





超星外语培训学校 耿玉秋

1.Can you give some tips on how to improve your oral English?

There are many ways to expand your oral English.Learning is a process, so you must continually work at it and little by little, you will make improvement with your skills.The easiest way is to talk to the people whose English level is superior to yours.There are many people whose language skills may be better such as teachers, foreigners, school mates and even friends.Don’t be afraid to talk to them in English, they will probably enjoy it too.Practice your listening skill.Listen to how others speak especially people from different countries.With all the various idioms, dialects, and habits from English speakers from around the world, you can pick up new ways to say the same phrases.For example, greetings vary from country to country, such as;‘hello’, ‘g’day’, ‘morning’, or ‘even how you doing’.Reading in English or watching news or shows is also a great tool to use.Things to read may consist of short stories, books, newspapers or even online information.Fnding movies and TV shows is easy, plentiful and inexpensive so students should take advantage of this good wealth.Last, make sure touse the right words at right time to the1

right people.In most cases, it’s better to use simpler words correctly rather than big fancy words that are wrong.To find the correct words, you must think about things in the English way.Since Chinese and English are very different languages, straightforward translation doesn’t always work.So like I said, make sure you use the right words at right time to the right people.2.How to change a bad mood?

We all experience bad moods occasionally, for it is impossible to be happy all the time.We may feel sad or pessimistic, even angry with the whole world, when we are in a bad mood.This is normal, but it is important to know how to change our mood.The first step is self-awareness.We must recognize our bad feelings before we can do something about them.It is no use trying to ignore them.Instead, we must make the decision not to be a sourpuss(坏脾气的人).Once we have made up our minds to cheer up, it is time to take action.One thing we can do is exercise.Physical activity is stimulating and can lift our spirits.Another way to improve our mood is to find something fun to do.We can indulge in something we enjoy, such as a movie or a trip to the park, or buy ourselves a special treat.Finally, we can seek out a loyal friend.A good friend will listen to our complaints, and his companionship will make us feel better.3.What is your view of “White Lies”?(善意的谎言)

We have all been taught that it is wrong to tell lies, and yet we all tell little lies every day.These are white lies and, in my opinion, they are perfectly okay.We don’t tell white lies to hurt others or gain some advantage.On the contrary, we tell them to make others feel better.White lies can accomplish many things.First of all, they can hide painful truths and thereby prevent heartache and suffering.At times, white lies are better than the truth.Second, white lies can encourage others.They are a potent psychology that can turn a life around.Third, they can bring happiness.Without white lies, children would not have our culture.Everyone tells them because they make communication easier and more pleasant.In conclusion, although we all know that honesty is the best policy, sometimes a white lie is more appropriate than the truth.White lies are harmless and useful and they make this world a better place.4.Suppose you will graduate next summer, will you find a job or further your education? Why?

Wow, what a decision, on the one hand, going to work sounds like a good idea.There’s nothing better than earning some money, especially if it’s your first job and income.Sometimes it’s nice when your parents give you pocket money, but earning your own gives you a feeling of importance.When I earn my own living, I can go anywhere and buy what ever I desire.Also if I start employment now, I might be able to improve my standing at work

and be promoted at an early age.So as you can see, there are many great reasons to find a job after graduating this summer.On the other hand, The more education you receive,the higher and better the position you’ll get when you start work.This would be even truer if you are seeking a professional position such as a doctor, lawyer or even a scientist.Unfortunately, the high cost of education makes it prohibited to stay in school for too many years.If your parents can’t afford it, you may not have the choice as to what you want to do.Getting the best education possible is always in your best interest.As a former teacher once told me, “Knowledge is Power” Since I want to get into politics, I’ll require far more schooling and my parents are endorsing my decision.They are happy to assist me knowing that as I succeed at a government job, I’ll be better able to care for them as they become older.They have sacrificed so much for me;it will be my pleasure to do something to repay them when I’ll have the opportunity。5.Talk about keeping a promise.Some people say that promises are made to be broken.That certainly seems to be true in this cutthroat society that we live in.but if you break your promise, you will ruin your reputation and no one will trust you anymore.So whenever we say, “ I give you my word.” We should mean it.In fact, it isn’t so difficult to keep promises.Just remember never to promise anything we are not sure we can live up to.In short, therefore, to be trustworthy, we should always say what we mean and mean what we say.
