




1.Strangers into a self-inflicted.形同陌路变成自找。

2.You never feel my lonliness. 你从未体会我的孤单。

3.Eternity is not a distance.永远不是一种距离。

4.Envision the whole of you .期待你总是尽全力。

5.If just like why inflated into love. 如若只是喜欢 何必夸大成爱。

6.Haven meet you for such a long time, i will miss you好久不见了,我会想念你.

7.Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝。

8.I've been hdding their cry to helpless.我曾抱着自己哭到无助。

9.I pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假装对他漠不关心。

10.You and I separatend is inevilable.你我的走散是必然的。

11.Strangers into a self-inflicted.形同陌路变成自找。

12.The time will precipitate.时间会沉淀伤痛。

13.we have knew the end when it`s began.在开始的时候,我们就知道结束了.

14.no man or woman is worth your tears, and one who is won’t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

15.Didn't you imagination of so nostalgic.你没想象之中那么恋旧。

16.Time always save the best for last. 时间总是把最好的人留到最后。

17.Don't let careless words hurt people.别让无心话伤了有心人。

18.My heart got lost in you world.我的心曾在你的世界里丢了。

19.The time will precipitate.时间会沉淀伤痛。

20.Empty promises will wear.空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽。


6. 人生不是一段一段的,而是延绵的,往昔和明日因为今天的存在而连接起来。

7. 当看不到明天的时候,要么是因为我们短视,要么是因为我们被蒙蔽了双眼,而能蒙蔽我们双眼的要么是利益,要么是情绪,而后者多以愤恨居多。

8. 柳荫下别一般惆怅,同窗数栽少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量!

9. 一起走过的中学时光,我们的喜悦,我将埋藏在心底;我们的快乐,我将珍藏在心中;我们的悲伤与难过,我会把它们抛在脑后。

10. 你们给我的最珍贵的礼物--友谊,我将永远珍藏我的生活里。

11. 在学校度过的三年来,是你们伴随我度过:在我最伤心的时候,是你们安慰我:我在最困难的时候,是你们鼓励我,我的心和你们永远连接在一起,永不分离。

12. 愿你如一只永不停息的苍鹰,飞入理想的天空。

13. 操场上,走廊上,寝室里,教室里……处处都我们快乐的回忆和开心的笑声,你们送我的友谊,我会好好保存。

14. 如果说,我在学校感情最深的就是同学们了。或许毕业时我最舍不得的就是同学们吧!这样的舍不得是我们每个人都要经历的。但是这样我们也不会彼此忘记对方,让这份友谊永远珍藏在彼此心底吧!

15. 道德更多的是指向自己,而不是指责别人,动辄用道德要求别人去做的人,肯定不是君子。

16. 以前,是一个小小的橡皮擦,让我懂了同学一间互相地关怀,以前,一个小小的.挫折,让我迟迟站不起来,是同学们给了我永远的支持。当我们挥手再见,请带上我纯真的友情。

17. 人生总是不完美的,所以我们才有动力去追求完美;人总是不完美的,所以认识到自己的不完美并接纳这一点才变得重要。

18. 三年前,我们像陌生人一样走在一起;三年后的我们,以好朋友的身份分开,那依依不舍,令人悲伤,但友情却像一颗种子,在心中开花结果……

19. 失败是为了下一次成功,分别是为了下一次再见。一起走在是缘分,走在一起,是幸福,命中注定我们相识,你们为我的人生抹上了第一层色彩。毕业了,我不忘说上一句:“加油!同学们。”

20. 对人而言,最难的是认识自己;对人生而言,最难的是选择最适合自己的。

21. 在三年里我们曾是形影不离的好兄弟。你给我的珍贵祝福,我将永久保存在心里。母亲的每个地方,都存着我们美好的回忆,撒下我们的理想。祝同学们身体健康,万事如意,天天开心!

22. 我们相处三年了,我们在彼此的心里播下了友谊之种。希望我们的友谊地久天长。

23. 失败是为了下一次成功,分别是为了下一次再见。一起走在是缘分,走在一起,是幸福,命中注定我们相识,你们为我的人生抹上了第一层色彩。毕业了,我不忘说上一句:“加油!同学们。”

24. 三年同窗,我与你接下了深厚的友谊,愿你在以后的日子里,芝麻开花——节节高!

25. 操场上,走廊上,寝室里,教室里……处处都我们快乐的回忆和开心的笑声,你们送我的友谊,我会好好保存。

26. 在成长的岁月中,曾经陪你笑陪你愁得朋友,是一辈子都不会忘记,愿彼此都能珍惜这份友谊的,做个永远的朋友。

27. 柳荫下别一般惆怅,同窗数栽少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量!

28. 以前,是一个小小的橡皮擦,让我懂了同学一间互相地关怀,以前,一个小小的挫折,让我迟迟站不起来,是同学们给了我永远的支持。当我们挥手再见,请带上我纯真的友情。

29. 相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。


曾经以为两千多个日子很长很长, 可以慢慢度过, 细细回味。蓦然回首, 发现六年是那么的短暂易逝, 短暂到分别在即, 却还有很多的话没说, 很多的事没做。仿佛昨日般, 你们懵懂的笑脸还在我眼前浮现, 稚嫩的童音还在我耳畔回响。不知不觉间, 你们已长成意气风发、风华正茂的少年。

忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。“小蜜蜂”读书节中, 你们独特的创意闪亮校园, 带给四方来宾一个个不可思议;公开课、观摩课上, 你们精彩的展示语惊四座, 带给所有老师一次次惊喜;我们是全校第一个特色班级;我们将这个集体载入《教育时报》……你们书写了无数的辉煌, 而这些辉煌也见证了你们的成长。

你们从不张扬, 总是那么低调。当我激情澎湃地追问你们的回答时, 你们的语气中还带有羞涩与迟疑;当宣布我们班在竞赛中取得优胜时, 你们只是微微一笑。知道我多么想听到你们慷慨激昂的回答声, 多么想看到你们欢呼雀跃的情景吗?我为此烦恼过、反思过, 但渐渐地我明白了, 羞涩迟疑是因为你们内心对自己要求高, 担心自己做不到最好, 而淡然面对名利说明你们懂得了“非淡泊无以明志, 非宁静无以致远”。你们是有要求、有追求的好孩子!

与你们相依相伴的这六年, 也是我人生中最重要的六年。你们使只理解爱的字面意义的我懂得了如何去付出爱, 感受爱;你们使我行我素、天马行空的我明白了什么是责任与义务;你们使空有一腔教育热情的我拥有了坚定的教育理想与信念;你们不仅使我具有仰望星空的教育情怀, 也使我具备了踏地而行的教育能力。所以你们也是我的老师, 两千多个日子里同, 我们在共同成长。

孩子们, 我对你们的希望你们一直都知道, 不是重点高中、名牌大学, 不是功成名就、位高权重, 我希望你们能保持最初的美好, 追求自己的理想。或许多年之后你们会明白, 这份美好与理想会使你生活得更幸福快乐。这并不是空洞的说教。可能理想在最开始时只是你独特的一种兴趣、爱好, 经过你持久地付出和努力, 它成为了你的谋生途径。能做自己最喜欢的事, 并依靠此独立生活, 找到自己的人生价值, 这样的一生难道不是最幸福、有意义的吗?在保持美好、追求理想的过程中, 可能你们会有迷茫、彷徨、挫折的时刻, 但请记住:你不是踽踽独行, 你永远拥有这样一群善良美好的同学, 这样一个进取美好的班集体!他们永远支持着你!

孩子们, 向着理想启航吧!














吃喝 过节的食物多以高蛋白、高脂肪、高热量的食物为主,而高纤维素的食物却比较少。节日期间频繁吃这些食物,会造成孩子消化不良,严重的还会引起胃肠炎,出现发热、呕吐、腹泻。所以,即使孩子再爱吃,也要控制好量,而且还要督促他多喝白开水,每天排便,保持大便通畅。

睡眠 不管是外出游玩,还是聚会、聚餐,都会打乱孩子日常的生活规律,使孩子的睡眠时间减少,或睡得晚,起得晚。孩子的睡眠不够,不仅会影响食欲和情绪,还会使免疫力下降。所以,除了除夕可以晚睡些,其他时候不要让他睡得太晚,要保证他有足够的休息时间。


背部 中医认为,人的背部是阳气汇聚之处,喜温恶凉,寒、风之邪最易侵犯而致病,所以保持背部的适当温暖可以预防疾病,减少感冒的机会。小坎肩可以让孩子的背部保暖,又不影响他两条胳膊的活动,是很好的保暖衣物。

肚子 肚子是脾胃之所,保持肚暖就是保护脾胃。孩子脾胃功能较弱,如果冷空气直接刺激腹部,孩子就会肚子痛,从而损伤脾胃功能。所以,冬天要注意把孩子的秋衣塞到秋裤里,睡觉时围上肚围,盖好肚子,以免孩子的肚子受冷。

脚丫 脚部是阴阳经穴交汇之处,是阴经走得最多的地方,而且脚丫神经末梢丰富,对外界最为敏感。有句话叫“寒从脚下起”,可见脚部保暖的重要性。给孩子选一双合脚的、保暖性好的鞋子和纯棉的袜子,保证他的鞋和袜子每天都是干燥的,就可以让他的小脚丫又舒服又暖和。











will inertia be your guide, or will you follow your passions?


will you follow dogma, or will you be original?


will you choose a life of ease, or a life of service and adventure?


will you wilt under criticism, or will you follow your convictions?


will you bluff it out when you’re wrong, or will you apologize?


will you guard your heart against rejection, or will you act when you fall in love?


will you play it safe, or will you be a little bit swashbuckling?


when it’s tough, will you give up, or will you be relentless?


will you be a cynic, or will you be a builder?


will you be clever at the expense of others, or will you be kind?



Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.


Silence is golden.献丑不如藏拙

We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友,

Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

Mean men admire wealth, great men, glory.

庸人爱财富, 伟人爱荣誉。

All is not gold that glitters.闪光的不一定都是金子

An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach.


-----H. Ell is 埃利斯

One should eat to live, not live to eat.

人应为生而食, 不应为食而生。

Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口

Do wrong once and you"ll never hear the end of it.一失足成千古恨

Every cloud has a silver lining.守得云开见月明

Every man has his fault.人孰无过

First come, first served.捷足先登

Haste makes waste.欲速则不达















Happiness is not something you experience; it“s something you re-member.

O.Levant, Ameican pianist 幸福不是你经历的事,而是你记得的事,

Happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it.

George Sand, French woman writer 幸福在于自知拥有幸福。

Hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords.

Samuel Johnson. British writer. 希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界能提供的主要的.幸福。

Nothing is more fatal to happiness than the remembrance of happiness.

Gide Andre, French writer 没有什么比回忆幸福更令人痛苦的了。

There ae two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and ,after that, to enjoy it , only the wisest of mankind achieve the sceond.

P. Smith Logan, American writer 人的一生有两大目标:第一,得到你想要的东西;第二,享有你得到的东西,


The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not.

Gerge Bernard Shaw. British dramatist 痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。

Happiness is a form of courage.

H.Jackson, British writer 幸福是勇气的一种形式。

We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more and more like ourselves.


1, Looking back on yesterday, should be a clear conscience; the face of today, should be confident; look to the future, should cherish.

2, parting does not mean a permanent separation, parting is just a starting point for the pursuit. In the sunset place, we waved and said again; in the rising sun on the horizon, we will meet again surprise!

3, the beautiful dream and the beautiful poem, are met and can not be asked. I really like that kind of dream, knowing that you have traveled thousands of miles for me, but feel delicious grass, as if you and I first meet!

4, and finally you have to go, that is far to far away places to read a book on a very far away. Im not surprised, this should be so.

5, this classmate, will be the shadow of my life, it is a sincere note of all my memorable things.

6, the boat set sail in the port of youth, we temporarily broke up, full of ideals and pursuit. When will the meeting be there again?

7, waved away Do not say goodbye, because the hearts of the share of the eternal expectations and always miss.

8, we had two trees side by side, we used to be the duet of the two parts, we used to be friends on the desk. When we wave goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing.

9, in your pursuit, hard work and hard work in the process, I will always stand with a smile on your side.

10, maybe you are reluctant, maybe you are timid, but as long as you can cross out, a warm and vibrant life may be in front of you.

11, the earth has colored soil, the beach side there are colorful Pui, music in a musician, life in a colorful way.

12, my life into you, your life also contains me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.

13, far away, but also to see your hand waving, maybe not you, but I would rather believe you.

14, years of ring, like the black rotating album, in each of us the heart of the old play of the beautiful love song!

15, youth like a silver Ling, tied in our hearts, and only run non-stop, it will issue a sweet sound.

16, you and I have experienced a difficult, only to the road to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, that a period filled with the passion of the shining days of struggle.

17, the University has been open to our minds, friends, let us bravely went up to enjoy it to experience the boundless magnificent, endless deep it!

18, no matter how many years, no matter how far through the road, I deeply miss that road, it has led me to meet with you.

19, know how to rest assured that people find easy, know how to forget people find freedom, know how to care for people to find friends. Cold weather is not cold, chilling is cold, I hope you have a warm mood every day.

20, we meet in the strange, we broke up in the familiar. Tomorrow, we will go to the star map of life to find their new location, let us use their own flashing stars to inquire each other, expression of meaning.


1, unforgettable light that night with my lantern, then forget that sweat covered with a stack of manuscripts, it is unforgettable that numerous mosquito ants like to fill the textbooks, college entrance examination, we will succeed!

2, Dapeng day with the wind, spun on the nine million miles. Mu Honghu thousands of miles of high-Chi, Ying Wanli Kunpeng exhibition. A sense of commonplace, a cavity Lingyun Chi, the hearts of you will be able to Jinbang title, triumphantly return.

3, the road of life is always bumpy! Not afraid of the storm, not afraid of the arrival of frustration, as long as we move forward, you will find victory in beckoning to you! Life to meet you in a smile, said to you, ”You win!

4, the latest study found that a cup of water before the test, the brain will be better to use, preparing for the college entrance examination, the candidates may wish to try. In addition, a banana, a cup of yogurt can also play a role in emotional stability.

5, the entrance is your first stop of success, you will pass, and efforts, the rest is to believe in yourself!

6, the total scorer, gotta pursue. In Japan, we always meet each other. Yiyi must be no later, then look forward to treasure, and then the situation is more concentrated.

7, the current study hard night light, his year off Guizu toad palace. The wall of the calendar a page of the page tear, the prominent countdown gradually approaching, my dear friends, please work together! In order to Junes brilliant, please take every inch of time.

8, the end of the road to be a blue night, Jinbang unnamed oath not also. Ten years of hard work, in June and the first Jin returned home. One year is the spring, cherish the time to take juvenile. Daejeon soon, my dear friend, work hard, prepare for June!

9, our common home for three years, long and short .In this unusual three years, we trials and hardships, as if to know the results of the time, my heart more uneasy, far from just finished, as the college entrance examination Friends, all the friends to participate in the college entrance examination, no matter how we walked.

10, Yiyi must be no later, then hope treasure, and then the situation is more concentrated

11, on the cold even feel warm, were more love together, in this graduation, I wish you - all the best, our life is full of sunshine and laughter, happy to jump it, the world belongs to us!

12, the journey of life short and long, so that we can issue a light of understanding

13, faith to tell my life, no longer than the foot of the road, there is no higher than the mountain peaks.

14, you have your red orange green, I have my indigo blue, the sky belongs to us, because we are young.

15, if you want to be sweet, you will become a worker bee, to pick the core, if you want to become intelligent, they will become a fish, travel in the book of the ocean.

16, your pen has a colorful world: May you, also believe you, with another brilliant picture of the pen.

17, spring is green is heaven and earth, autumn is the world of gold. May you use the green youth to brew the future of the autumn.

18, with the color of the shell to weave you are poetry, with that cluster constellation to compose your song - life, the need for fantasy notes.

19, without the melody, there is no poetry, no color, that is how the kind of life? Is willing to give you brilliant spring is the color, unlimited hope, a better future.

20, is willing to brilliant sunshine, youthful vitality, beautiful appearance, comfortable smile will always belong to you!


1. Soon as the siren, fall in the wilderness; infinite melancholy and loneliness, in the separation of the moment, together in my heart.

2. We hurried farewell, to their respective distant, no words, no tears, only the eternal thoughts and blessings in each others hearts issued a deep resonance.

3. parting, is a little sad, but not sense of loss; is a little regret, but not pessimistic. Because we have hope in the comfort of reunion.

4. know you are my joy, leave you is my pain. For the upcoming parting, support me is for the reunion of hope.

5. Your figure is the sail, my eyes are the river, how many times want to retain you, and finally can not. I know that the world is a rare friendship, but more valuable is freedom.

6. You finally leave, but you keep the image of flowers down, you keep the fragrance of flowers down, you have our common hope of watering also stayed. In the future as long as I think of you, my years will always be bright, always Fangfei.

The road there are weeds Cong, we go to clear; road potholes, we go to fill - the road of life, use our hands to open up!

8. We are about to enter a new life, the road ahead is still very long, so we cherish today have more youth and friendship, friendship with the truth to the watering bud.

9. you and I have gone through a difficult ideals, only to the road to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, that a period filled with the passion of the shining days of struggle.

10. I deeply understand how much time has elapsed and how many difficulties have been overcome before you achieve immediate results. Please believe that in your pursuit of hard work and hard work in the process, I will always stand with a smile on your side.

11. When you are alone, the wind is my song, may it give you a moment of comfort; when you are proud, the rain is my alarm, may it make you eternal humility.


Three years, that is not long, that short is not short, in this called Wenfeng campus, carrying me too much memory, or Sentimental, or Yiran, or sadness, or despair ... ... will now leave , Which all have had, will become a permanent memory.

No longer see, the blackboard on the familiar words of chalk; no longer hear, exhortations from the podium to exhort; no longer cast a glance, the window side of the smiling faces ... ...

Complained numerous unpalatable meals, and now no longer eat; tired of the nurser countless times, and now no longer hear, resentment of the numerous air-conditioned shell of the bedroom, now Has moved out ... ... but why, little bit sad Shang Yang heart?

Graduation, simple words, but contains so much frustration and sadness, maybe ... ...

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