短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science


短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science(共5篇)

篇1:短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science

Module One

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 收拾干净 tidy up 占用 take up 一点 a bit 一套„„的收藏品 collection of 拉小提琴 play the violin 一直 all the time 对„„感兴趣 be interested in 在„„末尾 at the end of 接受采访 give an interview 例如,比如 such as 照顾 look after 发展兴趣 develop interests 和„„一样 as well as 出版,开(花)come out 花费(金钱、时间)spend … on sth.花费(金钱、时间)spend …(in doing 结果 as a result 将来 in the future 一生中 in one‟s life 省钱,存钱 save money

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.是什么让你对音乐感兴趣?What made you so interested in music? 2.我经常听他拉小提琴。I often listen to him play the violin.3.在2000年的夏天,他在夏令营呆啦四个星期。

During the summer holiday of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp.3.我利用一些空闲时间在校队打排球。

I spent some of my free time(in playing volleyball for my school team.Module Two

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 稍等 Hold the line 事实上 in fact

两个,数个 a couple of 觉得 feel like 和„„不同 be different from 和„„交朋友 make friends with 顺便说说 by the way 遥远(be)far away 结果 as a result 害怕 be afraid of sth.担心 worry about 如常 as usual 在那时 at that moment 一天天 day by day 对„„微笑 smile at 开始 at first 不再 not … any more 保持现状 stay the same

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.我问你的秘书她会不会来。I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.2.我能问一下你是否想念英国或你的亲戚吗? Can I ask if /whether you miss the UK,or your relations? 3.感觉如何?What does it feel like? 4.你觉得怎样?How do you like it?=What do you think of it? Module Three

一、Useful phrases(有用词语

1、小心 look out for

2、„„的分数 the score of

3、愿意做某事 would like to do

4、感谢你做某事 thank you for doing

5、喜欢做某事 like doing sth.6、带某人参观 take/show sb around

7、停止做某事 stop doing sth

8、最新消息 the latest news

9、需要做某事 need to do sth

10、继续做某事 keep doing sth

11、以„开始 begin with

12、讨厌做某事 hate doing/to do

13、开始做某事 begin doing/to do

14、同意某人意见 agree with sb

15、通过收音机 on the radio

16、在电台 at the radio

17、在„„附近be close to

18、记得做过某事 remember doing

19、亲自 in person 20、看起来似乎„ It seems(that

21、在„岁时 at age of

二、Key Structures(关键句型


We ‟d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing.2、不可气,我喜欢带来访者到处参观。Don ‟t mention it.I enjioy showing visitors around.3、我想回答你的问题,不过记得要记住那盏红灯。

I want to answer your quesrions,but remember to look out for the red light.4、我记得当我四到五岁的时候,我坐在客厅的收音机旁„„

When I was about four or five years old,I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room…

Module Four

一、Useful phrases(有用的短语

1、拍录像 take vedios

2、回放 play back

3、打开 turn on

4、赶快 come on

5、借给某人某物 lend sth to sb

6、等待 wait for

7、把„连接到„ connect to

8、拉小提琴 play the violin

9、找出 find out

10、救某人的命 save one‟s life

11、捡起 pick up

12、拍照 take a photo of

13、咬某人的手 bite sb on the hand

二、Key Structures(关键句型


If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.2、如果有蛇咬你,用你的手机拍张照片。这可能救你的命。

If a snake bites you,take a photo with your mobile phone!It may save your life.Module 5

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、能,会 be able to

2、一起 all together

3、在„结束时 at the end of

4、拿走,起飞 take off

5、至少 at least

6、犯错 make a mistake

7、毕竟 after all

8、零用钱 pocket money

9、赶快 hurry up

10、宁可,较喜欢 rather …than

11、提醒做某事 warn sb to do sth

12、有机会 have a chance

13、以„为自豪 be proud of

14、要求 ask for

15、出错 go wrong

16、送走 send away

17、用„做某事 use sth for doing sth

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、假如我演奏得好,我就会在“明星大搜索”的演奏会上独奏。If I play well,‟ll play the solo during the Starsearch concert.2、如果她去了别的学校,我就不能见到我最好的朋友了。If she goes to a diffent school, I won‟t see my best friend.Module 6

一、Useful phases(有用短语

1、发生 take place

2、醒来 be awake

3、谈论 talk about

4、想念某人 miss sb

5、交朋友 make friends

6、拉小提琴 play the violin

7、担心 be worried about

8、照顾 look after

9、面对面的 face to face

10、以某人的观点 in one‟s opinion

11、除„之外 except for

12、出版 comr out

13、反映真实生活的 be true to life

14、扮演某人 play sb

15、建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth

16、加入 jion sb

二、Key structures(关键句型


She said that she was with some classmates from London.2.她解释说她的访问时为了交朋友。

She explained that her visit was about making friends.3.所以她知道他有很多朋友。So she knows that she is among the friends.Module 7

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、休假,放假 time off

2、照顾 look after

3、全中国 all over China

4、绕„„而走 walk around

5、过桥 cross the bridge

6、爬上 climb up

7、其余的„„ the rest of

8、说出真相 tell the truth

9、叫某人(别)做某事 ask sb.(not to do sth.10、听见某人在做某事 hear sb.doing sth

11、因„„出名 be famous for 12.看起来像 look like

13、知道,了解 know about

14、在夜间 during the night

15、仿佛,好像 as if

16、叫醒 wake up

17、发现,查明 find out

18、指向 point out

19、希望,期待 hope for sth.20、单独留下某人 leave sb.alone

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、她问我是否练习太多了。She asked if I was practising too much.2、她问我发生什么事。She asked me what was the matter.3、我告诉她不要担心。I told her not to worry.4、他还说摘叶子还是不对的。He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves.Module 8

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.劳动节 Labour Day 2.去度假 take a vacation 3.在…方面花费… spend … on/ doing sth.4.一„„就„„ as soon as 5.„„的开端 at the start of/ beginning of 6.变凉 get cooler 7.在不同日期 on a different date

8、结束 be over

9、休息一天 have one day off

10、制定计划 make a plan

11、以相同的方式 in the same way

12、依赖 depend on

13、玩得开心 have fun

14、倒数 count down

15、聚会 get together

16、出去走走 go out for a walk

17、下决心 make resolutions

18、„„的清单 a list of

19、帮助„„克服困难 help out 20、保证做 promise to do

二、Key structures(关键句型


While we‟re staying with them, we‟re going to spend a few days in Qingdao.2、让我们玩得开心,知道回到学校。Let ‟s enjoy ourselves until we go back to school.3、今天是新学年开始前的最后一天。

And it‟s the last day before the new school year begins.4、当九月到来,天气开始转凉。When September comes, it starts to get cooler.5、一到十二点,所有人都大声喊叫。

As soon as it‟s 12 o‟clock, everyone shouts very loudly.一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.目的是 so that 2.擅长 be good at 3.独自 on one‟s own

4.期待 look forward to 5.出现,发生 come up 6.献身于 give one‟s life to 7.继续做某事 continue doing sth 8.尽管 in spite of 8.9.„„和„„都 both … and… 10.最后 in the end 11.就某人的命 save one‟s life 12.为了 in order to 13.照顾 take care of 14.成千上万的 thousands of

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.她错过了最后的排练,所以Kylie 可以演奏。She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.2.她们站起来因为她们俩都将要演奏。

They „re standing up because they‟re both going to play.3.说她的手疼所以Kylie 可以独奏。

Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own.一、Key phrases(有用的短语

1.如此„„以致于„„ so … that… 2.上大学 go to college 3.一点也不 not … at all 4.送别 see off 5.出错 go wrong 6.保持联络 stay/keep in touch 7.给某人穿衣服 dress oneself/sb.8.依赖,依靠 depend on 9.去度假 go on holiday 10.受„„欢迎 be popular with 11.用„„填满„„ fill … with … 12.和„„一样 as … as 13.照顾 look after 14.一„„就„„ as soon as

15.知道„„才„„ not … until 16.依某人看in one‟s opinion 17.譬如 such as 18.坐火车 take a train 19.一路顺风 have a safe trip 20.别傻了!Don ‟t be silly!

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.如果我有时间就会去看你。I would visit you if I have time.2.他如此努力工作以致于忘记吃午饭。He worked so hard that he forgot to have lunch.3.虽然他想去伦敦,但是他不想坐飞机。

Although /Though he wants to go to London, he doesn‟t want to fl

篇2:短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science

Unit 5 Topic 1

How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗?want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事

say thanks/hello/goodbye to sb.对……说谢谢/你好/再见look happy /tired看起来很开心/累 smiling faces 满脸笑容one of my favorite 我最喜爱的……之一be /feel disappointed /proud/ lonely感到失望/自豪/孤独a ticket to...一张…的票wish to do sth.希望做某事set a table for...为……摆放餐具have a temperature=have a fever 发烧be able to do sth.能做某事sound worried 听起来焦急ring up 打电话care for= look after=take care of 照顾become angry =be angry生气cheer up 使……振作/高兴起来at first 起初play the role of 扮演……角色be on 上演,放映be with 在一起 on the night of 在……的夜晚fall into 落入in the end=at last 最后go mad 发疯come into being 形成,诞生be full of 充满……be popular with 受……喜爱make peace 制造和平end with 以…….结束begin with以……开始 do badly/well in 在……方面差/好have a talk with sb.= talk with sb.与某人谈话be worried about 为……担忧.be strict with sb.…对某人严格要求 be strict about sth.…对某事严格要求be patient with对……耐心explain …to

向……解释over and over again 反复地,一再be pleased with/ about / at sb.对某人感到满意be bored with 对……感到讨厌be tired of 对……感到疲惫be mad at对……感到气愤be glad about对……感到高兴be angry with sb.因某人而生气 be angry at / about sth.因某事而生气be anxious about / at sth.对某事感到焦急pass the exam 通过考试get/ask/tell sb.to do sth使(让,叫)某人做某事 let/ make/ have sb.do sth.使(让,叫)某人做某事because of(doing)sth因为at one's age 在某人的年龄时eat less high-energy food 少吃高能量的品calm down 冷静,镇静have bad experiences 有不好的经历in one's teens 在某人十几岁时happen to sb 发生在某人身上It is said...据说give sb a hand 帮助某人=do sb.a favorget/be used to(doing)sth习惯于做某事be/make friends with 与……交朋友join in 参加(活动)=take part in fit in 被他人接受,相处融洽give best wishes to sb.向某人致以最美好的祝愿deal with处理,处置all the time 一直fail to pass an exam=fail an exam 考试不及格refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事argue with sb与某人争吵stop doing sth停止做某事

stop to do sth停下来去做某事 have a normal life过正常的生活sound terrible 听起来可怕

let/ make/ have sb.do sth.使(让,叫)某人做某事 be sorry about 对……感到难过 be afraid of(doing)sth / be afraid to do sth./ be afraid that…… 害怕…… 担心…… understand.你要是不懂,尽管来问I'm afraid……恐怕……很遗憾……get wel恢复 be worried about 为……担忧.at the end of 在……最后,在……尽头(末端)the month.我很担心月底的考试make sb./sth.+形容词/ 名词“使…….” Take it easy.= Don't worry.别紧张,别着急

take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 help sb.with sth.帮助某人复习/学习…learn by oneself =teach oneself 自学What/How about(doing)sth.…怎么样let sb.do sth.让某人做某事instead of(doing)sth.=in place of 代替(做)某事take good care of yourself 好好照顾你自己hope to do sth.希望做某事come back to返回…… advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事

advice 是不可数名词 a piece of advice 一个建议be happy for…因……而开心be bad/ good for对…有害益(be)in a good/bad mood 处在好/ 糟糕心情中 in good health 健康状况良好 try to do sth.设法做某事smile at life 笑对生活give a surprise to sb.=give sb.a surprise 给某人一个惊喜put on 上演,放映 put on a short play上演一出短剧at the English corner 英语角 prepare for 为…准备calm down 镇静on the way to+ 名词; on the way+副词

在……路上 On the /his way to school.在他上学的路上take part in参加(活动)give a speech=give speeches 做演讲 in front of 在……前面make sb.happy 使某人开心

make sb.feel sad使某人感到悲伤 on Mid-autumn Festival 在中秋节the full moon 满月in the sky 在天空get together with sb.与某人聚在一起feel lonely感到寂寞/孤独be full of 装满,充满

fill…with…用把装满,be filled with….被装满change one's feelings 改变某人的感受fall asleep 入睡some day 总有一天 affect one's moods 影响某人情绪have unhappy thoughts 产生不开心的恋头try out 试用,试验 try on 试穿be in a good mood 处在一个好心情中take care of sb.=look after照顾某人 do in good spirits 处在良好的精神状态中做某事take time to do sth 花时间做某事

remember to do sth 记住去做某事

remember doing sth.记住做过某事talk with sb.与某人谈话tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事 get help from 从某人那得到帮助make important decisions制定重要的决定think over仔细考虑get back to sth.恢复到…… watch TV看电视be late for(doing)sth.做……迟了get along / on(good)with 与……相处(好)had better do sth.最好做……

had better not do sth.最好不做……decide to do sth.决定做某事

去春/郊游 go on a spring trip= go on a field trip去什么地方参观/旅游 go on a visit to sw.泰山两日游 go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai做决定

make the decision 决定

decide on/upon sth.到达那的最好方式 The best way to get there.到达那的最佳时间 The best time to get there.找出,查明 find out一些信息 some information乘……的费用 the cost to go by …=the cost by…我想做…… I'd love to do…问航空公司 ask the airline

打电话on the phone 带回-到-bring back…to…北京火车站 Beijing Railway Station 我想做…… I'd like to do …I would like to do=I'd love to do…订票book tickets 为某人/某物订房间 book a room for sb./sth.硬卧 the hard sleeper 软卧 the soft sleeper预定 make a reservation 20张硬卧票 20 tickets for the hard sleeper = 20 hard sleeper train tickets 双人间 a room with two single beds

单人间 a room with a single bed一间标准房 a standard room算出 work out 总价格 total cost / price 筹款 raise money 想出,产生,赶上 come up with 筹钱的途径 the ways to raise money 想出(主意),找到答案 come up with 在中午 at noon 在校门口

at the school gate 许多名胜古many interesting places=many places of interest 立刻,马上 right now=at once 期望做某事 look forward to(doing)sth 收到某人的来信

hear from sb.at the foot of-在-脚下have a rest 休息plan to do sth.计划做某事look at 看一看,瞧look at the night scene 看夜景

have a wonderful / good/ nice/ great / time = enjoy oneself= have fun 玩得高兴get to =arrive in / at = reach 到达last week 上星期 the sea of clouds 云海in the daytime = in the day 在白天have a big dinner 吃大餐a local restaurant 一家当地的餐馆places of interest 名胜古迹 收到某人的来信 receive one's letter = hear from sb.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.进行be on

我在度假I am on vacation.的确,当然 You bet.=Yes , of course.在40分之后 forty minutes laterafter, in, later

在...之后①in + 一段时间(用于一般将来时)②after + 一段时间(用于一般过去时)③after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时)④时间 + later 期望做某事 look forward to(doing)sth.at the foot of-在-脚下

spread over 蔓延,拖延40 km2=40 square kilometers the beginning of ……的开端on both sides of 在……的两边 in the old days 在过去,在古代

start do sth.=begin to do sth 开始做某事make sure 确信by the way 顺便问一下two and a half hours 两个半小时tell sth.from sth.辨别….the peace of country 祥和high prestige 崇高威望 to the east of …在…的….面(指……范围外)in the east of 在….的….部(指……范围内)on the east of 在…的东面(指……接壤)two and a half hours 两个半小时 arrive at /in = get to =reach 到达the parking lot 停车场look for 寻找

look for space to park bikes 寻找停车的空地be surprised at 对……感到惊奇take out 拿出 take pictures/ phones照相in different directions 以不同方向step on 踏,踩rush out of 冲出out of sight 看不见,在视野之外so …that+句子 如此……以致……(引导结果状语从句)so that 以便,为了(引导目的状语从句)not…until…直到……才……(引导时间状语从句)each other 互相 as soon as 一…….就……(引导时间状语从句)be famous for 以……著名 can't help doing sth.禁不住做某事write to sb.写信给某人be satisfied with 对……感到满意e-mail sb.发邮件给某人pay attention to 注意

get off 下(车,马等)get on 上(车,马等)stand for 象征the peace of the country 祥和 have lunch / breakfast / supper 吃午饭/早饭/晚饭shout at 对……喊have fun doing sth.高兴做某事look for 寻找here and there 到处ask sb.for help 寻求某人的帮助Thank goodness!谢天谢地 at last= finally = in the end 最后a traffic accident 一次交通事故 an accident 一次事故 be hurt 受伤That's terrible.太可怕了after a while 过一会儿get used to(doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事a little more confident 更舒适一点obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 avoid sth./ doing sth.避免(做)某事spit everywhere 到处吐痰be popular with 受某人喜爱 a sharp turn 一个急转弯 a sharp turn to the left 一个向左的急转弯slow down 减速 run into = knock at /on 撞到,碰到call the 122 hotline 拨打122急救电话

send sb.to sw.送某人到某地Accident Report Form 事故报告单in fact 实际上, 事实上 break the traffic rules违反交通规则get a fine 受到处罚a crossing / turning 一个十字路口 warn sb.to do sth.警告 / 提醒某人做某事traffic lights 交通灯turn left / right / back 向左/ 右 / 后转No left turn 禁止左转on the left 在左边keep fit 保持健康

many people around the world 全世界许多人 around= all over se sth.for doing sth.用……做某事hundreds of millions of people 数亿的人What's more.而且be in danger 危险cause trouble 带来麻烦make sb.mad 使某人悲伤be famous for 以……而著名be born 出生于 one of the top cyclists 一流的自行车选手之一the way to success 成功的道路 later that year 在那一年的后期

that year later 那一年以后stop doing sth.停止做某事

stop to do sth.停止去做某事 have cancer 患了癌症in one's life 一生中face sth.head-on 迎头面对go on doing sth.继续做某事ride into 进入,跻身于win sth.(the game/ match/ war)嬴得比赛/ 战争

beat sb.嬴某人, 打败某人21 timed stages 21个计时赛段go through 穿过total time 总时间get a ticket 得到一张票the World Championship世界杯 keep one's mind on sth.安心做某事rainy days 大雨天heavy traffic 拥挤的交通loud noise 吵闹的噪音cross =walk across=go across 穿过look out 当心leave for 离开……前往wake up 醒来talk to=talk with与某人谈话at least 至少deal with 处理

prepare for 准备have a food festival 举行一次美食节活动make money 挣钱,赚钱turn to sb/sth.for help 转向某人求助,求教于chat with 和……聊天try one's best = do one's best 尽某人最大努力make tea 沏茶

make some green tea 沏绿茶cook soup 煲汤make biscuits 做饼干 I have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食western food 西方食品such as 诸如,例如American chocolate cookies 美国巧克力饼Greek cheese pie 希腊奶酪派Indian curries 印度咖喱Italian pizza 意大利比萨饼 Chinese fried rice and dumplings 中国炒米饭和饺子Japanese sushi 日本寿司

South African beef curry 南非咖喱牛肉Russian black bread 俄罗斯黑面包What's more.而且 It's a pleasure./ That's OK./ That's all right./ You're welcome./ My pleasure.不用谢 Will you please do sth?=Would you like to do sth? 请你做……好吗? tell sb.sth.= tell sth to sb.告诉某人某事

send sb.sth.= send sth.to sb给某人发送(send you an e-mail=send an e-mail to you be pleased to do sth.很高兴做某事keep up = keep on 继续, 坚持in order to do sth为了hope to do sth.希望做某事hope that +句子thank(sb).for doing sth.谢谢(某人)做某事come from =be from 来自,出生于a gold medal一枚金牌a few supplies 一些设施 be pleased with sth.对某事感到高兴/满意

give one's best wishes to sb.致以某人最衷心的祝福come true 实现Welcome to…

欢迎参加…… make fried rice 炒饭be glad that+(宾从)高兴…… be glad to do sth高兴做…… be proud of 为……而自豪would like sb.to do sth =want sb to do sth.想要某人做某事 would like to do sth=want to do sth想做某事would like sth =want sth.想要某物 cut up…finely精细地把……切小,cut up 切碎,制碎Well done!真棒

fry…lightly 轻微地炒一下for a few minutes 一会儿make bone soup 熬骨头汤fill sth with 用…..装满70%-80% full 七八成满be tired of(doing)sth 讨厌fast food restanrant快餐店 时间顺序的副词:first-then-next-after that-finally(首先,然后,接下来,再之后,最后)two pieces of bread 两片面包spread sth.on/ over 往……上涂抹…….put sth together 把…….放在一起pour sth over 往……倒…..learn sth.from…从…….学到…… Follow me, please.请跟我学 be ready准备好come on 过来Help yourself(yourselves)to ….自用…….It's polite / impolite to do sth.做某事有礼貌 / 没礼貌Not bad.不错eat with one's arms or elbows on the table 跋在桌子上吃饭for the first time 第一次western table manners 西方的就餐礼仪table manners餐桌礼仪sit down at the table 准备就餐sit down at table 就餐at the table 在 桌旁 at table 在就餐finish doing sth 完成做某事on the plate 在盘子里drink to sb.为某人的(健康、成功、幸福)干杯take a sip 喝一小口remember to do sth.记住去做某事 remember doing sth.记住做过某事 too much+不可数名词 too many+可数名词

太多….use sth.for…..用……来做…… much too+ 形容词 太……have different eating habits 有不同的饮食习惯two or more courses 两道或更多道的菜肴in the southern part of China = in the south 在中国的南方

in the central and western parts 在中部和西部be far away fron.远离pick up 捡起,at the same time 在同时be on sale 出售such as 例如kind-heated 好心的

have a wonderful/good/ nice/ time=enjoy oneself(oneselves)玩得开心a table for two 两人桌 时间+later 在……之后, in+时间 在……之后,表“将来”Wait a moment.等一会儿

Sth.smells nice and tastes delicious.某物闻起来很香,吃起来很美味 order the meal 订餐e-mail sb.发邮件给某人 write to sb.写信给某人send sth to sb/sw 送……给某人,送……..到某处 go well 进展顺利sth.be worth 值…..(多少钱)=sth cost … be worth doing sth.值得做 in the end 最后=finally= at last make money赚钱 make over ¥1,500.赚1500多元 cut...finely精细地切fry…gently轻微地炸add…slowly慢慢地加eat…noisily有声响地喝 eat…neatly吃干净serve the food carefully小心地上菜be healthy 健康 keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食not only…but also…不但……而且…… It's said that….据说Not all 并非所有

also, either, too, as well也(too用于肯定、疑问句, 放句末,逗号割开;either 用于否定句,放句末,逗号割开;also 较为正式书面语, 放句中;as well放句末)look great 看起来真棒buy sth for sb.=buy sb.sth.为某人买某物

so+句子 “所以……”

引导结果状语从句so+形 / 副+that+句子 such+名词+that+句子 “如此……以至于….”

引导结果状语从句so that+句子 “以便……,为的是……” 引导目的状语从句 have a(class)fashion show举行一场(班级)服装秀(in)Men's Wear Section(在)男装区(in)Women's Wear Section(在)女装区(in)Sportswear Section(在)运动装区

(in)Shoes and Hats Section(在)鞋帽装区on the first(1 st)/ second(2 nd)/ third(3 rd)/ fourth(4 th)floor(在)第一/二/三/四层楼over there 在那边be made of …由……制成 wear 穿着 put on 穿上(be)on sale 出售on special days 在特殊的日子里

in fact 事实上depend on 依靠,依赖the same way of dressing as…与……相同的着装风格(be)the same as…与……相同(be)different from …..与……不同according to 根据,依据 catch one's eye 引起……注意as well 也protect…from…保护……免受, 不受……侵害

more than(1)不仅仅,(2)=over超过in modem / old society 在现代/ 旧社会do exercise 锻炼 be active 充满活力easy-going 随和的

plan to do sth.计划做make uniforms for….做制服look ugly on sb.在身上很难看 allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事agree with sb.同意某人make a survey 做调查

It is true / important that+ 句子 on weekdays 在工作日casual clothes/ shoes/ 休闲服装/鞋 carry out 执行,开展,贯彻at work 在工作stop…from(doing)sth.阻止做某事 take off 脱掉wear suitable clothes 穿得体的服装on every occasion 在每一个场合 wear business suits 穿职业/西装protect sb./ sth.from…..保护……不受……的危害 pilots wearing uniforms 穿着制服的飞行员people in danger 处在危险中的人们

tell sb.sth.about….告诉……关于…..the art of dressing 时装的艺术a coat in a dark color 深颜色的上衣talk about 谈论 pants with two pockets 带有两个口袋的裤子a special costume 一种特色的服饰 be full of 充满stand for 代表

be / become known 闻名 be different from 与……不同

not only… but also….不但…..而且…..either ….or….或者……或者…… a women's dress with Chinese features 有着中国特色的女装

篇3:短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science

take a train/bus 乘火车(公共汽车)

fall in love with sb./sth. 爱上某人(某物)

do sth. for fun 做某事寻乐趣

keep a pet 养宠物

come true 变成现实

help with sth./help do sth. 帮助做某事

ask sb. for sth. 向某人要求某物

find out 查明;弄清楚

be angry with sb. 对某人生气

get on well with sth./sb.


have a fight with sb. 跟某人打架

give sb. advice 给某人提出建议(忠告)

compare…with… 把……与……相比

land on 登上

get out (of) (从)……里出来

take off 起飞;脱下

look for 寻找

think about doing sth. 考虑做某事

hear about 听说

take place 发生

be mad at 对……恼火

pass sth. on to sb. 把……传递给某人

work on sth. 忙于;干着

do well in 在……方面做得好

get over 克服;恢复;原谅

be in good health 身体健康

feel sick 感到恶心;感到难受

agree with 与……一致;相符;适宜

care for 关爱;关心

make a living 谋生

go to the party 去参加聚会

have a party 举行聚会

take away 拿走;运走

go to college 上大学

be famous for 以……著名

make money 赚钱;挣钱

travel around the world (做)环球旅行

laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑


space station 太空站

the World Cup 世界杯

part-time job 兼职工作

teen Talk 青少年论坛(节目名称)

barber shop 理发店

train station 火车站

Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队

sea level 海平面

senior high school 高中


in the future 在将来

in style 流行;时髦

under pressure 承受压力

by oneself 独自;独立

in recent time 最近时期

in silence 默默地

in danger 在危险中

in order to 为了

in fact 事实上;实际上

on the phone 用电话交谈;在通话


the same…as 与……一样(的)

as…as 和……一样

first of all 首先

all the time 一直;始终

too much 太多

as much as possible 尽可能多

on the one hand (在)一方面

篇4:短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science

1看起来很兴奋 look excited8.没有可交谈的朋友邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sthhave no friends to talk with3去看电影 go to the movies9.对......感到担心be worried about4 我最喜欢的电影之一10.别紧张take it easyone of my favorite movies11.变得生气 get angry5过夜 spend the evening12.迷路 be lost6为。。准备。。prepare。。for。。13.倒塌,跌倒fall down7向某人道谢 say thanks to sb14.似乎很担心seem worried 8在某人去…途中 on one’s way(to)。。15.尽力做某事try to do sth9感到失望feel disappointed10一张…票a ticket to/for。。11.闻起来很香 smell nice12.尝起来很可口 taste delicious13.似乎有一点不开心seem a little unhappy14.滑稽又有趣funny and interesting 15.有,患病have got16.立刻,马上at once/right now/right away 17.为…感到抱歉、难过、遗憾 feel sorry for。。18.听起来很优美sound beautiful 19.美国电影American movies20.一个关于…的故事a story about21.照顾care for22.变得生气become angry23.因为because of24.教某人做…teach sb to do sth25.使振作起来,使高兴起来cheer up26.为某人加油cheer on27.表演幽默的短剧perform short,funny plays 28.首先at first 29.笑脸smiling face30.形成,产生come into being31.充满,挤满be full of32.脸谱facial painting33.同意某人的观点agree with sb34.一个...的方法a way to35.和某人和解make peace with36.最后in the end在...末尾at the end of37.受...欢迎be popular with38.变得对...感兴趣become interested inUnit5 Topic2 1.好像做某事seem to do sth.2.在...方面做得差do badly in 3.和某人谈一谈have a talk with sb.4.感到孤独feel lonely 5.为......而感谢thank you for(doing)sth 6.对......要求严格be strict with/in7.文静而害羞 quiet and shy

16.考试不及格fail(in)the exam17.在某人的这个年龄时at one’s age18.和某人交朋友 make friends with sb19.给某人讲笑话tell sb jokes20.使某人发笑 make sb laugh21.顺便问一下by the way22.和王老师交谈之后after talking with Miss Wang23.很高兴做某事 be glad to do sth24.发现学好英语很难find it difficultto learn English well25.对某人很友好 be friendly/kind to sb26.希望做某事 wish to do sth.27.几个月以前a few months ago 28.而且 what’s more29.和往常一样 as usual30.习惯于get/be used to31.和......一样as...as...32.不如...not as...as...33.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth34.处理,对待deal with35.做某事是很正常的it’s normal to do sth36.向...学习...learn...from...37.发疯go mad38.拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth.39.尽管,即使 even though40.不再not...any longer/no longerUnit5 Topic3 1.进行测试have a test2.做演讲give a speech3.变得紧张/恐惧get nervous/frightened4.在...方面做得好do well in5.感到害羞feel shy6.因为你的帮助because of your help7.卧病在床be ill in bed8.在公共场所in public9.看见……正在做某事see sb doing sth10.遵照某人的建议 follow sb’s advice11.从...上摔下来 fall off12.生病be sick

13.对...有信心 be confident about24.给某人端上...serve...to sb14.为...感到自豪be proud of25.拍照take photos15.心情很糟糕in a bad mood26.到达顶部get to the top16.互相帮助help each other27.如此……以致……so。。that。。17.给某人一个惊喜/惊讶give sb.a surprise28.一点也不not at all18.上演,放映 put on19.正如,就像just as20.为……做准备get ready for...21.一直,总是 all the time22.和某人聚在一起get together with sb.23.充满,填满,用...把...装满fill with24.居住在某地 live in somewhere25.挤满了be crowded with26.做某事有困难have trouble(in)doing27.仔细思考think over28.做决定make a decision29.心情好/精神美好in good spirits30.记得做某事 remember to do sth31.从…得到帮助 get help from...32.照顾take care of33.保持好心情 stay in a good mood34.有好的睡眠have good sleep35.回到......上,继续get back to36.例如 such asUnit6 Topic1 1.春游spring field trip2.去泰山参观(旅游)go on a visit to Mount Tai3.一次三天的旅游 a three-day visit4.查明,找出 find out5.通过电话 over the phone6.决定,选定 decide on7.作决定make a decision8.做某事最好的方式the best way to do sth9.总的时间 total time10.到达arrive in/at11.付款pay for12.硬卧hard sleeper 13.软卧soft sleeper14.标准房standard room15.单人床single bed 16.筹钱raise money17.想出think of18.决定做某事decide to do sth19.建议某人做某事advise sb to do sth20.上演put on21.期盼(做)某事look forward to doing sth22.收到某人的来信hear from23.在正午 at noon

29.去游泳go swimming30.Unit6 Topic2去购物go shopping1.忙于做某事be busy doing /with sth2.度假on vacation3.做计划make a plan4.期待做某事look forward to doing sth5.做…怎么样? How about doing sth6.享受旅行enjoy one’s trip7.和。。一起来come along with8.算出,制定出,完成work out9.在…的中心 in the center of10.对某人意义重大bequitemeaningfulto sb.11.在。。北部in the north of12.在。。东部to the east of13.迫不急待要做某事can’t wait to do sth.14.对。。感到惊讶be surprised at15.踩在某人的脚上step one’s feet16.朝四面八方in all direction17.挤出去push one’s way out18.跳来跳去jump around19.情不自禁地做某事can’t help doing sth.20.Thank goodness!谢天谢地21.去野营go camping22.迷路get lostUnit6 Topic31.发生交通事故have a traffic accident2.习惯于(做)某事 be/used to doing sth3.害怕做某事be afraid of(doing)sth4.遵守交通规则obey the traffic rules5.节约能源save energy6.停放自行车park bikes7.不同意某人的意见 disagree with sb8.严重受伤be badly hurt9.送某人去… send sb to...11.错转弯make a wrong turn12.违反交通规则 break the traffic rules13.处在危险中be in danger14.被罚款 get a fine15.万一,如果in case of16.急救first aid

17.注意 pay attention to18.总之in a word19.当心look out /be carefull

20.流入empty into2.不确定是否be not sure whether…21.一两天one or two days22.穿过go through3.把一些熟肉切碎cut some cooked meat finelyUnit7 Topic1 4.切碎,剁碎 cutup1.了解know about5.把...放入...put...in..2.举行(办)一次美食节6.干得好 Well done!have/hold a food festival7.一块(片,条,首等)a piece of3.筹钱raise money4.试图做某事 try to do sth5.向...求助turn to...6.制作海报make a poster7.和…取得联系get in touch with8.使它成功make it a success9.摆放餐具set the table10.考虑think about11.尽最大的努力(做)try one’s best(to do)12.喜欢吃甜食have a sweet tooth13.西方食品western food14.诸如such as15.美国巧克力饼干American chocolate cookies16.希腊奶油派Greek cheese pie17.意大利比萨饼Italian pizza18.中国的炒饭和饺子Chinese fried rice and dumplings19.日本的寿司Japanese sushi20.南非的牛肉咖喱South African beef curry21.俄罗斯的黑面包Russian black bread22.而且What’s more23.足够好good enough24.不客气,不用谢It’s a pleasure25.没关系,不要紧never mind26.稍后later on27.寄给某人某物send sb.sth.= send sth.to sb28.出生于be born29.度过我的儿童时期spend my childhood30.改变我的一生change my life31.代替,而不是instead of32.结果as a result33.in order to(do)为了(做)34.在操场on the playground35.为...工作work for36.成为现实,实现come true37.打电话make phone callsUnit7 Topic21.炒米饭make fried rice

8.把...切成(碎片)cut sth into(small pieces)9.把...放在...上put...on...10.随便吃...help oneself to 11.第一次for the first time12.西方的餐桌礼节 western table manner13.在餐桌旁at the table14.以...开始start with15.吃完,吃光 eat up16.大声说speak loukly17.为某人/某事干杯(或祝酒)drink to sb18.喝一小口take only a little19.完成做某事finish doing sth.20.使用某物来做某事use sth to do sth21.指向point at22.全世界 around the world23.饮食习惯eating habit24.t两道或更多的菜wo or more courses 25.远离某地 far away from26.拿起,捡起,接某人 pick up27.两者都both of 28.Unit7 Topic3 同时at the same time1.玩得开心,过得愉快have a wonderfultime2.出售 for sale3.寄给某人某物/送某人去某地send…to...4.祝某人成功wish sb success5.玩的愉快enjoy oneself6.举办美食节 hold a food festival7.通过电话订餐order a meal by phone8.在北四环路 62号at NO.62 on Beisihuan Road9.三十分钟以后(将来)in thirty minutes 10.请坐have a seat11.进展顺利go well12.和...两者都 both…and...13.和…一样开心...as happy as...14.简而言之,总之 in short15.不但...而且...not only…but(also)…16.对某人重要be important for sb17.不多也不少never too much or too little 18.不同种类的食品different kinds of foods19.使我们更健康make us more healthy20.据说It’s said that

21.对…有害处be bad forIt’s +adj(for sb)to do sth./It’s +adj+that...Unit8 Topic1 19.显示出良好的纪律性 1.在三楼on the third floorshow good discipline 2.为。。买。。buy…for…20.在机场 at the airport

3.如此…以致于…so...that...21.穿(衣服,鞋...)dress in(...)4.在学校门口at the school gate5.举办班级时装秀have a class fashion show6.支付不起…can’t afford...7.够到那些苹果get the apple8.男装部Men’s Wear Section9.女装部Women’s Wear Section10.鞋帽部Shoes and Hats Section 11.多大号 what size12.如此...以至...such...that...13.立刻,马上.at once 14.以便,为了so that15.环顾四周look around


make them look slimmer17.简单的风格simple style

18.穿黑色的衣服 in dark clothes

19.由...制成 be made of20.开始做 start to do

21.保护…免遭...侵害protect…from…22.多过,超过more than

23.保暖keep warm24.例如 for example

Unit8 Topic2

1.为...做...make…for…2.穿在某人身上看着很丑 look ugly on sb

3.取决于;依靠,依赖 depend on4独自,单独,独立地 by oneself

5.同意某人的看法 agree with6.乐意做某事be glad to do sth

7.穿便衣,便服wear plain clothes8.开展,执行 carry out

9.陷入困境in trouble10.阻止某人做某事

stop sb from doing sth.11.脱下,起飞take off

12.进到某人的家里enter someone’s home 13.在任何场合on every occasion14.穿衣得体dress correctly 15.太多too much16.保持安静keep quiet

篇5:短语归纳总结八年级Unit6I’m going to study computer science

Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A

1.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事 2.say thanks to…向某人道谢 3.feel disappointed感到失望 4.taste delicious尝起来美味

5.be popular with sb.受到某人的欢迎 6.What a shame!=What a pity!真遗憾!7.be kind/friendly to sb.对某人友好 Section B

be cruel to sb.对某人残暴

1.a ticket to/for ….去…的票

2.be proud of..=take pride in..为…感到自豪 3.be pleased with..对….感到满意 4.seem worried似乎很担心 5.smell terrible闻起来恶心 6.set the table摆放餐具 7.be able to= can 能,会

8.have a temperature = have a fever发烧 9.feel sorry for sb.为某人感到难过

10.call sb.(up)=ring sb.(up)=phone sb.给某人打电话

Section C

1.be on =be shown上映

2.cheer sb.up使某人振作起来

3.care for= look after=take care of照顾,照看4.in the end=at last=finally最后 5.because of 因为,由于

6.teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事 7.what ….for?=Why….?为什么…? 8.so ….that… 如此….以致 … 9.on the way to…在去…的路上

on one’s way home在某人回家的路上 10.end with 以….结束 begin/start with 以….开始 11.fall into the sea 掉进海里 12.go mad变疯

13.be afraid of doing sth.=be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

Section D

1.come into being 形成,产生

2.be full of =be filled with 充满/装满… 3.the main roles 主要的角色 4.facial paintings脸谱

5.wonderful gestures优美的姿势 6.agree with sb.同意某人的看法agree to do sth.同意做某事

7.Chinese culture中国文化

8.make peace with sb.与某人和解

9.be/become interested in…对….感兴趣 10.more than= overUnit 5 Topic 2 超过,多于

Section A

1.anything wrong?有什么麻烦吗? 2.seem的句型结构 sb.seem +adj.sb.seem to do sth.It seems that+从句

3.do badly in在某方面做得差

do well in= be good at在某方面做得好/擅长于…

4.be strict with sb.对某人要求严格be strict in sth.对某事要求严格

5.worry about…= be worried about…担心… 6.be lost=get lost 丢失,失去,迷路 7.feel lonely感觉孤独 8.try to do sth.尽力做某事try doing sth.试着做某事

9.talk with sb.=have a talk with sb.和某人交谈

11.Take it easy别紧张

12.tell sb.jokes给某人讲笑话

13.Why don’t you do sth.?=Why not do sth.为什么不做某事呢?


1.fail the exam=not pass the exam考试不及格

2.fail to do sth.做某事不成功 3.at the age of 在…岁时

4.make/let/have(使役动词)sb.do sth.使某人做某事

5.call sb.at+电话号码 请拨打…号码找某人 6.sth.happen to sb.某人发生某事

7.ItSection C

’s normal to feel sad.感觉伤心是正常的.1.How time flies!光阴似箭!2.What’s more此外,另外

3.used to do sth.过去常常某事

4be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 5.fall asleep入睡=go to sleep=get to sleep 6.as…as ….和…一样

7.not as/so…as..前者不如后者

8.with the help of sb.= with one’s help在某人的帮助下

9.Please give my best wishes to your parents.请代我向你父母致以最好的祝福

Section D

1.how to deal with these problems怎么处理这些难题

2.in public在公共场合3.refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 4.even though=even if即使,尽管 5.be angry with sb.生某人的气

6.not… any longer= no longer不再…

7.follow/take one’s advice接受某人的建议 8.for exampleUnit 5 Topic 3 例如,比如

Section A

1.make me feel nervous使我感到紧张 2.calm down平静,镇定

3.miss a lot of lessons缺了很多课 4.a lot of=lots of =many/much许多 5.I hope so.我希望如此

I hope not.我希望不是那样 6.at the end of …在….的末端 7.take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 8.give a speech做演讲

9.learn…by oneself= teach oneself…自学… 10.follow/take one’s advice接受某人的建议 11.tell sb.about sth.SectionB


1.smile at life笑对人生

2.give sb.a surprise给某人一个惊喜 3.take good care of仔细照顾

4.be in a good/bad mood处于好/坏心情

5.prepare for…= get/be ready for…为…做好准备

6.put on a short play上演一部短剧

7.get along/on well withsb.和某人相处很好 get along/on well with sth.某事进展顺利 8.on one Section C

’s way home在某人回家的路上

1.in the sky在空中

2.get together with…与…团聚

3.be filled with= be full of充满/装满 4.try out试验

5.shine brightly明亮的照耀着

6.make sb.+adj.(exctied/angry)使某人…(兴奋/生气)

7.change oneSection D

’s feelings改变某人的感受

1.remember to do sth.记得要做某事 2.remember doing sth.记得做过某事

3.get help from sb.从某人那里得到帮助 4.make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth.决定做某事

5.a sense of happiness幸福感 6.a piece of advice一条建议

7.It’s important for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说很重要

Unit6 Section A

Topic 1 1.go on a spring field trip.去春游

2.go on a three-day visit to Mount Tai泰山三日游

3.It’s hard to say.很难说

4.on the way to…在去某地的路上in this way 用这种方法

5.the cost to go by train乘火车去的费用 6.find out 查明(真相),找出(答案)7.decide on sth.决定..8.on/over the phone= by phone在电话里 9.the best way to do sth.SectionB


1.book some tickets to Mount Tai 订购泰山的门票 2.raise money筹集资金 3.pay for付钱

4.Can I help you?= What can I do for you?需要帮忙吗?

5.a room with a bathroom有浴室的房间 6.a standard room with two single beds 双人标准间

7.plan to do sth.计划做某事 Section C

1.work out算出

2.help sb.(to)do sth.= help sb.with sth.帮助某人(做)某事

3.I can’t afford it.我负担不起(它的费用)4.ask sb.for sth.向某人索要某物

5.come up with 想出(主意),找出(答案)6.put on a show举办展览

7.look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事 8.land safely安全着陆

9.hear from sb.=receive a letter from=get a letter from 收到某人的来信 Section D

1.see the sunrise and the sea of clouds 看日出和云海

2.in the daytime 在白天

3.many places of interest许多名胜 4.as soon as 一…..就…..5.arrive in(大地名)/at(小地名)=get to = reach 到达

6.It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花某人多长时间

=sb.spend some time(in)doing sth.某人花多长时间做某事

7.have a big dinner吃一顿丰盛的大餐 8.in the open air在户外 9.at the foot of..Unit6 在Section A

Topic 2 ….的脚下

1.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.忙于(做)某事 2.on vacation在度假

3.You bet= Of course=Sure=Certainly当然 4.at Kangkang’s 在康康家里

5.look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事 6.konck at/on the door敲门 7.go camping去野营

8.take Section ….to…B

把…带到….1.at the foot of在….的脚下

2.on both sides of=on each side of在…的两边

3.in the old days在古代 4.make sure确保..be sure to do sth.一定/肯定会做某事be sure of /about sth.对….有把握be sure that+从句相信….5.by the way顺便问一下

on the way to …在去….的路上in this way 用这种方法

6.two and a half hours= two hours and a half两个半小时

7.tell “A ”from “B”把A 和B区分开来

Section C

1.be full of = be filled with充满/装满 2.be surprised at对…感到吃惊

3.take photos/pictures of sb.给某人照相 4.No photos 禁止照相

5.in all directions 向四面八方

6.step onone’s toes踩到某人的脚指头 7.out of sight看不见

8.push one’s way out 挤出来

9.can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做某事 10.not …until…直到…才…

11.what to do= how to do it怎么办

Section D

1.get on上(车/船/马)get off下(车/船/马)2.stand for代表

3.shout at 朝…大喊(生气了)shout to 朝….大喊(不生气)

4.have fun doing sth.做某事很开心 5.Thank goodness!谢天谢地 6.at last= in the end=finally最后 7.everywhere= here and there到处 8.be lost= get lost=lose oneUnit6 ’s way迷路

Section A

Topic 3 1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事

be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

2.be afraid of doing sth.= be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

3.slow down 减速,放慢

4.obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则break the traffic rules违反交通规则 5.avoid doing sth.避免做某事 6.run into=knock into撞到

7.spit in public在公共场合吐痰

8.take him to the hospitalSectionB


1.get a fine遭罚款

2.be in danger处于危险之中

3.warn sb.to do sth.警告某人做某事 warn sb.not to do sth.警告某人不要某事 4.on the left/right side of..在…的左边/右边 5.cause trouble导致麻烦 6.be hurt=get hurtSection C


1.be famous for+特产.因….而出名be famous as+职业/身份作为…而出名 2.around the world= all over the world全世界 3.stop doing sth.停止做某事stop to do sth.停下来做某事 4.face to face面对面face the cancer 面对癌症

5.one’s path to success 某人的成功之路 6.go on doing/with sth.继续做原来那件事go on to do sth.继续做另外一件事 7.in one’s life 在某人一生中
