




















同学们在课前准备好适合学科学习的笔记本, 听课前先复习前面的笔记, 并预习新的学习内容。

在预习时要学会带着问题思考, 问题的产生都是围绕课题、框题主题, 也就是在主题前面加上“为什么说”“怎样理解”“什么是”“怎么样”等疑问代词, 问题就产生了。预习的关键在于善于发现问题和提出问题。在自主预习时, 标示出不理解的地方。培养良好的学习预习习惯, 必须要有决心、有恒心、有自信心。课前预习是学习过程中的起始阶段, 只要坚持就能达到良好的效果。

二、课堂上专心听讲, 做好笔记, 积极参与


课堂准备。上课前要准备好课本和相关的辅助资料, 集中精神等待老师和学习课堂的到来。

在《道德与法治》课堂里, 教师为了生动形象、简洁明了地让学生知道、了解、感悟、内化相关知识, 会结合多种形式和方法进行教学, 就需要同学们摒除与课堂无关的想法和行动, 全身心投入到课堂里, 当需要讨论时认真听取老师的讨论要求, 热烈投入讨论中积极提出自己的观点和看法;需要看视频讨论总结时, 全神贯注地看视频思考相关问题, 讨论汇报时大胆说出自己的见解、想法;需要同学进行小品表演时, 积极参与, 结合生活实际体味小品中的真实情景, 说出自己所思所想;需要我们通过听故事案例启发思考时, 认真听老师讲故事或者案例, 发表自己的意见…‥总之在课堂上, 我们同学要做到尊重老师, 尊重同学, 尊重课堂, 尊重班级, 积极参与。专心听老师讲课、同学发言, 积极参与辩论、讨论、表演、发言、汇报, 提升自己的综合能力和学科素养。


要求同学们在课后复习课堂上老师讲解的知识要点和重难点。复习阶段可以同桌互问互答;可以选择播放相关知识视频语音, 边做其他事情边听;可以是老师课堂上反复提问加深记忆。如此循环复习, 利于巩固知识。

在复习中遇到难懂、易混淆不清的知识点, 可以请教学习相对优秀的同学, 也可以和老师交流加深理解。多和老师交流沟通, 能帮助我们在交流中巧妙的加深对知识的理解和运用, 掌握更好的学习方法, 以便更好更快地学习、成长。


《道德与法治》注重的是对同学们素质和法律意识的培养, 也就是学生意识形态方面的培养, 因此很少有纸质的课后作业, 大多都是需要通过实际行动来完成的。为加强知识记忆, 巩固已有知识, 在课堂上老师会要求同学做一些课堂练习题, 这也是一种把知识转化运用到实际生活中的形式, 同学们通过做练习题了解生活中解决问题的方式方法, 因此要求同学们认真做课堂练习, 注意掌握各种不同题型 (选择题、参与题、简答题、评析题、实践探究题) 的解题方法, 通过审题、分析问题、解决问题来达到训练和巩固已学到的知识。


关心时事、广泛阅读, 这有利于同学们学好《道德与法治》这门课程。这就要求同学们多看新闻, 多阅读课外书本, 扩充知识。我们可以通过收听网络时事新闻、阅读时事刊物、看报纸等途径了解时事, 关心国家大事。



1. How did you s____ your winter vacation?

2. My sister e____ playing chess.

3. Do you r____ Ms Zhang, our English teacher?

4. Don’t eat or d____ in the library.

5. Bob has to p____ playing the guitar every day.


1. One of the students always ____(play) soccer in the hallway.

2. Jack ____(take) me to the library yesterday.

3. There ____(be) a zoo, two banks, and four libraries in our city.

4. Jenny wants ____(see) the giraffes.

5. Thanks for ____(ask) me to go to the party.


1. “Is he ____?” “No, he’s of medium height.”

A. popular B. youngC. shortD. heavy

2. “The girl ____ long black hair is Angela.” “Yes, she is ____ a white T-shirt.”

A. in; inB. with; inC. in; withD. on; in

3. “What do you want for dessert?” “I’d like ____.”

A. a bowl of noodlesB. some fish

C. rice and chickenD. fruit and ice cream

4. The sunglasses ____ expensive. How much ____ the banana ice cream?

A. are; areB. are; isC. is; isD. is; are

5. “____ was your summer vacation?”“It was pretty good.”

A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. What

6. “I love Sports News. What about you?” “____. It’s too boring.”

A. I don’t mind itB. I like it very much

C. I can’t stand itD. I do, too

7. “Where is Peter?” “He ____ volleyball with his friends in the school gym.”

A. playsB. is playingC. played D. would play

8. The teacher let each of us ____ a story.

A. readsB. tellsC. toldD. read

9. “What does Sue ____?” “She’s tall with brown curly hair.”

A. look likeB. think ofC. look forD. think about

10. Mum made the two brothers ____.

A. stop fightingB. stop to fightC. stopped fightingD. stopped to fight

11. It’s ____ cold this morning, isn’t it?

A. a kind ofB. a bit ofC. kinds ofD. a bit

12. “Can I help you?” “____.”

A. Here you areB. You’re cleverC. I’m sorryD. Yes, please

13. ____ play soccer in the hallways!

A. NotB. Can’tC. Don’tD. Be not

14. They discussed for an hour and ____ where to go on vacation.

A. decideB. decidedC. decidingD. is deciding

15. “____ she have to wear a uniform on school days?” “Yes, she ____.”

A. Is; isB. Did; hadC. Does; doesD. Does; has


One day Tom and his mother were on their way home from the market. Mother __1__ a stick(棍) and stopped. “Here is a fine stick, Tom,” she said. “I’m __2__ it is not a drum. I know that you want to __3__ one.”

“Thank you, Mother. I know that you’ll buy me a drum if you have the __4__,” said Tom, taking the long __5__.

Soon __6__ met a woman. She was trying(正在试着) to start a fire(火), __7__ she couldn’t start it. “Here, use(用) the stick,” said Tom. The woman used the stick to start the fire. Then she __8__ Tom a piece of bread.

Next Tom and his mother met a man and a little girl. The girl was __9__, so Tom gave her his bread. “Here, __10__ this drum,” said the man. “Someone gave it to my daughter, but she doesn’t need it.”

1. A. wroteB. madeC. foundD. visited

2. A. lateB. oldC. happyD. sorry

3. A. seeB. haveC. drawD. know

4. A. moneyB. timeC. addressD. menu

5. A. drumB. stickC. pictureD. money

6. A. sheB. weC. theyD. it

7. A. ifB. becauseC. soD. but

8. A. showedB. gaveC. soldD. described

9. A. hungryB. tiredC. busyD. relaxed

10. A. washB. eatC. takeD. order



David Wang was a rich(富有的) young man. He often went out to dinner with friends. He usually went to the same restaurant, but the waiters there did not like him. David liked showing off(卖弄) and he always made fun(取笑) of the waiters. He often asked them difficult questions and then gave them the answers. He thought it was funny.

One day he took a beautiful girl to the restaurant. Her name was Maggie. David asked her, “What do you want to eat?” She opened the menu and looked at everything and then said, “Don’t those fish look good?”

David looked at them and said, “Yes, they do. I know a lot about fish.” Then he turned to the waiter and said, “Waiter, aren’t these fish French?”

“I don’t know,” answered the waiter. “They didn’t talk to me about it.”


1. From the story, we know that ____.

A. David was always kind to othersB. David often played jokes on the waiters

C. David and the waiter were friendsD. David liked eating French fish

2. Why didn’t the waiters like David? ____.

A. Because David liked girls very much

B. Because David was a rich young man

C. Because David asked them difficult questions

D. Because David didn’t like the food

3. What does the underlined word “them” refer to(指的是)? ____.

A. GirlsB. WaitersC. QuestionsD. Fish

4. David wanted his friends to think he ____.

A. was richB. knew a lotC. was a good cookD. was strict

5. What can we infer(推断) from the story? ____.

A. The fish could speak FrenchB. The fish were French

C. The waiter could speak FrenchD. The waiter didn’t like David’s questions


Message Board(留言板)


Call Jolin at 2261-9621.



Do your homework and study English. By the way, call Ken at 2936-4488.



I’m at Grandpa’s house. I made some tomato sandwiches. They’re on the kitchen table.



1. Where can Nina read the messages? ____.

A. At schoolB. At a bus stationC. At the post officeD. At home

2. Who asks Nina to do her homework? ____.

A. KenB. MumC. DadD. Eric

3. What will Nina do after reading Eric’s message? ____.

A. Call EricB. Eat tomato sandwiches

C. Call 2261-9621D. Go to Grandpa’s house

4. What did Mum do that day? ____.

A. She went to a storeB. She went to a movie

C. She went to buy sandwichesD. She went to see Nina’s grandpa

5. Who called Nina when she was out? ____.

A. Eric and DadB. Dad and MumC. Jolin and KenD. Ken and Eric


() 1. I have a sister. We live in the same room. She never stops talking. She often wears my clothes

and takes away my things. I can’t stand her any more.

() 2. I lost a black bag with a Sony CD player inside(在里面) on Friday night.

() 3. I’ll go to Paris on vacation next month but I can’t take my dog with me. What can I do?

() 4. I like to study math but I’m not good at English. In fact, I can’t speak or write.

() 5. I have too many lessons to learn. I’m tired these days. I never have any fun,


A. Go to your teacher for help and your classmates can also help you. Do more listening,reading, speaking and writing.

B. You can talk to your sister and make some rules. Rules can help you get along(相处) witheach other easily.

C. Go to the lost and found case. I saw one there. It may be your bag.

D. Talk to your friends, brother, sister or parents. They can help you feel better(更好).

E. Call your friends, classmates or cousins. Someone may help you look after(照顾) it.


Tom and John were brothers. They lived in the same room and were in the same class. One day, they had a fight, ①so they didn’t speak to each other for a few days. One Monday evening, Tom was very tired whenhe came back from school. He went to bed after supper. ②他没有对约翰说什么。③John helped his mother with the housework. Then he did some homework. When he went to bed, he found a piece of paper on the small table near his bed. On it were the words, “John, wake me up at 7 am, Tom.”

When Tom woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 am and on the small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read these words “Tom, wake up. It is 7 am, John.”

1. 把①处译成汉语:____________________________

2. 把②处译成英语:____________________________

3. 写出③的同义句:John helped his mother ____ the housework.


4. One evening John went to bed earlier than Tom.

5. John did not write anything the next morning.


1. She likes dumplings, fish, and orange juice. (改为否定句)

She ____ like dumplings, fish, ____ orange juice.

2. Nancy is reading a book now. (对划线部分提问)

____ is Nancy ____ now?

3. Gina often dances in the music hall after class. (用now改写句子)

Gina ____ ____ in the music hall now.

4. Li Lei comes from Canada. (改为同义句)

Li Lei ____ ____ Canada.

5. He played basketball last weekend. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ he ____ last weekend?


1. 我认为他不能来参加这个聚会了。

I ____ ____ he ____ come to the party.

2. 你为什么不喜欢这部电影呢?

____ ____ ____ ____ the movie?

3. 十点了。该睡觉了。

It’s 10 o’clock. It’s ____ ____ go to bed.

4. 我们想在晚饭前先喝点汤。

We ____ ____ drink some soup before dinner.

5. 下课后不要在走廊里跑。

____ ____ in the hallways ____ ____.


Lingling: Sally and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.

Daming: Oh, really? __1__?

Lingling: We drank tea and watched Beijing Opera.

Daming: __2__?

Lingling: We liked it very much. It was interesting and wonderful!

Daming: __3__?

Lingling: We stayed there for two hours.

Daming: Oh, you had a great time, didn’t you?

Lingling: Yes, __4__. Sally enjoyed it very much and we decided to watch it again next week.

Daming: __5__?

Lingling: Of course! We can go together then!


请根据下表内容,以My Mother’s Busy Day为题写一篇短文。要求:70词左右,语句通顺。

My Mother’s Busy Day





















