



中考英语作文范文 初中生暑假英语作文暑假生活日记

初中生暑假英语作文暑假生活日记 I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily.Summer view of the countryside is very beautiful.I can do many interesting things there.I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river.I like fishing with my friends.When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories.And I tell her some new things happening in the city.When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go.I really feel happy living in the country.


The summer vacation is over. It’s true that time always flies fast. During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.

As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I usually got up at 6:30 and took a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. Those took me three hours or more. I worked quite hard and made great progress.

I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was funny. I would not go home until it was about five or six o’clock. Sometimes a friend of mine would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.

In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits.


初中英语8A U3主题是“A day out”。学生按具体要求写一篇出游计划。学生认真阅读背景信息, 写好作文。首先, 我采取“老师评价”的方式, 我找出了几篇不同层次学生作文进行批改。对于一些优美的语句用波浪线划出。对于一些错误之处, 我用红笔圈出, 并帮助修改。对于优秀的作文, 我写上“Good”, “Well done”, “Excellent”等批语。我用多媒体投影仪展现批改后的作文, 让学生体会如何评改作文。展示了3至4篇作文之后, 和学生共同谈论其中的共性错误。例如, 对于时间点的表示“at 7:30a.m”介词使用会误用“on”.出游计划主要用一般将来时, 学生往往没有写“will”。然后, 我采取“学生自评”的方式, 给时间让学生重新阅读自己的文章, 可和同学展开讨论, 找出文中错误以及优美语句。另外, 对于学生使用的“then”, “finally”, “in the end”等予以肯定。对于错误的订正, 有问题可以举手向老师求助。自我评改之后, 请学生自愿者展示本人作文, 用投影仪展示。学生朗读自己作文, 其他学生边听边看, 共同赏析。最后采取“生生互评”的方式。在我的指导下, 找出更多好的句子。例如, “feel the beauty of…”, “the amazing view”, “I hope you can join me”, “make it a really fun day”一些本单元书中出现的好词句。鼓励学生多运用所学知识, 达到学以致用的目的。在此期间, 学生还发现了自愿者本人没发现的错误, 帮助其修改。在评改的过程中, 学生积极参与课堂, 气氛放松而热烈。采取了3种评价方式之后, 这节课还没有结束。在一系列学生参与的评价之后, 请学生总结一下什么样的作文是一篇好文章。在实践中学生容易的得出了:

1. 时态要确定。2.作文要点不遗漏。3.字数要达标。4.语法错误越少越好。5.会使用一些连词连接句子。我适时补充:还要注意书写及标点, 大小写等。

成就一篇好的英语作文的因素是多方面的。初中英语作文多是命题作文, 而学生在实际操作时, 往往急于动笔, 以致没有好好审题。所以写作之前首先要熟读背景信息, 来判断文章的类型。有的文章是“阐述主题型”, 文章已经给出了一个主题, 要求学生围绕主题进行阐述。学生一定要弄清主题的内涵, 确立与文章联系的主题思想, 表达不能游离于主题, 否则即使内容再精彩, 也是"跑题"作文, 得分将会大打折扣。有的作文是“图表型”。已经给出一张图表。比如要求学生对比自己家乡过去和现在的情况。表格分为三部分:“people”, “transport”和“houses”。要求学生主要就这三方面分别对比。其次, 对于“人称”也要注意。学生要分清是第一人称, 还是第二, 第三人称。不然, 人称主体出现混乱的文章也不会受到好评。


1. 教师不再是课堂的垄断者, 写作知识的传授者以及语言裁判, 而是课堂教学中的组织者 (organizer) , 协调者 (facilitator) , 答疑者 (respondent) 和信息提供者 (informant) 。教师参与整个写作过程, 在不同的阶段, 有针对性的对学生进行指导, 帮助学生发现问题, 解决问题, 引导学生顺利完成整个写作过程。

2. 强调写作目的和意图, 认为写作是一种社会交际活动。学生并非为教师而写作, 而是为了更好地与读者进行交流。读者不仅是教师, 还包括同伴以及身边其他人。

3. 提倡以学生为中心, 重视师生, 生生间的不断交流。整个写作过程在轻松愉快的合作氛围中进行, 学生积极主动, 其主观能动性得到充分的发挥。写作课要注重过程, 突出学生在写作过程中的主体地位, 使学生在循环往复的交互过程中挖掘和创造意义。

摘要:英语是初高中学生必须学习的一门基础科目。而英语作文在英语教学中起着举足轻重得作用。英语写作对于很多初中生来说, 是一个“坎”。如何跨过这个“坎”, 是老师在英语作文的教学中需要思考的问题。我们要勇于挑战传统的作文教学模式, 尝试“过程写作”的新模式。



[1]韩金龙.英语写作教学:过程体裁教学法[J].外语界.2001 (04) .

[2]陈立平.从阅读与写作的关系看英语写作教学中的范文教学[J].解放军外国语学院学报.2000 (06) .


The More Loving One

Looking up at the stars, I know quite well

That, for all they care, I can go to hell,

But on earth indifference is the least "

We have to dread from man or beast. "

How should we like it were stars to burn

With a passion for us we could not return?

If equal affection cannot be,

Let the more loving one be me.

Admirer as I think I am

Of stars that do not give a damn,

I cannot, now I see them, say

I missed one terribly all day.

Were all stars to disappear or die

I should learn to look at an empty sky



Today, i saw a very delicious strawberry in Taobao network. My first time with my own favourite people to share. He likes it very much, but he has not eaten this kind of strawberry. The flavor of the strawberry is milk. He felt very strange. So he wanted to try the strawberry. And the price is not expensive, there are 5 yuan of red packet. I think it is worth it. So , i am going to buy him a box of strawberries . A total of 5 pounds of strawberries . I think he must be very happy when he received it ! Will feel very happy , very pleasant surprise ! I think , to spend a little money to give their favorite people a surprise, this is a very good thing. However, strawberries must be finished as soon as possible. 5 pounds of strawberries a total of about 100 , to see the size of strawberry and its weight. Strawberry is a perishable food, so it must be put in the refrigerator. But in the refrigerator can not be stored for a long time.


Today, we saw two films, but we only saw half of them. Lion King is very interesting. Tomorrow we will finish watching that. I hope this will get a good ending. Also our Chinese teacher changed a lot. I started to listen to his lessons.

This evening, we three taught Cathy about the language in my hometown. We said a word and then she guessed. She is really very clever. She can understand most of me said, and Mr.Zhang told us something about the ways to study English. I don’t agree with him. I think everyone has his (her) own best way to study English, right?

I hope tomorrow it will be sunny and we can travel around Zhejiang University, I hope so.



今年暑假过得非常有意义(this summer over a very meaningful day)

I think this summer over a very meaningful day,in addition to the study of computers outside,also tried a new aerobic exercise —YOGA,I love this sport, so I learned an optimistic face life,but also to correct my bad shape,for my future learning and life will be very helpful,I love YOGA,with the hope more people will join me to try this new movement。


学生是教学的主体, 要想教学有效果, 就必须发挥学生的主动性。学生怕写作, 一方面是觉得自己的所积累的词汇量和句子不够多, 教师在教学中注重适量的拓展和培养积累单词, 词组的好习惯, 对句子进行举一反三的说。另一方面学生怕在写作中犯错, 怕会因为一些小错误就受到老师的批评, 就这方面, 教师在指导时应多给予鼓励, 只有让他们认识到了错误, 改正了, 才会减少错误, 在鼓励中增强学生的自信心, 从而消除他们对写作的恐惧感。环境是非常重要的因素, 人的成长需要好的环境, 写作当然也要有个好的环境。况且, 写作是个复杂的思维过程, 环境在此更显其重要性。在教学中, 教师可以精心为学生创设一个积极、合作和富有鼓励性的环境, 使他们乐于写作, 充分发挥自己的思维能力。比如, 在中年级的英语教学中可以安排学生对练习册上的短小语段摘抄下来, 读读背背, 培养语感;在高年级的英语教学中, 可以安排写英语日记, 一组的学生的共用一本日记本, 每天由一位同学带回家写英语日记, 内容及多少都不限制。老师每次都得对日记进行认真批改和给予鼓励性的评价。学生可以传阅, 在其中他们能分享成功的喜悦, 也扩大阅读量。写作就像盖房子一样, 有了材料, 要把这材料以一定的形式堆放在一起才能形成房屋, 这都需要老师的指导。英语写作技能的难度较大, 学生也不能很快接受, 提高英语写作质量也不容易, 教师在进行英语写作教学时, 要特别注意教学目标与学生特点, 采用适当的教学方法, 传授基本的写作知识。

作文辅导的过程贯穿于整个英语教学的始终。学生从初中一年级的简单的回答问题、日常对话到初三能够流畅连贯地表达自己的思想, 这其中都包括作文教学的成份。学生只有熟练掌握每一个句型结构, 每一个话题, 才能够写出准确的句子来。而句子是构成作文的基本单位。众所周知, 听说读写四大技能中, 听和读是输入, 而说和写属于输出。没有大量的输入, 是不会有灵活的“输出”的。因此从初一年级开始, 就应该扎扎实实, 一步一个脚印地训练学生的听说读写基本技能, 为学生的写作打下扎实的基础。作文训练的过程也是由易到难, 循序渐进的。刚开始通常要求学生写简单的几句话即可。比如:Hello!Mynameis Gina.Thisismyfamily.Thisismyfather.Thisismymother.Thesearemybrothers…经过几年的训练, 逐渐培养学生学会写三五个句子, 十多个句子, 以至更多。最终达到用英语这门语言简单的表达自己的思想。作文训练重在坚持和积累, 重在英语文化的潜移默化的熏陶。

《英语新目标》教材以单元编排, 每个单元一个话题, 每个单元都由易到难, 最后落实到以话题为主的书面写作上来。这些话题生动有趣, 贴近学生生活, 题材广泛, 给学生以发挥的空间和余地。每个学生可根据个人特长以及自己对同一事物的不同见解, 写出与众不同, 富有个人特色的作文来。因此决不能因为赶进度或别的什么原因忽略甚至删除这一阶段的书写训练, 因为欲速则不达。别以为书面表达是中考的事情, 到了初三再练习吧。要知道, 任何知识都是一个长期的积累的过程, 语言学习更是如此, 决不可能速成。反馈与评价在英语写作教学中能使学生和教师了解教与学的情况, 从而促使教师改进教学的方式和进程。叶圣陶先生说:“改的优先权应属于作文的本, 所以我想作文教学应着重培养学生自己作文的能力。”学生完成作文后, 教师要激励学生自我反馈和自我评价, 教师首先给出一个评价标准, 如:篇章结构是否清晰、时态语法是否准确、词语运用是否无误等, 学生根据评价意见对自己作文进行第一修改, 并给出评价。传统的作文评价是以教师为主, 评价的权利在教师手中, 教师是权威, 学生的任务是写作文, 教师的任务是批作文。新课程要求学生参与到学习的评价中, 充分发挥学生的主观能动性, 让学生参与作文的全过程。学生通过互评互改, 使习作的一个个字眼、一句句话语进入阅读视线, 不仅实现了习作被人阅读的实用价值, 也使读者与作者产生共鸣, 形成学生间的交流局面, 从而在阅读、交流中学会鉴赏, 取长补短, 培养了作文评改能力, 提高了写作水平。教师的评价是反映学生在写作上的不足, 为学生指出改进的策略和肯定他们的点滴进步, 使他们不断得到激励, 从而产生并增强自信心和成就感, 激发其进一步写作的动力。教师针对不同层面、不同基础学生各选一至两篇习作, 利用实物投影仪, 把学生作文呈现出来, 师生一起来评改。这样, 每个层面的学生都可找到自己的参照文, 在这样的评价活动中, 学生既听又动脑, 培养了评判能力, 也训练了思维。学生在经过评价及修订后, 教师就以多种形式进行成果展示, 如:班级墙报展示、文章装订成册等, 使学生获得成就感, 促进其写作的兴趣, 从而提高写作水平。



this summer is evry surprised, because it is a special one,during the summer, i have beening done many work,for eample,chinese work,math work,physics work and so on.i have made a big progress ,i feel very confdence and very happy.

since august 8th,,i watch many games on my computer evey day, sometimes watch the games at midnight.the olympic opening ceremony is very great. it make evryone chinese prond.even many foreigners feel surprising.we have got eight gold medals ,i am very happy and proud, i am chinese. i believe our players will win more gold medals.


I Have a Computer

Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought it for me as a present when my first year in middle school. He said I can study English with computer. Most of the time, I use computer to search study materials on the internet. I also have some foreign friends on the internet, we can talk in English. Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish my homework. My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me.


Emma Rests For a Year

Emma Waston, the girl who is from Harry Portter is believed to be a smart and elegant female. She has announced that she would rest for one year from the amuse circle and put her energy into the movement of He For Her. There is no doubt that Emma is an attractive girl, the role she plays in Harry Portter makes her popular around the world. What’s more, Emma never gives up study, she got full A and went to the top university. Emma devoted herself to the equality between man and woman, the speech He For Her inspires so many people to support her action. Emma is such an excellent girl.


《义务教育英语课程标准 (2011) 》对初中生写作的要求是: (1) 能根据写作要求, 收集、准备素材; (2) 能独立起草短文、短信等, 并在教师的指导下进行修改; (3) 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; (4) 能简单描述人物或事件; (5) 能根据图表或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。

英语新课标明确提出, 写作主要是让学生运用所学语言知识与技能, 以书面形式完成沟通、再现生活经历, 描述周围事物、发表意见和观点。写作是语言输出的重要途径, 能比较客观地反映学生认知、思考以及文字运用等综合语言运用的能力。但是, 在课堂教学中, 许多老师注重听、说、读的训练, 对于写作相对不青睐, 因为这一板块的教学既耗时, 学生提高起来又缓慢。可是在初中毕业测试中, 写作的分值所占比重较大。面对这种情况, 大部分老师建议学生购买英语作文书, 但不是借鉴别人的写作方法, 而是死记硬背作文。本人的意图是:通过自己平时作文教学的一些探讨, 以及对英语三维教学法的学习, 结合国培学习的理念, 在初中英语作文教学, 尤其是在话题作文教学上做些初探。


教学活动设计:以“My friend”为话题写一篇作文。


教学目标: (1) 通过本堂写作课归纳、巩固与友谊相关的词汇, 并使之形成“语块”; (2) 培养学生灵活运用“语块”的能力。

教学重点:引导学生将相关联的词汇与话题相结合, 真正做到英语作文有话可写。

教学难点:将“语块”灵活转换为句子, 并形成文章, 准确地表情达意。


1.给学生展示话题, 根据话题分组讨论完成这一话题所需“语块”, 并进行报告。

2.根据小组报告, 归纳总结完成此话题所需“语块”, 并板书。

话题:朋友 (friend) 。

主题一:交朋友 (make friends) 。

make friends交朋友

make friends with sb与某人交朋友

make a new friend交个新朋友

make a lot of/lots of/plenty of friends交许多朋友

have a foreign friend有个外国朋友

make friends by writing letters or by e-mails通过写信或电子邮件交朋友

make pen-friends交笔友

a big circle of friends一个很大的朋友圈子

主题二:好朋友 (good friends) 。

a good friends (一个好朋友)

a true friend一个真正的朋友

a/an close/old friend一个亲密的/老朋友

a good listener一个很好的听众

know each other well很了解对方

a friendship of 5 years五年的交情

make me feel happy让我感到开心

a lifelong friend一位终生的朋友

do the some thing as me和我做同样的事

主题三:与朋友相处 (get on with friends) 。

keep in touch with friends与朋友保持联系

get on/along with friends与朋友相处融洽

play together一起玩

chat with each other一起聊天

learn from each other互相学习

care for each other互相关心

keep our secret保守我们的秘密

主题四:关于朋友的名言 (wisdom about friend) 。

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (患难见真情)

Old friends and old wine are best. (陈旧味醇, 老友情深)

Friend ship needs tine to develop (友谊需要时间来培养)

A life without friendship is like a day without sunshine. (没有友谊的人生就如同没有阳光的日子)

3.根据话题, 结合主题语块, 学生开始写作, 教师深入学生中, 给需要帮助的学生予以具体的指导。

4.挑选不同层次学生的作文进行朗读, 教师当场点评。多发现学生的闪光点, 多给予肯定评价, 消除学生对写作的恐惧, 建立学生自信。


写作是一个如何寻找最有效的语言进行思想感情交流的过程, 是一个循环复杂的心理认知过程。面对英语写作, 大部分学生感觉词汇知识贫乏, 无法将相关联的词汇组织到一起。在本堂课中, 我和学生一起思考, 分析话题, 将与话题有联系的词汇有效划分成主题语块。这样不仅学生作文思路明确, 有话可写, 并且能对同类词汇进行有效复习巩固, 可谓一举多得。平常教学中如果能一直坚持这样的写作训练, 学生不但对同类词汇理解记忆更准确、全面、深刻, 还能够降低写作难度, 消除学生的畏难情绪, 进而引导学生喜欢英语写作, 做到综合技能的全面提高。


本次作文, 学生都觉得较轻松。有些同学写了一百多个单词, 大部分同学完成质量较高, 即使程度差的同学也写了三四十个单词。每篇作文我都进行了仔细批阅。我觉得通过本次作文学生在给我传递一个信息:老师, 英语写作并不是很可怕。


My best friend

I have a good friend.She is my most treasure friend.At the same time, she is a good listener for me.

She is a beautiful girl.She ha long straight black hair.She has two big eyes.She wears a pair of glasses.She looks knowledge.In fact, she is very clever, too.She is a quiet and kind girl.She has many hobbies.She likes watching plays and listening to CDs, especially pop music.She likes collecting movie posters, playing badminton and reading books.

I get on well with her.We play together all the time.Well always chat with each other and learn form each other.We also care for each other and keep the secrets between us.She brings me something bright and nice.She makes me feel warm and happy.

I love my friend.I value our friendship highly.I think a life without friendship is like a day without sunshine.




I wait every day ah long for, longed to go one day eventually. I and aunt come to Yue Yang railway station cheerfully, sat to lead to the place that mom works, southern and luxurious metropolitan---The train of Guangzhou, those who pass ten hours is endless await, arrived eventually I expect long already Guangzhou. My foot just stepped the exit of a railway station, saw the minibus of mother company, I develop a car with the rapiddest rate, mom still does not have reaction of there‘s still time to come over, I had sat in her beside. I return those who think she will be very glad, did not think of her be furious: Li Sheng, you this child is too bad, go with the grandma last Internet bar, you say to play 2 hours only, can a few hours did you play? 5 half hours ah, but this makes you old pa old Mom most the thing of lose face, if you next time again such, do not blame old Mom fall out not to know a person.think this thing is my fault really later, I must be corrected well later, learn seriously.

I went to mom‘s company the first thing fluctuates in computer namely carrydream swims on the westandrun run calorie of Ding Chethese two kinds of game, I was used one morning time, completed the download installation of these two game. Played a few hours to if you play,can exceed time everyday then, but she will be sarcastic your oh. Once old Mom should go out deliver goods, say to want to just can come back in the evening, she just walked along my hand a few minutes to begin itch again, open computer then, played delighted. Every time I hear to there is footstep on corridor, I with respect to shake with fear, there is a footstep again later, looking is mom so, I am frightened so that resemble an ants on a hot pan in those days, do not know how to should explain. These days the life lets me feel special happy, satisfactory. Then I issued a determination: I must be brought up to be about to work to here after very academic be used to.


ummer Holiday Plan

My holiday life will be busy but interesting. I am going to do my homework every day so that I can finish my homework on time.I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books so that I can read some interesting books. I am going to play sports such as playing basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on . Of course I am going to help my parents do some housework because they are busy with their work every day.I am going to spend a week in Shanghai with my parents so that we can see the expo. I am sure I am going to have an interesting and happy summer vacation.


I have visited Beijing! I only take two trips: a world scenic spot is the Pacific Ocean, the other one is the Summer Palace.

During the long waiting on the bus, finally heard the guide said: “you get off at 10:30 collections” we enter the world of the sea, we first to fish area, where we saw a big fish for up to 3 meters, and then we saw a fish eat milk. Finally, we went to a jelly fish, penguins. But the most interesting or underwater tunnel, the tunnel we saw the shark, fish immortal... There are many fish we call do not go up.

Then we went to the Summer Palace by bus. That I think should be the appropriate name and the Summer Palace garden, just as the pleasant scenery of the garden, and in the Summer Palace, there are two things must be out and bask in the sun, one is kept in the lawn is not down, one is two people to fight for such a trifle, explain quality needs to be improved in our country. When a Chinese is not easy.


那么, 如何对初中英语作文进行批改呢?下面谈谈我的观点与做法, 与大家一起商榷。



(1) 学生在掌握某些语法规则或语言规律之前所犯的一些毫无规律性的错误。这种语言错误的特点有二: (1) 学生无从解释他为什么要这么写; (2) 虽经他人指出也无法自行改正。

(2) 学生对语言知识已经形成了某些系统, 但又不完整, 因而出错。例如: (1) 学生根据第三人称单数一般现在时态的形态概括出加s的规则, 进而套用到其他类型的结构中, 写出如“He can sings.”“She did not asks me.”这些错句。这是“过度概括”所致。 (2) 学生学习了“He showed me the book.”“He said to me.”就照此类推造出错误的句子:“He explained me the book.”“He asked to me.”这是“忽略了规则的限制”所造成的, 句型操练往往是引起这类错误的根源。 (3) 学生学会了构成特殊疑问句的规则:先要有一个疑问词, 然后把句子变为疑问句顺序, 如“Where is she?”等到学生再去学复合句的规则时, 却往往不容易改变原来特殊疑问句的词序, 于是把“I don’t know where she is.”写成“I don’t know where is she.”这是“应用规则不完全”的结果。这第二类语言错误的特点是, 学生能作解释, 说明为什么这样写, 但是不能自行改正。

(3) 学生已经掌握了比较完整的语法规则和语言规律, 但尚未形成语言习惯, 因而犯了错误。例如:知道do的过去时态为did, 知道动词过去时态的规则变化是加ed, 但是由于尚未养成习惯, 仍会写doed。这类语言错误的特点是, 学生既能解释, 又能自行改正。


明确了学生语言错误的类型及其特点后, 在英语作文批改中, 我就采取对不同类型错误作不同处理的方法进行批改。对第一类语言错误, 我采取容忍的态度, 不逐一指出和改正。因为这类错误是超发展阶段的, 即使教师改正了, 学生也接受不了, 反而增加教师的工作量。这些错误随着学习的进展, 部分能自我克服, 部分转变成第二类语言错误。对第二类语言错误, 我不但给予改正, 而且作一些必要的解释。这是学生正处于语言系统的形成阶段所出的错误, 教师的及时帮助能使他更快地形成完整的概念。对第三类语言错误, 我在文章中只作些标记, 让学生自己去更正, 教师不必改正, 亦无需多作解释, 这样既锻炼了学生, 又减轻了教师的工作量。

我对学生英语作文的批改重点在第二类语言错误, 其他的语言错误则可不管或只作提醒, 让学生自行改正。这既能增加学生的写作密度, 较快地提高学生的英语写作水平, 又减轻了教师批改英语作文繁重的工作量。因而, 批改英语作文的“头痛症”就可减轻了。

在批改英语作文的实践中, 我觉得对学生的第二类语言错误还可作进一步的处理。我们知道, 英语学习是有阶段性的。同样, 学生的第二类语言错误在不同的学习阶段, 出现的错误也是相对集中的。因此, 我在学生不同的学习阶段, 确定不同的语言错误作为批改的重点。例如, 在第一阶段要防止诸如主谓不一致的严重错误, 我就把它作为本阶段批改的重点。到了第二阶段, 提高要求, 把时态错误算作严重错误, 是批改重点。如此下去, 逐步提高要求, 这是对学生的语言错误分阶段“各个击破”。这样, 学生的英语写作就能得到较为系统的训练。
