




1.It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。2.The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make.你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。

3.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。4.The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday.记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。

5.The atmosphere in my family is fantastic.我的家庭气氛温馨和睦。6.The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful.人们为什么选择生活在城市的原因是因为城市的生活更方便、更多彩。7.I had a great first impression of American people.我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。

8.We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem.我们对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。

9.With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work.随着现代科技的迅速发展,互联网已经成为生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。10.You should read as many books as you possibly can.11.China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy.由于实施了改革开放政策,中国变得更加繁荣了。

12.We all need clean air to breathe;we all need clean water to drink;we all need green places to enjoy.我们都需要呼吸清新的空气,我们都需要饮用洁净的水,我们都需要绿地来享受。

13.Let’s work together to make our world a better place.让我们一起努力把世界变得更加美好。

14.We should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things.我们应该充分利用好时间去做有用的、富有成效的事。

15.We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely.我们应该养成一个好习惯,明智地利用时间。

16.What I really want to know is whether he will go abroad next month? 我的确想知道的是,他是否会在下个月出国。

17.Television is harmful to developing minds.电视不利于开发心智。

18.Children usually have far more potential than their parents had realized 孩子们都有很大的潜能,而父母却没有意识到这一点。

19.In the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in our school.20.People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier.那些花更多时间和家人在一起的人通常会更健康更幸福。

21.The job was hard, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.这份工作太辛苦,差点使我半途而废。

22.The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of quality, was set up in the 1980’s.生产高品质电视的红星电视机厂,始建于1980年。

23.The E-reading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world, is open to both teachers and students.我们可以向世界每个地方发电子邮件的电子阅览室,对老师和同学都同样开放。24.I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.我感觉我会是你们公司所需要的人。

25.The number of workers and engineers has risen(更高级词汇:increased)to over 2000, and 80% of them are college graduates.工人和工程师的数量已超过了2000人,而且他们有80%都是大学学历。

26.There is an increasing tendency that students own their mobile phones on campus.在校园内,学生拥有手机的趋势在不断增长。

27.Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school.I think one of reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling.现今,在农村地区还有很多孩子失学。我认为原因之一就是他们的家庭太贫困,而无法供应他们上学

28.People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very significant /(important)part/(role)in the future of our country.人们应该增加对儿童教育的重视,因为他们会在祖国的未来扮演重要的角色。

29.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and clearer sky.到2008年,我们会看到北京像花园一样,有着更加清澈的河水和碧透的天空。

30.How nice to hear from you again.能再次收到你的来信真是太好了。31.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.敬盼早日回复。

I’m looking forward to meeting you in no time.我期待与你早日相见。32.If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.如果你有什么问题和请求只管跟我说。

33.No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important.不管你将来做什么,英语都是最重要的。

34.Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有什么比接受教育更重要的事了

35.There is no doubt that playing video game is going to be their biggest problem for students to affect study.毫无疑问,玩电子游戏正在成为影响学生学习的最大问题。36.Obviously, it is high/(about)time that we took some effective measures to solve the problem.显然,早该采取一些积极的措施来解决问题。

I suggest the department concerned taking some effective measures to improve the present situation.我建议有关部门采取一些有效措施改善现状。37.Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。

38.We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

39.Smoking has a great influence on our health.40.As a proverb says, /(As is well known to us,)storms make trees take deeper roots.有句名言说道:风暴使树木深深扎根。

41.It is a great honor for me to introduce to you one of my very best friend, Liu Xiang.很荣幸给你介绍我的一位好朋友,刘翔。

42.Coming from a family of English teachers, she always had a particular interest

in English.出于英语教师世家的她,对英语有着特别的兴趣。描写人物性格的高级得分词汇如下:

diligent 勤奋的 energetic精力充沛的 humorous幽默的 attractive有吸引力的 modest谦虚的 optimistic乐观的 talkative健谈的 enthusiastic热情的 43.I have fully realized that English is essential to my future.我充分认识到英语对我的未来是多么的重要。

44.I suppose electronic dictionaries are convenient, but Iead to laziness!我觉得电子字典很方便,但会使人们变懒。

45.In conclusion, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages 总之,出国留学的优点要大于它的缺点。

46.Now, I think it is really successful experience, and I totally understand what labor means.现在,我想这真是一次成功的经历,并且我完全理解了劳动的意义。47.From this earthquake, I realized that the power of the mass is endless.通过这次的地震,我认识到了群众的力量是无穷的。

48.If you have spare time to visit my hometown, I’d be more than happy to be your guide.如果你有空闲时间我的家乡做客,我会非常乐意做你的导游。

49.Nowadays, both teachers and parents worry a great deal about the student’s using the Internet.如今,老师和家长都对学生上网现象极为担心。50.Views on the issue in question vary from person to person.对于该问题的看法因人而异。

51.We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.我们被赋予新的机会和面临着新的挑战。

52.Thank you for your consideration.感谢你的体谅。

53.I really appreciate what you’ve done for my family and me.我衷心感谢你为我和我家人所做的一切。

We should be very grateful if you help our children with their English study 如果你帮助我们小孩学英语,我们将感激不尽。

54.We will never forget the happy days we spent together.我们永远都不会忘记在一起度过的日子。

55.Many people are becoming aware of the importance of exercising.很多人开始意识到锻炼的重要性了。

56.The talk will be given at the Lecture Hall on Oct.12th, starting at 3:30p.报告将在10月12日3:30在报告厅举行。

57.Students should know how to take advantage of their time.学生应该知道如何利用他们的时间。

58.I got sick and tired of doing the routine work day after day.我厌倦了日复一日地做一些例行公事。

59.Conquering English is not different from conquering a great mountain;both of them require determination, courage, and perseverance.征服英语不亚于征服一座高山,都需要决心勇气和毅力。

60.I’m disappointed in the performance of our team at the sports meeting.我对我们队在运动会上的表现感到失望。

61.I’m very satisfied with what we have achieved so far.到目前为止,我对我们取得的成绩很是满意。

62.The city is located on the banks of the Long River.这个城市位于长江畔。63.I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.两星期前收到了你的来信,我真是太高兴了。

64.I’m writing to request more information about the day tour to London.我写信是为了了解更多去伦敦旅行的信息。

65.Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.最近,我们班展了开一场讨论,是关于中学生是否有必要带手机去上学。66.I wonder if you could tell me more about the trip.我不知道你是否方便多告诉我一些有关旅行的事。

67.It is certain that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.可以肯定,如果开车的人少一些,空气污染就一定会减少。

68.I personally feel that teacher is the most important profession in the world.我个人认为教师是世界上最重要的职业。

69.We can’t imagine what the world is going to be without purified water.我们无法想象没有纯净的水,这个世界会变成生么样子。

70.I was walking east along Park Road, when an elderly 当我沿着公园路往东走的时候,有一个老人在街的另一边从公园里走出来。

71.In the big city, there are more schools and hospitals are available for its people.在大城市,有更多的学校和医院供人们使用。72.Some people think that we should read extensively.有一些人认为,我们应该有选择性地阅读。

73.In my opinion, you should come back after you finish you studies abroad.在我看来,你结束留学后应该回国。

74.For another reason, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after you parents as they are getting old.另一个原因,我认为你回国可以更方便地照顾你日渐年迈的父母。

75.Classes in our school usually finish at four in the afternoon.我们学校通常下午四点下课。

76.I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s lecture on American history.我很抱歉,明天我不能参加那场关于美国历史的演讲。

77.While 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into housework.花在教育锻炼上的时间是25分钟,只有12分钟的时间用来做家务。

78.Maybe you forgot you spent the money on something else yesterday afternoon.你可能忘了昨天下午你花钱买了其他东西。

79.Good habits are the crosscut to success.好习惯是成功的捷径。

80.I was deeply moved by the young boy, because I know Lei Feng is still living in our hearts.那个年轻的小男孩深深地感动着我,因为我相信雷锋一直活在我们的心中 81.Many new houses had been built and roads had been widened.很多新的楼房建了起来,路也都拓宽了。

82.It is more than ten months since we last met.从我们上次见面到现在已经有十个多月了。

83.It’s very nice of you to help me with my lessons every day.每天帮助我复习功课,你真是太好了。

84.Nothing can live without air and water.没有空气和水,任何东西都不能生存。85.I prefer to live in the country rather than live in the city.我宁愿住在农村,而不愿住在城市。

86.People must be stopped from throwing dirty things into the river.应阻止人们往河里扔脏东西。

87.Peter sets aside some money every month so that he can buy a new car.彼得每月留出一点钱以便购买一辆新汽车。

88.Linda didn’t go to bed until midnight so that she could finish reading the book.为了看完这本书,琳达直到午夜才睡。

89.Early to bed and early to rise does good to your health.早睡早起有益于健康。90.More and more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules.越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。

91.Mrs.Brown is an Australian woman teacher with fair hair and blue eyes, who has been to many places of China.布朗女士是一个澳大利亚的老师,她有一头金黄色的头发和一双蓝色的眼睛,她去过中国的各个地方。

92.On Sunday, May 18, we will visit Beijing, which has a history of 400 years.5月8日,星期天,我们将会参观拥有400多年悠长历史的北京。93.I think students should balance well between work and study.我认为学生应该平衡好工作和学习两方面。

94.Friendship is one of the most precious emotions in our life.在我们的生命中,友谊其中的一种非常珍贵的感情。

95.It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.不言而喻,青春一去不复返。

96.Last but not least, it will definitely benefit the citizens.最后而又很重要的一点,它必定给市民带来福利。

97.With the increasingly rapid economic growth, more problems are brought to our attention.随着日益迅速的经济发展,更多的问题受到我们的关注。98.The preservation of forests has aroused people’s wide concern 保护森林引发人们的广泛关注.99.As far as I’m concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that„ 就我而言,我赞同„的观点

100.Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.不仅仅是为了我们,更是为了我们的后代,政府和普通市民应该联合起来,使这个世界变成更美好的家园。



进行流利的日常交流,只需要一两百个句型,读懂《时代周刊》,其实也只需一两百个句型。说起来轻松,听起来简单,但“李阳疯狂英语”真的可以帮你做到!1.I am 我是

I am an office worker.我是上班族。2.I work for我在…工作

I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。3.I’m happy to我很高兴

I’m happy to meet you我很高兴见到你。4.I like我喜欢

I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。5.I’m glad to我很高兴

I’m glad to see you again.见到你很高兴。6.I’ll


I’ll call you.我会打电话给你。7.I feel like 我想

I feel like sleeping.我想睡觉。8.I want我想要

I want something to eat.我想要吃饭。9.I need 我需要

I need your help.我需要你的帮助。10.I would like to 我愿意

I would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和您谈一谈。11.I have 我有

I have a lot of problems.我有许多问题。12.I hope 我希望

I hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想能实现。13.I’m looking forward to 我期待

I’m looking forward to seeing you.我期望见到你。14.I’m supposed to 我应该

I’m supposed to go on a diet.我应该节食。15.I heard 我听说

I heard that you’re getting married.Congratulations 听说你要结婚了,恭喜!16.I see 我知道

I see what you mean.我了解你的意思。17.I can’t 我不能

I can’t do this.我不能这么做。18.Let me 让我

Let me explain why I was late.让我解释一下我为什么迟到。19.Let’s….让我们

Let’s have a beer or something.让我们喝杯啤酒或者其它的。20.Where is…? 在哪里

Where is your office? 你办公室在哪里? 21.What is …?


What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 22.When is…? …时间是什么?

When is the store closing? 商店什么时间关门? 23.Would you care to …?


Would you care to see it for a while? 你要不要看一会呢? 24.Are you sure…? 你肯定…吗?

Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你9点能来吗? 25.Am I allowed to …?


Am I allowed to stay out past 10 ? 我可以10点过后再回家吗? 26.Be scheduled to… 排定时间或日期

The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.会议原定两个小时,不过到现在还没结束。27.birthday is…


Tom’s birthday is this week.汤姆的生日就在这个星期。28.Can you …?


Can you cover for me on Friday ? 星期五能请你替我个班吗? 29.Could you…


Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙? 30.crazy about…

对… 着迷

He is crazy about Crazy English.他对疯狂英语很着迷。31.Can you imagine…? 你能想象…吗?

Can you imagine how much he paid for that car ?

你能想象他那部车服付了多少钱吗? 32.Can you believe…?


Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25 ? 你相信我用25 美元买了一台电视吗? 33.Di d you know…?


Did you know he was having an affair on his wife ? 你知道他有外遇了吗? 34.Did you hear about..? 你听说…了吗?

Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗? 35.Do you realize…?


Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?

你知道这些衬衫都要卖半价吗? 36.Do you mind if I …?

你介意… 吗?

Do you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗? 37.enjoy…

很喜欢… I enjoy working with you very much.我很喜欢和你一起工作。38.ended up…


Did you know that Store ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗? 石头最终和他的秘书结婚了。39.get together…


Let’s get together for lunch.让我们聚在一起吃顿午餐吧。40.getting..for…

获得… 以作为…

I’m getting a new computer for birthday present.我得到一台电脑作为我的生日礼物。41.How did you do on …?


How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何? 42.Do you think…?


Do you think you can come ? 你认为你能来吗? 43.How was…?


How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样? 44.Here…


Here is my card.这是我的名片。45.be used to doing…


He is used to eating out all the time.他已经习惯了在外面吃饭。46.Have you ever …? 你有没有…?

Have you ever driven a BMW? 你有没有开过宝马? 47.How about…?


How about if we go tomorrow instead? 我们改成明天去怎么样? 48.How do you like…?


How do you like Hong Kong? 你喜欢香港吗? 49.How do you want…?


How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟? 50.How did..do…?


How did Mary make all of her money? 球赛结果怎么样? 51.How did … do…? 如何做到?

How did Mary make all of her money? 玛丽所有的钱怎么赚到的? 52.How was …? …怎么样?

How was your date?

你的约会怎么样? 53.How are you doing with…? …做的如何?

How are you doing with your new boss? 你和你的新上司处的咋样? 54.How should I …? 我该如何…? How should I tell him the bad news? 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息? 55.How much…? 多少…? How much money did you make? 你赚了多少钱? 56.How much does it cost to …? …要多少钱?

How much does it cost to go abroad? 出国要多少钱? 57.How long will it take to …? 去…要多久?

How long will it take to get your house? 到你家要多久? 58.How long have you …? 你… 多久了?

How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了? 59.How about …? …如何?

How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何? 60.I’m sorry… 我对…很遗憾。

I’m sorry that you didn’t get the job.很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。61.I’m afraid …


I’m afraid that it’s not going to work out.我恐怕这事不会成的。62.I guess…


I guess I could come over.我想我能来。63.Is it okay to…? … 可以吗?

Is it okay to smoke in the office? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗? 64.It was kind of…

有一点….It was kind of exciting.有一点刺激。65.I know what… 我知道…是什么。

I know what you want.我知道你想要什么。66.Is that why …? 就是这个缘故才导致…吗?

Is that why you don’t want to go home? 就是这个缘故,你才不想回家的吗? 67.I’m sure… 我很肯定…

I’m sure we can get you a great deal.我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。68.help…with 帮忙做…

Would you help me with the report? 你愿意帮我写报告吗? 69.I didn’t know…

我不知道….I didn’t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是全世界最有钱的人。70.I’ll have to…


I’ll have to ask my boss first.我必须先问一下我的老板。71.I take it… 这么说来,我认定你是…

I take it you don’t agree.这么说来,我认为你是不同意。72.I tired… 我试过…

I tired losing weight, but nothing worked.我试过减肥,但是毫无效果。73.It makes no sense to… 做…丝毫不可以理解

It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起,没有任何意义。74.It feels like… 它感觉上像是…

It feels like spring.感觉好像春天来了。75.It took+(表示时间的词)+to… 做…花了…

It took years of hard work to speak good English.讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。76.It’s not as…as… 它不像…一样…

It’s not as cold as it was yesterday.今天的天气不像昨天的那么冷。77.It’s not …, it’s… 不是…的问题,而是… It’s not his work that bothers me, it’s his attitude.困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。78.It sounds… 听起来…

It sounds like you enjoyed it.听起来你好像蛮喜欢的。79.It seems… 好像…

It seems to me that he would like to go back home.我觉得他好像想要回家。80.It looks… 看起来…

It looks very nice.看起来很漂亮。81.Is everything …? 一起都…吗?

Is everything under control? 一起都在掌握之中吗? 82.I thought…


I thought you could do a better job.我原以为你的表现会更好。83.It’s time to … 是…的时候了

It’s time for us to say “No” to America.是我们对美国说不得时候了。84.It’s supposed to… 那应当是…

The show is supposed to be good.这场表演应当是相当好的。85.It really depends on… 那全看…情况而定

It depends on who is in charge.那纯粹要看谁负责了。86.It involves a lot of …


It involves a lot of hard work.那需要很多的辛勤工作。87.in… favor 对… 有利

That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。88.I didn’t realize… 我不知道…

I didn’t realize how much this meant to you.我不知道这个对你意义有多大。89.I didn’t mean to…


I didn’t mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你的。90.I was wondering if … 我想知道…

I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。91.This is great …weather.这是个…好天气。

This is great picnic weather.这是个野餐的好天气。92.Thanks for…


Thanks for taking me to the movie.谢谢你带我去看电影。93.too…to… 太…以至于不能…

I am too tired to speak.我累得说不出话来了。94.Would you …? 你能…

Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗? 95.Where did you …? 你从哪里….呢?

Where did you learn to speak English? 你从哪里学的英语的呢? 96.What do you think of…? 你认为…如何?




(1) When water containing HCO-3is heated, the bicarbonate ion rapidly decomposes to give carbonate, carbon dioxide, and water.

(2) When compounds containing nitrates are heated, they do not readily release all of the oxygen atoms in the compound.They decompose to give a compound that is a nitrite along with oxygen gas.

(3) When compounds containing chlorates are heated, they decompose to give the metal chloride and oxygen gas.

(4) Hydrogen peroxide undergoes decomposition in the presence of catalyst to produce oxygen gas and water.The iodide ion or MnO2catalyzes this reaction.

(5) Carbonic acid is a very unstable substance and decomposes to give carbon dioxide and water.




(1) Mn3+is unstable;its disproportionation is spontaneous.

(2) Manganate ion is also instable in unstable in acidic solution;its disproportionation gives permanganate and manganese (II) ion.

(3) In the sodium carbonate solutions, bromine disproportionates to form sodium bromide and sodium bromate.

(4) Chlorate salts form when Cl2disproportionates in hot alkaline solutions.Hypochlorites form in cold alkaline solutions.



(1) CaCl2is a salt formed during the neutralization reaction of hydrochloric acid with calcium hydroxide.

(2) A salt and water are formed when sulfuric acid neutralizes sodium hydroxide.

(3) A neutralization reaction involves the combination of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to form water.

(4) Ammonia undergoes neutralization reaction with hydrochloric acid to form ammonium chloride.



(1) After purification, the tin (IV) oxide is reduced with carbon to produce tin metal.

(2) Calcium, strontium, and barium are obtained by the reduction of their oxides with aluminum.

(3) Tin (II) chloride is a good reducing agent and is used in the quantitative analysis iron ores to reduce Fe (III) to Fe (II) in aqueous solution.

(4) Pb (IV) compounds tend to undergo reduction to com pounds of Pb (II) and therefore good oxidizing agents.

(5) Chromium (II) compounds can be prepared by the reduction of Cr (III) compounds with zinc in acidic solution.

(6) Pure Cr can be obtained in small amounts by reducingCr2O3with Al in a reaction similar to the thermite reaction.



(1) Both Cu and Ag react with concentrated H2SO4or HNO3.The metals are oxidized to Cu2+and Ag+, respectively, and the reduction products are SO2and NO.

(2) The HNO3oxidizes the metal and Cl-from the HCl promotes the formation of the stable complex ion[AuCl4]-.

(3) Concentrated H2SO4is a sufficiently strong oxidizing agent to oxidize Br-to Br2and I-to I2.

(4) Then sulfur trioxide is produced by oxidizing SO2in an exothermic, reversible reaction.

(5) Sulfites are good reducing agents and easily oxidized by O2.

(6) Ammonia and CuO can Undergo oxidation-reduction to form nitrogen.

(7) When copper reacts with dilute nitric acid, Copper is oxidized to copper (II) nitrate, and nitric acid is reduced to nitrogen monoxide.

(8) Firstly, ammonia is converted to NO by oxidation in the presence of platinum, followed by reaction with air and then waterto yield nitric acid.



(1) When ammonia dissolves in water, the aqueous solution partially ionize into ammonium ions and hydroxide ions.

(2) Nitric acid is a strong acid, it is completely ionized to hydrogen ion and nitrate ion.

(3) Water very slightly ionize to hydronium and hydroxide ions.

(4) Hydrogen sulfate ions dissociate in water into hydrogen ion and sulfate.

(5) Hydrosulfuric acid is a weak acid, it can partly ionize to hydrogen sulfide ion.

(6) Sulfuric acid is a strong diprotic acid and it almost completely ionize in water to hydrogen sulfate ion in the first step.

摘要:分解反应、歧化反应、中和反应、还原反应、氧化反应是无机化学中重要的反应, 本文分析了发生这些反应的无机物, 并列举了它们发生反应及反应条件的英文句型表达方式, 希望对化学专业英语教学提供一些参考和借鉴作用。



[1]Ralph H.Petrucci等.普通化学原理与应用 (第八版影印版) .高等教育出版社.



so+形容词/副词+that… 如此……以致…… 例如:

(1)She is such a good teacher that we all love her. 她是一个好老师,我们都爱她。

(2)It was such a hot day that they didn’t go out for a walk as usual.



1.“such+a(an)+形容词+名词+that…”,可以改写成“so+形容词+a(an)+名词+that…”,例句(1)可以改写成:She is so good a teacher that we all love her.

2.在“such+形容词+名词复数或不可数名词+that…”结构中,形容词如果是many/few或much/little时,用so不用such,即:so+many/few+可数名词复数+that…, so+much/little+不可数名词+that…。例如:

(1)There are so many people in the room that I can’t get in. 房间里人太多,我进不去。

(2)The man has so much money that he can buy a car. 那人很有钱,他能买一辆小汽车。


there be…, either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also… 例如:

(1)There is a pen and two pencils in his pencil-box.


(2)Not only you but also I want to go travelling. 不但你,我也想去旅游。

(3)Either you or I am leaving for Shanghai. 要么你去上海,要么我去上海。

(4)Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都不对。

(5)Both Jack and Tim are English. Jack和Tim都是英国人。




enough+名词+to do… 有足够的……做某事

形容词/副词+enough+to do… 足够……做某事 例如:

(1)There is enough room to hold these people to have a meeting.


(2)The boy is strong enough to carry the heavy box.



enough作副词修饰形容词或副词时,放在所修饰词的后面,句子可以用so…that…句型改写。例句(2)可以改写为:The boy is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.


too+形容词/副词+to do… 太……以致不能…… 例如:

(1)I was too excited to say a word. 我激动得一个字也说不出来。

(2)Tom is too short to reach the apple. Tom太矮了,拿不到那个苹果。


这是一个否定句型,不能在不定式前加 not,可以用so…that…结构改写。例句(1)可以改写成:I was so excited that I couldn’t say a word.


so that… 以便/以致…… 例如:

(1)They studied hard so that they could pass the exam. 为了能通过考试,他们学习很努力。

(2)They started early so that they caught the early bus. 他们起得很早,结果赶上了早班车。


在例句(1)中,是引导目的状语;在例句(2)中,是引导结果状语。一般来讲,若从句中含有情态动词,则so that引导的为目的状语。若无情态动词,则so that引导的为结果状语。


祈使句+then/or/and+陈述句 例如:

(1)Work hard, and/then/and then you will live a happy life.


(2)Hurry up, or we will be late for school. 快点,否则我们上学就迟到了。


以上句型都可以用条件状语从句来改写。例句(2)可以改写成:If we don’t hurry up, we’ll be late for school.


It’s time for sth. 是干某事的时间了

It’s time (for sb.) to do sth. 该干某事了

It’s time that sb. did sth. 该干某事了例如:

(1)It’s time for the meeting. 该开会了。

(2)It’s time for us to go to school. 我们该上学了。

(3)It’s high time that you went to bed. 你该上床休息了。


在句型(3)中,可以在time前加rush、 high等修饰词,这个句型是虚拟语气的一种,含有“稍迟一点”的含义。


It takes sb. some time to do sth. 干某事花某人一些时间

sb. spend some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. 某人花时间(金钱)在某事上/花时间(金钱)干某事

sth. cost sb. some money 某事花某人一些钱

pay some money for sth. 为某事(物)付钱例如:

(1)It took me two hours to write the letter. 写这封信花了我两小时的时间。

(2)He spends half an hour (in) reading English every morning. 他每天早上花半小时读英语。

(3)He spends one hour on the housework every day. 他每天花一小时做家务。

(4)The bike cost me 298 yuan. 这辆自行车花了我298元。

(5)I spent 298 yuan on the bike. 我买这辆自行车花了298 元。


1.It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。

同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible)for sb.to do sth.2.The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make.你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。(1)The+比较级..., the+比较级...(2)比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.)

3.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。类似的句型还有:If necessary„, they can„

4.The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday.记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。

5.The atmosphere in my family is fantastic 我的家庭气氛温馨和睦。

6.The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful.人们为什么选择生活在城市的原因是因为城市的生活更方便、更多彩。

7.I had a great first impression of American people.我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。

8.We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem.我们对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。

9.With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work.随着现代科技的迅速发展,互联网已经成为生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。

10.You should read as many books as you possibly can.大家应该尽可能的多读书。

11.China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy.由于实施了改革开放政策,中国变得更加繁荣了。

12.We all need clean air to breathe;we all need clean water to drink;we all need green places to enjoy.我们都需要呼吸清新的空气,我们都需要饮用洁净的水,我们都需要绿地来享受。

13.Let’s work together to make our world a better place.让我们一起努力把世界变得更加美好。

14.We should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things.我们应该充分利用好时间去做有用的、富有成效的事。

15.We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely.我们应该养成一个好习惯,明智地利用时间。

16.What I really want to know is whether he will go abroad next month? 我的确想知道的是,他是否会在下个月出国。

17.Television is harmful to developing minds.电视不利于开发心智。

18.Children usually have far more potential than their parents had realized 孩子们都有很大的潜能,而父母却没有意识到这一点。

19.In the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in our school.在过去的10年里,我们学校发生了巨大的变化。

20.People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier.那些花更多时间和家人在一起的人通常会更健康更幸福。

21.The job was hard, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.这份工作太辛苦,差点使我半途而废。(1)直接使用:so„ that„

The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.这份工作太辛苦、太无聊,而且没完没了,这使我非常累,差点半途而废。(2)能够增加句子层次的高级连词还有:

(Not only „but also„)、(Because„)、(because of„)、(As long as„)、(so long as„)

22.The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of quality, was set up in the 1980’s.生产高品质电视的红星电视机厂,始建于1980年。

23.The E-reading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world, is open to both teachers and students.我们可以向世界每个地方发电子邮件的电子阅览室,对老师和同学都同样开放。

24.I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.我感觉我会是你们公司所需要的人。

25.The number of workers and engineers has risen(更高级词汇:increased)to over 2000, and 80% of them are college graduates.工人和工程师的数量已超过了2000人,而且他们有80%都是大学学历。

26.There is an increasing tendency that students own their mobile phones on campus.在校园内,学生拥有手机的趋势在不断增长。

27.Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school.I think one of reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling.现今,在农村地区还有很多孩子失学。我认为原因之一就是他们的家庭太贫困,而无法供应他们上学。

28.People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very significant /(important)part/(role)in the future of our country.人们应该增加对儿童教育的重视,因为他们会在祖国的未来扮演重要的角色。

29.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and clearer sky.到2008年,我们会看到北京像花园一样,有着更加清澈的河水和碧透的天空。

30.How nice to hear from you again.能再次收到你的来信真是太好了。

31.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.敬盼早日回复。

I’m looking forward to meeting you in no time.我期待与你早日相见。

32.If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.如果你有什么问题和请求只管跟我说。

33.No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important.不管你将来做什么,英语都是最重要的。

34.Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有什么比接受教育更重要的事了。

35.There is no doubt that playing video game is going to be their biggest problem for students to affect study.毫无疑问,玩电子游戏正在成为影响学生学习的最大问题。

36.Obviously, it is high/(about)time that we took some effective measures to solve the problem.显然,早该采取一些积极的措施来解决问题。写作高手使用的高难度表达:

I suggest the department concerned taking some effective measures to improve the present situation.我建议有关部门采取一些有效措施改善现状。

37.Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。

38.We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

39.Smoking has a great influence on our health.吸烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

40.As a proverb says, /(As is well known to us,)storms make trees take deeper roots.有句名言说道:风暴使树木深深扎根。

41.It is a great honor for me to introduce to you one of my very best friend, Liu Xiang.很荣幸给你介绍我的一位好朋友,刘翔。

42.Coming from a family of English teachers, she always had a particular interest in English.出于英语教师世家的她,对英语有着特别的兴趣。描写人物性格的高级得分词汇如下:

diligent 勤奋的 energetic精力充沛的 humorous幽默的 attractive有吸引力的 modest谦虚的 optimistic乐观的 talkative健谈的 enthusiastic热情的

43.I have fully realized that English is essential to my future.我充分认识到英语对我的未来是多么的重要。

44.I suppose electronic dictionaries are convenient, but Iead to laziness!我觉得电子字典很方便,但会使人们变懒。

45.In conclusion, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages.总之,出国留学的优点要大于它的缺点。

46.Now, I think it is really successful experience, and I totally understand what labor means.现在,我想这真是一次成功的经历,并且我完全理解了劳动的意义。

47.From this earthquake, I realized that the power of the mass is endless.通过这次的地震,我认识到了群众的力量是无穷的。高级名言谚语活学活用。


造句:In 1951 Chairman Mao said in Nan Jing that the power of the mass is endless.48.If you have spare time to visit my hometown, I’d be more than happy to be your guide.如果你有空闲时间我的家乡做客,我会非常乐意做你的导游。

49.Nowadays, both teachers and parents worry a great deal about the student’s using the Internet.如今,老师和家长都对学生上网现象极为担心。

50.Views on the issue in question vary from person to person.对于该问题的看法因人而异。

51.We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.我们被赋予新的机会和面临着新的挑战。

52.Thank you for your consideration.感谢你的体谅。

53.I really appreciate what you’ve done for my family and me.我衷心感谢你为我和我家人所做的一切。

We should be very grateful if you help our children with their English study.如果你帮助我们小孩学英语,我们将感激不尽。

54.We will never forget the happy days we spent together.我们永远都不会忘记在一起度过的日子。

55.Many people are becoming aware of the importance of exercising.很多人开始意识到锻炼的重要性了。

56.The talk will be given at the Lecture Hall on Oct.12th, starting at 3:30p.m.报告将在10月12日3:30在报告厅举行。

57.Students should know how to take advantage of their time.学生应该知道如何利用他们的时间。

58.I got sick and tired of doing the routine work day after day.我厌倦了日复一日地做一些例行公事。

59.Conquering English is not different from conquering a great mountain;both of them require determination, courage, and perseverance.征服英语不亚于征服一座高山,都需要决心,勇气和毅力。

60.I’m disappointed in the performance of our team at the sports meeting.我对我们队在运动会上的表现感到失望。

61.I’m very satisfied with what we have achieved so far.到目前为止,我对我们取得的成绩很是满意。更多表示“决心”的高级句型: I’m determined to„

I have made up my mind to complete the task.62.The city is located on the banks of the Long River.这个城市位于长江畔。

63.I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.两星期前收到了你的来信,我真是太高兴了。

64.I’m writing to request more information about the day tour to London.我写信是为了了解更多去伦敦旅行的信息。

65.Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.最近,我们班展了开一场讨论,是关于中学生是否有必要带手机去上学。

66.I wonder if you could tell me more about the trip.我不知道你是否方便多告诉我一些有关旅行的事。

67.It is certain that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.可以肯定,如果开车的人少一些,空气污染就一定会减少。

68.I personally feel that teacher is the most important profession in the world.我个人认为教师是世界上最重要的职业。

69.We can’t imagine what the world is going to be without purified water.我们无法想象没有纯净的水,这个世界会变成生么样子。

70.I was walking east along Park Road, when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.当我沿着公园路往东走的时候,有一个老人在街的另一边从公园里走出来。

71.In the big city, there are more schools and hospitals are available for its people.在大城市,有更多的学校和医院供人们使用。

72.Some people think that we should read extensively.有一些人认为,我们应该有选择性地阅读。

73.In my opinion, you should come back after you finish you studies abroad.在我看来,你结束留学后应该回国。

74.For another reason, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after you parents as they are getting old.另一个原因,我认为你回国可以更方便地照顾你日渐年迈的父母。

75.Classes in our school usually finish at four in the afternoon.我们学校通常下午四点下课。

76.I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s lecture on American history.我很抱歉,明天我不能参加那场关于美国历史的演讲。

77.While 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into housework.花在教育锻炼上的时间是25分钟,只有12分钟的时间用来做家务。

78.Maybe you forgot you spent the money on something else yesterday afternoon.你可能忘了昨天下午你花钱买了其他东西。79.Good habits are the crosscut to success.好习惯是成功的捷径。

80.I was deeply moved by the young boy, because I know Lei Feng is still living in our hearts.那个年轻的小男孩深深地感动着我,因为我相信雷锋一直活在我们的心中。

81.Many new houses had been built and roads had been widened.很多新的楼房建了起来,路也都拓宽了。

82.It is more than ten months since we last met.从我们上次见面到现在已经有十个多月了。

83.It’s very nice of you to help me with my lessons every day.每天帮助我复习功课,你真是太好了。

84.Nothing can live without air and water.没有空气和水,任何东西都不能生存。

85.I prefer to live in the country rather than live in the city.我宁愿住在农村,而不愿住在城市。

86.People must be stopped from throwing dirty things into the river.应阻止人们往河里扔脏东西。

87.Peter sets aside some money every month so that he can buy a new car.彼得每月留出一点钱以便购买一辆新汽车。

88.Linda didn’t go to bed until midnight so that she could finish reading the book.为了看完这本书,琳达直到午夜才睡。

89.Early to bed and early to rise does good to your health.早睡早起有益于健康。

90.More and more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules.越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。

91.Mrs.Brown is an Australian woman teacher with fair hair and blue eyes, who has been to many places of China.布朗女士是一个澳大利亚的老师,她有一头金黄色的头发和一双蓝色的眼睛,她去过中国的各个地方。

92.On Sunday, May 18, we will visit Beijing, which has a history of 400 years.5月8日,星期天,我们将会参观拥有400多年悠长历史的北京。

93.I think students should balance well between work and study.我认为学生应该平衡好工作和学习两方面。

94.Friendship is one of the most precious emotions in our life.在我们的生命中,友谊其中的一种非常珍贵的感情。

95.It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.(适用于自编名言)不言而喻,青春一去不复返。

96.Last but not least, it will definitely benefit the citizens.最后而又很重要的一点,它必定给市民带来福利。

97.With the increasingly rapid economic growth, more problems are brought to our attention.随着日益迅速的经济发展,更多的问题受到我们的关注。

98.The preservation of forests has aroused people’s wide concern 保护森林引发人们的广泛关注.99.As far as I’m concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that„ 就我而言,我赞同„的观点


Lesson 1


1.I’m writing to request more information about the day tour to London.2.I’m writing for more information about the day tour to London.关键句型二:关于询问具体细节的句型(以本题为例)1.I’d like to know if you have any special prices for students.2.What about time for shopping? Is it included in the schedule? 3.As for lunch, is it included in the price? 4.Can you tell me more details about the trip? 5.Please let me know the scheduled return time.6.I wonder if you could tell me more about the trip.7.I also want to know how long the tour will last.8.I have one final question, is there any time scheduled for shopping?

Lesson 2 关键句型一:表达个人观点的句型(以本题为例)1.In my opinion, „在我看来„„。

2. As far as I am concerned,„就我看来„„。3.Personally,„我个人认为„„。

4.From my point of view,„ 在我看来„„。5.I think(that)„我认为„„。6.As I see it.„在我看来„„。

关键句型二:阐述论据的句型(以本题为例)1.For one reason„For another reason„

一个大原因是„„。另一个原因是„„。2.What’s more„此外„。

3.On the one hand, „on the other hand,„


Lesson 3 关键句型一:表示肯定的句型(以本题为例)1.I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food here!2.I believe you will find Chinese food delicious.3.I’m convinced that you’ll love Chinese food.5.I bet you will love Chinese food!关键句型二:表示为某人提供某物(以本题为例)

1.We’ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV.2.We’ll provide a room with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV for you.3.We’ll supply you with a room that has a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV.4.We’ll supply a room with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV for you.5.We’ll prepare a room with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs, and a TV for you.6.You will have a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV.关键句型三:表示提供帮助的句型(以本题为例)


1.Please set me know if you have any questions or requests.2.Just call me if there’s anything you need.3.(Please)let me know if there’s anything I can help you with.4.Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you have any questions or requests.5.I’ll be glad to help if you have any questions or requests.6.I’d be glad if I could help.关键句型四:表示尽力做某事的句型(以本题为例)

1.We’ll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.2.We’ll do everything we can to help you enjoy your stay here in Beijing.3.We’ll do all we can to help you have a good time in Beijing.4.We’ll do our best to make your stay in Beijing a happy one!

Lesson 4 关键句型一:讲故事开头的句型(以本题为例)

1.Once upon a time there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields every day.2.There once was a farmer who worked very hard every day.3.Long long ago, there lived a farmer who worked very hard every day.4.One day, the farmer heard something odd as he wad hoeing.关键句型 二:陈述学到某种道理的句型(以本题为例)

1.The story tells us that if you want to get something, you must work hard for it.2.From the story, we learn that only by working hard can we get what we want.3.The story suggests: “No pains, no gains.”

4.The lesson in this story is that you must work hard to get what you want.Lesson 5

关键句型一:表达信息来源的句型(以本题为例)1.I read in the newspaper that„ 2.I learned from the newspaper that„ 3.By reading today’s newspaper that„ 4.It says in today’s newspaper that„ 关键句型二:提出建议的句型

关于提建议的句型非常多,这里我们只给几个适用于这道题的提建议句型: 1.I think this is a good chance for you to„ 2.I’d like to suggest you„ 3.I think you might like to„

4.I was wondering if you’d like to„ Jim’s Contribution:

I think this is a good chance for you to enter the English Speaking Competition.我认为这是你参加英语演讲比赛的一个好机会。关键句型三:主动提供帮助的句型(以本题为例)

主动提供帮助的句型我们已经在第一课学习了不少,这里我们再给大家提供几个句型: 1.If there is anything I can do for you, I would be glad to„

2.If there is anything I can do for you, it will be my great pleasure to„ 3.Just tell me if I can be of any help.4.Don’t hesitate to ask if you need any help.5.I would be very pleased to do anything that would help you.Lesson 6 关键句型一:表示欢迎的句型(以本题为例)1.Welcome to China.2.I am glad to learn that you are coming to China.3.I feel very honored to have you here in China.4.My parents and I are very pleased to have you with us 关键句型二:告知他人的句型(以本题为例)1.Now let me tell you what we are going to do.2.I would like to tell you what we are going to do.3.I’ll let you know what we are going to do.4.Let me fill you in on what we are going to do.【fill sb.In on: 对某人提供„„的情况】

5.I’ll give you the details / story / lowdown on what we are going to do.【lowdown n.内情;实情(俚)】

关键句型三:表达期待某事的句型(以本题为例)1.I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.2.I expect to meet you soon.3.I’m eager to meet you soon.4.I can’t wait to meet you soon.关键词:arrange v.安排;组织

1.Our school will arrange for some top students to go to America for the summer camp.我们学校将组织一些优秀的学生到美国去参加夏令营。2.What are you going to arrange for us during our stay in your city?


Lesson 7 关键句型一:表达歉意的句型(以本题为例)

1.I’m really / terribly / awfully sorry for not being able to attend the lecture.2.I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture.3.I’m afraid that I won’t be able to attend the lecture.4.Excuse me for not being able to attend the lecture.5.Please forgive me for not being able to attend the lecture.6.I apologize for not being able to attend the lecture.7.Please accept my apologies for not being able to attend the lecture.关键句型 二;说明理由的句型(以本题为例)

1.Because I have to meet my uncle at the airport, I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon.2.Because of my promise to meet my uncle at the airport, I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon.3.Since I have to meet my uncle at the airport, I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon.4.I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon, for I have to meet my uncle at the airport.5.I have to meet my uncle at the airport, and that’s why I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon.6.The reason for my absence from the lecture tomorrow afternoon was that I have to meet my uncle at the airport.7.Let me explain why I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon.8.It’s because I have to meet my uncle at the airport that won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon.关键句型三:关于询问的句型

1.I was wondering if I could take a photo here.2.I wonder if it is possible to take a photo here.3.I want to know if I can take a photo here.4.Could you please tell me if I could take a photo here? 5.I’d like to find out if I could take a photo here.关键句型 四:提出请求的句型(以本题为例)1.Could I borrow the tape, please? 2.May I borrow the tape? 3.I’d like to borrow the tape.4.Do you think I could borrow the tape?

Lesson 8 关键句型一:表示“花时间做某事”的句型(以本题为例)1.They spend 25 minutes doing sports every day.2.The students put 25 minutes into sports activities every day.3.They put in 25 minutes doing sports every day.4.25 minutes is spent on the sports every day.5.25 minutes is taken up by sports activities every day.6.25 minutes goes into sports every day.关键句型二:表达看法的句型(以本题为例)

1.I think the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.2.In my opinion, the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.3.Personally, I believe the students should get more exercise after class.4.After reading these charts, I can’t help thinking that the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.5.If you ask me, I think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class.6.It seems to me that the school should encourage the students to get more exercise after class.7.I’d just like to say the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class.8.I’d like to point out that the students should exercise more after class.9.As far as I’m concerned, the students should do more exercise after class.【as far as I’m concerned: 就我而言】

10.From my point of view, the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.Lesson 9 关键句型一:表达可能性的句型(以本题为例)

1.Maybe you lost the money on your way home.Or maybe you lent the money to one of your friends but you forgot about it.2.You probably lost the money on your way home.3.It’s even possible that you lost the money on your way home.4.It’s likely that you lost the money on your way home.5.There’s also another possibility that you lost the money on your way home.关键句型二:表达安慰的句型(以本题为例)1.Take it easy.2.It’s no big deal.3.It’s nothing to worry about.4.Don’t be such a crybaby.【地道美语】【crybaby n.爱哭的人;软弱容易哭的人】 5.Don’t worry(about it).Lesson 10 关键句型一:表示负责某事的句型(以本题为例)

1.Today our teacher put me in charge of the wall newspaper in my class.2.I will take charge of the wall newspaper in my class.3.I will be in charge of the wall newspaper in my class.4.I will take over the wall newspaper in my class.5.I was assigned to take charge of the wall newspaper in my class.6.I’m responsible for the wall newspaper in my class.关键句型二;表达决定、决心的句型(以本题为例)1.I decided to complete the task.2.I’m determined to complete the task.3.I’ve fixed on completing the task.【fix on: 决定;确定】 4.I have made up my mind to complete the task.5.I’ve make a decision to complete the task.6.I have set my mind on completing the task.【set one’s on: 决心要】


1.I’m thinking of reporting some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.2.I will report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.3.I’m going to report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.4.I plan to report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.5.I intend to report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.6.I propose to report some events that happened around us on the wall newapaper.Lesson 11 关键句型一:表达看法的句型(以本题为例)

1.some of them think that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.2.Some of the students point out that it is good to start learning English from childhood.3.Some of them hold the idea that it is necessary to start learning English at an early age.4.Their point of view is that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.5.In those people’s opinion, it is good to start learning English at ah early age.6.Some of them argue that it is a good idea to start learning English from childhood.关键句型二:表示支持的句型(以本题为例)

1.Some of them agree with the idea that English learning should start early I childhood.2.Some of them are for the idea that English learning should start early in childhood.3.Some students think that it is right to start learning English from childhood.4.Some students think it is a good idea to learn English from a young age.5.Some students consider it reasonable to learn English from childhood.【reasonable adj.合理的;有道理的】

6.Some people are in favor of learning English from a young age.7.Some of them approve of the idea that it is good to start learning English from childhood.【approve of: 赞成;满意】

8.Some students think that there is something to the notion that English learning should start at a young age.【notion n.观念;想法】


1.Some of them don’t think that it is a good idea to start learning English at an early age.2.Other students are opposed to the idea that children should start learning English at a young age.3.Other students don’t think it is suitable for the children to start learning English at a young age.4.Some of them are against the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.5.Other students disapprove of the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.【disapprove of : 反对】

6.Other students disagreed with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.7.But others do not agree with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.8.Some of the students would not like to give their support to the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.Lesson 12 关键句型:提出建议的句型(以题为例)1.You can use your pocket money in this way.2.I think you should use your pocket money in this way.3.I think you can use your pocket money on these things.4.You might as well use your pocket money in this way.5.You’d better use your pocket money in this way.6.It’s a good idea to use your pocket money on these things.7.I think it’ll do you good to use your pocket money on these things.8.I suggest that you should use your pocket money on these things.9.I would advise you to use your pocket money in this way.Lesson 13 关键句型一:过去进行时的句型

1.At about 9 o’clock last night, I was doing my homework.2.I was doing some washing when you called me last night.3.He was listening to the English tape when someone knocked at the door.4.Mother was preparing for supper when I went back home from school yesterday afternoon.关键句型二:提出要求的句型(以本题为例)1.Could you please turn your TV down a bit? 2.Would you please turn your TV down a bit? 3.Do you mind turning down your TV a little bit? 4.Could you possibly turn your TV down a bit? 5.Do you think it would be possible to turn your TV down a bit? 6.I would appreciate it if you could turn your TV down a bit.【I would appreciate it if„如果„„我净很感激。】 关键句型三;道歉的句型(以本题为例)1.I’m awfully sorry that I have disturbed you.2.I’m really sorry to have disturbed you.3.I’m terribly sorry for disturbing you.4.I do apologize for disturbing you.5.A thousand pardons for disturbing you.6.I can’t tell you how sorry I am for disturbing you.Lesson 14 关键句型一:一般过去时的句型 1.There was a park near our school.2.Lots of students took part in the lecture yesterday.3.I spent my summer vacation in Shanghai last year.4.The firemen arrived, and soon the fire was under control.5.Last Saturday evening, I went to the movies with some friends.6.Soon two policemen in a police car came and arrested the thief.关键句型二:表示感谢的句型(以本题为例)1.The woman thanked the old man.2.The woman sent her thanks to the old man.3.The woman felt very grateful to the old man.4.The woman appreciated the old man very much.5.The woman expressed her appreciation to the old man.6.The woman expressed her gratitude for the old man’s help.【gratitude n.感激;谢意】

Lesson 15 关键句型一:表达目的的句型(以本题为例)

1.The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful.2.We are carrying out this program in order to make our school more beautiful.3.We are going to carry out this program so as to make our school more beautiful.4.We’re trying to create a more beautiful environment for the students.5.We aim to create a more beautiful environment for the students.关键句型二;表示规划的句型(以本题为例)

1.Our school had started on a new program to make the campus more beautiful.2.Our school is staring a new program to make the campus more beautiful.3.The program involves planting trees, building a garden, and decorating the campus.【decorate v.装饰】

4.The program will be put into action by us planting trees, building a garden, and decorating the campus.5.It’s included in the program that student artwork will decorate the halls of our school.6.The program calls for a garden to be built for us to visit and relax.7.In this program, we will set aside a quiet grassy area where we can rest and do some reading.【set aside: 留出】

8.We will carry out the program by setting aside a quiet grassy area for us to rest and do some reading.9.According to the program, we will plant different kinds of trees, flowers and grass in and around our school.关键句型三:欢迎到访的句型(以本题为例)1.Welcome to visit our school.2.If you are free, do come and visit our school.3.I hope you get the chance to visit our school.4.You are welcome to visit our school if you have the chance.5.We would like you to visit our school whenever it is convenient for you.Lesson 16 关键句型一:表示“到某地度假”的句型(以本题为例)1.I will spend this summer holiday / vacation in the countryside.【英式英语中说“holiday”,美式英语中说“vacation”.】 2.I’m going to the countryside during the summer vacation.3.I will go to the countryside for vacation this summer.关键句型二:表达不足的句型(以本题为例)

1.There are still some shortcomings to living in the urban area.2.There are still some disadvantages to living in the city.3.There are still some problems to living in the urban area.4.Life in an urban center brings its own set of problems.5.Life in the city is far from perfect.6.Urban life has it’s downside.【downside n.不利方面】 7.Life for city-dwellers is not all peaches and cream.【超级地道美语】【peach and cream: 受人喜欢的东西(俚)】

Lesson 17 关键句型一:表示“位于„„”的句型(以本题为例)1.The city is on the banks of the Yangtze River.2.The city lies on the banks of the Yangtze River.3.The city stands on the banks of the Yangtze River.4.The city is located on the banks of the Yangtze River.5.The city is situated on the banks of the Yangtze River.6.The location of the city is on the banks of the Yangtze River.关键句型二:表示取得发展的句型(以本题为例)

1.Its economic status has improved a lot for the past ten years.【status n.地位;情形;状况】

2.Its economy has been growing very fast for the past ten years.3.Its economy has been developing rapidly for the past ten years.4.The city has made rapid progress in its economy for the past ten years.关键句型三:表达看法的句型(以本题为例)

1.In my view, Jiang Cheng should develop its economy scientifically.2.As far as I’m concerned, Jiang Cheng should develop its economy scientifically.3.In my opinion, Jiang Cheng should develop its economy scientifically.4.I think that Jiang Cheng should develop its economy scientifically.5.From my point of view, Jiang Cheng should develop its economy scientifically.6.As I see it, Jiang Cheng should develop its economy scientifically.Lesson 18 关键句型一:表达推荐的句型(以本题为例)

1.I suggest that you buy the following two dictionaries.2.I’d like to recommend the following two dictionaries.3.I’d like to introduce the following two dictionaries to you.4.I believe the following two dictionaries will surely do you good.5.I think the following two dictionaries are good for you to study Chinese.关键句型二:表示包含的句型(以本题为例)

1.It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words.2.It records a large number of words.3.It contains a vocabulary of 10,000 words.4.It consists of a great number of words, notes and sample sentences.5.Many notes telling you how to use words are included in the dictionary.关键句型三:描述特点的句型(以本题为例)

1.The English-Chinese / Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners.2.The Xinhua Dictionary is the most widely used Chinese dictionary.3.The Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary.4.It may be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese.【advanced adj.高级的;先进的】 5.It suits the advanced learners of Chinese.Lesson 19 关键句型一:描述房子的句型

1.It’s a small apartment, about 25 square meters, with a sitting room, a bathroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.2.It’s a small apartment, consisting of a sitting room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.3.In the sitting room, you can see a coffee table, a sofa, a TV set and a stereo.4.In the bedroom, there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.关键句型二:描述“房租多少”的句型(以本题为例)1.The rent is 500 yuan per month.2.You should pay 500 yuan a month for the apartment.3.You’ll have to pay 500 yuan a month in rent.4.The apartment will cost you 500 yuan per month.5.The landlord will charge you 500 yran every month.6.The apartment will set you back 500 yuan a month.【set back: 花费】

Lesson 20 关键词一:be going to 打算(做某事);计划(做某事)1.I am going to enjoy myself over the vacation.2.I’m going to spend my summer vacation by the sea.3.I’m going to take part in the summer camp.关键词二:for example 例如

1.You’ll have a lot of fun by the sea, For example, you can swim in the sea, play in the sand and collect seashells.2.There are many topics you can write about in your composition.For example, you can talk bout your favorite sport or your favorite song.Lesson 21 关键句型一:表示“收费/免费”的句型(以本题为例)1.The ticket for entering the park is 50 RMB.2.It will cost you 50 yuan to enter that park.3.It used to be free to enter the park.4.They believe a public park should be free of charge.5.An entrance fee will be charged for the park from next month.【李阳老师额外奉献:表示收费的其他句型】 1.The bill for the dinner is 120 yuan.2.The tuition for this semester is 1500 yuan.3.He was fined 200 RMB for violation of traffic regulation.【fine v.罚款 violation n.违反(法律等);违背 regulation n.规则;法令】 关键句型二:表示看法的句型(以本题为例)1.In their opinions, the fees should be low.2.They think that the fees should be low.3.They believe that the fees should be low.4.They are convinced that the fees should be low.5.They suggest that the fees should be low.关键句型三:表示“影响(城市形象)”的说法(以本题为例)

1.It will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will make the city less attractive.2.It will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.3.It is certainly harmful to the appearance of a city if everyone litters wherever they like.【litter v.乱丢垃圾】

4.It is not good for the appearance of a city to have such a lake full of rubbish.5.The city’s appearance will suffer from the increase in pollution.6.Some factories pour wastewater into the river, which will diminish the beauty of a city.【diminish v.(使)减少;(使)变小】

7.It really takes away from the beauty of a city to have such filth everywhere.【take away from: 减损 filth n.垃圾;污物】

Lesson 22 关键句型一:描述激动心情的句型(以本题为例)

1.I was very excited when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.2.How exciting that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games!3.I couldn’t restrain my excitement when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.4.How marvelous that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games!5.How wonderful to hear that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games!6.I’m in a great mood on hearing that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.7.It’s breathtaking that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.【breathtaking adj.令人兴奋的;激动人心的】

8.The news that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games was really most fascinating.【fascinating adj.迷人的;吸引人的】


1.After a brief discussion we decided to put up a wall newspaper for our class.2.After a brief discussion we made a decision to put up a wall newspaper for our class.3.After a brief discussion we fixed on putting up a wall newspaper for our class.4.After a brief discussion we made up our minds to put up a wall newspaper for our class.5.After a brief discussion we set our minds on putting up a wall newspaper for our class.6.After a brief discussion we reached a decision that we should put up a wall newspaper for our class.关键句型三:描述惊喜的句型(以本题为例)

1.Our classmates were surprised and overjoyed when they say the wall newspaper.2.Our classmates were pleasantly surprised when they saw the wall newspaper.3.It was really a surprise to our classmates when they saw the wall newspaper.4.It was really amazing that there was a wall newspaper in the classroom.5.It was beyond their expectations to see the wall newspaper, and all of them were extremely happy/

【beyond one’s expectations: 超出某人的期望】

Lesson 23 关键句型:表示过去与现在的对比的句型(以本题为例)

1.I had to work on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes in the past.However, things have changed a lot now.I have more free time.2.I used to have to work even on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes.Now I have more free time.3.In the past, I had to work on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes.But now I have more free time.4.It’s quite different now.I used to have to work even on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes, but now I have more free time.5.It’s not like it used to be at all.Now I have more free time.6.I have more free time than before.Lesson 24 关键句型一:表示事情发生的句型(以本题为例)1.The traffic accident happened on February 8,2000.2.The event took place early in the morning on February 8,2000.3.The crossroad where 3rd meets Park Street was where it happened.4.There was a traffic at the intersection of 3rd and Park.5.It occurred on the corner of 3rd and Park.关键句型二:表示“观察;注意”的句型(以本题为例)1.I paid attention to the car’s license plate.2.I noticed the plate number was AC864.3.I got a look at his license plate.The number was AC864.4.I got his license plate number.Lesson 25 关键句型一:宣布举行活动的句型(以本题为例)

1.The Student Union has decided to organize a music week.2.The Student Union will hold a music week.3.A music week will be held by the Student Union.4.We will have a music week held by the Student Union.5.There will be a music week held by the Student Union.关键句型二:表达“活动包含„„”的句型(以本题为例)

1.The activities will include singing pop songs and playing classical & folk music.2.Among the activities there will be pop singing and classical & folk performances.3.Singing pop songs and playing classical & folk music will be just some of the activities offered.4.There will be many kinds of activities including singing pop songs and playing classical & folk music.5.We will have abundant activities during the music week, such as dinging pop songs and playing classical & folk music.【abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的】 关键句型三;关于报名的句型(以本题为例)

1.If you would like to join us, please tell us before April 20th.2.If you’d like to take part in the music week, please let us know before April 20th.3.Those who are interested, please make sure you are on our list by April 20th.4.If interested, please come and sign up for it before April 20th.5.All wishing to participate please register before April 20th.【register v.登记;注册】

6.April 20th is the deadline to sign up.【sign up: 签字应征;报名参加】

Lesson 26 关键句型一:告诉某人某事的句型(以本题为例)1.Do you know what has happened in my school? 2.Let me tell you a few things about my school.3.I’d like to let you know something about my school.4.I’d like to inform you of something about my school.【inform sb.of„通知某人某事】

5.I am writing to tell you something about my school.6.I would like you to know something about my school.关键句型二:表示“发生变化”的句型(以本题为例)1.Quite a few changes have taken place.2.Quite a few changes have occurred.3.Our school has experienced great changes.4.Many changes have happened at our school.5.Many changes have been made at our school.6.Our school has gone through quite a few changes.【go through: 经历;经受】

7.There are quite a few changes that have taken place.关键句型三:描述方位的句型

1.Our school is opposite to the new post office.2.On one side of the river there is a row of trees.3.I will wait for you in front of the gate of the park.4.On the other side now stands a new movie theater.5.We have made a lot of improvements on and around the campus.Lesson 27 关键词一:give sb.a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人

1.When we visited the factory, the workers there gave us a warm welcome.当我们到工厂参观的时候,那里的工人们热烈地欢迎我们。2.When I got to Mary’s house, her family gave me a warm welcome.当我去到玛丽家的时候,她一家人热烈地欢迎我。3.Let’s give a warm welcome to Professor Li.让我们热烈欢迎李教授。

关键词二:show sb.around 带领某人参观„„ 1.The farmers showed us around the farm.农民们带我们参观了农场。

2.This afternoon, I will show you around the city.今天下午,我会带你参观这城市。

关键词三:have fun doing sth.做某事很愉快。1.Yesterday, we had great fun playing basketball.昨天,我们条篮球打得很愉快。

2.Did you have great fun spending your vacation in the countryside?


Lesson 28 关键词一:point to 指向;指着

1.While talking to us, the young man pointed to a policeman not far away.那个年轻人跟我们说话的时候,指着不远处的一个警察。2.He pointed to that oil painting and told us about its history.他指着那幅油画,向我们介绍它的历史。关键词二:explain v.解释;说明

1.The young man explained why they stopped us.那个年轻人解释人与人之间为什么拦下我们。

2.He explained the reason why he was made to catch the offenders.他解释他被要求抓违章者的原因。

3.She explained that her bus hadn’t come up on time.她解释说她要乘坐的公交车没有按时到达。

Lesson 29 关键句型一:表示“学习课程”的句型(以本题为例)

1.Among the subjects I studied in school were Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.2.The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.3.I studied many different subjects at school including Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.4.There are many subjects I studied at school, such as Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.5.I studied lots of different stuff in school, including, but not limited to, Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.【非常正式】


1.I like English and computers best, and I am very good at them.2.I like English best, and I always got high grades on the English exams.3.My strengths lie in English and computers.【strength n.力量;长处;优点】

4.My best subjects were English and computers.5.I did very well in English and computer classes.6.English and computers are my areas of expertise.【expertise n.专门知识;专门技能】

7.I’d say I am quite proficient at English and computers.【proficient adj.熟练的;精通的】

关键句型三:表达爱好的句型(以本题为例)1.I like / love playing guitar best.2.In my spare time, I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.3.I’m interested in collecting stamps.4.I’m really fond of skating in winter.5.My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.6.I adore listening to popular music.7.I’m crazy about sports.8.I find great pleasure in listening to pop music.9.I like nothing better than swimming.Lesson 30 关键词一:hold(a meeting / party / contest)举办/召开(会议/聚会/比赛等)1.The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening.学生会计划在星期六晚上举办一个晚会。

2.A meeting will be held to discuss how to cope with this problem.【cope with: 应付】

3.Our class will hold an English contest next Friday.我们班下周五将举行一次英语竞赛。关键词二:welcome v.欢迎

1.The Student Union is going to hold a party to welcome our friends from the United States.学生会打算举行一个聚会来欢迎来自美国的朋友。

2.A performance will be put on this evening to welcome the freshmen in our university.【freshman n.新生;大学一年级新生】

为了欢迎我们大学里的新生,今晚将举行一场表演。3.My mother prepared a big meal to welcome my classmates.为了欢迎我的同学,妈妈准备了丰盛的晚餐。关键词三:exchange(gift)交换(礼物等)

1.At the end of the party, students are supposed to exchange gifts.在晚会的最后,学生们将交换礼品。

2.We can use the Internet to exchange information with other people in no time.【in no time: 立刻;几乎马上地】


3.In Mr.Li’s class, we are encouraged to exchange our ideas with each other.在李老师的课上,他鼓励我们相互交流想法。关键词四:wrap sth.Up 包裹(某物);包装(某)

1.Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.记住把它包装好,签上名,并写上一些祝福的语句

2.Wrap the rubbish up with the old newspaper and throw it away, please.请用旧报纸把垃圾包好扔掉。3.The birthday present for Daisy has been wrapped up.给戴西的生日礼物已经包好了。

Lesson 31 关键句型一:买东西的句型(以本题为例)

1.Early in the morning we went to buy some presents for my grandma.2.We went to the shop to choose some presents for my grandma.3.We told the shop assistant that we would like to buy some presents for my grandma.4.We told the shop assistant that we were looking for some presents for my grandma.5.We told the shop assistant that we were trying to find something for my grandma’s birthday.关键句型二:描述用餐的句型(以本题为例)1.The meal was nice and we all enjoyed it very much.2.The meal was delicious and we all loved it very much.3.The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much.4.It was such a nice meal that we all enjoyed it very much.5.Because the meal was very nice, we all enjoyed it very much.关键句型三:道别的句型

1.We said our goodbyes and headed home.2.At 4 o’clock, we said goodbye and set off for home.3.“I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.Goodbye!” I said when I was leaving.4.We all felt very happy today, and we hoped that we could meet again very soon.5.It was time for us to leave.We all considered it nice meeting each other.6.We waved goodbye to them and left for home.7.After saying our farewells, we hit the road and were soon on our way back home.【hit the road: 上路;出发】

Lesson 32 关键句型一:表示获奖的句型(以本题为例)

1.He won a gold medal in the diving event at the 11th Asian Games.2.He got the first place in the diving event at the 11th Asian Games.3.He won the first prize in the diving event at the 11th Asian Games.4.He became a world champion at the 6th Would Swimming Championships early this year.5.He beat all the other competitors at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.关键句型二:表示“喜欢做某事”的句型(以本题为例)1.He became interested in swimming when he was a little boy.2.He was fond of swimming when he was a little boy.3.He liked/ loved swimming very much when he was a little boy.4.He developed an interest in swimming when he was a little boy.5.He developed a strong passion for swimming when he was very young.【passion n.激情;热情】

关键句型三:表示“认真学习”的句型(以本题为例)1.He studied hard at school.2.He worked hard at school.3.He devoted himself to his studies.4.He gave his studies everything he had.5.He put himself into his study when he was at school.6.He put his heart into his schoolwork when he was at school.Lesson 33 关键句型一:表示“担心;忧虑”句型(以本题为例)

1.I’m worried about the effects of television, especially on our children.2.I’m worrying that the TV has more and more impact on our children.3.It’s a worry to me that the TV has more and more impacts on our children.4.I’m very concerned that TV has influenced our children greatly.5.I feel great concern for the effects of television, especially on our children.6.I am disturbed by the effects of television, especially on our children.7.The effects of television on our children disquiet me a great deal.【disquiet v.使不安;使忧虑】

关键句型二:表示“仿效”的句型(以本题为例)1.Many children copy what they see on TV.2.Many children learn from the bad examples shown on TV.3.After watching the TV programs, many children follow suit.【follow suit: 照别人的方式去做;学样(尤俯拾皆是坏的方面)】 4.Many children are in thrall to what they see on TV.【in thrall to: 受„„控制;深受„„影响】

5.Many children are enthralled by what they see on TV.【enthrall v.迷惑;迷住;奴役】


1.The advertisements make the children want things they don’t need.2.The advertisements attract the children to ask for things they don’t need.3.The advertisements tempt the children to ask for things they don’t need.【tempt v.引诱;诱惑】

4.The advertisements allure the children to ask for things they don’t need.【allure v.吸引;诱惑】

5.The advertisements stimulate the children to ask for things they don’t need.【stimulate v.刺激;激动】

6.The advertisements propel the children to ask for things they don’t need.【propel v.鼓励;驱使】


1.Many children have to wear glasses, and I believe it is because of the long hours they spend watching TV.2.The long hours the children spend watching TV cause many of them to wear glasses.3.The long hours the children spend watching TV result in many of them having to wear glasses.4.The long hours the children spend watching TV lead to the fact that many of them having to wear glasses.5.Many children end up having to wear glasses due to the long hours they spend watching TV.【end up doing: 结果是„„】

Lesson 34 关键句型一:请假的句型 1.I want a day off.2.I am writing to ask you for sick leave.3.She had a day off because she’d got a bad cold.4.I have to take a day off because of the serious headache.5.He requested a leave of absence.6.He was out sick for a day.关键句型二:描述生病的句型 1.I had a bad cold.2.I had a headache / stomachache / backache / sore throat yesterday.【sore throat: 喉咙痛】 3.I had got a high fever.4.I feel a pain in my leg.5.There is a serious pain in my back.6.That night I had a bad attack of diarrhea.【diarrhea n.痢疾;腹泻】 关键句型三:叫某人做某事的句型

1.The doctor asked me to stay in bed for three days.2.The doctor told me to take this medicine three times a day.3.The doctor prescribed medicine and told me not to take it with alcohol.【prescribe v.开处方;开药】 4.The doctor advised me to stay in bed.5.The doctor suggested drinking more water.6.The doctor’s orders were plenty of exercise and Vitamin C.7.The doctor recommended that I rest.Lesson 35 关键句型一:表示感谢(别人的邀请)的句型(以本题为例)1.It was very nice of you to invite me.2.It is so kind of you to invite me to spend the summer holidays with you.3.Thank you so much for your kind invitation to spend the summer holidays with you.4.I can’t tell you how happy I was to receive your invitation.5.What a delightful idea to spend the summer vacation in your village with you!Thank you.关键句型二:表示拒绝(邀请)的句型(以本题为例)

1.It was very nice of you to invite me, but I’m sorry to say that I will not be able to come.2.I’m terribly sorry, but I don’t think I can make it.Thank you all the same.3.I’d love to spend a few days with you, but I’m afraid I can’t.4.Many thanks for your invitation, but I’m afraid that I will not be able to come.5.I wish I could, but I’ve already fixed something up.【fix up: 安排】

关键句型三:表达“照顾某人”的句型(以本题为例)1.I will have to look after my mother.2.I have to take care of my mother.3.I’m responsible for my mother’s care.4.There’s no one but me to watch out for mom.Lesson 36 关键句型一:表示“从事„„工作”的句型(以本题为例)1.My mother is a nurse.2.My mother works in a hospital.3.My mother’s job is a nurse.4.My mother works as a nurse in a hospital.5.My mother’s field is nursing.6.My mother is / works in the nursing profession.关键句型二;表示称赞的句型(以本题为例)1.They all say she is a good nurse.2.All the people consider my mother a good nurse.3.Everyone agrees that my mother is an excellent nurse.4.Everyone acknowledges that my mother is a good nurse.5.Lots of people can’t help admiring my mother’s devotion to her job.关键句型三:描述“尽心尽力”力的句型(以本题为例)1.She works hard.2.She really puts her heart into helping her patients.3.She does everything she can to ease their suffering.4.Whenever the patients are in trouble, she is always ready to help them.5.She is very kind to the patients and always tries her best to serve them.6.She goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure her patients are OK.【above and beyond: 大于;多于;远于】 7.She gives her job 110%.【 “give sth.110%”是一个英语习惯用语,表示“尽力做某事”,这是一种夸张的说法。还可以说“give sth.100%”,但前者用得更多。】

Lesson 37 关键句型一:表示“始建于„„”的句型(以本题为例)1.It dates from about 770 BC.【date from:从„„就有了】 2.It dates back to about 770 BC.【date back to:回溯到】 3.It was built in about 770 BC.4.It was constructed in about 770 BC.5.People began to build it in about 770 BC.6.Its construction started in about the year 770 BC.关键句型二:表示长、宽、高的句型(以本题为例)

1.It is more than 6,000 kilometers long, 6 to 7 meters high and 4 to 5 meters wide.2.Its length is 6,000 kilometers, height is 6 to 7 meters and width is 4 to 5 meters.3.It is 6,000 kilometers in length, 6 to 7 meters in height and 4 to 5 meters in width.关键句型三:“不到长城非好汉”的翻译方法(以本题为例)1.You’re not a man until you visit the Great Wall.2.You’re no man;you’ve never been to the Great Wall.3.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.4.He who has never been to the Great Wall is hardly a real man.5.How can you call yourself a man if you haven’t even been to the Great Wall?

Lesson 38 关键句型一:表示出生的句型(以本题为例)

1.Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Oak Park, lllinois in the year 1899.2.Ernest Miller Hemingway entered/came into this world in 1899.3.Ernest Miller Hemingway’s mother gave birth to him in 1899.关键句型二:表达取得成功的句型(以本题为例)

1.The Old Man and The Sea was his most successful novel.2.The greatest novel he had published was The Old Man and The Sea.3.His book, The Old Man and The Sea, turned out to be a great success.4.His book, The Old Man and The Sea, won him the Pulitzer Prize.5.For the book, The Old Man and The Sea, he won the Pulitzer Prize.6.Thanks to the book, The Old Man The Sea, he received the Pulitzer Prize.7.His book, The Old Man and The Sea, made a great stir with the public after it was published.【make a stir: 引起轰动】

关键句型三:描述自杀的句型(以本题为例)1.He shot himself in 1961 2.He took his own life with a gun in 1961.3.He killed himself with a gun in 1961.4.His death, by his own hand, in 1961, was truly a sad event.5.He committed suicide with a gun in 1961.6.He blew himself away in 1961.【blow away: 用枪射杀】

Lesson 39 关键句型一:表达递进(除了我,其他人也„„)的句型(以本题为例)

1.Besides me, most students of our school are against the construction of a chemical works near our school.2.I am against the construction of a chemical works near our school.Moreover, most students hold the same idea as me.3.Not only I, but also most of the other students of our school disapprove of the construction of a chemical plant near our school.4.Most students of our school, including me, oppose to the construction of a chemical works near our school.关键句型二:表示转折(尽管„„但„„)的句型(以本题为例)

1.The works will make a lot of money for our city, but we think it sill do us more harm than good.2.The works will make a lot of money for our city, while we think it will do us more harm than good.3.Though the works will make a lot of money for our city, we think it will do up more harm than good.4.Although the works will make a lot of money for our city, we think it will do us more harm than good.5.Even if the works will make a lot of money for our city, we think it will do us more harm than good.6.The works will make a lot of money for our city.However, we think it will do us more harm than good.7.In spite of the great amount of money the works will make for our city, we think it will do us more harm than good.8.Despite the possibility that the works will make a lot of money for our city, we think it sill do us more harm than good.关键句型三:表示“对„„有害”的句型(以本题为例)1.The chemical works will do harm to our city.2.It is bad for our city to build a chemical works.3.A chemical works would be a disaster for our city.4.It will be harmful to build a chemical works in our city.5.Building a chemical works could only bring harm to our city.6.The chemical works will have a bad effect on the environment of our city.7.The proposed chemical works will have an adverse effect on our city.【adverse acj.不利的;敌对的;相反的】

Lesson 40 关键句型一:(在信中)介绍某人的句型(以本题为例)1.I’d like to introduce my younger brother to you.2.Have I ever introduced my younger brother to you:? 3.I would like you to get to know my younger brother.4.Let me introduce my younger brother to you.关键句型二:表示担心的句型(以本题为例)1.The only problem is his English isn’t so great.2.He is afraid that people won’t be able to understand him.3.I find it very worrying that his English is not so good.4.It’s a worry to me that he won’t be able to communicate with the people there.5.I’m very concerned that his poor English will cause him a lot of trouble.6.I’m worried that he won’t be able to communicate while visiting tourist attractions or shopping.关键句型三:请求帮助的句型(以本题为例)1.I have a favor to ask you.2.Would you be kind enough to give him as much help as possible? 3.Would you be kind enough to give him as much help as possible? 4.I’d really appreciate it if you gave him a little help.5.Would you mind looking out for him while he’s in the city?

【look out for: 照料;当心】

6.Could you please do me a favor and look out for him while he’s in the city?

Lesson 41 关键句型一:比较级和最高级的句型 1.People are much richer than before.2.People here now live a much better life than before.3.This small village has become more beautiful than before.4.The teaching building is the biggest building in our village.5.The teaching building is the greatest construction in our village.关键句型二:表示“没有”句型(以本题为例)1.There were no schools in our village.2.Our little village didn’t even have a school.3.We had no schools in our village in the past.4.My hometown is a poor village without school.5.There was not so much as a school in our village.关键句型三:现在完成时的句型

1.Children have got a place to have lessons.2.People have built a new school in our village.3.I haven’t been back to my hometown for two years.4.Great changes have taken place in our village since 1980.5.The living standard has been greatly improved since 1980.6.Have you ever heard about the changes happened in our village?

Lesson 42 关键句型一:表达“因„„而出名”的句型(以本题为例)1.Our area is famous as a great producer of coal, oil and gas.2.Our area is very famous for its coal, oil and gas production.3.Thanks to its coal, oil and gas production, our area became very famous.4.It is well known for its coal, oil and gas production.5.Its reputation for its coal, oil and gas production.6.We made our name for turning out high quality coal, oil and gas.【turn out: 生产;制造】

7.Our area enjoys a good reputation for turning out a large quantity of coal, oil and gas.【enjoy a good reputation for: 因„„而享有声誉】

关键句型二:表示“对„„有影响”的句型(以本题为例)1.The gas production greatly affects the coal and oil production.2.The coal and oil production are greatly affected by the gas production.3.The gas production greatly influences the coal and oil production.4.The gas production has great influence on the coal and oil production.关键句型三:表示“促进„„增长”的句型(以本题为例)

1.The opening of new oil & gas fields made the three areas of production increase rapidly.2.The opening of new oil & gas fields led to a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.3.The opening of new oil & gas fields caused a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.4.The opening of new oil & gas fields resulted in a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.5.The opening of new oil & gas fields brought about a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.【bring about: 使发生;引起;致使】

6.The opening of new oil & gas fields contributed quite a lot to the increase of the coal, oil and gas production.Lesson 43 关键句型一:表示“起重要作用”的句型(以本题为例)1.The Internet is greatly affecting our daily life.2.The Internet is very important to us nowadays.3.The Internet has a big impact on our daily life.4.The Internet is changing the way we live our lives.5.The Internet is transforming the way we live our lives.【transform v.改变;转化】

6.The Internet is playing an important role in people’s daily life.7.The Internet is playing an important part in people’s daily life.关键句型二:表示“与他人取得联系”的句型 1.I will call you once I get there.2.I keep in touch with my old friends via e-mail.3.Please write to Mr.White to ask for some advice.4.You can make telephone calls to me if you miss me.5.I sent e-mail to my father when he was traveling in London.关键句型三:表示“利用某物做某事”的句型(以本题为例)1.We can listen to music using our computer.2.Many people now use the Internet for study.3.Many students read different kinds of articles via the Internet.4.We can take advantage of the Internet to learn foreign languages.【take advantage of: 利用】

5.I can use the Internet to get information about this ever-changing world.6.Make good use of the Internet, you’ll find that you can get a lot of benefits from it.Lesson 44 关键句型一:谈论梦想的句型(以本为例)1.I’m going to be / become a teacher.2.My dream is to be a teacher.3.I dream of becoming a teacher.4.My goal is to become a teacher.5.I want to be / become a teacher in the future.6.I would like to be a teacher in the future.7.I wish to be / become a teacher in the future.8.I hope I will become a teacher in the future.9.I’ve decided to be a teacher in the future.10.I’ve made up my mind to become a teacher in the future.11.I’m determined to become a teacher in the future.12.I have a dream and that is to become a teacher in the future.关键句型二:表示“浪费时间”的句型

1.It’s a waste of time persuading him to give up his idea.2.Why are you wasting your time on that stuff? 3.I think watching TV is a waste of time.4.I don’t want to waste your time.5.No one can afford to waste time.【一定要珍惜一分一秒!最大限度地利用你的零碎时间来练习英语吧!】


Any spare moment can be a great opportunity to exercise your English skill.One minute is enough to read a sentence 20 times.Remember, one minute can also produce miracles.Never say that you don’t have enough time to learn English!任何零碎时间都是训练英语技能的好机会!一分钟足以将一个句子读20遍。记住:一分钟也可以创造奇迹。永远都不要说你没时间学英语!

关键句型三:表示“献身于„„”的句型(以本题为例)1.I will devote myself to the cause of education.2.I will give all my life to the cause of education.3.I will dedicate my life to the cause of education.4.I will make the cause of education my life’s work.5.I will work for the cause of education my whole life.6.I will work with all my heart and soul for the cause of education.【heart and soul: 全心全意地】

Lesson 45 关键句型一:表示“构成危害”的句型(以题为例)

1.Pollution has become a serious problem to all the nations of the world.2.Pollution has become a great risk to our earth.3.Pollution is a danger to us all.4.Pollution is a threat to mankind.5.Pollution has threatened our lives greatly.6.Pollution has brought great to human beings.7.Pollution troubles / vexes / irritates us no end.【vex v.使烦恼

irritate v.激怒;使恼恨】

关键句型二:表示“采取措施”的句型(以本题为例)1.Something must be done to tackle the problem.2.We’ve got to do something about pollution right away.3.We must take action now to control pollution.4.We have to take effective measures to solve this problem.5.We should adopt some measures to fight against pollution.6.It’s time to take steps to control the increasingly serious pollution.Lesson 46 关键句型一:表示“成立;建立”的句型(以本题为例)1.The Children’s Center was set up in 1994.2.The Children’s Center opened was built in 1994.3.The Children’s Center opened ten years ago.4.The Children’s Center was founded ten years ago.关键句型二:表示“接待参观者”的句型(以本题为例)1.The Children’s Center has had 10 million guests since it opened a decade ago.2.The Children’s Center has received over 10 million visitors from all over the country.3.10 million visitors from all over the country have visited the Children’s Center since it opened ten years ago.4.10 million visitors from all over the country have paid a visit to the Children’s Center since it opened ten years ago.关键句型三:表示“挤满了„„”的句型(以本题为例)

1.The children crowd the park’s facilities.【facilities n.(pl.)设备】 2.The park is full of children on weekends.3.A great number of children gather at the park every weekend.4.The children throng the park on Sunday.【throng v.群集】

5.Children fill the park to capacity on weekends.【to capacity: 达最大限度;满负载】 6.The park is jam-packed with children on Sunday.【jam-packed adj.挤得水泄不通的】 关键句型四:表示“洋溢着„„”的句型(以本题为例)1.The children fill the park with their laughter.2.The park is always full of children’s laughter.3.The park resonates with the laughter of children.【resonate v.回响】 4.The park is always filled with children’s laughter.5.All across the park you can hear the sound of children’s laughter.6.The park is turned into a sea of children’s laughter every weekend.Lesson 47 关键句型一:表示演讲主题的句型(以本题为例)

1.We are all here today to hold a farewell party for Mr.Green.2.We are gathered here today to say goodbye to Mr.Green, our best teacher.3.The reason why we are here today is to give our best wishes to Mr.Green who will leave us soon for his motherland.4.I am very honored to be here on behalf of all of you to send our best wishes to Mr.Green who will leave us soon for his motherland.关键句型二:表示“爱戴”的句型(以本题为例)1.All the students love and respect him very much.2.Mr.Green was such a good teacher that he was respected by all of us.3.We all have the utmost respect for him because he’s such a great teacher.【utmost adj.极度的;最大的】

4.All of us hold him in high regard, for he’s an excellent teacher.5.We hold him in high esteem, for he’s an excellent teacher.【esteem n.尊敬;尊重】

关键句型三:表达谢意的句型(以本题为例)1.We will express our gratitude to him.2.We would like to extend our gratitude to him.3.Words can’t tell how much his teaching meant to us.4.I’d like to say “thank you ” to him on behalf of all the students.关键句型四:表达祝福的句型(以本题为例)1.May every success go with him.2.Have a happy journey and good luck!3.We wish him the best in everything he does!4.We wish him a pleasant journey and good health.5.We hope everything goes well with him in all of his days.Lesson 48 关键句型一:表示“申请职位”的句型(以本题为例)1.I want to apply for a post in your company.2.I would like to work for you as a sales assistant.3.I’m really interested in the post you advertised in today’s newspaper.4.I’m looking for a job like that kind you offer.Could you please give me a chance? 5.I heard that you were looking for a sales assistant.Do you still have that vacancy?

【vacancy n.空缺;空职】

6.I wish that I could be so fortunate to have the opportunity to work in your company as a sales assistant.关键句型二:表示教育背景的句型 1.I have got the high school diploma.2.I majored in accounting in university.【major v.主修】 3.I have been learning English for 8 years.4.I began to study in this high school in 2001.5.I graduated from Beijing University in 2002.关键句型三:表达期望的句型(以本题为例)1.I await your response.【await v.等待;等候】 2.I’m waiting for your reply.3.Hope to hear from you soon.4.I am eagerly anticipating your reply.【anticipate v.预期;期望】 5.I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.6.I’m expecting to get your reply in the not too distant future.7.I would appreciate your prompt reply.8.An early reply will be appreciated.Lesson 49 关键句型:表示“击败某人”的句型(以本题为例)1.The Italian team beat Germany three to one.2.The Italian team defeated Germany three to one.3.The Italian team won the game against German team by a score of three to one.4.The Italians dominated the Germans three to one.5.The final score was three to one in the Italians’ favor.【in one’s favor: 对某人有利】

6.The Italian team triumphed over Germany three to one.【triumph over:击败;得胜】

7.The Italians walloped the Germans, with the final score three to one.【wallop v.得胜】 关键词:足球赛的相关词汇


前锋 2.midfield player

中场队员 3.defender

后卫 4.goalkeeper / goaltender

守门员 5.kick off

中线开球 6.corner kick

角球 7.free kick

任意球 8.penalty kick


9.goal kick

球门发球 10.final

决赛 11.semifinal


12.third place match / the match for third place 季军争夺战 13.the first half of the game

上半场 14.the second half of the game

下半场 15.home team


16.away team

客队 17.coach

教练 18.referee

裁判员 19.kick a goal

踢进一球 20.score

得分 21.offside

越位 22.foul


Lesson 50 关键句型一:描述天气的句型

1.The weather is very good / lovely / terrible / too bad.2.The weather is neither too hot nor too cold.3.It’s sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy.4.There’s not a cloud in the sky.5.There’s not a cloud in the sky.6.There’s plenty of sunshine today.7.It’s hot / warm / cool / cold / chilly.关键句型二:表示“忙着做某事”的句型(以本题为例)1.Some farmers were busy picking the apples from the trees.2.Some farmers were tied up with work in the field.3.Some farmers were absorbed in their apple picking.4.Some farmers were busy with work in the field.5.Some farmers were occupied with work in the field.关键句型三:赞美风景的句型(以本题为例)

1.It was extremely beautiful!2.The scene was so charming!3.What a beautiful scene it was!4.How beautiful the scene was!5.I have never been to such a lovely place!6.It was really a wonderful place!7.It was a picturesque scene!【picturesque adj.如画的;独特的】 8. The scene was as beautiful as a painting!关键词语大奉献






此外;除„„之外 equally important

同样重要的是 furthermore

in addition

in other words

last but not least


that is say



at the same time


even if

even though


in spite of



on the contrary


regardless of







instead of„



rather than„

whether„or not


compare with / to


此外;而且 另外 换句话说

最后但同样重要的是 而且;此外

























in comparison with

与„„比较 in contrast

相反;大不相同 in contrast to

和„„对比 in the same way

同样地 instead

代替;改为 on the contrary

正相反 while



因此;从而 as a result of



due to


in that

now that

on account of

owing to


so that

thanks to




above all


as a consequence

as a result

as has been noted

as I have said

at last


by doing so





in a word

in brief

in conclusion

in short

in summary

in sum

作为结果 因为


由于;应归于 因此;从此































on the whole

总体来说;整个看来 to conclude

总而言之 to speak frankly

坦白地说 to sum up

总而言之 to summarize

总而言之 高中作文常用谚语、名言

谚语、名言是历史文化的积淀,是人类智慧的结晶。在作文中适当引用一些谚语或名言,往往会起到画龙点睛的作用,为文章增光添彩。下面列出一些作文中经常用到的谚语、名言。请同学们抄在小纸条上,随身携带,每天至少背一句,真正消化吸收,这样写作文时就能信手拈来、挥洒自如!1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。

2.A good beginning makes a good ending善始才有善终

3.A good teacher, a good student.有好的老师就有好的学生。4.A miss is as good as a mile.差之毫厘,失之千里。

5.A trouble shared is a trouble halved.两人分担,困难减半。6.A true friend is the best possession.真正的朋友是最好的财产。7.A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,驷马难追。

8.Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness.业精于勤,荒于嬉。9.Actions speak louder than words行动胜于空谈。

10.All that glitters is not gold.闪光的东西并不一定都是金子。11.All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。

12.All things are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。

13.An empty sack cannot stand upright.有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。14.As you sow, so shall you reap.种瓜得瓜瓜,种豆得豆。15.Beauty is only skin-deep.美只是外表。16.Better late than never.迟做总比不做好。

17.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。

18.Bitter pills may have wholesome together.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。

19.Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom.书籍是智慧积累的长明灯。20.Calamity is man’s true touchstone.逆境是真正的试金石。21.Call a spade a spade.直言不讳。/ 一是一,二是二。

22.Confidence of success is almost success.相信成功,你就接近成功。23.Constant dripping wears away the stone.滴水穿石。

24.Courage and perseverance conquer all.勇气加坚韧可征服一切。25.Deeds, not words.行动胜于雄辩。

26.Deliver your words not by number but by weight.话不在多,而在其份量。

27.Denying a fault doubles it.否认错误,错上加错。

28.Diligence is the mother of good luck.勤奋是好运之母。29.Diligence redeems stupidity 勤能补拙。

30.Discontent is the first step in progress.不满足是进步的开始。

31.Do as well as you can today, and perhaps you may be able to do better tomorrow.今天尽你最大的努力去做好,明天你也许就能做得更好。

32.Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。33.Don’t teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。

34.Early to bed and early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起床,聪明、富裕又健康。35.Easier said than done.说起来容易,做起来难。

36.East or west, home is best.东好西好,还是家里最好。/金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。37.Empty vessels make the most sound.满半瓶水不呼,半瓶响叮当。

38.Every man is the architect of his own fortune人人都是自己命运的建筑师。39.Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师。40.Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。41.God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。42.Good things come to those who wait.苍天不负苦心人。43.He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。44.He lives long that lives well.活得好等于活得久。

45.He that corrects not small faults will not control great ones.小错不纠,大错难控。46.Health is better than wealth.健康胜于财富。47.Honesty is the best policy.诚实才是上策。

48.If at first you don’t succeed, try again.如果初次不成功,就要一试再试。49.If it were not for hope, the heart would break.人靠希望活着。50.It is more blessed to give than to receive.施比受有福。51.It is no use crying over spilt milk.牛奶已洒,哭也白搭。

52.It is not how long, but how well we live.莫求活得长,但求活得好。53.Knowledge is long, life is short.吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。54.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

55.Life is too short to waste.生命短促,不容浪费。56.Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。57.Live and learn.活到老学到老。58.Look before you leap.三思而后行。

59.Luck is a dividend of sweat.The more you sweat, the luckier you get.一份汗水,一份收获。60.Many hands make light work.众人搭些火焰高。61.Never do things by halves.切勿半途而废。62.Never say die.绝不要轻言放弃。

63.Ninety percent of inspiration is perspiration.百分之九十的灵感是汗水浇出来的。64.No competition, no progress.没有竞争,就没有进步。65.No pain, no gain.不劳则无获。

66.No road of flowers leads to glory.没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。

67.Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.世界上没有东西可以代替坚持。68.One loses by pride and gains by modesty.满招损,谦受益。69.Opportunity knocks only once.机不可失,失不再来。70.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。71.Practice what you preach.言行一致。72.Pride goes before a fall.骄兵必败。

73.Promises must be kept and action must be resolute.言必行,行必果。

74.Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。/冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。75.Pure gold fears no fire.真金不怕火炼。

76.Quality matters more than quantity.质比量重要。

77.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

78.Slow and steady wins the race.稳扎稳打,无往不胜。79.Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

80.The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

81.The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.人生最大的快乐就是挑战极限。82.The shortest answer is doing.最简短的回答就是干。

83.There are two sides to every question.任何问题都有两个方面。84.There is no royal road to learning.学无坦途。

85.There is no substitute for hard work.没有任何东西可以取代勤奋。86.There’s always room for improvement.再好也有改进之处。87.Thrift is great revenue

节俭是笔大收入。88.Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。89.Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。

90.Truth has always a sure bottom.真理总能站住脚。

91.Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠赛过一个诸葛亮。92.Victory belongs to the most persevering.坚持不懈才能胜利。93.Wasting time is robbing oneself.浪费时间就是掠夺自己。94.Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半。

95.Whatever man has done, I may do.别人已经做到的,我也能做到。96.Where there is a will, there is a way


97.Where there is life, there is hope.有生命,就有希望。/留得青山在,不怕没些烧。98.Whit patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。
