





一、引导词 what 与 that 的区别

引导主、宾、表语从句时,what 要充当主语、宾语或表语等句子成分,that 不作任何成分,而只在语法上起连接作用。例如

_________ we can’t get seems better than _________ we have.A.What; what B.What; that C.That; that D.That; what 解析:本句包含一个主语从句和一个宾语从句,且两个从句都缺乏宾语,可见两个引导词都必须充当从句的宾语,所以答案为 A 项。

在下面的例句中,that 不充当任何成分,只起语法连接作用(因为句子本身不缺成分):

That the former Iraq president Saddam was captured has been proved.二、引导词 whether 和 if 的区别

通常,引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句时,连词要用 whether,而不用 if ;习惯上也只能说 whether or not,而不说 if or not.例如:

_________ the meeting will be held in Beijing is not known yet.A.Whenever B.If C.Whether D.That

解析:题中的从句位于句首,不难知道这是一个主语从句,根据句意,答案为 C 项。但如果宾语或主语从句为否定句时,只能用 that,不能用 whether 引导。如:

That you don’t like him is none of my business.三、名词性从句的语序


No one can be sure _________ in a million years.A.what man will look like B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what D.what look will man like

解析:由于从句不能倒装,所以答案只能选 A 项。同时还须注意,从句的引导词必须始终置于句首。

四、who / whoever,what / whatever 等的区别

一般说来,what / who 等含特指意义,而 whatever,whoever 等含泛指意义。例如:

It is generally considered unwise to give a child _________ he or she wants.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever

解析:答案为 B 项。Whatever 引导一个宾语从句,并且作 wants 的宾语。这里的 whatever 不能改成 what,因为题意想表达的显然是“无论孩子要什么,就给他 / 她什么是不明智的”,具有泛指的概念。同时要注意,这里 whatever 也不能改用 no matter what,因为后者只能引导状语从句。

五、where,when,why 等连接副词引导的名词性从句

where,when,why 等连接副词也可以引导名词性从句,使用的关键是:这个词必须符合句子的逻辑要求。例如:

— I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.— Is that _________ you had a few days off?

A.why B.when C.that D.where

解析:答案为 A 项,why 引导的从句作表语,同时 why 在从句中作原因状语。又如:

— Do you remember _________ he came?

— Yes.I do,he came by car.A.how B.when C.that D.if

解析:答案为 A 项。从答语 he came by car 可知,这里问的是 he 来的方式,所以用 how 引导。

六、“介词 + who(m)”引导的宾语从句与“介词 +who(m)”引导的宾语从句的区别


It was a matter of _________ would take the position.A.who B.whoever

C.whom D.whomever

解析:答案为 A 项。由于这里的引导词在从句中作主语,所以要用主格 who(作宾语时自然要用 whom)。比较下例:

Our country has thousands of excellent scientists,most of whom have received higher education at home.这是一个“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句。引导定语从句的是“ most of + 关系代词”,而不只是这个关系代词,同时这个引导词又作介词 of 的宾语,所以要用宾格 whom.七、名词性从句中有插入成分时


_________ you have seen both fighters,_________ will win?

A.Since; do you think who

B.As; who you think

C.When; whoever

D.Since; who do you think

解析:答案为 D 项。其中 do you think 是插入成分,其余部分是宾语从句,作 think 的宾语。由于引导词在从句中作主语,所以要用主格 who.八、引导词 that 的省略

引导宾语从句时,that 通常可以省略,但引导主语、表语和同位语从句时,that 不能省略。例如:

China’s success in manned-space-craft travel shows _________ out country has become one of the greatest powers in space research.A.what B.which

C.不填 D.it that

解析:该句中的从句作 shows 的宾语,是宾语从句,又因为从句中不缺主语、宾语,所以只能用 that 引导;又因引导宾语从句时 that 可以省略,所以答案是 C 项。

九、同位语从句引导词 where,when 的用法特点

说明先行词内容的同位语从句的引导词 where,when 与被说明的名词在概念上不一致。但引导定语从句的引导词却必须保持一致。试比较:

① Then arose the question _________ we were to get so much money.② This is the house _________ the great man Mao Zedong was born 110 years ago.A.whereB.thatC.about whichD.in which

解析:①的答案为 A 项;②的答案为 A 项或 D 项。先行词与 where,when 概念一致时,是定语从句,此时,关系副词 where 或 when 可以用“介词 +which ”形式代替。①中的 question 与 where 不表同一概念,可见是同位语从句,where 不能改用“介词 +which ”的形式。②中的 house 与 where 同表地点,所以选 A 项或 D 项都可以。



1.She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood _______ he said meant.A.that B.what

C.that that D.what what 【陷阱】可能误选B。许多同学一看选项首先就排除了C和D,认为这样两个“引导词”叠用的情况不太可能。在A和B两个选项中,选项A肯定不行,因为它引导宾语从句时不能充当句子成分,所以便选择


【分析】正确答案选 D。第一个what 用作动词 meant 的宾语,第二个what 用作动词 said 的宾语,即在 none of us understood what what he said meant 中,none of us understood 为主句,what what he said meant 为宾语从句,而在此宾语从句中又包括有 what he said 这样一个主语从句。

2.After _______ had happened he could not continue to work there.A.which B.how C.what D.having


【分析】最佳答案选 C。有的同学误选A,是因为认为介词后应接关系代词 which,但实际上,若填关系代词,其前没有先行词,这根据不是一个定语从句。另外,由于 had happened 缺主语,所以B和


He pointed to ______ looked like a tomb and said, “Ghost.”

A.that B.what C.which D.as 3.“Is ______ you want to say?” asked the teacher.A.this B.that C.all that D.that all


【分析】最佳答案选 D。假若选A或B,那么转换成陈述句即为:This is you want to say./ That is you want to say.显然句中的两个谓语动词 is与want相冲突。选D组成的句子是 Is that all you want to say? 其中的that 为句子主语,all 为表语,you want to say 为定语从句,用以修饰all。

4.“When ______ leave for Japan?” “When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.”

A.they will, will they B.will they, they will C.they will, they will D.will they, will they 【陷阱】可能误选D,认为 when 后应用疑问句词序。

【分析】最佳答案选 B。第一个when引出的是一个特殊疑问句,故用疑问词序;第二个 when 引出的是主语从句,故其后用陈述句词序。请做以下试题(答案选C):

(1)None knows if _______ that boy, but if _______ him, her parents will be disappointed.A.she will marry, she will marry B.she marries, she marries C.she will marry, she marries D.she marries, she will marry(2)“Where _______ go to work?” “Where _______ go to work is not known.”

A.we shall, we shall B.shall we, shall we C.shall we, we shall D.we shall, shall we 5.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see ______.A.who is he B.who he is C.who is it D.who it is


【分析】此题最佳答案为D。首先可以排除A和C,因为空格处实为一个宾语从句,所以不能用疑问句词序。另一方面,但按英语习惯,当用于指代身份不明的人时,要用代词it,而不用 he 或she等。


Mr Smith is at the door.He wants to see you.史密斯先生在门口,他想见你。Someone is at the door.It may be the postman.有个人在门口,可能是邮递员。第一句因前面指明了是 Mr Smith,所以后面用代词 he;而第二句因前面用的是不定代词

someone,说明此人身份尚不明确,故其后用了代词 it 来指代。

6.Don’t you know, my dear friend, ______ it is your money not you that she loves?

A.who B.which C.that D.what 【陷阱】此题容易误选 A或B:选 A 的同学认为这是指人的,故用who;选B的同学认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词)。

【分析】其实答案应选C。that引导的是一个宾语从句,用作动词 know 的宾语,它只是被句中的插入语 my dear friend 隔开罢了。请做以下试题(答案均为C):

(1)Everyone knows, perhaps except you, _______ your girl-friend is a cheat.A.who B.which C.that D.what(2)I think, though I could be mistaken, ______ she liked me.A.who B.which C.that D.what

(3)He told me the news, believe it or not, ______ he had earned $1 000 in a single day.A.that B.which C.as D.because 前面两题 that 引导宾语从句,后面一题 that同位语从句(修饰the news)。


1.They lost their way in the forest, and _______ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A.it B.which C.that D.what 2.Patience is a kind of quality — and that is ___A___ it takes to do anything well.A.what B.which C.which D.how 3.It has come to my notice _______ some of you have missed classes.A.what B.which C.that D.when 4.“What were you trying to prove to the police?” “___ I was last night.”

A.That B.When C.Where D.What 5.Country life gives him peace and quiet, which is ______ he can’t enjoy while living in big cities.A.that B.why C.where D.what 6.It is pretty well understood _______ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the

atmosphere today.A.that B.when C.what D.how 7._______ she couldn’t understand was ______ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her

lessons.A.What;why B.That;what C.What;because D.Why;that 8._______ we are doing has never been done before.A.That B.What C.Which D.Whether

9.People have heard _______ the President has said;they are waiting to see _______ he will do.A.how, how B.what, what C.when, how D.that, what 10.When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give

the monkey exactly _______ he wants.A.what B.which C.when D.that 11.These wild flowers are so special I would do _______ I can to save them.A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever 12._______ she was invited to the ball made her very happy.A.What B.That C.When D.Because 13.Eat ______ cake you like and leave the others for ______ comes in late.A.any, who B.every, whoever C.whichever, whoever D.either, whoever 14.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella._______ I got wet through.A.It’s the reason B.That’s why C.There’s why D.That’s because 15.____ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A.Who B.The one C.Anyone D.Whoever 16._______ medicine works in a human body is a question _______ not everyone can understand

fully.A.How;that B.That;which C.That;which D.What;that


1.选D。what made matters worse 是主语从句(注意其后有谓语动词was),相当于 the thing that

made matters worse。

2.选A。what 引导的是表语从句,相当于 the thing that it takes to do anything well。

3.选C。that 引导的是一个主语从句,句首的it为形式主语。

4.选 C。答句为省略句,其完整形式为 I was trying to prove to the police where I was last night,在此 where 引导的是一个宾语从句。类似地,下面选 C:

“_______ made her struggle to become an artist so hard?” “______ she was a woman.”

A.What, What B.That, That C.What, That D.That, What 5.选D。what 引导的是表语从句,what 在此相当于 the things that。

6.选 C。句首的 it 是形式主语,空格处所填词用于引导主语从句。由于该主语从句中又缺主语,故排除A、B、D。(注意:不能选 A,因为 that 引导名词性从句时不能充当句子成分)7.选 A。第一空填 what,是因为该主语从句中的动词 understand 缺宾语;why 和 because 均可引导表语从句,其区别是: why 引导表语从句强调结果,because 引导表语从句强调原因。句中空格

后文表明的是结果,故用 why。

8.B。what 在此引导主语从句且在从句作宾语,它相当于 the thing that。

9.B。两空均填 what,均用于引导宾语从句,因为两个宾语从句中的动词 said 和do 均缺宾语,而在各个选项中只有 what 可用作宾语。

10.选 A。what 引导宾语从句。由于动词 wants 缺宾语,所以填 what。句意是:当你找工作面试回答问题时,请记住这条黄金定律:永远给予对方确实想要的东西。

11.选 A。I can to save them 为 I can do to save them 之略,此句中的 do 缺宾语,故选


12.选 B。that 在此引导主语从句,无词义,也不充当句子成分。注意不要根据中文意思选 D,因

为 because 不用于引导主语从句。

13.选 C。两个空格处均为引导宾语从句的引导词,而四个选项中两者可引导宾语从句的只有 C。14.选 B。比较 That’s why… 与 That’s because…:前者用于强调结果,后者用于强调原因。如

下面一题选 D:

I got wet all through._______ I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.A.It’s the reason B.That’s why C.There’s why D.That’s because

15.选 D。由 is worth praising 这一谓语可知前面是主语从句,排除不能引导从句的 B 项和 C 项;whoever 引导主语从句表示“任何……的人”,在此它相当于 anyone who。


1. that和what都可以引导名词性从句, 但that是连接词, 本身无词义, 仅起连接作用, 不在从句中担任任何成分;

what是连接代词, 不仅引导名词性从句, 而且在从句中充当一定的成分, 如主语、宾语或表语。

Many young peoplein th West areexpected toleave_____could be life’s most important

decision--marriage--almost entirely up to luck. (09江苏)

A.as B.that C.which D.what

2. 名词性从句中一律用陈述句的语序。

I just wonder______that makes him soexcited.

A.why it does B.what he does

C.how it isD.what it is (2006山东)

3. it作形式主语或形式宾语。

在名词性从句中为了保持句子的平衡, 往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语, 而把真正的主语和宾语放到后面, 尤其是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语。

I like____in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (04全国卷Ⅰ)

A.this B.that C.it D.one

4. 与“命令、要求、建议”等相关的名词性从句中通常用虚拟语气, 虚拟语气的构成是“should+动词原形”或省去should, 直接用动词原形。

语气, 虚拟语气的构成是“should+动词原形”或省去should, 直接用动词原形。

It is necessary that a college student_______at least a foreign language (上海1993)

A.masters B.should master

C.mastered D.will master


1) 在主语从句中用来表示惊奇、怀疑、惋惜、理应如此等, 谓语动词要用虚拟语气

“ (should) +do”。常用的句型有:It is necessary (impor-tant, natural, strange,

etc.) that…

It is a pity (a shame, no wonder, etc.) that…It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, etc.) that…例如:It is strange that she (should) think so.真奇怪, 她竟然这么想。

It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once.应该马上派他去那里。


2) 谓语动词是表示建议、请求、命令、要求、坚持等及物动词时, 其后边的宾语从句。

要用虚拟语气。常用的这类动词有suggest, propose, move, insist, desire,

demand, request, order, command等, 谓语动词要用虚拟语气“ (should) +do”

例如:I insist that she (should) do her work alone.我坚持要她自己完成工作。

The commander ordered that troops (should) set off at once.


3) 主语是suggestion, proposal, request, idea等表示建议、请求、命令、要求、决定等意义的名词时, 表语从句和同位语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气“ (should) +do”。例如:

My idea is that another meeting (should) be held to discuss the problem.


They received orders that the work (should) be finished by the end of this month.


但是, 如果suggest作“表明、暗示”讲, insist作“坚持说、坚持认为”讲, 则其后的宾语从句中应该用陈述语气。

例The smile on his face suggested that he had passed the examination.


5. whether和if均可引导动词后的宾语从句, 常可互换。

但从句中有or not时或介词宾语从句中只能用whether连接。其他名词性从句, 如主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句只用whether连接, 不用if。

We haven't settled the question of_____it is necessary for him to study abroad.

A.if B.where C.whether D.that (2006江苏)

另外, 介词后的宾语从句一般不用which和if引导, 要用whether和what。that也很少引导介词宾语从句, 只在except, but, besides等之后才用。

Animals suffered at the hands of Man___they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people. (2008江西卷)

A.in which B.forwhich

C.so that D.in that

6. 当主句是I/We think (suppose, expect, believe, guess, imagine) 时, 其后的宾语从句如果是否定形式, 常把否定词not从从句中转移到主句中, 成为否定的转移。

例We don’t believe that he will win the game.我们相信他不会赢得这场比赛。

7. doubt用于肯定结构时, 后面用whether/if引导名词性从句;

用于否定结构或疑问结构时, 后面用that引导名词性从句。be sure用于肯定句或疑问句时, 后接that引导的名词性从句;用于否定句时, 后接whether/if引导的名词性从句。

例We doubt whether/if he can win the game.我们怀疑他是否能赢得这场比赛。

8. 连接代词whoever, whatever, whichever可引导名词性从句, 相当于anyone who, anything that等。

他们也可以引导让步状语从句, 相当于no matter who/what/which。

______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. (2008浙江卷)

A.Anyone B.The one

C.Whoever D.Who

______team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.

A.No matter what B.No matter which



例1:____ matters most in learning English is enough practice.


A. WhatB. WhyC. WhereD. Which


例2:It is none of your business ____ other people think about you. Believe yourself.(07福建)

A. howB. whatC. whichD. when


例3: ____ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.(07陕西)

A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. As




例1:Choosing the right dictionary depends on ____ you want to use it for.(07江苏)

A. whatB. whyC. howD. whether


例2:——What did your parents think about your decision?

——They always let me do ____ I think I should. (06全国卷Ⅱ)

A. whenB. thatC. howD. what


例3:I think Father would like to know ____ Ive been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note. (04湖南)

A. whichB. whyC. whatD. how



例:I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ____ silly mistakes I had made. (05湖南)

A. whatB. thatC. howD. which




例1:See the flags on top of the building? That was ____ we did this morning. (06全国卷I)

A. whenB. whichC. whereD. what


例2:Perseverance is a kind of quality, and thats ____ it takes to do anything well.(02上海)

A. whatB. thatC. whichD. why




例1:The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make ____ it is.(07天津)

A. whatB. whichC. howD. where


例2:The shopkeeper did not want to sell for ____ he thought was not enough. (05山东)

A. whereB. howC. whatD. which

解析:C。借助sell for可以推出该空表示“……的价格”,因此应用what引导宾语从句。

例3:The way he did it was different ____ we were used to.(05江西)

A. in whichB. in whatC. from whatD. from which

解析:C。be different应与from构成搭配,因此该空作介词from的宾语,联系The way的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“不同于……的方法”,因此应用 from what引导宾语从句。

例4:A modern city has been set up in ____ was a wasteland ten years ago. (04天津)

A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where

解析:A。借助a wasteland可以推出该空表示“……的地方”,因此应用what引导宾语从句。

例5:The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed.(04上海春季)

A. asB. whichC. whatD. that



名词性从句在整个句子里面主要起名词的作用, 它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。名词性从句是中学阶段的一个重要语法项目, 近年的高考各套试题都有所涉及, 且每年的命题各有变化, 但高考题中所涉及的名词性从句主要聚焦在如下一些考点上。

考点一: what引导的名词性从句是高考设题的热点

what不但有意义, 而且要在句中充当成分, 也就是说, what引导的从句在句中要充当主语、宾语、表语, 同时what还要在从句中充当宾语、主语、表语或定语, 只要符合这两个条件, 就得用what引导。

【典例1】_____makes the book so ex- traordinary is the creative imagination of the writ- er. ( 2013年北京卷)

A. That B. What

C. Who D. Which

【解析】B。由句子结构可知: “_____makes the book so extraordinary”是主语从句, 且从句中缺少主语, 故用what。主语从句作主语, 谓语动词用单数is。

【典例2】Police have found_______ap- pears to be the lost ancient statue. ( 2013年全国Ⅰ卷)

A. which B. where

C. how D. what

【解析】D。“____appears to be the lost ancient statue”是宾语从句, 且从句中缺少主语, 故选关系代词what。

【典例3】Some people care much about their appearance and always ask if they look fine in_____they are wearing. ( 2013年上海卷)

A. that B. what

C. how D. which

【解析】B。“___they are wearing”是介词in的宾语, 且从句中缺少宾语, 填what。

【典例4】—I'd like to start my own business—that's____I'd do if I had the money.

A. why B. when

C. which D. what

【解析】D。“____I'd do”是表语从句, 所填词在从句中作do的宾语, 指物, 用what。

注意: what等引导主语从句的句子谓语一般用单数。如果表达复数内容, 谓语用复数。如:

①What we need are many learned students. 我们需要的是许多学识渊博的学生。

②What we need is money. 我们需要的是钱。

【典例1】_____I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. ( 2013年天津卷)

A. That B. Which

C. Whether D. What

【解析】D。从句“____I want to tell you”作主语, 句子的谓语动词是is ( 单数) 。

【典例2】____you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company. ( 2013年四川卷)

A. When B. How

C. What D. That

【解析】C。从句“____you said at the meeting”作主语, 谓语是describes ( 单数) 。

考点二: that引导的名词性从句是高考设题的重点

that从句表示的是一个事实, 它引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句或同位语从句。that只起连接词作用, 在从句中不担任任何成分, 本身也没有词义。

【典例1】Experts believe____people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. ( 2013年北京卷)

A. why B. where

C. that D. what

【解析】C。动词believe之后为宾语从句, 从句中不缺少成分, 故用that表陈述一件实事。

【典例2】The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief____you are better than anyone else on the sports field. ( 2013年浙江卷)

A. howB. that

C. whichD. whether

【解析】B。“you are better than anyone else on the sports field”是belief的具体内容, 叙述的是事实, 用that引导。

【典例3】It suddenly occurred to him_____ he had left his keys in the office.

A. whether B. where

C. which D. that

【解析】D。it作形式主语, 真正的主语为that he had left his keys in the office。且that在句中无意义, 不充当任何成分。

注意: that连接宾语从句时, that可以省略。但由and或but所连接的两个引导的宾语从句时, 第一个从句中的that可以省, 第二个从句中的that不能省; 如果从句中还有其他状语从句, 引导宾语从句的that不能省略。

【典例】Having checked the doors were closed, and____all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.

A. why B. that

C. when D. where


考点三: wh - 词引导的名词性从句是高考设题的难点

1. whoever, whatever, whichever引导的名词性从句。

whoever相当于anyone who; whichever相当于anyone/anything that; whatever相当于any- thing that, 这三个词可以引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句, 在从句中都可以作主语、宾语、表语, 但whichever可作名词的前置定语 ( 表示有范围) , whatever有时也作名词的前置定语 ( 表示无范围) 。

【典例1】____one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it. ( 2013年江西卷)

A. Whoever B. Whatever

C. Whichever D. Wherever

【解析】C。主语从句“___one of you breaks the window”中主语one前缺少定语, 用whichever“不管你们中的哪一个”。

【典例2】As many five courses are provid- ed, and you are free to choose____suits you best.

A. whatever B. whichever

C. whenever D. wherever

【解析】B。所填词引导的从句作动词choose的宾语, 引导词在从句中作主语, 故选B。其余选项与句意不符。

【典例3】The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for___he could find about Mark Twain.

A. wherever B. however

C. whatever D. whichever

【解析】C。从句“____he could find about Mark Twain”作介词for的宾语, 且从句谓语动词find缺少宾语, 所以用whatever。

【典例4】We promise_____attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.

A. whoB. whom

C. whoeverD. whomever

【解析】C。promise sb sth“向某人承诺某事”, whoever引导宾语从句“___attends the party”, 参加聚会的任何人whoever = anyone who。不定式to have a photo taken with the movie star作chance的定语。本句指的是向参加聚会的人提供一个和电影明星合影的机会。

2. whether和if引导的名词性从句。

whether可以引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句, 而if只可引导宾语从句。在宾语从句中, whether可以与or ( not) 连用, 或作介词的宾语, 而if不可以。

【典例1】It remains to be seen____ the newly formed committee's policy can be put into practice. ( 2013年陕西卷)

A. that B. which

C. what D. whether

【解析】D。remains to be seen“拭目以待”的事情应是不确定的事 ( 用whether表“是否”) , that表陈述, which和what表示疑问。

【典例2】The limits of a person's intelli- gence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but ______he reaches these limits will depend on his environment. ( 2012年安徽卷)

A. whereB. whether

C. thatD. why

【解析】B。把插入语generally speaking删掉, 句子就简单了, but引导并列句, 前后表示转折。whether he reaches these limits是第二个分句的主语。

【典例3】It doesn't matter____you pay by cash or credit card in this store.

A. howB. whether

C. whatD. why

【解析】B。前面的it是形式主语, 后面的whether是真正的主语, 句意为: 在这个商店中用现金或信用卡支付都可以。whether引导主语从句, 意为“是否”, 其他选项都不符合句意。

【典例4】We've offered her the job, but I don't know_____she'll accept it.

A. where B. what

C. whether D. which

【解析】C。根据句意“我们提供给她这份工作, 但我不知道她是否会接受”。whether有“是否”的意思, 在从句中不作成分。

考点四: who, whom, whose, which等连接代词和where, when, how, why等连接副词引导的名词性从句是高考设题的冷点

who在从句中作主语, whom作宾语, whose作名词的定语, which主要是作名词的前置定语, 但在一定的上下文中可省略名词, 作主语、宾语或表语。而where, when, how, why等连接副词在从句中作状语。

【典例1】Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell____close you may be to victory. ( 2013年湖南卷)

A. how B. that

C. which D. where

【解析】A。句意为: 别为任何失败泄气, 你永远无法知道你离胜利有多近。宾语从句“____close you may be to victory”是由连接副词how修饰形容词close引导的。

【典例2】Scientists study___human brains work to make computers. ( 2012年四川卷)

A. whenB. how

C. thatD. whether


【典例3】It was never clearthe man hadn't reported the accident sooner.

A. that B. how

C. when D. why

【解析】D。“____the man hadn't re- ported the accident sooner. ”是主语从句, 由was never clear判断, 选why表示“……的原因”。

【典例4】—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

—That's_____I don't agree. You should have a more active life.

A. where B. how

C. when D. what

【解析】A。句意为: ———我宁愿星期天整天关在屋子里听音乐。———这正是我不赞成的一点。你应该有更积极的生活。agree为不及物动词, 不缺少宾语, 因此不选what; 强调上文所提到的“那一点上” ( where) 有不同的意见, 而不是强调方式 ( how) 或时间 ( when) 。

【典例5】How much one enjoys himself trav- elling depends largely on_____he goes with, whether his friends or relatives.

A. what B. who

C. how D. why

【解析】B。根据句意及句末的whether his friends or relatives可知应是和谁去。

考点五: 名词性从句中的隔离从句是高考设题的焦点

1. 同位语从句中, 从句较长, 为避免句子结构的“头重脚轻”, 把从句与同位名词分开。解题时要根据句子意思确定是同位语从句, 排除隔离成分的干扰。

【典例】Evidence has been found through years of study____children's early sleeping problem likely to continue when they grow up. ( 2012年重庆卷)

A. why B. how

C. whether D. that

【解析】D。分析句子结构可知, 空白处后面为句子主语“Evidence”的同位语从句, 在从句中, 句意完整, 不缺少成分, 应该使用that作为引导词。

2. 含有believe, imagine, suggest, suppose, think, expect等动词的插入语。在宾语从句中可以以陈述的形式出现, 也可以以疑问的形式出现, 如果后面跟含有特殊疑问词作连词的宾语从句, 则疑问词要置于句首“疑问词 + do you suppose / think / believe + 陈述语序”, 解题时把插入成分去掉, 这样句子便显得简洁, 很容易看出句子的本来结构。

【典例】Mum is coming. What present_____ for your birthday?

A. you expect she has got

B. you expect has she got

C. do you expect she has got

D. do you expect has she got

【解析】C。do you expect是插入成分, 后面用陈述语序。

3. 名词性从句中含有插入成分, 对试题进行干扰。

【典例】____was most important to her, she told me, was her family.

A. It B. This

C. What D. As

【解析】C。she told me是插入语, 分析句子结构可知, 第二个was是整个句子的谓语动词。所选词须是连词用来引导主语从句。what引导名词性从句在从句中作主语。

考点六: 名词性从句高考设题的其他关注点

1. 名词性从句中的it

在主语从句和宾语从句中, 为了避免头重脚轻, 通常用it作形式主语或形式宾语, 而把真正的主语从句或宾语从句后置。另外, 在hate, enjoy, like, love, appreciate等表心理方面的动词之后, 可用it充当形式宾语, 再加if/ wh-从句作真正宾语。

【典例1】It is by no means clear _____the president can do to end the strike.

A. how B. which

C. that D. what

【解析】D。从句中谓语动词do后面缺少宾语。it是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的what从句。

【典例2】Why don't you bring____to his attention that you're too ill to work on?

A. that B. it

C. his D. him

【解析】B。it作形式宾语, 指代句子后面that引导的宾语从句。句意: 为什么你不让他注意到 你病得太 严重了以 至于不能 工作。

【典例3】I'd appreciate____if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

A. that B. it

C. this D. you

【解析】B。句中it是形式宾语, 指代后面的if从句。句意: 如果你能教我如何用电脑我将不胜感激。

2. 名词性从句的语序

名词性从句的语序用陈述句语序。在试题的设置上常通过宾语从句、表语从句的语序来考查, 尤其是一些与特殊疑问句有关的宾语从句或表语从句。

【典例】When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know____.

A. he is entering which lane

B. which lane he is entering

C. is he entering which lane

D. which lane is he entering

【解析】B。which引导的句子作know的宾语, 句子用陈述语序。句意: 当司机改变车道时, 应该使用转向指示灯告知其他司机要往哪条车道拐。

3. 名词性从句中的虚拟语气

command, demand, insist, suggest, order, request, require, recommend, urge等表示建议、命令、坚持、要求的动词后的宾语从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气, 即“ ( should) + 动词原形”。它们对应的名词作主语跟表语从句, 或对应的名词跟同位语从句, 或It's necessary/strange/a pity / a shame / no wonder等主语从句中也常用“ ( should) + 动词原形”的虚拟语气。

【典例1】Eye doctors recommend that a child's first eye exam____at the age of six months old. ( 2013年浙江卷)

A. was B. be

C. were D. is


【典例2】We should consider the students' request_____the school library provide more books on popular science.

A. that B. when

C. which D. where

【解析】A。句子“___the school li- brary provide more books on popular science”作名词request的同位语, 在从句中, 主语the school library是单数, 谓语provide前面应该省略了should, 后面叙述的是一个事实, 故用that引导。

4. 宾语从句中的否定转移

在宾语从句 中, 主语的谓 语部分是I believe, I'm sure, I consider, I expect, I guess, I imagine, I suppose, I think等时, 否定句形式上是否定主句的谓语, 而实际上否定的是宾语从句。在反意疑问句中, 其附加问句要与从句保持一致。

【典例】I'm sure you'd rather she went to school by bus, ____?

A. hadn't youB. wouldn't you

C. aren't ID. didn't she

【解析】B。主谓部分是I'm sure, 变反意疑问句时, 主语、谓语与从句主语、谓语相一致。

5. 宾语从句的时态

主句是现在或将来时态时, 从句可用任何所需要的时态; 主句是过去时态时, 从句要用表示过去的相应的时态; 如从句表达的是客观规律或真理时, 用一般现在时。

【典例1】We are confident that the environ- ment___by our further efforts to reduce pollution. ( 2013年辽宁卷)

A. had been improved

B. will be improved

C. is improved

D. was improved

【解析】B。根据已知时态we are confident, 可以先排除A和D, 再根据our further efforts, 可确知将来的事情, 所以用将来时。

【典例2】After school we went to the read- ing-room to do some reading, only to be told that it____. ( 2012年安徽卷)

A. was decorated

B. had decorated

C. had been decorating

D. was being decorated

【解析】D。作结果状语“only to be told that it____”的非谓语动词短语中包含一个that引导的宾语从句。根据谓语动词went判断, 后面的从句也用过去时, 再根据语义可知是正在被装修, 所以要用过去进行时。

考点七: 名词性从句中常考的注意点

1. 名词idea用于肯定句时, 后接that连接的同位语从句, 但用于否定句 ( have no idea) 或一般疑问句 ( Do you have any idea) , 后常接what, where, when, how, why等疑问词引导同位语从句, 在从句中可作成分, 但引导的句子不修饰前面的标志词, 只说明内容。

【典例1】I have no idea____the cell phone isn't working, so could you fix it for me? ( 2013年上海卷)

A. what B. why

C. if D. which

【解析】B。从句“____the cell phone isn't working”作idea的同位语, 从句中缺少状语, 选why表示原因。

【典例2】There is much truth in the idea____ kindness is usually served by frank- ness.

A. why B. which

C. that D. whether

【解析】C。从句“____kindness is usually served by frankness”作idea的同位语, 从句叙述的是一个事实, 用that。

【典例3】I have no idea____the jour- nalist could have got his information from.

A. that B. why

C. why D. where

【解析】D。从句“_____the journalist could have got his information from”作idea的同位语, 从句where作from的宾语。

2. doubt用于肯定句, 后接whether连接的从句; doubt用于否定句, 后接that连接的从句。

【典例1】Some researchers believe that there is no doubt____a cure for AIDS will be found.

A. whichB. that

C. whatD. whether

【解析】B。从句“____a cure for AIDS will be found”作doubt的同位语, 叙述的是一个事实, 用that。

【典例2】What the doctors really doubt is______ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

A. when B. how

C. whether D. why

【解析】C。从句“___my mother will recover from the serious disease soon”表示的是doubt怀疑的内容, 用whether。

3. 表示原因。

①that's because后接某事发生的原因; ②that's why后接某事产生的结果; ③the reason is that后接具体的原因 ( reason后面的定语从句可以用why或that来引导) 。

【典例1】From space, the earth looks blue. This is____about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water. ( 安徽2013)

A. whyB. how

C. becauseD. whether

【解析】C。前一句“地球看起来是蓝色的”表示结果, 后一句“其表面71%是被水覆盖的”是前一句的原因。

【典例2】I'm afraid he's more of a talker than a doer, which is____he never finishes anything.

A. that B. when

C. where D. why

【解析】D。从句中缺少表示“原因”的连接词, 所以用why引导, 相当于which is the rea- son why

【典例3】Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was i_____t was rather closely modeled on his own life.

A. whatB. that

C. whyD. whether

【解析】B。从句不缺成分, 因此用that来引导。句意为: 狄更斯喜欢他自己的小说《大卫科波菲尔》的部分原因是小说创作非常贴近他本人的真实生活。

【典例4】One reason for her preference for city life is_____she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.

A. that B. how

C. what D. why

【解析】A。系动词is之后是一表语从句, 而从句的结构完整, 不缺任何成分, 所以用that引导。


近年的高考试题中, 涉及名词性从句的题目突出了对what, that, whatever等引导词的考查。从考查形式看, 涉及名词性从句考点的试题考查得越来越灵活, 越来越新颖多样。有的试题把两种名词性从句整合在一起考查, 有的试题把名词性从句与状语从句融合在一起考查, 有的试题把名词性从句和强调句型融合起来考查, 也有的把名词性从句和形式主语或形式宾语it整合起来考查等。


1. 做题时, 一定要分析句子结构, 判断这是什么从句, 再判断从句中缺少主语、宾语、表语、定语还是缺少状语。

2. 牢记: 连接代词在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语或定语, 而连接副词在从句中充当状语。


1. Cathy Turner just wants to be noticed, that is____she dresses so strangely.

A. because B. why

C. how D. after

2. The old man told us about____the little boy got the CD player to work.

A. what B. which

C. how D. while

3.____makes the magazine so popular is the creative imagination of the editor.

A. All what B. What

C. Who D. Which

4._____is evident to me that they have no experience in this work.

A. ItB. This C. ThatD. One

5.____we have found is___the H1N1 flu has similarities to the seasonal flu.

A. Which; thatB. Why; whether

C. That; whatD. What; that

6. I would appreciate, _____ to be frank, if you send it to my office now.

A. youB. this

C. itD. myself

7._____enters the museum should not smoke and take photos in order to keep it safe.

A. Who B. Whoever

C. What D. Whatever

8._____amazed us most was that the young boy who had lost his parents in an accident could support the roof of the family.

A. ThatB. It

C. WhichD. What

9. The organization agreed with three com- plainants_____the ad was likely to cause se- rious offence and should not be used again.

A. that B. which

C. what D. how

10. Tina was hesitating about the boy's re- quirement as she did not know____he was an honest person.

A. whetherB. what

C. untilD. although

11. The reason____his father died young wa_____she didn't pay attention to his health.

A. that; why B. why; that

C. why; because D. that; that

12. With these money, you can buy ____you want for your friend.

A. whicheverB. whoever

C. whateverD. no matter what

13.leaves the classroom last ought to turn off all the lights and lock the doors.

A. AnyoneB. Who

C. WhoeverD. No matter who

14. Your suggestion____on with a fur- ther education interests each of us.

A. which we go

B. that we go

C. which we should go

D. that will we go

15._____that everyone shouldn't tell others the password of your e-card at any time.

A. What is required

B. What requires

C. It is required

D. It requires

16. There's no doubt____the famous professor will come to give us a lecture.

A. ifB. that

C. whatD. whether

17. I really don't know____I put my wallet after I paid the bill.

A. where was it

B. it was where that

C. where it was that

D. where was it that

18. —Can you help me?

—I'm not sure____I can do to help you.

A. that B. what

C. if D. which

19. We are studying very hard in the belief ____some day we can serve the people with our knowledge.

A. what B. who

C. that D. which

20. I very much like the appearance of the house; however, _____really made me de- cide to buy it was that it lies beside the river.

A. which B. what

C. that D. where

21. —I wonder____I could have a rest in the room.

—I'm sorry, but it has been booked.

A. what B. when

C. whether D. that

22. _____she wouldn't understand was ____she couldn't finish her work in time.

A. Why; that

B. What; because

C. What; why

D. That; what

23. The citizens asked the government ____with this serious problem.

A. could we do what

B. what we could do

C. what could we do

D. how we could do

24. As soon as she comes back, I'll tell her when____and see her.

A. you will come B. will you come

C. you come D. do you come

25. Sarah hopes to become a friend of____ shares her interests.

A. no matter who B. no matter whom

C. whoever D. whomever


1. B。前一句是原因, 后一句是结果, 故用why; 反之, 选用because。句意为: 凯茜特纳就是想引人注意, 才穿得那么稀奇古怪的。

2. C。宾语从句中缺少方式状语, 填how。句意为: 这位老人告诉我们, 这个小男孩是如何让CD机工作的。

3. B。主语从句中缺少主语, 用what引导。句意为: 使这本杂志变得这么流行是这位编辑创造性的想象力。

4. A。it是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的that从句。句意为: 在我看来他们干这项工作没有经验是显而易见的。

5. D。第一空引导主语从句, 从句的谓语have found缺少宾语; 第二空引导表语从句, 从句叙述的是一个事实, 用that引导。

6. C。it用作形式宾语, 常用在表示appre- ciate, like, dislike等表示喜怒哀乐的动词之后, 后再接if, when等引导的宾语从句。

7. B。whoever引导名词性从句, 相当于anyone who。句意为: 为了保证安全, 凡进入博物馆的任何人都不准抽烟和拍照。

8. D。“____amazed us most”是主语从句, 且从句中缺少主语, 故用what引导。

9. A。分析句子结构知, the ad was likely to cause serious offence and should not be used a- gain表示的是complainants的内容, 故用that引导同位语从句。

10. A。whether表示疑问“是否”, 引导宾语从句。句意为: 蒂娜对那个男孩的要求正在犹豫, 因为她不知道他是否是一个诚信的人。

11. B。句意为: 他爸爸早死的原因是不注意自己的身体健康。The reason whyis that“……的原因是因为……”, 在这一句型中, why引导定语从句, 修饰reason; that引导表语从句。

12. C。whatever相当于anything that。句意为: 用这些钱, 你可以想给你朋友买什么就买什么。

13. C。句意为: 任何最后一个离开教室的人应该关好灯锁好门。由句子结构知, 前面是主语从句, 且从句中缺少主语, 故选C。who- ever引导名词性从句, 而no matter who引导让步状语从句。

14. B。suggestion后接that引导同位语从句, 须用“ ( should) + 动词原形”。

15. C。it在句中作形式主语, that引导主语从句, require与句子之间是被动关系。

16. B。名词doubt放在no或not后面, 其后的同位语从句需要用that引导; 动词doubt放在否定句中, 其后的宾语从句须用that引导, 如果放在肯定句中, 其后的宾语从句须用if/ whether引导。

17. C。含有特殊疑问词的强调句型作宾语从句时, 需要用“特殊疑问词 + 陈述语序”。句意为: 我真的不知道我付完账后把钱包放在哪儿了。

18. B。此题考查宾语从句, 且引导词在从句中充当宾语, 用what而不用that。

19. C。分析句子结构, 不难发现some day we can serve the people with our knowledge是the belief的具体内容, 就可判断这是that引导的同位语从句。

20. B。“_____really made me decide to buy it”是主语从句, 在从句中, 缺少主语, 选用what作主语。

21. C。I wonder if / whether I can / could do sth是请求允许的交际用语, 表示请求对方允许自己干某事, 其中wonder是动词, 作“想知道”解, 后跟if/whether从句。

22. C。what she wouldn't understand是主语从句, 从句中what作understand的宾语; why she couldn't finish her work in time是表语从句, 从句中缺少作状语的副词。

23. B。宾语从句应该用陈述语序; what与do with搭配, how与deal with搭配表达“如何处理”。

24. A。when引导宾语从句, 要用陈述句的语序。表示将要发生的动作要用一般将来时。

25. C。whoever shares her interests是一个宾语从句作介词的主语, 故用主格, 不要错误地认为: whoever只是of的宾语; 另, no matter who ( whom) 只引导让 步状语从 句, 而whoever ( whomever) 既可引导让步状语从句, 也可引导名词性从句。

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上一篇:加入党的动机下一篇:小学二年级 家长会流程及主持词