大学英语精读 第二册第一、二课 课文翻译


大学英语精读 第二册第一、二课 课文翻译(共6篇)

篇1:大学英语精读 第二册第一、二课 课文翻译


两个月以前,我在一份科普杂志上读到一篇有趣的文章,文章是关于不同文化背景下的人们是如何通过面部表情流露情感的。文章说,俄国人在面部表情中流露的情感最少——美国人流露的最多。这似乎非常有趣。但作为印度人,我觉得更有趣的是,研究人员还研究了哪个国家的人笑得最多。印度人在排行榜上几乎是垫底的——准确地说,位于第124 名,而丹麦人则居于首位。

这使我想到自己,以及自己的经历。我记得我的女儿——那时候她肯定是在八岁左右——曾经问我:“爸爸,为什么只有当外国人到家里来的时候你才微笑?” 我意识到自己确实像她说的那样。通常,只有当外国客人来访时我才微笑。有外国客人时,我会有意识地努力改变我正常的面部表情。从女儿提醒我之后,我决定开始更多地微笑,在家里这样,上班也一样。



篇2:大学英语精读 第二册第一、二课 课文翻译

根据课文的实际内容,可以推断只有b.had found Sam’s wallet and kept it 是课文暗示的真实情况。a.had stolen Sam’s wallet 不够确切,因为课文中的意思是Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers(山姆确信那钱包是被某个村民捡到了,而不是偷走了);c.had lost Sam’s wallet 与课文的意思相反;d.had taken the wallet from Sam’s pocket 不是课文提及的内容。


根据课文所描述的情况,只有d.returned all the money 与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与事实不符。


a.when, b.while, c.as 和 d.just as 都可以做连词,引导时间从句,表示“当„„时”,本句只能选a.在前半句是过去进行时,后半句是一般过去时的情况下,中间多用when,表示两个动作同时发生,“正当„„时”,而后3个选择引导的时间从句大都是进行时态。


本句只有选b.in 意思才讲得通。He keeps his savings in the post office.(他把存款放在邮局保管)。本句中的动词keep(存放,保管)不是表示“去向”的,所以不能选a.to(到)和d.into(进入),c.on(在„„上面)也不合乎题目意思,不能用on the post office.而应该是in the post office.(在邮局里),所以选b.5.b

本句是一个被动语态句。只有b.by 表示“被”的意思,最符合语法和题目意思。a.from , c.out of, d.of 都没有“被”的意思,所以都不对。


本句是一个特殊疑问句,针对介词in的宾语提问的,回答是A newspaper.a.where 是询问地点的;b.who 是针对主语(人)提问的;c.how 是询问状态的。这3个选择都不对。只有d.What 是对物提问的,所以选d.7.c

前一句是被动语态Some more money was sent to Sam, 后一句又换了一种说法,将原句中的间接宾语Sam变成主语,原句中的Some more money 变成了宾语,还应该用被动语态才能使两个句子意义相同。a.sent 是主动语态过去时;b.has sent 是完成时主动语态;d.had sent 是过去完成时主动语态。这3个选择都不是被动语态,因此都不对。只有c.was sent 是过去时被动语态,符合语法和题目意思,所以选c.8.b



a.would 是wind 的过去式,意思是“缠绕,卷” b.rolled(卷,滚);c.wrapped(包裹);d.bound(绑,缚)。从词的搭配上来讲,只有c.wrapped 词意思最贴切,最适合这个句子,其他3个选择都不符合题目意思,所以应该选c.10.b

本句需要选一个同前一句的did it contain意义相同的短语。

a.did it consist 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思,consist 后面应该有of,表示“由„„组成”;

c.did it include(它包括);

d.had it(它有),这3个选择都不够贴切,只有b.was there in it(里面有)最接近did it contain的含义,所以选b.11.d

a.money(钱),b.a coin(硬币),c.a cheque(支票)和d.a message(口头或书面的消息,口信,便条)这4个选择中只有d与前一句中的note(字条)意义相近,所以选d.12.b


Main points: 1.Know the 26 letters.2.Sentence pattern:What’s your favourite song?

Difficult points: New words :favourite, song Teaching aids: the alphabet cards.recorder Teaching procedure: Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings 2)Write the letters ABC on the blackboard.Step 2.Presentation T: Nice to see you again.We’ll learn the new lesson today.Look at the blackboard.Can you read it?(Pointing to the letters ABC.)Ss: Yes.A-B-C.(Teacher plays the tape while the students are reading.)Step 2.New structures learning T: Well done!Listen to the song(Play the ABC song).My favourite song is the ABC Song.What’s your favourite song,please? S:…..?

T: “Bo Si Mao“Lao Shu Ai Da Mi”Yes or no? S: “Two Butterflies”

(Show the notes of the words “favourite” and “song”.)1)Teach the pronunciation of the two words.2)Point to the sentence“What’s your favourite song?”and read it.3)Write the sentence“It’s the ABC Song”.4)Practice the question and the answer.Step 3 Letters learning 1)Show the alphabet cards one by one.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 2)Teach them to read the letters correctly.3)Ask some students to read them.4)A game.First,show a letter and let someone say a word beginning with the letter,then let the students read it loudly.Using the following cards to make the students interest in the activity.Step 4.Practice 1)Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and the ABC Song and ask them to read or sing after the tape,first individually and then in pairs.2)Important points: favourite, song.3)Encourage the students to read the dialogue with their deskmates.Let them try to say the letters.4)Look over the students.5)You point to a casual letter, the students read it.Step 5.Consolidation 1)Read the 26 letters again.2)Sing the ABC song(Difficult points:L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)Step 6 Homework 1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Make English letter cards.Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car.Teaching aims: 1)Review the unit 1.2)Learn the new structure:My name is……My favourite toy is……

Main points: 1)My favourite toy is……

2)New words: computer game, car, kite, ship, doll, toy.Difficult points:new words :

Favourite ,computer game, ship.Teaching aids:recorder ,objects of page 4,cards

Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings 2)Sing the ABC Song together.Step 2.Presentation

T: My favourite song is the ABC Song.My favourite toy is a dolls.Look!

(Take a Barbie doll)Step 3 New lesson 1)Show the following objects to cause the students’ interest.2)Teach the new words: car, ship, doll, kite,computer game.3)Practice the words(show the toys and say the correct words).4)A game.a.First,teacher say English and let the students say Chinese, row by row,then change the roles.b.Hand a toy and say “My favourite toy is …”, ask some students come to the front and choose a toy they like, then say a sentence with “My favourite toy is …”

5)Play the tape ,and have them think over “What’s Amy’s favourite toy? Sam’s? Tom’s? Daming’s? Lingling’s?”

6)Let the students answer the questions one by one.Step 4.Practice 1)Ask the students to talk about themselves with the new patterns.S1: My name is …

My favourite toy is …

2)Revise the colours “red, blue, green, black, yellow”

3)Say their favourite colours with the new sentence.4)Show some bears: father bear, mother bear, baby bear.5)Teach the rhythm on Page 5.Step 5.Consolidation

1)Listen to the rhythm of Activity4.2)Help the students finish the exercises of the Activity Book.Step 6 Homework 1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Practice the sentence pattern “My favourite toy/colour is …”

Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 They’re monkeys.Teaching aims: 1.Try to describe the animals.2.Learn the new words: tiger, lion, elephant, monkey, big, small, fat.3.Distinguish “What’s this?” with “What are they?”

Main points: 1.The animal words.2.Sentence pattern: What are they? They’re …

Difficult points: New words :favourite, song

Teaching aids: the animal pictures, tape, word cards.Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings.2)Sing the ABC Song.Step 2.Presentation 1)T: Yesterday was Sunday, I went to a zoo.Now look at the picture.Point to the second picture and ask

T: What’s this?

Ss: Tiger.(Some Ss have known it)2)T:(Point to the third picture)What’s this?

Ss: Elephant.3)Now show other pictures.panda


T: Point to the first panda, ask “ What’s this?”, they will answer “It’s a panda”.Now look at picture 2, “How many pandas”, they will say “Two”.Then you ask “What are they?”, you pretend them to say “They’re pandas.”

Step 3.New structures learning 1)You write the two sentences on the board:

What’s this? It’s a/an……

What are they? They’re ……

Explain the two sentences easily.2)Show some pictures.tigers


3)Point to the animals and ask “ What are they?”, have some individual students answer the questions.4)Compare the animals, ask the Ss to describe the animals with “big” and “small”.e.g.The tiger is big.The monkey is small.They’re big.5)Look at the panda, ask “Is the panda fat?”, explain “fat”.6)Ask more students to say the sentences,T: A tiger.S1: It’s big.Step 4.Practice Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and ask them to think about “ What are in the zoo?” “Big or small?”

1)Play the tape and answer the questions.2)Play the tape again, repeat the sentences.3)Now you point the picture and do a dialogue with class.T :(Show a picture).What’s this?

S1: It’s an elephant.It’s big.……

4)Have the Ss practice like this.5)Games.A student mimes an animal, another one asks “What are they?”, the third one answers “They’re monkeys”.7)Practice the other things with “What are they?”

e.g.T:(Point to some books).What are they?

Ss: They’re books.Step 5.Consolidation 1)Listen to the tape and read after it.2)Revise the animals together.3)Read the text by themselves.4)Have the Ss do their Activity Book and help them.Step 6 Homework 1)Listen to the Page6-Page7 at home.2)Read the dialogues.Unit 2 That monkey is fat.Teaching aims: a)Review the unit 1.b)Learn the new words.Main points: 1)Sentence pattern: This …is…

That …is … 2)New words: tree, tall, short, thin.Difficult points: The pronunciation of “thin”.Teaching aids: recorder ,animal pictures, cards Teaching procedure: Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greetings 2)Guessing animals.T :(Show a picture).S1: Is it a tiger?

S2: Yes, it is./No., it isn’t.Step 2.Presentation

Show some pictures and practice the sentence pattern “ What are they ?” “They’re… They’re…”

a.Look at a picture.S1: What’s this?

S2: It’s a tiger.It’s big.Another picture.S1: What are they? S2: They’re monkeys.They’re small.b.Show a picture.Big


Have the Ss compare the two monkeys, which one is big and which one is small? You point to the big one and pretend them to say “This monkey is big.” Then point to the other one and pretend them to say “That monkey is small.”

Step 3 New lesson 1)Show the following objects to cause the students’ interest.Tall


Talk about the two trees.“Tall, short”.e.g.This tree is tall.That tree is short.1)Study the words “fat, thin” with the same way.2)Practice the four words with the pictures.T: Show a picture of two pandas.S1: This panda is tall.S2: That panda is short.S3: This panda is fat.S4: That panda is thin.3)Ask more Ss to practice like this.4)Ask a student to stand up, the other describe him.e.g.He is tall.He is thin.Fat

thin 5)A game.3)The teacher say a word, the Ss make a sentence.e.g.T: Fat.S1: The tiger is fat.Ask more Ss to take part into the game.6)Have the Ss look at Activity3, you point to the animals, practice the sentence pattern “ What are they” “They’re…”,and describe them.Step 4.Practice 6)Ask the students to talk about themselves and their classmates with the adjectives.S1: My name is …

I’m tall.This is …

She is … 7)Revise the letters “A, B, C”

8)Show the word cards and recognize the pictures.9)Have the Ss look for the words they’ve learnt with the beginning letter A,B,C.10)Now have a rest.Listen to a song.Step 5.Consolidation

篇4:大学英语精读 第二册第一、二课 课文翻译

The Big Move ——— 大迁移







篇5:大学英语精读 第二册第一、二课 课文翻译

你瞧,她皮肤黑黑的,眼睛大而炯炯有神。个子不高,身材小巧,但脑袋瓜子却不知道装了多少鬼主意,整天想着恶作剧:课件把多媒体的屏幕换成网络游戏的背景;临上课前,飞速地把前后门锁起,不让 任课老师进教室;放学时,迅速地背起书包冲向门外,顺手把教室的灯全都关掉,让班里顿时陷入一片“黑暗”……这些事,一旦发生,我们不假思索便知道此乃陈睿扬之“杰作”。








Lesson 7 Too late


The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of

diamonds from South Africa.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.

When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the

airfield.Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.While two detectives were keeping

guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!






1.…detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. ……侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。

all 一般直接加表示时间的单数名词构成副词短语,如:all day (整整一天),all night(整夜),all week(整星期),all winter(整个冬天),all year(整年)等。但不说all hour。

whole在表达同样的意思时一般要加冠词或数词,如:a whole day/ year(一整天/年),two whole weeks(整整两星期)。

2.…someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. ……有人向警方报告,说有人企图偷走这些钻石。


3.When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. 当飞机到达时,一些侦探等候在主楼内,另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上。

(1)这个长句子由3个部分组成:when引导的是整个句子的时间状语从句;some of…building为主句;while 引导的是动作与主句的动作同时进行的时间状语从句。while作为连词表示“和……同时”、“当……时候”时常常引导一个过去进行时从句。(cf. 本课语法)

(2)地点状语 on the airfield 与第一句中的 at the airport 意义相近。注意介词on和at的不同搭配。


Some students are very hard-working, others are not.


Some of the novels are interesting, (the) others are not.


4.keep guard 守望,警戒

与 stand guard(站岗,放哨)意思相近:

Two thieves kept guard around the house while the others entered it.


They kept a close guard over the thieves.


5.to their surprise 令他们吃惊的是

这个短语中的所有格形容词their也可以换成其他所有格形容词:(much) to my/ his surprise, to our surprise 等。一般不说 to your surprise。

1.过去进行时(The past progressive tense)


(1)过去进行时主要表示过去某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。过去进行时和一般过去时经常同在一个句子里使用。过去进行时表示过去正在进行的动作或情况,一般过去时则表示比较短暂的动作或事件。正在进行中的动作或情况往往由连词 when, while, as, just as等引导:

While/ When/ As I was sweeping the floor, I found your pen.



John was watching TV while his wife was talking with a neighbour over the phone.


Some students were dancing and singing while others were eating and drinking.


Just as I was opening the front door, the telephone rang.


Just as I was leaving the house, you came in.



We were having supper when the lights went out.


2)过去进行时往往与表示一段时间的状语连用,如all morning, all night, all day, all evening, the whole week等,表示这段时间一直在干什么:

They were preparing for the party for two whole days.


2.短语动词中的小品词(The particles)


I am looking for Tim.


She looked after the baby.


He put the fire/ it out.


Mother woke the children/ them up.


She took the picture/ it down.


Please turn the radio/ it off.


He turned it on.


Put the cake on the table.


She is walking up the hill.
