











“United against Hunger”

FAO Director-General’s Message on the World Food Day



On 16 October 2010, World Food Day enters its 30th year.The theme of this year’s observance, “United against hunger”, seeks to recognize the efforts made in the fight against world hunger by all actors, at all levels;and urges us to be even more united to do more.2010年10月16日,世界粮食日活动进入第30个年头。今年庆祝活动的主题是“团结起来,战胜饥饿”,旨在表彰各阶层人士为战胜世界饥饿所做出的努力,并敦促我们今后要更加团结一致,取得更多成绩。

In 2009, the critical threshold of one billion hungry people in the world was reached in large part due to soaring food prices and the global economic crisis.The gravity of the silent hunger crisis is the result of decades of neglect of agriculture and under-investment in the sector.That is why on the eve of the “Hunger Summit” of heads of state and government held in Rome, in November 2009, FAO launched a petition to reflect the moral outrage of the situation.2009年,全世界饥饿人口超过10亿大关,部分原因是由于粮价飙升以及全球经济危机。无声的饥饿问题之所以如此严重,是几十年来忽视农业,对农业领域投资不足造成的。这就是为什么粮农组织在2009年11月国家元首和政府首脑罗马“饥饿峰会”前夕发起了一场请愿活动,对这一状况发出道义上的愤怒呼声。

This “1 billion hungry project” reaches out to persons to sign the anti-hunger petition and to work together to amplify the message that society has to take special care that no one goes hungry today.Over 1 million people have signed and the project is continuing.“十亿人在挨饿项目”广泛联系各界群众,签署反饥饿请愿书,并共同努力向全社会加强宣传,要对此采取特殊关注,确保当今世界没有人挨饿。该项目还在进行中,签署请愿书的人数已超过100万。

FAO has united with the popular world of professional sport.Together with the European

Professional Football Leagues(EPFL)and other regional football leagues, a 2nd Match Day against Hunger will be organized in Europe from 22 to 24 October 2010 as part of the Professional Football against Hunger Solidarity campaign.粮农组织与广受欢迎的职业体育界同心协力。与欧洲职业足球联盟及其他区域足球联盟一起,将于2010年10月22日至24日在欧洲举办第二届“比赛日反饥饿”活动,作为“职业足球战胜饥饿团结运动”的一部分。

The theme “United against hunger” highlights the need to launch a new green revolution, while emphasizing that the task of increasing food production is a job for everyone as is the goal of ensuring access to food.Partnerships with governments, research institutes and universities, financial institutions and regional development banks, farmers’ organizations, pressure groups, the UN system, civil society and the private sector are needed to work together to achieve food security for all.“团结起来,战胜饥饿”这一主题强调必须发起一场新的绿色革命,同时强调提高粮食产量是我们每个人的共同任务,只有这样才能确保人人有粮。与各国政府、科研院所、金融机构和区域发展银行、农民组织、利益集团、联合国系统、民间社会以及私营部门建立合作伙伴关系,一道携手努力,才能全面实现粮食安全。

World food production will need to increase by 70 percent to feed a population of over nine billion people in 2050.With limited land, farmers will have to get greater yields out of the land already under cultivation.世界粮食产量要增加70%,才能到2050年养活90多亿人口。由于土地资源稀少,农民必须提高现有耕地的单产。

Smallholder farmers and their families represent some 2.5 billion people, more than one-third of the global population, and it is their crucial contribution to increased food production that we want to highlight.小规模农民及其家庭总人数约25亿,超过全球人口的三分之一,我们要强调的正是他们为粮食增产所做出的重要贡献。

Collaboration among international organizations plays a key strategic role in directing global efforts to reach the international hunger reduction goals.It is only by working together that we can

realize our common objective.国际组织间合作可发挥战略性作用,指导全球做出努力,实现国际减少饥饿人口的目标。我们只有团结协作,才能实现共同的目标。

In the reformed Committee on World Food Security(CFS), the UN system, member nations, representatives of civil society, farmers’ organizations, the private sector, as well as international agricultural research institutions and international and regional financial institutions offer an inclusive international platform for policy convergence and the coordination of action and expertise in the fight against hunger in the world.世界粮食安全委员会(粮安委)经过改革后,为联合国系统、各成员国、民间社会代表、农民组织、私营部门以及国际农业研究机构和国际及区域金融机构,提供了包容性国际平台,确保政策衔接并协调全球抗击饥饿过程中的行动和专长。

On this World Food Day 2010, when there are an estimated 925 million hungry people in the world, let us reflect on the future.Agriculture and food security are finally back to the international agenda.And, with political will, determination and persistence, more food can be sustainably produced and adequately distributed.在我们迎来2010年世界粮食日之际,全世界大约还有9.25亿人在挨饿。让我们思考未来。农业和粮食安全最终回到了国际议程中。只要具备政治意愿、决心和毅力,就能可持续生产出更多粮食,就能实现粮食合理分配。

United we can defeat hunger.团结起来,就一定能战胜饥饿。

Thank you.谢谢。

Jacques Diouf, Director-General of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

联合国粮食及农业组织总干事 雅克·迪乌夫


1993年2月28日, 联合国教科文组织为我国武陵源、九寨河、黄龙三个风景区作为世界自然遗产被列入世界遗产名录颁发证书。

武陵源是张家界的核心景区, 面积达369平方公里, 辖张家界国家森林公园, 天子山风景区, 索溪峪风景区。这里峭立的山峰, 苍茫的林海、秀丽的山溪、幽深的洞壑……汇成了一个神奇美妙的世界。5000座岩峰千姿百态, 耸立在清壑深幽之中;800条溪流蜿蜒曲折, 穿行于石村峪谷之间;藏峰、桥、洞、湖、瀑于一身, 集幽、野、奇、秀、险于一体, 构成当今世界一大自然博物馆。

九寨沟以原始, 静谧的神秘气氛享誉天下, 晶莹的雪峰, 浓绿的森林以及100多个高原湖泊 (当地人称海子) 和瀑布, 溪流。特别是火花海, 五彩池等处, 水质清盈透彻, 水底石质晶莹而折射阳光, 呈现出梦幻般的光彩。


本报讯 2014年12月22日,腾讯QQ、腾讯公益、联合国世界粮食计划署和中国扶贫基金会在北京召开“手护生命,抗击埃博拉”新闻发布会,一同发起抗击埃博拉的公益行动。腾讯公司副总裁、QQ负责人殷宇、联合国世界粮食计划署中国区代表Brett Rierson、中国扶贫基金会副会长江绍高等出席了会议。

“自埃博拉疫情爆发以来,联合国世界粮食计划署一直在西非国家开展区域紧急援助行动,为疫区人民分发粮食,防止一场医疗危机演变成一场粮食危机。”联合国世界粮食计划署中国区代表 Brett Rierson说,“希望通过互联网的力量提升社会的关注度、参与度,扩大公益的力量。”




本报讯 2014年12月16日,富士施乐正式推出了“中国定制”家族三款全新A3黑白数码多功能机DocuCentre S2011、DocuCentre S2320/S2520。三款产品均具备打印、复印和扫描三项功能。其中,DocuCentre S2011打印/复印速度为每分钟20页,首页输出时间为7.4秒;DocuCentre S2320/S2520的打印/复印输出速度则均为每分钟23/25页,预热时间19秒,首页输出时间为6.5秒。三款新品除标配网络打印功能外,还可实现彩色扫描,DocuCentre S2320/S2520的彩色扫描输出速度每分钟25/28页,分辨率则设有200dip、300dip、400dpi和600dpi四个选项,可大幅扩展扫描操作的范围,助力用户彩色化办公。而在纸张处理能力上,DocuCentre S2011/S2320/S2520支持的纸张重量范围均达到60至216gsm,可在较厚纸张上轻松输出奖状、贺卡等各类纸品。同时三款新品的纸张容量均在标准容量250+100张(1个纸盘+旁路纸盘)的基础上有所增加,其中DocuCentre S2320/S2520更是达到了1850张(4个纸盘+旁路纸盘)。


本报讯 日前, 视讯品牌美国优派公司推出投影机PJD7822HDL。该款投影机除了可以提供1920x1080 Full HD分辨率、1.3X可变焦镜头、3200流明高亮度及15000:1的高对比度外,更是采用DLP 3D Link技术。此外,PJD7822HD配备的2个HDMI 1.4高清数字接口,均支持蓝光3D格式,直接连接蓝光DVD便可完整播放蓝光3D影片。而内置的3D视频编码技术使刷新率达到144Hz,大大降低传统120Hz 3D由于闪烁带来的疲劳感,只需佩戴优派 PGD-350 3D眼镜即可观看到3D投影画面。


本报讯 2014年 12月22日,德国空气进化器品牌造梦者发布了以“恒氧、流通、洁净”为特点的空气净化解决方案,并推出造梦者2.0的恒氧净化机。据了解,每一台恒氧净化机都内置了PM2.5和二氧化碳的检测传感器,通过室内循环、新风过滤和自动三种模式可以实现空气的内外双循环。值得一提,物联网技术的加入,让用户可以随时随地了解并调节家中的空气状况。恒氧净化机自带Wi-Fi模块,用户下载与手机、平板电脑等智能设备匹配的App,就可以实现对空气净化器的智能操控。


本报讯 近日,中国电信携手酷派正式对外推出首款安全旗舰手机——“铂顿”,这款搭载“双系统”的智能手机将主攻安全领域。“铂顿”的安全性体现在手机安全、网络安全、应用安全三个方面。在手机安全方面,“铂顿”手机具有双系统硬件隔离、芯片硬加密、一键硬关闭等高等级安全配置,同时也根据高端用户需求特点,进行了大量的便捷化功能创新。在网络安全方面,中国电信的CDMA网络在安全、保密、抗干扰方面就有很大优势,能够有效保障基础通信安全。在应用安全方面,“铂顿”手机通过一键数据保护、非秘钥对称加密、私密模式、手机体检、骚扰拦击、病毒查杀、手机防盗等多种技术保护数据资料安全,以及各种应用连接互联网过程中的数据通信安全。






今天正式启动的爱粮节粮宣传周将围绕“节约一粒粮 我们在行动”这个主题,突出“在行动”的实战性,选择与节粮爱粮关联直接的三个群体,即家庭、青少年和企业为平台,开展节约粮食“三个在行动”即:节约一粒粮“家庭在行动”、“青少年在行动”、“企业在行动”系列活动,并开放粮油检测机构,目的在于以这三个重点群体为支点,推动全民和全社会节粮意识的养成和节粮风尚的遵从。这里,我要特别强调的是,粮油加工企业要从过去的传统生产和营销模式中勇敢走出来,既要满足消费,又要引导消费,要敢于向过度加工宣战,以生态、营养、健康的食品满足市场需求、引领社会消费,推动节约工作向纵深发展。





UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for World Oceans Day 8 June, 2010

联合国秘书长潘基文2010年世界海洋日致辞 2010年6月8日

Oceans play a key role in our daily lives.They are integral to sustainable development and an important frontier for research.As scientists explore the oceans at greater depths than ever before, they continue to discover new forms of marine life.This research has great potential to advance human well-being.海洋在我们的日常生活中发挥着关键作用,是可持续发展的有机组成部分,是重要的科研前沿地带。科学家正在对海洋进行前所未有的深入探索,他们不断发现新形式的海洋生物。这一研究很有可能为人类谋取福祉。

But, if we are to fully benefit from what oceans have to offer, we must address the damaging impacts of human activities.The diversity of life in the oceans is under ever-increasing strain.Over-exploitation of marine living resources, climate change, and pollution from hazardous materials and activities all pose a grave threat to the marine environment.So does the growth of criminal activities, including piracy, which have serious implications for the security of navigation and the safety of seafarers.但是,如果我们希望充分得益于海洋所能带来的惠益,我们就必须消除人类活动产生的破坏影响。海洋生物多样性正日益面临更大压力。对海洋生物资源的过度开发、气候变化及有害物质和活动所致的污染,这些都对海洋环境构成严重威胁。犯罪活动的增加,包括海盗行为,同样也是严重威胁,对航行安全和海员的安全有着严重影响。

Much action is already being taken within the framework of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea — our “constitution for the oceans”.More than 15 years after the Convention’s entry into force, it continues to act as our guide.But if we are to safeguard the capacity of the oceans to service society’s many and varied needs, we need to do much more.On this second annual commemoration of World Oceans Day, I urge Governments and citizens everywhere to acknowledge the enormous value of the world’s oceans — and do their part in ensuring their health and vitality.已开始在1982年《联合国海洋法公约》框架内采取许多行动,该公约是我们的“海洋宪法”。该公约生效已有15年之久,但它仍是我们的行动导向。然而,如欲保障海洋服务于人类社会多种多样需要的能力,我们还需要做更多工作。在此世界海洋日两周年活动之际,我促请各国政府和世界各地公民认同世界各大洋的巨大价值,各尽所能,确保各大洋的健康和活力。





这意味着联合国必须不断评估其努力,尤其是必须强调协调性,因为联合国在这个领域提出了许多举措。为确保联合国的协助确实有助于建设各国能力,培养民主文[4] 化,我采取了第一个重要步骤,向包括外地机构在内的联合国各部门分发了一项民主指导说明。该说明阐述以普世原则为基础的联合国民主框架,承诺联合国将采取有原则的协调一致行动,支持民主。


期间, 组委会分别组织召开了展商座谈会、专业观众座谈会, 听取大家对展会发展的意见和建议, 并组织代表围绕如何实现展会可持续发展这一中心议题, 就加强专业观众邀请等分议题分组进行了深入讨论。

会议通报了第十二届粮油展工作计划方案。展会将于2012年10月16~18日在济南舜耕国际会展中心举办, 除继续展出各类粮油粮机设备、产品及技术外, 还将结合山东产业发展特色, 重点组织面粉、食用油、玉米深加工以及饲料生产相关企业参加展览。展会同期将举行“全国粮食行业人才信息服务网”启动仪式和“粮油产业化龙头企业科学发展座谈会”等活动, 继续在参展产品中开展金奖评选活动。





March 23rd is "World Meteorological Day" and on that day Jarraud, Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon each delivered a speech.

Jarraud said in the speech that, the topic of this year is "Climate Knowledge Supports Climate Action", which is of perfect timing when the international society is making great decisions and actions towards climate change. "From agriculture to tourism and from infrastructure to healthy service, climate change almost affects every social and economic department. It shocks strategic resources like water, food and energy; slows down and puts threats on sustainable development, which is not just limited in developing countries."

He said that, due to the development of remote sensing technology including satellite, major scientific progress and computer ability, the current seasonal climatic prediction is mature increasingly. In past 50 years, the progress of atmosphere and climate science tops that of other subjects. In order to carry out powerful climatic actions, he calls on members of WMO, governments and civic society to share and apply climate knowledge to reduce climate risk and boost sustainable development.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also delivered speech and said, in past 30 years, flood, storm, draught and wild fire lead to huge loss of life and serious loss of economy and climate change makes such extreme weather tougher and more frequent that puts threats on water and food in many areas in the world. It is a major test for our time to slow down and adapt to climate change. The year of 2015 sees the international society to make decision for the future wellbeing and enhancing climate defensing ability is a main course of it. On that day, he urges all behaviorists of the society to face this core task "with knowledge as the weapon" to win the challenge of climate change and build a safer and more prosperous society for everyone.


Executive Director of UNAIDS Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations 1 December 2012

2012年世界艾滋病日致辞 米歇尔·西迪贝

联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任 联合国副秘书长 2012年12月1日


To the millions who have come together with compassion and determination on this World AIDS Day, we say your blood, sweat and tears are changing the world.在这个世界艾滋病日,成百上千万的人带着同情与决心聚集在一起,我们的鲜血、汗水和眼泪正在改变着这个世界。

We have moved from despair to hope.我们正远离绝望,走向希望。

Far fewer people are dying from AIDS.艾滋病相关的死亡人数越来越少。countries have reduced new infections by more than 50%.I want these results in every country.全世界有25个国家已经将新发感染率降低了50%多。我希望全世界每一个国家都能取得同样的成果。

The pace of progress is quickening.It is unprecedented – what used to take a decade is now being achieved in just 24 months.进展的步伐正在加快,以前需要十年才能取得的成效现在24个月就实现了。

Now that we know rapid and massive scale up of HIV programmes is possible –

we need to do more.现在我们已经了解到,快速、大规模地扩大艾滋病防治项目是可以实现的。我们需要加倍努力。

Friends, we only have a thousand days left before the deadline of the 2015 AIDS targets.各位朋友,我们离实现2015年艾滋病防治目标只剩1000天。

So today, on World AIDS Day, let us renew our commitment to getting to zero.今天,在这个世界艾滋病日,让我们一起重新承诺,为实现“零艾滋”而奋斗。

Zero new HIV infections


Zero discrimination


Zero AIDS-Related deaths



Recovery Begins with Teachers--Message from the heads of UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO and Education International on the occasion of the World Teachers’Day 2010 5 October 2010 复兴始于教师

——国际组织在2010年世界教师日的联合致辞 2010年10月5日

Today, on World Teachers’Day, we pay homage to all teachers for their pivotal role in shaping children’s lives and for their critical contribution to the social,economic and intellectual development of nations.Teachers are change agents, providing the impetus for the emergence of educated communities.今天是世界教师日,值此之际,我们向所有教师致以崇高敬意,感谢他们在改变儿童的命运中发挥的关键作用,以及对各国社会、经济和智力发展做出的重要贡献。教师是变革的动因,他们推动了有教养社会的形成。

Many teachers work in extremely challenging circumstances, serving in communities with high rates of poverty,coping with violence within and outside the classroom, or confronting the demoralizing impact of HIV and AIDS on colleagues, students and families.There are those who are seeking to ensure the right to education of 18.5 million refugee children throughout the world.In countries affected by conflict, teachers are instrumental to reconstruction and peace-building.许多教师在极具挑战性的环境下工作,供职于贫困发生率很高的社区,要与校内校外的暴力作斗争,抵抗艾滋病毒和艾滋病给同仁、学生和家庭造成的意志消沉。有些教师正在想方设法保证世界各地1,850 万难民儿童的受教育权。在受到冲突影响的国家,教师们在协助重建国家、建设和平。

We take this opportunity to commend the efforts of teachers, especially female teachers,who accept to serve in high risk, deprived and disadvantaged areas, reaching out to the excluded,and bringing them the prospect of a better life through education.Teachers are also crucial to sustainable recovery and growth in post-conflict and emergency situations.In Haiti, the devastating earthquake that struck last January claimed the lives of some 38,000 pupils and 1,300 teachers and education personnel.In Pakistan, according to UN estimates, half of the 20 million people affected by the floods are children.From the outset, reactivating the education system has been a priority of the humanitarian and recovery effort in both countries.We especially honour the memory and commitment of those teachers who have lost their lives in emergency situations.我们借此机会赞扬教师们,特别是女教师们的辛勤工作。他们勇于到风险大、物质贫乏、条件不利的地区服务,向被排斥者伸出援手,用教育鼓起他们对美好生活的憧景。在冲突后和紧急局势中,教师对于可持续复兴和增长而言也是极其重要的。今年1 月海地发生的毁灭性地震夺去了38,000 名学生、1,300 名教师和教职人员的生命。在巴基斯坦,据联合国估计,有2,000 万人受到洪灾,其中半数是儿童。从一开始,重启教育系统就是这两个国家人道主义和复兴工作的优先事项。我们尤其缅怀那些在紧急局势下牺牲生命的教师,赞扬他们的献身精神。

Teachers provide continuity and reassurance,both during and after natural disasters and other crises.By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normalcy, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement.They provide much-needed psycho-social support to ease the trauma of children and youth who have witnessed extreme violence, or lived through the destruction of their homes and the loss of family members.Supporting teachers in post-crisis situations is an investment in peace and development.无论是在灾难及其他危机期间,还是在其过后,教师都起到了承前启后和安抚民心的作用。他们给儿童以未来的希望,为其提供某种组织结构,使其有一种常态感,从而降低了冲突、灾难和流离失所的影响。他们提供急需的社会心理支持,以抚平目睹极端暴力或历经家庭毁灭或失去亲人的那些儿童和青年的创伤。支援危机后地区的教师,就是投资于和平与发展。

While many governments are making efforts to protect education budgets, teachers’jobs, salaries and decent teaching/learning conditions, we are deeply concerned by the probable impact of the global economic slowdown on the teaching profession.As a catalyst for human growth and development, education is key to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)and Education for All(EFA)targets.But without sufficient numbers of well-trained and professionally motivated teachers, we risk falling short of the promise made ten years ago at the World Education Forum to the world’s children and youth,because teachers are at the heart of the education system.许多国家政府正在设法保护教育预算、教师的职位、薪水和适宜的教学条件,但是全球经济增长放缓可能对教师职业造成的冲击令我们深为关切。作为人类增长与发展的一个推手,教育是实现所有千年发展目标(MDGs)和全民教育(EFA)目标的关键所在。可是,没有足够多训练有素、有职业进取心的教师,我们就有可能兑现不了十年前在世界教育论坛上向全世界儿童和青年做出的承诺,因为教师是教育系统的灵魂。

On this Day we call for adherence to the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers(which was adopted on this date in 1966)and to the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel.The moral force of these Recommendations remains as pertinent as ever.Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession.The situation must be redressed at a time when the world needs an estimated 10.3 million new teachers to reach internationally-agreed education targets by 2015.值此教师日,我们呼吁各方遵守国际劳工组织-教科文组织《关于教师地位的建议书》(于1966 年的今天通过)和1997 年教科文组织《关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议书》。这两项建议书的伦理力量一如既往,切合时代大潮。地位低、薪水少、工作条件恶劣,这一切都侵犯了教师的权利,使那些有才华的年轻人望而却步,不敢加入并留在教师队伍中。这种局面必须予以纠正,因为要在2015 年之前实现国际商定的教育目标,全世界目前还需要新增大约910万教师。

The quality of teacher training is equally important.Teachers who are well-trained and adequately remunerated are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship,peace and intercultural dialogue.Governments are therefore urged to continue investing in viable national policies and programmes for teacher training,recruitment, and incentives so that teachers remain and develop within the profession.At the same time,we urge development partners to support governments, particularly in developing countries, in their determination to invest in well trained teachers.We also call for greater efforts and structures of social dialogue that give teachers a voice in decision-making through their democratically elected organizations.Without teachers’inputs to shape education reforms, recovery processes are not likely to achieve all their goals.师资培训质量同样重要。训练有素并得到合理报酬的教师,更能提供良好的教育,更有可能成为公民、和平和文化间对话等价值观的积极宣扬者。因此,我们敦促各国政府继续投资于教师培训、招聘和激励等可行的国家政策和计划,使教师们留在这个行业并从中发展提高。另外,我们敦促发展伙伴支持各国政府,特别是发展中国家政府投资于训练有素的教师的决心。我们还呼吁加倍努力,建立社会对话机制,使教师能够通过他们民主推举的组织,在决策过程中表达自己的意见。在制定教育改革中没有教师的参与,复兴工作就不可能实现其全部目标。

On World Teachers’Day, we appeal to governments, communities, national and international institutions worldwide to renew their commitment towards teachers, particularly in the poorest countries and those affected by conflict or disasters.Recovery begins with teachers.We can best honour teachers by giving them decent working conditions to fulfil their mission of preparing the younger generation to become responsible citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future.在世界教师日来临之际,我们呼吁世界各国政府、各个社区、国家和国际机构再次向教师,尤其是最贫穷国家、冲突国家和受灾国家的教师做出承诺。复兴始于教师。我们为教师提供体面的工作条件,使他们能够履行将年轻一代培养成具备创造可持续未来的知识和技能且负责任的公民的使命,就是对他们的最好奖赏。

Join us today,5 October 2010,in celebrating teachers around the world!今天,即2010年10月5日,同我们一道向世界各地的教师们表示祝贺吧!

Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃 Juan Somavia, Director-General of ILO 国际劳工组织总干事胡安·索马维亚 Helen Clark, Administrator of UNDP 联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克
