














本试卷共有六道题。一题为单项选择题,主要考查基础知识的应用。本题所有考点都学过,比如:1.cheer…on 2.there be 句型将来时 3.hope that/to do sth 5.it’s adj for sb to do sth.6.ask sb to do sth, sb spends some time doing sth 18.more and more beautiful.25.This is …speaking.当然这些知识点不仅上课时分析过他们的用法,而且也在练习中应用过,但是遗憾的是考试中还是有部分学生没能的高分。

二题为完形填空题。本文讲述的swimming方面的相关知识,据学生反应有些偏难,特别是28题 A.Other B.Others C.The others D.The other丢分的学生比较多。三题为阅读理解题。本题共有AB两篇文章,从内容看并不是很难,所以只要认真阅读的学生应该都能得到想要的分数。四题为词汇题 A.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、完整。共5小题,共10分。本题考点:would like to do sth, be sorry for doing, keep sb doing sth及词性的变化play-player, health-healthy。次题虽然不难,但是对于那些学习不认真的学生丢分还是很容易。B.是跟首字母有关,而且都是平时读的很多的句子,尽管如此,得分几率也没能达到100%。五题为句型转换题。考了3个同义句,try/do one’s best, like…better/prefer, do well in/be good at和1个画线部分提问及1个否定句60.You shouldn’t be late next time.(改为否定祈使句)Late next time.这些题虽然也讲过,但及格率也不是很理想。试题紧扣教材,为了避免单纯考查语法,试题将语言知识放在一个有意义的情景中进行考查,使语法知识的测试也留意到了语言的真实性、趣味性和实践性,体现了语言的交际功能。





My favorite sport

I like mountains climbing, table tennis and swimming.And my favorite sport is soccer.I think playing soccer makes me strong.I always play with my classmates after school.Last year, I join our school soccer team.Our school often plays soccer against other schools.We are happy when we win a game.Beckham is my favorite soccer player.I think he is handsome and great.I am going to be a soccer star like him when I grow up.That’s my dream.My weekend plan

I made a wonderful plan for this weekend.On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework.In the afternoon, I am going to clean my room and make it tidy.Sunday is my best friend’s birthday.I am going to prepare a gift for his birthday.We are going to have a birthday party in the evening.At the party, we will sing, dance and play games.This will be my busy and happy weekend.Would you mind telling me yours?

How to Keep Healthy

Everyone hopes to be strong and healthy.But how can we keep healthy?

First, we should eat healthy food.We should have vegetables and not eat too much meat.We should also eat some fruit, for example, apples and pears.Second, we need exercise.It is important for us to do some sports every day.And we need to do exercise 30 minutes a day.On Sunday, we should play basketball or football outside.Do you live a healthy life? Please eat healthy food and do more sports.My Hobby


《英语课程标准 》 对初中英语课程教学任务是这样描述的:“激发培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,形成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。 ”任务型教学法是课程标准中倡导的教学途径,就是让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、参与与合作等方式,完成任务与实现目标,感受成功。 这是一种以人为本、以运用为动力的的教学途径。 它为学生提供了更大的实践空间, 能更好地发挥学生的主动性和创造性,我想以一堂公开课为例,写写这堂课的教学设计,践行新的课程理念。


1.教学内容分析 :Section C位于八年级下册Unit7 Food Fes-tival Topic1 We are preparing for a food festival中 的第三节 。 本节容量大,因为它既是前两节内容的递进,又要掌握“打邀请电话”和写“邀请函”这两个目标语言。 为了能够顺利完成教学任务,在教学中本着整合教材的精神,我把本课的内容顺序进行调整,使之成为一个整体。

2.学生情况分析:本班学生对英语学习的积极性较高 ,乐于用英语交流,乐于在表演交流中学习英语,有较强的表现欲。 各小组学生能够积极参加小组合作学习,各成员间有较好的默契,已初步具备了小组合作学习的能力和语言表达能力, 具备了自主、合作、探究的能力。 通过前两节课的教学,学生对本节课的学习内容有了基本上的了解,他们是完全可以顺利掌握的。


1.知识目标:(1)Revise the object clauses with “that”;(2)Learn some new words and phrases.;(3)Revise the expressions about how to make telephone calls;(4)Learn how to write an invitation.。 2.技能目标:(1)Get students to write an invitation of a parents’ meeting.;(2)Get students to invite their parents to the parents’ meeting by phone.; (3)Enable students to retell 2a according to key words and improve students ’ abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing.3.情感态度与价值观:Be glad to help others。


1.教学重点 : (1)The object clauses with “that”; (2)The expressions about how to make telephone calls。 2.教学难点 :Learn and write an invitation。


本节内容由于涉及生活中常见的话题,如写邀请函,我准备了一个精美的请柬,准备了两个手机,进行电话邀请,这样增强教学的直观性和趣味性;本课容量大,环节多,竞赛机制一定贯穿始终,使学生始终保持高涨的学习热情;在每步的任务设计中,题目要求难易适度,提高学生的辨别、理解、分析及运用能力;鼓励学生在自主思考的基础上与小组成员团结协作,培养合作精神;教师要面向全体学生,由浅入深,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容,展开以教师为主导、学生为主体的师生双边活动。 在教学过程任务化中,着眼于学生综合运用语言能力的培养,让学生积极地“动”起来,让英语教学“活”起来,有了以上的教学方法与手段,一定会取得良好的教学效果。


The task -based approach,the method of situation,the method of communication,the method of elicitation。


Flashcards,Invitation cards,Telephones,Projector。


步骤1:复习:(1)师生问候;(2)Revise words of Topic1(用单词卡复习单词:先看着卡片齐读一遍,然后把所有单词随机分4份,进行小组必答,看着中文拼读单词,看哪小组答对最多);(3)Revise the object clauses with “that”(复习前两节课有关“美食节”的信息和宾语从句,以师问生答的形式复习美食节的信息, 并把学生的答案以短语形式用纵向流程图板书在黑板上。 再告诉学生用“I think/believe that”等造句,达到复习宾语从句的效果。 如:I think that Kangkang knows about Daniel Igali.)。 设计意图 :师生问候既提醒学生开始上课 ,又是一种礼仪;用卡片复习单词可以集中学生注意力,把目光统一到讲台上;以师问生答形式既是竞赛的需要,又是降低难度复习旧知识, 为新知识做铺垫的需要, 用流程图按顺序把短语板书出来,学生造句时,会更有针对性,更有信心;争强好胜是孩子的天性,有竞争才有动力,因此所有需要学生完成的任务,我都将引进竞争机制。

步骤2:阅读与理解:(1)Lead to 2a(教师通过两句话的介绍, 一个问句引到2a);(2)Let’s read his E-mail and finish 2b as quickly as they can to know about his information (4人小组合作: 快速阅读 并完成一 个表格 ),Let students check over answers; (3)4人小组合作 : 边小声朗读边找出生词 、 词组和重 、难点句 ,提问并核 对答案 ,教师做必 要的补充 (例如 :everywhere else的用法 );(4)齐声大声朗读一遍 ;(5)让学生尝试着根据2b的提示词复述2a。 设计意图:把2a和2b捆绑一起,提到1a和b1之前先教 ,是因为在内容上与复习环节有一致性 ,能够自然过渡。 在这个步骤中,教师是引导者,学生是活动的主体,活动面广、活动量大。 小组协作,以强带弱,人人有事做,每位学生都有信心积极参与到课堂活动中, 让学生在思考中、在开口中学习。

步骤3:呈现:(1)用投影仪展示1a中的图片,通过2个问题来讨论这幅画,引入1a;(2)4人小组合作:边小声朗读边找出生词、词组和重、难点句和打电话用语,老师与学生一起核对答案并归纳出所有打电话用语。 设计意图:希望学生通过本课的学习,学会关心他人,互相帮助,在这两环节过渡时,提出此倡议,是最合理的时机。 通过讨论这幅图,再次自然过渡,虽然教材被整合,但依然环节紧凑,在这个步骤中,再次体现学生的自主学习能力和合作精神; 在这一步中, 用掉半节课的时间,学生的精力可能分散,热情可能减退,所以我提高比赛分值。 需要学生完成的任何任务,我都用言语或肢体语言表示鼓励,并且及时加分。

步骤4:巩固:(1)跟磁带朗读,模仿语音语调;(2)用投影仪展示一张年段家长会通知单,请同学两两角色扮演,到讲台上以班主任的名义电话邀请家长开家长会;(3)给学生展示一张漂亮的请柬,结合1b,学习如何写邀请函(Invitation),让学生自己归纳出邀请函的格式;(4)每生发一张精美请柬,对照年段家长会通知单,写份英文邀请函,放学后送呈于家长,家长会时,让家长带来展示,我将与家长交流此事。 设计意图:半期考刚过,在本周日确实要开家长会,我拿到了一张真实的家长会通知单,学以致用。 在模拟电话邀请家长开家长会中,我准备了两部手机,大部分学生英语学习的积极性较高,有表演欲望,因时间原因,我只选了两对表演,效果还是不错的。

步骤5:小结及布置作业:(1)让学生来小结所学内容;(2)宣布比赛结果,颁发奖品;(3)作业布置:家长会的电话邀请以书面形式写下,请柬按要求完成到位。 设计意图:一定记得颁发奖品,使获奖的小组充满成就感,让其他同学分享快乐,布置的作业用来巩固学生综合运用语言的能力,学以致用。




( )1. —Did you go ________ on vacation last month?

—Yes, I went to Hangzhou on vacation.

A. anywhere interestingB. interesting somewhereC. interesting anywhere

( )2. We took ________ photos in the park last Sunday.

A. quite a lot B. quite a few C. quite a little

( )3. We must listen to the teacher ________ in class.

A. care B. careful C. carefully

( )4. The price in the hotel is ________. Lets go and find a cheaper one.

A. cheap B. high C. expensive

( )5. ________ the bad weather, we could see ________.

A. Because; nothing below B. Because of; anything below

C. Because of; nothing below

( )6. ________ that she drew a very good picture then.

A. It is seemed B. That seems C. It seemed

( )7. The old woman is very ill and she doesnt ________.

A. feel like to eat something B. feel like to eat anything

C. feel like eating anything

( )8. The little boy spent most of the time ________ at home.

A. watching TV B. to watch TV C. watch TV

( )9. I hope ________ to my birthday party this Saturday evening.

A. you can come B. you to come C. you coming

( )10. Wang Ying hardly ________ drinks milk, because she doesnt like it.

A. ever B. often C. usually

( )11. —________ do you visit the old man?

—Once a week.

A. How soon B. How long C. How often

( )12. ________ Tinas grandfather is old, he does exercise every day.

A. Because B. Although C. But

( )13. Please _______ who broke the window of the classroom.

A. look for B. find C. find out

( )14. China is ________ for the Great Wall.

A. simple B. famous C. ready

( )15. It is not so ________ as you think.

A. easy B. easier C. easiest


阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Do you have a healthy lifestyle? I think I 16 . First, I have many good eating habits. I like junk food, 17 I hardly eat it. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. 18 they are not very delicious, but they are 19 for health. Second, I do 20 every day. It says that if people run every day, they will have more healthy hearts than others. So I run for 21 thirty minutes every morning.

22 , I have good living habits. I try to 23 eight hours every day. That 24 me to be energetic next day. And I can study better and get good grades.endprint

What do you 25 my lifestyle? Can you learn something from it?

( ) 16. A. do B. am C. like

( ) 17. A. and B. but C. or

( ) 18. A. Maybe B. Although C. Because

( ) 19. A. bad B. late C. good

( ) 20. A. cleaning B. homework C. exercise

( ) 21. A. at B. about C. on

( ) 22. A. First B. Second C. Third

( ) 23. A. sleep B. practice C. spend

( ) 24. A. stops B. makes C. helps

( ) 25. A. agree with B. think of C. talk about


第一节 阅读选择。



The summer vacation is over. Its true that time flies. During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I was happy.

As the afternoons were hot, I did my work in the morning. I got up at 6:30 and took a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I did some exercises in math. I spent three hours or more doing this. I studied quite hard and made good progress (进步). In the afternoon I went swimming, it was fun. I did not go home until about five or six oclock. Sometimes in the evening a friend of mine would come to see me and we would spend some time listening to music.

In this way I spent my vacation happily. I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits.

( )26. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. How the writer spent his summer vacation.

B. What the weather was like that summer.

C. When the writer got up in the morning.

( )27. How long did the writer spend doing his exercises?

A. Half an hour. B. Three hours or more. C. Only one hour.

( )28. The writer spent most of the afternoons ________.

A. listening to music B. visiting his friends C. swimming

( )29. The writer had a very good summer holiday because he ________.

A. worked very hard and made good progress

B. learned to swim and made good progress in math

C. got up early and went home late

( )30. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The writer made progress in his lessons.

B. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast.

C. The writer began studying as soon as he got up.


Do you want to be taller? If you do, see if you have these good habits. Do you eat properly and get enough sleep? Do you do sports? Are you a happy person?


1. translate?into :(把?翻译成 )

2. correct the mistakes :(纠正错误)

3. match A with B :(把A 与B 配对)

4. a number of+可数名词复数:(许多,大量。)The number of +可数名词复数:(?的数


5. this term (这学期)next term (下学期)

6. advice :不可数名词。→a piece of advice(一条建议),take the advice(接受建议)

Give advice(提建议) → advise sb to do sth.(建议某人做某事)

7. write it hem down(把?写下来)

8. ①by mistake(错误地) ② mistake A for B(把?误认为) ③ make mistakes (犯错


9. else:放在疑问词或不定代词后。例:what else , who else, when else ,something

else,anything else.→other:放在名词前。例:other books, ther students.

10. radio的复数;radios

11. read newspapers(看报纸)

12. each 与 every的区别:every只可放在名词单数前,三者以上,强调整体;each放在

名词单数前,可以是两者,强调个别;each可以单独用。Each other(互相)

13. send sth. To sb.send sb. Sth.(把某物寄给某人)

14. improve your English(提高你的英语)

15. watch: ①手表(two watches),②观看 watch sb. do sth. watch sb. Doing sth.

16. Guess what!(猜猜怎么着)

17. enjoy yourself(玩得很愉快)→have a good time

18. have a conversation(谈话) 19. take a deep breath(做深呼吸)

20. smile at(对?微笑)

21.remember to do sth.(记着去做某事) remember doing sth.(记得做过某事)→ Forget to do sth.与forget doing sth.

22. piece : a piece of news, two pieces of bread, three pieces of music.

23. all the time (总是)

24. wish :①wish to do sth. ② wish sb. to do sth. ③ wish + that 从句(从句常用

过去时)表示难以实现的愿望。 ④ Best wishes!(致以最好祝愿)

25. borrow, lend 与 keep 表示借的区别:borrow sth. from sb.(向某人借某物),lend

sth to sb.(把某物借给某人 ) “借了多久”用 keep.

26. hear :①hear sb.do sth.(听见某人做某事) hear sb. doing sth.(听见某人正在做

某事);②hear ofabout (听说) ③ hear 与 listen to 的区别

27. try (not) to do sth.(尽力(不)做某事)

28. Why don’t you do sth.→ Why not do sth.?(何不做某事呢?)

29. should do sth 和 shuoldn’t do sth

30. How about doing sth?(做某事如何?)

31. help sb with sth (在某方面帮某人)

32. ask for advice(寻求建议) ask sb for sth.(向某人要某物)

33. enjoy doing sth(喜爱做某事)

34. It takes sb some time to do sth.(某人花费多少时间做某事) →sb spends (+ 时间

或金钱)+ on sth 或 (in)doing sth.

35. show sb around + 某地 (带领某人参观某地)

36. invite sb to do sth (邀请某人做某事) invite sb to + 地点(邀请某人去某地)


37. Have you ever ??(你曾经做过某事吗?) 例:Have you ever read the story?

38. enter a competition .(参加比赛) take part in a competition

39. at the airport (在飞机场)

40. take off :①起飞 The plane is taking off in a minute. ② 脱下 Take off your

coat ,please.

41. before :① before + 时间点(在某时以前)before the year 2000;② 以前(单独使

用,多在完成时态句末;Have you watched the film before? )③ 时间段 + ago(多久以前) I saw the movie three days ago.

42. problem 与 question 的差别:No problem . have problem doing sth.(做某事有

困难) Answer a question the answer to the question(问题的答案)

43. What do you reckon?→ What do you think?

44. 连系动词:sound(听起来),smell (闻起来) ,taste(尝起来), look(看起来),feel(感

觉起来)等后+ adj 作表语 例:Her voice sounds beautiful. The meat smells good. I’m not feeling well today.

45. dream ofabout :(梦见)

46. come true (实现) Your dream is sure to come true.

47. abroad :前面不可加介词。Go abroad. Have you ever been abroad?

48. Italian 与 Italy I come from Italy. I’m Italian. Italian food tastes


49. more than 与 over (多于,超过)

50. another ① 加可数名词单数 I’d like another piece of bread.② another + 数

词 + 可数名词复数 (再多少) We need another two cups of coffe.

51. time ① 时间,不可数;There’s no time to think. ② 次数 ,可数;three times

52. travel around the world (环球旅行)

53. Guess what!(猜猜怎么着)

54. What’s the price of ??(某物的价钱是多少?)→ How much isare ??→ How much

dodoes ? cost?

55. havehas been to ,have has gone to

I’ve just been to the Great Wall. I’ve been in Beijing for a week. They have gone to Shanghai. They’ll come back this evening.

56.现在完成时的两种用法:⑴ 动作发生在过去,目的在于说明现在怎样;例:We’ve

already cleaned the classroom.(教室现在干净) ⑵ 过去一直延续到现在。For + 时间段;since + 时间点;提问常用How long 例:How long have you studied here? I’ve studied here since two years ago. I’ve studied here for two years.


Come, go , arrive , reach , get to , 换成 be (inat);start egin 用 be on; die

换成 be dead; buy 常用 have ;borrow 用 keep ; leave 改用 be away from ;

finish 常用 be over ;等等。

57. already ,yet, just ,ever , never ,before ,recently等常与现在完成时连用。


58. on Earth = on the earth on earth (究竟,常用于疑问词后)

59. Don’t panic. (别怕)

60. the latest news(最近的新闻)

61. several + 可数名词复数 several months , several books

62. show ① show sb sth = show sth to sb (让某人看某物);② show sb around (带领


63. also, too , either 的区别:also 在句中,too 在肯定句末,either在否定句后。

64. none , no one, nobody 和 nothing 的.区别:① none 既可以指人,也可指物;既可

以是单数,也可以是复数;其余四个都是单数;② no one ,nobody 指人,nothing 指

物;③ 回答how many 问句要用 none, 回答what 问句用 nothing,回答 who 用no one ,nobody;④ 介词 of 前必须用 none 例:None of them likes rap music.

65. alone 与 lonely 的区别:① alone 指数量上的孤独,lonely 指心理,精神上的孤

独;例:I’m alone at home, but I’m not lonely at all. ②alone 作副词,放

在动词后,等于 by oneself; 例:Can you finish the work alone? ③ lonely 可

以放在名词前,alone 不行。如:a lonely woman.

66. cost :① Sth costs some money.(某物值多少钱)如:This book costs about 20. ② sth costs sb some money.(某物花费某人多少钱)。如:The new house cost us more

than 200 thousand yuan.③ It costs sb some money to do sth.(做某事花费某人

多少钱)如:It cost us over 200 thousand dollars to build the new road.

67. prefer(preferred) :① prefer sbsth.(比较喜欢?)如:I prefer pop music.②

prefer to do sth 或 prefer doing sth.(比较喜欢做某事)如:My elder sister prefers listening to classical music.③ prefer A to B 或 prefer doing A to doing B.(宁愿作A而不愿做 B) 如:Her younger brother preferred swimming to listening to Beijing opera.

68. real 与 true 的区别:real 指物品是真的,true 指一件事,一个道理或一句话等是

真的。例:This watch is real. It’s a real watch. Her watch is lost. Is it true?

69. reach, arrive和get to 的区别:reach 直接加地点;arrive 不加地点或用 arrive

in(大地点),arrive at (小地点);get to 加地点。

70. life : 抽象概念不可数,具体生命可数。例:They haven’t found life on Mars. Thousands of lives died in the accident.

71. What are you up to?(你在忙什么?) be up to sth. (忙于某事)

72. That’s why it’s on the news.

73. on business (出差)

74. millions of hundreds of thousands of billions of

75. So far there’s only life on Earth. So far :到目前为止,常用于完成时。

76. finish doing sth.


77. teach sb sth (叫某人某事) 例:Mr. Wang teaches us math. Who teaches you

English?teach sb to do sth (叫某人做某事)

78. get on well with sb.(与某人相处融洽)

79. same: same 前the 相连。例:We’re in the same school. the same as (与?一


80. hear ofabout (听说) hear from sb (受到某人来信)

81. raise money (筹款)

82. take part in (活动)

83. drop 与 fall 的区别:drop后可以加名词,fall 后不加名词。例:I dropped my book

on the floor. My book dropped on the floor. My brother fell on the floor. drop out of school(辍学)

84. look after = take care of

85. pay :(paid , paid ) pay( + money) + for sth (为某物付款)

86. point to (远处) point at (进处,没礼貌)

87. health →healthy →healthily in good health (身体健康) keep healthy(保持


88. a little , little , a few , few 的区别。

89. Liu Sanzi is an eightCyearCold boy from a village.(连字符号中名词不加 “s”)

90. stop doing sth(停止正在做的事);stop to do sth (停下来去做某事)

91. It’s + adj + for sb + to do sth.(某人做某事怎么样)

92. with the help of with one’s help (在某人帮助下)

93. in the lastpast + 时间段:在最近?时间内,常用于现在完成时。

94. because of + 名词短语;because + 句子。


95. German 的复数:Germans Germany (德国)

96.Austrian 不同于 Australian Austria 不同于 Australia

97. on earth 常用于疑问词后(究竟,到底)

98. elder , eldest 部用于 older , oldest .例:My elder sister is two years older

than me.

99. die C dying C died C dead( adj 死亡的)

100. in addition to (除?之外)

101. maybe 不同于 may be ,maybe (或许)常用于句子开头,may be(可能是)常用于句中。 102. Who’s it by ? (谁作的)

103. I’m a fan of rap.

104. Give us a break.

105. It’s lively and good to dance to.(它很活泼,适于跳舞) dance to (伴随?跳舞) 106. go through (从?内部穿过) go across (从?表面穿过) cross 动词

107. not only ? but also (不但?而且)

108. be famous for (因?而出名)

109. at the age of (在??岁时)

110. 反意疑问句:⑴ 陈述部分含有hardly, no ,nobody , nothing , few ,little ,never


⑵ 陈述部分含有 unhappy ,dislike 等带有否定前缀的词时,看作前肯后否。

⑶ There be 结构的反意疑问句,附加部分用 there 例:There’s a guitar on the

wall, isn’t there?

⑷ 祈使句的反意疑问句:多用 will you 或 won’t you 构成。如:Keep quiet, will

you? Don’t panic, will you? 注意:Let us go home, will you? Let’s go home, shall we?

⑸ 前否后肯反意疑问句回答:根据事实,事实肯定用 yes (不), 事实否定要用 no

(是的)例:Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she? Yes, she is. She looks after the old men well. You’ve never been to Shanghai, have you? No, I haven’t. But I will visit there next year.


111. party : at the party (在聚会上) have a party (举办聚会)

112. fall : (fell, fallen)→feel-felt C felt fall ill(患病) fall asleep(入睡)

fall down (掉下) fall off (从?摔下)

113. carry: (carrying, carried) 搬,提,挑,扛,背,抱。没有方向性。例:

① Some boys are carrying water. ② Could you help me carry the heavy box? 114. tired: be/get/feel tired (疲劳) I got tired after running. Are you tired now? Be tired of (厌倦) more tired, most tired

115. nothing: = not anything There’s nothing serious with your eyes. I listened

carefully, but heard nothing.

116. by : ① 路过 Suddenly, a white rabbit ran by Alice.(= past)

② 被,由 Who’s it by? It’s by Strauss.

③ 在?旁 Alice was sitting by the river.

④ 到?时候为止 Your mother will come back by tomorrow morning.(by + 时


117. go off(熄灭) The light went off suddenly. (go off 的主语是灯等,不可是人,

不能说:I went off the light. 但可以说:I turned off the light.)

118. at noon(在中午) at night(在夜晚) at midnight(在午夜)

119. staff (全体职员,单数形式,复数意思,不能加“s”。) All the staff were waiting

for the new books outside the bookshop.

120. wear , put on, dress, in 表示穿的区别:wear 穿的状态,put on (穿上,戴上),

穿的动作八年级上册英语期中复习提纲,dress (给某人穿衣),dress + sb , in 是介词。

121. clap C clapping C clapped

122. stop to do sth(停下来去做某事),stop doing sth(停止正在做的事)

123. How’s it going? (情况如何?)

124. It’s about the girl called Alice. (called 意思“叫做?的”)

125. in a tree 与 on a tree 的区别。

126. smile at (对??微笑)

127. Every boy and girl in Britain has read it. (注意主语是单数,动词用 “has”。) 128. Alice has nothing to do. ( have sth/nothing to do, 有某事/无事可做)

129. think of(考虑到,想起,思考);think about(考虑,思考,想的过程);think over(仔


130. She was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit ran by

her.(when意思是“这时候”。) 比较:① When my mother came in, I was doing my home work. ② I was doing my homework when the light went off.(具有意外性)③ While I was doing my homework, my mother was reading newspapers.(强调过程) 131. not? until(直到?才) I didn’t go to bed until my father came back. 132. see sb do sth(看见某人做某事);see sb doing sth(看见某人正在做某事)

133. so ? that(如此?以致) I was so busy that I had no time to see you. This

question is so difficult that none of us can answer it.

134. as ? as (和?一样). This book is as interesting as that one.

135. leave sth + 地点(把某物丢在某地);forget sth (忘记带某物,不加地点) 136. 过去进行时:was/were + doing (过去某事可正在做某事)

137. 写作话题:① 关于 How to learn English.(熟悉学习英语的方法);② 介绍一次旅




得分____________ 一.单项选择(20分,每小题1分)()1.Mrs.White isn’t here.She ______ London.A.has been to

B.has gone to

C.went to

D.has gone()2.One-child policy has ______ controlling China’s population.A.did well in

B.been good at

C.worked good in

D.worked well in()3.In our class, about ______ of the students are girls.A.three fifth

B.third fifth

C.third fifths

D.three fifths()4.The weather in summer here is cooler than ______ in Beijing.A.this



D.the one()5.Last year, the population of that city ______ 7,120,000.A.were

B.have been


D.was()6.Jim has been to the Great Wall before, ______ he? A.has



D.doesn’t()7.There are several chemical factories ______ waste water into the river.A.pouring



D.poured()8.------What a nice motorbike!How long have you ______ it?

------About half a year.A.had



D.taken()9.------He is late for the meeting.------______.A.So I am

B.So am I

C.So I do

D.So do I()10.------How many people did you see in the meeting room?


B.No one


D.A little()11.He was ______ in finishing the work.A.successful



D.succeed()12.------Which do you prefer, a glass of water or a cup of tea?

------______.Thanks.I’m not thirsty.A.Both



D.None()13.______Mum asked me to close the windows before going to bed, _____ I forget to do so.A.Though;/



D.Until;then()14.He ______ to school by bike, but now he ______ to school on foot.A.used to going;gets used to go

B.used to go;gets used to going C.used to go;gets used to go

D.get used to going;used to go()15.------Listen!______.------Oh, let’s go to the classroom.A.There goes the bell.B.There is a bell.C.There the bell go.D.Goes there the bell.()16.Miss Wang told us that the moon ______ around the earth.A.moves


C.is moving

D.had moved()17.The policeman prevented us ______ out.A.from go


C.to go

D.from going()18.Mr.Simth didn’t tell us ______.A.where does he live

B.where he lives

C.where did he live

D.where he lived()19.I didn’t know what happened ______her last night.A.to



D.with()20.He was supposed ______ here yesterday.A.come

B.to come


D.comes III.完型填空(20分,每小题2分)

The world is divided into two main parts, the poor and the ____41__.The poor countries ___42___ “the developing countries”, which have special ___43___.Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything ___44___.Many people never get enough food ___45___, and the children starve(饿死).Help should be given by the rich countries, but rich countries have problems, ___46___.The air isn’t fresh and the rivers are ___47___ dirty to swim in or ___48___ water from.Also the roads are too ___49___ to drive along.And sometimes, large numbers of people ___10___ not have pleasant houses to live in.So something will have to be done about the problems.41.A.rich



D.poorer 42.A.is called

B.are called


D.calling 43.A.friends



D.conditions 44.A.on



D.at 45.A.to play with

B.to live in

C.to eat

D.to drink 46.A.already



D.too 47.A.very



D.so 48.A.to taking



D.takes 49.A.crowd



D.crow 50.A.does



D.have IV.阅读理解(30分,每小题2分)(A)


% of income spent on food

Persons per room

% of houses with water and electricity

Telephone per 100 people

% of children in high schools

Tokyo 28.7 18 0.9 100 44 97

Mexico City 19.4 41 1.9 94 6 62

New York 17.4 16 0.5 99 56 95

St.Paul 17.2 50 0.8 100 16 67

Osaka 16.8 18 0.6 98 42 97

Seoul 15.8 34 2.0 100 22 90

Moscow 13.2 33 1.3 100 39 100

Bombay 12.9 57 4.2 85 5 49

Calcutta 12.8 60 3.0 57 2 49

Buenos Aires 12.4 40 1.3 86 14 51

Los Angeles 11.5 12 0.5 94 35 90

London 11.0 24 0.6 100 50 58


51.Of the following cities, people live in

spend least of their income on food.A.Mexico City B.Los Angeles C.Calcutta D.Bombay 52.Which city has the largest population? A.New York.B.Moscow.C.Tokyo.D.London.53.The number of the students studying in high schools in Tokyo out of 100 students is the same as that of

.A.Seoul B.St.Paul C.Calcutta D.Osaka 54.In which city do all the houses have water and electricity? A.London.B.Los Angeles.C.New York.D.Bombay.55.It is the most difficult for people in

to make a phone call.A.St Paul B.Mexico City C.Bombay D.Calcutta(B)Stop.Listen!What do you hear? You may hear many different sounds.Some of those sounds may be noise.Noise is a loud or unwanted sound.Noise can be caused by many kinds of machines, such as motorcycles, jet planes, farm tractors(拖拉机), rock music is also noise.What happens to people who live near noisy machines or use them over a period of time? Doctors have found that these people have trouble in sleeping.But, most important, constant(不断的)loud noise can cause a loss of hearing.Scientists use a unit of measure called decibel(分贝)to measure the loudness of a sound.The sound of a quiet room, for example, measures 35 decibels.Talking measures between 40 and 65 decibels.Sounds from traffic and from some rock bands can measure over 120 decibels.Noise at this high level(层次)causes the great hearing loss.56.According to the passage, noise is

.A.any kind of sound

B.a loud or unwanted sound

C.all sounds that you can hear

D.terrible sound 57.A decibel is a

.A.unit that measures sound

B.kind of noise

C.machine that makes loud noise

D.person who hates sound 58.According to the passage, loud noise can

.A.help people to sleep better

B.stop machines

C.cause a loss of hearing

D.kill people 59.We can conclude(推断)from the passage that

.A.noise is a serious problem

B.rock music isn’t noisy

C.noise is only from traffic

D.some people hate any sound 60.Study that diagram below.would be the quietest.Room Noise Level A

40~65 decibels B

decibels C

decibels D


A.Room A B.Room B

C.Room C

D.Room D

(C)Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat.Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals.One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草).The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant.It grows in dry parts of the United States.Its leaves are like the pages of a book.They can open and close very quickly.Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs.If a fly(苍蝇)touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly.The fly cannot get out.In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead.Then, the plant covers the fly.Slowly, the plant eats the fly.Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air and the ground.In some places, the ground is very poor.It doesn’t have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮).Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need.Let’s hope that some of the bigger plants don’t get the same idea!61.The Venus flytrap is a kind of

.A.plant B.animal C.food D.meat 62.The Venus flytrap grows in

.A.most parts of the world B.some parts of Africa C.dry parts of the United States D.wet parts of England 63.From the passage, we learn that

.A.all plants can eat people B.all plants can eat animals C.some plants can eat people D.some plants can eat animals 64.The underlined word “presses” probably means

in Chinese.A.挤压 B.关上 C.打开


65.Why do some plants eat animal meat? Because

.A.plants are dangerous to animals

B.animals are dangerous to plants

C.plants want to get what they need from animal meat

D.Plants want to protect themselves against animals V.句型转换(10分,一空一词,一词1分)

71.The meeting began 15 minutes ago.(同义句转换)The meeting has ______ ______ for 15 minutes.72.I have lived in Shanghai since I was born.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ have you live in Shanghai? 73.Air pollution is harmful to our health.(同义句转换)

Air pollution ______ ______ to our health.74.“Have you seen the movie?” Lucy asked me.(改为间接引语)

Lucy asked me _____ I ______ seen the movie.75.你和他都是对的。(汉译英)

Not ______ you but also he ______ right.VI.短文填空(20分,每小题1分)

None of us l____76_____pollution.But pollution is getting more and more s____77____.Thousands of tress are c____78____down.A great number of animals are killed f___79___ their meat and skin.As a result, a great deal of farmland has c___80___ into desert.When it b___81___, there is much sand in the air.Rivers are polluted.We must realize the i___82___ of protecting the environment.D___83___ throw rubbish here and t___84___.Plant trees to prevent the sand from moving a___85___.VII.书面表达。(15分)
