



Dear parents,

Today, I am writing this letter to express my thanks to you, because I made a memorable achievement in recent English Speech Competition.

During my high school study, I had a variety of difficulties in English learning. For instance, I had great trouble in memorizing new words. In addition, it was also difficult for me to understand rules of English grammar. Though I could write and read, I could not express myself freely in oral English. Then, you encouraged me to participate in the English Club. Gradually, I am convinced that practice makes perfect. It was constant practice that enabled me to build up adequate knowledge, skills and competence in making speeches in English. Finally, I succeeded in this competition. Your encouragement brought me power, aroused my enthusiasm for English and helped me to make progress every day.

As your child, I deem that suppose I intend to achieve greater success in future, it is advisable for me to set a greater goal. You make me believe that if I try my utmost to do everything, the future of my life will be hopeful and promising. Thanks again, my dear parents!

Your kid




I am sophomore from the Department of Law. Im writing the letter in purpose of complaining about the food and service in the canteen or campus.

To be frank, I am rather disappointed at the food quality, price and service in the canteen. First, the dishes are scarcely well cooked and most of them taste the same. Secondly, most of the dishes there are priced so high that some students cannot even afford them. Thirdly, the service in the canteen is far from satisfying and the inside of the canteen always seem untidy.

To solve the problem, I suggest that another canteen be built and a mechanism of competition be introduced between the old and the new. Besides, both the canteens should be subject to the students supervision. Dining is an everyday issue for students. It may affect their academic performance. Therefore, I sincerely hope this letter can draw your attention to the matter and I hope the problems mentioned above be solved as soon as possible.


在听、说、读、写四种交际能力中, 写作最能体现学生综合运用语言的能力。某些学生词汇、句型、语法知识掌握了不少, 却写不出表意明确、连贯顺畅的文章, 这表明学生缺乏足够的语篇知识。语篇特征的两个重要方面是语篇的衔接性和连贯性。语篇特征包括两方面的内容:结构性, 句子本身的结构, 如主位和信息结构;非结构性, 不同的句子中不同成分接关系。本文通过主位结构理论分析大学英语四级范文, 探讨主位理论对英语写作的意义。



最早提出主位和述位概念的是布拉格学派创始人马泰休斯。他把位于句首的成分称为主位, 把其他部分称为述位。后来韩礼德从功能的角度对主位进行界定, 主位是信息的出发点, 是小句所关心的成分;述位是主位所说的话, 是话语的核心内容。


语篇的衔接和连贯都有一定的规律。这种联系表现在从主位到述位的不断渐进的过程, 句子与句子主述位次之的相互联系、照应、衔接和过渡关系构成了“主位推进模式”。






(1) One (T1) can find visitors enjoying the scenery in university campus (R1) . (2) During the Holidays, many University campuses (T2) become popular tourist sites (R2) . (3) In my opinion, university campus (T3) should be open to tourists (R3) . (4) In fact, there are many r parks (T4) , all of them better than the scenery in the Universities (R4) . (5) Why do you think people (T5) prefer visiting here (R5) ? (6) That's because it (T6) is a dream goal for many Chinese parents and young students (R6) . (7) Besides, as tourists come to visit universities (T7) , these universities can widen influence as well (R7) (8) and they (T8) can make profit from the tourism (R8) . (9) In a word, I think the university campus (T9) should be open to the tourists (R9) . (2005年12月四月)


这是一篇三段式作文, 从全文的9个主位的排列看出作者思路行文发展方向:引言段:T1和T2提出现象 (游客参观大学校园) 。T3阐明对现象观点 (大学校园应该对游客开放) 。主体段:T4→T6和T7→T8分别从两个不同的角度举例说明:游客喜欢参观大学校园的原因, 支持自己的观点:大学校园应该对游客开放。结尾段:T9和T3观点遥相呼应, 使文章结尾紧扣主题, 形成完整连贯的语篇。


从分析可以看出, 语篇采用延续型、平行型、集中型及多种主位推进模式混合使用。从主位推进模式可以看出主要从上一句的述位中选择某一个信息来作为下一句的已知信息, 从不同的角度来对同一个话题进行阐述。通过使用以上的主位推进模式, 使得全文结构严谨, 前后呼应, 主位推动模式有效地推动了语篇的发展, 使语篇脉络清晰。


通过对四级范文的分析, 对英语写作教学有很多启示。写作文从语篇的角度进行构思, 合理安排主位推进模式是语篇衔接和连贯重要保证。语篇中的主位序列具有延续性, 而语篇的衔接与连贯正是由主位序列这种承上启下的功能来实现的。英语写作教学已有许多方法, 但作为写作的整体构思主位推进模式不失为一种值得推荐的方法。

摘要:语篇的衔接与连贯是语篇研究的重要内容。本文通过阐述主述位理论, 运用主位推进理论对四级英语范文分析, 说明主位推进模式对语篇的衔接与连贯的意义, 并指出主位推进模式对写作教学实践的指导意义。



[1]、Halliday, M.A.K.&Hasan, R.Language, Context. and Text[M].OUP, 1985.


Dear Sir or Madam,Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.Yours sincerely, yours truthfully,Love,Yours affectionately, 书信作文常用套句

1:The time flies, we haven’t seen each other for a long time.All the things here are going on pretty well, I just miss you so much!时间过得很快,我们已经很久没见了。这里一切都好,就是很想你。2:It is so great to hear from you again.能再次收到你的来信我很开心。3:Long time no see!好久不见。

4:I trust that everything is going smoothly for you.我相信你那里一切都好。

5:It is a great pleasure for me to have this wonderful chance to put pen to paper and send greetings to you.很高兴我有这样的机会提笔给你写信,寄给你我的问候和祝福。


Give advice:

In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following action:


I hope you will not find it too forward for me to suggest that you…


In my experience, it seems that _______ would make sense in your situation.从我的经验来看,针对你的情况,似乎________会有帮助。

At the risk of overstepping my boundaries, allow me to suggest that you____。



I truly appreciate your kindness.我很欣赏你的仁慈。

I am grateful to you for…


I appreciate it more than I can say.我对你表示万分感谢。

I can never thank you enough.万分感谢。

I wish there were a better word than “ thanks “ to express my appreciation for your generous help.其实,对你的帮助岂能用“谢谢”儿子可以表达的。

It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.你对我如此慷慨,真是对您感激不尽。

Many thanks for your kindness and hospitality.非常感谢你的仁慈和好客。

Now we have arrived back home safe and sound.现在我已经安全到家。

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for…


Thank you again for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。


Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology.请接受我最诚挚、最深刻的道歉。

I apologize most sincerely for…


I am truly sorry to have done…


Please forgive me…


I owe you an apology…


I regret to inform you that I am unable to do..很遗憾地告诉你,我没法___________。

I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble…



The honor of your presence is requested…


It’s a pleasure for me to invite you to…


We sincerely hope that you make it.我们真诚地希望你能参加。

We would be honored to have you there with us…


I will cover all the expense involved.我将负担所有的费用。


I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my unwavering support.我能想象你所经历的一切,而且,我想告诉你,我会永远支持你。


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction withat…


I very much regret to have to inform you that…


I would like to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the …


I feel something ought to be done about…


I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible.我希望以上问题(情况)能尽快解决(改进)。

Your effort to provide good services will be highly appreciated by all.我们会很感激您作出的一切努力。

We will appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss.我们真的希望你们能对损失作出补偿。


I would like to request some information about…


My first question is… 我的问题就是__________。

I am greatly concerned about… 我对_________较为关注。

Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.我是否需要再寄其他资料给你,请及时告知。

Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.能否针对上述的问题寄些相关的小册子给我。


Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.我想再次对你表示感谢。

I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.我希望待尽快给我回复。

Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.谢谢你关心(关注),我期待你的回复。



As is shown in the graph… 如图所示…

The graph shows that… 图表显示…

As can be seen from the table,… 从表格中可以看出…

From the chart, we know that… 从这张表中,我们可知…

All these data clearly prove the fact that…




1.信息点的覆盖2.内容的组织 3.语言的准确性 4.格式 5.语域的恰当




1.1 顶格式写法

Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yours sincerely,Liming

1.2 空格式写法

Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yours sincerely,Liming

http:///cet46/ 2.书信结构

2.1 称呼2.2 正文 2.3 结束语2.4 签名及落款

2.1 称呼


Dear Mr.XXX或者Dear Ms.XXX


Dear +given name

2.2 正文


2)第一段:2句;自我介绍+表明目的 第二段:3~6句;解释说明+具体阐述


2.3 结束语

(1)写给团体、组织、机构: Yours faithfully,(2)写给老板、上司、老师:Yours sincerely,(3)写给好朋友,熟人等等:Kind regards, Best wishes,http:///cet46/ 2.4 签名及落款:永远的“李明”


3.1 求职信;3.2 感谢信;3.3 投诉信;3.4 咨询信

3.5 邀请信;3.6 道歉信;3.7 建议信






I am … or My name is …=> This letter comes to you from a student named …



Thanks=> Appreciate;Be Grateful to sb.for doing sth.;We were deeply touched by …

A Letter Declining a Job Offer

http:///cet46/ 垃圾:Thank you very much for your letter of invitation to work at you company.Thank you very much for your kind words about me.Thank you very much for the time you take to consider me and write to me.精品:I am very grateful to you for your letter of invitation to work at your company.I am deeply touched by your kind words regarding me, and I do appreciate that you took the time to consider and correspond with me.(2)抱怨

I wish to make a complaint about …

I am afraid I have got a complaint about …


I would like some detailed information on…

I would like to obtain some information about…


I am terribly sorry that…

I apologize for doing sth.表示“告诉某人某事”?

Tell =>Convey;Inform;Explain;Express;Extend

http:///cet46/ 万能句式:

(1)I am writing to you to express my(宾语)…

(2)The purpose of my letter is to convey my(宾语)…

(3)The reason why I write this letter is to extend my(宾语)...感谢,不满,歉意,邀请 …

Gratitude WonderDissatisfaction Apology Invitation


(1)I am writing to you to express my gratitude …

(2)The purpose of my letter is to convey my dissatisfaction…

(3)The reason why I write this letter is to extend my apology…

A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper


① I am writing to convey my dissatisfaction about the poor service of a bookstore.② The purpose of my letter is to express my dissatisfaction with the poor service of a bookstore.http:///cet46/ ③ The reason why I write this letter is to extend my dissatisfaction with the poor service of a bookstore to you.2.结尾段



① 我对您能读我这封信的感激之情无以言表。

Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you for reading through this letter.② 谢谢您有耐心读我这封信。

I am profoundly grateful for your patience to read through this letter.(2)表示要求的句型

① 我希望你能考虑一下我地投诉并不要让其再一次发生。

I hope that you would take my complaint into consideration and exhaust every effort to prevent it from recurrence.② 我真诚地希望你能站在我的角度想想并接受我的道歉。

I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apology.http:///cet46/(3)表示期待的句型

① 期待你对这一问题给予足够地关注和恰当地解决。

I am looking forward to your due attention and proper solution on this matter.② 在你方便地时候请尽早给我们答复。
