.他们正去警局。

________________________ 32.那个男的正在做什么?

________________________ 33.他正在哭泣。

________________________ 34.麦克在哪儿看书?

________________________ 35.写信你的来信和这些照片。

________________________ 36.这是我的一些照片。

________________________ 37.在第一幅照片里,我正在学习打网球。________________________ 38.你在哪儿做作业?

________________________ 39.这是我家庭的一张照片。

________________________ 40.格林一家人正在家看电视。


41.比尔和他的弟弟现在正在唱歌。(with)_________________________________ 42.我想要一个相机照相。

_________________________________ 43.他通常在晚上打扫房间。

_________________________________ 44.他正和他的小狗玩。



1.She had much fun on vacation.(改为否定句)

She __________ __________ much fun on vacation.2.Children enjoy themselves playing games.(改为同义句)

Children __________ __________ playing games.3.My parents often help me with my lessons.(改为同义句)

My parents often ________ me ________ my lessons.就画线部分提问)

________ ________ you last weekend.5.John has no brother and no sister.(改为同义句)

John ________ have a brother ________ a sister.6.Tina did very well in her English exam.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Tina _____ very well in her English exam?

7.What kind of balls does Sonia want?(改为同义句)

What kind of balls ________ Sonia ________ ?

8.I like onion and egg dumplings.(改为同义句)

I like dumplings ________ ________ and eggs.9.They have some bananas.(用pears 改为选择疑问句)

________ they ________ any bananas _____ pears?


________ ________ ________ ________ they like?

11.Wang Hai isn’t too tall or too short.(改为同义句)

Wang Hai has ________ ________.12.Maybe the woman with long black hair is her mother.(改为同义句)

The woman with long black hair ________ ________ her mother.13.My backpack is behind the chair.(改为同义句)

The backpack ________________________ is ________.14.His father mends a bike sometimes.(改为现在进行时)

His father _______ _______ a bike now.15.Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.______ _____?(完成反意疑问句)


1.“他参观博物馆了吗?” “没有,他没参观”

--__________ he _______ the __________ ?

--No, he __________.2.他爸爸很疲劳,以至于很快睡着了。

His father was ____ tired ________ he went to sleep quickly.3.他们周六晚上开了个晚会。

They ________ _____ ________ on Saturday evening.4.这本书有点难。

The book is _____ ________ ________.5.我喜欢有关历史的书。

I like reading books ________ ________.6.他想要一份中碗牛肉水饺.________ like a ________ bowl of beef ________.7.他想要多大碗的面条?

________ ________ ________ _____ noodles would he like?


Black is a ________ ________.9.没有人知道这个女孩的名字。

________ ________ the girl’s name.10.玛丽有点文静。

Mary is ________ ________ ________.11.上海的天气怎么样?

_______ _______ the weather _______ in Shanghai?


One foreigner _______ _______ photos of Tian’anmen.13.“情况怎么样?” “相当好。”

--_______it _______? – Pretty good.14.谢谢你教我英语。

Thank you for _______ _______ _______.15.瞧!一个人正躺在马路上。

Look!A man _______ _______ on the road.三、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(每题1分,共20分)

1.This pair of shoes is too e__________.I want a cheap one.2.I like sea foods.They are d__________.3.The park was c__________ last Sunday.4.He was u__________ to us.So we felt angry.5.Last month, we went to summer c__________.We had a good time.6.He’s too tired.He doesn’t want to do a_________ now.7.How did you s_________ your weekend?

8.She h_________ dinner at the restaurant last night.9.Li Yuchun is a very p________ singer.A lot of boys and girls like her.10.Mary has a new look.Her hair is long and s________.11.The actor is very h________.12.Her hair is not black.It’s b________ like gold.13.The a________ is very popular.Everyone likes her.14.My brother is a waiter.He works in a r________.15.Is there a pay phone in the n________?

16.His mother is a nurse(护士).She works in a h________.17.This boy is very clever.This question isn’t hard for him, and he can answer is very

e________.18.Be careful when you walk a______ the street.19.The sun is shining brightly.It’s very s______.20.– How’s it going?

--P______ good.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共20分)

1.We found the boys _________(draw)in the room at 8 o’clock yesterday.2.I watched the students _________(play)football yesterday.3.Look!The teenagers are making cards _________(show)love for their mothers.4.Both coats look nice on me.I really don’t know which _________(choose).5.His mother often does some _________(read)in the evening.6._________(luck), the snake didn’t see him.7.Would you like something ________(eat).8.I’d like _________(have)a cup of coffee.9.Would you like _________(have)a cup of coffee ?

10.What kind of food _________ her friend _________(like)?

11.The girl is good at drawing.She want to be an _________(art).12._________(one)of all, you have to remember these words.13.Look at the photo.The _________(five)man on the left is our PE teacher.14.Jack is good at _________(skate)very much.15.Do you enjoy _________(you)at the party every month?

16.Be carful when you _________(across)the street.17.It looks like rain.It’s ________(cloud).18.Everyone ________(do)some cleaning every day.19.Look!They are taking ________(photo)over there.20.Thanks for ________(join)our basketball match.五、单项填空(每题0.5分,共30分)

1._______ was the weather like yesterday?

A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How a

2.— do you like the film?


3.We can make a fire _______ the room warm so that we can chat for a while.A.to keepB.keepingC.keepD.kept

4.We can’t work out the physics problem.Can you tell us _______

A.how to doB.what to do itC.how to do itD.what should to do

5.We don’t know _______ next.Let’s go and ask Mr.Li.A.what to doB.to do whatC.weather to doD.to do weather

6.Tomorrow is Sunday.What about _______?

A.go shoppingB.going shoppingC.going shopingD.go shop

7._______ the evening of Sunday, she began to learn English.A.OnB.InC.AtD.For

8.I had _______ to do last night.A.a lot of worksB.some worksC.many workD.a lot of work

9.It was time _______.A.to go homeB.to go to homeC.to homeD.go home

10.That is _______ useful book.A.a quiteB.a veryC.very aD.quite an

11.---_______ was Amy’s weekend?


12.– Would you like some green tea?

--Yes, _______

A.I likeB.I doC.I’d likeD.please

13.He ______ like beef and cabbage noodles.A.wouldn’tB.doesn’t wouldC.not wouldD.would doesn’t

14.Would you like______ chicken______ breakfast?


15.---_______ rice would you like?

A.What kind ofB.What size bowl ofC.What size ofD.What

16.We have bought two ______ for the coming party.A.box of appleB.boxes of applesC.box of applesD.boxes of apple

17.What would you like _______ the pizza?


18.I don’t like soda, hot dogs _______ onions.A.andB.orC.butD.so

19.He’d like a hamburger _______ chicken.A.inB.onC.forD.with

20.– Would you like a small hamburger?


A.No, I would likeB.No, I wouldn’tC.No, thanksD.No, I don’t

21.You _______ nervous.A.looks littleB.like a littleC.look a littleD.look like

22.Our English teacher has _______ hair.A.black long beautifulB.beautiful long black

C.long beautiful blackD.beautiful black long

23.I don’t like this red skirt.Please show me _______ one.A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.others

24.He _______ of medium height and he _______ blonde hair.A.is;isB.has;hasC.is;hasD.has;is

25.She is good-looking _______ long, black hair.She is _______ a red dress.A.has;hasB.with;onC.has;wearsD.with;wearing

26.He has short hair and _______ medium build.A.isB.haveC.is ofD.are

27.Each of us _______ this famous actor.A.likeB.likesC.to likeD.liking


--I am tall and thin.A.What do you doB.How are you

C.What do you look likeD.What are you doing

29._______, he found his mother in Shanghai.A.At the end ofB.In the endC.EndD.In the end of

30.She always _______ red skirt.A.wearB.wearsC.put onD.puts on

31.My father’s store is ______ Fifth Avenue.A.ofB.atC.fromD.on

32.– I’m going to Shanghai this summer vacation.--I hope you ______.A.good tripB.have good tripC.have a good tripD.having a good trip

33.– What about going to play in the park?

--Great.The park is a good place ______.A.have funB.to have funC.having funD.has fun

34.Please come to meet my ______.A.homeB.familyC.houseD.families

35.Let me ______ you how ______ to Hemingway Hotel.A.to tell;to getB.tell;to getC.to tell;arriveD.tell;arrive

36.He pays 8 yuan ______ this book.A.onB.toC.forD.in

37.The supermarket is ______ the hotel.A.across fromB.cross fromC.across toD.across in

38.______ there any hotels near here?


39.– Do you take exercise every day?

--Yes, I always ______ thirty minutes walking after supper


40.– I ______ 5000 yuan on this Iphone.--Wow, so much!I can’t afford it.A.spendB.paidC.cost

41.Hello!______ Mary.Who is that?

A.This isB.This’sC.I amD.I’m

42.______ are you watching TV with?


43.He is working ______.A.hardlyB.difficultC.hardD.easy

44.He lives in a small house ______.A.by sea B.by the sea C.in the sea D.on the sea

45.______ bad weather it is today!

A.How B.What a C.How aD.What

46.I’A. busyB. not busyC. no busyD. busier

47.A. getB. hasC. hadD.eat

48.A.doesn’t do anythingB.doesn’t anything

C. does do nothingD.does do anything

49.-Would you please go out for a walk with me?

-_______, but I’m too busy now.A. That’s right. B.I’d love toC. Of course notD.That’s all right

50.Thank you for_________me the good news

A. tellB. to tellC. tellingD.told

51.--________do you want to be an actor?--It’s very interesting.52.--Would you like some drink?--_______.A. Here you are B. Yes, just a little C.Please give me some D.Yes I’d like

53.Is there a pay phone________the neighborhood?

A. inB. onC. toD. off

54.I________know where the post office is.A. notB. don’tC.doesn’tD.am not

55.Why_______he like koala bears?

A. isB. areC. doD. does

56.________late for school again.A. NotB.Not beC.Don’t beD. Aren’t

57.--________does your uncle do? – He is an engineer.A. WhatB.WhereC. HowD.Why

58.There__________some iced tea in the cup

A. areB.isC.haveD.has

59.Go straight and ___________left.The hospital is next to the post office.A. turnB.takeC.goD. carry

60.--How was your vacation, Sarah?--________.A. It’s pretty goodB.It was pretty good

C. It’s hotD.It was hot

Test for Unit7-Unit12 答案:


1.didn’t have;2.have fun;3.help, do;4.How were5.doesn’t, or6.did, do

7.would;like8.with onions 9.Do;have;or 10.What size hamburger would

11.medium height 12.may be13.behind the chair;mine 14.is mending 15.is it?


1.Did, visit, museum;didn’t2.so;that 3.had a party 4.a little difficult5.about history

6.He’d;medium;dumplings 7.What size bowl of8.good-looking man 9.Nobody knows

10.a little quiet11.What is;like12.is taking13.How’s;going

14.teaching me English15.is lying


1.expensive 2.delicious 3.crowded 4.unfriendly 5.camp6.anything7.spend8.had



四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共20分).1.drawing 2.play(watch sb do sth 观看某人做某事)3.to show 4.to choose5.reading

6.Luckily 7.to eat8.to have 9.to have10.does;like11.artist12.First13.Fifth



1.B2.A3.A4.C5.A6.B7.A8.D9.A10.B11.C12.D 13.A 14.C

15.B 16.B17.B18.B19.D20.C21.C22.B23.A24.C25.D26.C

