





作 者:徐莉林  作者单位:内蒙古农业大学,外语学院,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010018 刊 名:内蒙古社会科学  PKU CSSCI英文刊名:INNER MONGOLIA SOCIAL SCIENCES 年,卷(期): 26(4) 分类号:H159 关键词:广告商标翻译   中英文广告比较   翻译质量  


摘 要: 本文提出广告口号英汉翻译应注意的问题, 通过对大量的广告口号英汉翻译 实例进行分析, 从中探求可供广告口号英汉翻译参考、借鉴的方法。关键词: 广告口号,翻译,技巧

广告有五个组成要素:标题、正文、口号、附加材料(如公司名称、地址、电话号码、价格、印章等)和商标。口号是其中最引人注目的部分。它位于广告正文之后,由一个或多个短小精悍、琅琅上口、音韵铿锵、简单明了又便于记忆的句子组成, 它或形象精炼地总结产品的优点特色, 或言简意赅地点明公司或企业的形象、精神, 或是干净利索地号召消费者行动。某种产品的广告口号一旦确定, 则在相当长的一段时间内不会变动。好的 广告口号浓缩广告正文的精华, 在整个广告中起画龙点睛的作用,使人过目不忘。

进口物品的英文广告口号一般都短小精悍, 颇具魅力。如何使汉译的英文广告口号既能传达原文信息, 又易于为中国消费者接受并喜欢呢? 本文将就这个问题进行探讨。

广告口号翻译虽然和其他文体和翻译一样, 要注意原文信息的传达, 但广告口号翻译也有其特殊性, 译文主要功能是宣传商品, 促使人们的购买行为, 因此, 翻译不应该仅仅拘泥于追求语言文字和信息量的完全对等, 让汉语就范于英语的概念和意向, 而应该注意汉语读者的接受能力和汉语表达习惯, 以汉语读者为主体, 侧重目的语即汉语译文的功能, 根据中西文化差异作必要调整, 或再创作, 使汉译的广告口号最终能在功能上尽量与原文相符。在此前提下, 再考虑文字和信息尽可能的对等, 充分发挥广告口号的作用。

在具体的翻译过程中, 应当考虑使用如下技巧:



1)Kodak is Olympic Color.译: 柯达胶卷, 天国的色彩。2)New , Glamourwear Catalogue.译: 全新的, 魅力十足的内衣系列。

这两则广告口号汉译的共同之处是译者在商品品牌后加上说明商品具体内容的词语(“胶卷”、“内衣”), 使广告主体更加明确, 否则, 尽管也许有一些中国读者会知道柯达是胶卷, 但又有多少人知道 “魅力”是什么物品名称呢?

3)Improve the means of communication.译: 改善你的通讯手段。

作为消费者, 谁都希望得到特别的关注和服务。“你的”两字很具体, 让人感到亲切, 会使消费者感到自己是对方注意的中心, 由此产生满足感;而照顾消费者接受心理正是广告口号追求的目标, 因此,“你的”两字加得很好。

有时, 增加小小的标点符号会使广告口号产生意想不到的效果。我们来看看下面一个例子: 4)Wonder where the yellow went。.译: 奇怪, 黄板牙到哪里去了?

原句没有主语, 翻译起来颇为费神, 一个小小的逗号的增加, 使原句无主语的问题迎刃而解;一个问号,又使广告口号要体现的惊讶神情跃然纸上, 提起读者的好奇心, 引起读者的注意力, 广告口号的作用也因此实现。


删减法是指翻译时有意删掉原文某些成分, 使广告口号更加紧凑、完善的翻译手法。5)Making life a little sweeter.译: 让生活更加甜蜜。“让生活更加甜蜜”足以说明商品的优越性能及商品的追求, 句子结构完整,内容清楚, 没有必要画蛇添足地把句子译为“让生活更完善一点”, 故省去“a little”的翻译。

6)If people seem to work faster ,it’s not coffee.译: 有人工作效率真高, 那可不是咖啡的缘故。这 是一则办公用品的广告, 如果逐词直译, 原句将被译为:“如果有人的工作效率看起来更高一些, 那不是咖啡的缘故”。这个翻译冗长拖沓, 语气上也没有那么肯定。一般而言, 广告口号比较喜欢用肯定的语气, 让消费者对产品的功能感到信服, 从而对产品产生信任的感觉, 所以, 可以利用删减法, 将“If..”结构和“seems”删去不译, 使译文变为更简洁、语气更肯定的句子。


广告口号的语言特点之一就是词汇简单, 单音节词、短词和生造词较多, 句子简单, 因 此, 广告口号的汉语译文也应该尽量保持这种语言特征。

7)In just a few drops , this man’s skin is going to feel better.译: 滴上几滴, 这位男士的皮肤即臻舒适。

译文中第一个“滴”字用得较好, 解决了“in”引导的短句不太好译的问题, 但“即臻”这个词虽然从语言的角度上来说比较优雅, 用得很准确, 但考虑到广告面对的是普通的消费者,消费者的文化层次不同, 理解能力也有所不同, 所以从广告口号的最终功效来说, 不如将“即 臻”改为浅显易懂的“立感”合适, 让原句变为“皮肤立感舒适”。

当然, 选择简单的词汇并非完全不顾原文信息的传达, 既简单又准确的译文才是翻译的最终追求。

8)Only One Sensible Way to Make Connection.译: 唯一实用的联系方法。

Sensible 可指“实用”, 但不仅指“实用”, Sensible 是一个褒义形容词, 它对商品的性能、对人们对商品作出的选择态度含有一种十分赞赏的态度, 不如改译为“明智”。

对于生造词, 可以考虑用一些时髦的词汇来翻译, 或者采取灵活的译法使之变通。9)The Orangemostest Drink in the world..“Orangemostest”是杜撰出来的词汇, 它实际上是“Orange + most + est”, 由表示形容词最高级两种形式与orange 连用, 以显示这种橙汁饮料的质量上乘, 让消费者去想象, 暗示产品的独特。

译: 世界上最最优秀的橙汁。

“优秀”译得较自由, 是意译, 两个“最”字是由两种最高级形式演绎过来的, 把原文的最高级形式体现得活灵活现。

使原文简洁, 除了对个别字眼进行推敲以外, 还可以考虑套用汉语的成语、四字词组、俗语、谚语等, 这几种表达法言简意赅, 归纳性强, 简单易记, 为大众所熟悉, 用来翻译广告口号, 十分得体。如:

10)What a good time for good taste of Kent.译: 健牌香烟其味无穷, 其乐无穷。11)Winstons box makes a different.译: 云斯顿盒装烟与众不同。



在广告口号中有时会出现商品品牌。商品品牌的翻译除了要遵循品牌翻译自身一套规律(如易读、易记、褒义、联想丰富、紧凑、引人注目等)以外, 还应使物品品牌内容与广告内容紧密结合, 使广告口号在整体上更为完整, 从而产生美感。

12)Christy Towels revive the dry art.原译: Christy 毛巾再现干燥艺术。

13)Soft Sports.Really comfortable shoes.原译: Soft Sports 品牌,真正舒服的鞋。

这两则译文的通病是商品品牌名都未被译出, 这极大地影响了口号的完整性。两个品牌名并非独立于口号内容之外的, 它们和口号是有机的整体, 翻译时不应该被忽视。例12突出的是毛巾干爽的特点, 品牌名Christy 的字形有点象Christ , 有圣洁之意, 而它在发音上有点像Crispy(干脆的、干净利落的), 如把品名译为“洁爽”, 把口号汉语中的形容词“干燥”改为:“干爽”, 广告口号就焕然一新。改译: 洁爽毛巾再现干爽艺术。同样, 强调“舒服”特点的Soft Sport 鞋, 也可以改译为: 舒服特运动鞋,真正舒服的鞋!这样品牌名和口号前后呼应, 效果更佳。


心理学表明, 重复可以加深印象,而且重复的句型可以使阅读节省时间, 因此, 翻译时重复某些词语、特殊成分或句型, 可以增强广告口号的效果。

14)Go for sun and fun.原句只有一个动词, 如直译则为“寻找阳光和快乐”—一个平庸的译文, 但如果采用重复法, 效果则大不一样。

译: 寻求阳光, 寻求快乐。

译句中动词“寻求”重复, 四个字组成的动宾结构也重复, 译文不仅念起来顺口, 而且易记。


英语广告口号除了前面第三点中提到的语言特征以外, 还具有另外一个语言特征, 较多地利用修辞手法。由于英语汉语存在语言差异, 中西方文化也存在差异, 而这种差异在修辞上体现较突出, 所以修辞的翻译比较困难, 在翻译中, 我们可以尝试这样的方法: 1. 直译, 使译文保持原来的修辞手法。

15)Deliciously simple , Simply delicious.(回环)

译: 美味地道, 地道美味。(回环)16)Light as a breeze , soft as a cloud.(明喻)译: 轻飘飘如微风, 软绵绵如彩云。(明喻)17)Get a taste of the Rich Lif e.(双关)这个例句中, Rich Life 既是商品(一种食品)的品牌名, 也可以做普通意义上的“丰富多 彩的生活”之意解, 是个双关语, 这个句子与其译成“请品尝Rich Life , 那是你富有情趣的生 活”, 不如译为保住原句双关意义的汉语句子:

译: 请体验“多彩生活”的滋味。(双关)2.将原来的修辞手法以汉语另一种修辞手法或别的形式表现出来。18)The Spirits of America.(双关)这是一则美国烈酒广告。Spirits 可作“烈酒”, 也可作“精神”, 是双关语, 这样的双关语很难在汉语中找到意义完全对等的词汇, 故可用重复的手法将之译为: “美国烈酒, 美国精神。”这样, 双关语的双层意思就被两个重复的四字结构体现出来了。

19)Easier dusting by a stre2e2etch.(拟声仿形)

译: 拉拉会长, 除尘力强。

这里,“stretch”(延伸)是除尘布的牌子, 原文使用别出心裁的拟声和仿形的拼写方法, 而汉语改用“拉拉会长”代替原文直观视角感到的伸长之意。

20)Seven days without 72up will make one weak.这则七喜广告口号是从广为人知的俏皮语Seven days without water makes one weak 演变 而来的, 这个口号既利用谐音双关weak 和week , 又利用语义双关, one 可作代词“一个人” 解, 又可作数词“一个”解, 因此这则口号即可译为“七天为一个星期”, 又可译为“七天不喝七喜会使人软弱无力”, 这样双关佳句诙谐机智, 具有令人回味之妙处。译: 七天不喝七喜, 一周软弱无力。

21)Thirst come , thirst served.同样, 这则百事可乐口号套用了“First come , First served”(先来先有)这一谚语, 目的在于鼓动消费者快快行动, 否则“来迟就没有了”;同时, 被“篡改”的谚语还有“渴了就喝百事可乐”之意, 汉语的译文是“渴望无限”。汉语中的“渴望”一词同样是个双关语。这个翻译的精确和巧妙, 真是令人叫绝。

广告口号的英汉翻译没有固定模式, 应采取较为灵活的翻译方法, 尽量使汉语译文与原 文功效对等, 在这个前提下再考虑信息和文字的尽量对等。在广大翻译工作者的共同努力 下, 商品口号汉译出现了很多佳句, 如钻戒广告“钻石恒久远, 一颗永流传”(A diamond is for2 ever), 牛奶巧克力广告“只融在口, 不融在手”(Melts in your mouth , not in your hand), 肯德基炸鸡广告“吮指回味, 其乐无穷”(It’s finger licking good), 麦氏咖啡广告“滴滴香浓, 意犹未尽”(good to the last drop)等。把所有的广告口号译好, 使之皆成为佳句, 使之真正具有广告口号应有的AIDMA 功能(即Attention 吸引注意、Interest 引起兴趣、Desire 刺击欲望、Mem2ory 增强记忆、Action 促使行动), 这项翻译工作任重而道远。


改革开放以来, 我国市场经济繁荣发展, 同时信息技术革命也带来了社会意识形态的变革和物质的极大丰富, 人们的审美观念也发生了变化, 不再局限于对产品耐用、便宜等物理属性的关注, 而是更多地聚焦于返朴归真、个性化、时尚化等精神方面的享受。化妆品成了爱美人士的首选消费品, 面对巨大的市场, 各国化妆品牌纷纷抢占中国市场, 而化妆品广告的翻译自然就成了重中之重, 其翻译质量直接影响到产品的市场占有份额。笔者将对化妆品广告翻译的美学特征进行初步探讨。


随着社会的发展, 大众已从过去审美活动的被动地位解放出来, 成为审美活动的主体, 拥有更大的自主选择空间, 相应地, 广告作为一种审美活动也发生了根本变化, 更趋近于个性化、多元化、人文化、互动化等, 其美学功用就在于通过影响受众的价值心理, 诱导刺激受众的购买欲望, 从而促成购买。广告的主要目的是推销商品, 以功利为本, 以艺术形象为载体, 是人类社会进步过程中所创造的文化和美学符号之一, 不仅具有深厚的文化意蕴, 更具有鲜明的美学属性。

傅仲选先生在《实用翻译美学》一书中指出, 原文的审美构成, 也就是构成作品特色的审美要素, 按其性质可分为形式美和内容美两大类。原文的形式是指原文的语言形式, 内容包括主题、思想和对原文中描绘的生活现象的具有审美感染力的评价。原文美是形式美和内容美的辩证统一。英文化妆品广告也不例外。其形式美主要表现在语言形式上, 发音韵律感强, 节奏明快, 具有音韵和谐美;内容美主要表现为意境美, 英文化妆品广告多通过广告词的精确选用和一系列修辞手段的运用来使广告引起人们的美好联想, 产生对美好事物的追求, 从而促成购买。


翻译是把一种语言文字所承载的语义信息、风格信息和文化信息在译入语中完美地再现出来的创造性活动。泰特勒认为, “好的翻译”应该是“原作的长处完全移注在另一种语文里, 使得译文文字所属的国家的人能明白地领悟, 强烈地感受, 正像用原作的人们所领悟的, 所感受的一样”。英文化妆品广告原文本身具有内容美和形式美的美学属性, 那么, 译文就应该忠实地再现其审美品质。

1. 译文的内容美

译文的内容美是原文内容美的再现, 它必须和原文的内容美保持一致。在翻译中, 只有正确理解原文词、词组、句子等的语义, 才能准确地体现原文的内容美。正确而全面地理解原文的语义是准确而充分地表达原文内容美的关键。贺川生说, 英文化妆品广告美感的重要来源就是词义本身, 一般说来是来自该词的美感内涵, 即美好的联想或启迪等。因此, 化妆品广告的翻译译文多选择具有美好内涵的汉语词汇, 以使译文达到内容美的效应。下面笔者就通过翻译实例对译文的内容美进行分析。

1) Source of enchantment.


化妆品广告大多以女性为读者对象, 因此, 设计者往往以女性爱美之心作为突破口, 此广告是Lancome生产的Magie Noire香水广告, 它以诱惑神秘作为广告的主题, 试想哪位女士能拒绝美的诱惑呢?

2) Cheek Color Duet

Silky-smooth cheek color formula provides long-lasting, natural color.Dermatologist-tested.Non-comedogenic.Suitable for sensitive skin.100%fragrance-free.Clinically tested for skin irritancy.

细腻如丝的质感配方能轻易上妆并提供自然持久的色泽。通过皮肤刺激性和过敏性临床试验, 适用于敏感性肌肤。不堵塞毛孔。不含香料。

这是Mary Kay双色腮红的广告说明书, 全文只有一个完整的句子, 仅使用了一个动词, 其余皆为省略句式, 使该广告产生出一种瞬时效果, 能在很短的时间内很快说服读者。此广告原文的显著特点是多用复合形容词, “silky-smooth”, “long-lasting”, “dermatologist-tested”, “non-comedogenic”, “fragrance-free”等, 而译文中细腻如丝、持久、自然这几个具有美好意境的词组怎能不打动爱美女士的心呢?人们在关注外在美的同时, 更关注自身健康, 那么通过皮肤刺激性和过敏性临床试验、不堵塞毛孔、不含香料的这款化妆品怎能不让追求时尚健康的女士们趋之若鹜呢?

3) The most unforgettable women in the world wear Revlon.


此广告充分利用了女士的爱美心理、时髦心理及炫耀心理, 产生出美好的意境, 让人向往, 试想谁不愿作个令人难忘的女人呢?而译文也忠实地再现了原文的美好内涵。

傅仲选先生认为, 译语必须准确传达源语的所指意义, 这是保证传达原文内容美的前提。但是, 由于原文的实用意义是原文内容美的重要组成部分, 因此, 译文保留原文的实用意义越多, 译文中原文的内容美就会表达得越充分, 译文的质量也就越高。翻译应尽可能地把原文的各种实用意义表达出来。下面就是一则很好的范例。

4) Whitening Liquid Foundation SPF15

Whitening Liquid Foundation provides natural-looking, light, long-lasting coverage.It contains whitening ingredients to cover spots, while moisturizing your skin.

美白粉底乳提供自然、轻盈和持久的遮盖效果, 同时能提供15倍于肌肤自然防晒功能的保护, 有效抵御有害光线的损害。蕴含美白精华及滋润成分, 能改善雀斑、黑斑, 使肤色均匀白皙。

此译文兼顾了原文词语的所指意义和实用意义。原文中出现了SPF15字样, 但没有给予文字说明, 而译文则就其功能作了详细的说明, 指出了此美白粉底乳不仅具有美白和滋润作用, 还具有不同于其它粉底的特色, 即防晒功能, 能有效抵御有害光线的损害, 使该产品增加了一个优于同类产品的卖点, 起到了说理与移情并重的效果, 更是对原文内容美的完美再现。

翻译是一种审美活动, 在此活动中, 译者必然会用到一些审美再现的手段和方法, 增词和减词就是手段之一。译文要忠实地再现原文的内容美, 就要做到增词不增意, 增加的是字里行间的隐含之意;减词不减意, 其目的是更忠实、通顺地呈现原文的内容美。

2. 译文的形式美

译文除忠实原文的内容美外, 还要尽可能地忠实原文的形式美, 把原文中那些具有审美品质的形式特点尽可能准确无遗地再现出来。请看下列实例:

5) Make up your mind before you make up your face.


此广告原文用了两个“make up”, 读起来富有节奏感, 容易记忆, 而译文也采用了反复的手法, 化妆一词出现了两次, 充分再现了原文的形式, 而且是站在消费者的立场上向他们提出忠告, 容易引起消费者的共鸣。

6) Aging.A fact of life, challenge it!

衰老, 生命的现实, 向它挑战!

这是一则抗衰老化妆品广告, 原文简洁有力, 译文也选用了简短的句式, 最长的句子只有五个字, 读起来铿锵有力, 富有感召力。

7) Colors that last so long.Blend so smooth.Stay so true. (That’s no lie!)

经久不褪的色彩, 匀称平滑的调和, 形象逼真。 (绝非谎言!)

广告原文采用了排比句式, 并反复使用程度词so, 产生强调产品功能的作用, 而译文则采用汉语四字结构, 对仗工整, 读起来韵律和谐, 易于记忆, 使人们在记住了该产品之后, 就会采取行动去购买, 从而达到广告促成购买的目的。

傅仲选先生在《实用翻译美学》一书中提到, 决定译文形式美的因素有二个:一是原文的形式美;二是译者的才能。因为英汉两种语言在形式上有着巨大差异, 要再现原文的形式美, 译者的才能尤为重要。这包括译者本人的审美意识、审美素养专业知识。特别不容忽视的是译者的专业知识, 一些化妆品广告的成分说明里含有很多专业名词, 这就需要译者仔细查找专业工具书, 或向专家请教, 不能想当然。在准确翻译的基础上, 译者应尽量用汉语语言里富有美感的词汇来传达出原文的形式美。

3. 内容与形式的和谐美

在翻译过程中, 译者都将内容与形式的和谐统一作为追求的目标, 虽然在不能兼顾形式与内容时可以舍弃形式而保内容, 但也有优美流畅、充分再现原文的内容美与形式美的译者, 这便真正做到了内容与形式的和谐美。请看以下两例:

8) Crease-resistant eye color formula provides longlasting wear.Dermatologist-and ophthalmologist-tested.Suitable for sensitive eyes.Can be used wet or dry.

细致纯净, 肤感柔和的质感配方能轻易上妆并持久保持眼部亮丽妆容, 通过皮肤科、眼科临床测试, 适用于敏感的眼部肌肤, 干湿均可使用。

9) This skin care line is specially designed to deliver breakthrough anti-aging benefits in a daily skin care system for mature skin.With innovative, high-performance formulations, the Timewise skin care line supplements the skin’s own natural processes to help reduce the visible signs of aging, reveal a bright skin tone and a vibrant, healthy energized complexion.

特别为成熟肌肤悉心研制的护肤系列, 为您带来卓越的抗老化效果。独特、高效能的配方, 充分融合肌肤的天然循环节奏, 可帮助皮肤减缓衰老, 带来光彩, 富弹性, 健康而且充满活力的肌肤。


综上所述, 英文化妆品广告的翻译具有内容美和形式美两种美学特征, 在翻译过程中, 译者应力求将二者有机地结合起来, 以翻译美学思想为指导, 以期达到译文内容和形式统一的和谐美。

摘要:英文化妆品广告原文通常具有内容美、形式美的美学特征, 其译文也应该具备这些美学特征。本文从翻译美学角度对英文化妆品广告翻译的美学特征进行了归纳总结。



[1]崔刚.广告英语.北京:北京理工大学出版社, 1993, 3.

[2]崔刚.广告英语3000句.北京:北京理工大学出版社, 1993, 7.



广告是跨国界、跨文化的商品营销形式,它面临的不单是语言的转换问题。如果只简单地把国内或国际广告直译出来,结果往往事与愿违,因为国际广告与国内广告的背后各自蕴含着彼此的语言、传统习惯、法规、教育、自然环境、宗教、经济状况等差异问题。因此,翻译在广告语言的运用方面起着举足轻重的作用 (贺川生)。广告英语的跨国界因素给广告翻译带来的困难主要表现在语音、语义、文字形式以及修辞四个方面。


不同的发音激发心理上不同的听觉效果:或柔和、或清脆、或苍劲、或凝重。然而,中西语音、拟声或用韵方面的不同特点给译者带来不少困扰。例如,在英语广告词中,经常采用头韵(alliteration)、元韵(assonance)、押韵(thyme)、假韵(consonance)等增加广告词的音韵美,而在汉语译文中保留这种音韵美是很难做到的。另外,还应该注意某些汉语广告词的读音可能在别国语言中产生不良引申。如:中国一种外销的口红叫“芳芳”,这个汉语名称确实能带来无限美好的联想,犹如一位花容月貌的少女从远处走来,全身散发着好闻的香气。可若此商标音译成汉语拼音“Fangfang”,英文读者难免会产生一种恐怖之感。因为"fang" 在英语词汇中有"a long,sharp tooth of a dog" 或"a snake poison-tooth"之意。于是,fang fang 带给外国人的联想并不是一位涂了口红的翩翩少女,而是条张牙舞爪的恶狗或毒汁四溅的毒蛇。比较成功的音译广告比比皆是:

(一)将 Coca-cola 译为“可口可乐”。这样的翻译既利用了谐音,又把喝过这种饮料后痛快淋漓的感觉充分反映出来,同时又接近于中国文化中“可乐”一词给人们的美好联想。这些都赋予了商品积极正面的信息,激发了人们购买该饮料的强烈欲望,使商品得以畅销。





如:“白翎”牌钢笔,英译成White Feather后在英语国家无人问津。原因在于英语成语“to show the white feather”,表示“临阵逃脱”的意思。






汉语拼音由拉丁字母组成,英语单词用的也是拉丁字母,有些广告词语的汉语拼音有可能碰巧为英语中的某个单词。例如 Puke(扑克的汉语拼音)正好是英语中“呕吐”的意思。


不同国家、民族和地区所用的文字不同,对某些文字的偏好和厌恶也大相径庭。据调查,日本人最喜欢的汉字有“诚”、“、梦”“、爱”、“愁”、“美”等。中国人喜欢的汉字包括“福”、“寿”、“喜”、“乐”、“顺”、“贵”、“尊”、“龙”。译者要充分考虑发音和文化的影响,尽量使用译入语中人们所欣赏的文字来进行源语言的对等转换。显而易见,将Pepsi 翻译成“百事”,要比翻译成“白事”更加符合中国人的心理感受和审美观念;将Benz 翻译成“奔驰”比“笨驰”或“奔死”更加充分体现出译者的独具匠心,充分展现了商品的特色,并且造成巨大的心灵震撼。



广告英语中的文化及语言差异确实给翻译增加了不少难度,所以不少翻译学家认为广告英语的翻译工作最好由广告受众国的译者去做,因为只有受众国的译者才能熟知本国当代文化的潮流、时髦语言以及文化渊源等,才能译出符合本国受众者所喜爱的广告语来 。但是,由于汉语在众多国家并不普及,且在国外懂得中文并了解中华民族博大精深文化的人少之甚少,所以把中国商品及文化介绍给国外,就必须具有优秀的广告译文。在实际翻译中,要真正做到译文和原文最大限限度等值,我们不可能在任何时候都只使用某一两中翻译手段,而必须从具体情况出发,辩证地选择最合适翻译手法来传达原文的意义。






作 者:王战锋  作者单位:武夷学院,外语系,福建,武夷山,354300 刊 名:文教资料 英文刊名:DATA OF CULTURE AND EDUCATION 年,卷(期): “”(13) 分类号:H0 关键词:彼特・纽马克   文本类型   语义翻译   交际翻译   电视广告  



0 引言


1 广告中的文化差异


1.1 社会习俗的差异


1.2 价值观的差异


1.3 历史文化的差异


2 广告翻译中策略

语言是文化的载体,文化对语言有着十分重要的作用。在广告语的翻译过程中一定要注意文化适应的必要性。任何目的语文化都更愿意接受与自己的文化背景相适应的语言表现形式。如果语言表现形式与本民族的文化相悖,就很难接受。其直接结果就是广告失去了其应有的效应。产品要想打入国际市场就必须要适应目的语的文化,充分考虑到目的语消费者的心理。在翻译的过程中需要进行必要的改写或变异。如在上述的社会习俗差异中提到的东西方文化中对于“龙”的不同理解,在充分了解了这一文化背景后我们就可以把一则涉及龙的广告语进行适当的改写。“Xixia,home of Dinosaurs.”这里的Dinosaurs是“恐龙”的意思,用这一词语代替dragon对原文的意思没有实质性的改变,但对于西方消费者来说就适应了他们对于“龙”这一文化的不可接受。而Dinosaurs也正好适应了西方人的好奇、冒险的心理因素。Coco-Cola这个品牌在中国可谓是家喻户晓“Coca cola”在源语中只是两种植物,译为“可口可乐”,既利用了谐音,又把喝过这种饮料后痛快淋漓的感觉充分反映出来,同时又接近中国文化中“可乐”一词给人们的美好联想。这些都赋予了商品积极正面的信息,这一妙译为产品风行中国市场功不可没。在很多汉语广告中,为了体现产品受众的广泛性,常常强调“老少皆宜”,但如果将这样的广告语直译到西方语言中的话会严重影响产品的销售在西方文化中,“老”是十分忌讳的,在西方人眼中“老”就意味着“无用”、“死亡”,得不到别人的尊重,因此谁也不愿被称之为“老”。因此在翻译过程中要将“老”调整为“grown-ups”。






关键词:文化 广告 翻译



由于深受儒家思想和道家思想的影响,中国文化一直保有集体主义和无私奉献的精神,他们坚持个人价值受他们对他人和社会的贡献的影响。中国人认为:个人幸福应服从于集体利益。因此,中国人道德观念使他们更加关注国家和家庭的事。相反,西方文化强调个性、自由和自我提高。他们的个人主义认为他们应把个人利益放在首位。在西方广告中,那些考虑到个人的广告明显比那些忽视个人主义的要成功。同样是航空广告,由于价值观不同,美国航空公司的广告是“Big thrill,small bills”(大刺激,小价钱),强调刺激、新奇,价格便宜,这是美国人所崇尚的价值观。又如,在美国的主流文化中,追求成功是压倒一切的主旋律,而成功与否乃至成功的大小往往是用金钱来衡量的。基于此,一家证券公司打出这样的广告标语: The Will To Succeed Is Part Of Americans Spirit最后的点睛之笔为The Success You Want We Help You,不难想象,这则广告将会给成功欲极强的美国人留下深刻的印象。又如:“Carefour”是外商投资的超市,译为 “家乐福”取 “家家都快乐和幸福”之意。的确,它为都市人提供了衣、食、用等方面的商品,成了人们喜爱的购物场所。无独有偶,“安而乐”卫生巾,同样迎合了国人“平安幸福”的人生价值观, 让女性感到安全、快乐。


















如:No problem too large. No business too small.(IBM)


这则广告也是依据英语的词序直接翻译而来,体现了IBM 公司的技术实力,又表现了它的商业道德。直译法能够确切的表达这则广告的含义,达到宣传的目的。



如:Good to the last drop!(雀巢咖啡)




如:Your Future is Our Future.(HSBC)

与您并肩 迈向明天。(汇丰银行)




如:A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.(Mars chocolate)


这条广告让人联想起一句成语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away。这则广告简洁、活泼生动、朗朗上口,使顾客从久已熟悉的成语中得出一个新的判断:玛斯巧克力能使人们健康且充满活力。

季羡林先生认为:“不同的国家或民族之间,如果有往来,有交流的需要,就会需要翻译。否则,思想就无法沟通,文化就难以交流,人类社会就难以前进。”(魏瑾,2009)广告的主要功能在于它的劝说功能,即号召读者接受广告所宣传的商品或服务。因此,广告翻译的关键是要使广告译文对读者具有同样的感染力,同时要符合读者所在国家的风俗,能为读者接受并喜欢,实现预期功能。 广告翻译同时又是一种半创造性的活动,要求读者在考虑中西文化差异的同时,灵活运用各种翻译策略。





[4]谢小琼.论商业广告的翻译技巧[J]. 襄樊职业技术学院学报.2004.



With the development of economic globalization,The outward advertisement is valuable in the international market.The advertisement of the production become more and more important and popular in the international market,and the advertisement translation will be a new translation area.In fact,in the competition of the international trade,because the talented persons of international trade are lacking and the experiences of advertisement translation are not enough in Chinese enterprises,it will bring some inconvenience in the international trade.For foreign goods importing,the advertisement translation of them is a path that we know about foreign cultures,technologies and characteristics.

As the product of culture,advertisement directly reflects the close relationship between language and culture.And advertising language is a special art form,which has profound cultural background and can be influenced by the tendency of the times.This paper investigates the Chinese and English advertising languages and uncovers the culture differences in advertisements.Then it discusses the problems in the advertisement translation,and puts forward the artistic and effective methods of advertising translation.

Some defects and even unsuccessful advertisements are made because of the poor quality of translation.This paper proceeds from problems in advertising translation that the translators do not have a good command of the nation-specific culture and is too adhesive to the advertisement's superficial meaning while there are a lot of cultural factors hidden in the present advertising translation.In fact,advertisement translation requires more than just rendering sentences into another language.Translators have to convert the ideas and thoughts behind the sentences into the target language by applying the knowledge of the target culture.This paper suggests some methods to make advertising translation in view of the language and culture differences.

Well,what are the principles of the advertisement translation?What are the method and the crux in translation?What is the meaning of the across cultural in advertisement translation and influences in the advertisement translation?And how do we translate better?

2 Principles of the Advertisement Translation

What is the principle of the advertisement translation?We need find out these answers.The basic strategy of advertisement translation should be the rewrite.So according to theories of Shi Yeli in the function equalization theory and the across culture advertisement translation,it said that:

"Dynamic equivalence is therefore to be fined in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language."[1](80)

Next,we should find out the basic aim of the advertisement translation,in the function equalization theory and the across culture advertisement translation,Shi Yeli points out her theory about this aspect:

"The basic aim of the advertisement translation is the understanding of readers.The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did."The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understand and appreciated it."[2](80).

So according to the author's intention,and in my opinion,translation does not base on the original work and pursuing word to word totally.So then it can be accepted by consumers and raise to expand the product and publicize the figure of the business enterprise.We should depend on the spirit of the original text,break the form of it,and display the ascendancy of the language;in another hand,it is a kind of recreation.

We catch up the principle of the advertisement translation;we could rewrite the oriental advertisement batter.For example:in the LG mobile advertisement,"I chocolate you!"It must come from"I love you!"it is so clever.And we translate it into Chinese,it is“爱巧克力呦!”We could find it is transliteration.Thought it has no connection,it has translated the word"love",means“爱”.We obtain the same result from different approaches.

3 The Method and the Crux in Translation

In the chapter two,we have found out principles of the advertisement translation,but in the subsistent translation work,we may meet many problems and we should find out useful methods to salve these problems.The third chapter will discuss these questions,and suggest some methods.

3.1 The Literal Translation and the Free Translation

The literal translation and the free translation are chief methods of the advertisement translation.And we can find out other methods for translating,they are the set translation,the rhetoric method and the subtract translation.All of them are useful methods to translate the advertisement.

3.1.1 The Literal Translation

What is the literal translation?"Although English and Chinese are rooted in two different cultures,the two languages as the carrier of thoughts have their commonness.Literal translation is an approach adopted to keep the original meaning,image and structure to the full.Literal translation is by no means word-forword translation.The translated version must conform to the standard of the target language."[3]

According to this definition,we can understand that the literal translation is to translate the text word-to-word.The new form will fit the original text.

For example:

顾客是我们的皇帝We take customers as our Gods.

规格齐全a complete range of specifications;Complete in specifications

花样繁多a wide selection of colors and designs

货色齐全goods of every description are available.

客商第一,信誉第一clients first,reputation first

款式多样a great variety of models

款式活泼端庄vivid and great in style

3.1.2 The Liberal Translation

What is the liberal translation?"Liberal translation is an approach in which a translator gives priority to the meaning of the original words,but puts the image and structure in the second place.Sometimes,the meaning of a color word cannot be drawn from the literal meaning.And its meaning is giving priority to its culture tint such as its connotation or metaphor."[4]

According to this definition,we can know that the liberal translation is free translation.It does not matter the form and translate the text word-to-word.The final aim is express the meaning of the original text only.

如:“金丝小枣:Honey-sweet dates.

如果直译为Golden Silk Small Dates则会让外宾去理解为“形体较小,身有金丝”从而不知所云。”[5](40)


原译文:Opening and eating immediately."[6](72)

I find another three translation methods that the set translation,the rhetoric method and the subtract translation.

3.1.3 The Set Translation

What is the set translation?The set translation means to use the fixed mode in Chinese and English language to translate the advertisement,basing on keeping the effect of the original work Because of the differences between Chinese and English,if the translation could use the relative structures of sentence,ways of expression,the translation can accord with the customer's psychology,and respect the receiving language's cultural tradition the habit of expression,and keep the figure of product.The example of advertisement,poem,and idiom can be used in the translation.

3.1.4 Rhetoric Method

Making use of the rhetoric means to translate the text vivid and can make the translation work vivid,picturesque,to attract the customer to enter the world of goods,to achieve the effect of publicity.The figure of speech can use metaphor,personification circumlocution,row accidentally,repetition,alliteration etc.

3.1.5 Subtract Translation

The subtract translation is often used in the advertisement translation.Because of the difference of cultural habit,Chinese contains some proper grammatical prolix information and Chinese advertisements are often glutted with incantations.But English advertisements base on concision,in the translation of Chinese to English,the Chinese prolix information should be deleted,to offer the English-speaking people's taste and attract their authorizations.

3.2 The Crux of the Translation

The crux is the interaction about Cross-Cultural.There are some different aspects affect advertisement translations.These differences contain four points:the faith difference;the history difference;the custom difference and the esthetic sense difference.

3.2.1 Different Faith

Every nation has its own faith;the faith influences the style of their lives.Therefore,in the progress of translation,we have to respect the faith of the local consumer,do not violate their taboo.There are three greatest religions that the religion of Taoism,Buddhism and the Confucianism in China.They affect Chinese people in their lives.When they have the disaster,people all hope god to protect them;when the business is prosperous,people will think that it is the wealth of god.Everyone believes that the good man will get good reward,the bad person go to hell.But the English speakers believe in Christianity more,they think that everything in the world is god's arrangements.The Islamism is infected by Arabian language deeply;it has more religious cultural color.In Arabian language,ancient Mohammedan Holy Bible through have 55 specific names to call,the Allah contain99,etc…the translator need beware particularly.

So,in new advertisements,there could be no words with cultural taboo color.Then the product can be received smoothly and solemnly.

3.2.2 Different of History

Language is a kind of tool,which uses to communicate by human being only.Different race has its different history.For different histories,different nations have created their own languages.As a phenomenon of language,advertisement must show different historical continence.

The history culture is precipitated by the development progress and social inheritances of particular histories culture.So if only the advertisers design the English advertisements by taking the consumers'essential interests as the base and by taking the idea of self value realization as the goal.In culture centers on the personal value,western people treat the official position as a very common thing.Western culture pays more attention on the personal value and self interests.It may lead to the dissimilarity in advertising translation.Such as the trademark"白熊",should it be translated to"White Bear"or"Polar Bear"?This is something to do with the current politics.Along with the change of the international political situation,"Polar Bear"(北极熊)has already had another meaning,people may easy regard it as the nickname which refers to a kind of political power in the world.Therefore,"White Bear"may be more acceptable.When Japanese company Toyota firstly entered into the Chinese market,they created an advertisement slogan"Where?There is a way for car,there is a Toyota."this has borrowed from one of China's colloquialism.But if publicized in the United States still remain this,it will make people puzzled.They changed the advertisement language into"Not all cars are created equal."Everyone knows the history of the United States may understand that the first sentence of Declaration of Independence is"All men are created equal",By using this borrowing sentence,Toyota make its declaration that the quality of their cars is much better than others.

For example:"Butlin`s the right choice.Don't labour the point,or be conservative in your choice,or liberal with your money.Come to Butlin`s for the real party.Great Party Ahead."In these sentences'labour','conservative','liberal'are all names of parties.[8](25)

3.2.3 Different Custom

The different races all have their own special customs and habits.The custom and habit are special situations of a race;it deeply affects people's behavior and life style.

American individualism mind emphasizes the phrase"privately"."How much do you earn?""The weather is cool,please dress more!"these word all make others feel safe and sweat,no other matters.These words point out behaviors of the culture And it is a very important part of the Chinese culture.But for American,it is the behavior that infringes their rights of privacy So when they hear these words,they feel unhappy very much Therefore,when we translate the text,we had better use their own words that could show their special cultural customs.

For example:in Chinese,man all like the number“8”.Because of“8”in Chinese word is“八”.And it is so same between“八”and“发”.The mean of“发”in Chinese is"develop","rich",and"full".But in English,"13"is a bad number.[9](101)

3.2.4 Different Esthetic Cense

There are many relationships between the esthetic sense and the advertisement translation.

“许多国产护肤品在说明书中将‘增白’译为'white the skin'。在汉文化里‘增白’是褒义词,汉语中‘一白遮三丑’之说就反映了汉民族的审美心理。而西方国家,人们追求的是古铜色的健康之美。‘白’在他们看来,非但不美,还代表着贫困和疾病。”[12](54)

Different cultures influence our translation work.At the same time,the translation work needs all translators study more knowledge of different languages and cultures.A translator must have a deep understanding of different cultures and languages so as to realize pragmatic and translation methods.

4 Standards of the Good Advertising Translation and Two Tools of Translators

According the discussion before,I conclude a method which can answer what are the standards of the good advertisement translation,and how to translate better.

A good advertisement is one that elicits the intended emotion in the customer,who will in turn act in an expected manner accordingly,a good advertisement translation is one that reproduces the effect as closely as possible in the target culture and in so doing leads potential consumers to buying action.Every translator desires to be faithful to the original.To do this,he must not only communicate the same information,but also attempt to evoke the same emotional response as the original text does.In many ways,the emotional tone of a passage is the key to real communication effectiveness.The author may wish to crate a feeling of urgency,persuasiveness,and tentativeness,exuberance or despondency.It is important that this same emotion be communicated in the translation.For an effective transfer of the tone if the text,the translator must be well acquainted with both the source and receptor's language and culture.

There are four standards to evaluate a good advertisement translation.And we have two tools to translate better.

4.1 Four Standards

Four standards:It must grasp the spirit of the oriental text It must be proper too.It must be easy to broadcast,simple to understand,memory quickly.It must be beautiful coloring.

Nowadays is a bustling time,people are all bustling;the very few people spend time to ponder an advertisement in-depth meaning.Therefore,the advertisement language certainly must be succinct,vivid,penetrating.When translating,the translator must fully consider the rhetoric aspect of the literary style.Changing the form and meaning of the Original text,in order to achieve the advertisement ultimate objective,this time translator are allowed to have the certain creativity,But the basic information of original text should be preserved.

4.2 Two Tools

Two tools to translate better:They are only two words only these are"savvy"and"creativity".

We should have ability about savvy.That is because before the translation we need to know the figure,the character,and the application of the product.Next we need to understand the oriental text.So the savvy is the basic tool.

We must have creativity.That is because we need not keep the flame of the oriental text.We may try to change the old form The aim is make the new text atmosphere,easy to broadcast simple to understand,memory quickly.Using creativity in the translation can make the translation more vividly.There are four main reasons for this problem.First,creativity is needed in all kinds of trades,of course including translation.Second,sometimes it is hard to translate the work word by word,sentence by sentence,so we need to use creativity.Third,creativity in the translation can make the translation read more smoothly.Fourth creativity can make the translator have a quickly mind and do better translation in the future.

4.3 Relationships between Two Tools

So we could find the relationships between these two tools Savvy is the basic of creativity;it is the preparation before the creativity.And the creativity is the development of the savvy.It is the key point of the whole translation.But the translator tha attention be established by usage Should respect some already thorough advertisements to be existing among many mental state at the one who translate international advertisement,translate translation,shouldn't again creative phrase.

4.4 To be a Good Translator

How to be a good translator?A good translator is someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of both source and targe languages.They should read different genres in both source and target languages including modern literature,contemporary prose newspapers,magazines,announcements and instructions,etc.Being familiar with all these genres is important,since they implicitly transfer culture-specific aspects of a language.Specialized readings are also suggested:reading recently published articles and journals on theoretical and practical aspects of translation The articles will not only improve the students'reading skill in general,but also give them insights which will subconsciously be applied when they are translating the text.

To be a good translator in advertisement translation,the translator must have more experiences,and understand these four standers and two tools.

5 Conclusion

Advertising is an implicit form of persuasion.Language and cultural differences can be reflected from the advertising language.This paper has shown that language and culture differences can influence the advertisement from so many aspects.On the basis of analyzing the problems which has appeared in the advertisementtranslation between Chinese and English language,this paper suggests the requirements and methods of advertisement translation nowadays.

To make a good advertisement and to influence the behavior of potential customers toward a predetermined direction,the advertisers try to produce memorable and attracting works.Following the economic growing,the market becomes a global one and the competition becomes more drastic.So making clear of the features of each culture is the most urgent task to advertisers."Do as Romans do"the advertisement should be designed according to the nation-specific culture.Only if the advertisers do so this advertisement can achieve its goal that it can satisfy the consumers,and help the product to be well sold.Thus,as the translator,he or she should know the nation-specific culture further,grasp the pity and make full use of it.

The goal of advertising translation is to persuade target language consumers to buy a product or service.To attract and communicate to them in a way that produces this desired result translators must acquaint themselves with target language consumer's way of thinking,with those factors that motivate them to buy,and with the environment where they live.In this sense advertising translating is more of a marketing practice.A good advertisement translator must be a first artistic writer.He or she must first be able to know clear about the cultural difference;and then to identify the cultural constraints in a given advertisement the last is to facilitate across-culture communication by overcoming the obstacle set by the constraints.In all,a good advertiser can do the contribution to the products'sale.




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[2]Samovar.Communication between Cultures[M].北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社,2003.







