




























★ 《自然之道》阅读答案

★ 从军行阅读答案明余庆

★ 张千载高谊阅读答案

★ 张根文言文阅读答案

★ 张嫂冰心阅读答案


一、激发情感, 培养初中生自主阅读的意识

数学学科作为一门基础性的教育学科, 在概念、性质、定理、公理等知识内容的语言表达上表述单调、抽象, 学生在学习理解时产生“疑惑”, 对学生自主阅读意识增强产生阻碍和影响。因此, 初中数学教师应抓住初中生情感和心理发展的规律和特点, 利用教学内容、教学情境在学习情感上的激励作用, 将数学知识点与耳熟能详的实际生活联系起来。同时, 教师要针对教学目标要求内涵以及学生能力发展实际, 创设具有针对性、层次性的精辟而具体、生动而灵活、新而有趣、适当难度的问题情境, 使学生在鲜活、生动、真实、趣味的教学情境中, 实现学生的好奇心和求知欲的激发, 能自主阅读分析数学内容。如在引导学生学习“全等三角形判定定理”内容时, 教师为增强学生阅读理解全等三角形判定定理的内容, 采用情境教学法, 向学生创设了“如图1, 王叔叔家有一块等腰三角形的菜地, 腰长A为40米, 一条笔直的水渠从菜地穿过, 这条水渠恰好垂直平分等腰三角形的一腰, 水渠穿过菜地部分的长为15米 (水渠的宽不计) , 请你计算这块等腰三角形菜地的面积”这样一个在生活当中需要解决的实际问题案例, 为学生内在情感激发营造浓厚的氛围, 使他们自主阅读理解定理内涵的要义成为了内在要求。

二、方法指导, 教会初中生阅读分析的方法

在实际学习活动中, 有些同学在阅读理解问题时, 仅一字之差, 可以发生谬以千里的问题, 所以学生在做题过程中, 必须逐句反复推敲辨别, 方能加深认识, 提高阅读理解能力。这就要求初中数学教师要将教会学生阅读分析数学概念、性质、定理的方法策略作为学生自主阅读能力培养的重要内容, 在学生阅读数学知识实际锻炼中进行及时、“画龙点睛”的指导。

如在对平行四边形定义教学活动中, 教师可以采用抓“字眼”的方法, 要求学生对“两组对边分别平行的四边形叫做平行四边形”的平行四边形定义内容进行阅读理解, 此时, 教者有意识地将定义内容进行改变, 变为“两组对边平行的四边形叫做平行四边形”“对边分别平行的四边形叫做平行四边形”的表达方式, 让学生与原有的定义内容进行对比分析, 从而抓住平行四边形定理的关键字眼是“分别”“两组”, 这样, 就为学生更好地阅读理解平行四边形的性质内容打下了伏笔和基础。在解答一些数学知识生活应用题案例时, 教师此时要重视数学语言与文字语言、符号语言、图形语言的相互转化。如在解答关于相似形知识点“在同一时刻的阳光下, 小明的影子比小强的影子长, 那么在同一路灯下, 小明的影子长度与小强的影子长度是什么关系?”的问题案例活动中, 教师可以引导学生对问题内容进行阅读, 要求学生将文字语言变化为数学语言, 学生通过转化, 将该问题转化为关于相似形的数学问题。在分析问题条件过程中, 学生通过阅读分析条件内容, 会发现该问题没有说明两个人和路灯的相对位置, 因此无法进行谁的影子长的判断。

三、借“题”发挥, 提供初中生阅读实践的舞台

实践是学生巩固所学知识技能、提升学习素养的重要途径和重要手段。问题教学为学生学习技能的锻炼提供了舞台和载体。因此, 在阅读教学过程中, 初中数学教师要重视学生阅读分析数学问题能力的锻炼, 借“题”发挥, 以“探”促升, 实现阅读技能素养的显著提升。如在解答“已知二次函数过点A (0, -2) 、B (-1, 0) 、C。 (1) 求此二次函数的解析式; (2) 判断点M是否在直线AC上?”的问题案例时, 教师在分析解答问题活动基础上, 要求学生对问题解答的过程进行再次分析, 学生在研析问题解答过程中, 初步读懂了“题外之音”, 认识到该问题案例实际上是关于“二次函数”与“二元一次方程”关系的问题案例。这样, 学生在阅读问题内容、分析条件关系、找寻解答方法过程中, 就能有的放矢, 有效实施。又如“如图2, 已知PA切⊙O于A, 割线PBC经过圆心O, OB=PB=1, OA绕点O逆时针旋转60°到OD, 则PD的长为多少?”这一问题, 教师放手让学生进行阅读问题内容, 分析问题内涵, 解答问题过程。学生在阅读分析问题条件中, 结合几何图形内容认识到, 解答解答该问题的关键是运用圆与直线相切的性质, 从而确定了解题策略。

总之, 阅读能力提供了学生丰富智力的“钥匙”。在新课程背景下, 教师要将培养学生阅读能力作为学习能力培养的重要内容, 创新阅读教学手段, 提供阅读实践时机, 让学生得益于课堂阅读的实惠, 实现学习效能的提升。

摘要:阅读能力是学生听、说、读、写等方面学习能力的重要组成要素, 也是学生学习知识、探究问题、解答问题的额重要手段和方式。新课标下, 初中数学教师在概念、定义、问题等教学环节中都应有意识地将阅读能力培养贯穿其中。


[关键词] 数学阅读;价值分析;操作策略;课外指导

2011版数学新课标强调,数学需要关注学生能力的培养,这当中就包括数学阅读乃至应用等能力. 苏步青也曾说过,语文学不好的,肯定学不好数学. 这当中就点出了学好数学的前提就是文字阅读,毕竟语言的学习离不开阅读.

当然,阅读有很多种,对于语文来说,有连续文本阅读,也有纯粹提取信息的非连续文本阅读. 如果再进一步扩展开去,则有英语阅读、科技阅读等. 而本文着重从数学角度出发,试析数学阅读的价值以及操作策略.


1. 从语言应用角度出发,倡导数学阅读有助于课堂对话的通畅

无论何种课堂,前提是一种对话,师生对话、生生对话,或者人机对话等. 对话中,着重于一种数学信息的高度概括以及信息传递. 而在这个过程中,学生的数学思维乃至数学语言就显得尤为重要. 试想,缺少对话,仅靠教师讲、学生听这种单向交流形式,学生的数学语言能力根本就得不到发展. 只有阅读,只有引导学生与教本、与编者交流,只有学生学习、理解乃至运用数学语言,其课堂交流才会通畅. 从这一点上来分析,数学阅读是课堂教学的基础.

2. 从教材使用角度出发,倡导数学阅读有助于发挥其最大值

数学教材是数学课程教材编制专家在充分考虑学生生理(心理)特征、教育教学原理、数学学科特点等诸多因素的基础上精心编写而成的,具有极高的阅读价值. 然而,很多师生忽略了这一点,他们仅仅满足于教师讲授,而忽略了学生自己的阅读价值. 至于教材,在他们眼中,仅仅是一种习题册,是做练习、作业需要的. 某种程度上讲,这种人为的教材“歧视”是当前教师费力不讨好的根源所在. 因而,恰当的做法就是正视教材的存在,把教材当作学生学习的重要载体,而不仅仅是教师教学的辅助工具. 这就需要引导学生开展阅读,数学阅读. 新课标也指出,教师必须注意“指导学生认真阅读课文”.

3. 从终身学习理念角度出发,倡导数学阅读才是根本途径

现在进入信息爆炸时代,作为新时代的学生,更需要与时俱进,学会学习,从而不断调整自己以适应社会发展的需要. 这最需要的就是学生自学,而不是教师津津乐道地讲解. 对于数学来说,其自学形式最主要的就是阅读. 这就需要教师在日常教学中加强引导,及时关注,着力培养他们的数学阅读. 毕竟,要读懂“自然界这本用数学语言写成的伟大的书”,没有一定的数学阅读能力那几乎是不可想象的.


1. 首先,需要从时间段上把握数学阅读

阅读需要时间,从时间段上把握数学阅读,需要教师:①重新认识到数学阅读的重要性;②积极地把数学阅读纳入到具体教学环节中. 下面,我将着力从课前、课内等时间段在具体操作上逐一分析.

(1)课前阅读,让学生体验“爬山”的魅力. 课前几分钟,让学生阅读数学教材,一来可以让学生初步感知所学知识,二来可以让学生及时掌握教师需要“点拨”的地方,便于他们提高自学能力. 比如,针对“用计算器计算”这一课,课前,教师就有意识地引导学生自我阅读,并且鼓励学生结合计算器进行模拟操作,从而初步认识“计算器的常用操作键的名称、用途”.

(2)课内阅读,让学生品味“新茶”的清香. 课堂才是主阵地,所以课内阅读更是培养学生数学阅读的主要途径. 因而,把时间还给学生,鼓励教师引导学生开展数学阅读势在必行. 比如“小数除以小数”,教师可以根据学生已知的方法以及计算关键,设计这样的阅读指导题:①完成预习的填写下表(表略). ②认真观察,对比表格中的具体数,假设要使商不变,那么被除数和除数应该具体怎样变化?③认真观察例题虚线框中的内容,想想小数除法是如何转化成整数除法的?这当中又运用了什么规律?④再看虚线框的左边是怎样做的. ⑤仿照例题请你计算:91.2÷3.8.

2. 其次,需要从指导方式上落实数学阅读



在具体的导读提纲中,教师可以采取以下切入点:新知识是怎样引进的?与旧知识有什么联系?新知识解决什么问题?概念是如何得来的?实际背景是什么?概念的内涵与外延是什么?辨析概念,试着举出正、反例. 定理的条件是什么?结论是什么?推导的总体思路是什么?是否还有其他的推导方法?条件是否可以减弱?结论是否可以推广?


相对而言,数学阅读更需要一种积极态度、一种思辨思维. 它要求学生去发现问题,去探索问题,去验证过程,而不是去接受结果. 因而,在具体的阅读过程中,需要教师积极引导学生动手、动脑、动眼,乃至动笔画图等,积极调动各种感官,以便让思维散开,让思索更加灵敏. 而这通常是让学生读读、写写、算算,乃至画画,这样手脑并用,更有利于整理知识,乃至同化知识.

比如,学习“长方体的认识”这一章节时,可以出示以下导学提纲:①长方体有几个面?相对的面的形状怎么样?相对的面的面积怎么样?②长方体有几条棱?相对的棱的长度怎么样?③长方体有几个顶点?通过提纲,一步步地引导学生阅读、自学,这样分层阶梯式地引导可以很容易地让学生理解与掌握. 笔者针对这一课,曾直接提出:“你认为长方体有哪些特征?”接着让学生带着思考阅读,并结合学具(长方体)对照观察、比较,乃至动手测量,接着同桌交流,小组汇总,最后全班推荐. 笔者则根据学生交流的结果,按照面、棱、顶点三个方面进行系统板书. 虽然与过去相比,同学们都能总结出长方体的具体特征,但比较而言,这种方法是学生自行总结出来的,学生不但学习了知识,还掌握了学习方法,更重要的是,学生学得有成就. 这有利于培养学生一种独特的、良好的数学情感.


学习数学,不仅要关注问题文本,更需要关注活动过程,而这一过程的认识,通俗地说就是元认知. 具体来说,针对某一数学问题的解决,其过程包含很多内容,比如时间安排、信息提取、整理分析、对比概括等. 由于对数学计算乃至数学思维的侧重,导致很多学生精于计算,却疏于阅读,以至他们在应用题方面失分很多.

其实,这是缺乏元认知造成的. 这就需要教师引导学生在理解的过程中,通过一定的训练来提高学生的数学阅读能力,从而为提高学习效率奠定基础. 而这科学的方法就是先分析原因,纠正不良阅读习惯,接着重点培养学生良好数学阅读习惯的养成,如提高注意力、调动思维能量等.



1. 如何指导学生选购数学读物?

数学阅读素养的养成,是一个漫长而复杂的过程,如果仅仅依靠数学教材乃至拓展知识,远远不够. 因而,教师应有计划、有目的地根据不同年级的学生开展课外数学阅读. 教师如何指导学生选购书刊乃是当前最需要思考的问题,毕竟市场的数学刊物以练习居多.

2. 如何及时关注学生的阅读信息反馈?

对于不同年级的学生、不同的学生,教师可以采取不同的方式关注学生的阅读信息反馈. 如对于中、高年级的学生,可以引导他们写读书笔记,对于优秀学生,甚至可以鼓励他们写数学小论文. 教师则可以采取提问、讨论乃至展示等各种形式进行评比,从而让数学阅读更具针对性,更有实效性.

3. 如何进行评价?

恰当的评价对学生的数学阅读具有促进作用. 评价则可以分为自我评价、同学评价,乃至教师对学生的评价. 但由于数学阅读还是盲区,因而针对阅读评价建设机制还不够完善,需要进一步深入探讨.

4. 如何安排阅读?






同样对一个短语,你一下就看出来了in terms of是“在…方面”、“就…而言”的意思;有人一个一个词看,in认识,terms认识,of也认识,但合在一起就是不认识;还有人压根儿只认识term作为“学期”而不知道在此应该是什么意思。这几者之间的阅读速度绝对会有特大差异,这叫对短语和固定搭配熟。





在“主”、“谓”、“宾”这三个部分之中,相对来说最容易找准的是谓语的部分。确定谓语以后,前面的部分无论多长,都只会是主语的部分,可以是一个带着若干形容词的名词,或者是带着一个长长定语从句的名词,甚或是两者兼具同时还有从句套从句的形式;而谓语本身的修饰成分去掉了以后, 后面的内容无论多长,也就只剩下宾语或者其它补充说明的部分了。如果主干显示本句子中包含了解题信息的话,此时再去细细查看题目要问的细节信息也不迟。这样的抓主干技巧一旦熟练,要有充分的时间通读三篇文章、保证不遗漏任何信息地做题,也不是什么不可完成的任务了。特别是对于那些原本语言功底就不错、希望能以阅读这一项的得分再提高一下总成绩的同学来说,这是真正的终极技巧,要达到保8冲9也是很有希望的。


如何改变这样的习惯、进行思维转换?归根结底其实还是一个“熟”字。请设想:如果现在有人问你What is your name?你还会像当年初学时那样、把这个句子拆成What — is — your — name这样的方式去理解么?恐怕你会想也不想地脱口而出My name is … 。何以如此?因为你接触、使用的遍数够多,已经习以为常地形成了spontaneous response(“不假思索的反应”),无需进行两种语言的转换了。只不过阅读文章中的长难句结构复杂,不是能够这么轻而易举地适应罢了。

解决之道:凡事都有个循序渐进的自然规律。前面所说的第三条练到一定的阶段了,思维自然也就能在熟悉的基础上进行自动的转换了。我们的大脑是很灵巧的,会自主寻找最省能量、最有效率的认知方式(关于这点,可以在剑九“一位神经学家揭示如何进行与众不同的思考”的阅读文章里找到进一步的论证),我们要做的,就是持续为它提供food for thoughts,让它保持在运转状态,积累一段时间以后,效果自现。

方面五:更加折磨人的还有一点:英语的表达习惯与中文有异,赋予同一个词的用法和真正含义往往也不同。很多时候不是你的单词书骗了你,而是单词书自身篇幅有限、实在无力将所有的用法都罗列出来给你看。所谓culture shock“文化冲突”,很多时候原因也正在于此。


例子一:fair是什么意思?一个美国总公司派了位CEO去其日本子公司担任总裁,美国CEO上任初始向日本员工们宣讲:“大家要好好干!I will be fair with you.”一个财年很快结束,日本员工在年终拿到奖金的时候,发现每个人到手的具体金额都不一样,于是大家十分不开心,感到老板欺骗了自己。fair翻译为“公平”绝不能说是有错,然而亚洲语境下的“公平”更多指的是“平均分配”而美国人其实想说的是:你付出多少劳动、为公司赢得多少利润,我就会据此来给你发奖金,保证“公正公平”。

例子二:“too”是“太”么?中文里“太好了!”的意思是比好还要更好些;而英语里“too good”则是“too good to be true”的缩略形式,表示“过犹不及”或“不至于如此好吧?”的怀疑看法。二者有很大区别。

不过,“Try to think in English”,说起来何其容易,做起来哪有那么轻松?需要经过长期细致的积累,才能慢慢把看英语总是“THEY”的思维转变为“WE”的思维习惯。所幸,雅思备考其实只是提供了一个指导性的开头,考到了理想的成绩、去到了英语环境学习,还有一个长长的过程,足以让有此志向的孩儿们细细体会、缓缓进步、越来越好。





例:“lotion” 与汉语中的“六神”很相似。提到“六神”我们马上会联想到“六神花露水”“六神香皂”“六神洗液”“六神浴液”等清洁用品,

那么自然就容易记住 “lotion” 的汉语释意为 “洗剂、洗液”的意思了。又如:caviar




例:audi- 的含义为“听”,那么下面的词汇一定都是和“听”有关的喽 audience(audi+ence) 听众,auditorium

(audi+tor+ium)听众席 audiometer (audi+ometer)听度计 audible(audi+ible)

能听得到的。又如autobiography (auto自己 +bio 生命的+graph 描绘)自己生命的写照即为“自传”。Anti-Japanese War

(anti反+Japanese+war) 自然很容易掌握它的词义为“抗日战争”。




例:“rebellion, revolution, uprising, revolt, mutiny, insurrection”

均有“武装叛变”的意思。“famous, renowned, celebrated, noted, distinguished, eminent,






例:adverse 不利的

diverse 不同的、变化的

Complement 补助、补足

Compliment 称赞、恭维


This reading test contains 10 questions. You should spend about 20 minutes

on this task.

To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and


Read the passage below and answer 10 questions.

Ethnic Groups in Singapore

In addition to being one of the smallest (and youngest) countries in the

world, Singapore, with its population of less than four million, is one of the

world’s most ethnically mixed countries. It is primarily Chinese, a group to

which over three quarters of permanent residents assign themselves, but even in

this group there are differences in languages and cultures. The other two main

ethnic groups in Singapore are Malays and Indians, each representing around ten

percent of the population. It has long been the goal of the government to

promote Singapore as a multicultural society in which all three of these main

groups enjoy equal access to the wealth, education, and social systems that

Singapore offers.

For nearly seven hundred years, Chinese have been travelling to Southeast

Asia in search of wealth and prosperity. Those who settled in Singapore came

mainly from southern China and spoke different languages depending on which area

was home. Hokkien, one of the main Chinese languages spoken in Singapore,

originates from Fujian Province. Speakers of Teochew had ancestors from eastern

Guangdong. Hakka has roots in both Fujian and Guangdong. Cantonese is also

spoken in Singapore today, and originates from Guangzhou. All of these languages

(and more) are spoken by the Chinese population of Singapore today, though there

are very few communities now that are linguistically isolated as they were in

the past, and in recent years the government has also heavily promoted the

teaching and learning of Mandarin to serve as a common language for the Chinese


Though representing a much smaller proportion of the population, the Malays

are the second largest ethnic group in Singapore and the original inhabitants of

Singapore. They are still today the main ethnic group throughout the region

stretching from Malaysia to Indonesia and the Philippines. The Malay community

in Singapore came mainly from the Malaysian peninsula, though many also came

from Java and other Indonesian islands. The Malay community practices Islam,

which came to the area via Arab and Indian traders in the 1400s, but their

religion also retains some features of pre-islamic Hindu beliefs.

The third largest ethnic group in Singapore, slightly smaller than the

Malay community, is that of the Indians. Migration from India dates mainly from

the days of the British colony of Malaya in the 18th century, and most Indians

came to the area as labourers recruited by the British to work on plantations.

Most of the Indian community are Tamil from the southern part of India, but a

sizeable portion originates from Kerala in the southwest.

Another group of people with a long history in Singapore are known as the

Peranakans. The word peranakan in Malay means ‘half-caste’ and the Peranakans

are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who settled in the area and married

Malay women. The groups of Chinese who travelled and settled in the region

centuries ago were predominantly (if not entirely) men, and so a most were

married to local women. The culture of the Peranakans is a mix of both Chinese

and Malay traditions, and in most cases this group adopted the name and religion

of their Chinese fathers, but retained the language and customs of their Malay

mothers. Today, the Peranakan population speaks a version of Malay which borrows

from Hokkien so much that Malay speakers often cannot understand the dialect.

While the Peranakan culture is being preserved and revived by organisations in

Singapore, there are just a few thousand Peranakan Malay speakers left on the


According to the information in the reading passage, which group(s) have

the following features:

A Chinese

B Malays

C Indians

D Peranakans

1) Has/Have features of more than ethnic group?

2) Is/Are united strongly through religion?

3) Speak / Speaks many different languages?

4) Is/Are not native to the Singapore region?

5) Was originally made up mostly of men?

In boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet write

Yes if the statement is true according to the article

No if the statement is not true according to the article

NOT GIVEN if it is not possible to determine the truth of the statement

from the article

6) Originally, many Chinese communities in Singapore couldn’t communicate

easily with each other due to linguistic differences.

7) Mandarin is the main language of Singapore.

8) Indians were the most recent of the three to arrive in Singapore.

9) Arab and Indian traders settled in Singapore in the 1400s.

10) The Peranakan language is being increasingly used in Singapore.


1) D

2) B

3) A

4) A, C

5) A

6) YES


8) YES

9) NO

10) NO












Food agency takes on industry over junk labels

Felicity Lawrence

Thursday December 28,

The Guardian

1.Consumers are to be presented with two rival new year advertising campaigns as the Food Standards Agency goes public in its battle with the industry over the labelling of unhealthy foods.

2.The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red,amber and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs,which is designed to tackle Britain‘s obesity epidemic.

3.The campaign is a direct response to a concerted attempt by leading food manufacturers and retailers,including Kellogg’s and Tesco,to derail the system.The industry fears that traffic lights would demonise entire categories of foods and could seriously damage the market for those that are fatty,salty or high in sugar.

4.The UK market for breakfast cereals is worth £1.27bn a year and the manufacturers fear it will be severely dented if red light labels are put on packaging drawing attention to the fact that the majority are high in salt and/or sugar.

5.The industry is planning a major marketing campaign for a competing labelling system which avoids colour-coding in favour of information about the percentage of “guideline daily amounts” (GDAs) of fat,salt and sugar contained in their products.

6.The battle for the nation‘s diet comes as new rules on television advertising come into force in January which will bar adverts for unhealthy foods from commercial breaks during programmes aimed at children.Sources at the TV regulators are braced for a legal challenge from the industry and have described the lobbying efforts to block any new ad ban or colour-coded labelling as “the most ferocious we’ve ever experienced”.

7.Ofcom‘s chief executive,Ed Richards,said: “We are prepared to face up to any legal action from the industry,but we very much hope it will not be necessary.” The FSA said it was expecting an onslaught from the industry in January.Senior FSA officials said the manufacturers’ efforts to undermine its proposals on labelling could threaten the agency‘s credibility.

8.Terrence Collis,FSA director of communications,dismissed claims that the proposals were not based on science.“We have some of the most respected scientists in Europe,both within the FSA and in our independent advisory committees.It is unjustified and nonsensical to attack the FSA’s scientific reputation and to try to undermine its credibility.”

9.The FSA is understood to have briefed its ad agency,United,before Christmas,and will aim to air ads that are “non-confrontational,humorous and factual” as a counterweight to industry‘s efforts about the same time.The agency,however,will have a tiny fraction of the budget available to the industry.

10.Gavin Neath,chairman of Unilever UK and president of the Food and Drink Federation,has said that the industry has made enormous progress but could not accept red “stop” signs on its food.

11.Alastair Sykes,chief executive of Nestlé UK,said that under the FSA proposals all his company’s confectionery and most of its cereals would score a red.“Are we saying people shouldn‘t eat confectionery? We’re driven by consumers and what they want,and much of what we do has been to make our products healthier,” he said.

12.Chris Wermann,director of communications at Kellogg‘s,said: “In principle we could never accept traffic light labelling.”

13.The rival labelling scheme introduced by Kellogg’s,Danone,Unilever,Nestlé,Kraft and Tesco and now favoured by 21 manufacturers,uses an industry-devised system based on identifying GDAs of key nutrients.Tesco says it has tested both traffic lights and GDA labels in its stores and that the latter increased sales of healthier foods.

14.But the FSA said it could not live with this GDA system alone because it was “not scientific” or easy for shoppers to understand at a glance.

(626 words)

Questions 1-6

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

1.When will instructions be given on reading the color-coded labels?

2.Where can customers find the red light labels?

3.What problem is the FSA trying to handle with the labeling system?

4.Which product sells well but may not be healthy?

5.What information,according to the manufacturers,can be labeled on products?

6.What can not be advertised during children‘s programmes?

Questions 7-13

Use the information in the text to match the people (listed A-E) with the opinions (listed 7-13) below. Write the appropriate letter (A-E) for questions 1-7.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

A Ed Richard

B Terrence Collis

C Gavin Neath

D Alastair Sykes

E Chris Wermann

7.Generally we will not agree to use the red light labels.

8.It is unreasonable to doubt if FSA is trustworthy.

9.We are trying to meet our consumers’ needs.

10.The food industry has been improving greatly.

11.The color-coded labeling system is scientific.

12.Our products will be labeled unhealthy by the FSA.

13.We are ready to confront the manufacturers.

Answer keys:

1.答案:(in) January (见第2段:The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, amber and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain’s obesity epidemic.)

2.答案:food packs/packaging (见第2段:The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, amber and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain‘s obesity epidemic. 或者在第4段中也提到另一个答案:The UK market for breakfast cereals is worth £1.27bn a year and the manufacturers fear it will be severely dented if red light labels are put on packaging drawing attention to the fact that the majority are high in salt and/or sugar.)

3.答案:(Britain’s) obesity epidemic (见第2段:The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, amber and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain’s obesity epidemic.)

4.答案:(breakfast) cereals (见第4段:The UK market for breakfast cereals is worth £1.27bn a year and the manufacturers fear it will be severely dented if red light labels are put on packaging drawing attention to the fact that the majority are high in salt and/or sugar.)

5.答案:guieline daily amounts/GDAs (见第5段:The industry is planning a major marketing campaign for a competing labelling system which avoids colour-coding in favour of information about the percentage of “guideline daily amounts” (GDAs) of fat, salt and sugar contained in their products.)

6.答案:unhealthy foods (见第6段第1句:The battle for the nation‘s diet comes as new rules on television advertising come into force in January which will bar adverts for unhealthy foods from commercial breaks during programmes aimed at children.)

7.答案:E (见第12段:Chris Wermann, director of communications at Kellogg’s, said: “In principle we could never accept traffic light labelling.” )

8.答案:B (见第8段最后一句:It is unjustified and nonsensical to attack the FSA‘s scientific reputation and to try to undermine its credibility.)

9.答案:D (见第11段最后1句:We’re driven by consumers and what they want, and much of what we do has been to make our products healthier.)

10.答案:C (见第10段:Gavin Neath, chairman of Unilever UK and president of the Food and Drink Federation, has said that the industry has made enormous progress but could not accept red “stop” signs on its food.)

11.答案:B (见第8段:Terrence Collis, FSA director of communications, dismissed claims that the proposals were not based on science. “We have some of the most respected scientists in Europe, both within the FSA and in our independent advisory committees. It is unjustified and nonsensical to attack the FSA‘s scientific reputation and to try to undermine its credibility.”)

12.答案:D (见第11段第1句:Alastair Sykes, chief executive of Nestlé UK, said that under the FSA proposals all his company’s confectionery and most of its cereals would score a red.)

13.答案:A (见第7段第1句:Ofcom‘s chief executive, Ed Richards, said: “We are prepared to face up to any legal action from the industry, but we very much hope it will not be necessary.”)


Sun‘s fickle heart may leave us cold

25 January

From New Scientist Print Edition.

Stuart Clark

1.There’s a dimmer switch inside the sun that causes its brightness to rise and fall on timescales of around 100,000 years - exactly the same period as between ice ages on Earth.So says a physicist who has created a computer model of our star‘s core.

2.Robert Ehrlich of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, modelled the effect of temperature fluctuations in the sun’s interior.According to the standard view, the temperature of the sun‘s core is held constant by the opposing pressures of gravity and nuclear fusion.However, Ehrlich believed that slight variations should be possible.

3.He took as his starting point the work of Attila Grandpierre of the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.In , Grandpierre and a collaborator, Gábor ágoston, calculated that magnetic fields in the sun’s core could produce small instabilities in the solar plasma.These instabilities would induce localised oscillations in temperature.

4.Ehrlich‘s model shows that whilst most of these oscillations cancel each other out, some reinforce one another and become long-lived temperature variations.The favoured frequencies allow the sun’s core temperature to oscillate around its average temperature of 13.6 million kelvin in cycles lasting either 100,000 or 41,000 years.Ehrlich says that random interactions within the sun‘s magnetic field could flip the fluctuations from one cycle length to the other.

5.These two timescales are instantly recognisable to anyone familiar with Earth’s ice ages: for the past million years, ice ages have occurred roughly every 100,000 years.Before that, they occurred roughly every 41,000 years.

6.Most scientists believe that the ice ages are the result of subtle changes in Earth‘s orbit, known as the Milankovitch cycles.One such cycle describes the way Earth’s orbit gradually changes shape from a circle to a slight ellipse and back again roughly every 100,000 years.The theory says this alters the amount of solar radiation that Earth receives, triggering the ice ages.However, a persistent problem with this theory has been its inability to explain why the ice ages changed frequency a million years ago.

7.“In Milankovitch, there is certainly no good idea why the frequency should change from one to another,” says Neil Edwards, a climatologist at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK.Nor is the transition problem the only one the Milankovitch theory faces.Ehrlich and other critics claim that the temperature variations caused by Milankovitch cycles are simply not big enough to drive ice ages.

8.However, Edwards believes the small changes in solar heating produced by Milankovitch cycles are then amplified by feedback mechanisms on Earth.For example, if sea ice begins to form because of a slight cooling, carbon dioxide that would otherwise have found its way into the atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle is locked into the ice.That weakens the greenhouse effect and Earth grows even colder.

9.According to Edwards, there is no lack of such mechanisms.“If you add their effects together, there is more than enough feedback to make Milankovitch work,” he says.“The problem now is identifying which mechanisms are at work.” This is why scientists like Edwards are not yet ready to give up on the current theory.“Milankovitch cycles give us ice ages roughly when we observe them to happen.We can calculate where we are in the cycle and compare it with observation,” he says.“I can‘t see any way of testing [Ehrlich’s] idea to see where we are in the temperature oscillation.”

10.Ehrlich concedes this.“If there is a way to test this theory on the sun, I can‘t think of one that is practical,” he says.That’s because variation over 41,000 to 100,000 years is too gradual to be observed.However, there may be a way to test it in other stars: red dwarfs.Their cores are much smaller than that of the sun, and so Ehrlich believes that the oscillation periods could be short enough to be observed.He has yet to calculate the precise period or the extent of variation in brightness to be expected.


See para.5:for the past million years, ice ages have occurred roughly every 100,000 years.Before that, they occurred roughly every 41,000 years.


See para.7:“In Milankovitch, there is certainly no good idea why the frequency should change from one to another,” ...Nor is the transition problem the only one the Milankovitch theory faces.

7.Not Given

See para.8:if sea ice begins to form because of a slight cooling, carbon dioxide?is locked into the ice.That weakens the greenhouse effect.(The passage doesn抰 mention anything about locking Co2 into ice artificially.)


See para.9:there is no lack of such mechanisms.“If you add their effects together, there is more than enough feedback to make Milankovitch work,”?“The problem now is identifying which mechanisms are at work.” This is why scientists like Edwards are not yet ready to give up on the current theory.


See the sentences in para.9 (According to Edwards, 卙e says.“I can’t see any way of testing [Ehrlich‘s] idea to see where we are in the temperature oscillation.”) and para.10 (Ehrlich concedes this.“If there is a way to test this theory on the sun, I can’t think of one that is practical).


See para.2:According to the standard view, the temperature of the sun‘s core is held constant by the opposing pressures of gravity and nuclear fusion.


See para.6:Most scientists believe that the ice ages are the result of subtle changes in Earth’s orbit, 匛arth‘s orbit gradually changes shape from a circle to a slight ellipse and back again roughly every 100,000 years.


See para.3:?i style=’mso-bidi-font-style:normal‘》magnetic fields in the sun’s core could produce small instabilities in the solar plasma.These instabilities would induce localised oscillations in temperature.


See para.4:…allow the sun‘s core temperature to oscillate around its average temperature of 13.6 million kelvin in cycles lasting either 100,000 or 41,000 years.

