青少版新概念1A unit1---unit


青少版新概念1A unit1---unit(通用11篇)

篇1:青少版新概念1A unit1---unit

Unit 1 Hello!

Lesson One


Students will be able to grasp the following linguistic knowledge: 1.grammar : the usage of indefinite article a;2.useful expressions: Hello!Hi!Good dog!Oh, no;3.vocabulary: ball, cat, dog, fish;4.alphabet words b, c, d, f;Focal Points 1.distinguishing the pronunciation of alphabet words a-f in a word and the alphabet itself;2.the usage of indefinite article a;3.vocabulary: ball, cat, dog, fish;Difficult Points distinguishing the pronunciation of alphabet words a-f in a word and the alphabet itself;Teaching Materials Vocabulary Cards : 27-30(ball-fish)Story Cards: Flora, Robert, Kim, Dan Teaching Wall Chart: U1 L1 Time allotment One unit each week(finish one lesson each class).Teaching Steps Step 1: Warming Up Eg: Hello, Sue!

Hi, Lee!Remind the kids: 1.When you meet your friends or your family members, you may greet them with Hello or Hi!2.Greet each other before class in this way.Greet each student and call out their names.Step 2 Presentation

I.Present the vocabularies.II.Present the characters.Step 3 Practice I.Let the kids practise the words in Lesson 1 Unit 1.II.A.Listen, Read and Say.1.Make the kids get familiar with the story, characters and relevant vocabularies.2.Read together 2 or 3 times.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3.Explain some language points Good dog Oh, no No cat No ball!

B.Listen and Say

Play the record and let the kids follow 3 or 4 times together and then read individually.i.Phonetics Practice T reads the initial letter of each word in Part B and the kids say the corresponding word.ii.Role Play.Role play Part A on Page 2.C.Listen and Act.Play the recording and let the kids repeat.Divide the kids into pairs and parctise as the model.D.Listen, Point and Say.Play the recording and let the kids point out corresponding pictures.E.Play the games.(P4)

F.Listen and Draw.(P4)Step 3 Homework the exercise of Lesson One in the exercisebook.Listen to the recording at home Read the dialogue in Lesson One.Practise the greetings.

篇2:青少版新概念1A unit1---unit

Are Robert and Lucy late? Is Lucy’s bag heavy?

Is Robert’s bag heavy or light? 2nd

Is the bus full or empty? Is there only one school bus? 3rd

What’s in Lucy bag?

What about Robert’s bag? 4th

What matter with Lucy? Why is Lucy unhappy? 5th

What does Claire think of the bags? What’s in the school buses? 6th

Is Claire mother’s car full or empty?1st

Are Robert and Lucy late? Is Lucy’s bag heavy?

Is Robert’s bag heavy or light? 2nd

Is the bus full or empty? Is there only one school bus? 3rd

What’s in Lucy bag?

What about Robert’s bag? 4th

What matter with Lucy? Why is Lucy unhappy? 5th

What does Claire think of the bags? What’s in the school buses? 6th

Is Claire mother’s car full or empty?


Are Robert and Lucy late? Is Lucy’s bag heavy?

Is Robert’s bag heavy or light? 2nd

Is the bus full or empty? Is there only one school bus? 3rd

What’s in Lucy bag?

What about Robert’s bag? 4th

What matter with Lucy? Why is Lucy unhappy? 5th

What does Claire think of the bags? What’s in the school buses? 6th

Is Claire mother’s car full or empty?1st

Are Robert and Lucy late? Is Lucy’s bag heavy?

Is Robert’s bag heavy or light? 2nd

Is the bus full or empty? Is there only one school bus? 3rd

What’s in Lucy bag?

What about Robert’s bag? 4th

What matter with Lucy? Why is Lucy unhappy? 5th

What does Claire think of the bags? What’s in the school buses? 6th


12.nephew 13.很高兴认识你!14.朋友 15.老师 16.夫人 Lesson 2 1.你的 2.钢笔 3.是的 4.它 5.whose? 6.it’s 7.铅笔 8.hat 9.coat 10.mobile 11.尺子 12.书 13.书包 Lesson 3 1.什么 2.好的 3.看 4.wheel 5.绿色的 6.行,好 7.现在 8.花 9.红色的 10.umbrella 11.那,那个 12.灰色的 13.鸟

14.钥匙 15.正确的 16.silver 17.chair 18.桌子 Lesson 4 1.bicycle 2.颜色 3.什么颜色 4.white 5.黑色的 6.dress 7.照相机 8.蓝色 9.书桌 10.brown Lesson 5 1.谁 2.男孩 3.哪一个 4.on 5.男人 6.with 7.先生 8.他(主格)9.父亲 10.女人 11.她(主格)12.母亲 13.女孩 14.姐妹 15.look at 16.年轻的 17.in 18.陈旧的 19.小汽车 20.噢!21.cousin 22.so 23.也 24.兄弟 25.他们的 26.学生 27.他的 28.她的 29.新的 Lesson 6 1.马

2.tell me about 3.黄色 4.出租车 Lesson 7 1.健康的 2.how? 3.你好吗? 4.我(主格)5.fine 6.但是 7.非常 8.抱歉的 9.…怎么了? 10.他(宾格)11.确信的 12.热的 13.hungry 14.thirsty 15.poor 16.…呢? 17.医生 18.忙碌的 19.生病的 20.perhaps

21.better safe than sorry!22.冷的 Lesson 8 1.或者 2.聪明的 3.stupid 4.伤心的 5.高兴的 6.故事 7.有趣的 8.silly Lesson 9 1.neighbour 2.美好的

3.你做什么工作? 4.sports academy 5.art college 6.来

7.姑妈,姨妈 8.writer 9.我们的 10.husband 11.每个人 12.谢谢你!13.为了,因为 14.欢迎 Lesson 10 1.她(宾格)2.工作

3.housewife 4.photographer 5.policeman 6.邮递员 7.男演员 8.accountant Lesson 11 1.gossip 2.over there 3.高的 4.pretty 5.哪里 6.来自 7.英国的 8.美国的 9.washington 10.在这里 11.著名的 12.expensive 13.美丽的 14.英俊的 15.等待

16.看见,看到 17.伦敦

18.nationality Lesson 12 1.describe 2.short 3.中国的 4.法国的 5.胖的 6.thin 7.actress Lesson 13 1.妈妈 2.favourite 3.长的 4.书包 5.给

6.我(宾格)7.请 8.给你

9.pencil-case 10.东西 11.放,摆

12.no harm done!13.谢谢!14.爸爸 Lesson 14 1.箱子 2.小的 3.球 4.盒子 5.大的 6.干净的 7.茶杯 8.dirty 9.floor 10.thick 11.thin 12.在…下面 13.床 14.轻的 15.plate 16.重的 17.shelf 18.cupboard Lesson 15 1.bump 2.夜

3.wake up 4.听 5.那里 6.noise 7.起居室 8.burglar 9.nonsense!10.厨房 11.torch 12.给你。13.小心!14.有人,某人 15.downstairs

16.完全清醒的 17.我们(主格)18.所有 19.卧室 20.花园 Lesson 16 1.门

2.secretary 3.篮子 4.bowl 5.苹果 6.桔子 7.房子 8.在…附近9.河 10.树 Lesson 17 1.pink 2.这些是… 3.pyjamas 4.他们(宾格)5.他们(主格)6.bright red 7.有点,稍微 8.衬衣

9.pure white 10.washing machine 11.可爱的 12.那些 Lesson 18 3.sock Lesson 19 1.跳 2.hurry 3.公共汽车 4.wait a minute 5.快点儿!6.慢的

7.噢,天啊!8.学校 9.当然 10.gee!11.人

12.never mind!13.妈妈 14.空的 Lesson 21 1.smart 2.这些 3.outfit

4.戏剧,演出 5.(两者)都 6.elegant 7.有趣的 8.领带,领结 10.颜色鲜艳的 11.unusual 12.鞋 13.合适的 14.part Lesson 23

1.正好,恰恰是2.像…一样 3.爸爸(昵称)4.show 5.drawing 6.亲爱的 7.muscle 8.强壮的 9.小的 10.gymnast 11.可能,或许 12.坏的 13.好极的 Lesson 24 1.又,再 2.weak 3.工人 4.丑陋的 5.dark 6.blonde 7.孩子 8.男学生 9.学生

10.office worker Lesson 25

1.晚的,迟到的2.早的 3.时间 4.几点了? 5.…点钟 6.小孩,孩子 7.匆忙地 8.上学迟到 9.不用谢。10.叫,称为 11.走,去 12.让我们 13.哇!

14.表示感叹!15.speed 16.大门 17.shut 18.慢的 19.快的 Lesson 26 1.几点了? 2.开着的 Lesson 27 1.catch 2.罐,坛 3.准备就绪的 4.停止 5.不能 6.带来



1.突出复习。由于本教材是参照语法大纲、循序渐进的编排的,由浅入深,注重新旧知识的结合。所以,课堂上前二十分钟的复习十分关键。突出复习的作用就在于让学生在学习新知识前巩固所学过的知识,这样才可以在良好扎实的基础上,更容易、更清楚的接受新知识。尤为重要的是,每堂课的复习并不只局限于上一次所学习的内容,是可以以分类式复习来温习所有相关的知识的,正符合本教材的特点,即语法内容以线性的形式呈现给学生,从而持续不断的复习并重复所学内容。例如,《新概念英语青少版》1A Unit1Unit7中都在不断学习特殊疑问句,在学习Unit 8前我给学生列出了所有学过的特殊疑问词:what, which, who, whose, where, when, how等,让学生回想所学过的有关句型,并举例练习。这样,学习Unit 8时,相关知识就可以“不点即通”了。这样就可以让学生真正灵活掌握所学知识,而且可以用旧知识去学习新知识。


3.突出课件。我校教师还为本教材每个单元的教学制作了相关课件,是教授语法的关键。突出课件的作用是可以让学生在学习语法时,与画面相结合,更易理解语法结构和意思。例如,在《新概念英语青少版》1A中Unit3的课件中,既有Robert骑在自行车上的图片,也有Mr.Jenkins打伞的图片等等。同时,在图片旁边还配有相关的句型结构:Who is that boy? Who’s that man? 用这样的方式教授由Who引导的特殊疑问句时,学生就可以立即明白是什么意思,并且可以仿照造句、灵活运用了。



6.完全清醒地 7.车轮,轮子 8.欢迎,受欢迎的 9.洗衣机 10.独特的 11.雨伞 12.丑陋的 13.口渴的 14.东西 15.厚的 16.他们的 17.老师 18.出租车 19.学生 20.强壮的 21.街道 22.速度

23.神气的,时尚的 24.姐妹 25.银色的 26.关闭的

27.出示,给……看 28.衬衣

29.架子,隔板 30.秘书 31.河 32.裁判员 33.睡衣裤 34.邮递员 35.摄影师

36.也许,可能(P开头)37.人们,人 38.服装 39.办公室 40.噪声

41.侄子,外甥 42.邻居 43.国籍 44.肌肉 45.手机 46.分钟

47.可能,也许(M开头)48.可爱的 49.起居室 50.轻的

51.刀子 52.厨房 53.跳

54.有趣的(I开头)55.在……前面 56.主意 57.丈夫

58.快点儿(词组)59.饥饿的 60.家庭主妇 61.马 62.重的 63.英俊的 64.体操运动员 65.灰色的 66.极好的

67.说长道短,闲谈 68.女孩儿 69.花园 70.新鲜的 71.花 72.场地 73.最喜欢的 74.父亲 75.著名的 76.家,家庭 77.公平的 78.昂贵的 79.每个人 80.空的 81.优雅的 82.连衣裙 83.楼下 84.医生 85.脏的 86.描述 87.女儿 88.橱柜

89.堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐们90.颜色鲜艳的 91.学院 92.抓住


(一)Unit1 meet the family 1),介绍自己及自己的家人,this is 的用法。把this is的句子变成肯否定句,及一般疑问句,肯否回答。2),复习【i】及【i:】ee,ea,e-e,e的音 第3,4课

(二)Unit2 what is it?

1),What is this ?/ what is that ?----答:this is …/ that is … / it’s ….(两者都可用)Whose is the bike ?

it’s one’s.What color is one’s bike?

It’s… 2),复习【e】e【æ】a 第5,6,7课

(三)Unit3 who’s that ? 1),问那边的人是谁?who is that boy/ girl/ man/ woman ? 2),the boy / girl/woman / man is on the pink bike/the white horse 3)the boy / girl /woman / man with the black umbrella 4)the boy / girl /woman / man in the red car 5)she is Paul’s brother.6)复习【】o 【】a au augh our 第8,9,10课


Robert isn’t well 1),how are you ?--I am fine/very well/ I am happy/ just so so / … 2), what’s the matter with him ? he is hot/ have a cold … 3), is Robert hungry or thirsty ? –he isn’t hungry…he is thirsty.4)复习【u】put book look woman good foot【u:】do ,you who ,ruler, blue, suit, too 第11,12课

(五)Unit5 meet the neighbours!1)what do you do ?/ what’s your job? / what are you ?(问职业的句型)2)Are you a teacher ? yes/no…

3)[]but come husband hungry umbrella young

[a:] 第13,14,15课时


gossip!1),介绍人的长相,外貌特征,职业,来自哪里,where are you come from?/ where do you come from ? 2),what nationality is that student ? 3),辅音 [p]

[b] 第16,17课时

(七)Unit7 where’s my pen ? 1), 问物体的具体方位,one 的用法 2)方位介词的用法 in,on, under,3)复习[t] [d] 第18,19,20课时

(八)Unit8 a bump in the night!1)there be句型的用法

2)there be 句型的肯否定句,一般疑问句,肯否回答 3)复习辅音 [k] [g] 第21,22课时

(九)Unit 9 red, white and …pink

1)讲解颜色在外国表达的不同意思,跟中国有什么区别 2)不同颜色的表达,深红… 3)Are my dogs brown ? yes/ no 4)复习what color is the…? 5)复习辅音[s]

[z] 第23,24课时

(十)Unit 10 jump in!1)部分形容词的正反义词 2)[ө] [] 3)Are you bag empty? – no , it isn’t , my bag is full 第25,26,27课

(十一)Unit 11 very smart!1)舞会服装的展示

2)Whose tie is this ?

it’s robert’s 3)Whose ties are those ?

they are paul’s 4)Is this robert’s tie ? yes, it is/no, it isn’t ,this is paul’s 5)Are these paul’s ties ?.yes, they are / no, they aren’t.they are Robert’s 6)this bedroom is very good/bright/young/colourful/ dirty/ interesting/ 6)复习[ei]


(十二)Unit 12 just like you!1), 介绍人的外形,高矮,胖瘦,2)句型 show me …

3)these men here/over there are very tall/young/cleve 4)名词不规则变化 women , men , children ,people….5)辅音[ai] 第31,32,33课时(十三)Unit13 late or early

1)what a speed!What a car!What +a/an +n+it + is!2)what time is it ? / when do you get up? 3)What day is it today ?

it’s ….4)Lucy and I are both hungry.Both…and…的用法 5)语音[oi] oy oi 第34,35,课时(十四)Unit 14 one, two ,three, catch!1)this one ? no, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one(one的用法)it 和one的简单区分 2)复习学过的句型

3)Give me / him/ her/ us/ them/ two books beside that table.4)代词的用法(主格和宾格的用法)5)Beside, in, behind, on, in, under的用法 6)语音[ou] oa ow

o-o 第36,37课时

(十五)Unit 15

that’s not fair!1)there be 句型的运用

2)how many + 名词复数+are there…? 3)How much + 不可数名词+ is there …? 4)Some,any 的用法 5)名词可数,不可数 6)语音 [au] ow ou ou 第38,39,40,课时(复习)1)there be 句型




()1.how many

A.再、、、、、、前面()2.in front of

B.多少()3.You’re welcome

C.好的()4.in a hurry

D.急忙地()5.all right

E.不用谢 二.给下列单词找出相应的对应词.(10分)






E.short 三.根据句子的内容选出合适的单词,把序号填入括号中。(30分)()1.A: Who is that girl?

B: _______

A.It is a cat.B.He is Jim.C.She is Susan.()2.There ___ ten dogs under the tree? A.are



()3.What’s your name? _____ name is Lucy.A.His



()4.A: _______ time is it? B: It’s two.A.Where



()5.Is the boy tall or ______?


B.short C.sad

()6.Are there any apples on the table? ___.A.Yes, there is.B.Yes, there are

C.Yes, there aren’t

()7.A: ______ is this flower?

B:It’s red..A.Which


C.What colour()8.A: _____is that girl?B: She is in the bedroom.A.Who

B.What C.Where

()9.A: Give me my book,please? B: ______

A.No harm done


C.Here you are

()10.Where ______ my pen?





()1.你第一次见到Lucy,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说: ______

A.Me too

B.Nice to meet you

C.Good afternoon()2.想问你同学的钢笔是什么颜色的,你应该这样说: ______ A.What’s your name

B.What do you do ?

C.What colour is your pen?()3 表示“ 这是我最喜欢的领带”的是那一句?

A.I like my tie.B.Those are my favorite ties.C.It’s my favorite tie.()4表示“ 等一会儿”的是那一句?

A.Wait a minute.B.Here you are.C.Of course.()5 下面哪个词组是“上车”的意思?

A.Come on.B.Never mind.C.Jump in.五.请把相对应的字母写在每题数字前。(15分)

A.I’m a student.()

1)What colour is his new tie?

B.Yes, I am.()

2)What do you do?

C.It’s red.D.She isn’t very well.()3)Where is Robert?()4)What’s the matter with her?()5)Are you hungry?


篇8:青少版新概念1A unit1---unit

tall short big little fat thin  新课标词汇:

tall short big little fat thin

 课文重点:

1)、he is/she is的用法

eg.He is tall./She isn’t tall


Here you are!Thank you! 重点语法:

He’s=he is

she’s=she is

He isn’t=he is not

she isn’t=she is not


Period 1 Step1 :Greeting(2m)Step2: Grouping(3m)Step3: warm up(7min)、Call number Step4: Review(8min)复习上个单元所学的数字单词以及重点语法对话 Step5:Presentation(20min)

请两个同学上来,让小朋友们根据他们的身高和体型来形容他们的外貌,由此引出今日需要学习的重点单词 Step6:Practice Tall Drill:touch and say

I do you say



Drill:jump and say


big :

Drill:paper scissor stone



Drill:call number


Fat Drill:high&low voice

掌握字母f的发音,掌握单词的发音,意思以及记忆 thin

Drill:magic fingers


Step 4: 整合所有单词(15min)Drill:hide and seek

Period 2 Step 1: warm up(7min)Step 2: Review the key words(8min)Drill:Play hopsctch Step 3:听写(8m)Step 3:语法讲解

1.讲陈述句输出 He is tall.2.如何将陈述句变成问句:Is he tall.3.邀请一位同学上前来,让同学用英语形容他的外貌,由此引出今日的语法He is tall.4.句子He is tall.输出完了以后让小朋友练习句型,并且将She代入句子

接着再问Is he tall?小朋友就会给出回答。

Step 3:开书认读(第一篇课文)(7m)Step 4:开书认读(第二篇课文)(7m)Step 5:Role play 让小朋友分角色上台表演课文内容 Step 6:课堂小结

重点单词:tall short big little fat thin 口语表达:Here you are!Thank you!语法重点:He’s=he is

she’s=she is He isn’t=he is not

she isn’t=she is not 口语表达:Here you are!Thank you!


Period1 Step1:greeting(3m)Step2:grouping(3m)Step3:warm-up(5m)

Let’s sing the Season Song Step4:Review

复习上个单元所学的单词和重点句型 Step5:Presentation(20m)

请两个同学上来,让小朋友们根据他们的身高和体型来形容他们的外貌,由此引出今日需要学习的重点单词 Step6:Practice tall Drill:touch and say

I do you say



Drill:jump and say


big :

Drill:paper scissor stone



Drill:call number


fat Drill:high&low voice

掌握字母f的发音,掌握单词的发音,意思以及记忆 thin

Drill:magic fingers


Step 4: 整合所有单词(15min)Drill:hide and seek Period2:


Hide and seek Step2:review the key words(10m)

Drill:play hopsctch Step3:Listen and chant(20m)

T:Open your book turn to page 65,Listen and filling the blanks(由chant 引出今日的重点语法)He’s=he is

she’s=she is

He isn’t=he is not

she isn’t=she is not



重点单词:tall short big little fat thin 重点语法:He’s=he is

she’s=she is

He isn’t=he is not

she isn’t=she is not


Period1 Step1:greeting(3m)Step2:grouping(3m)Step3:warm-up(5m)

Let’s play happy happy together。Step4:Review the key words(20m)

Drill:whisper and say.Call number Dictation(听写单词)


让学生两个人一组自己找搭档,将课文内容分角色表演出来。Step8:Listen and chant(10m)

T:Open your book turn to page 65,Listen and filling the blanks(由chant 引出今日的重点语法)He’s=he is

she’s=she is

He isn’t=he is not

she isn’t=she is not

Step4:Practice(10m)Period2 Step1:warm-up

Play hide and seek Step2:情景表演


T:Open your book,turn to page 66,finish partA-D Step4:语音:字母e在单词中的发音

Lake bike rose Step5:课堂小结

重点单词:tall short big little fat thin 口语表达:Here you are!Thank you!语法重点:He’s=he is

she’s=she is He isn’t=he is not

she isn’t=she is not

篇9:青少版新概念1A unit1---unit

L,M,N,O,P的基本发音以及书写。 重点词汇:

blue leg mouth nose yellow orange pig  新课标词汇:

blue leg mouth nose yellow orange pig  课文重点:

1)、Look at开头的祈使句

e.g: Look at the my yellow leg!



Ha!Ha!Oops!Bad dog! 重点语法:


my yellow leg,your red nose.2.复习不定冠词a/an的用法

教案:Unit3一周一次 Period 1 Step1:

Greet and warm up(3min)

Game: happy happy together Step 2: Review


T flash cards and leads ss to review words in unit 2.Step 3: Lead-in and Explain



Drill: ①自然拼读



Drill: ①自然拼读 ②catch and say



Drill: ①自然拼读 ②jump &say



Drill: ①自然拼读

Step 4: Review words:(5min)

blue leg mouth nose yellow(point and say/play hopsctoch)Step5: 课文内容(15min)First time: listen to the CD

Second time: repeat sentence by sentence Third time: 分析课文中以look at 开头的祈使句,以及名词+形容词形式 重点练习

Period 2 Step 1: Greeting and warm up


Teacher says Step 2: Review


闪卡复习单词:blue leg mouth nose Step 3:

(10min)orange: 单词较长,需要反复操练单词发音直至学生掌握

Drill: ①自然拼读 ②颜色词汇扩充,复习颜色单词



Drill: ①自然拼读② 动物词汇扩充 Step 4:(5min)整合游戏(Review all the words)① Point and say ② play the piano Step 5:课文情景对话(20min)


Step 6: Production


1.单词 2.日常短语 3.不定冠词的用法 4.形容词+名词的表达形式




Period 1 Step1:

Greet and warm up(3min)

Game: happy happy together

Step 2: Review


T flash cards and leads ss to review words in unit 2.Step 3: Lead-in and Explain



Drill: ①自然拼读



Drill: ①自然拼读 ②catch and say



Drill: ①自然拼读 ②jump &say



Drill: ①自然拼读

Step 4: Review words:(5min)

blue leg mouth nose yellow(point and say/play hopsctoch)Step5: 课文内容(15min)First time: listen to the CD

Second time: repeat sentence by sentence Third time: 分析课文中以look at 开头的祈使句,以及名词+形容词形式 重点练习

Period 2 Step 1: Greeting and warm up


Teacher says Step 2: Review


闪卡复习单词:blue leg mouth nose Step 3:

(10min)orange: 单词较长,需要反复操练单词发音直至学生掌握

Drill: ①自然拼读 ②颜色词汇扩充,复习颜色单词



Drill: ①自然拼读② 动物词汇扩充 Step 4:(5min)整合游戏(Review all the words)② Point and say ② play the piano Step 5:课文情景对话(20min)


Step 6: Production


1.单词 2.日常短语 3.不定冠词的用法 4.形容词+名词的表达形式

教案:一周二次 第二次课


Step1 Greeting and divide group

(3min)Step2 warm up(3min)

Big wind blows Step3.情景对话(第一篇课文)




3rd:讲解短语look at(看)以及形容词性物主代词(my/ your)+形容词+名词结构

a.Look at my blue leg b.look at your green mouth







Bad dog!---生气的(当小狗做错事惹主人生气的时候);





3rd: 复习unit 1&unit 2口语部分。

Page16&14.B(listen and say)(4min)

Period2 Step1.warm up

(2min)(up and down)Step2.Review words(5min)(闪卡)Step3.Review Lesson1&lesson2 Part A(10 min)Step4.Sing a song(Lesson 2 part D listen and sing)(10 min)

T 播放MP3,ss listen to the MP3 for a few times.SS 分组PK。

Step5.完成活动手册(17 min)Step7.课堂小结


本单元所学重点单词: blue leg mouth nose yellow

重点语法:形容词性物主代词(my/ your)+形容词+名词结构

篇10:青少版新概念1A unit1---unit

meet the family 重点单词:neighbour, sports academy, art college, writer, husband, everybody, 重点句型:what do you do?

What’s your/ her/ his job?

Are you + 职业?Is he/ she + 职业? 教学用具:碟片,带有各色图标的地图,色子。教学过程: 单课lesson9 一,引入;

老师: I have a new friend, he is tall and thin, he has brown shoes…….Who is he ?(让同学根据老师的形容猜出学生的名字)

T:Nowpaul has a new neighbor, she has short bair, black dress, Who is she?(让学生阅读课文,找出正确答案:she is Claire.(先回答出来的队伍为猎豹队,得到郑凯头像,另一队为猪队,得到陈赫头像)二,生词和短语

meet,neighbour, sports academy, nice, art college, aunt—uncle, writer, husband—wife, everybody, welcome, 1,写出音标,分音节,让学生拼读,再纠正。



nice: 美好的,a nice name,口语句型:nice to meei you.How nice!Sports:体育的,运动的;

(sport 的复数形式短语do sports,)Art:名词艺术,美术,如 I like art.形容词,艺术的,art class;职业 artist.Writer 作家,(write 写,write homework= do homework)Welcome: you’re welcome.Welcome to our school.二,课文理解


Who is claire?

What does Claire do? Is she at the sports academy? ,2.重点句型;

A, what do you do ?

what does he/ she do? I’m a/an + 职业。复习所写职业:(doctor, nurse, policeman,postman,singer,teacher,)

B, I’m at the sports academy.介词 at 的用法(表示时间;“……点”如 at nine.)

(表示地点,用于详细,小范围的地方,如 at school, at the door)3.看碟片,模仿发音。然后分组分图片,进行课堂对话。4.游戏“一只蛤蟆”被抓的队伍读课文,没被抓的投色子。三,对话练习

A,讲解Is ….?句型提问的回答方式,yes, it is.No , it isn/t.现场抽同学回答问题

B,复习特殊疑问词,who whose,where,how many


C,讲解问题,学生回答。四,讲解练习册 五,课堂练习六,家庭作业 双课lesson10 一,greeting what day is it today? What’s the weather like today? What colour is…..? how many…..are there? What do you do ? 二,speak a chant 三,Review 1. 提问课文相关内容,学生回答。


(回答正确的学生可以选择一个颜色作为自己的队名),2,句子接力赛(老师随意说出课文里的一句话,学生接下一句)四,pronunciation 1复习音标/^// a: / 2写出相应的音标,让学生给音标找单词。

2,集体分音节,拼读发音。(表现好的队伍,抽颜色,最先收集彩虹的队伍获胜)五,learning her , job ,housewife, policeman, postman, actor, actress, photographer,accountant 1,复习所学职业,较长的单词,拆分音节后拼读。3,击掌传单词,photographer, accountant,加强练习。


六,pattern practice 1, be 动词的拍手歌,集体进行背诵。我用am,你用are,is 用于她他它 单数名词用is,复数名词要用 are,变否定,be后not莫丢弃


2,现场提问学生,is he /she a teacher? 引导学生回答,并且引入句型。A;Look at him, Is he a teacher? B;No, he isn’t.He’s a student.ou 表格复习宾语





we they Me you



us them 每个同学选择一幅图片,进行造句,完成的可以参加大风吹游戏,并且说出自己的句型,得到一种颜色。3,A;Are you a teacher?

B;No, I’m not.A’Are you a student?

B;Yes ,I am.提问学生,引入句型,然后进行拍卖句型。

5,由what do you do? 引入同义句 what’s your job?,然后延伸出句型

What’s his / her job? 复习形容词物主代词,的职业。

篇11:青少版新概念1A unit1---unit





2._________________________ 3.__________________________

4._________________________ 5._________________________


family__________ nephew__________ daughter __________


cousin __________


stupid __________ flower__________ wheel __________

silver__________ 儿子__________ 老师__________ 灰色__________ 年轻的__________ 女孩__________ 母亲__________ 马__________ 医生__________ 热的__________ 冷的__________


What about






What’s the matter



What colour 1.A: What’s your name?

B: My ______ is Lucy.2.A: How do ______ do? B: How do you do? 3.A: ______ is this? B: It’s a wheel.4.A: ______ is it? B: It’s red.5.A: ______ are you.B: I’m very well.Thank you.6.A: ______ with him? B: I’m not sure.7.A: ______ to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.8.A: ______ the doctor? B: The doctor’s very busy.9.A: Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? B: ______ Mrs.Jenkins.10.A: ______ is this pen?

B: It’s my pen.四、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(10分)

1)My n_______(名字)is William Jenkins.2)Karen is my w______(妻子).3)Nice to m______(遇见)you.4)It’s a g________(绿色)hat.5)It’s a s________(银色)key.6)The boy i___(在……l里面)the white car.7)The woman w_____(戴着)the black hat.8)The doctor is very b_______(忙碌的).9)You are r______(正确的).10)He’s a s____________(学生).五、用缩略形式写出下列句子。(10分)

1.It is my white hat._________________________ 2.That is Rorbert’s bicycle.______________________________ 3.It is not a red umbrella.______________________________ 4.What is that? ______________________________ 5.Paul is Karen’s nephew.______________________________


1.(silver bicycle/Robert)

(green coat/Karen)A: Whose is the silver bicycle?

________________________________ B: The silver bicycle is Robert’s.________________________________

2.(Robert/ bicycle/red/silver)

(Lucy/horse/white/grey)A: Is Robert’s bicycle red?

_________________________ B: No, it isn’t._________________________ A: Is his bicycle silver?

_________________________ B: Yes, it is._________________________ 3.(William/thirsty/not hungry)

(Karen/hot/not cold)A: Is William thirsty or hungry?

_________________________________ B: He isn’t hungry.He’s thirsty._________________________________ 4.(Whose/umbrella/William)

(Whose/key/Paul)A: Whose is the umbrella?

_________________________ B: It’s William’s._________________________ 5.(Karen’s hat/green)

(Robert’s bicycle/silver)A: What colour is Karen’s hat?

_________________________________ B: Karen’s hat is green._________________________________

五、翻译下列句子。(15分)1.The young man in the old car._________________________________ 2.What’s the matter with him?

_________________________________ 3.Better safe than sorry._________________________________ 4.Is it a bird?

上一篇:深圳工改政策下一篇:新课程标准下的初中语文作业设计 何艳连