



Letter of Recommendation

Dear Dean of Graduate School of xx(department), xxx University:

As Director of Institute of xxx at the xxx University, which is one of the most prestigious departments in China, I am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend xxx(name)to you for acceptance into your school.I was xxx’s supervisor for three years and therefore many opportunities to observe her performance in her graduate years.As a diligent student, she excelled most of her fellow students in her studies.Since her enrollment into our department with remarkable entrance scores, xxx has embodied the fine character of strong inquisition and industriousness in learning, winning scholarships of the department almost every year.On the research, xxx exhibited exquisite analytical, innovative problems-solving abilities.With professional abilities, knowledge and hard work, she got great fruit for her experimental studies on xxx.With a new way, she made high performance of xxx research.For languages, she is articulate in both English and Chinese with a powerful aptitude.She always gets along well with people around her and I have also discovered her to be perseverant and enthusiastic in extracurricular activities.Now, with blazing intelligence, energy and determination, she has set her sights on still more advanced training, which she hopes to receive in your famous university.Ingenious as a research worker and mature as an individual, xxx deserves my first-rate recommendation.I would unqualifiedly recommend he/her for admission into the Ph.D.program at your university and I will appreciate your sincere assistance to her admission.Sincerely xxxxx

month, day, year



To whom it may Concern,I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations.In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion.His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting.He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him.I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught.He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help.Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls.Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much.From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in various

professional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place.He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients.He puts people at their ease with his

language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate.I would highly recommend Paul as an employee.His experience and manner are rare and very valuable.Robert Moore



Dear Colleagues: MS.XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university.As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request.I have known Ms.Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school.As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity.During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general GPA 3.3.She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.During the following two years, Ms.Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional

materials project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”.To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques.Working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence.During her M.S.period, she had three papers published in international journals.Judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms.Zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training.I therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.From: x x x x


University of Science and Technology

Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R.China

July 1, 1998































EPU Committee From:


College of Resource Environment and Tourism

****** University

Beijing 100048, China.Tel: Ref.Recommendation letter for ****** Date.Dec.2014


To whom it may Concern,

I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him.

I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in various

professional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He puts people at their ease with his

language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate. I would highly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert Moore



Among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “International Marketing” and “Strategic Management” at ABC University, Mr. John Doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression. Therefore, I am confident to recommend this young man to your prestigious MBA program.

John is a bright and aggressive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work. Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, John would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class. In addition, as an open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, John often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework.

I would like hereby to draw upon an instance that I believe fully exemplifies John’s academic ability. While attending my class he presented an excellent report focusing on the research of the European Community (EC), in which he shared with us his careful observations on EC, and proposed a number of innovative suggestions for Taiwanese industries that wished to gain successful presence in that market. Having noticed his superior ability to conduct independent research studies and to support his arguments with logical quantitative analyses, I recommended John to submit his paper to the Accounting & Statistics Quarterly published by the Executive Yuan of R.O.C.. Needless to say, John has acquired very high marks in both of my courses.

The very positive impression made by John has been repeatedly re- enforced by his strong performance in various extracurricular activities. John has managed to earn full confidence from me in his sound managerial potential by demonstrating an intelligence, aggressiveness, and leadership quality in both academic and extracurricular contexts.

In general, I consider John a very promising applicant to your esteemed MBA program. I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuit, and will be more than happy to discuss with you any matters pertaining to this reference letter.

Sincerely yours,

Jerry Smith, Ph.D. Professor
















2、申请人应为“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目” 联合培养博士生或攻读博士学位研究生的国内指导教师。申请时,年龄不超过55岁。















 《国家留学基金资助出国留学人员申请表》(非学生类); 其中,研修计划中应明确出访院校/机构名称、与外方合作情况、访问计划及预期目标等。

 单位推荐意见表;


 正式邀请信复印件

 主要科研成果(清单及摘要,不超过 3 页)

 外方合作导师介绍







大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面: 1.为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3.对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4.必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。


范例1 计算机教授推荐信 i came to know him in september 1987 when mr.chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters course.in the class he was one of the most outstanding students.at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading system.i also found him good at other studies.范例2 商管系教授推荐信 though mr.cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often.worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.范例3 法律系教授推荐信 i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an l.b.degree in june 1978.miss lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester.in our university and in other university here, 80 is considered a , the highest level.推荐信的注意事项:












如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填i dont know,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。推荐信尾必须有推荐人的亲笔签名,最好直接由推荐人寄给学校招生办官员或申请就读学校的系主任。如果由被推荐人寄送,可将推荐信装入信封内封好后由推荐人在信封口处亲笔签名以示保密。信封正面注明

推荐信样例 一(管理)dear sir/madam: i got to know him personally when he was taking the course--methodology of management research(or methods of management as stated in his transcripts), a course i taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research.then he took one of my other courses--advanced strategic management.mr.caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five.undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.to my knowledge, mr.cai is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities.he was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of dut and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years.he was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--management forum of the dalian management school of dut.after i left dut, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and i am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position.therefore i feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program.i am confident that mr.caib will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the dut.please dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information.truly, yours xxx ________________ 推荐信样例二(计算机)from: fan pu department of the special class gifted for youths university of science and technology hefei, anhui 230026, p.r.china july 1, 1998 dear sir or madam: mr.wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the special class for the gifted youths, my universitys unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented chinese youngsters.it was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.he impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of chinas scientific and technological talents.at the time, members of the gifted class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability.mr.wang scored the highest grade in that exam.he also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions.to my regret at the time, his english was not as good as his mathematics or physics.but i noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his english during his five undergraduate years with us.by now, he seems to be at least as proficient in english as most of his former classmates in the gifted class.篇二:出国推荐信写法 第二段:这段可以提供最实质的内容。譬如,如果推荐者是教授, 解释学生在他门下所修的课程。“(name)took two of my courses during the 1984-85 academic year, as follows;“xxxxx” and “xxxxx”.” “(name)was enrolled in three of classes from september 1984 to june 1986 “xxx” and “xxx”.” 接下来,教授写一些有关申请人在课堂上的表现,如完成的研究计划、实验室研究、研究报告、考试的成绩、课堂态度、讨论课的参与等,举出实例。“in my class(es),(name)did excellent work.she always listened attentively, participated school.if any further information is required, please feel free to contact me.” 签名: sincerely, sincerely yours, very truly yours, with best regards, 下面结合上面的部分内容,给出一篇推荐信样例(被推荐的同学是数学系的)dear sir/madam: in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures.moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course.thus it was natural that i liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him.the more i knew him, the more i found he was talented at mathematics.as you can see, he got excellent scores on the course.in fact, he ranked no.1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class which has 34 intelligent others.with his outstanding talent and solid mathematical 推荐信范例


一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面: 1.为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3.对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4.必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。


范例1 计算机教授推荐信 i came to know him in september 1987 when mr.chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters course.in the class he was one of the most outstanding students.at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading system.i also found him good at other studies.范例2 商管系教授推荐信 though mr.cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often.worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.范例3 法律系教授推荐信 i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an l.b.degree in june 1978.miss lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester.in our university and in other university here, 80 is considered a , the highest level.推荐信的份量直接关系到能否出国留学,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和专业方向等情况。在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中,有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一,其份量仅次于于本科成绩单和标准化考试(gre、gmat、toefl)成绩。









推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填i dont know,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。

推荐信样例 一(管理)

dear sir/madam: i got to know him personally when he was taking the course--methodology of management research(or methods of management as stated in his transcripts), a course i taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research.then he took one of my other courses--advanced strategic management.mr.caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five.undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.to my knowledge, mr.cai is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities.he was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of dut and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years.he was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--management forum of the dalian management school of dut.after i left dut, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and i am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position.therefore i feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program.i am confident that mr.caib will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the dut.please dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information.truly, yours xxx ________________ 推荐信样例二(计算机)from: fan pu department of the special class gifted for youths university of science and technology hefei, anhui 230026, p.r.china july 1, 1998 dear sir or madam: mr.wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the special class for the gifted youths, my universitys unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented chinese youngsters.it was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.he impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of chinas scientific and technological talents.at the time, members of the gifted class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability.mr.wang scored the highest grade in that exam.he also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions.to my regret at the time, hi s english was not as good as his mathematics or physics.but i noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his english during his five undergraduate years with us.by now, he seems to be at least as proficient in english as most of his former classmates in the gifted class.yours sincerely fan pu professor and deputy head篇四:美国留学申请技巧:如何写好推荐信 在选择推荐人时,申请者不一定要找大牛写推荐信,但是一定要找和自己确实有比较多接触的人写。了解的人给你写, 在信中举很多实例来证明你,比找大牛他们却给你泛泛而谈好多了。因为推荐信的目的是评估你的背景,动机和承诺,而不是提供毫无意义的赞扬。设想如果招生人员收到一个老师给几个学生的信,信中称赞每个学生是他在作为一名教师生涯中所看到最好的学生,会是什么结果? 可想而知这样的推荐信对申请真正起到的作用不是积极的而是负面的。另外, 在充满挑战的课程中教过你的老师写的信也远比教过你简单的课程的老师的信更有价值。

请老师写推荐信时, 最好和你的推荐人推心置腹地谈一次,让他们了解你的个性、为人、理想等, 并留给你的推荐人充裕的时间来写出让你闪光的推荐信。在学校提供的推荐信表格一栏,你要放弃阅读推荐信的权利。这样一来,学院老师知道这位老师是真诚地赞美你,而不是因为顾虑你会读他的推荐信。下面,嘉卓教育将为各位有意美国留学申请的同学们答疑推荐信的相关问题:

2.推荐信一定要用有学校抬头的纸吗,是手写,还是打印啊? 答:一般要用有学校抬头的纸,打印,信的最后要签名,信封封口要签名。3.推荐人签名用中文还是英文,还是中英文呢? 答:用哪个好像都木有问题啊,英文或者拼音吧,但要与推荐信上的名字一致 4.我的推荐人在国外,该肿么办? 答:嗯,有些童鞋到美国高中交换过,希望让那边的老师给写推荐信。这种情况,一般就是联系好你美国高中的老师,把推荐表填好,寄给老师,让他写完推荐信一并寄给美国大学。5.推荐信的格式有要求吗,字数多少比较合适? 答:格式没有要求,一般500字左右就够了。


下面简要说说写推荐信的注意点:内容不要空洞,要突出细节,体现申请人的特质,内容要与推荐人身份相符合,比如推荐人是你的任课老师,那么他所写内容更多的是关于你的课业和学习方面的内容,如果推荐人是你的班主任,那么他所写的内容可能就要涉及到你的个人特质、能力特长、课外表现等方面了。篇五:出国留学推荐信范例(巨经典!)我名字叫林蕊,生于1982年,2005年从上海师范大学(shanghai normal university)


我的祖父母和姑姑都是老师,很小的时候就从他们那里知道了很多世界各地的有趣的事情。诺贝尔是我对瑞典的第一印象,因为诺贝尔奖的存在,让我对遥远的瑞典有了一种崇敬。我读的第一个儿童小说就是《pippi》,后来才知道,这是瑞典作家von astrid lindgren的作品。随着年龄的增长,我逐渐知道了越来越多关于北欧,关于瑞典的历史和人文知识。从诺贝尔到圣诞老人,从爱立信到宜家(ikea)。知道得越多,我就越是对瑞典充满了向











2007.3.1 personal statement i am lin rui, born on april 29, 1982.majoring in english at shanghai normal university, i put across my undergraduate program of english in 2005 and obtained a bachelor’s degree of arts at the same time.in view of my insufficiency in current acquisition, i am determined to file for xxx offered by xxx so as to win self-improvement.my grandparents and my aunt are engaged in teaching.in my early years, i got to know a lot of interesting things at every corner of the world from them.my first impression on sweden was nobel prize, because of whose existence, i held a kind of admiration for remote sweden.the first children’s novel that i touched was pippi, which, i latterly knew, was the work of sweden’s writer von astrid lindgren.along with my growth, i gradually acquainted myself with north europe increasingly, like its history and humanistic knowledge, ranging from nobel prize to santa claus and from errison to ikea.the more i understood sweden, the more i yearned for it, hoping that someday i can set foot on this beautiful land.influenced by my grandparents, i was matriculated in shanghai normal university and chose to study english, for i felt that it was a powerful tool for me to understand the world.in the four-year study at the university, i systematically acquired knowledge about english language, laying a sound foundation for listening, speaking, reading and writing in english.in study, i realized that every course would bring me a different gain and all the courses were the cornerstone for the actualization of my ideal.i firmly hold the belief that so long as i studied earnestly and assiduously, i was bound to do a good job.at the university, consecutively winning scholarships of our university, i smoothly passed tem 4 and tem 8 as well as the written part of shanghai advanced english excellent graduate.after my graduation, i serve my employment in regloplas(shanghai)co., mechanism and trade, which is a challenge for me.and i know that if i conquer the challenge, i will make a great enhancement.therefore i avail myself of the time that i can use to thumb through specialized dictionaries and exchange my ideas with seniors in these fields.from the initial ignorance, under my great endeavor, i am now able to deal with the professional kn 推荐信范例

大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之 一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面: 1.为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3.对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4.必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。


范例1 计算机教授推荐信 i came to know him in september 1987 when mr.chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters course.in the class he was one of the most outstanding students.at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading system.i also found him good at other studies.范例2 商管系教授推荐信 though mr.cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often.worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.范例3 法律系教授推荐信 i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an l.b.degree in june 1978.miss lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester.in our university and in other university here, 80 is considered a , the highest level.推荐信的份量直接关系到能否出国留学,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和专业方向等情况。在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中,有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一,其份量仅次于于本科成绩单和标准化考试(gre、gmat、toefl)成绩。









