




Air pollution

Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a “clean” world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.





Human and the Environment

Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood. When I went there, I was shock. The river is no longer like before. It was full of rubbish. It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves. In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river. Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad. I real touched. Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other. Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment. Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides.




名词化是一种惯用的词汇语法现象, 长期以来受到语言研究的关注。结构主义语言学、转换生成语法、系统功能语法以及认知语言学等都对语言的名词化现象进行了较为深入的理论探讨。 (刘国辉、刘建茹, 2004) 国内一些学者开展了实证研究, 探讨名物化在语体中的作用, 结果发现, 名词化是语言使用者做出的一种语法选择, 文体的变异与名物化的分布有密切的关系, 语体越正式, 其名物化程度就越高。 (霍红、刘淑范, 2009) 本文通过统计分析专八英语写作中优秀作文与中档作文名词化使用差异, 来探讨名词化与写作分数的影响, 以期对专八写作提供启示和反馈。

2 名词化的分类

本文借助王立非、刘英杰 (2011) 提出的名词化整合性分类, 搜索了英语专业学生写作中的词性类别与句法结构, 将名词化分为词汇名词化和句法名词化两类。词汇名化包括动词名化、形容词名化, 词汇名化在同一语言层面内部发生转类;句法名化包括V-ing结构、to不定式结构和小句三类。

3 名词化与专业英语八级写作

3.1 专八写作评分中有关语言表达的评分标准

根据2007年修订的《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》对写作部分简短明确的规定:“学生应能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的说明文或议论文。该作文必须语言通顺, 用词得体, 结构合理, 文体恰当, 具有说服力。”该规定清楚地说明专八写作考查的重点是考生的英语语言水平。再加上其写作体裁弹性不大, 多以说明文和议论文为主, 考生很难在内容和结构上有出众之处, 因此优秀作文与中档作文的分水岭最终在语言表达上。

3.2 名词化使用与专八评分标准

下面的例句来自随机抽取的一份中档作文 (得分为13分) :

When I left home for school, my parents stayed behind and after this I felt very isolated and I really missed them and I made a series of personages to show how I felt.

很显然, 考生的这句话是由多个and连接的小句组成的, 句子表达臃肿, 且很难显示句子中的逻辑关系, 这样就造成了严重的口语化倾向, 从评分的角度看, 不符合优秀作文规定的逻辑性和得体性。如果把语句变成名词化的表达方式, 即把句子中的动词如left、miss、made和felt名词化, 把形容词isolated名词化后, 变成“The earliest serried of personages articulate my intense feeling of loss and isolation from my parents who remained at home after my departure.”通过名词化的过程, 使得个小句之间存在着一种因果关系, 更富有逻辑性。因此可以得知, 写作中名词化的使用可以有助于考生的作文达到优秀的标准。

4 研究方法

鉴于针对英语名词化在专八作文中的实证研究较少, 为了尝试研究这一现象, 笔者以2008年~2010年英语专八写作的评分样卷共为语料, 共计17篇。其中界定17~20分的作文为优秀作文, 13~16分的作文为中档作文。评分样卷是每次专八写作正式阅卷之前, 阅卷组从考卷中挑出的几篇代表各个水平的典型试卷, 供阅卷人员参考, 是评分标准的最佳体现, 因此保证了语料的代表性。另外, 此次研究以王立非、刘英杰 (2011) 提出的整合性分类为标准 (见表1, 表2) 。利用搜索工具Ultra Edit-32以及Excel 2003对专八写作语料库进行量化分析及对比分析。

5 数据统计与分析

5.1 优秀作文与中档作文名词化使用分布对比

通过对18篇优秀作文和中档作文中名词化的使用情况进行分析。统计出学生作文中名词化使用的分布情况, 如表1所示:

通过上表的分析, 可以得出两点: (1) 优秀作文中名词化的使用数量大于中档作文中名词化使用数量, 这说明优秀作文的学生比中档作文的学生更注重写作时对名词化的应用, 而后者对名词化的使用意识薄弱, 还不能熟练地将其应用到作文中。 (2) 优秀与中档作文在词汇名词化使用上的差距要大于句法名词化使用上的差距, 这说明优秀作文的学生在写作时由于掌握了更多丰富的词汇量和词汇变形, 因此更加注重词汇使用的简洁性、逻辑性, 力求在语言表达上寻求亮点, 而在句法名词化使用上, 两类学生由于对句字语法的掌握程度大体相同, 因而在句法名词化使用上无明显差异。

5.2 名词化的具体使用分析

5.2.1 从词汇名词化的分类角度分别对所选的8份优秀作文与8份中档作文进行对比分析, 如表2所示:

通过对表2的分析, 可以从词汇名词化使用角度分别看出优秀作文的写作特点: (1) 从总体水平看, 优秀作文的学生可以高频率地运用各类名词化, 而中档作文的学生对名词化使用欠缺; (2) 动词名词化派生型在两类作文中比例最多, 形容词名词化派生型次之, 说明这两种名词化的使用是高分学生专八写作中常用技巧, 不过这两种类型的名词化在两类作文分布还是有一定的差距, 表现为, 动词名词化派生在两类作文中的使用差距较为明显。

5.2.2 从句法名词化的分类角度分别对所选的8份优秀作文与8份中档作文进行对比分析, 如表3所示:

通过对表3的分析, 可以得出以下结论:从总体水平看, 优秀作文的学生句法名词化使用在数量上要大于中档作文的学生, 而且在各类名词化的使用上更加灵活, 中档作文的学生较集中在to-不定式名词化和That从句这两种类型。可见优秀作文灵活的运用各类名词化结构, 体现了考生对语言运用的熟练程度, 而且更容易在专八考试中取得高分。


名词化现象是英语书面语的一个主要特征, 通过研究英语专业八级优秀作文与中档作文名词化的使用分布情况, 发现优秀作文使用名词化的数量远大于中档作文, 而且分数高的学生能更自由、准确地使用英语名词化。虽然名词化的使用未必是学生取得专八写作高分的唯一因素, 但是善于运用名词化, 对提高英语专八写作分数确实有一定的帮助。

摘要:名词化是书面语写作中常见的词汇语法资源, 本文借助小型语料库分析专业英语八级写作中优秀作文与中档作文名词化的使用分布情况、频率, 旨在说明名词化使用对专八写作分数有积极影响。



[1]胡壮麟, 朱永生, 张德禄.系统功能语言学概论[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2005.

[2]霍红, 刘淑范.中国大学生英语作文中语法隐喻使用情况的分析与启示[J].外国语言文学, 2009 (3) .

[3]刘国辉, 陆建茹.国外主流语言学派对名词化的研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2004 (9) :17-22.














Pollution has a bad influence on our life.The air is pollnted by the smoke and fog coming out of the factory chimneys.Plants die for want of fresh air.The river is polluted and the fish are unfit to live.There is noise pollution made by cars and factories,etc,which hurts the ear.

It is high time we did something about pollution.I suggest more trees be planted to keep the air fresh.We should purify the water and make use of the wastes and turn harm into good.


In the past few decades, our Earth has changed a lot, but to the bad direction. Among these changes, the air pollutions resulting from a huge number of automobiles and coal-burning is almost the severest. The severe air pollution alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, with the deepening of urbanization, more cars are needed, which will make the air pollution worse. Therefore, the following actions should be taken.

First, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. Second, try hard to develop possible transportation means, which are enviromental friendly. So that the citizens can reduce the dependence on cars.


Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. But this “chemical rain” gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the countrys trees had been damaged by the year 1986. Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by this accident. In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gascovered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundredsof thousands of people were injured. Many of the injured lost their sight.


一、赏识、关爱和信任学生, 关注学困生, 培养学生的情感态度和学习策略

情感态度是影响学生英语学习和发展的重要因素。人民教育家陶行知先生从自己丰富的教育经验出发, 认为“学生有了兴趣, 就肯用全部精神去做事, 学与乐不可分。”因此, 教师要在激发学生的参与意识和实践运用方面下功夫, 努力营造宽松活跃的教学环境, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 使学生乐学、善学。

学习策略是提高学生学习效率和发展其自主学习能力的保证。应尽可能使用多种教学方法和手段, 利用变化万千的形式, 以新鲜、刺激、启智的方法增加学习兴趣, 引导学生快速融入英语课堂。课堂以学生为主体, 把激发和培养学生的学习兴趣放在首位, 创设情景, 组织学生进行形式多样的有交际意义的实践活动, 而不是把学习复习课的任务归结为听、记、读、做笔记的几个环节。教师应结合所复习单元的相关知识和技能目标, 像平常学习新的语言材料一样, 借助实物、图片、挂图加深印象, 设计任务, 使学生在真实的语境中理解本章语言的意义, 达到真正运用的目的, 从而让学生学习英语主动、自觉和自主, 最大限度发挥学生的学习潜能。

二、借鉴“话题牵引复习法”科学整合所学的知识, 夯实语言基础, 在教师指导下自主实践感悟发展的过程

语言知识的学习要经历一个长期反复的过程, 面对着如此繁多的复习内容, 作为教师, 首先在组织复习时要梳理知识脉络, 科学整合学生所学的知识, 力求复习课知识点的完整性和系统性, 吸引学生的注意力, 使其保持积极性。各个单元有各自不同的教学目标、要求及重点, 在复习课中, 教师应把不同阶段的知识按话题进行整合。结合教材内容, 以话题为引子, 归纳本话题中所需要的词汇, 提炼话题下的功能句子。

三、创设小组互动合作局面, 充分发挥自查性练习的主要阵地, 以生为本积极主动探索的过程

教师应指导学生将兴趣转为稳定的学习动机, 乐于与他人合作, 形成克服困难的意志, 养成和谐向上的品格, 培养学生主动发现问题并依靠自学和集体力量解决问题的能力。变被动学习为主动学习, 让学生保持持久的学习热情。在复习课教学中常采用同桌式二人组合, 这是最方便快捷的组合方式, 让同桌在互评、互助的过程中完成学习任务, 达到共同提高的目的。另外, 教师如何调动学生的积极性呢?

1、老师要先找一部分比较活跃的、乐于助人、成绩比较好的学生, 让其起模范带头作用。逐一带动不想说的、内向的学生。

2、做好学生的赏识评价, 鼓励学生们多参与课堂, 让学生树立参与无错的意识, 并要求学生不要对回答错的学生进行嘲笑。对学生的赏识方式可以采取多种方式:写赏识评语, 可以评优秀组长, 乐于助人的榜样, 积极的榜样, 刻苦的榜样, 态度变化的榜样等等, 适当可以进行物质奖励。在课堂中, 学生通过小组合作讨论每个单元的重难点, 并做自查性练习。

四、“精讲精练”“对症下药”“查漏补缺”, 保证学生的高效学习

针对不同类型的学生, 指导解题方法, 重点突破学生学习中的薄弱环节, 使学生通过复习, 培养学习能力, 体验进步, 增强自信。这个环节就是要求我们精讲精练。教师跳进题海, 精选材料, 细致推敲考点, 力求高效高质;克服死记语言条规。学生对语法条规背得滚瓜烂熟, 但理解不深, 不会运用, 解题失分率高。

由于受教学任务和教学时间所限, 一般学习新语言项目时, 练习针对性强, 专项训练多, 而一旦遇到检测综合能力时, 学生容易混淆, 难以分辨。所以教师改以往“讲多练少”, 重记忆轻实践的方法。要求每个小组提问, 教师集中解决问题, 画龙点睛, 针对性指出重难点, 然后, 先实践再练习, 实践以本章的功能为主, 同时以小组合作的方式, 注入竞争意识让学生多说, 在说练中感悟语言。把练习重难点编分考点1考点2等, 分类对待学生;给学生充足的思考和练习的时间, 让学生对重难点概念有比较清晰的把握, 学习效果非常明显。不要为了完成教学任务或仅关注部分优秀学生的学习情况, 匆匆宣读答案, 或请优秀学生说一下答案, 而大部分学生根本没有思考和消化的时间。应通过巩固和提高的练习, 培养学生的分析问题和解决问题的能力。

五、培养学生自我小结, 建立错题集

自主整理知识点, 归纳总结。可让学生再次看着目录表, 疏理一下本章的重难点, 哪些地方懂了, 哪些地方还不清楚, 使学生已掌握的知识条理化和系统化。同时寻找薄弱环节, 校正知识点。教师可以让学生注意多研究错题, 建立错题集, 发现自己知识和能力上的薄弱点。用不同颜色的笔标记考点、重点、易错点, 思考出现错误的原因和今后防止类似的错误出现, 强化知识点学习。把改正后的正确答案记录在下面, 经常拿出来翻看, 以免再犯同类错误。遇到反复做错的题目, 要主动向老师请教, 彻底把题目弄懂。

总之, 教师应该紧紧把握复习这一契机, 要善于把握学生的认知规律, 精选素材, 有序引导学生复习所学语言知识, 将知识系统内化和组合, 通过合作探究, 讨论交流, 形成一定的综合语言应用能力。同时及时了解中考信息, 了解中考的命题原则和考查范围, 这样才能更有效地做好各年级的期考复习。

摘要:英语对很多学生来说很不好学, 如何取得高分, 在考试中取得好成绩, 复习教学的有效性已经成为一个非常突出、制约教学质量的大问题, 本文浅谈了如何取得英语的优秀成绩。



在写作过程中,学生的思维方式直接影响语言表达习惯,影响学生的语言表达水平。英语作为异民族语言有着自身的语言习惯和使用风俗,汉语和英语的思维和使用习惯是不同的,要想提高学生英语写作水平就必须为学生创设一定的英语写作环境,最大限度的规避母语影响,培养学生的英语写作思维,用地道英语来表达和创作。在日常的英语教学和写作中,教师设法让学生摆脱母语干扰,明辨汉语和英语异同,在写作中,理顺英语语言和逻辑思维,预防负迁移现象,培养学生洞察文化差异的自觉意识,让学生养成自觉使用英语思维的习惯。如在作文课上谈命题《Traffic Safety 》写作时,教师最好用英语先阐述标题的内容立意:With the development of society,increasingly fast pace of life,More and more cars, people are facing worse traffic congestion.Sometimes, in order to reach their destination as soon as possible,they would be violating traffic rules,thus traffic accidents are likely to happen this time.把学生置身一定的英语语境下进行创作。英语书面表达要强调语言的正确性,差异文化性,语言思维逻辑性。如“在小红家,她爸爸给我们讲了一个故事。”按照英语思维的应该把重要的表达内容放在前面,那就是Xiao hong’s father told us a story at her home。而不是At Xiao hong’s home, her father told us a story。


任何语言都有自己的表达习惯和个性差异。英语与汉语在表达和应用方式上差异明显。在我国英语教学中,很多内容单元处理,微技能和语言分项教学相对孤立,词汇单独来学,语言单独来教,翻译单独来做等,导致很多学生的英语表达经常出现问题。语法中连接词是表达意境的重要环节,他们在教学中有时被孤立出来,学生为了学语法而学语法而非习得语法,习得就是领会语法,学生做纯碎语法题正确率有保障,但如果将同类题放在全面考查的试题中就很容易失分。英语写作考查的是学生的综合能力,由于其缺乏必要的语法应用能力,导致语言问题,如主谓搭配不当的,In the modern society has a lot of influence on the way people manipulate telecommunication equipments. 问题:“In the modern society”是状语成分,不能作为主语,如果想保留状语成分,那么必须要在society和has之间添加一个主语才可以。在汉语的一些固定搭配中,如“虽然……但是……”;“因为……所以……”;“既然……就……”等,在句子中不能被拆散使用。但类似的表达在英语中需要使用者明白,两者只能用一个,又如,在使用because 就不需要再使用so了,还有一例就是使用了 although就不可用 but了。

三、 绩效使用英语词汇创优写作

在初中英语作文创作中,要想让学生创作好文章,首先必须让他们按原意写,要求学生掌握必要的词汇、固定搭配等,掌握词汇是作文基础。在日常英语教育教学中或者课外阅读中,教师一定要培养学生积累词汇的习惯,在词汇积累上需要重点储存才会有质的表达。目前,很多初中生眼高手低,在英语写作中,他们纵然有很好的写作思路,但由于词汇量不足,总是词不达意。词汇的积累要讲究方法,使用频率较低的词没有必要花费太多的时间,对于常使用的词汇或者短语要做到理解、记忆和扎实掌握。比如:as soon as ;be proud of;different from;from now on;take one’s time;deal with 等。


When the air is slightly polluted, the air inhaled by the human body can remove part of the dust by the nasal hair in the nasal cavity, and then adhere to the dust by the mucus in the nasal cavity and the mucus in various bronchus. There are tens of millions of cilia in the trachea and bronchus. They swing about 12 times per second. They push and sweep the mucus in the respiratory tract from the bottom up to the throat, and then cough it out of the body through coughing.

When the air is seriously polluted, the purification effect of respiratory tract will be reduced or even completely lost. In this case, the respiratory tract and lung are vulnerable to the invasion of bacteria and suffer from various diseases.


The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, the majority of people merely indulge in the celebration of the convenience brought by cars, while forgetting or simply neglecting their harmful impact on the atmosphere. Admittedly, there are various factors contributing to the current worldwide air pollution, but it is undeniable that the exhaust from automobiles is categorized as one of the major elements. I would like to make the following proposals to solve this problem: firstly, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. It should also be guaranteed that the clean energy be inexpensive so that it can be widely accepted. Besides, there should be attempts to develop possible transportation means, so that citizens can be diverted from dependence on cars. In short, it is humans’ responsibility to resume clean air for Earth.



Water is found atmosteverywhere. Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.

As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a gas.When it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a container. When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel it.

Although about 70 percent of the earths surface is covered with water, But with the rapid development of agriculture and industry, more and more water is needed. Therefore, water is becoming scarce in many places. Whats more, a lot of rivers and lakes are beginning polluted by the waste watcr from factories. Fish cant live in them any longer. At the same time, thc waste water does great harm to peoples health.


一、教师要加强自身修养, 提高职业素养

1. 良好的心理素质和个性品质是作为一名优秀教师的基本条件。

一位个性品质良好的英语教师, 应该具有成熟的情感, 稳定的情绪, 活泼、开朗、耐心的性格和热情、民主、认真负责的态度, 富有人情味。一位个性品质良好的教师, 更富于感召力, 更易于与学生打成一片, 进而影响和改变学生学习的态度, 取得良好的教学效果。正所谓“亲其师, 信其道”。试想一个性格孤僻, 说话尖酸刻薄的英语老师又怎会让学生亲近, 让学生喜欢上他的课呢?

2. 教师的任务不仅仅是“传道、授业、

解惑”, 我们还要深入学生, 做学生的知心朋友, 让学生不知不觉地向我们打开心灵的大门。同时, 在教学中要深入了解每个孩子的学习情况, 依学生基础和特点分别对他们提出不同的要求, 制定提高计划。比如, 有一些基础差的学生, 当他们对所讲的内容听不懂、跟不上时, 要与他们多谈心, 及时发现他们所存在的问题, 进而提出合适的学习方法, 帮助他们调整心态, 提高学习效率。

二、教师要积极拓宽知识面, 提高业务水平

曾有句话说:“要给学生一杯水, 教师要有一桶水。”新课改后, 新教材的体裁多种多样, 有故事、书信、短剧、诗歌、传记等;教学内容也丰富多彩, 涉及方方面面。这就要求老师不仅要具备扎实的语言功底, 而且要具有广博的知识。英语是跨国家、跨文化的人文学科, 教师要具备各个国家的民族、文化、历史以及政治、经济等方面的基本知识, 如果教师不注意这些知识的积累, 不注意知识的更新, 不注意及时的充电, 除了课文和语法外, 其他方面知之甚少, 那么上课内容只会枯燥无味, 根本无法引起学生的兴趣, 又何谈教好?


以人为本的教学理论摒弃了传统的“以教师为中心”的教学模式, 旨在发挥学生的主体作用。因此教师要转变观念, 灵活运用多种教法来吸引学生的注意, 最大程度地调动和发挥学生的兴趣和潜能。使学生形成主动学习英语的习惯, 并能使他们产生自觉或不自觉运用英语表达的欲望。

1. 教材内容生活化。

一个合格的英语教师需要把固定的教材内容和实际生活紧密地联系起来, 创设生活中的情景。教师不是一字不漏的“背”自己的演讲, 而是想法让学生找到教材与生活的结合点, 提高兴奋点, 这样才能充分发挥学生的主体作用, 调动他们的积极性。

2. 利用动作表演来辅助教学。

教师在教学过程中要充当表演者, 用表情和动作呈现新语言项目。如讲到“beat”时, 我们可以做出狠狠敲打的动作, 或直接敲到桌子上, 这样学生会记得很准, 很快。这种方式既省时, 又能激发学生的兴趣, 可以增强学生对信息的接受和理解能力。

3. 利用音乐来调动学生。

科学研究发现, 音乐可以提高人大脑的兴奋性, 提高大脑的感受力。音乐不仅深受学生喜爱, 而且也是我们进行审美教育的重要途径。因此, 利用音乐提高教学效率, 往往能达到事半功倍的效果。

4. 利用多媒体教学。

充分利用庞大的网络资源为学生提供各种学习方法、内容、途径等等, 让学生知道学习的重要性, 并接收到到更多有用的信息。


It’s Women’s Day today. So I go to the shop and buy a card for my mother as a gift. At four o’clock, my mother goes back home. She feels very happy when she sees the card. “Happy Women’s Day! Let me help you with your housework!” I say to her. My mother smiles and gives me a sweet kiss.

江苏省常熟市徐市中心小学 四(4)班 王梦双


There are three people in my family, mother, father and I. My mother is a doctor. She is very busy. She goes to work early and comes back late. She loves her job and her patients. My father works in a factory. He is friendly and he has a lot of friends. I am Judy. I love learning English and I’m good at it. I’m studying hard now. I want to be a doctor like my mother in the future.



My name is Jeff. I am a schoolboy. Before my family moved, I lived in the U.S.A. I miss my American school life very much. My school’s name is Arroy Vistal Elementary School. In class, the lessons were interesting and attractive. I read a lot of reference books in addition to textbooks. After class, I could play games on the playground. I liked to play basketball and was the best player in my class.I didn’t have much homework, so I had a lot of free time to read and do exercises. How I wish I can live there again.

上海市海宁路一小 五(1)班 汪旻炜

Apple is my favourite fruit. Look at this apple. It’s big. What colour is it? It’s red. If you touch it, you can feel it’s hard and smooth. If you smell it,mmm...it’s nice. Some apples are sweet, but some apples are sour. Taste this apple. Oh,it’sweet.I like sweet apples.

I like apples best. An apple a day,keeps the doctor away. Do you like apples?



When I was five years old, my parents bought me many picture books. So I have made friends with books long before. Books can make the stupid wise, the coward brave and the bright wiser. I read not only novels but also scientific books. They teach me how to tell good from bad, how to get along well with others. When I am disappointed at my studies, books make me feel full of confidence again. In a word, I like books very much. Reading makes me happy.

上海二师附小 四(1)班 朱珺仪



第一段There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.(环境污染的现状)One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.

第二段(具体分析)The polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

第三段(产生环境污染的原因)Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

第三段(治理这种污染的方法) To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

第四段(自己的看法)In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.



When the enviroment is mentioned,a beautiful view will arise in my mind:white clouds flying across the blue sky,green grassplot sprinkied with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees...So amazing,but it is so far from us . Now the world has become crowded ,forests are dispearing,rivers are polluting with dangerous chemical,lovely birds loss their warm houses... My dear friends ,we must wake up and do something to change it __in better ways ! Saving the recource ,the batteries,the aged newspapers ,the empty glass bottles,we will classify them,then put them in different trash bins ;when we shopping ,we will bring nylon bags instead of plastic bags ;making the best use of nature light and shut off the electrical light conveniently... All in all,we should start from every little thing around us .Come on ,my dear friends ,with this new start ,I firmly believe ,that we will live in a brand new age of green trees ,clean air ,crystal water ,blue sky and more promising world!Of course ,the fairy of nature--- graceful swans will come back to us and live with us forever !









A Polluted Environment

Environmental pollution is a serious social problem. It poses a terrible threat to men’s health.

The atmosphere is filthy. The air is thick with dust and burnt oil. Dark smokes are being emitted from chimneys, and choking fumes are being released from numerous vehicles. Stay a little while in a big city, then wipe your forehead with your handkerchief, it is black. Hang out your washing on the line to dry, you will have to wash again. Garbage is left to accumulate in unsanitary heaps that attract flies and give off bad smell. Nor is the pollution confined to air and land. Large quantity of sewage and chemical waste are dumped daily into rivers, lakes and the sea, which kills millions of fish. Noises coming from honking cars, rumbling machines and broadcasting loudspeakers may make a person nervous and irritable, even drive him crazy.

Environmental pollution is responsible for many diseases that are disabling, or bringing death to human beings.

In short, let’s take good care of our mother globe, not only for the well-being of ourselves, but also for that of our future generations.

