unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)


unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)(精选6篇)

篇1:unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)




牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (下)







contest, replace, possession, complete, include, programme, present(v), event, item, venue, timetable, compare, issue, order, dynasty, professor, unnecessary, attractive, underline, approve, , generation, require, scary, design, draft, wording, previous, finalize, poem, poet, confident, run(manage,operate), host, hostess, advertise,vote.


refer to 指 , function as当作…使用, 具有….的功能 , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short form用宿略的形式, take place发生, make decision作决定, make comparison作比较, take turns轮流, follow the outline按照纲要, be responsible for对…负责, consist of包含,由…构成, come up with想出, base on根据, have it approved by…征得…..的同意, inform sb of sth告知, sign up签名参加.


1. I have to do my home work in a place that has desks and chairs.


I don’t want to study in a room where desks and chairs are too small.


第一句里定语从句 that has desks and chairs的关系代词that指代主句中的名词room,作从句的主语;第二句里定语从句where desks and chairs are too small的关系副词where 指代主句中的in a room, 在从句中是地点状语。试比较:

This is the beach where(on which) many North Europeans spend their summer holidays.

This is the beach that(which) has white sand and palm trees.

上一句的beach是北欧人度假的地方,在这个地方是地点状语,所以用关系副词where 指代; 下一句中有白沙和棕榈树的是beach,它是从句的主语,所有以用关系代词that来指代。

2. Besides, I might be reading the books in your father’s bookcases instead.


She will be reading newspapers and magazines instead of doing her homework.


“might be reading”,“will be reading”属于“情态动词+be+doing” 的结构,表示对某个时间正在发生的事情的预言、推测或期待。例如:

I shall be lying in bed and watching my fvourite football game by the time he finishes his homework..等他做完家庭作业时,我早就会躺在床上看我喜爱的足球比赛了。

“instead,instead of ”都表示“代替,而不是….” “instead”通常需要承接上文才能表达完整的意思,“instead of ”则可以在一句话中表达做了和没做的事情。例如:

We didn’t go home after school. We went to a net café instead.

→Instead of going home after school, we went to a net café.

2) Students in UK don’t have lots of home work.. They have many school activities.

→Students in UK have many school activities instead of homework.

3. A programme is a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved.



4. The more choices you have, the better your final decisions will be.

相当于:If you have more choice (条件状语从句为一般现在时), you will make better decision(主句用将来时). 你的选择越多,最后的决定就越好。“The+比较级(adj/adv)或含比较级的词组,the+另一个比较级(adj/adv)或含比较级的词组”, 表示“越……就越…..”。

5. Your teacher has received an e-mail from a friend asking her about a history book from your school library.


划线部分是现在分词短语作定语,补充说明宾语e-mail 的内容。

6. ISBN ( International Standard Book Number) 国际标准图书编号

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)国际标准期刊编号

7.make常见的动宾搭配: make tea/coffee 沏茶、冲咖啡 , make friends交朋友 , make mistakes犯错误, make trouble惹麻烦, make a suggestion提建议, make a fire生火, make faces做鬼脸, make a decision做决定, make comparasions作比较, make a living谋生, make money挣钱 , make a request提要求, make an application申请。


通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用的应用文。以布告形式贴出,把事情通知有关人员,如学生、观众等,通常不用称呼;通知要求言简意赅、措辞得当、时间及时。 例一:布告形式的通知:通常此类通知上方正中写Notice或NOTICE(通知),发出通知的的单位的具体名称可放在正文前,也可放在正文后,右下角处,发出通知的日期写在左下角处。例如

NOTICE All mumbers of the students’union are requested to meet in the school conference room on Saturday, Sept18th, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions of international culture exchanges with New Zealand high school band. Sept.14,


Make a poster explaining a safety rule. It should give us a good Stay Alert message. If your poster wins you will receive a SASS T-shirt and it will appear in the SASS Gallery.

Mail you poster to:Stay Alert ... Stay SafeP.O. Box 93006,499 Main St. S.Brampton, OntarioL6Y 1N0


1.定语从句中关系代词that、which 用来指代物,who 、whom和that 用来指代人,whose用来表示所属关系,关系副词when、where和 why指代时间、地点和原因。

2.关系代词的用法 (1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如: All that I have is my love for this land.

There isn’t much that we can do to ease his pain. (2) 如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, much, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which。例如:

The last person that we want to invite to our house is Uncle Sam.

No nation that is capable of such atrocity can be trusted by its neighbours. (3) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。例如: There are about seven million people taking part in the election, most of whom are well educated. (4) which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思是与and this 相似。例如: She failed in her attempt to catch the prince’s attention, which was a great disappointment to her mother. (5) 如果作先行词的集体名词着眼于集体的整体,关系代词用which;若是指集体中的各个成员,则用who。 (6) 先行词有两个,一个指人,一个指物,关系代词应该用that。例如: The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely. (7) 如果先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody,关系代词应该用 who 或whom,不用 which。例如: Is there anyone here who will go with you?


The girl (whom) you just saw is the cheer leader of our football club.

Every moment(that) we spent in the UK will be a precious memory for us. As在定语从句中的用法 一. 引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 (1)as多与such 或the same连用,可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。 (2)as 也可单独使用,引导非限制性定语从句,作用相当于which。例如: The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.二.关系副词引导的定语从句 1.关系副词也可以引导定语从句 关系副词在从句中分别表示时间.地点或原因。关系副词when在从句中充当时间状语,where 充当地点状语,why充当原因状语。例如:We shall always remember the day when Japan surrendered to the ally force.

This is one of the few places where you can buy top quality wine. 2. that有时也可引导定语从句表示时间.地点或原因 That有时可以代替关系副词 when, where 或者why引导定语从句表示时间.地点或原因,这种定语从句中的that也可以省去。例如:

That is the time(that) he arrives.

That is the reason (that) he came.



1. His parents wouldn’t let him play with anyone ______ scores was poor.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

2. She heard a terrible noise, _______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. which C. this D. that

3. In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person _____ she could get help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

4. The day _______ he chose for his son wedding was a lucky day in the lunar calendar.

A. when B. where C. that D. who

5. After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

A. whichB. where C. that D. when

6.This monument is all ______ remains of the ancient kingdom.

A. it B. that C. when D. which

7.He mentioned a book the tile of ______ I can’t remember now.A.whoB.which C.this D.what

8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable.

A. which price C. the price of which

C. its price D. the price of whose

9._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. As B. It C. That D. Which

10. He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English.

A. this B. which C. that D. same

11. On the wall hangs a picture, _____ color is blue.

A. whoseB. of which C. which D. its

12.I still remember the time ______ I first became a college student.

A. what B. whichC. that D. when

13. Mr.Ford still talks like the man______ he was ten years ago.

A. that B. where C. which D. there

14. The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago looked down upon women.

A. in which B. in thatC. in whose D. whose

15.I don’t like _____ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

16.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._______ I got wet through .

A. It’s the reason B. That’s why

C. There’s why D. It’s how

17. He made another wonderful discovery , ____ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is B. which I think it is

C. which I think it D.I think which is

18. There is only one dish on the table_______ I want to eat .

A. who B. that C. what D. whcih


一、1-5 DBCCB 6-10 BBCAB 11-15 ADACA 16-18 BAB

篇2:unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)



牛津高中英语模块一Unit 3(上)







stay(系动词:保持), slim, figure, weight, ashamed, recover, failure, contain, chemical, seldom, damage, attractive, touching, embarrassed, pressure, overweight, diet, properly, skinny, consider, fit(强健的), pill, appearance, especially, amazed, archery, squash, aerobics(有氧运动), triathlon(铁人三项), category, partial(部分的), response, purpose, confirmation, actually, recognize.


work out锻炼、训练, go on diets/a diet实行节食, in secret私自, side effect副作用, put on weight体重增加, lose weight减肥, be ashamed of对….感到羞耻, an exact match for和….完全匹配的…, follow one’s advice听从某人的建议, sound fun听起来象是件有趣的事, team sport团队运动, build up增强, regret doing sth后悔做了某事, risk doing sth冒做某事的风险.


non-restrictive attributive clause非限制性定语从句, question tag反意疑问句, positive statement肯定的陈述句, negative statement否定的陈述句, personal pronoun人称代词, auxiliary verb助动词, model verb情态动词, imperative clause祈使句.


1. What do you do to keep yourself looking good and feeling good?


询问别人怎样做某事的可以用“how do you…..?”也可以用“what do you do to….?”。例如:

How did you make the baby stop crying?

What did you do to make the baby stop crying?

Keep yourself looking good and feeling good是一个“动+宾语+补语”结构,现在分词短语looking good and feeling good作宾补。

2. Dying to be thin….


Dying 的本意是“快要死去的,而dying to do/be+adj或dying for+n则表示“迫切希望…..”。例如:

He is dying to see his homeland again.

I’m dying for a drink of rum.

She is dying for a chance to be back on the stage.

3. I know the pressure to stay slim is a problem, especially for an actress.


I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, which are quite popular among young women here.


medicine 泛指药物,尤指内服药,表示“治疗…的药”时后面跟介词for: the medicine for cold。 Pill药片、药丸, ,表示“治疗…的药”时前面加定语:sleeping pills 。drug药剂、麻醉药、毒品,drug(s) 表示“治疗…的药”时和for/to treat连用。

4. She says health is priceless, and I agree, but then I look so slim at the moment.


后缀less加在名词之后表示“没有、缺乏”例如:hopeless, helpless, careless, homeless.注意, priceless和worthless, valueless的意思不同。Price指价格,加less表示“无法估价的”;worth, value指价值,加less则表示“没有价值的。


5. They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.


6. I think you look great as you are.


As you are是状语从句意思是“以你本来的面目”


Alone as he is, he does not feel lonely.

Try as you would, you could not make him change his mind.

Harry is unusually tall, as are his brothers.

7. Remember to take it slowly at first and you will build your strength up quickly.


Take 在这里意思是“从事…活动”it 指代sport/exercise。

Build up增强、增加,名词build-up,例如:

The build-up of Japanese forces makes the neighboring countries very uneasy.

8. Some sports are usually done indoors, while others are done outdoors.


Indoor、outdoor是形容词,只能作定语使用; indoors/outdoors是副词,作地点状语。例如:

It is an indoor sport.

We can play the game indoors.



1) 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,例如:This is the house which we bought last month.这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性)The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性)2) 当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的,例如:Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。3) 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,例如:He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。说明:关系代词that和关系副词why不能引导非限制性定语从句。


反意疑问句是由陈述句以及其后面的简略疑问句构成,前一部分为陈述句,后一部分由助动词或情态动词 + 主语(人称代词)构成,可表示真实的疑问。也可以表示说话者的某种倾向,强调或反问

It’s raining , isn’t it?


前半部分陈述句含有hardly, never, seldom, few, little等词时,疑问部分为肯定形式。

We hardly know each other, do we?

There is little left for us to do, there is?

反意疑问句的前半部分陈述句中若使用了助动词,情态动词或 be 动词,后半部分先重复这些动词,然后 + not +主语,构成简略句

You can read this , can’t you?

She should have a rest , shouldn’t she?

如果反意疑问句前半部分肯定句中谓语动词是实意动词,后半部分一般由 didn’t / doesn’t 和didn’t + 主语构成

We need some salad too , don’t we?

He looks like his father , doesn’t he?

祈使句后面的反意疑问句是will you/shall we?

Let’s stop quarreling and get down to business, shall we?

Come over to my house, will you?


篇3:unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

The General idea of this period:

This period will deal with the grammar part: the Attributive Clause. You will have systematic explanations of the Attributive Clause as well as some exercises to consolidate what you learn.

Teaching Aim:

Introduce attributive clause

Teaching important point:

The basic usage of the relative pronouns and learn to use them in different situations.

Teaching difficult point:

How to help the students to learn the grammar efficiently.

Teaching method:

Deduction to present the usage of the relative pronouns and then some exercises to consolidate what we have learned.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greetings

Step2 Presentation

Look at the picture at page8 and ask the students to speak out what they may think of.(Write down these three structures on the Bb or show them on the screen below the picture.)

Adjective: a green team

Prepositional phrase: a team in green

Attributive clause: a team who were wearing green

Attributive clause modifies a noun in the same way as adjective or prepositional phrase does. The noun it modifies is called an antecedent.

Read Part2 at page8. Attributive clauses are usually introduced by relative pronouns like which, that, who, whom, and whose, or relative adverbs like where, why and when. In the clause these relative words usually function as the following: (page8)

Step3 Read the article at page9 and underline the attributive clauses you find in the article.

Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom and whose. Read this part at page10 and grasp the usages of these relative pronouns.(show the screen) Then do the exercise at page11.

Step4 Consolidation

Finish the exercises at page88

Step5 Homework

篇4:unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

1. 表情感的动词分词形式变来的形容词的用法

~ed: “感到…的”, 一般指人(bored/tired/puzzled/frightened/scared/astonished/moved)

~ing: “令人…的”,一般指物或事(boring/tiring/puzzling/frightening/ astonishing/touching)

(1)It is ________(frighten) to see the terrible accident happen.

(2) I have never spent a more __________(worry) day.

(3)The _____(puzzle) look on her face suggested that she hadn’t understood the ______ question.

2. at ease: 安逸,自在 with ease=easily uneasy: 心神不安的, 不自在的

3.be used to do sth:被用来做… be/get used to sth / doing sth:习惯于做…

used to do sth: (过去)常常做… There used to be…(以前有…)

3. Pay attention to doing sth (to为介词) Look forward to doing sth

4. do用来加强语气“的确/确实”, 有时态变化,其后接动词原形。

I do like eating dessert after meals. Tom did enter the bank last night.

5. “一…就…”的表达

(1) on/upon sth/doing sth Upon finishing his studies , he started to work in a company.

On his arrival at London, he came to see me.

(2) the moment/second/minute+从句 I’ll tell them the good news the moment I see them.

(3) immediately+从句 I heard the phone ring immediately I opened the door.

6.状语从句中的“主语+be” 的省略

情况一:主从句主一语一致时 When/while doing sth:在做…的同时

Even if invited, I won’t go to her party.(=even if I am invited)

If disturbed by noises, the animals will act strangely.(=if the animals are disturbed…)

情况二:if/when (it is)possible/necessary; if (it is) so/not

You should look the new words up in the dictionary when necessary.


注意:系动词一般接形容词不接副词, 不接宾语,无被动,无进行时

He remains weak in English

stay slim/young/ fresh/cold/clean/healthy

go missing/unpunished/hungry/mad/wild/bad/wrong/red/pale

His idea proved (to be) impractical.

8. get+ done: 可看作一种被动语态get done/finished/turned upside down/dressed/changed/married

9. marry sb: 嫁给/娶某人(短暂动作) get married:成婚(短暂动作)

be married to sb:与某人结婚(延续状态)

10. “提供” 的表达 比较: Supply sth to sb / provide sth for sb; Supply/provide sb with sth

Offer sb sth=offer sth to sb:主动提出(帮助/建议等)

11.as if/though+从句: “好象” (根据情况选用陈述语气或虚拟语气)

Even if/though+从句: “既使”

12. “可是/然而”的表达: but:并列连词,只能放在分句之前,无“,”


though: 一般置于句末时,才用作此意. The film is moving. It is a little long, though.

while:侧重表“对比” She was busy preparing supper, while her husband was watching TV.

13.manage to do sth:设法做了某事(强调结果) = succeed in doing sth

try to do sth:尽力做某事 try doing sth:试着/图做某事

15. 注意下列名词一般只用作不可数名词

Fun: Fishing is great fun. It sounds fun.

Advice: He gave me lots of useful advice on how to learn English well.

A great deal of information

He has made such great progress that we all envy him.

2 pieces of evidence, 3 pieces of equipment

16. clothes: 一般看作复数(an article of clothes ) Cloth:布匹

Clothing: “着装”的总称an article of clothing Clothing and food are our daily necessities.


Attend a meeting/a lecture/school/classes(开会/上学/听讲座)

Take part in the Olympics/after-school activities(参加一些大型的正式的活动)

Join in our talk/discussion(参加一些日常的活动)

Join sb in sth/doing sth:加入某人一起活动

Join sb/ a club/the army/a group(参加组织/团体)


Because/since/as/now that/for+分句

Because 最正式, 可回答“why…?”

as: “由于”,表示一种“客观”原因 语气较because 弱

Since/now (that): “即然”,表示一种“双方皆知的/理所当然的”原因

Now that you have finished your work, let’s go out to play football.

For: 表示“补充/推断”的原因,一般放在主句之后

They can’t have gone, for the light is still on

Because of/owing to/due to/thanks to+词/组

20.With sb/sth doing sth(在做) / to do(要做) / done(已被)

There be sb/sth doing/to do /done(同上)

21. hear/see/find( 感官动词) sb/sth doing sth(正在做) / do sth(做了) / done(被)

被动式:be heard/seen doing sth / to do sth(被动需加“to”) / done

The missing boy was last seen playing by the river.

Tom was heard to open the door and enter the room.

The boy was seen bitten by a dog.

22. (1) have sb do sth = let sb do sth 比较: get sb to do sth

Who would you rather have post the letter for you?

(2) have sb/sth doing sth:听任/任由某人/物…; 听任某人/物长时间地…

We won’t have that happening again.

The workers have the machines running day and night.

(3) Have sth done: 让某事/物被… get sth done

The machine that they had had repaired went wrong again.

The people living by the airport often have their hearing harmed.

23. leave/keep sb/sth doing sth(主动) / done(被动)

I’m terribly sorry to leave you standing outside so long.

They went out to playing leaving the work unfinished.

Leave sb/sth+介短: “把…忘在…” I’m sorry that I have forgotten your book in the park.

25. earn money/a living, earn sb sth (His success earned him great respect from others)

27. prepare lessons/supper(备课/烧饭) prepare for the coming exam prepare sb for sth

be (well/poorly) prepared for sth: 为…作好了准备

make preparations for sth=prepare for sth, in preparation for…为...准备

28.develop an interest in; develop a good habit (培养/养成)

29.regret to do sth:遗憾要做某事; regret doing sth:后悔做了某事

30. inform sb of sth→be informed of sth; inform sb that +从句

32. require sb to do sth→be required to do sth; require that…(should) do sth

require sth of sb We did all that was required of us.

33.act in a play/film; act the part of Zhou Enlai ; act as:作为/充当

34. be in charge of…/take charge of…:负责…; be in the charge of…:由…负责

Charge (sb) money for sth/doing sth(收费); free of charge=for free

35. bring…under control,lose control of…

比较:be in control of…:控制… ; be in the control of…:由…控制

36. the reason for sth/doing sth the cause of…: …的起因

The reason why+从句 is that…从句 For the following reasons / no reason;

篇5:unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

u To develop writing skills by reading the tips.

u To understand the mood of the Mum’s and Jack’s feelings.

Important and difficult points:

Writing a dialogue.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

The language you use in writing a dialogue:

l not too colloquialnot too redundant

l descriptive

Step 2 Reading

1 Read the instructions and know some tips of writing a dialogue.

2 Read Part A and discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.

a.‘Umm’ or ‘hmm’ shouldn’t be included in a written dialogue. b. We shouldn’t use ‘My room is too dirty’, ‘My room is a mess’, ‘clean up’ and ‘cleaning’, because in a written dialogue what has just been said shouldn’t be repeated.c. In a written dialogue we should write a sentence that shows the speaker is very angry instead of the sentence ‘I’m really very angry with you.’

3 Read again and do Part B.

A The sentences that show Mum is unhappy or angry:

Come and look.

Don’t you talk to me like that?

You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!B The sentences that show Jack’s mood:

This is so unfair! I’ll never have enough time.

But I don’t think you’re being fair at all!

Step 3 Reading the Thank-you letter

1 Work in groups of 3 and present a dialogue. Keep the tips in mind. 2 Get the students to know:

The following should be included in your dialogue. a. What happened between Christina and her mother?

b. What did Christina do then ?

c. How as the problem solved ?

Step 4 Consolidation

Role-play the dialogue in three.


篇6:unit 1 grammar教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

grammar and usage 是《牛津高中英语》七个单元结构的组成之一,它通过语法规则的讲解和多种图示的呈现,让学生比较全面系统地掌握语法知识。基本思想是:归纳演绎并举,讲练结合,讲求实效。


1、学内容:Non-restrictive attributive clauses


(1) 知识目标:

A. 让学生了解什么是非限制性定语从句,其构成以及用法。

B. 让学生能够区分非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句及关系词的使用。

(2) 能力目标:培养学生听、说、读、写的能力,尤其是培养学生在情境中和语篇中运用所学的语法知识的能力。

(3) 情感目标: 让学生认识到如何保持健康,青春延续的方式不应该只注重外表,更应注重内涵。3、教学重点和难点

(1) 非限制性定语从句的理解及运用。关系代词which .that 在定语从句中的正确使用。三、教学设计1、总体思路



(1) 学生在unit 2学了限制性定语从句。

(2) 学生unit 3的reading and word power已学习。


Step I. lead in and revision

Carefully design the following questions relating to sleep ,exercise and diet, having a revision about the reading part “dying to be thin”.

Lead in :1. Did you have a good sleep last night?

2. Have you taken any exercise recently ?

3. You look so healthy .You have a balanced diet, don’t you ?

Revision: 1. Amy used to go to the gym to exercise, but what is she doing at present?

2. Who keeps telling her not to take them? Why ?

3. Which person donated more than half of his liver to save Amy ?

4. Are many people always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills?


在轻松的日常会话中,逐步引入对上一单元结构reading 的复习,既检查了学生对课文内容的掌握情况,又为自然过渡到新内容-非限制性定语从句的学习埋下铺垫。

Step II. Presentation :

1. List the answers to the above questions

*She is taking weight-loss pills.

*Her mother keeps telling her not to take them.

*Li Dong donated more than half of his liver to save Amy.

*Many people are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills.

2. Ask students to provide extra information for the underlined parts.

*She is taking weight-loss pills, which contain a harmful chemical

which are called Fat-less.

which are quite popular among young women in Canada.

Which keep her slim.

Which make her look good and feel good.


*Her mother, whom you met last year, keeps telling her not to take them.

Who knows nothing is more important than health, keeps …….

Who told us not to damage our health for a slim and attractive figure, keeps ….

*Li Dong, who is in China, donated more than half of his liver to save Amy

Who was an exact match for her, donated…..


*Many people, who are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills.

Who are ashamed of their weight, are always …

Who are embarrassed about their weight

Who want slim figures

…. ……


让学生给划线名词或代词添加extra information ,充分发挥他们的主观能动性,力除采用教师一言堂的模式,把学生的注意力引到形成语言运用能力上。这样的设计同时也是对教材的充分利用,学生在不知觉中又将课文内容复习了一遍,将语法教学与阅读、口语等技能训练相互融合,整合使用。

Step III. Make a comparison with the sentences learned in unit 2

Are you familiar with these sentences?

1. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone.

2. Remember the day when we left you in charge?

3. We thought you were a person from whom we could expect good decisions.

4. this is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.

T: : what if we take away the underlined parts ?

S: The meaning is not so clear .

T: Yes , why ?

Because they provide very important information instead of extra information

Conclusion :The attributive clause providing important information is called restrictive clause .

The attributive clause adding extra information is called non-restrictive clause .

Besides , pay attention to the comma between non-restrictive clause .


通过幻灯片引入unit 2 growing pains 已为学生熟悉的定语从句,让学生作一个比较和思考:什么是限制性定语从句,什么是非限制性定语从句。基于学生已对文章中的语言现象形成一定的感性认识,就能自然地引导学生归纳和总结出语法规则:对名词或代词提供重要信息,缺少会影响句意的从句是限制性定语从句,而对名词或代词提供额外信息的,则是非限制性定语从句,并注意标点符号的使用。

Step IV. practice (I)

I. Project the students’ sentences to see if there are any mistakes to correct by his or her classmates

*Join each pair of sentences to form one sentence, using one of them as a non-restrictive attributive clause with who , whom , whose, which , where or when

1. Li dong donated more than half of his liver to Amy to save her life. He is Chinese.

2. The doctor at the hospital tried their best to save Amy . Amy spent about two months in that hospital.

3. Amy eats lots of fruit and vegetables. All of them are good for her health.

4. Amy sometimes goes for a walk in the afternoon . It is fine and warm in the afternoon.

5. My uncle is an engineer and is working in Beijing. I told you about him yesterday .

6. Mike has decided to visit the Great Wall next month . His hobby is traveling.

II. Read the combined correct attributive clauses.



利用投影仪当堂投射学生合并的句子 ,既有时效性,又有代表性,还可当作改错题来处理。朗读正确句子以强化正确信息的输入。

Step V. explanations and practice (II)

I. explanations

1. I shall never forget these years when I lived in the country, which has a great effect on my life.

2. Do you know Tom., whom we talked about?

I had told them the reason , for which I didn’t attend the meeting.

3. He has two brothers and both of them are doctors.

He has two brothers, both of whom are doctors.

4. China has succeeded in defeating SARS, which /as we have expected.

II. practice (II)

1. Wilma became the first American woman to win 3 Olympic gold medals in track, ____ made her mother very proud.

A. it B. that C. / D. which

2. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play , ___ of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who B. which C. this D. what

3. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, ___ made the others envy him.

A. who B. that C. what D. which

4. He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, most of ___ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

A. those B. these C. that D. which

5. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% are sold abroad.

A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that

6. There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, ___ five are mine.

A.. on which B. in which C. of which D. from which

7. Have you seen the film “Titanic “, ___ leading actor is world famous?

A. its B. it C. whose D. which

8. ____ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan .

A. Which B,. When C. what D. As

9. ___ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing,

A. It B. As C. That D. Which

10. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ____ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

A. that B. while C. which D. when


在努力达到课标要求的同时,充分考虑到当前高中教学的实际情况,如:相当一部分学生的求学目标是通过高考,所以还补充了关系词which 补充说明整个句子的用法时与as的区分等内容,并配有当堂练习。Step VI. Practice (III)

Group activities :choose a topic to talk about ,imagining yourself to be a salesman or the manager of a gym. and deliver a speech to your classmates.

1. Advertise a new weight-loss product

(you can introduce its name /taste /price /effect /safety ..ingredients …most important including at least 2 attributive clauses

2. or Advertise a gym you run …( you can introduce coach/ location/ equipment/ course / service…including at least 2 attributive clauses)



Step VII. Homework

Write a composition to advertise a new weight-loss product or a gym you run .




(1). 由于给学生创设一个做中学的学习环境,充分发挥和体现学生的主观能动性,这节课的导入和结尾比较成功。


reading (与减肥话题有关)和word power(与体育设施和运动项目关联)在这节课之前已经教授过,因此小组活动中学生参与意识强,气氛相当活跃 ,学生既掌握了新的句型,又运用和复习到了已学词汇,获得极大成就感,增强了学习的自信心。当时课堂上各小组争先恐后的情景我记忆犹新:有介绍减肥霜、药、膏、减肥腰带…下了课在过道还拉着我介绍减肥产品。
