



Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together in the shade of a rock. Strange as it may seem, one was a lion and one was a tiger. They had met when they were too young to know the difference between lions and tigers. So they did not think their friendship was at all unusual. Besides, it was a peaceful part of the mountains, possibly due to the influence of a gentle forest monk who lived nearby. He was a hermit , one who lives far away from other people.

For some unknown reason, one day the two friends got into a silly argument. The tiger said, ”Everyone knows the cold comes when the moon wanes from full to new!“ The lion said, ”Where did you hear such nonsense ? Everyone knows the cold comes when the moon waxes from new to full!“

The argument got stronger and stronger. Neither could convince the other. They could not reach any conclusion to resolve the growing dispute. They even started calling each other names! Fearing for their friendship, they decided to go ask the learned forest monk, who would surely know about such things.

Visiting the peaceful hermit, the lion and tiger bowed respectfully and put their question to him. The friendly monk thought for a while and then gave his answer. ”It can be cold in any phase of the moon, from new to full and back to new again. It is the wind that brings the cold, whether from west or north or east. Therefore, in a way, you are both right! And neither of you is defeated by the other. The most important thing is to live without conflict, to remain united. Unity is best by all means.“

The lion and tiger thanked the wise hermit. They were happy to still be friends.



1.打火匣/ The Tinder-Box

2.小克劳斯与大克劳斯/ Great Claus and Little Claus 11

3. 豌豆上的公主/ The Princess on the Pea 23

4. 小 意达的花儿/ Little Ida誷 Flowers 25

5. 拇指姑娘/ Thumbelina 34

6. 顽皮的孩子/ The Naughty Boy 46

7. 旅伴/ The Travelling Companion 49

8. 海的女儿/ The Little Sea Maid 69

9. 皇帝的新装/ The Emperor誷 New Clothes 91

10. 幸运的套鞋/ The Goloshes of Fortune 97

11. 雏菊/ The Daisy 123

12. 坚定的锡兵/ The Hardy Tin Soldier 128

13. 野天鹅/ The Wild Swans 133

14. 天国花园/ The Garden of Paradise 149

15. 飞箱/ The Flying Trunk 163

16. 鹳鸟/ The Storks 170

17. 铜猪/ The Metal Pig 176

18. 永恒的友情/ The Bond of Friendship 188

19. 荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰/A Rose From the Grave of Homer 197

20. 梦神/ Ole Luk-Oie 199

21. 玫瑰花精/ The Rose-Elf 212

22. 猪倌/ The Swineherd 218

23. 荞麦/ The Buckwheat 224

24. 安琪儿/ The Angel 227

25. 夜莺/ The Nightingale 231

26. 恋人/ The Lovers 242

27. 丑小鸭/ The Ugly Duckling 245

28. 枞树/ The Fir Tree 255

29. 白雪皇后/ The Snow Queen 265

30. 接骨木树妈妈/ The Elder Tree Mother 295

31. 织补针/ The Darning-Needle 303

32. 钟声/ The Bell 307

33. 祖母/ Grandmother 313

34. 妖山/ The Elf-Hill 316

35. 红鞋/ The Red Shoes 323

36. 跳高者/ The Jumper 330

37. 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人/ The Shepherdess and

the Chimney- Sweeper 333

38. 丹麦人荷尔格/ Holger the Dane 339

39. 卖火柴的小女孩/ The Little Match Girl 344

40. 城堡上的一幅画/ A Picture From the Fortress Wall 347

41. 瓦尔都窗前的一瞥/ By the Almshouse Window 349

42. 老路灯/ The Old Street Lamp 352

43. 邻居们/ The Neighbouring Families 359 44. 小杜克/ Little Tuk 369

45. 影子/ The Shadow 374

46. 老房子/ The Old House 387

47. 一滴水/ The Drop of Water 395

48. 幸福的家庭/ The Happy Family 398

49. 母亲的故事/ The Story of a Mother 402

50. 衬衫领子/ The Shirt Collar 408

51. 亚麻/ The Flax 412

52. 凤凰/ The Phoenix Bird 417

53. 一个故事/ A Story 419

54. 一本不说话的书/ The Dumb Book 424

55. 区别/ 襎here Is a Difference 427

56. 老墓碑/ The Old Gravestone 431中 篇

57. 世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花/ The Loveliest Rose

in the World 437

58. 一年的故事/ The Story of the Year 440


As a sub-genre of folklore,fairy tales were first recorded in12th–15th century and came into shape in the Christian era o patriarchy.Since the society entered the patriarchic dominance after a period of matriarchy,men have assumed control over every aspect of cultural life.Folklores,which reflect universa themes and concerns,are no exception.As Jack Zipes,a prolific and important writer on the genre,says:“folk and fairy tales share common roots with myth in their endeavor to explain natural occurrences and social customs”(qtd.in Sellers 12).And Susan Sellers,the author of Fairy Tales and the Arts of Subversion,also believes that fairy tales have the function to shape ou experience and understanding from our childhood years.When we think about the term“fairy tales”,we usually associate them with demeaned princesses,Princes Charming,and evil stepmothers,and often the stories are largely female-centered and female-targeted.They reflect the male dominant culture and serve not only as mere entertainment but also as one of culture's primary mechanisms to inculcate children---mostly girls---with the so-called appropriate roles and behaviors.In the process o reading,young girls are encouraged to identify themselves with the heroine,who is often a beautiful,degraded,obedient,and dependant maid passively waiting for her savior,usually a prince,to come and elevate her from her undeserved state.Subconsciously young girls may transfer the norms celebrated in fairy tales into real life cultural norms and take obedience,passivity,dependency,and sometimes even self-sacrifice as female cardinal virtues What's noteworthy is that the only women who have any sort o power in classic fairy tales are either wicked step-mothers o witches.These powerful,active,independent women have qualities which are not desirable for girls from a male's perspective and they will be eventually punished often by death through the hands of the saviors.In the same way,young boys are also influenced by fairy tales into believing that only certain qualities are important in women and they have to treat women as subordinate.They are in no way taught to treat women as equals or as significant Others,as Simone de Beauvoir describes in her book,The Second Sex,“she is not regarded as an autonomous being.[S]he is simply what man decrees…She is defined and differentiated with reference to man and not he with reference to her;she is the incidental,the inessential as opposed to the essential.He is the Subject,he is the Absolute–she is the Other”.

We will arrive at a better understanding of the above words through the following analysis of Grimm Brothers'“Snow White”,“Cinderella”and Andersen's“Little Mermaid”,all well-known classic fairy tales which have been handed down for generations.They are good transmitters of the patriarchy social norms.To examine these selected fairy tales from the perspective of modern feminism is to revisualize those typical types of female description which shape our ideas about the“virtues of the female”.In this way,it can clearly show how fairy tales maintain and consolidate the patriarchal status quo by making female subordination seem like the romantically desirable.

2 Study of Demon type of Female Characters in

In most classic fairy tales,the heroine is a beautiful,degraded,obedient,and dependant maid passively waiting for her savior.However,some women do have power and take actions on their will in fairy tales.They are attractive,independent,and master of their own lives,but they are not virtuous women in the common sense.They are most often wicked stepmothers or witches,known as demons.They are women who have the power of speech and they determine what they should do according to their own will.They pose as a threat to men,and therefore,men want to diminish them.This is also a warning given to young girls,telling them that woman should not be ambitious or hold any desire for power or honorable positions.For a woman to hold a position of influence is intolerable to men.

This type of character often appears in middle-aged,evil villainous,and sexual images in fairy tales,including the wicked step-mother in“Snow White”and“Cinderella”and the monstrous sea-witch in“The Little Mermaid”.They are powerfu women defined by their dark power and evilness.In“Snow White”,the queen was a beautiful woman who owned a magic mirror that would tell her who the most beautiful woman was in the world.In“Cinderella”,the stepmother“had beautiful and fair features but nasty and wicked hearts”(Grimm 93).In“Litte Mermaid”,although the sea witch was not physically attractive there were a lot of sexual implications about her.For example“[b]eyond this stood her house,in the centre of a strange forest in which all the trees and flowers were polypi,half animals and half plants;they looked like serpents with a hundred heads growing out of the ground...marshy ground in the wood,where large fat water-snakes were rolling in the mire,and showing their ugly drab-colored bodies...There sat the sea witch,allowing a toad to eat from her mouth,just as people sometimes feed a canary with a piece of sugar.She called the ugly water-snakes her little chickens,and allowed them to crawl all over her great spongy breasts”(Andersen 93).The images of serpent,snakes and toad all have sexual implications according to the traditional western culture.The serpent represents female sexual temptation which is attractive as well as destructive.The dark power is fatal to men Against the angel type's beauty,which is pure and not sexual a all,the demon's sexuality,like that of Medusa's head,is a destructive power to men.In both“Snow White”and“Cinderella”the stepmother enters the house and then she is in control of everything.The poor father just fades away ever after the entrance of the stepmother.He is unable to protect his little girl from the vicious stepmother.The older woman uses her overt sexuality to master everyone under the roof,especially the pre-adolescen former wife's orphan.As time passes by,the little orphan grows up and her sexuality is about to emerge.In“Snow White”,i says that“[i]n the meantime,Snow White grew up,and became more and more beautiful.By the time she was seven years old she was as beautiful as the day is clear and more beautiful than the queen herself.One day when the queen asked her mirror“Mirror,mirror,on the wall,who in this realm is the fairest o all?”The mirror said:“You,my queen,may have a beauty quite rare,but Little Snow White is a thousand times more fair.”The queen shuddered,yellow and green with envy.From that hour on her hate for the girl was so great that her heart throbbed and turned in her breast each time she saw Snow White.Like weeds the envy and arrogance grew so dense in her heart that she no longer had any peace,day or night”(Grimm 214).

From this excerpt,we can see the persecution of the adolescent stems directly from the new stepmother's sexual jealousies As beauty is a fundamental request for women,the princes in the fairy tales do not fall in love with the maiden until“she had washed herself and put on the beautiful clothing,she was as beautiful as a rose washed in dew”(Grimm 96).Beauty is,perhaps,the most powerful as well as the only weapon that women own.Being beautiful is the only way to make the prince fall in love with the maiden,and therefore,elevate her from the limbo and insignificance of her life.So when the adolescent's innocent beauty becomes a threat to the middle-aged woman's sexual beauty,she would do anything she can to be the fairest of all.In other words they are guilty of ambition,an attribute men dislike about women not to say that she also possesses the tool of being powerful(the magic mirror of the queen's and the witchcraft the sea witch owns)or in the position of being powerful(the stepmother's arbitrariness in the household).After the young maiden is maltreated by the wicked woman,men will appear to punish the wicked woman and at the same time,win the young girl's love as her savior.

From the tales of stepmothers and witches,young girls get the impression that beautiful,powerful women can not be trusted.Men let women doubt,challenge and fight among themselves.They diminish the strength of solidarity of women so that they can easily control each one.Another point can also explain why the middle-aged woman wants so badly to destroy the young girl but finally gets defeated by the prince.The young girl's maturation signals the aging stepmother's declining sexual attractiveness and control.In retaliation,the aging stepmothers jealously torment the more beautiful virgin adolescents who capture people's attention and affection and threaten their own position.Snow White's stepmother in Grimm's recounting plots against the seven-year-old child who"was as bright as the day,and fairer than the queen herself…was so beautiful,that she surpassed even the queen herself"(Grimm 214).The stepmother,who invariably appears odious,embodies the major obstacles against the adolescent‘s passage to womanhood because of her overt sexuality and authority.So the evil stepmothers must be overcome.

3 Conclusion

To sum up,all fairy tales reflect and help shape the culture of their nation and race.The ostensibly innocuous fairy tales send out basic patriarchal social prescriptions.They are not just entertaining fantasies,but powerful transmitters of patriarchal canon.Women are labeled by men into two types.The wicked middle-aged women in the fairy tales are the demon type.They are powerful,attractive,independent,and able to master others.These attributes make them repulsive in a man's eyes.So without exception,the demon type is portrayed as immoral and evil by nature.The demon's sexuality has a destructive power to men,so she poses a threat to the men,as a woman holding a position of influence is wrong in a patriarchal society.Therefore,men want to diminish them and do this in a killing two birds with one stone way.The young prince always appears in time to end the stepmother's persecution of the young maiden and plays the role of a savior as well as the role of the power-defender.This is also a warning given to young girls,implicating to them that woman should not be ambitious or desire for power.These“musts”and“must nots”will certainly help us better understand the classic fairy tales and lead us to the discovery of more stereotypes about female suppression and to a fuller awareness of women's position and value in the century-old patriarchy culture.




[1]Andersen,Hans.Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales[A]A Selection.Trans.L.W.Kingsland.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1996.

[2]Grimm,Jakob,Wilhelm Karl.The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm[M].Trans.John B.Gruelle.New York:Bantam,1988.

[3]Rowe E.Karen.“Feminism and Fairy Tales”[EB/OL].[2006-05-12].<http://www.broadviewpress.com/tale/printable/femi-nism.htm>.

[4]Sellers,Susan.Myth and Fairy Tales in Contemporary Women's Fiction[M].New York:Palgrave,2001.



童话城堡的早晨可不太妙。国王和公主正坐在金碧辉煌的早餐厅里等候用餐。可是仆人玛丽却站在餐桌旁,一动也不动,好像变成了石头。 “玛丽!”国王大声叫道,“你怎么了?”

“童话作家的最后一句话是这么写的:‘仆人玛丽站在早餐桌前……’至于其他的指令,目前我还没有收到。” 她连眼睛都没眨一下。不仅是玛丽,童话城堡里的一切都停止了!






一番有惊无险的经历之后,他们找到了在湖边闲逛的作家。年轻的作家正一个人愁眉苦脸地踱来踱去。国王用恭敬的口吻说: “年轻人,请你继续这场未完的写作。”




Every night the young fisherman would go out to sea to catch fish and cast his net into the sea.


When the wind came from the land, he could catch nothing, or at most a little bit, because it was a fierce wind with black wings, and even the huge waves jumped up to welcome it. But when the wind came ashore, the fish came up from the deep sea and swam into his net. He took the fish to the market and sold them.


Every night he went out to sea to catch fish. One night, when he took in the net, it was so heavy that he almost couldnt drag it onto the boat. He laughed and said to himself, “I must have caught all the swimming fish, or I must have got people into the net as miraculous monsters, or I could have gotten the terrible things that the great queen likes.” He tugged at the rope with all his strength until the long blood vessels on his arm came out, like the stripes of blue glaze on a pot vase. He tugged at the string again. As he got closer, the flat cork floating ring got closer and closer, and the net finally rose out of the water.


However, there was no fish, no monster or anything terrible in the net, only a sleeping little mermaid lay in it.


Her hair was like wet golden wool, and each hair was like fine gold thread in a glass. Her body was as white as ivory, and her tail was the color of silver and pearls. Silver and pearl are her tail, and the green seaweed is around it; Her ears are like shells, her lips are coral. The cold waves pounded her chest, and the sea salt glittered on her eyelids.


How beautiful she is! The young fisherman was filled with wonder when he saw her. He reached out to pull the net to his side and leaned down to hold her in his arms. When he was next to her, she cried out like a frightened seagull and woke up. She looked at him in horror with Amethyst eyes and struggled to escape. But he held her tightly and was not willing to let her go.


When she saw that she could not escape, she began to cry and said, “I beg you to let me go. I am the kings only daughter. My father is old and has no other family around him.”


But the young fisherman replied, “I wont let you go unless you promise that whenever I call you, you will come and sing for me, because the fish like to listen to the mermaids song, so my net will be full.”


“If I promised you, would you really let me go?” Said the mermaid, crying.


“I will let you go,” replied the young fisherman.


So she promised as he hoped, and cursed with the mermaid oath. He released his arm from her, and she sank into the sea, trembling with an inexplicable fear.


Every night when a young fisherman goes out fishing, she calls for a mermaid, and she comes out of the sea and sings for him. The dolphins were swimming around her, the gulls were hovering over her head.


She sang a wonderful song. Because she sang the story of her companion. They drove the cattle from one cave to another, carrying calves on their shoulders; She also sang the sea gods, half a man and a fish, with long green beards and furry chests, who sounded spiral conch whenever the king passed by; She sang to the kings palace, all of which were made of city smelting, and the roof was made of bright emerald blue, and the road was paved with shining pearls; She sang to the garden in the sea, where huge coral fans were dancing all day long. The fish were dressed like silver birds, and autumn peony climbed on the rocks, and pink bamboo sprouted in the yellow sand. She sang the big white whales from the bottom of the North Sea, with sharp ice pillars hanging on their binding. She sang the female demons who can tell moving stories. Their stories are wonderful. The blind people in the past have to block their ears with wax to avoid hearing them and jump into the sea and lose their lives; She also sang to the sinking ships with high masts, the frozen sailors holding the sailline tightly, and the blue and white fish swam in and out through the open hatch; She sang to the small snail, who were great travelers, and they stuck them on the keel of the ship and swam the world all over; She sang squid fish living on the edge of the cliff, extending their long black arms, and could call the night come whenever they wanted; She also sang Nautilus, who had a boat of her own carved out of cats eye stone, sailing with a silk sail; She sang the male Mermaid with harps, who could make the sea monster dream; She sang to a group of children who caught the slippery dolphins and rode on them with a smile; She sang the Mermaids again, and they lay in the white foam, and stretched out their arms to wave to the seaman. She sang to the sea lions, which were curved in their bodies, and the seahorses with floating bristles.


When she sang, all tunas came up from the bottom of the water to listen to her song. The young fisherman scattered the nets around them, and knocked them out, and the fish outside the net were caught by him with harpoon. When his boat was full, mermaid smiled at him, and then sank to bottom of the water.


However, she did not want to swim near him to let him touch her. He often called her and pleaded with her, but she was unwilling; As long as he wanted to catch her, she would have been like a seal, and she would suddenly run into the water, and he would never see her any more that day. Day after day, he felt her singing was getting more and more attractive. Her song was so wonderful that even he often forgot the net and the work in his hand, even the line. Tuna swam in groups, with scarlet fins and prominent golden eyes, but he didnt pay attention to them. His harpoon was also idle, and his wicker basket was empty. He opened his mouth, stared at his astonishing eyes, sat stupidly on the boat and listened to it. He had heard the vast sea fog covering him all the time, and the wandering moon was spreading his brown body with silver and white light.


One night, he called her and said, “Little Mermaid, mermaid, I love you. Let me be your groom, because I love you so much.”


But Mermaid shakes his head. “You have a soul of one,” she replied, “if you will send your soul away, then I will fall in love with you.”


The young fisherman said to himself, “what is the use of my soul for me? I cant see it, I cant touch it, I dont know it. I must take it from me so Ill be very happy. ” Then he made a happy scream, and stood up on the colorful boat, and stretched out his arm towards the mermaid. “I will send my soul away,” he cried, “you are my bride. I will be your groom. We live together at the bottom of the sea. All you sing in your songs will show me. I will try my best to do whatever you want. We will never separate together.”


The mermaid laughed happily and hid his face in his hands.


“But how can I send my soul away?” The young fisherman shouted, “tell me what I should do, oh, Ill do it.”


“Ah! I dont know, ”said the little mermaid,“ our Mermaid family has no soul. ” Then she sank to the bottom of the water, looking at him thoughtfully.


The next morning, when the sun was rising on the top of the mountain less than a little high, the young fisherman came to the priests house and knocked three times.


The doorman looked out from the door opening, and when he saw the person coming, he pulled down the mortar and said to the person coming, “please come in.”


The young fisherman came in, kneeling on the floor with fragrant cordurous mattresses, and shouting to the priest who was reading the Bible: “father, I fell in love with a mermaid, and my soul hindered me, so that I could not achieve my wish. Please tell me how I can send my soul away from me, because I really dont need it. What else does my soul do to me? I cant see it, I cant touch it, I dont know it. ”


The priest beat his chest and said, “Oh, oh, are you crazy? What kind of poisonous grass did you eat? Because soul is the noblest part of human beings, and it is given to us by God. We should use it with high quality. There is nothing more precious than the soul of man in the world, and nothing on the earth can be compared with it. It is worth more than all the gold in the world, and much more than the rubies of kings. So, my child, dont think about it any more, because its an unforgivable crime. As for the mermaid family, they have lost, and anyone who is with them will be lost. They are like the beasts of the earth who are not good and evil, and Christ did not die for them. ”


After hearing the strict loyalty of the priest, the eyes of the young fisherman were full of tears. He stood up and said to the priest, “priests, the shepherds live in the forest, they are very happy, and the male Mermaid sits on the rock playing their golden harp. Let me be with them, I beg you, because they live the same day as flowers. As for my soul, if it would create a barrier between me and what I love, what would my soul do for me? ”


“The love of the flesh is evil,” the priest said, frowning, “all the heresy things God has encountered in the world he created that make him unhappy are evil. The shepherds in the forest should be cursed, and the singers in the sea should be cursed! I heard their songs at night, and they were going to lure me away from my sermon. They knocked at my window and laughed loudly. They whispered to my ears stories of toxic joy. They seduced me with all sorts of temptations, and when I prayed, they came to tease me. Theyre not saved. For they have no heaven in their hearts, nor Hell, nor praise the name of God,,


”Father,“ cried the young fisherman, ”you dont know what youre talking about yourself. Once I caught the kings daughter with a fishnet. She is more beautiful than morning star, and whiter than the bright moon. For her flesh, I am willing to surrender my soul; I prefer not heaven for her love. Please tell me what I ask you, let me leave quietly. “


”Go! Go The priest cried out, “your lover is hopeless, and you will fall with her.” The priest drove him out of the door without giving him blessing. The young fisherman came to the market, and he walked slowly, with his head down and a frown.


When the merchants saw him coming, they whispered to each other. One of them came to him, called his name and said to him, “what are you selling?”


“I will sell my soul to you,” he replied, “I beg you to buy it from me, because I have hated it. What is the use of my soul for me? I cant see it, I cant touch it, I dont know it. ”


But the merchants began to laugh at him and they said, “what is the use of the human soul for us? Its not worth half a broken silver coin. Sell your body to us as slaves. We will wear blue and purple clothes for you, and a ring on your fingers, and let you be a clown for the great queen. But dont say any soul, because its useless for us and its not valuable for our work. ”


The young fisherman said to himself, “how strange it is! The priest told me that the value of soul is better than the gold of the world, while businessmen say that half of the silver coins are worthless. ”


So he left the market, went to the seaside and began to think about what he should do.


At noon, he remembered one of his own partners, a man who collected umbrella grass, who once told him how wonderful her witchcraft was when she lived in a cave at the entrance of the bay. So he ran and started, and he couldnt wait to get his soul out. He ran on the beach, and a mist rose behind him. The young witch knew his coming by itching her hand, and she laughed and spread her red head away. She stood at the opening, a red hair fell, wrapped in her face, and in her hand she had an open wild celery.


“What are you missing? What are you missing? ” She asked loudly, as he was panting up the cliff and stooping to salute her. “When the wind is not good, will you let the fish enter your net? I have a reed, and as long as I blow it, the carp will swim into the bay. But its a price, a beautiful child, its a price. What are you missing? What are you missing? Is there a storm to blow the boat over to bring the treasure laden box ashore? My storm is more than the wind, because the people I serve are stronger than the gale, and with a sieve and a bucket of water I can send the ship to the bottom of the sea. But its a price, a beautiful child, its a price. What are you missing? What are you missing? I know a flower that grows in the valley, and no one knows it except me. It has purple leaves, a star in the flower heart, and its juice is as white as milk. As long as you touch the Queens closed lips with flowers, she will follow you to the end of the world. She will rise from the kings bed and follow you all over the world. But its a price, a beautiful child, its a price. What are you missing? What are you missing? I can pound toads in a bowl, make a thin soup of what I mash, and stir it with the hand of a dead man. Sprinkle the soup on your enemy, and when he falls asleep, he will become a black snake, and his mother will kill it. I can pull the moon down from the sky with a wheel, and I can also let you see death in the crystal ball. What are you missing? What else do you lack? But youre going to pay back to me, beautiful kids, youre going to pay me back. ”


“All I want is a small thing,” said the young fisherman. “But the priest was angry with me and blew me out. It was just a small matter, and the merchants joked at me, refusing me thousands of miles away. So I came here to find you. Although people say you are evil, no matter how much your offer is, I will pay you. ”


“What do you want?” The witch came to him and asked.


“Im going to send my soul away,” replied the young fisherman.


The witchs face turned pale and trembled, and hid her face in her blue big shoes. “Beautiful children, beautiful children,” she murmured, “it was a terrible thing.”


He shook his brown hair and laughed. “My soul is no longer of use to me,” he replied, “I can neither see it nor touch it, nor understand it.”.


“What would you give me if I told you?” The witch, standing high, looked at him with beautiful eyes, and asked.


“Five gold coins,” he said, “and my net, my wicker made up house, and the colored boat I was driving. You just need to tell me how to get rid of my soul, and I will give you everything I have. ”


She laughed at him and beat him with the poisonous celery. “I can turn autumn leaves into gold,” she replied, “and I can weave the pale moonlight into silver I like. I serve a man richer than all the kings in the world and possess the kingdom as big as they are. ”


“So what do I want to give you?” “If your price is neither gold nor silver,” he cried out


The witch stroked his hair with her thin white hand. “You have to dance with me, beautiful boy,” she said softly, smiling at him.


“Just this one?” The young fisherman asked in surprise and stood up.


“Its all,” she said, smiling at him.


“Then when the sun sets, well go to a secret place to dance,” he said. “After the dance, you have to tell me what I want to know.”


The witch shook her head. “When it comes to the full moon, until its full,” she said softly. Then she looked down at her and listened to her ears. A blue bird screamed from the nest, circled around the dunes, and three spotted birds leaped across the gray weeds and whistled at each other. There is also the sound of the waves below to wash smooth pebbles. So she reached out her hands, pulled him to her own side, and put dry lips near his ears.


“You must come up to the top of the mountain tonight,” she whispered, “its Sabbath and he will come here.”


The young fisherman looked at her in surprise, at her smiling face with white teeth. “The one you said was who is he? He asked.


”It doesnt matter,“ she replied, ”you have to come tonight, standing under the branches of the Carpinus tree, waiting for me to come. If there is a black dog running towards you, you use a wicker to beat it, and it will go away. If an owl talks to you, dont answer it. When the moon is round, I will come to you, and we will dance together on the grass. “


”But would you promise me that you would tell me how to send my soul away?“ He said this way.


She came to the sun, and the wind gently blew her red hair. ”I swear with the hoof of the goat,“ she replied.


”You are the best witch,“ cried the young fisherman. ”I must dance with you on the top of the mountain tonight. In fact, I would rather you ask me for gold or silver, but since you need such a price and it is a matter of mind, you will do what you want. “ After that he took off his hat and saluted her, bowed deeply, and ran back to the city with joy.


The witch looked at him away from afar, and when his figure disappeared, she returned to her own cave, and took a mirror from the carved fir box, put it on a shelf, and set up Verbena on the charcoal in front of the shelf to observe the mirror through the smoke circle. ”He should have been mine,“ she murmured, clenched her fist in a gasp, ”Im as beautiful as she is.“


That night, when the moon rose, the young fisherman climbed to the top of the mountain and stood under the branches and leaves of the Carpinus tree. Under his feet lies the circular sea, like a polished metal target, and the shadow of the fishing boat is shaking in the small bay. A big owl with yellow sulfur eyes called his name, but he ignored it. A black dog ran towards him and barked at him. He hit it with a wicker, and the dog ran away crying.


At midnight, the witches came from the air like bats. Before they had their heels on the ground, they cried, ”bah! There is a man here that we dont know! “ They sniffed around with their noses, spoke to each other, and made a sign. Finally came the young witch, whose red hair was dancing in the wind. She was dressed in a gold velvet dress embroidered with peacock eyes and a green velvet cap on her head.


”Where is he? Where is he? “ The witches screamed and asked as soon as they saw her, but she just smiled, ran under the Carpinus tree, led the young Fishermans hand, led him to the moonlight and began to dance.


They turned round and round, and the young witch jumped tall and tall, and he could see her dark red heel. At this time, a sound of horse galloping hoof passed on to dancers, but he felt terrified that he did not see the shadow of the horse.


”Hurry up,“ cried the witch, stretching out her arms and holding his neck, her breath on his face. ”Hurry up, hurry up!“ She cried out, and he felt as if the ground under his feet had been spinning, he felt so sad, and a great fear came up, and something evil seemed to be watching him, and finally he noticed that there was a man in the shadow of the rock, who he had never seen before.


It was a man, dressed in a black velvet suit, in Spanish style chives. His face had a strange pale white, but his lips seemed to be a rose of cake pride. He looked tired, leaning back, and feebly stroking the hilt of the sword. On the grass beside him was a feather cap, and a pair of gloves with gilded riding, embroidered with very novel pearl ornaments. He had a short black bottle lined jacket on his shoulder, and his delicate white and sleek hands were full of rings. The heavy eyelid was blue in his eyes.


The young fisherman looked at him as if he had got something magical. The last two met, and wherever he danced, he seemed to feel that one of his eyes was staring at himself. He heard the young witch laugh, and then he hugged her waist and turned around with her madly.


Suddenly, a dog barked up in the woods, and the dancers stopped. One pair of dancers walked over, knelt down and kissed the mans hand. When people do this, a smile is on his proud lips, just like a bird with its wings next to the water, let the water hang on a smile. But his smile with a slight meaning, but also still a strong look at the young fisherman.


”Come on! We went to see him, “whispered the witch, pulling him over, and a strong desire to make him want to do what she asked him to do, and he went with her. But when he approached him, he did not know why, he crossed his chest and called for the holy name.


As soon as he had done it, the witches screamed like eagles and flew away, and the pale face that had been looking at him twisted with pain. The man went to the grove and whistled. A pony with a silver bridle came and picked him up. As he stepped on the saddle, he turned and looked sadly at the young fisherman.


The witch with a red hair also wanted to fly away, but the fisherman caught her wrist and held it tightly.


”Let me go,“ she cried out, ”let me go. Because you call names that shouldnt be called and make signs that we shouldnt see. “


”No,“ he replied, ”I will not let you go unless you tell me the secret.“


”What secret?“ The witch said, struggling like a wild cat, still biting her foaming lips.


”You know,“ he replied.


Her green eyes were dark with tears, and she said to the fisherman, ”you can tell me anything, except this.“


He laughed and grabbed her hand tighter.


She saw that she couldnt run away, and she whispered to him, ”in fact, I am as beautiful as my daughter in the sea, and as lovely as the girls who live in the blue sea.“ She was flattering him and she was leaning her face towards him.


But he pushed her away with frown and said to her, ”if you cant do what you promised me, then Ill kill you as a fake witch.“


Her face turned gray at once, like the flowers of the cycado, and trembled. ”Now,“ she murmured, ”its your soul, not mine. Just do as you say. “ Then he took a knife with the handle of green snake skin from his belt and handed it over to him.


”What will this thing do to me?“ He asked him in a puzzled way.


She paused for a moment in silence, and the expression of fear hit her face. Then she wiped the hair that hung on her forehead back, and said to him with a strange smile, ”the shadow of the human body that people call is not actually the shadow of the body, but the shadow of the soul. You stand on the beach with your back to the moon, and cut the shadow around your feet with a knife. That is, your souls body, and you can leave you, and it will do what you say.


The young fisherman shivered. “Is that true?” He asked in a low voice.


“Its true, I wish I hadnt told you about it,” she cried, hugging his knees and crying.


He pushed her away, left her in the lush grass, and he went to the top of the hill, and ed a knife in his belt and began to go down the hill.


His soul called him in his body and said to him, “Hello! I have lived with you for so many years and have been your servant. Please dont let me leave you, have I done anything bad to you? ”


The young fisherman laughed. “You didnt do anything sorry for me, but I dont need you anymore,” he replied. “The world is vast, there are heaven, there are hell, and the gloomy houses between them. Go where you like to go! Dont disturb me any more, because my love is calling me. ”


His soul pleaded with him bitterly, but he ignored it, but jumped from one rock to another, and walked as fast as a wild goat, and finally he ran to a flat ground and came to the honeyed beach. ,


He stood on the beach with his back to the moon. His bronze limbs and strong muscles looked like a statue of a Greek man. He put out a lot of white arms from the foam of the sea, calling him up, showing some hazy figures from the waves, saluting him, and lying across his shadow in front of him, that is, the body of his soul, honey colored behind him. A round of bright moon hung in the sky.


Then his soul said to him, “if you really want to drive me away, you have to send me a heart first. The world is cruel. Let your heart go with me. ”


He shook his head and smiled. “If I give you my heart, what can I take to love my lover?” He shouted loudly.


“No, be merciful,” said his soul, “give me your heart, because the world is so cruel that I am afraid.”


“My heart belongs to my lover,” he replied, “so dont delay time. You can leave here quickly.”


“Shouldnt I love it?” Asked his soul.


“You go, because I dont need you.” The young fisherman roared, and he drew out the knife with the handle of the green snake skin, cut his figure around his feet, and the shadow stood up and stood in front of him, looking at him. It was almost the same as himself.


He retreated backward, and thrust the knife into his belt, and a strange fear came on him. “Go away,” he murmured, “dont let me see your face again.”


“No, we will meet again,” said the soul, whose voice was low, as if the flute had not moved his lips.


“How can we meet again?” The young fisherman cried, “you wont go with me to the depths of the ocean, will you?”


“I come here once a year to call you,” said the soul, “maybe you will need me.”


“What else do I need you to do?” The young fisherman shouted, “but just follow your.” Then he went into the sea, and the gods of half a man and a half sounded their trumpets. The little mermaid swam up to meet him, and stretched out their arms around his neck and kissed his mouth.


At this time, the soul stood alone on the beach and looked at them. When they sank into the sea, it cried and walked through the swamp.


A year later, the soul returned to the beach, calling for the young fisherman, who floated down the sea floor and said to him, “why do you call me?”


The soul replied, “come closer, I can speak to you, because I see a lot of wonderful things.”


So he came closer, and squatted in the water, holding his head with his hands, listening.


The soul said to him, “when I leave you, I turn to the East and travel. Everything from the East is very clever. I traveled six days, and on the seventh morning, I came to a hill, which was on the land of the Tatar state. I sat in the shade of a Tamarix to avoid the sun. The land was dry and hot. People walked back and forth on the plain, as flies crawled and climbed over polished copper plates.


”At noon, a cloud of red dust rose from the horizon. When the Tatars saw it, they opened their bows and jumped on their ponies and ran in that direction. The women screamed to see running into the cart, lying behind the curtain.


“At dusk the Tatars came back, but five of them were missing, and many of them were wounded among the returned. They put the horses on the cart and hurried to the bus. Three wolves came out of the hole and watched behind them. Then they sniffed a few air and ran in the opposite direction.


”When the moon rose, I saw a light fire on the plain, and ran in that direction. A group of businessmen sat on the carpet around the fire. Their camels were tied to the piles behind them, and the slaves were setting up a salty tent on the sand and building high walls with overlord trees. “


”When I approached them, the leader of the merchant stood and took out his knife and asked me what I was doing.


“I replied that I was the prince of my country, and I ran out of the Tatars, because they wanted me to be slaves to them. The head laughed and showed me five heads hanging on the long bamboo pole.


”Then he asked me who was the prophet of God, and I told him that he was Muhammad.


“After hearing the name of the false prophet, he bowed deeply, pulled up my hand and asked me to sit by his side. A slave brought me some mare milk in a wooden bowl, and a piece of roasted lamb.


”We are on the road again at dawn. I rode on a red camel, walking next to the head, and a runner with a long gun running in front of us. The soldiers walked on both sides of us, and mules followed with merchandise. The caravan has forty camels, and the number of mules is two and forty.


“We have gone from the land of Tatars to the kingdom of the moon curse. We see the monsters of the Gryphon guarding their gold on white rocks, and the scaly dragons sleep in their caves. When we cross the mountains, even the atmosphere dare not come out. The snow will fall down and hold our body. Everyones eyes are tied with a piece of gauze. As we crossed the valley, the dwarfs arched at us from the nest of the big trees, and at night we heard the wild people playing drums and playing drums. When we climb the monkey tower, we put some fruit in front of the monkey, and they wont hurt us. When we came to the tower, we would drink some hot milk in a copper bowl, and the snake would let us pass through smoothly. We came to the shore of the oxsumes river three times during the journey. We sat on a raft in bulging Brown Leather pockets and crossed the river, and the hippos were angry at us as if we were going to eat us all the way. Camels shuddered when they saw them like that.


”Every county in a city collects taxes on us, but he does not want us to enter their gates. They threw us bread from the wall, honey corn cakes made of fine flour, and pastries filled with dates, and exchanged for one of our amber beads for every hundred baskets of food.


“As soon as the villagers saw us approaching, they put poison in the well and fled to the top of the mountain. We fought with the magdales, who were born old people, and were younger than one year, and died when they were children; we fought with the lactroix, claiming to be the son of the tiger, and painted ourselves in yellow and black; we fought with the orantes, and they buried the dead on the top of the tree, and But we lived in the dark cave, afraid that their God, the sun, would kill them; we fought with the crinians, worshipping crocodiles, wearing green glass earrings and feeding them with butter and live chickens; we fought with agazoba, who had dog like faces; we fought with hippians with horsefeet, who ran more than horses Come on. One third of our caravan died in the fight, and one third died of hunger. The rest complained quietly that I had brought them bad luck. I caught a horned snake from under a stone and let it bite me. They were afraid to see that I was not poisoned at all.


”In the fourth month, we arrived in iller, and it was night before we reached the groves outside the walls, and the air was very dull, because the moon had gone to Scorpio palace for a journey. We took the ripe pomegranate from the tree, cut it open to drink the sweet juice, and then we lay on the carpet waiting for the day.


“We got up just in the morning and knocked on the gate. The gate is made of red copper, engraved with sea dragons and winged dragons. The sentry looked down from the battlements and asked what we were doing. The caravan interpreter told the other party that we came from Syria with a lot of goods. They asked us several of us to be hostages and told us that we would not open the gate until noon and told us to wait patiently.


”At noon, they opened the gate. When we entered the city, people came out of the house to see us, and a convener came to the city to inform people of our arrival with conch. We stood in the market, and the slaves opened the cloth package and opened the carved Maple box. After they had done these things, the merchants put out various strange items, including batik linen from Egypt, cloth from Ethiopia, purple sponge from tyre City, blue curtain of hitton, cold amber cup, glass boutique and wonderful pottery. There are a group of women looking at us at the top of a house. One of them wore a gold-plated leather mask.


“The first day we were dealing with monks, nobles the next day, artisans and slaves the third day. It is their habit to treat businessmen as long as they stay in the city.


”We stayed here for a month, and when the month was short, I was bored, and went to the streets of the city to wander around and came to the garden of the shrine. The monks in yellow robes quietly walked through the green trees, and on the road paved with black marble stood a rose temple, which was for their gods. The door was painted with gold powder, and the glittering bulls and peacocks with gold ornaments protruded from it. The roof is made of sea green porcelain tiles, and the small bells hang on the eaves. When the pigeons fly by, they will use their wings to beat the bell, making the bell lock tinkle when the local ring.


“There is a clear pool of striped agate in front of the temple. I lay beside the pool, stroking the broad leaves with my pale fingers. One of the monks came to me and stood behind me. He was wearing straw shoes on his feet, one made of soft snake skin, the other was made of birds feathers. He had a monks hat with a black felt on his head, and it was decorated with Silver Crescent. Seven yellow stripes were woven in his robe, and antimony powder was applied to his weir hair.


”After a while, he spoke to me and asked what I wanted.


“I told him that my request was to see God.


”God went hunting,“ said the monk, looking at me strangely with his little slanted eyes.


”I replied,“ tell me which forest he is, and I will ride with him.


”He combed the soft spikes on the edge of his robe with his long nails. “God is sleeping,” he muttered.


“I replied again,” tell me which bed I am and Im going to take care of him. “


”God is having a party,“ he cried.


”I replied,“ if wine is sweet, I will drink with him, and if it is bitter, I will drink with him. ”


“He lowered his head curiously, and took my hand, and dragged me up and led me into the temple.


”In the first house, I saw a statue sitting on the jade throne, which was bordered with the Great Pearl of the East. The statue was carved from Ebony, as big as a human being. On its forehead is a ruby, thick oil dripping from its hair and falling on its thigh. His feet were red with the blood of the newly slaughtered lamb, and a brass band was tied to his waist,


“I said to the monk, is this God?” He answered me, “this is God.”


“Take me to God,” I shouted, “otherwise I will kill you.” I also touched his hand, which withered in a flash.


“The monk pleaded to me and said,” please my master to heal his servant, and I will take him to God. “


”So I blew a breath on his hand, and his hand grew well again, and he led me into the second house, shaking all over. Here I see a statue standing on a lotus made of jadeite, which is hung with many large emeralds. The statue is carved from ivory, twice as large as the average person. On its forehead is a piece of topaz, its chest is covered with myrrh and meat and laurel, one hand with a curved jade stick, the other hand holds a round crystal. He was wearing brass boots on his feet and a circle of plaster around his thick neck.


“I said to the monk, is this God?” He replied, “this is God.”


“Take me to God,” I shouted, “otherwise I will kill you.” I touched his eyes, and he became blind at once.


“The monk pleaded to me and said,” please my master to heal his servant, and I will show him the spirit. “


”And I blew a breath in his eyes, and he immediately recovered his vision, and he trembled again, and took me into the third house. Ah! There was no statue here, no statues of any kind, but a round metal mirror, which was placed on a stone altar.


“I said to the monks,” where is God? “


”He replied: there is no God here, only this mirror you see, because it is a mirror of wisdom, which reflects everything in the sky and on the ground, but only the face that is looking in the mirror can not be reflected, so the person looking in the mirror may be intelligent. There are many other mirrors, but those are the mirror of opinion. Only this is the mirror of wisdom. Those who have this mirror know everything in the world, nothing can be hidden from them, and those who do not have it will have no wisdom. So we see it as God, and we worship it. So I looked as like as two peas in the mirror.


“I did a strange thing, but what I did was nothing, because I hid the mirror of wisdom in a valley a day from this place. I only entreat you to let me enter your body again, and be your servant, so that you will be wiser than all the wise, and wisdom belongs to you. Please let me go into your body, so there will be no smarter people in the world than you. ”


But the young fisherman laughed. “Love is better than wisdom,” he cried, “and the mermaid loves me.”


“No, nothing is better than wisdom,” said the soul. “Love is better,” replied the young fisherman, and then he sank down to the bottom of the sea, and the soul cried and walked through the swamp.


The next year passed, and the soul came to the beach again, calling for the young fisherman, and he came out of the water and said, “why do you call me?”


The soul replied, “come closer, I can speak to you because I see a lot of wonderful things.”


So he stepped closer and squatted in the shallow water, holding his head with his hands, listening.


The soul said to him, “I left you, and I turned to travel south. Everything from the south is precious. I walked along the road for six days towards aishte, a dusty red road that even the pilgrims would not like to take. On the seventh day, I looked up, ah! The city lies at my feet, because it is in the valley.


”There are as many as nine gates into the city. In front of each gate stands a bronze horse. Whenever the bodouin people come down from the mountain, the nine horses roar together. The walls were covered with copper, and the roofs of the towers were made of brass. Each tower bomb has a shooter holding a bow and arrow. At sunrise, he blows the gong with an arrow; at sunset, he blows the horn.


“I was about to enter the city when the guard stopped me and asked who I was. I answered that I was a Muslim, and I was on my way to Mecca, where there was a green curtain with the Koran embroidered in silver by the angels. My words filled them with curiosity, so they let me in.


”Its a big market in the city. You should have gone with me. In those narrow streets, countless wonderful paper lanterns are dancing like big colorful butterflies. When the wind blows over the roof, these lanterns float together, like some colorful soap bubbles. Businessmen are sitting on the silk carpets in front of their stalls. They had straight black beards, their headscarves were decorated with gold coins, and long strings of amber and carved peach stones were sliding on their cold fingers. Some of them sell Maple butter and dried pine oil. Some also sell wonderful scent from the islands of the India sea, as well as strong red rose oil, and myrrh and small nail shaped cloves. Once someone came up to talk to them, they would throw frankincense into the charcoal fire pot one by one, making the air fragrant. I saw a Syrian with a reed like stick in his hand. The smoke rose from the stick. When the stick was burning, it smelled like pink almonds in spring. Others are selling silver hand copper inlaid with cream blue Turkish gems, and foot rings made of small pearls strung with copper wires, as well as gold tiger claws, gold-plated Cat Claws, leopards with gold seats, emerald earrings with eyes, and emerald rings with an empty middle. From the teahouse came the music of guitars, and the Opium smokers looked at the pedestrians with their pale smiles.


“Seriously, you should have come with me. The liquor seller carried a large black leather bag on his shoulder and used the back to squeeze a passage through the crowd. Most of them sell a kind of wine called siraz, which is as sweet as honey. They sell wine in small metal cups and sprinkle rose petals on them. There are fruit sellers standing in the market. They sell all kinds of fruits, including ripe figs, purple fresh meat with injuries, melons with the same fragrance, yellow as topaz, citron, guava and white grapes, round golden red oranges and oval golden green lemons. Once I saw an elephant walk by. Its body is coated with silver and turmeric, and its ears are connected with a net made of vermilion. It came to the opposite stall and stopped to eat oranges. The fruit seller just laughed. You cant imagine what a strange people they are. If they are happy, they will go to the bird seller to buy a cage with a bird in it, and open the cage to let the bird fly away. In this way, they will be more happy. When they are sad, they will beat themselves with thorns to make their worries bigger and bigger.


”One night, I met some black slaves carrying a heavy sedan chair walking through the market. The sedan chair is made of gold-plated bamboo, the pole is vermilion, and the peacock is decorated with brass. On the car window hung a thin veil embroidered with beetle wings and small pearls. As the sedan chair passed by, a pale saigarcian looked out of the sedan chair and looked at me with a smile. I followed, and the slaves quickened their pace and frowned. But I dont care at all. I feel a curiosity is driving me.


“At last they stopped in front of a square white house. The house has no windows, only a small door like a tomb door. They put down the sedan chair and knocked on the door three times with a copper hammer. An Armenian in a green leather robe looked out of the door. When he saw us, he opened the door and spread a carpet on the floor. The woman in the sedan chair came out. As she entered the room, she turned her head and looked at me again, smiling. Ive never seen anyone so pale as her.


”When the moon rose, I went back to that place to look for the house, but I couldnt find it. Seeing this, I knew who the woman was and why she was smiling at me.


“You should have gone with me. On new moon day, the young emperor came out of his palace and went to the temple to pray. His hair and beard were dyed red with rose petals, his cheeks were covered with fine gold powder, and his palms and feet were dyed yellow with red flowers.


”At sunrise he came out of the palace in a silver robe, and at sunset he came back in a gold robe. People are lying on the ground hiding their faces, but I dont do that. I stood in front of a booth selling dates and waited. When the emperor saw me, he raised his eyebrows and stopped. I stood there quietly, not kneeling to him. People were surprised at my boldness and advised me to run away from the city. I ignored them, but went to the dealers who sold foreign gods and sat with them. These people were hated no matter how they were here. After I told them what I had done, they all drew a statue of me and asked me to leave them.


“That night, I was lying on a mat in the pomegranate Street teahouse, and the emperors guards came in and took me into the palace. After entering the palace, they closed every door one by one, and locked the door. There is a large courtyard surrounded by an arcade. All around the walls are made of White Alabaster, with blue and green porcelain tiles embedded everywhere. The pillars are made of green marble. The ground is covered with a kind of peach blossom dalihang. Ive never seen anything like this before.


”As I stepped across the yard, two veiled women looked down from the balcony and scolded me. The guards walked in a hurry, their spear tips making a sound on the polished floor. They opened a delicate Ivory door, and I found myself in a garden with seven jars and water. The garden is planted with tulips, cows-eye chrysanthemums, and silvery aloes. A fountain is hanging in the dim air like a slender crystal stick. Cypress is like a burning torch. There is a nightingale singing in such a cypress.


“There is a small pavilion at the end of the garden. As we approached it, two eunuchs came out to meet us. As they walked, their fat bodies swayed from side to side, and they looked at me curiously with their yellow eyelids. One of them took the guard to his side and whispered something to each other. The other kept taking out the lozenges and chewing them in his mouth. These lozenges were taken out of a lavender oval box in an artificial posture.


”A moment later, the chief of the guard dismissed the guards. They went back to the palace. The two eunuchs walked slowly behind them, picking sweet mulberry fruits from the trees to eat. The old eunuch once looked back at me with a malicious smile.


“Then the chief guard beckoned me to go to the pavilion. I went forward without fear, drew back the heavy curtain, and went in.


”The young emperor is resting on the colored lion skin bench, and a white Falcon perches on his wrist. Behind him stood a black cowboy in a copper hat, with a bare upper body and heavy Earrings hanging from his two pierced ears. On the table next to the bench was a big curved steel knife.


“When the emperor saw me, he frowned and said to me,” whats your name? Dont you know that I am the emperor of this city? “ But I didnt answer him.


”He pointed at the steel knife with his finger, and the niubia man grabbed the knife and chopped at me with all his strength. The blade swished through my body, but it didnt hurt me at all. But the man fell to the ground, and when he got up, his teeth trembled with fear, and he himself lay behind the bench.


“The emperor immediately jumped up, took a spear from the weapon rack and threw it at me. I grabbed the flying spear and folded it in two. He shot me with his arrow again, but I raised my hands and the arrow stopped on the way. Then he drew a dagger from his white belt and thrust it into the throat of the Negro. He was afraid that the slave would tell his shameful things. The man twisted like a snake that had been trampled on, and there was a bright red foam in his mouth.


”As soon as the man died, the emperor turned to me, wiped the sweat off his forehead with a purple silk handkerchief with lace, and said to me,“ are you a prophet? Is it something I shouldnt hurt, or is it the son of a prophet I cant hurt? I beg you to leave my city tonight, because as long as you are still in the city, I will no longer be the master here. ”


“I said to him,” give me half of your property and Ill go. Give me half of your wealth and Ill leave. “


”He took me by the hand and led me to the garden. When the chief guard saw me, he was surprised. When the eunuchs saw me, their knees trembled and fell to the ground in horror,


“There is a room in the palace, which is surrounded on eight sides by red marble, with some lights hanging from the copper ceiling. The emperor touched a wall, the wall opened automatically, we went into a corridor in the corridor, corridor lit a lot of torch. In the wall birds on both sides of the corridor, there are many huge wine jars full of silver coins. When we came to the middle of the corridor, the emperor said something that he could not hear on weekdays. A granite gate with a secret spring popped open. He covered his face with his hand so that his eyes would not be dazzled.


”You wont believe what a wonderful place it is. A huge tortoise shell is full of pearls, and the empty space of the giant Moonstone is full of red gems. Gold is collected in elephant trunk, and gold powder is put in leather bottle. There are opal and sapphire. Opal is put in crystal cup and sapphire is put in Emerald cup. Round beryl stones were neatly arranged on thin Ivory plates, and in one corner were stacked with silk and copper bags, some containing turquoise, others containing emerald. The horn cup made of ivory is full of purple jade, and the brass horn cup is full of chalcedony and red chalcedony. The beams and columns made of Chinese fir are hung with strings of yellow Bobcat stones. On the flat oblate shield lay the rubies, which were the color of both wine and grass. But what I said to you is only one tenth of that there.


“When the emperor took his hand off his face, he said to me,” this is my treasure house. Half of the things in it are yours. Do as I promised you. I will also send you camels and camel drivers. They will do what you tell them to do and take your share of treasure to any place in the world you want to go. This has to be done tonight, because I dont want the sun, who is my father, to see a man in my city who I cant kill. “


”But I said to him,“ the gold here is yours, the silver is yours, the precious jewels and valuable things are yours. For me, I dont need these things. I wont ask you for anything, but Id like that little ring on your finger. ”


“The emperor frowned.” its just a lead ring, “he said aloud.” its not worth much. So Id better take half of your treasure and leave my city. “


”No,“ I replied, ”I dont want anything, just the lead ring, because I know whats written in it and whats the use of it.“


”But the emperor trembled and begged me,“ take all the treasures and leave my city. Half of my wealth belongs to you. ”


“But I did a strange thing, but it was nothing, because it was in that cave that I hid this ring of wealth, which was a whole days journey from here. Its just a days journey. The ring is waiting for you. Whoever owns the ring will be richer than all the kings in the world. Go ahead, take it and you will have all the wealth of the world. ”


But the young fisherman laughed. “Love is more important than wealth,” he cried, “and the little mermaid loves me very much.”


“No, nothing is more important than wealth,” said the soul.


“Love is better,” the young fisherman replied, and then he dived into the bottom of the sea again, and his soul had to cry and go through the swamp.


The third year passed, and the soul came down from the land to the sea, calling for the young fisherman. So the fisherman came out of the water and said, “what do you call me for?”


The soul replied, “come closer so that I can speak to you, for I have seen wonderful things.”


So the fisherman approached and squatted in the shallow water, holding his head in his hand and listening.


The soul said, “in a city I know, there is a small hotel by a river. I sat there with the sailors, who drank two different colors of wine, ate barley bread, and little salted fish wrapped in cinnamon leaves with vinegar. While we were sitting and amusing, an elderly man came in with a leather blanket over his shoulder and a piano with two amber horns. Just then, just as he was laying his blanket on the floor and plucking his harp with a string, a girl in a veil came in and danced in front of us. Though she was veiled, her feet were bare. Shes barefooted and shes dancing on the blanket. Its like the city where shes dancing is only a days walk from here. ”


At this moment, when the young fisherman heard the words of the soul, he remembered that the little mermaid could not dance with him because she had no feet. So his heart rose a great desire, he said to himself: “just one days journey, I can return to my lovers side.” He laughed, got up from the shallow water and strode toward the shore.


When he came to the dry shore, he laughed again and extended his arms to his soul. His soul cried out with great joy and ran towards him. Then the young fisherman saw his own shadow on the sand stretching in front of him, which was the body of his soul.


His soul said to him, “lets not delay. Lets go there immediately, because the sea gods will be jealous, and there are many monsters who will listen to them.”


So they went on their way in a hurry. All night they were on their way in the moonlight. The next day they went forward against the fierce sun. That night they came to the city.


The young fisherman said to his soul, “is this the city where she dances that you told me about?”


His soul replied, “its not this city, its another one. But we can go in and have a look. ”


So they went into the city and crossed some streets. As they passed the jewelry street, the young fisherman saw a beautiful silver cup on a stall. His soul said to him, “take that silver cup and hide it.”


He took the silver cup and covered it in the seam of his robe. They went out of the city quickly.


Three miles after they left the city, the young fisherman frowned, threw away the silver cup and said to his soul, “why do you want me to take the cup and hide it? Because its a bad thing. ”


But his soul said to him, “dont be angry, dont be angry.”


The next night they came to another city. The young fisherman said to his soul, “is this the city where you told me she danced?”


His soul replied, “this is not that city, but another one. But we have to go in. ”


They went into the city and crossed several streets. When they passed the straw sandal street, the young fisherman saw a child standing by a water tank. His soul said to him, “go and beat that child.” So he began to beat the children and made them cry. Then they left the city in a hurry.


Three miles after they left the city, the young fisherman suddenly got angry and said to his soul, “why do you ask me to beat that child? Its a bad thing.”


But his soul replied, “dont be angry, dont be angry.”


The third night they came to another city. The young fisherman said to his soul, “is this the city where she dances that you told me about?”


His soul said to him, “maybe its the city, so lets go in and have a look.”


They went into the city and crossed several streets, but the young fisherman could not find the Inn by the river. People in the city looked at him curiously. He began to be afraid and said to his soul, “lets go, because the man who dances with white feet is not here.”


But his soul replied, “no, wed better stay, because its too dark at night. Well meet robbers on the way.”


He sat down in the market and had a rest. After a while, he passed a businessman with a turban. He had a Tatars cloth cloak and a horn lantern tied to the head of a reed pole. The merchant said to him, “Why are you still sitting in the market? Dont you see that the stalls are closed and everything is packed?”


The young fisherman replied, “I cant find that inn in this city, and I have no relatives to stay here for the night.”


“Arent we all relatives?” The merchant said, “isnt it all created by one God? So come with me. I have a guest room


So the young fisherman got up and followed the merchant to his house. When he walked into the house through a pomegranate garden, the merchant brought him rose water from a copper plate to wash his hands. He also brought ripe melons to quench his thirst, and a bowl of rice and a piece of roast lamb to satisfy his hunger.


After all this, the merchant took him to the guest room and told him to have a good rest. The young fisherman thanks him, kisses the ring on the merchants finger, and then lies down on the dyed goat blanket. After he covered himself with a black lamb quilt, he fell asleep.


Three hours before dawn, when it was still dark, his soul woke him up and said to him, ”get up, go to the merchants room, go to the room where he sleeps, kill him and take his gold, because we need it.“


The young fisherman got out of bed and crawled into the merchants room. He had a machete at the merchants feet and nine gold packets in the plate beside him. The fisherman reached out for the machete. As soon as his hand got the knife, the merchant woke up. He jumped up, grabbed the knife and yelled at the young Fisherman: ”do you want to repay your kindness with resentment? Do you want to repay my kindness to you with your flowing blood? “


Then his soul said to the young fisherman, ”go and beat him.“ So he knocked the merchant unconscious, grabbed nine bags of gold, ran away through the pomegranate garden, and set out in the direction of the star.


Three miles after they left the city, the young fisherman beat his chest and said to his soul, ”why do you want me to kill the merchant and take his gold? You are so bad. “


But his soul replied, ”dont be angry, dont be angry.“


”No,“ cried the young fisherman, ”I cant calm down, because everything you ask me to do is what I hate. You make me hate you, too. I want you to tell me why you taught me to do this. “


His soul replied, ”when you sent me to the world in the past, you didnt give me a heart, so I learned to do all these things, and I like it.“


”What are you talking about?“ Murmured the young fisherman.


”You know it,“ his soul replied. ”You know it very well. Have you forgotten that you didnt give me a heart? I dont believe it. So dont worry about yourself, and dont worry about me. Please rest assured, because there is no pain that cant be removed, and there is no happiness that cant be enjoyed. “


When the young fisherman heard these words, he trembled all over and said to his soul, ”no, you are so bad that I forget my lover. You seduce me with many temptations and set my feet on the road of sin.“


His soul said to him, ”when you sent me to the world, you didnt care for me, so I learned to do all these things and like to do them. Come on, lets go to another city and have fun, because we already have nine bags of gold. “


However, the young fisherman took out nine bags of gold and threw them on the ground and stepped on them with his feet.


”No,“ roared the fisherman, ”I have nothing to do with you, and I will never go anywhere with you again, just like I used to send you away, and I will drive you away now, because you are not good for me.“ Then he turned his back to the moon, and with the green snake skin knife, he was ready to cut the shadow of his own body, the body of his soul, from around his feet.


However, his soul didnt even move. He didnt want to leave him and ignored his orders. He said to him, ”the magic that the witch taught you no longer works, because I cant leave you and you cant drive me away. A man can only send his soul away once in his life, but once he takes his soul back, he has to keep it forever. This is not only a punishment for him, but also a reward for him. “


The young fisherman turned pale, clenched his fist and cried out, ”she didnt tell me that. She lied to me.“


”No,“ his soul replied, ”but she can move the“ he ”she worships. Sincerely, she wants to be his eternal servant.“


Now the young fisherman knew that he could never drive away his soul. Besides, he was an evil soul and would always be with him. He fell to the ground and cried.


At daybreak, the young fisherman stood up and said to his soul, ”I will bind my hands so that I will not do as you tell me. I will also keep my mouth shut so that I will not say anything I cant say. I will go back to the place where my beloved lives. Ill even go back to the sea, to the little bay where she used to sing, and Ill call her up and tell her the bad things Ive done and the bad things youve done to me. “


His soul seduced him and said, ”who is your lover? You have to go back to her? There are many beauties in the world who are prettier than her. The dancers in Samaris can dance in all kinds of animal and bird postures. Their feet were dyed red with Impatiens, and they held many small copper bells in their hands. They are dancing and laughing. Their smile is as clear as Qingxi. Come with me. Ill take you to meet them. What do you want to worry about those evil things? Arent those delicious things made for people to eat? Is there poison in something sweet to drink? Dont worry about it. Follow me to another city. There is a small city near here with a lily garden. In this lovely garden live some white peacocks and peacocks with blue breast. When their tails spread out towards the sun, they are like Ivory disks and gilded disks. The woman who feeds them dances for fun, sometimes with her hands and sometimes with her feet. Her eyes were dyed antimony, and her nostrils were like the wings of a swallow. In a nostril with a small hook hanging with a pearl carved flowers. As she danced, a pair of silver rusts on her ankles rang like silver bells. So stop worrying about yourself and come with me to this city. “


But the young fisherman did not answer his soul. Instead, he closed his mouth with a silent seal and tied his hands tightly with a rope. He got up and went back to the place where he came out, even to the small bay where his lover used to sing. Although his soul lured him all the way, he never answered, and he didnt want to do anything bad that his soul asked him to do. The power of his inner love was so great.


When he came to the edge of the sea, he untied the rope and tore the silent seal from his mouth. He called for the little mermaid. However, she did not come to meet him, he called for a whole day, imploring her, but still can not see her.


His soul laughed at him and said, ”you must not get much joy from your lover. Youre like a man pouring water into a leaky boat in a drought. You give everything you have, but you get nothing in return. Youd better follow me, because I know where happy valley is and whats there.


But the young fisherman didnt answer his soul. He made up a house for himself in a crack in the rock, and lived there for a year. Every morning he called the mermaid, every noon he called her name, and at night he still called her. However, she never came out of the sea to meet him, and he could not find her anywhere in the sea. Although he had searched everywhere in the cave, under the blue water, in the whirlpool of the sea tide, or in the well deep under the sea, he never saw her.


Although his soul kept casting evil to lure him, and whispered some terrible things to him, none of these could stop him. The power of his love was so great.


A year later, the soul thought in his body, “I have seduced my master with evil, but his love is stronger than mine. Now I will tempt him with kindness, and he may follow me


So he said to the young fisherman, ”Ive told you about the joys of the world, but you dont listen to me. Now I have to tell you the pain in the world. Maybe thats what you want to hear. Really, pain is the master of the world, no one can escape from its net. Some people are short of clothes, others are short of bread. There were widows sitting in purple robes, and there were widows in rags. Walking up and down the swamp are lepers. They are very cruel to each other. Beggars come and go on the road, and their bags are empty. On the streets of every city is famine. Dont let it happen. You see, your lover didnt respond to your call, so why do you stay here to call your lover? What on earth is love, you have to pay such a high price for it?


However, the young fisherman did not answer. His love was too powerful. Every morning he would call the mermaid, every noon he would call her, and at night he would call her name. But she never came out of the sea to meet him, and he was not able to find her anywhere in the sea, even though he went to the rivers in the sea to find her, in the valley under the waves to find her, even in the ocean dyed purple by night, and in the ocean painted gray by dawn, he could not find her shadow.


The next year passed, and one night, as the young fisherman was sitting alone in the house made of tree strips, his soul said to him, “Hello! Now I tempt you with evil, and I tempt you with good, and your love is stronger than mine. Therefore, I will not tempt you any more, but I beg you to let me into your heart, so that I will stay with you as before. ”


“Of course you can come in,” said the young fisherman, “because you must have suffered a lot in those days when you had no heart to wander around the world.”


“Oh dear!” His soul cried out, “I cant find a place to go in. Your heart is too tight with love.”


“But I wish I could help you,” said the young fisherman.


Just as like as two peas, the voice of the sea came from the sea, which was exactly the same as the voice heard by the mermaid family. The young fisherman jumped up, left his treehouse and ran to the beach. The black waves came rushing towards the shore, carrying something whiter than silver. It is as white as the waves, floating on the waves like a flower. The wave snatched it from the waves, and the foam took it away from the wave. Finally, the coast accepted it, so at the foot of the young fisherman, he saw the body of the little mermaid. She lay dead at his feet.


The painful tearful man fell down beside her, kissing her cold red lips and stroking the wet amber in her hair. He fell down on the beach and lay beside her, crying like a person shaking with excitement. He held her tightly to his chest with his brown arms. Her lips were cold, but he still kissed it. The honey color in her hair was salty, but he still tasted it with painful pleasure. He kisses her closed eyelids, and the spray on her eyes is not as salty as his tears.


He confessed to the dead body. He put all the sufferings he wanted to tell into her ears. He put her two little hands around his neck and stroked her thin throat with his fingers. His happiness became more and more painful, and the pain was full of wonderful pleasure.


The black water was getting nearer and nearer, and the white foam was whining like a leper. The sea uses its white foam to rob the coast. From the official hall of the sea king came the cry of sorrow. In the distant sea, the sea gods of half man and half fish blew out their hoarse voice with their horns.


“Run away,” said his soul, “because the sea is getting closer and closer, and if you stay, it will kill you. Run away, because Im so afraid, I know your heart is closed to me, because your love is too big. Run to a safe place. You will not send me to another world without giving me a heart. ”


However, the young fisherman did not listen to his soul, but kept calling for the little mermaid and said, “love is better than wisdom, more precious than wealth, and more beautiful than the feet of human daughters. Fire cant burn it, sea cant submerge it. I called you at dawn, but you didnt answer me. The moon heard your name, but you still ignored me. Because I leave you is a thousand mistakes, I left instead of my own harm. But your love is always with me, it is always strong, nothing can stop it, no matter what I face is evil or good. Now that you are dead, I must die with you. ”


His soul pleaded with him to leave, but he refused, and his love was too deep. The sea was getting closer and closer, and it asked its waves to cover him. Now he knew that the death was approaching, and he kissed the mermaids cold lips madly, and his heart was broken. Just as his heart was full of love and broken, the soul found an entrance and entered, and it was integrated with him as before. The sea finally drowned the young fisherman with its waves.


In the morning, the priest went to bless the sea, because the sea was so noisy. With the priest there were monks and musicians, and people holding candles, people shaking incense ovens, and a large group of people.


When the priest came to the beach, he saw the young fisherman lying on the wave drowning, holding the body of the mermaid in his arm. The priest frowned back, and after drawing a cross sign on his chest, he shouted, “I will not bless the sea and anything in the sea.”. The mermaid family should be cursed, and it should curse those who are with them. As for him, he abandoned God for love, so he lay beside the mistress who was killed by the Gods judge, carried away his body and his mistress body, buried them in the corner of the rind ground, without any sign or mark, so that no one would know where they rest. For they were cursed before they were born, and they should curse after their death. “


They did as he told them to. In the corner of the rind ground, there was no herb growing there, and they dug a deep hole in the ground and put the dead body in.


The third year passed again. On a sacred day, the priest came to the chapel, and he wanted to show the wounds of God to people, and he also told them about Gods hatred.


When he had dressed himself in his robes, he went into the chapel and saluted it, when he saw the altar full of strange flowers he had never seen before. The flowers looked strange, but they were also different beauty. The beauty of the flowers made him uncomfortable. Their smell was very fragrant in his nostrils. He felt happy, but he didnt know why.


Then he opened the shrine, burned incense on the table, showed the beautiful one to people, and then hid it behind the tent curtain. He began to talk to people and wanted to tell people about Gods anger. But the beauty of the white flowers upset him, the smell of the flowers smelled in his nose, and another word came into his lips. He told not the anger of God, but the God called love. Why he said that, he didnt know himself.


When the priest finished speaking, people cried. The priest returned to the place where the sacred wares were placed in the temple, and his eyes were full of tears. The deacons came in, took off the garments for him, and took off the linen garments, and the belts, the ribbons and the ribbons. He stood there as if he were in a dream.


After they undressed the broadband for him, he looked at them and said, ”what flowers are on the altar? Where did they come from? “


They replied, ”we cant tell what flowers they are, but they come from the corner of the rinsed ground." The priest trembled and returned to his home and began to pray.


In the morning, just before dawn, he came to the sea with monks, musicians and candle holders, incense shakers and a large group of people to the sea, and to all the wild things in the sea. He also blessed the gods, the little things dancing in the forest, and the bright eyes that peeped out of the leaves. He blessed all the things God created in the world, and people were full of joy and wonder. But no flowers of any kind have been grown in the corners of the rinding site since then, which has become as desolate as ever. The mermaid family never swam into the Bay as usual, because they went to the rest of the sea.






★ 英文版个人简介范文

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★ 劳动合同英文版


As he walked on, he met a very frightful-looking old witch in the road. Her under-lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped and said, “Good evening, soldier; you have a very fine sword, and a large knapsack, and you are a real soldier; so you shall have as much money as ever you like.”

“Thank you, old witch,” said the soldier.

“Do you see that large tree,” said the witch, pointing to a tree which stood beside them. “Well, it is quite hollow inside, and you must climb to the top, when you will see a hole, through which you can let yourself down into the tree to a great depth. I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pull you up again when you call out to me.”

“But what am I to do, down there in the tree?” asked the soldier.

“Get money,” she replied; “for you must know that when you reach the ground under the tree, you will find yourself in a large hall, lighted up by three hundred lamps; you will then see three doors, which can be easily opened, for the keys are in all the locks. On entering the first of the chambers, to which these doors lead, you will see a large chest, standing in the middle of the floor, and upon it a dog seated, with a pair of eyes as large as teacups. But you need not be at all afraid of him; I will give you my blue checked apron, which you must spread upon the floor, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and place him upon it. You can then open the chest, and take from it as many pence as you please, they are only copper pence; but if you would rather have silver money, you must go into the second chamber. Here you will find another dog, with eyes as big as mill-wheels; but do not let that trouble you. Place him upon my apron, and then take what money you please. If, however, you like gold best, enter the third chamber, where there is another chest full of it. The dog who sits on this chest is very dreadful; his eyes are as big as a tower, but do not mind him. If he also is placed upon my apron, he cannot hurt you, and you may take from the chest what gold you will.”

“This is not a bad story,” said the soldier; “but what am I to give you, you old witch? for, of course, you do not mean to tell me all this for nothing.”

“No,” said the witch; “but I do not ask for a single penny. Only promise to bring me an old tinder-box, which my grandmother left behind the last time she went down there.”

“Very well; I promise. Now tie the rope round my body.”

“Here it is,” replied the witch; “and here is my blue checked apron.”

As soon as the rope was tied, the soldier climbed up the tree, and let himself down through the hollow to the ground beneath; and here he found, as the witch had told him, a large hall, in which many hundred lamps were all burning. Then he opened the first door. “Ah!” there sat the dog, with the eyes as large as teacups, staring at him.

“You’re a pretty fellow,” said the soldier, seizing him, and placing him on the witch’s apron, while he filled his pockets from the chest with as many pieces as they would hold. Then he closed the lid, seated the dog upon it again, and walked into another chamber, And, sure enough, there sat the dog with eyes as big as mill-wheels.

“You had better not look at me in that way,” said the soldier; “you will make your eyes water;” and then he seated him also upon the apron, and opened the chest. But when he saw what a quantity of silver money it contained, he very quickly threw away all the coppers he had taken, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with nothing but silver.

Then he went into the third room, and there the dog was really hideous; his eyes were, truly, as big as towers, and they turned round and round in his head like wheels.

“Good morning,” said the soldier, touching his cap, for he had never seen such a dog in his life. But after looking at him more closely, he thought he had been civil enough, so he placed him on the floor, and opened the chest. Good gracious, what a quantity of gold there was! enough to buy all the sugar-sticks of the sweet-stuff women; all the tin soldiers, whips, and rocking-horses in the world, or even the whole town itself There was, indeed, an immense quantity. So the soldier now threw away all the silver money he had taken, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with gold instead; and not only his pockets and his knapsack, but even his cap and boots, so that he could scarcely walk.

He was really rich now; so he replaced the dog on the chest, closed the door, and called up through the tree, “Now pull me out, you old witch.”

“Have you got the tinder-box?” asked the witch.

“No; I declare I quite forgot it.” So he went back and fetched the tinderbox, and then the witch drew him up out of the tree, and he stood again in the high road, with his pockets, his knapsack, his cap, and his boots full of gold.

“What are you going to do with the tinder-box?” asked the soldier.

“That is nothing to you,” replied the witch; “you have the money, now give me the tinder-box.”

“I tell you what,” said the soldier, “if you don’t tell me what you are going to do with it, I will draw my sword and cut off your head.”

“No,” said the witch.

The soldier immediately cut off her head, and there she lay on the ground. Then he tied up all his money in her apron. and slung it on his back like a bundle, put the tinderbox in his pocket, and walked off to the nearest town. It was a very nice town, and he put up at the best inn, and ordered a dinner of all his favorite dishes, for now he was rich and had plenty of money.

The servant, who cleaned his boots, thought they certainly were a shabby pair to be worn by such a rich gentleman, for he had not yet bought any new ones. The next day, however, he procured some good clothes and proper boots, so that our soldier soon became known as a fine gentleman, and the people visited him, and told him all the wonders that were to be seen in the town, and of the king’s beautiful daughter, the princess.

“Where can I see her?” asked the soldier.

“She is not to be seen at all,” they said; “she lives in a large copper castle, surrounded by walls and towers. No one but the king himself can pass in or out, for there has been a prophecy that she will marry a common soldier, and the king cannot bear to think of such a marriage.”

“I should like very much to see her,” thought the soldier; but he could not obtain permission to do so. However, he passed a very pleasant time; went to the theatre, drove in the king’s garden, and gave a great deal of money to the poor, which was very good of him; he remembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling. Now he was rich, had fine clothes, and many friends, who all declared he was a fine fellow and a real gentleman, and all this gratified him exceedingly. But his money would not last forever; and as he spent and gave away a great deal daily, and received none, he found himself at last with only two shillings left. So he was obliged to leave his elegant rooms, and live in a little garret under the roof, where he had to clean his own boots, and even mend them with a large needle. None of his friends came to see him, there were too many stairs to mount up. One dark evening, he had not even a penny to buy a candle; then all at once he remembered that there was a piece of candle stuck in the tinder-box, which he had brought from the old tree, into which the witch had helped him.

He found the tinder-box, but no sooner had he struck a few sparks from the flint and steel, than the door flew open and the dog with eyes as big as teacups, whom he had seen while down in the tree, stood before him, and said, “What orders, master?”

“Hallo,” said the soldier; “well this is a pleasant tinderbox, if it brings me all I wish for.”

“Bring me some money,” said he to the dog.

He was gone in a moment, and presently returned, carrying a large bag of coppers in his month. The soldier very soon discovered after this the value of the tinder-box. If he struck the flint once, the dog who sat on the chest of copper money made his appearance; if twice, the dog came from the chest of silver; and if three times, the dog with eyes like towers, who watched over the gold. The soldier had now plenty of money; he returned to his elegant rooms, and reappeared in his fine clothes, so that his friends knew him again directly, and made as much of him as before.

After a while he began to think it was very strange that no one could get a look at the princess. “Every one says she is very beautiful,” thought he to himself; “but what is the use of that if she is to be shut up in a copper castle surrounded by so many towers. Can I by any means get to see her. Stop! where is my tinder-box?” Then he struck a light, and in a moment the dog, with eyes as big as teacups, stood before him.

“It is midnight,” said the soldier, “yet I should very much like to see the princess, if only for a moment.”

The dog disappeared instantly, and before the soldier could even look round, he returned with the princess. She was lying on the dog’s back asleep, and looked so lovely, that every one who saw her would know she was a real princess. The soldier could not help kissing her, true soldier as he was. Then the dog ran back with the princess; but in the morning, while at breakfast with the king and queen, she told them what a singular dream she had had during the night, of a dog and a soldier, that she had ridden on the dog’s back, and been kissed by the soldier.

“That is a very pretty story, indeed,” said the queen. So the next night one of the old ladies of the court was set to watch by the princess’s bed, to discover whether it really was a dream, or what else it might be.

The soldier longed very much to see the princess once more, so he sent for the dog again in the night to fetch her, and to run with her as fast as ever he could. But the old lady put on water boots, and ran after him as quickly as he did, and found that he carried the princess into a large house. She thought it would help her to remember the place if she made a large cross on the door with a piece of chalk. Then she went home to bed, and the dog presently returned with the princess. But when he saw that a cross had been made on the door of the house, where the soldier lived, he took another piece of chalk and made crosses on all the doors in the town, so that the lady-in-waiting might not be able to find out the right door.

Early the next morning the king and queen accompanied the lady and all the officers of the household, to see where the princess had been.

“Here it is,” said the king, when they came to the first door with a cross on it.

“No, my dear husband, it must be that one,” said the queen, pointing to a second door having a cross also.

“And here is one, and there is another!” they all exclaimed; for there were crosses on all the doors in every direction.

So they felt it would be useless to search any farther. But the queen was a very clever woman; she could do a great deal more than merely ride in a carriage. She took her large gold scissors, cut a piece of silk into squares, and made a neat little bag. This bag she filled with buckwheat flour, and tied it round the princess’s neck; and then she cut a small hole in the bag, so that the flour might be scattered on the ground as the princess went along. During the night, the dog came again and carried the princess on his back, and ran with her to the soldier, who loved her very much, and wished that he had been a prince, so that he might have her for a wife. The dog did not observe how the flour ran out of the bag all the way from the castle wall to the soldier’s house, and even up to the window, where he had climbed with the princess. Therefore in the morning the king and queen found out where their daughter had been, and the soldier was taken up and put in prison. Oh, how dark and disagreeable it was as he sat there, and the people said to him, “To-morrow you will be hanged.” It was not very pleasant news, and besides, he had left the tinder-box at the inn. In the morning he could see through the iron grating of the little window how the people were hastening out of the town to see him hanged; he heard the drums beating, and saw the soldiers marching. Every one ran out to look at them. and a shoemaker’s boy, with a leather apron and slippers on, galloped by so fast, that one of his slippers flew off and struck against the wall where the soldier sat looking through the iron grating. “Hallo, you shoemaker’s boy, you need not be in such a hurry,” cried the soldier to him. “There will be nothing to see till I come; but if you will run to the house where I have been living, and bring me my tinder-box, you shall have four shillings, but you must put your best foot foremost.”

The shoemaker’s boy liked the idea of getting the four shillings, so he ran very fast and fetched the tinder-box, and gave it to the soldier. And now we shall see what happened. Outside the town a large gibbet had been erected, round which stood the soldiers and several thousands of people. The king and the queen sat on splendid thrones opposite to the judges and the whole council. The soldier already stood on the ladder; but as they were about to place the rope around his neck, he said that an innocent request was often granted to a poor criminal before he suffered death. He wished very much to smoke a pipe, as it would be the last pipe he should ever smoke in the world. The king could not refuse this request, so the soldier took his tinder-box, and struck fire, once, twice, thrice,— and there in a moment stood all the dogs;—the one with eyes as big as teacups, the one with eyes as large as mill-wheels, and the third, whose eyes were like towers. “Help me now, that I may not be hanged,” cried the soldier.

And the dogs fell upon the judges and all the councillors; seized one by the legs, and another by the nose, and tossed them many feet high in the air, so that they fell down and were dashed to pieces.

“I will not be touched,” said the king. But the largest dog seized him, as well as the queen, and threw them after the others. Then the soldiers and all the people were afraid, and cried, “Good soldier, you shall be our king, and you shall marry the beautiful princess.”
