






go hiking, prepare, buy, make, bring…







Dear Linhong:

Happy to get your E-mail, you asked _________________________________________________________________




Wan ling



be good for, you’d better, why not, should, if, think, what about…


五中分校调查学生在家是否做家务,结果表明,不少学生不做家务,你们家是谁料理家务? 你在家都做过什么家务?做家务对学生的成长有益吗?请发表你的一两条建议…

In the recent survey in No 5 Middle-School, show, be in charge of, help with…



( ) 38. A. without B. including C. between D.include ( ) 39. A. common B. modern C. famous D.interesting ( ) 40. A. to show B. showing C. show D.showed ( ) 41. A. unless B. while C. until D. because

( ) 42. A. save B. spend C. take D. waste

( ) 43. A. that B. it C. one D. those

( ) 44. A. sometimes B. always C. ever D.never

( ) 45. A. only when B. even though C. so that D. ever since


Dear Sir,

I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel. My wife and I arrived on Saturday, May 15th and stayed for a week. Though we were treated well and found the service excellent, we think there are one or two things we should bring your attention.

1. We hoped for a nice holiday from our busy work lives, and your ad said “comfortable and quiet”. We want to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However, we were always waken up by the noise every morning. Is it really necessary for the workers to start their repair work so early?

2. We hoped to swim in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment(失望), we found that it was closed for the whole time of our stay.

I hope you do not mind my writing to you about these things, but I would be happy if you could give me some explanation(说明). As I said at the start, it is a pity, and your service is so good in other places.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Tom Green

( ) 46. Who is Mr Tom Green probably writing this letter to?

A. His friend. B. The owner of a hotel. C. A reader. D. His father.

( ) 47. When did they get to the hotel?

A. On May 15th. B. A week ago. C. Last year. D. On a cold morning.

( ) 48. What’s the main idea of the second paragraph (段落)?

A. The hotel was very comfortable and quiet.

B. The workers in the hotel were very hard-working.

C. He thought the hotel didn’t provide them with a quiet place.

D. The service in the hotel was very excellent.

( ) 49. What did Mr Green think about the swimming pool?

A. He felt disappointed because the swimming pool was closed for the whole time of their stay.

B. He felt disappointed because the swimming poop was too small.

C. He felt excited about it because he had a good time there.

D. He found it really wonderful, just like the words in the ad.

( ) 50. What kind of letter is it?

A. An invitation letter. B. A thank-you letter.

C. A sorry letter. D. A complaint letter.

Mobile phones(手机) have become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. The mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.

Mary, a teacher, said the mobile phone use is a distraction to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers also said that sometimes students might use phone messages to copy during exams. She said some schools tried to stop mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children.

Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at the school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school, they were easy to lose and were a distraction for studies.

Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

( ) 51. Some middle schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phones .

A. because they are students B. when they are free

C. when they are at school D. because they are children

( ) 52. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from .

A. the makers and sellers B. the teachers

C. their parents and friends D.some mobile phone users

( ) 53. What does the underlined word mean in the passage?

A. 鼓舞 B. 分心 C. 奖励 D. 核对

( ) 54. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t _ __ during school hours.

A. use their mobile phones B. leave their mobile phones at the school office

C. help the teachers with their work D. get in touch with their children

( ) 55. The passage mainly tells us that _ __.

A. students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except(除…外) some special reasons

B. it is impossible to stop students from using mobile phones at school

C. some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school

D. parents should teach children how to use mobile phones during school hours

Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It’s bad to all living things in the world.

Polluted air from cars, planes and factories is so thick that it is like a quilt(被子) over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾). Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away. And they mustn’t blow dirty smoke into the air. We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.

Rules are not enough, every person must help to fight pollution.

( ) 56. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because ___ __.

A. there were fewer modern machines at that time than today

B. people didn’t like to use modern medicines

C. there were no modern machines at all

D. there was no pollution at all

( ) 57. What is the biggest problem in today’s life?

A. Dirty water. B. Pollution. C. Noise. D. Too crowded

( ) 58. The most serious kind of pollution is ___ ___.

A. noise pollution B. air pollution C. water pollution D. waste paper

( ) 59. Factories must clean their water ___ ___.

A. before they use it B. when they use it

C. before it is thrown away D. whenever they use it

( ) 60. From the passage we know that _ ___.

A. a few years ago, there was no smog at all

B. today people don’t have to talk to each other in a loud voice

C. people are making rules in order to fight pollution

D. people can only use rules to fight pollution


61. People lived in bad c ____ __ (条件) in the past.

62. Our English teacher often e____ __ (鼓励) us to study English hard.

63. With the d__ ____ (发展) of the modern city, we need more living abilities.

64. We should be honest students instead of c__ ____ (欺骗) our teachers.

65. The countryside is a p__ __ __(完美的) place to take a holiday.



A: Hello, Helen. The happy summer vacation is coming. 66

B: Yes. I’m not busy at all. I’ve just finished my homework.

A、What’s your name?

B、What color do you want

C、Here you are

D、Can I help you

E、What size do you like

F、How about this T-shirt

G、I’ll take it

A: 67

B: I have no ideas. What about you?

A: Let me see. We’d better do something interesting and helpful. 68

B: Certainly. Where?

A: In the new museum.

B: Oh, I remember. I heard of it last week. 69 IIwesfsufslfjklvmdklvdklv

A: By bike. It’s Saturday tomorrow. The traffic must be heavy, I think.学I]

B: I agree. 70

A: At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.

B: OK. See you then.



1、你听这个节目已经3年了,很喜欢这个节目, 特别(especially)是英文歌曲节目,到目前为止已学了10首英文歌曲;



4、你最喜欢Yesterday Once More这首歌,希望能得到歌词(lyrics);




八年级新目标英语课本下册中每个单元都增加了阅读文章, 而在这些文章中出现的词汇和语法都是和目前学习的知识有着一定的差距, 学生阅读起来有一定的难度。怎样给学生更多更有效的阅读知识, 阅读技能, 怎样提高阅读能力是摆在英语老师面前的一个问题。在此, 我想谈谈自己在课堂英语阅读教学中的一些方法。

一、在教学过程中首先向学生强调阅读课的重要性, 使学生在心目中重视阅读课

学生的英语阅读效果常常取决于学生的主观能动性的发挥水平。有的时候, 学生的耐心是很重要的, 大部分学生一看到阅读文章, 觉得好长, 在心理上产生一种卷怠的情绪, 没了耐性读下去, 最后导致阅读效果不佳。如果学生对教师的阅读材料背景介绍产生兴趣, 或充分认识到阅读的重要意义, 或受教师和同学的阅读情绪的影响等等, 都能使他们提高阅读兴趣, 阅读兴趣浓厚, 对阅读材料的内容、形式等充满好奇心, 有急于获得阅读材料所提供的信息的强烈欲望。所以我在阅读教学导入过程中尽量激发学生的阅读兴趣, 尽量让学生把他们的主观能动性发挥出来。

二、授课之前, 让学生预习并要求学生主动到阅览室或者网上查寻相关的资料

鼓励学生预测所要阅读的内容, 明确阅读任务, 讲解必要词汇。

例如教Unit 1中的Do you think you will have your own robot?时, 我请学生从网络上找相关的图片或者动画片, 并提问学生问题,

What can you see in the videos and pictures?

What do these robots look like?

What can they do?

这样不仅自然地引出这课所要掌握的重要的词汇, 并且把文章中一些学生还未了解的机器人的知识先通过图片让学生有初步的印象, 有效地激发学生的知识背景。

教Unit 3中的Do you remember what you were doing?时, 我让学生分四个小组分头寻找资料, 向同学讲述刘翔和杨利伟的个人情况;马丁路德金的事迹;美国的911事件和人类第一次探月活动。又例如教这册Unit 4中的阅读文章she said helping others changed her life时, 我让每位学生查阅有关徐本禹的情况, 并且每人转述你认为他说的最感动你的话。根据学生的情况和需要开展思路, 设计有意义的, 适合交际的活动, 为后面的阅读做好适当的铺垫, 收到事半功倍的效果。在学生阅读文章时, 应根据文章内容设计任务, 注重学生阅读策略的培养, 提高他们独立阅读文章的能力。

1. 根据文章的内容, 准确把握词义

学生在阅读的过程中每当遇到生词的时候, 总是为之头疼, 一下子就觉得这个文章难, 甚至于放弃整篇文章的阅读。有的成绩好点的同学就开始翻阅字典, 了解单词的确切意义, 其实如果通篇理解全文, 往往不必了解每个单词的确切含义。

例如教Unit 2中的Maybe you should learn to relax!时, 文中有这么一句:Pushy parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.pushy这个单词在文中的意思不是很容易理解, 但是当把整个文章阅读完就会了解到英美国的学生没有什么自己的时间可以放松, 那么就可以理解这个词的意思。没有必要去查阅字典了, 所以学生应该学会在阅读的时候放弃一些词, 等到文章的意思概括后在去理解它, 或许理解的更到位。

2. 每个段落都有其中心意思, 理解重点句子, 提高阅读速度

每个段落都有一个句子表达这个段落的主题思想, 这个句子叫主题句, 其他句子则围绕主题句进行说明或阐述。

3. 猜测文章的内容, 一个文章的题目就是题眼, 题目往往更引发学生的阅读兴趣

现实生活中我们看书, 阅读文章并不是被动地接受知识和获取信息, 而是带着问题进行阅读。教师在教学中应有意识地培养学生对所读文章进行猜测的能力, 如通过文章的标题猜测文章内容, 根据首句猜测段落, 根据开头猜测结尾等。

三、阅读后给学生写作任务, 让学生进行自我巩固

读后的活动可以要求学生书面表达阅读体会, 或就某一话题联系实际进行小组讨论, 在这个用英语的过程中学生发展了英语思维的能力和文章的谋篇布局能力, 这些能力不但有利于提高阅读速度, 培养良好的阅读习惯, 也有利于学生抓住文章要领, 了解文章组织结构的能力及对篇章的推理能力, 巩固了知识点。在读后的活动中特别强调写, 或改写, 或复述。



第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)

第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)



( )1. What does the girl want to borrow?

A. B. C.

( )2. Which would the boy want to drink?

A. B. C.

( )3. What does the woman think of the dress?

A. Its large. B. Its small. C. Its dirty.

( )4. Where did they go?

A. To the beach. B. To Disneyland. C. To the zoo.

( )5. How will Tom come to the party?

A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.


( )6. What colour does Lingling like best?

A. Green. B. Purple. C. Yellow.

( )7. Where did Lingling buy it?

A. In Hong Kong. B. In Taiwan. C. In Guangzhou.


( )8. How often does Peter exercise?

A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.

( )9. Who plays basketball best?

A. John. B. Tony. C. Peter.


( )10. When will they watch the film?

A. At 6:25 p.m. B. At 6:35 p.m. C. At 6:45 p.m.

( )11. How soon will they get there?

A. In 20 minutes. B. In 25 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.

( )12. How far is it from their home to the cinema?

A. Three kilometers. B. Four kilometers. C. Five kilometers.


( )13. What day is coming soon?

A. Mothers Day. B. Fathers Day. C. The boys birthday.

( )14. What does the boy want at first?

A. A mobile phone. B. A computer. C. A motor.

( )15. Why doesnt the woman agree to buy a motor for the boy?

A. Because its dangerous to ride.

B. Because its expensive.

C. Because its meaningless.

第二节 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)


Wonderful 16. _______ Display

第二部分 笔试部分



( )21. Recently people care more about the safety of ________. Everyone wants to eat


A. foods B. clothes C. buildings

( )22. —Would you like _______? —Good idea. Lets go!

A. going swimming B. go to swim C. to go swimming

( )23. —________ will you finish your homework, Kate?

—In an hour.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long

( )24. —Why are you late again? —_______ my car broke down on the way here.

A. Because B. Because of C. However

( )25. Li Jun always makes his little sister ________.

A. crying B. to cry C. cry

( )26. —_______ did you buy in Brazil?

—I bought some World Cup gifts. I _______ give them to my friends.

A. What; am going to B. When; will C. Which; was to

( )27. —Is Mary _______ outgoing than Peter? —No. She is as _______ as him.

A. more; hardworking B. more; quiet C. much more; quieter

( )28. —Is your father at home _______? —No, he is arriving home _______.

A. then; quickly B. yet; fast C. now; soon

( )29. —Sunny Beach is a _______ place for holiday.

—Yes. During the May Day, _______ people go there and have a good time.

A. wonderful; thousands B. nice; thousands of C. good; five thousands

( )30. —Whose is the dictionary?

—It ________ be Alices. Look at her name on the cover.

A. must B. can C. may


阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

A robot will play an important part in our future life. The robot will be friendly and 31 to people. At home the robot can do the cleaning and play with you. It can be your friend. It can help you with your homework 32 you meet a difficult problem. It can have a 33 with you when you are alone. It knows what you say.

In the hospital, a mini robot can help doctors 34 operations. When an old patient has blood sickness and he needs to have an operation, the mini robot will go into his blood vessel (血管) and make it clean. This is an advantage 35 mini robot to do a doctors job.

At the restaurant, a robot can make customers 36 their dinner. For example, when you come to a restaurant, the robot welcomes you and 37 hands with you. Maybe it will give you a beautiful flower. You must be 38 . The robot will ask you what you want to eat or what you want to drink.

Also, they can take the 39 of humans to work in some dangerous places. Some robots can search survivors (幸存者) when an earthquake happens. In the army, robots can also do a dangerous job. They know where the bombs (炸弹) are and how deep the bombs are 40 the earth.

( )31. A. helpful B. useless C. careful

( )32. A. while B. until C. when

( )33. A. walk B. talk C. joke

( )34. A. put out B. take out C. carry out

( )35. A. for B. from C. to

( )36. A. enjoyed B. enjoy C. to enjoy

( )37. A. shaking B. shake C. shakes

( )38. A. happy B. angry C. unhappy

( )39. A. job B. place C. business

( )40. A. in B. above C. under




American country music is famous all over the world, such as the songs of John Denver. Many people enjoy listening to the music in their free time. But still some people dont know where it began.

Country music comes from folk music of the Appalachian Mountains (阿巴拉契亚山脉) in the east of America. There, people sing while playing the guitar and violin. They sing about everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs are sometimes a little sad.

John Denver is one of the most popular country music singers. He is also quite famous to the Chinese. For John Denver, music is a language that could bring the world together. He says music can bring people together. They will understand each other through music. People are different in color and they may speak different languages, but people are the same in mind and body. All of them love music and can understand music.

The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his words and music will still live on.

( )41. American country music usually tells us about ________.

A. folk songs B. sad stories C. love and problems

( )42. “Music is a language that could bring the world together.” means people ________.

A. can sing songs together

B. from all over the world sing the same songs

C. can show feelings by music and understand each other better

( )43. From the passage we know that John Denver ________.

A. is an American country music singer

B. can bring people to get together

C. is good at playing the guitar and violin

( )44. People from different countries ________.

A. must be the same in mind and body

B. should speak the same language through music

C. can understand each other through music

( )45. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. Everybody knows where country music began.

B. John Denvers music will live on in peoples hearts.

C. Country music comes from all kinds of music.


Im a thirteen-year-old girl. My classmates say that Im too fat. I worry about myself and feel very sad. What should I do to lose weight? I dont want to be heavy. I got an idea from the Internet and then I made a plan to lose weight.

Do exercise for about one hour every day. The exercise should be something like running, biking, dancing, or swimming. After that do some special exercise for thirty minutes, such as for the legs or for the waist.

I think its not bad to have a good eating habit. Eating less or no eating is not good for health. I will eat bread without butter; only a little beef or pork; eat more vegetables and fruits; and stay away from junk food.

I will drink water or soup before each meal. This will help me feel full sooner. I will try to have four or five meals a day. So that I can eat less at each meal but not feel hungry. Breakfast is very important, and so is lunch.

After three months, I think I will become much thinner and healthier than before. I am very happy with my weight-loss plan.

( )46. What sport doesnt the writer do?

A. Swimming. B. Climbing. C. Dancing.

( )47. What does the writer look like?

A. Thin. B. Tall. C. Heavy.

( )48. Why does the writer drink soup before meal?

A. Because it makes her feel happy.

B. Because it makes her feel full.

C. Because it make her feel hungry.

( )49. Which sentence below has the same meaning of the underlined sentence?

A. Both breakfast and lunch are important.

B. Either breakfast or lunch is important.

C. Neither breakfast nor lunch is important.

( )50. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. She will not eat junk food in her plan.

B. She has strong mind to lose weight.

C. She thinks it good to eat nothing.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)



Dear Henry,

I would like to invite you to watch the magic show at the City Theater. 51. City Theater is the best theater, isnt it? The magic show will start on the afternoon of Saturday, July 12th at 4:00. I have two tickets. 52. 一张票是你的,另一张票是我的。

After the magic show, we will come back to my house. Today is my birthday. 53. I moved here last week. I am new here. 54. 在这个新城市你是我的第一个朋友。 My parents will cook a big meal for us. You said you could make an apple milk shake. How often do you make an apple milk shake? Could you make an apple milk shake for me tonight?

55. Remember not to be late.

Yours friendly,


51. __________________________________52. __________________________________

53. __________________________________54. __________________________________

55. __________________________________



Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.

Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter?

Peter: 56. ____________________________. Look, this is a wild beast. Its an animal in Africa.

Sally: Does it eat meat?

Peter: 57. _____________________________. It only eats grass.

Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?

Peter: 58. _____________________________.

Sally: Wow, this photo looks interesting. 59. _____________________________?

Peter: I was riding the elephant.

Sally: 60. _____________________________?

Peter: Yes, of course. I really enjoyed myself.




Dear Dad and Mum,

Hows it going? I got my report card today. ______________________________________


Your daughter,


1.下列条件中不能确定四边形ABCD是平行四边形的是( )



2.一个多边形的内角和是720 ,则这个多边形的边数为( )

A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7

3.点P(m+3,m+1)在直角坐标系的x轴上,则点P的坐标为( )

A.(0,2) B.(2,0) C.(4,0) D.(0,-2)

二、填空题:(每小题2 分,共20分)

1.正比例函数 的图像经过一点(2,-6),则它的解析式是 .

2.若一个多边形的内角和等于它的外角和的3倍,则这个多边形是 边形。

3.拖拉机开始工作时,油箱中有油28升,如果每小时耗油4升,那么油箱中的剩余油量y(升)和工作时间x(时)之间的函数关系式是 .



则重叠部分△DEF的边ED的长是 .

5.小明家的窗户高9米,小明用长为10米的`梯子斜靠在墙上,但梯子的低端距地面不能超过4米,否则危险。则小明 (填能、不能)爬到窗户。

6.点M(4,-3)关于原点对称的点N 的坐标是 .


8.对于一次函数 ,如果 ,那么 (填、=、)。

9.瓜州县第二中学科技兴趣小组在科技活动周上交的作品数分别如下:10、10、x、8,已知这组数据的众数与平均数相等,则这组数据的中位数是 。

10.如图,平行四边形ABCD,请你添一个条件 ,使它变为矩形。


1. 已知│y-2x│+(x+y-3)2=0 计算y-x


1.(8分)如图正方形网格中的△ABC,若小方格边长 为1,请你根据所学的知识

(1)求△A BC的面积

(1)判断△ABC是什么形状? 并说明理由.

2.(8分)如图:四边形ABCD是菱形,对角线AC与BD相交于O,菱形ABCD的周长是20, .


(2)求菱形ABCD 的高 的长。

3.(8分)某公司要印制新产品宣传材料。甲印刷厂提出:每份材料收1元印制费,另收1500元制版费; 乙厂提出:每份材料收2.5元印制费,不收制版费.

(1)分别写出两厂的收费 (元)与印制数量 (份)之间的关系式.


4.(8分) 种粮补贴惠农政策的出台,大大激发了农民的种粮积极性,某粮食生产专业户去年计划生产小麦和玉米共18吨,实际生产了20吨,其中小麦超产12%,玉米超产10%,该专业户去年实际生产小麦、玉米各多少吨?

5.(8分)已知一次函数y=kx+b的图象经过点A(-4,0),B(2, 6) 两点.





1.两个边数相同的多边形相似应具备的条件是( )

A.对应角相等 B.对应边相等

C.对应角相等,对应边相等 D.对应角相等,对应边成比例

2.下列运算错误的是( )

A. = B. =

C. + = D. =1-

3.在钝角△ABC中,A=30,则tanA的值是( )

A. B. C. D. 无法确定

4、老师对小明本学期的5次数学测试成绩进行统计分析,判断小明的数学成绩是否稳定,老师需要知道小明这5次数学成绩的( )

A、平均数 B、方差 C、众数 D、频数

5.在△ABC,P为AB上一点,连结CP,以下各条件中不能判定△ACP∽△ABC的是( )



6.在△ABC和△AˊBˊCˊ中, AB=AˊBˊ, Bˊ, 补充条件后仍不一定能保证△ABC≌△AˊBˊCˊ, 则补充的这个条件是 ( )

A.BC=BˊCˊ B.Aˊ C.AC=AˊCˊ


7. 使

有意义的 的取值范围是 ( )

A. B. C. 且 D.


条件:○1 ○2

○3 ○4 ,其中能

判定 △ACD∽△ABC的共有( )

A 1个 B 2个 C 3个 D 4个

9.下列代数式中,x能取一切实数的是( )

A. B. C. D.

10.在△ABC中,已知C=90,sinB= ,则tanA的值是( )

A. B. C. D.

11. 在△ABC中,DE垂直平分AB,FG垂直平分AC,BC=13cm,则△AEG的周长为( )

A.6.5cm B.13cm C.26cm D.15cm

12、若一组数据1,2,3,x的极差是6,则x的值是( )

A、7 B、8 C、9 D、7或-3

13、有下列命题(1)两条直线被第三条直线所截 同位角相等




(5)如果2,3,那么3其中正确的有( )

A、2个 B、3个 C、4个 D、5个

14、在同一时刻,身高1.6米的小强在阳光下的影长为0.8米,一棵大树的影长为4.8米,则树的高度为( )

A 4.8米 B 6.4米 C 9.6米 D 10米

15.若是锐角,sin=cos50,则等于( )

A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50

16.直角三角形纸片的两直角边长分别为6,8,现将 那样折叠,使点 与点 重合,折痕为 ,则 的值是( )

A. B. C. D.

17、样本方差的作用是 ( )

A、样本数据的多少 B、样本数据的`平均水平

C、样本数据在各个范围中所占比例大小 D、样本数据的波动程度

18、下列各组根式中,与 是同类二次根式的是( )

A. B. C. D.

19、由三角形内角和定理可以推出,三角形的三个角中至少有一个角不大于( ) A、 B、 C、 D、

20、在△ABC中,若DE∥BC, = ,DE=4cm,则BC的长为( )

A.8cm B.12cm C.11cm D.10cm


21.在平地上种植树木时,要求株距(相邻两树间的水平距离)为4m.如果在坡度为0.75的山坡上种树,也要求株距为4m,那么相邻两树间的坡面距离为 .

22.在二次根式 中字母x的取值范围为 .

23. 一组数据35,35,36,36,37,38,38,38,39,40的极差是 。



21、_______________ 22 、________________

23、_______________ 24、 ________________





图2是由它抽象出的几何图形, 、 、 在同一条直线上,连结 .请你找出图中的全等三角形,并给予证明.(说明:结论中不得含有未标识的字母)(满分10分)

27. 2、小明和小兵参加体育项目训练,近期的8次测试成绩(单位:分)如下表:(满分10分)

测试 第1次 第2次 第3次 第4次 第5次 第6次 第7次 第8次

小明 10 10 11 10 16 14 16 17

小兵 11 13 13 12 14 13 15 13


平均数 众 数 中位数 方 差

小 明 10 8.25

小 兵 13 13



(结果保留根号) (满分10分)




